How to Look up Student Attendance

How to Look up Student Attendance
Option 1: Use this report to see one student’s attendance information.
1) Choose a student by searching or selecting them from the Roster under Instruction.
2) Click on the attendance tab for the student.
3) Today’s attendance shows up by period on the right. (Great place to see if the student
missed only your class for upper grades.)
4) Term attendance to-date shows up on the left. Check out the “T” column for a current
count of absences and/or tardies.
5) The absence/tardy counts for this course are displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Term totals
This class
See back of page for more info 
Option 2: Use this report to see an entire class’s attendance information counts.
1) Under the Instruction section, expand your reports. Locate the Attendance Summary.
2) Click Generate Report to run for this class.
3) Note the columns for Total absent and total tardy.
(CAG and CCHS will see two semesters here. Elementary and middle will need to
navigate to homeroom and will see a row for all four quarters.)
Option 3: Use this report to see which days a student was absent or tardy.
Warning: Might want to grab your glasses for this one.
1) Under the Instruction section, expand your reports. Locate the Attendance Register.
2) Choose the term, and click Generate Report to run for this class.
Note: Question marks stand for absences that have not been identified as excused or