January 2015 Newsletter

Independent School District 279
Osseo Area Schools
North View International Baccalaureate World School
News From North View
Diana Bledsoe, Principal
Scott Huffman, Assistant Principal
Jamil Payton, Assistant Principal
Mike Loberg, Administrative Assistant
Jamie Oliver, Administrative Assistant
Cultivating Scholarship, Virtue and Excellence in a Global Community
Principal’s Message
Important Dates
Hello to all of our parents and guardians,
Dec 24-Jan 2 - Winter Break - NO SCHOOL
I would like to first thank our students, families and staff for a great first
trimester of the school year. Besides all of the impressive work happening
inside the classroom, we saw a lot of great things happening throughout
the school community. Many of our students recently participated in the
“Mother Bear” community service project and were able to assist a local
non-profit organization dedicated to providing comfort and hope to
children, primarily those affected by HIV/AIDS in emerging nations, by
giving them a gift of love in the form of hand-knit and crocheted bears.
School Resumes after Winter Break
Junior High Honor Band @ MGJH 8:30-4:30
Hmong/Latino Parent Community
Engagement Night 5:00-6:30 pm
Zero Tardy Party 1:20 pm
12-16 OLPA Math Tests
Culture Celebration Night 6:00-9:00 pm
NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Mid Tri II Reports Sent Home
22&26 High School Registration for Current 8th
& 9 Grade Students
Parent/Teacher Conferences
2:30 - 6:30 pm -- Arena
9th Gr. Choir @ PCSH Choir Festival 7:30
Parent/Teacher Conferences
2:30 - 6:30 pm -- Classroom
NO SCHOOL - Licensed Staff Workshop
Hmong/Latino Parent Community
Engagement Night 5:00-6:30 pm
5&6 7th Grade Registration for 2015-16
9,10 ACCESS Test (EL Students)
School Dance 2:10-3:40 pm
NO SCHOOL - Conference Release Day
NO SCHOOL - Presidents’ Day
Student Stakeholders Survey
NVJH Choirs Concert 7:00 pm
NVJH Orchestra Concert 7:00 pm
Black History Celebration Show 7:00-9:00
We also had many students in attendance at this year’s “We Day”
extravaganza. Students were able to participate in a stadium-sized
educational and empowerment event that brings young people together
with world leaders and entertainers to celebrate their ability to create
change and to inspire another year of community service action in the
participants. I cannot wait to see what the rest of the year has in store for
Two things to note as the school year continues. First winter conferences
are right around the corner. Please plan to attend on either January 22 nd
or January 27th from 2:30 until 6:30 pm. In addition to meeting with your
student’s teachers, eighth and ninth grade families, will be able to meet
with Park Center Senior High administrators on January 22nd at 5:30 pm
to discuss your students upcoming transition to high school. I would
strongly encourage you to attend this information session as this is an
excellent opportunity to have many of your student transition questions
Secondly, our students will be receiving their district issued iPads on
December 15th. As a building we are very excited to include these digital
learning devices in our classrooms. We will be able to use this technology
to engage students in new and exciting ways, while providing them with a
personalized learning environment that can be accessed during the school
day and after school hours.
Lastly I would like to celebrate our staff. At any time of the day or night,
and even on weekends, you can drive past the school and see the hardworking, dedicated staff here at North View Junior High. Many of them put
in countless hours of planning and preparation, grading and research to
make sure they are providing the best education possible for your children.
I am proud of the staff that we have here at North View Junior High, and I
am so grateful to work with them each and every day.
Best Regards,
Diana Bledsoe
North View Junior High-Ball Tournament 2:10-3:40 pm
NVJH Band Concert 7:00 pm
Hmong/Latino Parent Community
Engagement Night 5:00-6:30 pm
NO SCHOOL for Students - Mark Reporting
Family Dance 7:00-10:00 pm
Talent Show for Students 2:10-3:40 pm
Families 7:00-9:00 pm
Last Day of School before Spring Break
30-Apr 3 NO SCHOOL - Spring Break
School Resumes after Spring Break
Hmong/Latino Parent Community
Engagement Night 5:00-6:30 pm
Honor Roll Celebration
NO SCHOOL - Licensed Staff Workshop
North View to become a middle school next year
As part of the school district’s overall change to PreK/K-5, 6-8, and 9-12 grade spans, North View will become a grade
6-8 middle school next year. The middle school model offers new opportunities to meet the developmental and academic needs of students in grades 6-8.
Two key characteristics of middle schools are:
 Grade-level interdisciplinary teams for instruction in math, science, social studies, and language arts (“house
model” in which a team of teachers works with the same group of students), and
 Daily advisory with structured curriculum around college/career planning, social/emotional learning, and aca-
demic oversight.
Next year’s 8th graders will be ready to welcome incoming 6th and 7th graders and help them transition to their new
school. We’re providing leadership training to current 7th graders who will serve as WEB leaders next year and we
know they’ll do a great job.
Another important change for North View students is that our school day will run from 8:10 am to 2:40 pm, matching
the other middle schools in our district.
The above changes will take place in a way that supports our International Baccalaureate program, which will remain
our school’s focus.
Other planning highlights:
 The Middle Level Design team is recommending that each middle school offer a modified eight-period day that
allows for two exploratory/elective classes (specific course options will be determined in January) with flexibility
within the six remaining periods to offer four core classes plus advisory and lunch.
 In January, the Middle Level team will recommend how best to deliver gifted/talented services.
 In high school, 9 graders will be able to take any elective course for which they qualify.
 High schools will offer HP US History and AP Human Geography.
 Maple Grove and Park Center will offer the traditional science course sequence; Osseo Senior High will offer a
“dual track” option for 9th grade next year, allowing students to start in either Physical Science 9 or Physics 9.
 All three high schools will offer four lunch periods; Maple Grove is keeping its modified block schedule and Park
Center and Osseo are considering potential changes to their daily schedules.
 All three high schools are planning transition activities to welcome incoming 9 and 10 graders.
You can read about the planning in much greater detail on the school district website, www.district279.org.
Hmong/Latino Parent Community Engagement Night
Please join NVJH Bilingual Assistants, Kou Vang and Vania Soria Soria Galvarro, on the following dates at
NVJH from 5:00 - 6:30 pm.
December 3, 2014
January 7, 2015
February 4, 2015
March 4, 2015
April 8, 2015
May 6, 2015
Parent/Teacher conferences will be held on the following dates:
Thursday, January 22, 2015 - Arena
Tuesday, January 27, 2015 - Classroom
Thursday, April 23, 2015 - Classroom
Volunteer at NVJH!
If you are interested in volunteering at North View Junior High please contact Kay Evers
at 763-585-7243. We have many volunteer opportunities available at North View. You
can find our Volunteer application on the North View Web Site or stop in at the school
and pick one up in the main office.
We look forward to having you volunteer at North View Junior High!
Music Events
January 7
 Junior
High Honor Band at MGJH Auditorium 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
January 26
9th Grade Choir at PCSH Choir Festival 7:30 pm
February 19
Choirs Concert - 7:00 pm @ NVJH
February 23
 District
279 Band-o-Rama 7:00 pm @ OSH
February 24
 District
Junior High Orchestras Festival 7:30 pm @ OJH
February 26
Orchestra Concert 7:00 pm @ NVJH
March 3
Band Solo & Ensemble Evening @ NVJH
Culture Celebration Night
January 16, 2015 6:00-9:00 pm
Come celebrate our student’s cultures through Dance, Song, Art and MORE.
Take a trip around the world you won’t forget!
Bring your families and enjoy!
Valentine Day School Dance
A Valentine’s Day dance will be held after school on February 12, 2015
from 2:00 - 3:40 pm. Tickets will be sold during lunches the week
before the dance.
NVJH students and families are invited to come and celebrate
at our
“Black History Celebration Show”
February 27, 2015
7:00 - 9:00 pm
NVJH Family Dance Night
March 20, 2015
7:00 - 10:00 pm
Students will bring the parent/guardian of their choice to be their date at our first ANNUAL
Family Dance. A professional photographer will be here to take pictures!
March 26, 2015
For Staff & Students 2:10 - 3:40 pm
For NVJH Families 7:00 - 9:00 pm
May 28, 2015
7:00 - 8:00 PM
Ninth Grade Presidential Academic Awards*,
Seventh and Eighth Grade
Outstanding Academic Achievement Awards*,
IB Learner Profile Awards,
Outstanding Math and Reading Growth Awards,
After School Programs
*This honors night is in recognition of your child’s outstanding academic achievement in maintaining a 3.667 grade point
average throughout the year. We look forward to having you join us as we recognize our students who have excelled
at North View Junior High.
The IB Learner Profile
As an IB School, North View Jr. High works to inspire and prepare all students with the confidence, courage, and competence
to achieve their dreams; contribute to community; and engage in a lifetime of learning.
IB (International Baccalaureate) programs promote the education of the whole person, emphasizing intellectual, personal, emotional and social growth of each student. The intended outcome is to develop internationally minded students that will continue
to engage in learning throughout their lifetime and to become active, responsible citizens.
The IB learner profile is not intended to be a model of a perfect student; rather it can be considered to be a map of a lifelong
journey in pursuit of international-mindedness. The following definitions are paraphrased to be more student friendly.
Learner Profile Trait
Student-friendly language
I love to learn new skills and new ideas. I like to ask questions to learn more.
I strive to learn more about my community and the world. I can show what I know in
different situations and subjects.
I think deeply before making a decision and taking action.
I like to share my ideas. I can cooperate well with others. I communicate well in different ways and languages.
I am fair and respectful to others. I take responsibility for my own actions.
I respect others. I strive to learn more and understand diversity. I appreciate my
own culture and the culture of others.
I respect others and strive to understand and help them. I care about my community
and take action to make it better.
I am courageous. I am willing to try something new. I am not afraid to learn new
I balance life and school. I know how to use my time wisely to prepare myself for
the future. I am active and take care of myself.
I look back at my work and actions to understand how I am progressing and make
(Portions of this article were taken from the IB learner profile booklet, January 2009)
News from the Counseling Department
 Janell Leisen - Grade 7
 Shanna Schroeder - Grade 8
 Amanda Shemon - Grade 9
Course Registration for 2015-2016
In January and February, all current North View students will register for 2015-2016 courses. Counselors will meet with students
during their science classes according to the schedule below to explain course offerings and the registration process. Students
will take home a registration handbook as well as a registration form that needs to be signed by a parent/guardian and
returned by the date indicated on the form. Please take time to carefully consider course choices for next school year with your
student, as all course selections are final. Please contact your child’s counselor if you have any questions about courses or the
registration process.
7th grade:
Registration handbooks/forms sent home February 5 & 6
Registration forms due back to science teachers February 9
8th & 9th grade:
Registration presentations and forms sent home from OSH and PCSH counselors on January 22
Senior high counselors return to answer questions, collect forms, and verify course selections January 26
Senior high registration conferences
(Parents/guardians and student should plan to attend. Conferences are located at senior high buildings)
January 27 & 29, 3:30-7:30 pm
February 3 & 4, 5:00-8:00 pm
February 5, 3:15-7:30 pm
MCA Tests – Mark Your Calendars!
Please note that 2015 MCA testing will begin in January.
All students need to be in attendance (plan any travels accordingly)
All students need to be to school on time
Encourage your student to give their best effort!
2015 - Test Date
January 12 - 16
7th & 8th grade Math OLPA (online)
April 13 - 17
April 20 - 24
8th grade MCA Science test (online) during science class
7th & 8th grade MCA Reading
April 27 - May 1
7th & 8th grade MCA Math (online) during math class
Other Upcoming Testing Dates:
February 9 & 10
May 11 - 15
May 18 - 22
ACCESS test (EL students)
NWEA/MAP Reading tests (all 7th - 8th students, some 9th grade)
NWEA/MAP Math tests (all 7th - 8th students, some 9th grade)
You can put money into your account
Every Day at 7:10 AM / OR Before Your Students Lunch
Place Checks In The Box On The Wall
Questions, Call Pat or Jayne at 763-585-7246
Osseo Area Schools offers parents/guardians access to SchoolView, an online service that provides parents the opportunity to go online and find information about their child’s academic performance, schedule, attendance, and transportation. Users are able to view current academic progress reports and to subscribe to an email alert system that will automatically send an email when your child is absent. In addition, parents may use SchoolView to update their phone numbers
and email address.
You can initiate a SchoolView account by picking up registration materials in the Counseling Office. A parent or legal
guardian must go to the office and present one of the following forms of personal identification to school personnel:
A valid driver’s license; or
A valid state identification card; or
A valid passport
When you pick up your SchoolView registration materials, you will be asked to sign and date an Acceptable Use Policy
before receiving your SchoolView access key. This access key allows you to set up your SchoolView account so you can
gain access to your child’s information. Once you activate your account, you will have 24 hour access to attendance, current term schedule, and academic performance. Due to data privacy, we are unable to mail your secure access key.
To access SchoolView registration, use the SchoolView drop down menu on the North View IB World School web site.
During the first month of school, students will be given a SchoolView access key and taught how to sign on to SchoolView.
Students will be expected to periodically review their academic progress via SchoolView, which is accessible from any internet connected computer. (Student access is not as broad as parent access, so please do not share your current
SchoolView access key with your student).
If you have questions or would like to sign up for SchoolView, please call the counseling secretary at 585-7215.
Many parents have signed up to receive an email alert when your student is absent from class. Please remember to follow the
protocol for follow up: first, talk to your student to find out if he or she was late to class. Then, check attendance again the following day. In most cases, the absence will have been changed to a tardy. If the absence is still recorded, call the teacher.
When our attendance clerk is absent, the data necessary to keep accurate records will not be entered into the system until she
returns. This may trigger a phone call from our automated system. Again, please first talk with your student to find out if he or
she was late. Then, check attendance the following day. If the absence has not been cleared, please call our attendance clerk
at 763-585-7250.
In order to register your student/athlete you will need to access your Parent School View account*; go to
Fee Pay; select the sport/activity that your student would like to sign up for and complete the form, making
sure you complete the “check-out” process so the student is added to the roster. Keep in mind, your student
must have a current physical on file if signing up for a sport and he/she must not have any outstanding fines.
*If you do not have a Parent School View account, go to your student’s school to receive the access codes to
create that account.
For additional information on registering with Fee Pay go to http://www.district279.org/i-want-to/registeractivities
!!! NVJH 2014-2015 YEARBOOK !!!
NVJH’s yearbook will have FULL COLOR photos and memories from the 2014-2015 school year.
Yearbooks can be purchased in two formats, soft or hard cover. The price for a soft cover is $17.00,
and a hard cover is $23.95. Each student who purchases online will have the option to design two
custom pages for free.
Yearbooks can be purchased at http://goo.gl/ie937m
Cape Cod
NVJH students along with OJH and MGJH students interested in going to Boston, Salem, Cape Cod, Plymouth and Lexington over
spring break 2015, please contact Ms. Duncan., room 249. Information about the trip and fundraising options will be available.
Ms. Duncan may also be reached by calling 763-585-7200, ext. 86249 or email [email protected].
Box Tops for Education & Nickels for School
The Family and Consumer Sciences Department is collecting box tops for education and milk caps from gallon-size bottles of
Kemps and Land O’Lakes milk. Please clip and bring/send box top coupons from participating General Mills and Pillsbury products. There is a collection can on the counter in the main office for box top coupons and milk caps. You can also earn points for
our school when you shop online. Start your online shopping trip at Boxtops4education.com and shop through the links found in
the Box Top Marketplace. There are over 175 of your favorite stores including Target, JC Penney and Lands’ End.
NVJH Attendance Number: ................................................................... 763-585-7250
Please call this number when reporting your child’s absence from school or late
arrival to school.
NVJH Office .............................................................................................................................. 763-585-7200
NVJH Fax .................................................................................................................................. 763-585-7210
First Student Transportation ................................................................................................... 763-421-5785
District Transportation ............................................................................................................ 763-391-7244
Educational Service Center ..................................................................................................... 763-391-7000
Ms. Diana Bledsoe– Principal ................................................................................... 763-585-7200, ext. 450
Mr. Jamil Payton – Assistant Principal ..................................................................... 763-585-7200, ext. 188
Mr. Scott Huffman – Assistant Principal .................................................................. 763-585-7200, ext. 184
Mr. Mike Loberg – Administrative Assistant ............................................................ 763-585-7200, ext. 172
Mr. Jamie Oliver – Administration Assistant ............................................................ 763-585-7200, ext. 187
Ms. Janell Leisen – Counselor - Grade 7 ................................................................................ 763-585-7217
Ms. Shanna Schroeder – Counselor - Grade 8 ........................................................................ 763-585-7214
Ms. Amanda Shemon– Counselor - Grade 9 ......................................................................... 763-585-7213
Mr. Kurt Carlson IB – Coordinator........................................................................................... 763-585-7227
Ms. Andrea Lyons – NVJH Social Worker ................................................................................ 763-585-7252
Special Education Office – Ms. Kristen Myers (Special Ed Building Coord) ............................ 763-585-7221
Health Specialist’s Office – Ms. Pam Hyde .............................................................................. 763-585-7206
Contributors: Diana Bledsoe, Pam Hyde, Pat Walberg, Dawn Christensen,
Counseling Office, Tracy Reischl and District 279 Publications Staff