2015 Poster Abstract - New Mexico Breastfeeding Task Force

Innovative Approaches
to Lactation Management
March 4-7, 2015*
Albuquerque, NM
We are soliciting abstracts for posters from the breastfeeding community for
consideration in the 2015 NMBTF Innovative Approaches to Lactation Management
Conference in Albuquerque, NM.
Poster sessions will be presented on March 5-6, 2015*.
Have you developed a creative initiative, conducted new or interesting research or
instituted an evidence-based best practice in your organization or community to
remove barriers to breastfeeding? We want to hear about it!
Please consider submitting an abstract to present or share your expertise, research or
innovation in our poster session. All conference attendees are encouraged to apply.
The mission of the New Mexico Breastfeeding Task Force is to improve the health of New Mexico
families by creating supportive environments in which breastfeeding is the cultural norm. Through
education, advocacy, and partner engagement, we work to increase breastfeeding rates so more mothers
and babies experience the health and bonding benefits of breastfeeding.
March 5-6, 2015 – Albuquerque, NM
NAME:(contact person) ____________________________________ CREDENTIALS/TITLE:___________________
Co-Presenter- Name, Title, and Credentials _________________________________________________________
ORGANIZATION: ______________________________________________________________________________
Nunc cursus magna quis
ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________________________
CITY:______________________________________ STATE:______________________ Zip: ________________
EMAIL:_______________________________________________________ (If there is more than one submitter, list
the email address of the primary contact. )
PHONE:_____________________________________________ Fax: ____________________________________
 Topic of Poster Presentation
 Baby Friendly Communities
 Baby-Friendly Hospitals
 Breastfeeding in Public
 Breastfeeding and Returning to School
 Breastfeeding and Returning to Work
 Community Mobilization
 Equity and Reducing Health Disparities
 IBCLC Core Competencies and Skill Development
 Lactation Support and Navigating the Affordable Care Act
 Research
 Support Groups
 Media/Promotion
 Peer Counseling
 Sustainability and Funding Streams for Breastfeeding Promotion and Support
Other ___________________________________________________
Remember our Target Audience: Lactation Consultants, Nurses, Midwives, Peer Counselors, Childbirth
Educators, Doulas, Physicians, Community Advocates, Students and Mothers.
Poster Presentation Title:
Poster Abstract: (200 words or less)
Poster Session
Submission Process
We encourage abstracts on a variety of breastfeeding topics geared towards this year’s focus that align with
the conference goals of:
1. Help professionals to develop innovative strategies to for lactation management.
2. Developing strategies decrease breastfeeding disparities in communities of color.
3. Understanding the connection between breastfeeding and medications.
4. Creating support to help families overcome breastfeeding challenges.
What is a Poster?
A poster is a board presentation using text, graphs, charts, and pictures to present the highpoints of a
subject matter. The poster presentation provides an opportunity to acquaint the attendee with the
fundamentals of your program, special project, or study analysis. It should be designed to attract the
attention of attendees, quickly acquainting them with the main points of your topic, and encouraging them to
learn more.
Do not submit an abstract unless you know that you or a co-author, or a co-researcher will be
present for the poster session. Posters are put on display for attendees’ viewing from March 5, 2015
through March 6, 2015. Presenters are required to be at their posters and available for questions during
specified times. Posters should be within a 4ft X 8ft. wide parameter. Electrical outlets will not be available.
A maximum of two people may present a poster. Presenters will be responsible for their own travel and all
expenses related to their presentation. No audiovisual equipment can be accommodated. You are
responsible for bringing the poster with you to the conference.
Visit: http://www.ncsu.edu/project/posters/index.html for more information on how to create an effective
What is an abstract?
An abstract is a brief (200 words or less) narrative of your poster presentation. It should contain enough
information so your audience understands the basic information you want to convey. It may include why you
took on the initiative, what factors to consider when conducting a specific activity, and project outcomes that
resulted in improvements. All of the accepted abstracts will be included in the conference program book.
Please include 2-3 learning objectives. Learning objectives describe what the audience will be able to do
once they have viewed your poster – what they will take away and be able to implement.
How to submit an abstract for a poster
Send your abstracts to [email protected] with the subject line: “Poster Abstract” by January 7, 2015 by
5:00pm. We will notify all submitters via e-mail of acceptance or non-acceptance by February 1, 2015. No
late submissions will be accepted.
Poster Abstract Author Requirements and Required Documents
All poster abstracts must convey relevance to the New Mexico Breastfeeding Task Force’s mission and
values. Notification of acceptance or regrets will be delivered via email to the Primary
Author of each poster abstract by the first week of February 2015. The decision of reviewers is final.
All Primary and Co-authors are required to sign Release and Disclosure documents.
Release and Disclosure documents certify: the material is original; does not copy or otherwise infringe on
the copyright or other proprietary rights of another party; that the author has participated sufficiently
in developing the work in order to take public responsibility for the content (in the case of
multiple poster author/presenters, all should certify this aspect).
Please assure that all email addresses and phone numbers for both Primary and Co-authors are
accurate. This is the sole means of communication from NMBFTF regarding your poster abstract(s).
Should any email addresses or phone numbers change prior to submission deadline, please provide the
If NMBFTF does not receive all requested information by published deadlines, the poster may be withdrawn
from submission.
Factors that will be considered during selection are:
• Interest to our audience.
• Contribution to knowledge, practice, and policies of lactation support and management.
• Presentation of innovative strategies to increase breastfeeding rates in marginalized communities.
• Compliant with the World Health Organizations International Code of Marketing Breastmilk
Substitutes Code.
• Clarity of abstract.
Will the New Mexico Breastfeeding Task Force pay for me to attend the Conference?
Unfortunately, we are not able to offer complimentary tuition for our poster presenters. However, all poster
participants will be able to attend at the discounted Early Bird price of $265.00.
Only poster submissions of New Mexico Breastfeeding Task Force members will be considered. To
submit an application for membership please visit the following link:
What is the timeline for poster session submission?
September 1, 2014: Abstract portal open.
January 7, 2015: Submission deadline.
February 1, 2015: E-mail notification of acceptance.
March 4-7, 2015: New Mexico Breastfeeding Task Force 21st Annual Advanced Practices in
Lactation Conference: Innovative Approaches to Lactation Management
CONTACT: Jessica Riggs at (505) 310-2323 or via email: [email protected] for more information.