Communion Sunday December 28th, 2014 Worship Service: 10:00 am Leading Us In Worship Dave Rodda & Worship Team Today’s Message: “Celebration-‐ Celebrating the Difference The Bible Makes in Our Lives” 2 Kings 22, 2 Chronicles 34 Darren Petker WELCOME! We are so glad you said ‘yes’ to God’s invitation to be with us today! We’d like to get to know you better! Please take time to ;ill out a yellow Communications Card found in the pews and drop it in the offering bag. Thank you! WELCOME TO WORSHIP Join in worship with Dave Rodda and the Worship Team Guitar: Dave Rodda Vocals: Karen Dewaal Audio: Bob Regier Bass: Jeff Thiessen Vocals: Meagan Emard Media: Jason Kent Keys: Levi DeWaal Drums: Colton Neudorf This Week At RRCC: TODAY 8:30 AM Prayer Time - Prayer Room WEDNESDAY 12:00 PM 5:30 PM Office closed at 12:00 noon Encore New Year’s Eve Potluck THURSDAY Office closed for New Year’s Day FINANCIAL UPDATE All gifts will be received until 12 noon on December 31st, 2014. If you have any questions please contact Phil Giesbrecht (Finance Chairman) or Dale Regier (Finance Liaison). LAST WEEK AT ROSS ROAD COMMUNITY CHURCH TOTAL DECEMBER INCOME TARGET ACTUAL RECEIVED IN DECEMBER REMAINING TOTAL TO MEET TARGET $113,100 $70,644.65 ($42,455.35) LAST WEEK’S ATTENDANCE FIRST SERVICE SECOND SERVICE 189 186 COMING EVENTS January 4 - Kids Church restarts - Gender Roles Studies resumes - New Year Pray Encounter at 6:30 PM January 8 - Cutting Edge High School Youth resumes January 10 - TLC Leaders’ Community training session January 12 - Lookout Middle School Youth resumes 2 ENCORE (SENIORS) MINISTRY NEW YEAR’S EVE POTLUCK, on December 31st at 5:30 PM. All seniors (55+) are invited out for an evening of food, fellowship and an inspirational movie. Please bring one dish to share of either a casserole, salad, dessert, etc. NEW YEAR PRAYER ENCOUNTER New Year Prayer Encounter—6:30-7:30 PM Sunday, January 4th, 2015 One of our seven core values is Dependence On God—Because we can do nothing without God, we joyfully celebrate Him in our worship and prayerfully depend on Him for everything. As we enter 2015 as a church, we need as many as possible to join together to put that value in action in a Worship-Based Prayer Encounter. Plan to come and experience God together. TEAM LEADERS’ COMMUNITY Team Leaders’ Community—8:00-10:00 AM Saturday, January 10th, 2015 TLC empowers collaborative ministry at RRCC in an enjoyable atmosphere of prayer and mutual support. Light breakfast served. All RRCC ministry teams are asked to be well represented. Training session: “Ministering in Power through Prayer." EQUIP TO SERVE Equip To Serve- Discipleship Training Course, begins January 22nd, 2015! This course is designed for those who seek training, accountability, and nurturing in their faith. Discover the joy of an established relationship with Christ and the freedom to share Him openly with others. Learn to stand on God's promises, fulfill Matthew 28:18-20, disciple others, enjoy solid studies, perfect your leadership skills and much more. To register, call or text Jason Shellborn. FAMILY NEWS I would like to take a moment to thank my church family for the lovely poinsettia this Christmas season. It was very thoughtful and much appreciated. ~Frieda Loewen Found- One drop style silver earring, with red and green crystals was found in the kitchen. If this is yours, it can be claimed at the office. Visit to listen to past RRCC sermons! Click the Subscribe button on the website to import into iTunes Podcasts. You can also import them into a podcast app on your smartphone, and listen to the sermons right in your internet browser. Find RRCC on Facebook and Twitter! Follow us at rossroadcc or for posts about sermons, updates about church events, cancellation notices, and more. 3 WANTED- STAMPS Kids Ministry is looking for postage stamps for a time capsule project for our Sunday School kids. If you have any cancelled stamps from your Christmas mail, please drop them off at the church office, between now and December 31st. PHOTOS NEEDED To date we have received very few photos for the new online church directory. Please remember to send in your photo to the church office as soon as possible. Email a good quality digital photo to [email protected] or bring in a print and we will scan it for you. EMERGENCY WEATHER RESPONSE (EWR) "I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me..." IMPORTANT EWR NEWS: Please be sure to check the schedule posted outside the ladies washroom or online via the church website for your volunteer days. * Countdown to January Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help with our Extreme Weather Response. This community outreach could not happen without your help. While we’re still 20% short of needed volunteers, we won’t have further formal volunteer signup in the foyer. However, you can still volunteer. Please contact one of the following if you can help in one of these areas: Food: Brenda Stephens 604-856-5447 Clean up: Jim Woodey 604-856-5447 Overnight Men: Bob Regier 604-534-7588 * Donations needed please: -sweat pants -sweat shirts -DVDs, magazines, table games Please place any donations in the box marked EWR in the foyer Thank you, EWR committee HOPE FOR WOMEN PREGNANCY SERVICES The pain of abortion is intensified by a sense of alienation from God and Church. In 2015 be fully reconciled to God, your church, your family and your unborn child. Register now for our 14 week Post Abortion Sessions on Mondays starting February 2015. Call Hope for Women Pregnancy Services at 604-853-0303 and ask for Elizabeth, or text the word "hope" to 212121. For more information email [email protected] go to All services are FREE and CONFIDENTIAL. 4 BAPTISM & MEMBERSHIP CLASSES Baptism/Membership Class: 7:00-8:30PM, Tuesday, January 13th, 2015 Baptism & Membership Applicants Meet with Elders & Pastors: 7:00-8:30PM Tuesday, January 20th, 2015 Baptism in water is the one thing that Jesus asked us to do to declare that we are His followers (Matthew 28:19-20). When we trust Jesus as Saviour and surrender to Him as Lord, He baptizes us in the Holy Spirit, who breathes spiritual life into us making us members of Jesus’ spiritual body (1 Corinthians 12:13). Similarly, when we are visibly baptized in water, we become members of our local church, His visible body. To prepare for baptism and membership, we regularly offer a class, followed by an opportunity to be affirmed by church leaders. Those who have previously been baptized as believers elsewhere do not need to be baptized at RRCC in order to be received as members but are still asked to attend our membership class and meet with our elders and pastors. We invite all who would like to explore the possibility of baptism and/or membership to check off the appropriate boxes on a Communication Card (and place it in the offering) and/or speak to a pastor. Please help yourself to a Baptism/Membership Class Participation Pack in the box below Pastor Art’s mailbox. And please read through the booklet in that pack Discovering Ross Road Community Church Membership prior to coming to the class, if possible. If you desire baptism or membership and these dates do not work for you, please speak with Pastor Art. PERSPECTIVES CANADA Perspectives On The World Christian Movement is a dynamic 15 week discipleship course taught by a variety of veteran missionaries, influential strategists and professors, each an expert in their respective area. You’ll get the opportunity to discover what God is doing around the world and consider your part in His purposes. Give Him a chance to grip your heart with the things so close to His. Perspectives will help you understand God’s plan for our world - and possibly for your life. This course is being held right here at RRCC on Wednesdays from February 11th to May 20th, 2015, from 6:45 PM - 9:45 PM. To register or for more information, call Pat Burman at 604-854-5789 or email [email protected], Lyn Friesen at 604-853-6508 or email brrmanitsfreezin@, or visit for more information and online registration. MISSIONS FEST 2015 Missions Fest 2015: “Across The Street: Around The World” - January 30thFebruary 1st, 2015 at Vancouver Convention Centre East (999 Canada Place) This year’s conference features speakers Micah Bournes, Ede Clarke, Soong-Chan Rah, and Lawrence Tong. With 100+ seminars, 250 exhibits, and our 6th annual film festival. For more information about this year’s Missions Fest go to 5 The Inspiration, Illumination and Interpretation of God’s Word: “Celebration-‐ Celebrating the Difference the Bible Makes in Our Lives” 2 Kings 22, 2 Chronicles 34 Darren Petker “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-‐edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” ~Hebrews 4:12 Three Lessons we can learn from Josiah… (2 Kings 22) 6 1.) We cannot ride on the coat tails of those who have gone before us. 2 Chronicles 34:1-‐8 2.) God’s word can arrest your attention, captivate your heart and radically alter your life. 2 Kings 22:8-‐11 3.) We can pass onto the generation that follows us, a legacy of knowing and being transformed by the living Word. Psalm 112:1-‐2, 145:4-‐7 God’s living Word has the ability to radically alter our lives and the generations that follow after us. For Personal ReNlection and Discussion with Friends and Family: To Ponder – Does my reading and interaction with Scripture ;ind its way into my conversations with family and friends on a regular basis? What is one step that you could take that would increase the frequency of your scripture reading? Who is one person you could endeavour to engage in conversation about the scripture you are reading? In Preparation for Sunday, January 4, 2015: In the New Year, we continue in The Apocalypse with a message from Pastor Art on “The Slumbering Church” of Revelation 3:1-‐6. Please read that passage a number of times and ask God what the Spirit is saying to our church—and to you. 7 8 LOOKOUT MIDDLE SCHOOL Happy New Year and may God bless you in 2015! Don’t forget about our giant game of SMUGGLERS on January 12! Be sure to invite your friends! You can grab a Winter Calendar from the Info Booth that will give you information on the next few months of youth. Also, be sure to pick up your ski/snowboard forms at the Info Booth or website for our day at Manning Park on January 17th. These forms will be due back to Pastor Craig by January 8th. CUTTING EDGE HIGH SCHOOL Wishing you all a Happy New Year! Don’t forget about our kick off on January 8 with a giant game of SMUGGLERS! Also, be sure to pick up your ski/snowboard forms at the Info Booth or website for our day at Manning Park on January 17th. These forms will be due back to Pastor Craig by January 8th. WOMEN’S MINISTRY Ross Road Women Hit the Slopes Thursday, January 22nd at Hemlock Valley Ladies Ski FREE - Lift ticket is no charge for women! Bring your own ski equipment or rent Car pooling will be arranged Contact Marilyn Isaak for more information CONNECTIONS - Winter Session, is a morning out for women of all ages, and will run for 4 Thursday mornings in February with childcare provided. Registration and more information coming in January. Please contact Leanne Schroeder with any questions. February, 2015: Discovering Bible Truth for Yourself via the book of Ruth Would you like the thrill of having God’s Word opened up to your understanding in a new and exciting way as you read the Bible on your own? If so, come join Margaret Woodey in a 6 week study of the book of Ruth. Margaret will give you practical tools you can use for your own personal study, even as we explore the dramatic book of Ruth together in the process!! This ‘hands on’ study will be held at RRCC on Tuesday evenings starting in February. Stay tuned for more details regarding registration, or contact Margaret Woodey or Val Thiessen for more information. Mark your calendars now! 9 NURSERY CARE Nursery for children from birth - 2 years of age Our volunteers are police checked and a paging system is provided for your child’s security. December 24th, 2014 4:30 Service: Monika Thiessen & Michelle Penner with Jennae Driediger 6:00 Service: Sandra & Sarah Hayashida December 28th, 2014 One Service: Jeremy & Linnea Schellenberg January 4th, 2015 1st Service: Scott & Amanda Unger with Anna Healy 2nd Service: Brian & Danica Neufeldt CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Kids Zone Teacher Break - December 28th • Parent-Led Preschool: TODAY, under the leadership of Amberley Neufeldt. • Grade 1 and up in the main service. Help yourself to Kids Sermon and Activity Sheets or Advent colouring sheets from the foyer. Upcoming Dates: • • Sunday, January 4th - Kids Church restarts Friday and Saturday, January 23rd and 24th - (Leadership Planning Team) Prayer Retreat Free Family Resources and Helpful Articles: Visit our blog at: for articles and free resources for families! Volunteer Opportunity: “Do you love babies and toddlers?” Why not come join us and bless the young, growing families of Ross Road. Uncertain if the Nursery is for you? Come test it out and see how it goes. To learn more, contact Pastor Merri Ellen or Nursery Coordinator, Michelle Penner for more info. Send an email to: [email protected]. Thank you in advance! LIBRARY 10 Stormie Omartian teams with talented illustrator Shari Warren to share an important message in What Happens When I Talk to God? Stormie encourages children to develop the life changing practices of talking to God every day and explains prayer in easy to understand ways. With examples taken directly from the lives of young boys and girls, she helps kids get to know God, thank Him for His love and care, and ask for His help in tough times. Stormie also touches upon forgiveness, the power of praying with others, and having a relationship with Jesus as she assures children that their prayers do make a difference. PRAY FOR OUR MISSIONARIES Don’t forget to check the Missionary bulletin board for the latest update letters from our missionaries. Learn about how God is moving in people’s hearts all over the world! Paul & Edna Cairns – in Chilliwack with Transport for Christ Otto & Marjorie Ekk – in North America on MINA (Ministry In North America furlough) Cynthia Friesen – in Abbotsford on MINA (Ministry In North America - furlough) Rob & Judy Griffioen – in Abbotsford with Good News International Ministries S & B (Isaiah, Karis, Zander & Jacob) – in Central Asia with MB Mission Dwayne & Helen Rainwater (Lisa & Michael) – in West Africa with Pioneer Bible Translators Beth Scholes – in Abbotsford with FamilyLife Jason & Stephanie Shellborn (Madison, Hudson & London) – in Abbotsford with Discipleship International Al & Karen Stobbe (Karissa & Natasha) – in Abbotsford with MB Mission Rachael Wiebe – in Winnipeg with MB Mission MISSIONARY OF THE WEEK Cynthia Friesen – in Abbotsford on MINA (Ministry In North America - furlough) Cynthia is celebrating Christmas with family before preparing to return to Thailand in the New Year. Upon her return, Cynthia will be locating to a different area in Thailand as part of a new team. Cynthia has been asked to pray about two ministries specifically, the first would be working with women in a prison setting, and the second one working with Thai nationals helping at-risk children and women. Please pray for wisdom and discernment from the Lord as to which ministry He is calling her to. Pray for unity and team building with her new team members, as well as strength and good health as she begins again in the mission field. Pray also for the church and ministry in Phuket, for protection for the members there as they continue on without Cynthia. Pray for Cynthia to end well in Phuket, as she returns to say good-bye to those she has worked with over the past eight years. Cynthia is very grateful for all your support, love and prayers during her time her on MINA and feels very blessed to be part of the RRCC family. PRAYER REQUESTS Please pray for Melvin & Gudrun Warkentin serving with MB Mission in Paraguay. 11 PRAY FOR THOSE WITH HEALTH CONCERNS Walt Letkeman Renee Barrett Curtis Albright Debbie Bracewell Gloria Hiebert Please pray for those who are dealing with ongoing struggles in their lives - whether it be illness, spiritual battles, the loss of a loved one, or financial difficulties. Pray that God provides them with comfort, patience, endurance and strength in their daily lives. OUR PASTORS: Lead: ! ! Adults: !! Youth: !! Worship:!! Kids:! ! Art Birch - [email protected] Darren Petker - [email protected] Craig Thiessen - [email protected] Dave Rodda - [email protected] Merri Ellen Giesbrecht - [email protected] OUR ELDERS: Michael Blouin: Property Liaison, Discernment Team Bryan Born: Elder At Large Ron Isaak: Moderator, Reconciliation Team, Human Resources Team Barry Jackson: Assistant Moderator, Policy & Procedure Update Vic Martens: Secretary, Encore Liaison Dale Regier: Finance Liaison Dave Rosborough: Policy & Procedure Update, Community Connections Liaison PRAYER CHAIN: Doreen Froese Clara Senek and Frieda Neufeld
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