SPRING Catalog_2015

Southern Nevada Regional Professional
Development Program
2014-2015 Professional Development Catalog
Table of Contents
Page #
Spring 2015 Science Class Schedule
Page 2
Elementary School Science Course Descriptions
Page 3
Middle School Science Certificate Program Overview - MSSCP
Page 4
Middle School Science Course Descriptions
Page 5-6
High School Science Certificate Program Overview - HSSCP
Page 7
High School Science Course Descriptions
Page 8-9
 RPDP Elementary School Science Courses are open only to those currently
teaching in a K-5 classroom.
 RPDP Middle School Science Courses are open to teachers currently teaching
in elementary or middle schools. Elementary teachers are highly encouraged
to enroll in the RPDP Middle School Science Courses. These classes will enrich
and strengthen science content understandings.
 RPDP High School Science Courses are open only to licensed secondary
To register for these and ALL RPDP classes use the following guidance:
If you are already in the UNLV system (i.e. possess an NSHE ID) visit My UNLV at
Enter the class number provided on the class schedule for the course you want to enroll today!
---OR--For teachers who need to complete the Non-Degree Seeking Application to be coded as an RPDP
student and be assigned an NHSE ID (and qualify for the $75/credit reduced fee) visit
For further information, contact Bret Sibley via email at [email protected]
SNRPDP SCIENCE Graduate-Credit Course Schedule for Spring 2015
The following SCIENCE classes are being offered for the UNLV Spring 2015 semester and currently open for enrollment at the
greatly reduced graduate-credit rate of $75/credit (normal UNLV graduate-credit rate is ~$300/credit)! All classes are offered in
a blended format, consisting of face to face and online sessions. To access the complete Science K-12 Course Catalog visit
Steps to Getting Started:
Complete the SNRPDP Science Course Interest Form: http://bit.ly/14MgEc5
Have an NSHE ID # and already coded as "RPDP"? Move to step 3
Complete the UNLV one-time $30 Non-degree seeking application, RPDP How To Register guidance: http://www.rpdp.net/registration.html
Log onto MYUNLV (LINK) --> Student Center --> Enroll (Under the "Academics" heading)
Enter the 5-digit Class Number, then follow the directions, and complete UNLV payment.
Attend the first class for course information.
High School Science Course Schedule
Middle School Science Course Schedule
RPDP HSSCP Literacy and Assessment
UNLV: SCI 650B: Hi Sch Sci Cont:Area Lit, Class # 28868
RPDP MSSCP Life Science for MS Teachers (Sem 2)
UNLV: SCI 630C: Mid Sch Sci Life Sci 1b, Class # 28864
Course Location: GVHS, Room #905
Mon: 4:30 – 8:30 pm, Feb 2, 9, 16, 23; Mar 2, 9, 16, 23
Instructor: Bret Sibley
2 Graduate Credits, $150.00
RPDP HSSCP Biology I for HS Teachers (Sem 2)
UNLV: SCI 650D: Hi Sch Sci Cont: Bio 1b, Class # 28869
Course Location: Desert Oasis High School, Room #1000
Tues: 4:30 – 8:30 pm, Feb 3, 10, 17, 24; Mar 3, 10, 17, 24; April 7, 14, 21, 28
^Two field trips are planned and will be discussed on Feb 3rd
Instructor: Abigail Nowak
3 Graduate Credits, $225.00
RPDP MSSCP Physical Science for MS Teachers (Sem 2)
UNLV: SCI 630E: Mid Sch Sci Phys Sci 1b, Class # 28865
Course Location: Desert Oasis High School, Room #1000
Tues: 4:30 – 8:30 pm, Feb 3, 10, 17, 24; Mar 3, 10, 17, 24; April 7, 14, 21, 28
^Two field trips are planned and will be discussed on Feb 3rd
Instructor: Abigail Nowak & Cheryl DeWitt
3 Graduate Credits, $225.00
Course Location: ECTA, Room #305
Wed: 4:30 – 8:30 pm, Feb 4, 11, 18, 25; Mar 4, 11, 18, 25; April 8, 15, 22, 29
Instructor: Christopher Smith
3 Graduate Credits, $225.00
RPDP HSSCP Earth Science for HS Teachers (Sem 2)
UNLV: SCI 650F: Hi Sch Sci: Earth Sci 1b , Class # 28870
RPDP MSSCP Earth Science for MS Teachers (Sem 2)
UNLV: SCI 630G: Mid Sch Sci Earth Sci 1b, Class # 28866
Course Location: Green Valley High School, Room #913
Thurs: 4:30 – 8:30 pm, Feb 5, 12, 19, 26; Mar 5, 12, 19, 26; April 9, 16, 23, 30
^Two field trips are planned and will be discussed on Feb 5th
Instructor: Kris Carroll
3 Graduate Credits, $225.00
Course Location: Green Valley High School, Room #913
Thurs: 4:30 – 8:30 pm, Feb 5, 12, 19, 26; Mar 5, 12, 19, 26; April 9, 16, 23, 30
^Two field trips are planned and will be discussed on Feb 5th
Instructor: Kris Carroll
3 Graduate Credits, $225.00
RPDP HSSCP Chemistry I for HS Teachers (Sem 2)
UNLV: SCI 650H: Hi Sch Sci Cont: Chemistry 1b , Class # 28942
Elementary School Science Course Schedule
Course Location: ECTA, Room #305
Wed: 4:30 – 8:30 pm, Feb 4, 11, 18, 25; Mar 4, 11, 18, 25; April 8, 15, 22, 29
Instructor: Christopher Smith
3 Graduate Credits, $225.00
RPDP K-2 Science
UNLV: RPDP 553A: Science K-2, Class # 28858
Course Location: Staton ES, Room #46
Thurs: 4:30 – 8:30 pm, Feb 5, 12, 19, 26; Mar 5, 12, 19, 26; April 9, 16, 23, 30
Instructor: Stacy Cohen
3 Graduate Credits, $225.00
RPDP 3-5 Science
UNLV: RPDP 553B: Science 3-5, Class # 28859
Course Location: Staton ES, Room #46
Thurs: 4:30 – 8:30 pm, Feb 5, 12, 19, 26; Mar 5, 12, 19, 26; April 9, 16, 23, 30
Instructor: Stacy Cohen
3 Graduate Credits, $225.00
Physical Science for Elementary Teachers
UNLV: RPDP 556G: Phy Sci for El Teachers, Class # 28860
Course Location: Staton ES, Room #46
Wed: 4:30 – 8:30 pm, Mar 4, 11, 18, 25
Instructor: Teri Mann
1 Graduate Credit, $75.00
RPDP Science Integration
UNLV: SCI 630H: Science Integration, Class # 28867
For more information, contact
Bret Sibley via email at [email protected]
Course Location: Escobedo MS, Room #712
Tues: 4:30 – 8:30 pm, Feb 10, 17, 24; Mar 3, 10, 17, 24; April 7
Instructor: Ivy Nelson
2 Graduate Credits, $150.00
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RPDP K-2 Science – 3 credits
Are you looking for a way to add depth to your science curriculum? This three-credit course which is open to
Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade teachers explores the Nevada Academic Content Standards in science through
the lens of inexpensive yet effective science labs and activities. Participants will walk away with new resources,
ideas for engineering implementation, pedagogy, and integration strategies for science into everyday curriculum.
UNLV RPDP 553A: K-2 Science
(Offered during Spring 2015 Semester)
RPDP 3-5 Science – 3 credits
Are you looking for a way to add depth to your science curriculum? This three-credit course which is open to
teachers of grades 3, 4, or 5 explores the Nevada Academic Content Standards in science through the lens of
inexpensive yet effective science labs and activities. Participants will walk away with new resources, ideas for
engineering implementation, pedagogy, and integration strategies for science into everyday curriculum.
UNLV RPDP 553B: 3-5 Science
(Offered during Spring 2015 Semester)
RPDP Physical Science for Elementary Teachers – 1 credit
Using the Nevada State Academic Science Standards as a lens for understanding physical science, this course will
enhance and support teacher content knowledge by using familiar pedagogical practices applied to understanding
physical science principles. The core areas of study include: Motion and Stability, Energy, Waves and Matter and its
interactions. A portion of the course will focus on examination of the FOSS kits used in elementary schools.
Furthermore, this course will help elementary teachers develop an awareness and knowledge of the state Nevada
State Academic ELA and Mathematics Standards that are relevant to the Nevada State Academic Science
UNLV RPDP 556G: Phy Sci for El Teach
(Offered during Spring 2015 Semester)
RPDP Science Integration – 2 credits
This two credit class is about taking the Nevada Academic Content Standards for Science, ELA and math to the next
level. This class will focus on science instruction through the integration of ELA and math standards. Participants
will leave this course with a basic foundation of the Next Generation Science Standards that will become our
NVACSS for the next school year. Participants will also learn how to maximize classroom instruction time through
teaching science integration.
UNLV SCI 630H: Special Topics: Science Integration
(Offered during Spring 2015 Semester)
515 W. Cheyenne, Suite D
North Las Vegas, NV 89030
January 2015
(702) 799-3835
FAX (702) 799-3821
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This sixteen-credit program is comprised of five content courses and one laboratory and process skills
course. The program addresses major topics in the middle school curriculum and builds teacher content
knowledge while incorporating pedagogical material. Each course includes modeling Components of an
Effective Lesson, Teacher Expectancies, scientific inquiry, connections to other science courses and
disciplines, hands-on activities, interactive learning, and participation in a balanced delivery of
instruction. This program is open to elementary teachers and middle school science teachers. For more
information please see http://rpdp.net/adm/show.php?type=science&cat=140&lvl=Middle+School.
Required course for the MSSCP
RPDP MSSCP Laboratory and Process Skills – 1 credit
This one-credit course addresses the Nevada Scientific Inquiry Standards and the skills and processes needed by
middle school science teachers for organizing and maintaining an effective and safe laboratory environment.
Strategies for teaching students to collect, record, and evaluate data obtained in laboratory investigations will be
UNLV SCI 630A: Lab and Process Skills
Participants must complete any 5 of these 6 classes for the MSSCP
RPDP MSSCP Life Science for MS Teachers (Sem. 1) – 3 credits
This three-credit course will follow the first semester benchmark sequence for the currently adopted Clark County
School District course syllabus for Science 6 with supplements from the NV Science Content Standards. This
semester course focuses on understanding the living systems on Earth. Teachers will use scientific processes,
including inquiry, to build understandings of the interactions between living and non-living things. Major topics
include; Science Processes and Skills, Structure of Life, Microbes, and Cells.
UNLV SCI 630B: Life Science IA
(Note: only offered in fall semester)
515 W. Cheyenne, Suite D
North Las Vegas, NV 89030
January 2015
(702) 799-3835
FAX (702) 799-3821
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RPDP MSSCP Life Science for MS Teachers (Sem. 2) – 3 credits
This three-credit course follows the second semester benchmark sequence for the currently adopted Clark County
School District course syllabus for Science 6 with supplements from the NV Science Content Standards. Teachers
will participate in an activity-oriented course, which utilizes a variety of teaching strategies including cooperative
learning, the writing process, vocabulary building, use of technology, and interdisciplinary instruction. Major topics
include; Cells, Genetics, Classification, Environment, and Evolution.
UNLV SCI 630C: Life Science IB
(Note: only offered in spring semester)
RPDP MSSCP Physical Science for MS Teachers (Sem. 1) – 3 credits
This three-credit course will follow the first semester benchmark sequence for the currently adopted Clark County
School District course syllabus for Science 8 with supplements from the NV Science Content Standards. This
semester course focuses on the physical science explanations that extend understandings developed in previous
science courses. Teachers will use scientific processes, protocols, and tools, including inquiry, to build
understanding of structures, patterns, and relationships explained through the physical sciences. Major topics
include; Waves (Light and Sound), and Motion and Forces.
UNLV SCI 630D: Physical Science IA
(Note: only offered in fall semester)
RPDP MSSCP Physical Science for MS Teachers (Sem. 2) – 3 credits
This three-credit course will follow the second semester benchmark sequence for the currently adopted Clark
County School District course syllabus for Science 8 with supplements from the NV Science Content Standards. This
semester course is designed to provide teachers with practice in the use of scientific processes, including inquiry,
to build understanding of structures, patterns, and relationships explained through the physical sciences. Activities
and applications will provide the foundation for instruction in major topics including; Atomic Structure, Matter,
Energy, and Waves. Technological applications and career opportunities will be provided as an integral part of
UNLV SCI 630E: Physical Science IB
(Note: only offered in spring semester)
RPDP MSSCP Earth Science for MS Teachers (Sem. 1) – 3 credits
This three-credit course will follow the first semester benchmark sequence for the currently adopted Clark County
School District course syllabus for Science 7 with supplements from the NV Science Content Standards. Teachers
will use scientific processes, including inquiry, to build understanding of Earth’s structure and place in the Solar
System, atmospheric processes, and composition of matter. Critical thinking, collaboration, accuracy, and
communication skills will be practiced as students extend their scientific literacy. Field and laboratory experiences
are to be an integral part of the course. Major topics include; Plate Tectonics, Constructive and Destructive Forces,
Rocks, Minerals, Fossils, and Soil.
UNLV SCI 630F: Earth Science IA
(Note: only offered in fall semester)
RPDP MSSCP Earth Science for MS Teachers (Sem. 2) – 3 credits
This three-credit course will follow the second semester benchmark sequence for the currently adopted Clark County
School District course syllabus for Science 7 with supplements from the NV Science Content Standards. This semester
course is designed to provide teachers with general concepts of Earth, environmental, and space science through a
hands-on, inquiry driven approach to research, experimentation and problem solving. The course will present
fundamental concepts of ecology, geology, hydrology, meteorology, and astronomy, and their applications related to
career opportunities. Environmental issues will also be addressed. Field and laboratory experiences are to be an
integral part of the course. Major topics include; Atmosphere, Water Cycle, Meteorology, and Astronomy.
UNLV SCI 630G: Earth Science IB
(Note: only offered in spring semester)
515 W. Cheyenne, Suite D
North Las Vegas, NV 89030
January 2015
(702) 799-3835
FAX (702) 799-3821
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Technology in Science Lab Part I – 1 credit
This one-credit course will focus on the integration of probeware into science laboratory investigations.
Instruction will include using TI-84+ graphing calculators, data collection devices, and sensors and probes to
perform a range of traditional science experiments in; Physics, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Biology, using
current technologies for data collection, analyzing, and reporting.
UNLV SCI 630 H: Technology in Science Lab Part I
(Note: only offered in fall semester)
Technology in Science Lab Part II – 1 credit
This one-credit course will build upon the techniques presented in the Technology in Science Part I course.
Instruction will include using computers and handheld devices (e.g. LabPro, LabQuest), with sensors and probes to
perform a range of traditional science experiments in Physics, Chemistry, Earth Science and Biology, using current
technologies for data collection, analyzing, and reporting. The Science Writing Heuristic model for laboratory
write-ups will be emphasized throughout this course.
UNLV SCI 630 H: Technology in Science Lab Part II
(Note: only offered in fall semester)
515 W. Cheyenne, Suite D
North Las Vegas, NV 89030
January 2015
(702) 799-3835
FAX (702) 799-3821
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High School Science Certificate Program (HSSCP) Overview
This sixteen-credit program is comprised of five content courses and one laboratory and process skills
course. The program addresses major topics in the high school curriculum and builds teacher content
knowledge while incorporating pedagogical material. Each course includes modeling Components of an
Effective Lesson, Teacher Expectancies, scientific inquiry, connections to other science courses and
disciplines, hands-on activities, interactive learning, and participation in a balanced delivery of
instruction. This program is open to secondary licensed teachers.
For more information please see http://rpdp.net/adm/show.php?type=science&cat=139&lvl=High+School
Required courses for the HSSCP
RPDP HSSCP Laboratory Safety and Science Process – 1 credit
This one-credit course addresses the Nevada Science Scientific Inquiry 9-12 Standards, as well as the skills, safety
concerns, and processes needed by high school science teachers for organizing and maintaining an effective and
safe laboratory environment and for teaching students to collect, record, and evaluate data obtained in laboratory
UNLV SCI 650A: Lab Safety and Science Process
515 W. Cheyenne, Suite D
North Las Vegas, NV 89030
January 2015
(702) 799-3835
FAX (702) 799-3821
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RPDP HSSCP Literacy and Assessment – 2 credits
This two-credit course addresses development of assessment items for the high school science classroom and
literacy techniques that teachers can use with their students to increase literacy in the science content area.
UNLV SCI 650B: Content Area Literacy
(Note: only offered in spring semester)
RDPD Advanced Placement Mini-Course – 1 credit
This requirement of the High School Science Certificate Program is accomplished by participation in the Silver State
Advanced Placement Summer Institute (SSAPSI) which takes place of four day in June each year. Information
related to this institute including; conference registration, conference schedule, and science offerings can be
(Note: only offered in June during summer session)
accessed at http://silverstateap.net.
Conference credit is through UNLV with details at http://silverstateap.net/credit.html.
Elective courses: Complete any four (4) of the following eight (8) three-credit
classes for the HSSCP
RPDP HSSCP Biology I for HS Teachers (Sem. 1) – 3 credits
This first semester of the one-year biology course is designed to survey the biological sciences. The emphasis is on
developing inquiry skills and problem-solving techniques, nature of science, chemistry of life, cellular biology, cell
transport, cell energy, cell cycle, molecular genetics and laws of genetics. Students will study both biology content
and the pedagogy of teaching high school biology.
UNLV SCI 650C: Biology IA
(Note: only offered in fall semester)
RPDP HSSCP Biology I for HS Teachers (Sem. 2) – 3 credits
This second semester of the one-year biology course is designed as a survey of the biological sciences. The
emphasis is on developing inquiry skills and problem-solving techniques, nature of science, evolution and diversity,
human biology, taxonomy and classification and ecology. The course will also familiarize the student with the
influences and interrelated nature of science and technology in contemporary society.
UNLV SCI 650D: Biology IB
(Note: only offered in spring semester)
RPDP HSSCP Earth Science for HS Teachers (Sem. 1) – 3 credits
This first semester of the one-year high school Earth Science course is designed to integrate the scientific principles
related to the Earth and its environment. Topics included are matter and energy, Earth chemistry, Earth history,
Earth resources and environment, weathering and soil and erosion and depositional systems. Scientific
methodology and the metric system will be integrated throughout the course. Demonstrations and/or lab
experiences will be an integral part of instruction.
UNLV SCI 650E: Earth Science IA
(Note: only offered in fall semester)
RPDP HSSCP Earth Science for HS Teachers (Sem. 2) – 3 credits
This second semester of the one-year high school Earth Science course is designed to integrate the scientific
principles related to the Earth and its environment. Topics included are Topography, Structural Forces, Astronomy,
Meteorology, and Oceanography. Scientific methodology and the metric system will be integrated throughout the
course. Demonstrations and/or lab experiences will be an integral part of instruction.
UNLV SCI 650F: Earth Science IB
(Note: only offered in spring semester)
515 W. Cheyenne, Suite D
North Las Vegas, NV 89030
January 2015
(702) 799-3835
FAX (702) 799-3821
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RPDP HSSCP Chemistry I for HS Teachers (Sem. 1) – 3 credits
This course is the first semester of Chemistry 1. Topics included are mathematics of chemistry, safety, laboratory
procedures, elements-compounds-mixtures, atomic theory and structure, structure and organization of the
periodic table, mole concept, chemical bonding, nomenclature, and chemical equations. Science, Technology, and
Society (STS) Issues will be an integral part of this course. Additional topics may include history of chemistry,
biochemistry, qualitative chemistry, and research projects.
UNLV SCI 650G: Chemistry IA
(Note: only offered in fall semester)
RPDP HSSCP Chemistry I for HS Teachers (Sem. 2) – 3 credits
This course is the second semester of Chemistry I. Topics included are stoichiometry, gases, liquids, and solids,
solutions, thermodynamics, kinetics, equilibrium, electrochemistry, organic chemistry, nuclear chemistry,
chemistry and the environment and acids, bases, and salts. Safety and laboratory procedures will be an integral
part of this course. The mathematics of chemistry will be used throughout this course.
UNLV SCI 650H: Chemistry IB
(Note: only offered in spring semester)
RPDP HSSCP Physics I for HS Teachers (Sem. 1) – 3 credits
This course is the first semester of Physics I. Topics included are laboratory procedures, mathematics review,
safety, kinematics, dynamics, and energy. Physics is a course that informs students about the basic relationships of
forces, motion, and the different forms of energy. Demonstrations and/or lab experiences will be an integral part
of this course.
UNLV SCI 650J: Physics IA
(Not offered during the 2014-2015 school year)
RPDP HSSCP Physics I for HS Teachers (Sem. 2) – 3 credits
This course is the second semester of Physics I. Topics included are laboratory procedures, waves, electricity, and
magnetism. Physics is a course that informs students about the basic relationships of forces, motion, and the
different forms of energy. Demonstrations and/or lab experiences will be an integral part of this course.
UNLV SCI 650K: Physics IB
(Not offered during the 2014-2015 school year)
Technology in Science Lab Part I – 1 credit
This one-credit course will focus on the integration of probeware into science laboratory investigations.
Instruction will include using TI-84+ graphing calculators, data collection devices, and sensors and probes to
perform a range of traditional science experiments in; Physics, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Biology, using
current technologies for data collection, analyzing, and reporting.
UNLV SCI 630H Section TBD: Technology in Science Lab Part I
(Note: only offered in fall semester)
Technology in Science Lab Part II – 1 credit
This one-credit course will build upon the techniques presented in the Technology in Science Part I course.
Instruction will include using computers and handheld devices (e.g. LabPro, LabQuest), with sensors and probes to
perform a range of traditional science experiments in Physics, Chemistry, Earth Science and Biology, using current
technologies for data collection, analyzing, and reporting. The Science Writing Heuristic model for laboratory
write-ups will be emphasized throughout this course.
UNLV SCI 630H Section TBD: Technology in Science Lab Part II
(Note: only offered in fall semester)
515 W. Cheyenne, Suite D
North Las Vegas, NV 89030
January 2015
(702) 799-3835
FAX (702) 799-3821