I/ITSEC 2015 Save the date! NATIONAL TRAINING AND SIMULATION ASSOCIATION RTEH GE IWSOTR RL DA’ TS I LOANR G IENS TF OM RO DME AL ITN IGO &N S I M U L A T I O N I/ITSEC EVENT INTERSERVICE/INDUSTRY TRAINING, SIMULATION & EDUCATION CONFERENCE F O R G I N G T H E F U T U R E T H R O U G H I N N O VAT I O N e! Sa v e th e Da t No v emb e r 30015 Dec emb e r 4, 2 w w w.ii ts ec.o r g DECEMBER 1-4, 2014 u WWW.IITSEC.ORG u ORLANDO, FLORIDA NATIONAL TRAINING AND SIMULATION ASSOCIATION THE WORLD’S LARGEST MODELING & SIMULATION EVENT CALL FOR PAPERS AND TUTORIALS I/ITSEC 2015 ABSTRACT DEADLINE: 22 FEBRUARY 2015 ON-LINE ABSTRACT SUBMITTAL SUBCOMMITTEES/CATEGORIES • Education • Emerging Concepts & Innovative Technologies • Human Systems Engineering • Policy, Standards, Management & Acquisition • Simulation • Training TUTORIALS Information on core M&S, training, and education topics suitable for management and technical personnel. The submission process for the I/ITSEC Papers and Tutorials coincide. Submittal details will vary slightly, but the milestones will match. Follow the Papers/Tutorials Completion Process for 2015 Abstract Submittal which will be posted in December. http://www.iitsec.org/authors I/ITSEC 2015 Program Chair David Hutchings Raydon Corporation Phone: (407) 346-6852 E-mail: [email protected] I/ITSEC 2015 Tutorial Board Chair Robert Richbourg, Ph.D. Institute for Defense Analyses Phone: (703) 845-2158 E-mail: [email protected] NOVEMBER 30 – DECEMBER 4, 2015 u WWW.IITSEC.ORG u ORLANDO, FLORIDA A NEW I/ITSEC EVENT We all love good thrillers, but the best of these are based on reality, or at least potential reality: those intriguing catastrophic events, either manmade or natural, that are too daunting for most of us to imagine. Black Swan (as in “as rare as a black swan”) is a term coined to describe a high-impact, hard-to-predict event that has a major effect on our world, and in hind-sight seems as though it should have been considered/predicted. Black Swans can be good or bad and sometimes both. At I/ITSEC 2015, NTSA and the I/ITSEC Committee invite participation in a showcase of Black Swan candidates, demonstrating the use of modeling and simulation (M&S) to predict, plan for, and potentially prevent such events or using M&S to respond, recover or mitigate its effects. Due to their extreme nature, most Black Swan events can only be studied in a modeling and simulation environment which is at the heart of the strength of the NTSA membership. Terrorists, pandemics, transportation, electric grids are among potential subjects. What challenge can you imagine, and what M&S analysis or capability do you want to highlight at I/ITSEC 2015? Participating exhibits will be acknowledged with “Black Swan Participant” signage and highlighted during I/ITSEC week. More details to come, but let your M&S fed imaginations start processing! Questions, to volunteer or offer ideas contact: RADM James Robb, USN (Ret) Barbara McDaniel President, NTSA I/ITSEC Coordinator 703 247 2567 or [email protected] 703 247 2539 or [email protected]
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