TO HELP STAFF 2015 APPLICATION OFFICE SPACE LEARN NAMES DATE____________ PLEASE ATTACH ACK._____________ RECENT PHOTO APP._ ____________ MAIL APPLICATION TO: ROB HAMMOND, DIRECTOR, P. O. BOX 289, MENTONE, AL 35984. Camper’s Name _ ____________________________________________________ (_____________________) Name Called Address_____________________________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________________ State ________________ Zip Code________________ Age (as of June 1, 2015) Yrs. __________ Mos. __________ Date of Birth______________________________ Grade he will finish in June, 2015_ ______________________________________________________________ School he is now attending_____________________________________________________________________ Church affiliation_____________________________________________________________________________ Height ________ Weight ________ Shirt Size ❏ ym ❏ ylg ❏ as ❏ am ❏ al ❏ axl ❏ axxl Special request concerning cabin mates (deadline for any changes June 1): 1. ____________________________________________ 2. ___________-________________________________ Occupation of Parent(s) _______________________________________________________________________ Home Phone__________________________________ Business Phone ________________________________ Cell Phone_____________________________ Parent E-Mail _________________________________________ I hereby make application for enrollment of my son at Camp Laney for the period checked below. A registration fee of $500 is required. An additional $500 payment must be made by February 1, 2015. Registration fee and February payment will be deducted from the total camp fee. The balance is to be paid in full by May 1, 2015. Please make check payable to: Camp Laney, Inc. CHECK PERIOD DESIRED — 2015 SEASON JUNIOR CAMP – BOYS FINISHING 1ST, 2ND OR 3RD GRADE (Ages 7 - 9) $1,600.00 —A— ❏ JUNIOR CAMP — SUNDAY, JUNE 7 – SATURDAY, JUNE 13 —B— ❏ JUNIOR CAMP — SUNDAY, JUNE 21 – SATURDAY, JUNE 27 BOYS 7 - 14 (COMPLETED 1ST - 8TH GRADE) $3,000.00 ❏ FIRST SESSION SUNDAY, JUNE 7 – FRIDAY, JUNE 19 ❏ SECOND SESSION SUNDAY, JUNE 21 – FRIDAY, JULY 3 ❏ THIRD SESSION SUNDAY, JULY 5 – FRIDAY, JULY 17 ❏ FOURTH SESSION SUNDAY, JULY 19 – FRIDAY, JULY 31 Parents, please indicate below how you would like for your name to appear on our camp mailing list. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ (over) I selected Camp Laney through the influence of__________________________________________________ Does your child have any dietary restrictions?___________________________________________________ Are there any special circumstances concerning your child of which the staff needs to be aware?_______ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ What is the main thing you wish for your son to gain through his camping experience?_______________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Brothers (names and ages)_________________________ Sisters (names and ages) _____________________ Is there any activity in which he is not to participate?_____________________________________________ Please tell us if parents are divorced, separated, or if either parent is deceased._______________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Can boy swim?______________________________________________________________________________ Other camps attended:_ ______________________________________________________________________ This will be my son’s ______________ year at Camp Laney. The following parents might be interested in Camp Laney for their sons. (Please list with complete address): 1. _________________________________________________________________________________________ City St. Zip 1. _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________________________ City St. Zip 2. _________________________________________________________________________________________ References for new campers: 1. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Representative or person recommending camp ___________________________________________________________________________________________ By signing this application, I give my consent for the camp to use photos and videos taken of my son while at Camp Laney to be used for promotional materials (brochures, website, powerpoint presentations, DVDs). Names will NOT accompany photos. Also, by signing this application, I recognize that there are inherent and inevitable risks, both physical and emotional, in the camp experience. I also recognize that even though Camp Laney, Inc. has taken measures to minimize the risk of injury to camp participants, it cannot guarantee that the participants, equipment, premises and/or activities will be free of hazards, accidents, and/or injuries. Furthermore, I agree that any dispute between Camp Laney, Inc., its owners, officers, directors, employees, contractors, volunteers and me, or by me on behalf of my minor child named on this application shall be governed by the substantive laws of the State of Alabama, and the proper jurisdiction and venue for dispute shall be the District or Circuit Court of Dekalb County, Alabama. Parent or Guardian__________________________________________________________________________ (SIGNATURE REQUIRED) 2015 DATES Junior Camp (boys finishing 1st, 2nd or 3rd grade) Sunday, June 7 – Saturday, June 13 Sunday, June 21 – Saturday, June 27 Our 57th Season 2015 General Information ADMISSION Boys 7-14 First Session - Sunday, June 7 – Friday, June 19 Second Session - Sunday, June 21 – Friday, July 3 Third Session - Sunday, July 5 – Friday, July 17 Fourth Session - Sunday, July 19 – Friday, July 31 Camp Laney accepts boys of good character of any race, creed, ethnic, or national origin. For a camper to participate in all aspects of the Camp Laney program, he should: (1) Enthusiastically want to go to overnight camp, rather than feeling persuaded; (2) Independently meet his personal needs, such as changing and bathing; (3) Effectively interact in group situations (games, teams, cabin living); and (4) Easily understand and willingly follow safety instructions. The director must approve all applications. A registration fee of $500 is required. Checks should be made payable to Camp Laney, Inc. Camp Laney also accepts American Express/Discover/Visa/MasterCard payments. The registration fee is deducted from the total camp fee. An additional $500 payment must be made by February 1, 2015. The balance of the fee is to be paid by May 1, 2015. No deduction is allowed for late arrival, withdrawal (including for homesickness), or dismissal. If cancellation is made before June 1, all fees are returned except a $50 processing fee. After June 1, half of the camp fee will be returned. However, the forfeited portion of the tuition can be applied to the following season if the camper attends. Families sending more than one camper to Camp Laney will receive a 10% discount for each camper. Possession of firearms, the use of alcohol, non-prescription drugs, or tobacco in any form is not permitted at Camp Laney. Violation of this policy will result in dismissal from the camp. The director reserves the right to dismiss any boy, or refuse admission to any applicant whose presence, in his opinion, would be detrimental to the best interest of Camp Laney. CAMP FEE The camp fee is all inclusive and covers daily activities, laundry once per two-week session, camp photo, rappelling (boys finishing 6th grade), rock climbing (boys finishing 7th and 8th grade), $25 Laney Store credit, daily canteen costs, and all out of camp trips. Out of camp trips are for two-week campers and are: Campers finishing 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grade – Tennessee Aquarium Tour/ Imax, Rock City; Campers finishing 4th or 5th grade – Nantahala River rafting trip; Campers who are 12 years old and up – Ocoee River rafting trip; Campers finishing 8th grade have the choice of the Ocoee River trip or a “Duckie” trip on the Nantahala River. SPENDING MONEY Part of the camp fee is a $25.00 Laney Store Credit. The credit is used at the camp store. The store carries stamps, stationery, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, Frisbees, Laney paracord bracelets, batteries, etc. Camp Laney clothing is sold only on opening and closing day. **No additional spending money is required on opening day. CABIN MATE REQUESTS We try to honor cabin mate requests if grade level and age allow, and if the parents of both campers request it. It is good for a camper to be in a cabin with one or two friends, but we want to avoid cabins made up of boys all from one town. This does not allow the boys to branch out and make new friends. Cabin mate requests should be made in writing on the application. All cabin mate requests must be received by June 1. NO PACKAGE POLICY Camp Laney has a no package policy. Please send letters only in a #10 envelope or smaller. No food items will be delivered. This also applies to items dropped off at the mail room on opening day. Please notify friends and family of this policy. Packages, oversized envelopes, padded envelopes will be returned to sender and/or given back at the end of camp. An exception to the policy is made for birthdays celebrated at camp. If your son has forgotten an essential item and you are sending it, please notify us at [email protected]. VISITING We prefer that parents and friends see the camp and meet the staff on opening and closing day of each session. Visiting while camp is in session can be disruptive, and in some cases, may cause the camper to have to “readjust” to being separated from home and family. TELEPHONE & FAX Camp Laney’s telephone number is 256-634-4066. Fax is 256-634-4098. We discourage phone calls to campers. If you must talk with your son, call through the camp director at 256-634-4066. Campers are not allowed to use the telephone unassisted. However, in rare instances (such as illness, family emergency, or persistent homesickness), the camp director may bring campers to the phone. Campers are NOT allowed to bring cell phones to camp. Please limit your calls concerning transportation and administrative matters to the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CDT. MAILING ADDRESS, UPS/FEDEX ADDRESS, AND E-MAIL ADDRESS Mailing address: Camp Laney, P. O. Box 289, Mentone, AL 35984 UPS/FEDEX Address: Camp Laney, 916 West River Road, Mentone, AL 35984 E-mail address (winter): [email protected] LAUNDRY Laundry will be sent out once during the two-week sessions. It will not be sent out during the one-week sessions. Laundry usually takes one day to return. MARKING AND PACKING Uniforms are NOT required at Camp Laney. Campers should be equipped with serviceable but inexpensive clothing. Old clothes are great for camp. Every article of clothing must be marked with name tapes or laundry marker. No article will be sent to laundry unless it is plainly marked. VALUABLES Expensive cameras, watches, and jewelry should be left at home. DO NOT leave extra CASH with your camper. WHAT TO BRING Following is a suggestion list of what to bring to camp. Remember that this is only a suggestion list. Send what you think your child will need during the session he is in camp. TWO-WEEK SESSION ONE-WEEK SESSION 2 pairs long pants or blue jeans for riding 2 pairs long pants or blue jeans for riding 6 pairs play shorts 5 pairs of play shorts (any color) 8 pairs underwear 8 pairs of underwear 12 pairs socks (white preferred) 6 pairs of socks 8 T-shirts 6 T-shirts 1 knit shirt (for dance) Jacket or fleece 1 jacket or fleece 2 bathing suits 2 bathing suits Pajamas 2 pairs pajamas (or whatever he sleeps in) 2 pairs tennis shoes (old ones fine) 4 sheets (for single bed - 2 flats, 2 fitted) 1 pair flip-flops, Crocs, or Tevas (for pool/shower) 2 blankets Raincoat or poncho 2 pairs tennis shoes Laundry bag 1 pair flip-flops, Tevas, or Crocs 4 bath towels 8 medium bath towels Wash cloth 2 wash cloths 2 sheets (for single bed - 1 flat, 1 fitted) 2 pillow cases 1 pillow case 1 pillow 2 blankets Sleeping bag, if desired 1 pillow Plastic drinking cup Sleeping bag, if desired Toothbrush and toothpaste Drinking cup Soap case and soap Toothbrush and toothpaste 2 laundry bags (one to send laundry in and one Soap and soap case for dirty clothes) Shampoo Shampoo Flashlight Raincoat or poncho Baseball glove (camp can provide) Flashlight Tennis racquet (camp can provide) Tennis racquet (racquets and balls are Insect repellent provided at camp) Baseball glove (need not bring other baseball equipment) Insect repellent Optional items for both sessions: Canteen, books, comics, and/or playing cards. *Riding boots or hiking boots (shoes with a heel) are ideal for horseback but not mandatory. * PLEASE DO NOT BRING ELECTRONIC DEVICES TO CAMP LANEY. THIS INCLUDES SUCH ITEMS AS MP3 PLAYERS, CELL PHONES, COMPUTERS, TABLETS (iPAD), KINDLES, AND VIDEO GAMES.
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