S T A N F O R D T R A V E Travel Planner A P ro g ra m of t h e S tanford A lu m n i asso c i at i on L / S T 2015 U D Y 2 S t a n f o r d T r a v e l / S t u d y | 6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3 | a l u m n i . s t a n f o r d . e d u / g o t o / t r a v e l s t u d y Where will 2015 take you? Ready to chart your course for the year? Turn the page to view trip details. S t a n f o r d T r a v e l / S t u d y | 6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3 | S IME / e S to ck P h ot O Twelve months. Sixty-five journeys. Unlimited opportunities to experience the world. From Saudi Arabia in March to Tanzania in July and Cuba in December, Stanford Travel/Study’s diverse lineup of educational adventures in 2015 lets you learn and explore endlessly— at every end of the earth. a l u m n i . s t a n f o r d . e d u / g o t o / t r a v e l s t u d y 3 Chart your course. Europe and Turkey Andalucia Walk March 2015 Budapest to Tehran by Train March 2015 Opus Mediterraneo April 2015 Focus on Berlin April 2015 Venice to Paris on the Orient-Express April 2015 Focus on St. Petersburg May 2015 Wild Britain May 2015 Sicily Walk May 2015 Paris Illuminated May 2015 Wild Norway and Svalbard May 2015 Ancient Cities of the Eastern Mediterranean June 2015 Turkey Suitcase Seminar June 2015 United Kingdom Coast to Coast Hike June 2015 Tuscany and the Italian Riviera June 2015 Aegean Family Adventure July 2015 Russian Rivers September 2015 From the Baltic Sea to Normandy September 2015 Burgundy and Alsace Walk September 2015 Voyage from Malta to Athens September 2015 Food and Wine of Spain October 2015 Tuscany Seminar November 2015 Focus on London November 2015 St. Petersburg Family Adventure December 2015 T h e M i d d l e Ea s t a n d E gy p t Saudi Arabia March 2015 Intriguing Iran March 2015 Israel Past and Present April 2015 As ia and t he Far Eas t Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia December 2014 Southern India by Rail January 2015 Three Faces of China April 2015 Japan by Sea April 2015 The Five “Stans” August 2015 Along the Silk Road August 2015 The Kingdom of Bhutan October 2015 Everest Base Camp Trek October 2015 Along the Mekong October 2015 Northern India by Rail October 2015 Unseen Japan November 2015 Burma November 2015 Afric a Focus on Cape Town March 2015 Madagascar Adventure June 2015 Tanzania Family Adventure July 2015 East Africa Safari August 2015 4 S t a n f o r d T r a v e l / S t u d y | 6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3 | a l u m n i . s t a n f o r d . e d u / g o t o / t r a v e l s t u d y The Arc t ic, An tar cti ca, Gre e nl and an d Icelan d North Pole Expedition June 2015 NORTH A M ERIC A The Mississippi River April 2015 Montana Family Adventure July 2015 The Great Lakes July 2015 Along the New England Coast September 2015 Did you know? Whichever journey you choose, your Stanford Travel/Study experience will include: lectures by renowned Stanford faculty and scholars luxury accommodations and travel exclusive, insider access and after-hours tours like-minded travelers and savvy local guides attentive, experienced Stanford tour managers airport transfers, gratuities and all the extras M e xico , C ent r a l A m e r i c a a n d th e Ca r i b b e a n Cuba Seminar March 2015 Havana Arts March 2015 Cuba Family Semimar December 2015 S o u t h A m e r i ca and t h e Gal a p a g o s Is l and s Chile and Argentina Expedition February 2015 Galápagos Expedition June 2015 Amazon and Machu Picchu September 2015 Galápagos Field Seminar September 2015 You needn’t be a Stanford alum to travel with us—and we offer trips to suit any age. Costs listed are per person, based on double occupancy. For answers to frequently asked questions, visit: alumni.stanford.edu/goto/tsfaq T h e S o ut h Pa c i f i c , Austra li a a n d N e w Z e a l a nd South Pacific Expedition February 2015 Australia by Private Air June 2015 For a listing of trips by date, go to page 27. S t a n f o r d T r a v e l / S t u d y | 6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3 | a l u m n i . s t a n f o r d . e d u / g o t o / t r a v e l s t u d y 5 Roam the planet in your style... Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia ACTIVE ADVENTURES For travelers who are looking to add an active twist to their next vacation, whether it’s heli-hiking, mountain trekking, snorkeling, kayaking, gorilla tracking or countryside walks, trips that offer a superb outdoor experience alongside the comfort and luxury that are our hallmarks. Southern India by Rail J ANUARY 2 1 TO FEBRUARY 3 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 4 DAY S ) DE C EMBER 2 9 , 2 0 1 4 , TO J ANUARY 1 7 , 2 0 1 5 ( 2 0 DAY S) Tried and true. This trip is a Travel/Study favorite, and for good reason: it’s a perfect introduction to this trio of Southeast Asian countries, this year led by Professor Greg Watkins. A feast for the senses. Catch wafts of lemongrass and barbecued pork amid the cacophony of traffic and the sight of shops filled with rows of handembroidered linens and glossy laquerware in Hanoi. Join the locals. In Laos, wake early to give alms, in the form of sticky rice, to the monks—a tradition here, where nearly all males spend at least some time in a monastery. Temple-hopping. Our visit to Cambodia’s Angkor Wat is a highlight, with two full days to explore the jungle-covered temples strewn throughout this ancient capital of the Khmer Empire. ON WAIT-LIST STATUS C O S T : $9,195 CLASSIC JOURNEYS For travelers who long to recapture the romantic, golden age of travel as they journey to exciting destinations in the lap of luxury aboard intimate cruise ships, vintage railcars, charming riverboats and private aircraft. EXPLORATIONS BY LAND For travelers who love to immerse themselves in the cultures, traditions, sights, sounds and flavors of both urban and rural landscapes as they explore one or more countries on their journey through colorful, storied and exotic lands. Strike gold. Spend four nights riding the rails from Puducherry to Kochi aboard the Golden Chariot, stopping to visit the otherwise difficult-to-reach towns of Tanjavur and Madurai, as well as Kanyakumari at the southernmost tip of the subcontinent. Holy cow! This will be Scott Pearson’s seventh trip to India! What a wonderful opportunity to hear our most versatile faculty leader talk about the country’s complex history and the challenges it faces today. Cave in and curry favor. Explore the World Heritage caves of Ellora and Ajanta and spice up a temple tour with an offering to the gods at Meenakshi Amman, whose towers are covered in vividly colorful carvings. Ceylon days. On an optional extension explore the previously inaccessible island nation of Sri Lanka. C O S T : $10,995 CHINA FAMILY ADVENTURES BURMA Ha Long Bay LAOS Vientiane M Bangkok Siem Reap C AMBODIA Phnom Ho Chi Minh City Penh Ajanta Caves Aurangabad Mumbai INDIA Arabian Sea Chennai Puducherry Mahabalipuram Tiruchirappalli Tanjavur Kochi Madurai S RI Alleppey Thiruvananthapuram 6 S t a n f o r d T r a v e l / S t u d y | 6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3 | a l u m n i . s t a n f o r d . e d u / g o t o / t r a v e l s t u d y Bay of Bengal L ANKA Kanyakumari O c e a n ian Ocean ANGKOR WAT NATIONAL PARK ic Ocean Ind Hue Danang cif r ive gR on ek THAILAND Pa For families looking to experience new countries and cultures with their children or grandchildren who, as Young Explorers, have the added fun of educational projects and hands-on activities led by Stanford Sierra-Camp-trained counselors. Ellora Caves a n d i I n Luang Prabang South China Sea O c e a n Hanoi i a n I n d VIETNAM Chile and Argentina Expedition FEBRUARY 2 1 TO MARCH 4, 2015 ( 1 2 DAYS) Heat springs eternal. See bright pink flamingos flock to the salt flats of the Atacama Desert, the driest and hottest desert on earth. Big sky country. Atacama is the best region in the Southern Hemisphere for stargazing and has unbelievably clear views of the galaxies overhead. Rock out. Cross the Andes Mountains with geological and environmental sciences professor Elizabeth Miller. Agua azul. On treks and kayaking excursions in Bariloche, look for majestic condors circling above the dazzling blue lakes and verdant forests. It takes two. Admire dancers moving cheek-to-cheek in a vibrant tango performance. Super-soaker. On an optional extension, walk across the footbridges of the Devil’s Throat, the tallest and most dramatic part of Iguazú Falls. C O S T : $10,995 PARAGUAY BRAZIL Our own armada! We cruise aboard the expedition-style Oceanic Discoverer, equipped with a glass-bottom boat, Zodiacs and the Xplorer—the perfect vessel for land excursions and snorkeling and diving adventures. This diplomat dives right in! Our faculty leader, former ambassador to Afghanistan, Karl Eikenberry, MA ’94, will lecture on U.S. strategies in the South Pacific and the military campaigns of the Second World War. Up close and personal. Snorkel or dive in the clear sparkling waters of New Caledonia, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands. And go ashore for a look at island village life, including a divingby-vine ceremony by boys aged as young as four on Pentecost Island. Peer right in. Local villagers will lead us through the forest to Mt. Yasur’s active volcano on Tanna Island. Even venture to the rim of the caldera to see the heart of the volcano. C O S T : from $12,995 Caravan roots. Many travelers know about the ruins of the Nabataeans in Jordan’s Petra, but few make it, as we will, to the spectacular archaeological site at Mada’in Saleh in Saudi Arabia, which was on the same ancient trade route and through which spices, incense and myrrh passed. Oil and water. Learn about Saudi Arabia’s oil industry on a visit to the Dhahran area, and go snorkeling in the Red Sea among the vibrant coral reefs and schools of fish. Palm drive. The name al-Riyadh (or “the gardens”) refers to the lush date-palm plantations along the Wadi Hanifa on the western side of this booming metropolis that is the capital of the kingdom. Casual sheik. With a millennia-long history, Saudi Arabia is rapidly modernizing. Professor Abbas Milani leads as we explore the tug among the past, present and future during our journey. C O S T : $10,495 Port Moresby ce an URUGUAY Buka Bougainville S OLOMON Arnavon I SLANDS Lamassa Mangalonga Lambon Santa Ghizo Ana Nendo Kennedy South Cairns c A USTRALIA V ANUATU N EW Lifou C ALEDONIA Dammam Al-Ula Riyadh Persian Gulf EGYPT Champagne Beach Pentecost SAUDI ARABIA Jeddah SUDAN Tanna a la At i nt Ureparapara IRAN Se Lake crossing Bariloche Pacific Ocean O Buenos Aires Rabaul d Puerto Montt MAR CH 7 t o 1 9 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 3 DAY S ) Re Pacific Ocean Iguazú Falls A RGENTINA FEBRUARY 2 1 TO MAR C H 1 0 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 8 DAY S) P APUA N EW G UINEA Atacama Desert C HILE Saudi Arabia Ambua Lodge BOLIVIA Calama South Pacific Expedition Abha Noumea S t a n f o r d T r a v e l / S t u d y | 6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3 | a l u m n i . s t a n f o r d . e d u / g o t o / t r a v e l s t u d y 7 J Marsh al l - Tri bal e ye I mag e s Intriguing Iran Cuba Seminar* Havana Arts* MAR C H 11 TO 2 6, 2015 ( 16 DAYS ) MAR C H 1 5 TO 2 8 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 4 DAY S) MAR CH 1 9 TO 2 7 , 2 0 1 5 ( 9 DAY S ) Beyond the headlines. Follow in the footsteps of scores of Stanford travelers who have discovered the true facts about this fascinating country: a cultural treasure trove with a rich history and incredibly warm and hospitable people, whom we’ll meet in the bustling squares and markets of Tehran, Shiraz and Isfahan. Also, stroll through peaceful gardens where Sufi poets meditated in medieval times. Persian Poet Society. Popular faculty leader Ed Steidle delves into the tapestry of Iran’s prized poets and storytellers, whose timeless tales provide an alluring backdrop to the country’s stunning architecture and modern accomplishments. Once were warriors. Darius the Great reigned over the ancient Persian capital of Persepolis, and we’ll travel back in time to the days of the Achaemenid Empire and explore the preserved remains of his vast citadel. C O S T : $9,495 The times they are a-changin’. Experience the “real” Cuba—with no billboards, no internet and few cars newer than 1950s-vintage Chevys—before it’s flooded by a sea of cultural and economic change. “Learner’s permit.” We travel here with special U.S. government approval, interacting with local Cubans and learning firsthand how their lives have been affected by the triumphs and pitfalls of the Revolution. Examine the island’s complex history of Cuba with Professor David Holloway. Castro’s Cuba. Travel to Santiago de Cuba on the island’s eastern shore where the revolution was born, then to Guantánamo and on to the infamous Bay of Pigs, site of the failed U.S.-backed invasion and now an idyllic swimming spot. C O S T : $9,925 Havana nocturne. Discover that there is more to Cuban music than the ubiquitous “Guantanamera” as we attend performances and musical demonstrations and hear Buena Vista Social Club-like melodies drifting out of every open window. Cuba libre. Visit ateliers, galleries and workshops, including a studio displaying photography, paintings and drawings that illustrate societal issues—a reflection of Cuba’s tradition of freedom of artistic expression. Good fellas. Check out Havana’s modernist architecture, including the former Havana Hilton and the Riviera Hotel, once owned by Meyer Lansky. Get the picture. Capture and preserve the vivid colors of the Caribbean in photos with the help of our faculty leader, photographer and author Joel Simon, AB ’74, BS ’75, MS ’77. C O S T : $7,495 IRAN Miami Gulf of Mexico Atlantic Ocean Havana Trinidad Pasargad S t a n f o r d FLORIDA Atlantic Ocean Cienfuegos Yazd 8 FLORIDA Havana Isfahan Shiraz U N I T E D S TAT E S Miami Gulf of Mexico Tehran Persian Gulf *NOTE: This program is subject to the renewal of Stanford Travel/Study’s license and approval for travel from the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control. U N I T E D S TAT E S Caspian Sea from Istanbul *NOTE: This program is subject to the renewal of Stanford Travel/Study’s license and approval for travel from the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control. Persepolis T r a v e l / S t u d y | 6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3 CUBA CUBA Kerman Mahan Rayen Caribbean Sea | Santiago Baracoa de Cuba a l u m n i . s t a n f o r d . e d u / g o t o / t r a v e l s t u d y Caribbean Sea Focus on Cape Town Andalucia Walk MAR C H 24 TO 3 1, 2015 ( 8 DAYS ) MAR C H 2 5 t o A PRIL 6 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 3 DAY S) Long walk to freedom. Board a boat to Robben Island, infamous during the struggle against apartheid for its detention of activists, including Nelson Mandela, who spent most of his 27 imprisoned years here. Hope springs eternal. At the Cape of Good Hope, a key landmark for early explorers and the source of many myths and legends, take the funicular to Cape Point, located at the very tip of the Cape. Keep it down, jackass! Observe the African penguin, also known as the jackass penguin for its donkey-like bray, at Boulders Beach. Drink it in. Taste awardwinning wines made from grapes grown on historic estates in the Franschhoek regions. His kind of Town. Professor Tim Stanton, former director of Stanford BOSP Cape Town, reveals the illustrious history of the city. MORE?! Join us for an optional post-trip safari through the Sabi Sabi Reserve followed by two days in Johannesburg. C O S T : $4,595 Ham it up. After a day’s walk past herds of wild bulls grazing in upland pastures, wash down a plate of Serrano ham with a glass of sherry at a rustic tapas bar in Seville. Gypsy kings. Stroll through Granada’s Sacromonte district past Spain’s largest Roma (gypsy) community where strains of flamenco music emanated from the caves in which they once lived. Semana Santa. During Holy Week, observe elaborate processions in which participants carry lifelike sculptures of Easter scenes. Learn about the religious and literary history of Spain during the medieval and early modern periods from religious studies professor Shahzad Bashir. Moors and Christians. Visit the Alhambra in Granada, the fortress complex that is an exquisite example of Moorish art and architecture and was the last outpost of the Moorish Empire in Spain. Also pay a visit to Granada’s cathedral, the last resting place of Ferdinand and Isabella. C O S T : $8,995 Amy Biehl Foundation Table Mountain SOUTH AFRICA Bing Overseas Center Franschhoek Córdoba SPAIN Seville R Robben Island tic Ocean lan At SABI SABI RESERVE False Bay Cape Point Gu lqu Johannesburg SOUTH Cape AFRICA Town Jerez de la Frontera Atlantic Ocean Arcos de la Frontera MAR CH 2 9 TO A P RIL 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 8 DAY S ) An epic journey. Explore 10 UNESCO World Heritage sites as we make our way through Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey to Iran with historian Jim Sheehan, ’58. Harken a bygone era. Experience the romance of classic rail travel journeying some 2,300 miles aboard the luxurious Golden Eagle Danube Express private train from the heart of Central Europe to the heart of Persia. Places of wonder. Visit one fascinating locale after another, including Romania’s Sighisoara, the fabled birthplace of Dracula; Turkey’s Cappadocia and its underground cathedrals and cities; and Iran’s ancient city of Yazd. Spiritual sights. Visit many major mosques, temples, churches and shrines that are testament to the regions’ diverse religious heritages. C O S T : from $15,995 H UNGARY Budapest Kecskemet Sighisoara R OMANIA Brasov S PA I N ivir Seville B ULGARIA ANDALUCIA CAPE TOWN Boulders Beach ío a ad Budapest to Tehran by Train GREECE CAPPADOCIA Grazalema Ronda SIERRA DE GRAZALEMA NATURAL PARK Caspian Sea Lake Van Van Zanjan Medi Medi terranean Sea terranean Sea LIBYA S t a n f o r d Veliko Tarnovo BlackSea Kazanluk Istanbul T URKEY Granada RUSSIA T r a v e l / S t u d y | 6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3 | EGYPT I RAN IRAQ Tehran Isfahan Yazd Persepolis Shiraz a l u m n i . s t a n f o r d . e d u / g o t o / t r a v e l s t u d y 9 Opus Mediterraneo Three Faces of China The Mississippi River A P RIL 9 TO 2 1, 2015 ( 13 DAYS ) A PRIL 9 t o 2 2 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 4 DAY S) A P RIL 1 0 TO 2 0 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 1 DAY S ) Rhapsody on the blue. Attend several private performances of superb chamber music in historical venues or right onboard our ship, the 100-passenger Corinthian. Leaders of the band. Join Bert Patenaude, MA ’79, PhD ’87, history lecturer and research fellow at the Hoover Institution and scholars from other universities for an array of educational talks. Mysteries of the past revealed. See Sardinia’s Neolithic nuraghi, stunning ancient sites in Spain and Pompeii, Islamic architecture at Granada’s Alhambra, and medieval towns in Valencia and on Sicily. Mainlands and islands. Sail from Lisbon along the southern coast of Spain and stop at the Balearic Islands for a walking tour of the captivating town of Alcúdia; visit the site of Tharros near Oristano, Sardinia; enjoy the medieval town of Erice in Sicily; and end in bustling Rome. C O S T : from $10,440 The entire middle kingdom. Join East Asian languages and culture Professor Chao Fen Sun on an exploration of three distinct “Chinas”: Mainland China’s southeastern coastal regions including Shanghai and Hangzhou; the Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, better known as Hong Kong; and the island of Taiwan, officially the Republic of China. Raise the red lantern. Delve into Chinese culture at a Dragon Well tea plantation and a traditional pharmacy and herbal medicine museum. The finest of fine. Ancient documents in spidery calligraphy, highly decorated tea-ware and colossal marble tomb figurines—these are just a few of the treasures we encounter in museums housing the crème de la crème of Chinese art. The good earth. Explore Taiwan’s Taroko Gorge National Park, a natural wonder with a 12-mile-long canyon and 10,000-foot-tall peaks. C O S T : $7,595 Historical treasures in our own backyard. Discover a slice of our country’s history, richly illustrated through the traditions of music, art and literature, while we celebrate and cruise the most storied of all American waterways. Rolling down the river. Navigate the “Big Muddy” in style aboard the recently launched Queen of the Mississippi sternwheeler. Southern hospitality at its most genteel. Uncover the soul of the South as we visit the antebellum mansions of Natchez and St. Francisville, explore the colorful Cajun town of St. Martinsville and patronize the music halls of New Orleans’ French Quarter. Let freedom ring. Civil rights remain a definitive element of our country’s fabric. Gain a deeper appreciation of this complex topic from history professor Jim Campbell, MA ’83, PhD ’89. C O S T : from $7,995 Lisbon Alicante Alcúdia Sardinia Majorca ALABAMA Hong Kong Oristano Cagliari Mediterranean Se a MISSISSIPPI Shanghai Naples Taipei Trapani Sicily CHINA T AIWAN if Motril C H INA Oc ean Valencia Hangzhou Ningbo Shaoxing Beijing Civitavecchia MOROCCO 10 S t a n f o r d T r a v e l / S t u d y c TUNISIA ALGERIA Hong Kong | 6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3 | TENNESSEE Memphis ARKANSAS ic SPAIN P ORTUGAL Shanghai I TA LY FRANCE P a a l u m n i . s t a n f o r d . e d u / g o t o / t r a v e l s t u d y Vicksburg LOUISIANA TEXAS Natchez St. Francisville Baton Rouge Oak Alley New Orleans FLORIDA G ulf of Mexico Japan by Sea Focus on Berlin A P RIL 10 TO 2 3, 2015 ( 14 DAYS ) A PRIL 1 0 TO 2 3 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 4 DAY S) A P RIL 2 2 t o MAY 1 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 0 DAY S ) Praise HaShem, God, Allah. Explore the importance of Jerusalem to the three Abrahamic monotheistic faiths and observe worship practices of its Jewish, Christian and Muslim citizens. Finding consensus amid conflict. Meet with Palestinians and Israeli settlers, soldiers and journalists, the religiously devout and the decidedly secular to hear various opinions about the future of this land and the hope for conciliation that springs eternal. Political puzzle. Our faculty leader, Judith Goldstein, chair of Stanford’s political science department, delves deep into the issues to help us gain insights into the complicated Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Cutting edge. Visit Rawabi, a facts-on-the-ground example of positive self-determination and seldom visited by tourists. Harmony in hummus. From the Golan Heights to Tel Aviv and from Galilee to Bethlehem, savor the local hummus—it’s loved by all! C O S T : $8,995 Memoirs of a geisha. Gain insight into a mysterious and little-understood world with a lecture about the life and training of a geisha from a former proprietress of a geisha house. Beat of a different drum. Attend a private performance by the Kodo Taiko drummers on remote Sado Island and observe how traditional Japanese performing arts are being preserved and reinterpreted. Spoiled for choice. Customize this rich program with a menu of excursion options. Visit a fish market or a department store, a museum or a temple, soak in hot springs after a hike or learn the art of flower arranging. Sushi, samurai and Scott! The newly renovated Caledonian Sky provides the perfect base for faculty leader Scott Pearson to introduce us to this nation of many islands. Enjoy pre- and post-trip extensions including stays at ryokans (traditional inns). C O S T : from $9,990 “Ich bin ein Berliner.” Fifty years after JFK’s famous speech, gain an insider’s perspective of Germany’s famous capital and reflect upon its many changes with expert historian Bob Hamrdla, ’59, MA ’64. Location, location, location! From our hotel in the traditional center of the city, the Gendarmenmarkt, visit several of the city’s museums and historic buildings and enjoy three musical performances. Seats of power. Take a behind-the-scenes tour at the recently reconstructed Reichstag, seat of the German parliament, and enjoy a briefing at the U.S. Embassy. Of castles and conferences. In Potsdam, tour the palaces of Sans Souci and Cecilienhof, where the Potsdam Conference was held, during which Allied leaders drew up Germany’s new post-World War II system of rule. C O S T : $5,495 Sea an ne ra er it ed M EGYPT HONSHU Kanazawa JAPAN Kamakura Tokyo Mt. Fuji Osaka Okayama Kyoto Hakone Hagi Hiroshima Kobe Nara Miyajima Naoshima Iya Valley S H I K O K U Takamatsu Tiergarten Lan Pacific Ocean T r a v e l / S t u d y | 6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3 G ERMANY Federal Chancellery Petra S t a n f o r d BERLIN Berlin Potsdam River ree Sp Reichstag Museum Island Pariser Platz Matsue KYUSHU Berlin Wall Memorial kanal East China Niigata rts JORDAN Ulsan Japan Sado Island fah ISRAEL SOUTH KOREA Sea of iff GOLAN HEIGHTS Rosh Pinna Tzfat Capernaum Sea of SYRIA Nazareth Galilee Caesarea Bet She'an WEST Jordan BANK River Tel Aviv Amman Ramallah Jerusalem GAZA Bethlehem Dead STRIP Sea Masada Haifa S ch Sea Israel Past and Present | Gendarmenmarkt d wehr k ana l a l u m n i . s t a n f o r d . e d u / g o t o / t r a v e l s t u d y 11 Venice to Paris on the Orient-Express Apr i l 2 5 to May 6, 2015 ( 12 DAYS ) No mystery here. The Orient-Express has long been one of the most famous train routes in the world, and in the early 20th century going by rail was the epitome of luxury travel. Revisit the golden age of rail travel with Professor Carolyn Lougee on the Venice SimplonOrient-Express. Each vintage carriage, dating to the 1920s and ’30s, has been lovingly restored to its former glory. A classic vacation. We’ll explore Venice, Budapest and Paris in style, as we spend two nights on the historic train and stay at storied fivestar hotels the remaining nights. Savor the journey. Rail travel is all about seeing the world at a slower pace. Sit back, relax and enjoy the finer details of deluxe train travel while watching the world go by outside the rail car. C O S T : $14,995 Wild Britain MAY 1 TO 1 0 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 0 DAY S) MAY 1 6 TO 3 0 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 5 DAY S ) You’re cordially invited. Enjoy afternoon tea at a local Russian family’s home while learning firsthand what it’s like to live in Russia today. Feel right at home. Spend nine nights at the W hotel, which is at the center of the historical “Venice of the North” next to St. Isaac’s Cathedral and near the Winter Palace. A night at the theater. Attend an opera or ballet at the historic Mariinksy Theatre or at the new Mariinsky Concert Hall next door. More than 3 million pieces of art. Spend two days viewing the endless collections of art at the State Hermitage Museum. In the land of the Greats. Join favorite faculty leader, Scott Pearson, as he enlightens us on Catherine the Great, Peter the Great and St. Petersburg. Also visit Catherine the Great’s Palace, Grotto Pavilion and her Chinese Palace. ON WAIT-LIST STATUS C O S T : $6,995 Dramatic lands, rich histories. Join Professor Charlie Junkerman as we cruise the frigid Celtic, Irish and North seas aboard the 110-passenger Sea Adventurer. Explore sites that have been home to people for millennia, from Stone Age dwellers and Celtic tribes to Saxon invaders and Norman conquerors. Larger than life. Visit Giant's Causeway that, legend has it, was set down by Irish giant, Fionn mac Cumhaill, when he was challenged to duel a Scottish giant from across the sea. Solitary sanctuaries. Skellig Michael. Iona. St. Kilda. Fair Isle. Explore these remote islands where pilgrims once gathered to seek security, serenity and the sacred. For the birds. Observe huge colonies of puffins, gannets, guillemots, kittiwakes and other seabird species at the peak of the breeding season. C O S T : from $10,480 GERMANY SWITZERLAND FRANCE RUSSIA HUNGARY Venice The Hermitage CROATIA SERBIA St. Isaac’s Cathedral I TA LY T r a v e l / S t u d y W Hotel Church of Our Savior on Spilt Blood Nevsky Prospekt S T. P E T E R S B U R G to Catherine Palace | O Shetland Islands 6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3 | NORWAY Fair Isle Orkney Islands Flannan Isles NORTHERN IRELAND Iona Giant’s Causeway I RELAND a l u m n i . s t a n f o r d . e d u / g o t o / t r a v e l s t u d y Skellig Islands Isles of Scilly North Sea SCOTLAND DENMARK Edinburgh U NITED K INGDOM Isle of Man Waterford Mediterranean Sea S t a n f o r d N Moscow a ev ic St. Petersburg Budapest n nt AUSTRIA a ce la SLOVAKIA r v e R i At Paris 12 Focus on St. Petersburg ENGLAND WALES THE NETHERLANDS GERMANY London Plymouth BELGIUM FRANCE Sicily Walk Paris Illuminated MAY 23 TO JUNE 3, 2015 ( 12 DAYS ) MAY 2 4 TO 3 1 , 2 0 1 5 ( 8 DAY S) Nexus of the known world. Sicily is strewn with archaeological remnants left in turn by the civilizations that conquered the island: Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Normans, Germans, Savoyards, French, British and finally the Italians. Lace up. With faculty leader Dr. Barbara Pitkin and historian Peter Watson, explore this island the way the ancients did, on foot, while enjoying accommodations at luxurious villas now turned into boutique hotels. Bag a volcano. Hike below rumbling Stromboli— or climb to its summit. Cruise the Straits of Messina at sunset and be sure to get a good look at Sicily’s famous Mount Etna. Aphrodite ate here. Pay tribute to the ancient world’s home of agriculture with local seafood and sweet dolci washed down with Sicily’s crisp and flinty red and white wines. C O S T : $8,995 An affair to remember! With faculty leader Herant Katchadourian, toast the École Polytéchnique’s 150th anniversary at the annual Bal de l’X, a black-tie gala hosted this year at the Palace of Versailles. A moveable feast. Visit some of Paris’ best patisseries with a culinary expert, meet a noted cookbook author at her home and savor exquisite cheeses with a master fromager. Fashion forward. Visit Yves Saint Laurent’s private studio and library and, at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, view the work of French designers that reflects Coco Chanel’s maxim that “fashion changes but style endures.” Portrait of the artist. Explore the 19th-century atelier of artist Rosa Bonheur and enjoy an exclusive after-hours viewing at the Musée Jacquemart André. Out and about. Journey beyond Paris on day trips to view off-the-beatentrack art in Rouen, Louviers, Rueil-Malmaison, Maincy and Fontainebleau. C O S T : $8,995 Ty r r h e n i a n Sea Palermo Isola Isola Stromboli AEOLIAN Panarea ISLANDS Isola Lipari I TA LY Isola Vulcano Milazzo S I C I LY St ra of i t Mount Etna Si cil Medi Catania Sea y terranean Sea Rouen Se in Louviers e Taormina Ionian Pantalica Monti Iblei FRANCE To request a Stanford Family Adventures catalog call us at (650) 725-1093 or email us at [email protected]. ve alumni.stanford.edu/goto/ familyadventures English Channel Cefalù Segesta Grab the kids (or grandkids!) and bring the whole family on your next adventure, from Montana, Tanzania and the Aegean Sea (p.17) to Cuba and St. Petersburg (p. 25). Paris Ri r Rueil-Malmaison Paris F R AN CE Maincy Siracusa Fontainebleau S t a n f o r d T r a v e l / S t u d y | 6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3 | a l u m n i . s t a n f o r d . e d u / g o t o / t r a v e l s t u d y 13 Wild Norway and Svalbard Australia by Private Air J UNE 9 TO 2 1 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 3 DAY S) Travel at its best. Enjoy eight charter flights between Darwin and Sydney aboard our private Fokker 50 in the company of professor Jeffrey Koseff, MS ’78, PhD ’83. Island ark. Stop at Kangaroo Island in search of wallabies—almost extinct on the mainland, and watch for endemic species of kangaroos and koalas snoozing overhead. The end of a perfect day. Travel to the sand dunes of Uluru and toast with a glass of sparkling wine at a BBQ while watching the sun set over Ayers Rock, the world’s biggest monolith. Up to the top... Starting from the Wildman Wilderness Lodge at the roof of Australia, enjoy a safari in the Mary River Wetlands in search of crocodiles and wetland birds. ...and under the ground. Visit Coober Pedy, known as “the opal capital of the world” and “the underground city” because of all the underground buildings. Extend the adventure in Sydney and Daintree National Park. ON WAIT-LIST STATUS C O S T : $14,995 Old Europe in the New World. Cruise aboard the Sea Adventurer into Norway’s chiseled fjords, where we meet the residents of fishing villages suspended in time and towns steeped in the history of maritime trade and exploration. Amazing animals of the Arctic. Journey to the island of Spitsbergen in the Svalbard archipelago in search of seals, walrus, whales, arctic foxes and polar bears. Going back to his roots. Professor Jim Fox has deep ancestral ties to Scandinavia, and lived in Norway for several years. He will regale our group with family stories about life in the Arctic and talk about Norway’s history and politics. Don’t forget the binoculars. Birders will delight in the hundreds of thousands of breeding seabirds we’ll encounter, including kittiwakes, murres, dovekies, puffins and rare ivory gulls. C O S T : from $10,980 Moffen Island Sea North Cape Bear Island Norwegian Sea ICELAND Lofoten Islands Indian Ocean GREENLAND SVALBARD Barents Tromsø Kjerringøy N ORWAY FINLAND RUSSIA Geirangerfjorden Runde Geiranger Raudfjorden Oslo Bergen S t a n f o r d T r a v e l / S t u d y | 6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3 Uluru (Ayers Rock) Cairns AUSTRALIA Adelaide Sydney Istanbul G R E E CE a l u m n i . s t a n f o r d . e d u / g o t o / t r a v e l s t u d y Pergamon Dikili TURKEY Athens Bodrum Perge Aspendos Rhodes Antalya CYPRUS Limassol Me Hobart | Roman holiday. Cruise in style aboard the Variety Voyager, docking in Turkey, Cyprus, Israel and Greece as we explore Roman ruins throughout the region. Of two minds. Take a multidimensional approach to understanding the Eastern Mediterranean with the ultimate power team: faculty leaders Larry Diamond and Abbas Milani. Lone star state. Gain some perspective on Israel’s unique geopolitical status while viewing Syria, Jordan and Lebanon from atop the Golan Heights. Knight on the town. Explore outposts of the Crusader Kingdom, including Rhodes’ Grandmaster’s Palace, the Knights Hospitaller fortifications in Acre, and Bodrum Castle and its Museum of Underwater Archaeology in Turkey. C O S T : from approx. $9,990 Sea Coober Pedy Kangaroo Island J UNE 1 3 TO 2 7 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 5 DAY S ) DAINTREE NATIONAL Coral PARK King Island SWEDEN 14 Wildman Wilderness Lodge er rri Ba eat ef Gr Re Hornsund Darwin Longyearbyen Pac ific Ocean MAY 30 TO JUNE 15, 2015 ( 17 DAYS ) Ancient Cities of the Eastern Mediterranean diterra ean Sea n Acre I SR AE L Madagascar Adventure Turkey Suitcase Seminar J UNE 18 TO JULY 1, 2015 ( 14 DAYS ) J UNE 1 9 TO J ULY 7 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 9 DAY S) An island made for Dr. Seuss. This isolated nation harbors some of the most extraordinary and unusual creatures known to humans; most of its plants, animals and insects are found nowhere else on earth. And where else can one spot the world’s largest and smallest chameleon (no longer than a fingertip) in one place? Wild things, you make my heart sing. Keep the camera ready for run-ins with some of the island’s dozens of species of lively lemurs, including the ringtailed lemur, diademed sifaka and indri indri whose haunting calls echo amid the treetops. Conservation 101. Hear from local guides and researchers on the challenges—and excitement—of observing and studying the island’s unique flora and fauna, and engage in discussions with local leaders about what’s being done to conserve and manage Madagascar’s precious natural resources. C O S T : $11,995 Gulet, say what? Enjoy the scenery and serenity on a five-day cruise along the “Turquoise Coast” of western Turkey aboard private sailboats, or gulets. Out of this world. Stay two nights in the Cappadocia region, known for its moon-like landscape, volcanic cones, twisted spires and rock-hewn churches. “Istanbul was Constantinople.” Stay five nights at Istanbul’s historic, centrally located Pera Palace Hotel. Explore such highlights as the Blue Mosque, Hippodrome, Spice Market and Hagia Sophia. Call to prayer. See the myriad of minarets, a distinctive architectural feature of mosques in the multicultural kaleidoscope of this ageless city. An emphasis on Ephesus. Stanford professor of political science, Judy Goldstein, will enlighten us about current Middle East issues and the Kurds alongside an expert local guide who will discuss the history of Turkey and elaborate on the sites we visit. C O S T : $8,495 “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.” So said Alfred Wainwright, creator of this hike—one of the world’s most well-known—from the Irish Sea across the north of England to the North Sea. Heed his words as we set out with faculty leader Linda Paulson and historian Peter Watson. Pub crawl. Meet the locals at the end of the day when we sip a well-earned ale or beer at a pub located in one of the tiny charming villages that dot the countryside. Rest up for the next day’s trek in a cozy inn or country hotel. Boot-dipping. We’ll follow local custom by soaking our hiking boots in the sea at the start of the hike, then soak them again at the end to commemorate our making it all the way across England in just seven days! C O S T : $5,995 P Bodrum a Irish Sea Antalya Fethiye T r a v e l / S t u d y UNITED KINGDOM Helmsley U NITED K INGDOM Manchester Manchester Tolanaro (Fort Dauphin) S t a n f o r d s BERENTY RESERVE Konya River Swale e S e n Ocean Ephesus YORKSHIRE DALES NATIONAL PARK Richmond Cleveland Hood's Bay Hills Reeth i Indian n M ADAG ASCAR C A P PA D O C I A TURKEY Appleby n Perinet n e a A e g ANDASIBE-MANTADIA NATIONAL PARK St. Bees THE LAKE Head DISTRICT e Ankara Antananarivo North NORTH YORK MOORS S e a NATIONAL PARK Robin Keswick MOZAMBIQUE Channel J UNE 2 0 TO 2 8 , 2 0 1 5 ( 9 DAY S ) Istanbul Anjajavy Mozambique United Kingdom Coast to Coast Hike | 6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3 | a l u m n i . s t a n f o r d . e d u / g o t o / t r a v e l s t u d y 15 Galápagos Expedition North Pole Expedition J UNE 24 TO JULY 3, 2015 ( 10 DAYS ) J UNE 2 5 TO J ULY 9 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 5 DAY S) Treasures of Ecuador. Examine the tremendous biodiversity of the Mashpi reserve, and explore one of the world’s only destinations—the Galápagos—where humans can venture within a few feet of wild animals in their natural habitat. Mysteries of the ocean revealed. The nutrient-rich Humboldt Current attracts vast aquatic diversity. Learn about marine ecosystems and global change from Professor Kevin Arrigo. Choose a route of discovery. Meander centuries-old cobblestone streets in Quito; hike the trails or ride a sky bike through the forest canopy at the Mashpi reserve; snorkel amid marine iguanas, sea lions and sea turtles in the Galápagos. High-style expedition travel. Soak up the luxury of our boutique hotel in Quito, marvel at the elegance of Mashpi Lodge and make yourself at home in the Galápagos aboard our well-appointed expedition ship, La Pinta. C O S T : approx. $8,695 50 Years of Victory. No, it’s not the name of the next Oscar contender; it’s the world’s largest nuclear-powered icebreaker that will carry us through thick, multiyear pack ice to our goal. En route, enjoy helicopter flightseeing excursions and an onboard educational program led by our expert team of naturalists and Stanford biology professor Craig Heller. It’s all downhill from here. Disembark at 90° N and celebrate our polar achievement with champagne and a barbecue-onice. The hardiest among us can also join the Polar Bear Club with a plunge into arctic waters! Santa’s workshop comes alive. Revel in the rich marine life of the Arctic Ocean and Barents Sea that includes polar bears and walruses, and admire the wildflowers and seabird rookeries of the Franz Josef Land archipelago. C O S T : from $28,995 ECUADOR S t a n f o r d SVALBARD Barents Sea Greenland Sea Arctic Ocean Murmansk ICELAND ECUADOR Atla an Oce T r a v e l / S t u d y ntic Ocean F INLAND NORWAY SWEDEN | 6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3 FRANZ JOSEF LAND | e GREENLAND Galápagos Islands 16 Hold your horses! From reserved seats in Siena’s Piazza del Campo, observe the Corteo Storico, a historical costume parade, before witnessing the Palio, the annual bareback horse race that has taken place since medieval times. Take five. Travel among the five fishing villages that make up Cinque Terre with faculty leader Ed Steidle, experiencing the charms of each town as we go. La dolce vita. From savoring local dishes such as trofie al pesto, bistecca alla Fiorentina and panforte to enjoying wine tasting and a cooking lesson, discover why life “under the Tuscan sun” is so sweet. Set in stone. Visit the quarries of Carrara, Michelangelo’s source of marble, where walls of shining white marble are reached by narrow switchbacks. C O S T : approx. $7,995 North Pole MASHPI RESERVE Quito Genovesa Equator Bartolomé Sombrero Santiago Chino Baltra Santa Cruz Pa cific J UNE 2 6 TO J ULY 7 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 2 DAY S ) Portofino Ar cti c Helsinki a l u m n i . s t a n f o r d . e d u / g o t o / t r a v e l s t u d y I TA LY Lucca diterra ean n Florence Pisa Sea Me Rome I TA LY Carrara Ligurian r Ci RUSSIA Sestri Levante Cinque Terre cl G A L Á PA G O S ISLANDS Tuscany and the Italian Riviera Sea Siena Castello di Gargonza Cortona Tanzania Family Adventure Montana Family Adventure Aegean Family Adventure J ULY 3 TO 1 5, 2015 ( 13 DAYS ) J ULY 5 TO 1 2 , 2 0 1 5 ( 8 DAY S) Status updates IRL. The bad news? You won’t get cell reception in the vast Serengeti. The good news? Instead of reading “OMG” in a Facebook update, parents get to hear their kids actually say, “Oh my gosh!” when they spot elephants, giraffes, zebras and more from our open-roofed safari vehicles. On this family safari, unplug for real and spend quality time together in unspoiled Tarangire National Park, Ngorongoro Crater Conservation Area and the Serengeti. This is camping? Enjoy three nights of luxury camping in the Serengeti—the stuff lifelong memories are made of. Enlightening. Adults enjoy lectures from Professor Scott Pearson and kids get a taste of school life in Tanzania and the chance to meet their pen pals. C O S T : $8,995 adults; $8,595 kids (ages 6–18) Giddyup! Grab that cowboy hat and pull on the cowboy boots. Our adventure offers twice-daily opportunities to saddle up and go for a trail ride. Hey, dude. Our week-long home on the range is a real working ranch that’s been in operation since the 1800s. Enjoy a casual, relaxed atmosphere and soak up the unspoiled beauty of Big Sky country. He rocks! Professor David Dinter, ’82, MS ’82, can’t wait to tell the geologic stories behind the spectacular scenery of Montana and the American West and to perhaps inspire a few budding geologists in the process. Just around the corner. With Yellowstone Park and the Gallatin River nearby, we’re happy to plan an amazing optional excursion or two. C O S T : approx. $3,995 adults; $3,795 kids (ages 6–18) J ULY 1 5 TO 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 1 DAY S ) CANADA KE N YA G T ANZANIA Dar es Salaam t V a U NITED S TATES NGORONGORO CONSERVATION AREA Ngorongoro Crater Lake Manyara TANZANIA Mt. Kilimanjaro GREECE MONTANA ARUSHA Arusha NATIONAL PARK TARANGIRE NATIONAL PARK Nine Quarter Circle Ranch IDAHO S t a n f o r d Bozeman Piraeus YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK T r a v e l / S t u d y Athens Çanakkale Troy Marmara Sea TURKEY a S e re a t R if SERENGETI NATIONAL PARK Black Sea Istanbul Aeg e a n ll ey Lake Victoria Mt. Kilimanjaro In the wake of the Argonauts. The amenities may be quite a bit more luxurious aboard our cruise ship, the Tere Moana, than those experienced by Jason and his crew, but the sea upon which we sail is just as startlingly blue. Turkish delight. Find out how Istanbul went from Byzantium to Constantinople to Istanbul at the Hagia Sophia Museum and Topkapi Palace, and enjoy the opportunity to taste local treats in the Grand Bazaar. Grecian formula. Barely graying at the temples and deeply rooted in history, the exquisitely preserved Greek city of Ephesus, Turkey, is still under active excavation. It’s all Greek to me. Although these islands changed hands throughout history, nothing epitomizes Greece more than spectacular Rhodes, Delos, Mykonos and Santorini. C O S T : from approx. $7,995 adults; $6,995 kids (ages 6–18) Mykonos Ephesus Kusadasi Delos WYOMING | 6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3 Santorini | Rhodes a l u m n i . s t a n f o r d . e d u / g o t o / t r a v e l s t u d y 17 Follow us @stanfordtravel Stanford Travel/Study is on Instagram! Experience the world of Travel/Study every day from your smartphone. Follow our adventures from Oregon to Antarctica through photos from our travelers, tour leaders and faculty using #stanfordtravel. The Great Lakes East Africa Safari J ULY 1 7 TO 2 8 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 2 DAY S) AUGU S T 9 TO 2 0 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 2 DAY S ) Home sweet HOME. Cruise from Toronto to Chicago, plying the waters of Lakes Huron, Ontario, Michigan and Erie, which together form part of earth’s largest freshwater ecosystem and provide a major commerce corridor. Wright on the money. Faculty leader Gavin Wright’s research focuses on the complex relationship between natural resources and economic development. Freshwater Pearl. The “Thirty Thousand Islands” in picturesque Georgian Bay are even more impressive from a private balcony, a feature of every cabin aboard the deluxe Pearl Mist. Ponchos provided. Get up close and personal with thundering Niagara Falls on the Maid of the Mist, which takes us right up to the face of this natural wonder. No cars allowed. Relive a bygone era of horse-drawn carriages and opulent Victorian homes at Mackinac Island. C O S T : from approx. $8,495 Mane attraction. Just as the big cats do, gaze out over a sweeping landscape of the open savannah in Tanzania’s Serengeti and at the famed Ngorongoro Crater, as we go in search of Africa’s “Big Five”—elephant, rhino, buffalo, lion and leopard. You look Mara-velous. From the deck of our deluxe safari camp, watch vast herds of wildebeests, zebras and antelopes as they cross the grasslands of Kenya’s Masai Mara National Reserve. Led by our own Masai guides, take a bush walk to a traditional boma (or enclosed homestead) to learn of a way of life that has endured here for centuries. Got milk? Visit an elephant and rhino orphanage during lunch time when the animals are bottle-fed milk at the watering hole. Biodiversity 101. Our faculty leader, biologist Elizabeth Hadly, helps us understand the impacts of environmental change on African wildlife and human evolution. C O S T : approx. $10,995 Lake Superior Little Current Mackinac Island Lake Huron Lake Michigan T r a v e l / S t u d y | 6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3 Holland Chicago ILLINOIS | Nairobi K ENYA Midland ONTARIO Toronto Lake Ontario Welland Niagara Canal Falls NEW SERENGETI NATIONAL PARK NGORONGORO CONSERVATION AREA Ngorongoro Crater YORK Windsor Great minds travel alike. S t a n f o r d MICHIGAN MASAI MARA NATIONAL RESERVE Lake Victoria Georgian Bay Parry Sound instagram.com/stanfordtravel 18 CANADA Lake Erie U NITED S TATES a l u m n i . s t a n f o r d . e d u / g o t o / t r a v e l s t u d y TANZANIA Arusha Kilimanjaro Airport The Five “Stans” Along the Silk Road AUGU ST 27 TO SEPTEMBER 16, 2015 ( 21 DAYS ) AUGU ST 3 1 TO SE PTEMBER 1 7 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 8 DAY S) Golden Road. Travel a portion of the Silk Road, the world’s best-known, yet least-visited highway, linking traders, merchants, pilgrims, monks, soldiers, nomads and urban dwellers. Camel tracks. Trace the path of the great camel caravans through the Central Asian countries of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Midnight at the oasis. Travel to five fabled oases, including the ancient Parthian fortresses of Nisa in Turkmenistan, once an important trading stop. With flying colors. Wander amid vibrant bazaars framed by majestic Persian-style architecture and barter for gold, frankincense, myrrh and fragrant spices that span the color spectrum. Mix and mingle. Hear about the intellectual, social and cultural history of Central Asia from Professor Shahzad Bashir and meet with local artists, students and NGO staff. C O S T : $10,495 Cultures converge. Explore the famous Kashgar Sunday market where many Uyghurs, Tajiks, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks and Han Chinese meet to trade and socialize. Caravan by air. As we cross China’s vast deserts on a 2,000-air-mile route from Beijing to Kashgar, ponder what the trek by camel must have been like! En-chanting. Visit the Tibetan Buddhist monastery complex in Dunhuang, where monks and pilgrims mingled with merchants and traders of various Buddhist sects; view grottoes filled with nearly 1,000 years of artworks. 500 feet under. Explore Turfan, known for its unique “karez” underground irrigation systems more than 500 feet below sea level. Matters of State. Our faculty leader, Thomas Fingar, former director of the U.S. State Department’s Office of Analysis, will lecture about China’s nuclear program and the world focus on its ethnic challenges. C O S T : approx. $8,795 Amazon and Machu Picchu S E P TEMBER 1 TO 1 3 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 3 DAY S ) By the numbers. The Amazon is the world’s second-largest river and the largest in water flow, carrying one-fifth of the world’s fresh water to the ocean while supplying nutrients for the most biodiverse rain forest on earth. High standards. Cruise aboard the custom designed Aria Amazon with its five-star cuisine and accommodations, and stay at top-rated hotels in Cusco and near Machu Picchu. An archaeology superstar. Our faculty leader, Professor John Rick, has been conducting research in Peru for decades. He will illuminate for us the history of some of Peru’s most enigmatic ruins. Magical mystery tour. The citadel of Machu Picchu is mystical and awe-inspiring. Enjoy the opportunity to spend time exploring this remote gem. C O S T : $10,995 Aral Sea K AZAKHSTAN Bishkek Tashauz U ZBEKISTAN Tashkent Khiva Ashkhabad T URKMENISTAN IRAN Hissar Dushanbe T AJIKISTAN AFGHANISTAN Turfan Kashgar K YRGYZSTAN Khujand Samarkand Bukhara Lake Issyk-Kul MONGOLIA Urumqi Almaty Beijing Dunhuang Labrang Sa Lanzhou CHINA to San Francisco NEPAL d V a f rom INDIA S t a n f o r d cre lle Shanghai Xian CHINA Machu Picchu Aguas Calientes from San Francisco PERU Ollantaytambo y o f th e I nca Iquitos P ERU Lima Cusco s Ur / to L ub ima Cusco T r a v e l / S t u d y | 6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3 | am ba Ri ve r a l u m n i . s t a n f o r d . e d u / g o t o / t r a v e l s t u d y 19 DEBORAH COSTA Russian Rivers S E PTEMBER 3 TO 1 5, 2015 ( 13 DAYS ) From Russia with love. Cruise from Moscow to St. Petersburg aboard the Volga Dream with political science professor Gail Lapidus, whose passion for Soviet and postSoviet affairs runs as deep as Moscow’s metro. All that glitters. During a visit to the State Diamond Fund at the Kremlin, be dazzled by Imperial Russia sparklers, including the 189-carat Orlov Diamond, Catherine the Great’s crown and numerous Fabergé eggs. Fathers and sons and three sisters. In Uglich, meet with a family in their private residence and gain some insight on daily life in this “Golden Ring” city; Turgegnev and Chekhov would feel right at home. Back in the U.S.S.R. Raise a glass to comrades and fellow travelers at our farewell reception with a private performance by the Red Army Choir as we reflect upon Russia past and present. C O S T : from approx. $9,495 Kizhi Island Lake Onega Balti Lake Ladoga c Sea St. Petersburg ESTONIA Neva River iver rR RUSSIA Vol ga Uglich LATVIA Moscow Canal 20 S t a n f o r d T r a v e l / S t u d y | UNITED KINGDOM Harlingen Giverny Moscow | DENMARK SWEDEN Baltic Sea Kiel Canal Leeuwarden Amsterdam The Hague Rotterdam GERMANY Antwerp Ghent Ostend Canterbury Dover Bruges el B ELGIUM ann E nglish C h Rouen Seine Yaroslavl 6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3 Copenhagen T HE N ETHERLANDS Lake Rubinskoye S E P TEMBER 6 TO 2 0 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 5 DAY S ) Sea to shining sea. Sail aboard the Corinthian across coastal Europe from the Kiel Canal connecting the Baltic and North seas to the canals of Amsterdam and the Seine River. Our faculty leader, Professor Bob Hamrdla, ’59, MA ’64, has guided alumni through Europe for more than 50 years. Get schooled by the masters. With 80 rooms filled with 800 years of Dutch history, the renovated Rijksmuseum is about a lot more than Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring. Secret garden. Inhale the scents of azaleas and wisteria while crossing the Japanese bridge at Giverny, Monet’s estate and the subject of many of his masterpieces. Operation Neptune. Take an optional excursion to the beaches of Normandy to reflect upon D-Day. C O S T : from $9,695 North Sea Sheksna River Goritzy Galápagos Field Seminar SE PTEMBER 5 TO 1 7 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 3 DAY S) Kovza River White Lake Sv i FINLAND From the Baltic Sea to Normandy Paris Return to the Farm. Spend three days on campus with Professor Bill Durham, ’71, before traveling to Ecuador and the Galápagos Islands. Compare notes. Unlike any other Travel/Study trip, the Field Seminar has Stanford sophomores traveling alongside our Travel/Study group. Learn from their presentations and participate in lively intellectual exchanges during daily discussions. Evolution examined. Few places on earth are as illustrative of evolution and adaptation as the Galápagos Islands. See the evidence that solidified Darwin’s concepts, as present today as when he voyaged there more than 175 years ago. A modern-day Beagle. Unlike Darwin’s vessel, our expedition ship, La Pinta, is luxuriously appointed and ideal for cruising among the Galápagos Islands in comfort. C O S T : approx. $9,495 G A L Á PA G O S ISLANDS Tower Bartolomé Equator Santiago North Seymour Fernandina Isabela CZECH REPUBLIC F R A NC E a l u m n i . s t a n f o r d . e d u / g o t o / t r a v e l s t u d y Santa Cruz ECUADOR Galápagos Islands SOUTH AMERICA Baltra South Plaza Santa Fé San Cristóbal Floreana Pa cific an Oce Española Burgundy and Alsace Walk Along the New England Coast Voyage from Malta to Athens S E PTEMBER 7 TO 1 9, 2015 ( 13 DAYS ) SE PTEMBER 1 0 TO 2 2 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 3 DAY S) S E P TEMBER 1 2 TO 2 1 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 0 DAY S ) Non, je ne regrette rien. Indulge in regional dishes such as choucroûte garnie and the famous local Reislings; thanks to near-daily walks, we need not regret a single mouthful! Sitting pretty. Explore the vineyards of the Côtes de Beaune and villages of half-timbered houses, and gaze across the Rhine from the Vosges Mountains. Pardon my French. Faculty leader Carolyn Lougee explains to us the increasing relevance of the historic Franco-German geopolitical tug-of-war over Alsace and its people. Chapter and verse. Visit Strasbourg where Gutenberg developed his printing press, stop at the abbeys of Vézelay and Fontenay, and explore Cluny, once the most important religious institution in Christendom. C O S T : approx. $8,995 On the rocks. The rocky coast of Maine has a long and rich history—we’ll discover the seafaring heritage of New England’s coastal towns and quaint island villages aboard the intimate American Glory with art history professor Wanda M. Corn and American historian Joe Corn. Where up is down and down is up. Locals refer to much of coastal Maine as “Downeast,” while, when traveling south to Boston, one may be said to be headed “up to Boston.” Local historian Bill Mayher illuminates this and many other charming quirks of local life throughout our program. A red, white and blue feast. Gobble up regional favorites such as piping hot steamed lobster, clam chowder and blueberry jam (Moxie soda is only for the bravest of the brave!). C O S T : from approx. $9,595 Go Cardinal. Cruise on the exclusively chartered Variety Voyager for seven nights from the dramatic harbor in Valletta, Malta, through the Corinth Canal to Athens, Greece. Take two. Travel in the company of not one, but two Stanford faculty: classics professor Marsh McCall and natural resources law professor Barton “Buzz” Thompson, BA ’72, MBA ’76, JD ’76. Dine like the locals. Enjoy locavore lunches onshore in Malta, Italy and Greece, and taste Pugliese specialties in Otranto, Italy. Also attend a private cheese-making lesson and tasting at an artisan cheese factory in Sicily. Palace-hop on Corfu. Explore the grand palaces of Achilleion and Mon Repos on Corfu, and stroll the old town’s UNESCO-listed streets from Esplanada Square to the 16th-century church of St. Spyridon. C O S T : from approx. $7,995 ns Paris Vézelay Cure River HAUTEMont Auxois SAÔNE Flavigny BURGUNDY Côtes de Nuits Côtes de Beaune Beaune Vo s g es F R A N C E Mou ntai Strasbourg ALSACE Riquewihr Ribeauvillé Kaysersberg Colmar Rouffach Ronchamp Castine M AINE Belfast Bar Harbor Boothbay Rockland CANADA S T A T E S Bath Portland VERMONT UNITED Corfu I TA LY Delphi Athens Taormina Providence Atl Martha’s Vineyard Mâconnais T r a v e l / S t u d y Corinth Canal Siracusa Medi Valletta terranean Sea Aegean Sea M A LTA Nantucket RHODE ISLAND S t a n f o r d Ionian Sea S I C I LY antic Ocean CONNECTICUT Cluny GREECE NEW HAMPSHIRE Gloucester MASSACHUSETTS Paris Otranto | 6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3 | a l u m n i . s t a n f o r d . e d u / g o t o / t r a v e l s t u d y 21 The Kingdom of Bhutan Everest Base Camp Trek Along the Mekong O CTOBER 2 TO 1 7, 2015 ( 16 DAYS ) O C TOBER 4 TO 2 4 , 2 0 1 5 ( 2 1 DAY S) O CTOBER 8 TO 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 8 DAY S ) Cliffside tiger, hidden dzong. With historian Margo Horn, gasp at the stunning mountain scenery of this tiny nation rarely visited by Westerners. Marvel at sacred temples and spectacular sites, including the famed Taktsang “Tiger’s Nest” Monastery, perched on the edge of a cliff and said to be the birthplace of Buddhism in Bhutan. Happiness as part of the GNP. Converse with local dignitaries and government officials in the capital of Thimphu, and learn of the unique concept, Gross National Happiness, which aims to increase the Bhutanese people’s quality of life beyond standard economic terms. A cultural cornucopia. Witness a masked dance performance, meet children at a local primary school, sip tea in a family home, and absorb the vibrant sights and sounds of a weekend market. C O S T : approx. $9,995 A view from nearly the top. Join our 12-day trek with faculty leader Rob Dunbar and be part of one of the most rewarding journeys on earth. Peak experiences! Reach the trek’s maximum altitude at the summit of Kala Patthar (18,300’), which boasts stunning views of Mount Everest. An even greater high for us is stopping in at Everest Base Camp (17,500’) where climbing expeditions prepare for their summit attempts. Steeped in local flavor. Sleep in simple tea houses each night and hear about local Sherpa culture as we make our way from village to village. The particulars. Our itinerary is designed for gradual acclimatization so we take our time hiking each day. Our porters and yaks do the heavy lifting, letting us focus on other things, such as taking in spectacular views of some of the world’s tallest and most dramatic mountains. C O S T : approx. $8,995 Cyclos and water puppets. Enjoy a cyclo tour in Hanoi through the Guild District to the Thang Long Water Puppet Theater, where 1,000-year-old stories told by farmers during the Red River’s rainy season are reenacted. Laotian rituals. In Luang Prabang, home to many wats (temples), attend a traditional “baci” blessing, then travel upriver to the Pak Ou caves to see thousands of Buddha images and to observe the early-morning processions of monks collecting alms. Travel in style. Board the newly built MV Jahan, a distinctive British-Indian colonial-themed river vessel with expansive cabins and private balconies, for our scenic, leisurely seven-night cruise on the Mekong River. A unique perspective. Our faculty leader, Karl Eikenberry, MA ’94, who spent four decades in military and State Department postings in Asia, offers thought-provoking insights throughout our journey. C O S T : from approx. $9,495 TIBET CHINA i m y a s Kala Patthar Pheriche Trongsa Phakding 22 S t a n f o r d T r a v e l / S t u d y | 6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3 | N E PA L Kathmandu INDIA Lukla a l u m n i . s t a n f o r d . e d u / g o t o / t r a v e l s t u d y Andaman Sea a ce from Kathmandu INDIA CHINA O BHUTAN N EPAL THAILAND n Siem Reap r Pangboche Kenjoma Tengboche Namche Bazaar Rive Thimphu Mt. Everest n India Bumthang Paro Gorak Shep ng eko Lobuche CHINA L AOS M a l a Phobjikha CHINA Hanoi Luang Prabang V IETNAM ic Ocean cif Pa H Punakha BURMA Everest Base Camp Tonle Sap River Phnom Penh Kampong Cham Ho Chi Minh City Chau Doc C AMBODIA Cai Be My Tho Food and Wine of Spain Northern India by Rail Tuscany Seminar Oct o b e r 1 5 to 2 5, 2015 ( 11 DAYS ) O C TOBER 3 1 TO NOVEMBER 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 6 DAY S) NOVEMBER 3 TO 1 2 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 0 DAY S ) Harvest time in Rioja. There are few times more exciting for a winemaker than fall harvest and crush. Experience Spanish wine country during this busy season, and taste the wines that have put this region on the map. A consummate student of life. Our faculty leader, Professor Scott Pearson, continues to explore every corner of the world and has led over 70 trips. Tapas! In Spain, tapas are more than simply an accompaniment to wine and spirits; they exemplify a way of life. Savor the country’s best, from olive oils and cheeses to chorizo and ibérico ham, while soaking up the culture. Architectural wonders. Visit some of Spain’s jaw-dropping feats of architecture, from the magnificent 1st-century aqueduct in Segovia to the Gehry-designed Marques de Riscal winery in Elciego. ON WAIT-LIST STATUS C O S T : $7,695 Train of thought. Ride the rails from Jaipur to Delhi aboard the luxurious Maharajah’s Express, contemplating the changing scenery and discussing India’s complex and colorful culture with faculty leader Linda Hess. Forget the Koh-i-Noor diamond. Visit the incomparable Taj Mahal at sunrise when India’s true jewel is bathed in shades of pink and blue—and the crowds are comparatively thin! The gods must be crazy. Admire the profusion of exquisitely fashioned erotic sculptures adorning the temples at Khajuraho, carved near the deities—who on second thought might not be so crazy after all. Venice of the east. Take a boat ride past stately Rajput-era palaces and ghats (bathing-access steps) on Udaipur’s Lake Pichola, one of five scenic lakes that give the city its nickname. C O S T : from approx. $16,495 Flying solo. We designed this trip specifically with solo travelers in mind. Explore the pleasures of the Tuscan countryside with fellow Stanford solo travelers at fall’s end—the perfect time of year for crisp weather, hearty pastas and fewer crowds. Kings and queens of the castle. Stay at the medieval Castello di Gargonza, where our hosts, Count and Countess Guicciardini, introduce us to authentic Tuscan culture through its local people, artists and cuisine. Overseas studies. A mix of classroom and hands-on learning provides a wealth of educational opportunities. Learn the art of fresco-making, attend a cooking class and savor a tasting of great Tuscan red wines. Meet the locals at our own bocce court, and view masterpieces of art and architecture with our Italian scholars. Renaissance man. End the trip in Florence, with visits to the Uffizi Gallery and the Accademia. C O S T : approx. $7,695 Bay of Biscay Bilbao SPAIN Villabuena San Sebastián Estella FRANCE Pamplona Delhi Delhi I ND I A Jaipur Fatehpur Agra Sikri RANTHAMBORE NATIONAL PARK Salamanca Udaipur INDIA Madrid S t a n f o r d I TA LY Sansepolcro Arezzo Lucknow Siena Gwalior Tudela PORTUGAL Florence Florence Burgos Segovia NEPAL Orchha Montalcino Varanasi Gargonza Pienza Assisi Khajuraho T r a v e l / S t u d y | 6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3 | a l u m n i . s t a n f o r d . e d u / g o t o / t r a v e l s t u d y 23 Unseen Japan Focus on London Burma N o v e mbe r 5 to 1 8, 2015 ( 14 DAYS ) NOVEMBER 7 TO 1 4 , 2 0 1 5 ( 8 DAY S) National treasures. Begin our journey in Kyoto visiting several important temples. Travel to the Miho Museum designed by I.M. Pei and visit Nara, capital of Japan from 710 to 784. Faster than a speeding bullet. Travel on Japan’s famous shinkansen (or bullet train) from Beppu to Hiroshima at speeds of up to 200 miles per hour. Hand-tailored. Join Japanese history professor Peter Duus, who helped create an itinerary that takes us to many sites bypassed by most tourists. An island of art. Stay on Naoshima Island to experience its modern art museums, architecture and sculptures. August 6, 1945. During our twonight stay in Hiroshima, visit the moving memorials to reflect on the day the U.S. dropped the atomic bomb on the city. Tatami-style. In the hot springs resort town of Beppu, stay overnight at a traditional Japanese inn. C O S T : in development A novel approach. Explore London’s literary heritage with faculty leader Linda Paulson, whose expertise in Victorian-era novels and all things Dickens exceeds even the greatest of expectations. All the world’s a stage. At Shakespeare’s Globe, which opened in 1997 near the site of the original 16th-century Globe Theatre, meet with cast members of a play in repertoire. Synchronize your watches. Cruise down the Thames to Greenwich—where the day begins—for a tour of the National Maritime Museum to learn of England’s rich naval history and its famous mariners, from Drake to Nelson. Mother of Parliaments. Go to the Palace of Westminster for an escorted visit by one of the Members through its hallowed halls. Beyond bangers and mash. Discover when dining out how London’s hot new culinary scene has made mincemeat of Britain’s age-old reputation of bland food! C O S T : approx. $5,995 NOVEMBER 3 0 TO DE CEMBER 1 5 , 2 0 1 5 ( 1 6 DAY S ) 24 S t a n f o r d Palace of Westminster Takamatsu Naoshima Tate Britain Beppu Kumamoto T r a v e l / S t u d y Pacific Ocean | 6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3 National Maritime Museum | Mingun Mandalay e r Sagaing Amarapura Ava Yandabo a l u m n i . s t a n f o r d . e d u / g o t o / t r a v e l s t u d y Ri v es Sea National Theatre Kyoto Kurashiki Osaka Nara London m River T h a East China Whitechapel Bell Foundry W ES T END Tokyo Kyauk Myaung a JAPAN Hiroshima UNITED KINGDOM LONDON Japan Irr Sea of SOUTH KOREA Join the party. After decades of isolation, Burma has opened its doors to the world and we’re among the intrepid travelers to experience its old-world culture. On the river to Mandalay. Stop at tiny villages as we sail aboard our privately chartered riverboat up the Irrawaddy River from Bagan to Mandalay. Sea of crimson. Explore the 17th-century city of Mandalay whose streets are filled with more than 20,000 Buddhist monks in colorful religious garb. The latest buzz. Professor “Buzz” Thompson, a leading authority on environmental and natural resources law provides us with insights. Get the inside scoop. Meet with local NGOs to hear about global humanitarian efforts directed at Burma, and enjoy specially arranged visits with government officials. C O S T : in development w ad dy B URMA Rangoon THAILAND BURMA Bagan Mount Popa Heho Inle Lake Like us! Cuba Family Seminar* D e c e mbe r 2 6, 2015, to Ja nu a ry 2, 2016 ( 8 DAYS) Empty nest. Kids flown the coop? Why not reunite for a holiday vacation to Cuba? Auld lang syne. On New Year’s Eve, 1958, Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista fled Havana and a new chapter began in Cuba’s history. Meet with local historians and economists to explore the legacy of the revolution. Talk, look, listen. In addition to practicing Spanish, opportunities abound to explore Havana’s rich and vibrant arts scene. Meet with actors from a local children’s theater, watch young circus performers practice their routines and have lunch at a local artist’s home. (This trip is specifically geared toward families with kids who are high school graduates or older. Exact programming subject to change.) C O S T : in development *NOTE: This program is subject to the renewal of Stanford Travel/Study’s license and approval for travel from the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control. U N I T E D S TAT E S FLORIDA Gulf of Mexico Atlantic Ocean Matanzas CUBA Caribbean Sea DE C EMBER 2 6 , 2 0 1 5 , TO J ANUARY 3 , 2 0 1 6 ( 9 DAY S) A winter wonderland. St. Petersburg is strikingly beautiful in the wintertime, with snow and ice covering the city’s historic buildings, streets and canals, providing a sparkling backdrop for our Adventure. Dem bones. View the nearly intact Berezovka mammoth, as well as dinosaur and other skeletons at the Zoological Museum. Russian history revisited. Our faculty leader, Professor Norman Naimark, '66, MA '68, PhD '72, an expert in Eastern European studies, will illuminate the history of Russia for kids and adults alike. Toeshoes, nesting dolls and sleigh rides. Decorate a Russian nesting doll to take home at the shop of a craftsman, go dashing through the snow on a traditional sleigh ride and enjoy a performance of The Nutcracker at the famous Mariinsky Theater. C O S T : approx. $6,995 for adults; $6,595 for kids Explore the world of Stanford Travel/Study with photos from every corner of the globe. We’re on Facebook sharing trip albums from our Peter and Paul e r Fortress R i v a ev St. Petersburg St. Petersburg N Dolls Museum Zoological Museum Bolshoi St. Peterburg Kunstkamera Hermitage State Circus Museum Nevsky St. Isaac’s Prospe kt Cathedral Eliseyev Kazansky Gostiny Emporium Cathedral Dvor Yusupov Palace St. Petersburg Mariinsky RUSSIA Theatre to Shuvalovka Village, The Grand Moscow Palace, Catherine Palace, and Alexander Palace S T. P E T E R S B U R G Miami Havana St. Petersburg Family Adventure S t a n f o r d T r a v e l / S t u d y | 6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3 65 annual adventures. #stanfordtravel facebook.com/stanfordtravel Great minds travel alike. | a l u m n i . s t a n f o r d . e d u / g o t o / t r a v e l s t u d y 25 i Private Editions t va e edit io Pr nS Wa W o rl d. y o r The world. Your way. y. the Custom journeys from Stanford Travel/Study u Worlds away from the everyday, your thoughts soar, unfettered. Inspiration fills the air. Where? Wherever you’d like. When? Whenever you’d like. Who with? You know the answer. You’re on a custom Travel/Study journey that’s unlike any other—your own Private Edition. Private Editions are tailor-made, luxury educational adventures for groups of 10 or more. Combine everything you love about Travel/Study with everyone you love—anywhere in the world and at your own pace. Celebrate an anniversary with your entire family or check off items on your bucket list with your closest friends. S IME / e S t oc k P h ot O The choices are yours, the possibilities 26 S t a n f o r d T r a v e l / S t u d y | 6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3 limitless. To learn more or start planning your own Private Edition, contact Nick Mangini at (650) 736-0585 or [email protected]. Start planning your next adventure. Use this list to keep track of all the trips that spark your interest (and fit your schedule). Then visit us online or pick up the phone for more information, to request brochures and to reserve your spot. MAY 2015 December 2014 Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia 12/29–1/17 JAN UAR Y 201 5 Southern India by Rail 1/21–2/3 Focus on St. Petersburg Wild Britain Sicily Walk Paris Illuminated Wild Norway and Svalbard 5/1–5/10 5/16–5/30 5/23–6/3 5/24–5/31 5/30–6/15 S eptember 2 0 1 5 Amazon and Machu Picchu Russian Rivers From the Baltic Sea to Normandy Galápagos Field Seminar Burgundy and Alsace Walk Along the New England Coast Voyage from Malta to Athens F E BR UAR Y 2015 Chile and Argentina Expedition South Pacific Expedition 2/21 - 3/4 2/21 - 3/10 Saudi Arabia Intriguing Iran Cuba Seminar Havana Arts Focus on Cape Town Andalucia Walk Budapest to Tehran by Train 3/7–3/19 3/11–3/26 3/15–3/28 3/19–3/27 3/24–3/31 3/25–4/6 3/29–4/15 Australia by Private Air Ancient Cities of the Eastern Mediterranean Madagascar Adventure Turkey Suitcase Seminar United Kingdom Coast to Coast Hike Galápagos Expedition North Pole Expedition Tuscany and the Italian Riviera 6/9–6/21 6/13–6/27 6/18–7/1 6/19–7/7 6/20–6/28 6/24–7/3 6/25–7/9 6/26–7/7 OCTOBER 2015 The Kingdom of Bhutan Everest Base Camp Trek Along the Mekong Food and Wine of Spain Northern India by Rail APR IL 2015 Opus Mediterraneo Three Faces of China The Mississippi River Israel Past and Present Japan by Sea Focus on Berlin Venice to Paris on the Orient-Express 4/9–4/21 4/9 –4/22 4/10–4/20 4/10–4/23 4/10–4/23 4/22–5/1 4/25–5/6 Tanzania Family Adventure Montana Family Adventure Aegean Family Adventure The Great Lakes 7/3–7/15 7/5–7/12 7/15–7/25 7/17–7/28 Tuscany Seminar Unseen Japan Focus on London Burma 11/3–11/12 11/5–11/18 11/7–11/14 11/30–12/15 DE C E M B E R 2 0 1 5 AUG US T 2015 East Africa Safari The Five “Stans” Along the Silk Road 10/2–10/17 10/4–10/24 10/8–10/25 10/15–10/25 10/31–11/15 N OV E M B E R 2 0 1 5 July 2015 California Seller of Travel Program Registration #2048 523-50 © 2014 Stanford alumni Association. All Rights Reserved. Editor: Krasna Kleinfeld, Art Director: David S. Rose MAR CH 201 5 JUN E 2015 9/1–9/13 9/3–9/15 9/5–9/17 9/6–9/20 9/7–9/19 9/10–9/22 9/12–9/21 8/9–8/20 8/27–9/16 8/31–9/17 Cuba Family Seminar St. Petersburg Family Adventure 12/26–1/2 12/26–1/3 For more information or to make a reservation: V I S I T alumni.stanford.edu/goto/travelstudy C A LL 650.725.1093 S t a n f o r d T r a v e l / S t u d y | 6 5 0 . 7 2 5 . 1 0 9 3 | a l u m n i . s t a n f o r d . e d u / g o t o / t r a v e l s t u d y 27 Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Stanford Alumni Association Stanford Travel/Study Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center 326 Galvez Street Stanford, CA 94305-6105 (650) 725-1093 T IM E V A L U E F A L L i ssue Travel Planner alu m n i . stanford . edu / g oto / travelstudy S T A N F O R D T R A V E L / S T U D Y
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