Happy New Year!!! - Normandy Park Oaks

January 2015
Board of Directors:
Rob Tolley
[email protected]
Executive Vice President
in Charge of Maintenance:
JT Lyons
[email protected]
David Werner
[email protected]
727 501-4201
Joanne Egnor
[email protected]
Les Rhodenizer
[email protected]
Bernie Barrett
[email protected]
Terry Fowler
[email protected]
Contact Webmaster:
Richard Bowhall
[email protected]
2015 Condo “Chatter”
Happy New Year!!!
Normandy Park Resident News
Dine Around
In December we will be dining at:
E & E Stakeout Grill
100 North Indian Rocks Rd,
Belleair Bluffs, FL
Phone: (727) 585-6399
Hope you'll join us on Thursday,
January 8th at 4:30 pm at E & E Stakeout Grill.
Remember to contact Ginny Baricko (443-5795) to
make a reservation.
January Dine Around is Ginny’s last time to schedule a
Dine-Out. We need another Volunteer to handle at least
a few months. Please call either Ginny or Barbara
McIntyre (460-8095).
Christmas Dinner
Thank You Les & Joan Rhodenizer for a GREAT
Christmas Dinner! Over 30 residents and Guests came
to enjoy Turkey/Ham Mash Potatoes with all the fixins!
Everyone enjoyed the meal and all the different deserts.
Many of the deserts were brought by our residents!
Les & Joan have put on this Christmas Dinner for several
years now, they do a wonderful job!
Submitted by Diana Bowhall
**Deadline for the February
issue is January 25th **
Joan and Les Rhodenizer want to thank everyone who
attended the annual Normandy Park Christmas Dinner,
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2015 Condo “Chatter”
especially all those who contributed the many scrumptious desserts, Gerri Barron for
her tasty ham, Diana Bowhall for the lovely table decorations as well as carving the
turkey and indispensable help, Jim for the coffee (which I heard was really good this
year) and pouring the wine, and Barbara for her individual ambrosias. "Til next
Submitted by Joan & Les Rhodenizer
From your Recreation Committee
The recreation committee wishes to thank everyone for their participation
in the breakfasts and dinners here at Normandy Park Oaks.
Remember, everyone is welcome to serve on the committee which meets
the first Monday of each month at 10:00 A.M.
Upcoming Events & Information
Trash and Treasure Sale date to be announced for 2015.
The following have been planned for January, February, and March:
January 10 Breakfast
January 24 Meet and Greet Dinner [FREE!]
February 14 Breakfast
February 28 Pizza Party
March. 14 Breakfast
March 21 Corned Beef Dinner
Your Normandy Park Oaks Recreation Committee:
Gail Nichols, Diana Bowhall, Barb McIntyre, Joann Egnor, John Philkill
and Patt Thackrah
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January 2015
Joan Rhodenizer
John Genaro
Clifford Stowell
Beverly Anderson
2015 Condo “Chatter”
Alison Wilkinson
Gary Swan
Gain Nichols
Barbara McIntyre
Notes from your Condo President…
Our Executive Vice President in charge of maintenance has been checking attics to
insure that the roof drain system is properly secured. We have had a couple cases of
pipe joints pulling apart recently. He is about half way through with his inspections. JT
has compiled a list of areas needing attention.
There has been two separate occasions of pipes leaking and flooding an entire
condo. One was under a kitchen sink and the other under a bathroom sink. The latest
was in Building 1418. Thankfully no damage was report/found in adjoining condos but
what a tragedy for the owners of the flooded units. If you haven't inspected your water
lines lately, it may be something to consider.
It was reported that an outside spigot was leaking. Action has been initiated to
repair the leak. Thanks for watching out for those types of things and reporting them.
The old document shredder died. Joanne, our Association's Secretary, has ordered a
new one for our office.
Building 1449 #6 had a roof leak repaired.
A possible leak in the wall of a unit in Building 1411 was investigated. No new
moisture was found. JT will keep an eye on it.
A possible new leak in the roof of the Club House was report. Ben has been
notified. It will be inspected ASAP.
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2015 Condo “Chatter”
A few inspiring quotes..
To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often. Winston Churchill
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor
Only those who risk going to far can possibly find out how far one can go. T. S. Elliott
Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you will land among the stars. Les Brown
Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now
and make a brand new ending. Unknown
On the lighter side..
• Never pull away from the gasoline pump ... with the hose still in the tank.
• Watch more television … it IS the "window into the world", right?
• Stop procrastinating ... I think I just might start next month.
• Enjoy the sweeter side of life … M&Ms, Hershey kisses, and cheesecake and...
• Gain some weight …I think I caught a glimpse of one of my ribs in the mirror
• Read something this year ... other than the comics.
Thoughts to ponder.. Maybe pick one or two to put into
practice in the New Year.
 Spend quality time with friends and family, in person or on the phone, at least
once a week.
 Take time to write down and express gratitude for the positive things happening
in your life.
 Communicate mindfully -- practice speaking in a way that is honest, helpful, yet
doesn't offend or hurt others.
 Reflect on all the small and big ways in which people are helping you.
 Feel joy for another's success even if it is the same success you were hoping for.
From December 28th article in Huffington Post by Gadadhara Pandit Dasa.
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January 2015
2015 Condo “Chatter”
Having maintenance issues? Please contact:
Ben Commons, CMCA, AMS
Leading Edge C.A.M.
901 North Hercules Ave Suite A
Clearwater, FL 33765
(727) 461-9770 Accounting Office
(727) 461-9775 Office Fax
(727) 403-0307 after hours
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