Exhibition policy, rules and regulations 2015

Exhibition policy, rules and regulations 2015
The Exhibition policy rules and regulations are an appendix to the
Booking Form signed to book your stand for the British Dental
Conference and Exhibition 2015. Full logistical and technical
information will be supplied in the online Exhibitor Manual to be
released in December 2014. By signing the Booking Form you are
agreeing to be governed by the terms contained within this document.
1. Definitions
In these regulations the term ‘Exhibition’ in all cases refers to the
Trade Exhibition being held as part of the British Dental
Conference and Exhibition 2015 to be held in Manchester.
The term ‘Exhibitor’ includes any person, firm or corporation and
its employees or agents to whom space has been allocated for the
purpose of exhibiting at the Exhibition.
The term ‘Sponsor’ includes any person, firm or corporation and
its employees or agents that has entered into an agreement to
purchase a sponsorship package from the organisers. Although
elements of the event are available for sponsorship without being
part of a full sponsorship package only those who have purchased
either a Silver, Gold, Platinum or Diamond sponsorship can refer
to themselves as sponsors of the overall event.
The term ‘Organisers’ means the British Dental Association.
The term ‘Premises’ refers to those portions of Manchester
Central Convention Complex, which are licensed to the
The term ‘Event’ refers to the British Dental Conference and
Exhibition 2015 to be held 7 – 9 May 2015 at Manchester Central
Convention Complex, Manchester and includes the build-up day –
6 May 2015.
5. Audio-visual demonstrations and sound producing equipment
Exhibitors using such equipment must not cause a nuisance to
exhibitors on adjacent stands nor locate their equipment such that
there is an obstruction in the gangways.
Exhibitors creating such problems must comply with the resetting or
modulation of such equipment if required to do so by the Organiser.
Demonstration speakers must be located as close to the centre of
the stand as possible on island sites or at the back of the stand on
closed sites.
The Organiser reserves the right to require fringe activities (e.g.
private lunches or award ceremonies) to take place at a separate
venue under BDA control or be organised by the BDA.
6. Cancellation
2. Advertising materials, circulars and promotions
Literature may be distributed from stands only and must not be
placed in any other areas, except by specific prior arrangement
with the Organisers.
Stand staff may not stand outside their stand area to distribute
literature, except by specific prior arrangement with the
Prize draws and raffles will not be permitted without permission
from the Organisers.
The sale, distribution or use of gas filled balloons must be
approved by the BDA and Manchester Central Convention
Complex and must be weighted down. Exhibitors will be liable for
any costs incurred by balloons being drawn into units or
make every effort to notify exhibitors before the event). On the day
of the event stands may be renumbered. Where companies have
booked more than one stand, the stands will be combined and the
lowest stand number will be used.
The Organisers reserve the right to refuse any booking or prohibit
any exhibit without assigning any reason for such refusal or
prohibition and to change stand allocations or plans if necessary.
An Exhibitor may not, except by express written permission of the
Organisers, display directly or indirectly, advertise or give credit to
any products other than his own or those of his named principals.
An Exhibitor may not, unless by express permission of the
Organisers, present a fellow exhibitors product in a negative light.
Should Exhibitors be forced to cancel or reduce their promotional
opportunity or stand space they should confirm in writing.
Cancellations received up-to 30 days from the date of the invoice
will not be charged.
Cancellations received more than 30 days after the date of an
exhibitors invoice - the Exhibitor is liable for 100% of the cost. The
Organisers will endeavour to re-let the stand space, if they are able
to do so then the exhibitor will only be liable to pay 100% of the
stand deposit (40% of full stand price).
Exhibitors booking their promotional opportunity or stand space after
the 9 January 2015 are liable for 100% of the cost if cancellation is
required. The Organisers will endeavour to re-let the stand space, if
they are able to do so then the exhibitor will only be liable to pay
100% of the stand deposit (40% of full stand price).
Sponsors are unable to cancel their sponsorship of any event once
logos have been printed on promotional literature and in this
situation will be liable for 100% of the agreed cost.
3. Animals
7. Catering arrangements
Animals shall not be admitted to the exhibition except guide dogs
of registered blind or deaf persons.
4. Booking stand space
Applications should be made using the official form that can be
found in the Promotional opportunities brochure or downloaded
from the event website. This should be returned to the BDA as
soon as possible. A deposit of 40% of the total stand rental is due
within 30 days of the BDA receiving the booking form. If the
booking is made after 9 January 2015, when full payment is
No stand booking will be confirmed unless the deposit is paid in
Full payment for booked stand space must be received and
banked before entry to the exhibition will be permitted.
No stand will be confirmed and included in any promotional
literature until the Booking Form has been signed by both the
Exhibitor and the Organiser and returned to the BDA.
Stands will be allocated on a strictly first-come, first-served basis.
Adjoining stands may be taken in combination (subject to BDA
agreement and availability).
Notification of stand number(s) allocated will be advised as soon
as possible after application. (If these change the Organisers will
Delegate teas, coffees and lunches will be served throughout the
venue in the catering areas as marked on the exhibition floor plan.
Lunch is not included with exhibitor passes. Each exhibiting
company will receive a number of refreshment vouchers which can
be exchanged for tea, coffee or soft drinks in the exhibition hall. Tea
and coffee is also provided free of charge in the Exhibitor Lounge.
The official caterers at Manchester Central Convention Complex
have the sole right to provide food and drink for consumption on
stands. Except by written permission of caterers, no company or
individual may bring food or drink into the exhibition hall for
distribution or sale. Information will be provided in the exhibitor
manual regarding organising stand catering.
If you are providing catering on your stand please make yourself
aware of the following regulations: Food Safety Act 1990, Food
Safety Regulations 1995, Food Safety Standards for Exhibitors.
8. Dangerous exhibits/substances/machinery
Exhibitors must notify the Organisers in the first instance and
Manchester Central Convention Complex in writing when a
potentially dangerous exhibit or working demonstration involving
substances of a dangerous, explosive or objectionable nature
(including x-ray machines) is being considered. The provisions of
the COSHH Regulations 1989 must be recognised when
substances that may be considered hazardous to health are being
All machinery and other apparatus intended to be operated must
be fitted with guards or other means of protection to the
satisfaction of Manchester Central Convention Complex, the BDA
and the relevant authorities.
Exhibitors may not commence installation before the time
nominated, unless otherwise agreed by the Organisers.
All machinery/apparatus must only be operated by persons
authorised by the exhibitor and shall not be left running in the
absence of such a person.
Appropriate risk assessment and/or method statements must be
forwarded to the BDA at least 21 days prior to the event.
Laser products – any person demonstrating or using laser
products must: a) comply at all times with the relevant British
Standard on “radiation products of laser safety” and the
Installation Safety Assessment as per HSG 95 (Radiation Safety
of Lasers Used For Display Purposes) for the operation of lasers
at any show b) at least five weeks prior to the first day of the event
submit to Manchester Central Convention Complex for approval
full details of the equipment that will be used c) provide suitable
fire extinguishers and warning notices addressing the public of the
proposed use of lasers.
13. Infringement of ‘Exhibition policy, rules and regulations’
No delivery or service vehicle will be allowed into the exhibition
hall whilst it is open to the public.
Exhibits and similar materials shall only be delivered and
unpacked at times when the public is not being admitted to the
Manchester Central Convention Complex do not permit deliveries
to the premises of exhibits; stand fitting or any other materials
required for the staging of an Event prior to the day of your stand
build-up, which is Wednesday 6 May 2015 for the majority of
All deliveries will need to be signed for by the storage
representative of the Organisers or by Exhibitors directly. The
BDA and Manchester Central Convention Complex do not accept
responsibility for boxes that go missing after delivery – Exhibitors
must endeavour to be on-site to accept their deliveries and ensure
they are sent to the correct stand number.
Deliveries of pre-booked and paid for ‘delegate bag inserts’ must
be delivered to Manchester Central Convention Complex between
9am and 12 noon on Tuesday 5 May 2015. Inserts delivered after
this time may not be inserted into delegate bags and no refund will
be given. Please mark all deliveries clearly for the attention of the
BDA Events team.
10. Entering other exhibitors’ stands
Exhibitors may not enter the stands of other exhibitors (especially
outside exhibition hours) except when expressly requested or
permitted to do so by the stand holder. Event badges must be
worn at all times.
11. Fire prevention
Fitted fire extinguishers are distributed around the exhibition hall
and must remain visible at all times.
The Organisers must notify the relevant Licensing Authority of any
chemicals or plastics to be used in displays or demonstrations and
Exhibitors should send details of any they intend to use so that
approval can be granted.
All materials used as decorative drapes must be flame proofed.
Infringement of the British Dental Association’s ‘Exhibition policy,
rules and regulations’ will render the exhibitor(s) concerned liable for
the removal of offending exhibits, the closure of their stand and/or
the requirement that the offending activity cease and will endanger
their participation in future BDA exhibitions.
14. Installation of exhibits
9. Deliveries
All exhibitors are expected to comply with all relevant legislation with
a special focus on any relevant legislation relating to dentistry. They
should also look to any relevant BDA advice and comply with that in
word and spirit.
The Organiser will endeavour to prevent any unauthorised use of
the exhibition facilities by non-exhibitors. Exhibitors who believe that
such activity may be taking place should bring the matter to the
attention of the Organiser who will investigate and take any
necessary action.
Manchester Central Convention Complex will be open to Exhibitors
for installation of exhibits from 08.30 on Wednesday 6 May 2015.
All stands must be ready by 19.00 on Wednesday 6 May 2015
unless a time extension is agreed by the BDA.
Exhibitors will be advised in good time of the delivery schedule and
marshalling arrangements for transport bringing goods to the
Manchester Central Convention Complex.
The Organisers will endeavour to adhere to the nominated date and
time for the commencement of Exhibitors’ work but will accept no
responsibility for any costs, expenses or claims arising from any
variation to such date and time.
No load in excess of 5 tons per square metre shall be placed on the
floor of the exhibition hall and no vehicle having an axle load in
excess of 20 tons shall be brought into the hall.
All vehicles entering the service bays must conform with the
instructions given by Manchester Central Convention Complex
Loading and unloading may only be carried out in designated areas
clear of the public highway. Neither the BDA nor Manchester Central
Convention Complex can authorise vehicles to wait or unload in
contravention of local road traffic regulations.
All loading/unloading vehicles should clearly display the
loading/unloading passes issued.
When unloading has been completed vehicles must be removed
from the service yards. Those remaining shall be parked in the area
designated for that purpose and as directed by Manchester Central
Convention Complex staff. All private cars shall be parked as
directed by Manchester Central Convention Complex staff when
loading and unloading. Vehicles parked in contravention of the
written or verbal instructions of the Manchester Central Convention
Complex are liable to have wheel clamps applied.
15. Insurance
Exhibitors are required to insure their legal liability for an indemnity
of sufficient amount, depending on the nature of their exhibit, but not
less than £1,000,000. Particular attention is also drawn to the need
for insurance on the following:
Abandonment insurance
Exhibitors can see from paragraph 18 that the Organisers are not
obliged to return monies paid for space in the event of cancellation
or restriction of the Exhibition.
12. General conditions
Stands, fixtures and similar insurance
All risks on loss or damage to Exhibitors’ property, fixtures, fittings
and all other property of similar nature, such as personal effects of
directors, principals and employees whilst on the Premises and
transit risks from Exhibitors’ premises to the Exhibition and the
return journey.
The Organisers will be responsible for the control of the Exhibition
area. Exhibitors are responsible for the supervision of their own
The decision of the Organisers is final and decisive on any
matters whether included in these regulations or not.
In the event of unforeseen circumstances, the programme may
change and the BDA reserves the right to cancel or alter the
venue, programme and/or speakers.
Any food items, gifts and give-aways being given out on stands
should be offered in the context of the exhibition being a dental
Public liability
Liability to the Public may arise out of the Exhibitor’s activities and
should be covered by insurance.
16. Legislation
Products, which are subject to the UK Medicines Act or other
relevant legislation, may not be exhibited unless a licence has
been granted or applied for, and all packaging, advertising and
display conform to such legislation. Products under licence
application may only be exhibited if accompanied by a notice
stating that the product is not for sale pending the granting of a
licence. Exhibitors should be aware of the requirements of the
Medical Devices Directive of 14 June 1993, in particular Article 4,
paragraph 3, as follows: At trade fairs, exhibitions,
demonstrations, etc. Member States shall not create any obstacle
to the showing of devices that do not conform to the Directive,
provided that a visible sign clearly indicates that such devices
cannot be marked or put into service until they have been made to
17. Liability
Whilst the Organisers will endeavour to protect the Exhibitors’
property while on display at the Exhibition, it must be clearly
understood that the management of Manchester Central
Convention Complex, the Organisers and the Exhibition
Contractor cannot accept liability for loss or damage sustained,
occasioned from any cause whatsoever.
Exhibitors will be responsible for all damage to property and for
any loss or injury to persons caused by them or their agents,
contractors or employees and will indemnify the Organisers
against all claims and expenses arising there from.
In the event of it being found necessary, for whatever reason, that
the Exhibition will be postponed, abandoned or altered in any way
in whole or in part, or if the Organisers find it necessary to change
the dates of the Exhibition, the Organisers will not be liable for any
expenditure, damage or loss incurred by the Exhibitors and will be
entitled to retain such part of all monies paid by the Exhibitors as
the Organisers consider necessary to cover expenses incurred in
connection with the Exhibition.
The Organisers will further not be liable for any loss which the
Exhibitors or Exhibition Contractor may incur owing to the
intervention of any authority, which prevents or restricts the use of
the Premises or any part thereof in any manner whatsoever.
21. Security
The standard charge for stand space in the exhibition hall is £270
per square metre and is subject to VAT at the standard rate.
The subsidised charge for stand space in the exhibition hall (for
companies who pre booked before 1 June 2014) is £250 per
square metre and is subject to VAT at the standard rate.
The balance of payment is due on or before 60 days from the date
of the invoice.
Cheques should be made payable to the British Dental
If the Exhibitor should fail to pay the balance due by the
prescribed date the Organisers reserve the right to cancel the hire
whilst still holding the exhibitor liable for payment of the full cost of
the stand, should re-letting of the space by the Organisers not be
possible. Should the Organisers be able to re-let the space, the
Organisers will retain an administrative charge of 100% of the
20. Removal of exhibits / breakdown
Under no circumstances must exhibits be removed from the stand
until the Exhibition closes at 16.00 on Saturday 9 May 2015.
Movement of any items constitutes a health and safety risk.
Tge BDA regulations stipulate that exhibits and other materials
shall only be delivered, moved and unpacked at times when the
public is not being admitted to the premises. In addition
A modular shell scheme package will be provided for all stands in
the exhibition hall and will include the shell walls, a 5-foot
fluorescent light fitting, a carpet, signwriting to the name panel and
numbering of stands, but not power socket’s. An example depiction
can be found on the online manual or can be supplied on request.
If you do not require a shell scheme please contact Rebecca
Hancock at [email protected] or on 020 7563 4177
Exhibitors may not display exhibits in such a manner as to
obstruct the light or impede or project over gangways or affect the
displays of neighbouring stands.
Gangways must at all times be left clear and free for passage.
Any Exhibitor who continues to cause obstruction or nuisance
after notice has been given, shall be liable to have his/her stand
closed by the Organisers at the Exhibitor’s expense and risk.
Shell scheme specification:
White melamine faced wall panels, 2500mm with matt finished post
and rail frames, throughout, 2.5m high. Fascia to each open side,
300mm deep, aluminium top and bottom rails, infill panel in a loop
nylon fabric. Graphic materials may be affixed by sticky backed
Velcro tabs, Blutack or similar systems. Nails and pins may not be
19. Payment
Manchester Central Convention Complex operate a 24-hour security
service for the premises. The Hall will be locked at the end of each
day. However, Organisers will not accept liability for any loss or
damage to exhibition stands. There will be no security within the Hall
itself and any additional security for overnight would incur extra cost.
22. Shell scheme
18. Obstruction of gangways and open spaces
the vehicle entry doors to the exhibition hall shall only be operated
by the vehicle entry doors to the exhibition hall shall only be
operated by Manchester Central Convention Complex staff and will
not be opened before 16.00 on Saturday 9 May 2015.
The BDA’s and exhibitors’ contractors will not be allowed entry into
the exhibition hall until one hour after the close of the exhibition, i.e.:
by 17.00. This rule was implemented to ensure that exhibition stand
staff can break down and remove products and smaller items from
their stands in a safer environment.
Please ensure travel arrangements for all exhibition stand staff
adhere to the build-up and break down times stipulated. BDA can
accept no responsibility for missed connections due to buildup/break down schedule.
Exhibitors are advised that all items attached to the stands should
be removed before 19.00 on Saturday 9 May 2015.
Any items remaining after 19.00 are left at the Exhibitors’ risk and
may be disposed of. Exhibitors must make their own arrangements
for any pick-up/courier service for their exhibits.
Exhibitors are advised to remain on-site for the collection of their
exhibits as the BDA and Manchester Central Convention Complex
take no responsibility for pick-up of deliveries.
Any special arrangements for installation or removal must be made
in consultation with the Organisers.
All exhibiting companies are responsible for ensuring that their
exhibition staff are informed of and abide by the exhibition policy,
rules and regulations.
23. Stand construction
The Organisers have appointed the following contractor for all shell
scheme construction, furniture hire and electrical work. Joe Manby
Ltd will undertake any additional design and production work and
supply furniture etc.
Joe Manby Ltd
Hookstone Park, Harrogate
North Yorkshire, HG2 7DB
Tel: +44 (0)1423 814 730 Fax: +44 (0)1423 814 760
All exhibitors wishing to build their own stand should send a copy of
the proposed plans together with a copy of your risk
assessment/method statement. Please send to Moira Mackintosh at:
[email protected].
To comply with building regulations, stand structures with raised
platforms over 600mm or over 4m (including the platform) in height
will require approval of the local licensing authority. Exhibitors
should therefore submit copies of a 1:100 scalable technical
drawing, a structural engineers report together with stand
specifications to the local licensing authority at least two months
prior to the event. Please also supply copies to Moira Mackintosh at:
[email protected]
Health and Safety Contractor
Select Services
Chantry House
High Street
Birmingham B46 3BP
Tel: +44(0)1675 433 204 Fax: +44(0)1675 467 097
Any exhibitor wishing to construct a dual-level stand must inform
the BDA prior to the event and a supplemental fee and planning
permission will be required.
24. Storage
Exhibitors must arrange for the removal and storage of any
packing boxes.
Under no circumstances must packing materials of any kind be left
in the aisles, or visible on the stands.
The exhibition storage will be closed from 09.00 until 16.00 on
Saturday 12 April 2014. Exhibitors should not attempt to retrieve
anything from storage until it reopens.
25. Sub-letting
Sub-letting is not permitted. This restriction shall not prevent the
exhibitor being supported by the staff of organisations for which an
agency or distributorship is held.
26. Venue and dates of opening
The 2015 Exhibition will be held at the Manchester Central
Convention Complex, the exhibition will be open at the following
Thursday 7 May 2015
09:30 – 19:00
Friday 8 May 2015
09.30 - 18.30
Saturday 9 May 2015
09.00 - 16.00