Registration Packet Saturday, December 13th University of Nevada, Las Vegas Campus CONNECT TO UNLV DECA GREETINGS NEVADA DECA, It is with great honor and enthusiasm that we formally invite your chapter to the first Nevada DECA Competition Academy hosted by the UNLV Collegiate DECA chapter. Since our chapter was founded many high school alumni, current members, and advisors have shared a vision of a “scrimmage” formatted competition to help its membership prepare for state and international competitions. We are super excited to bring that vision to life for Nevada DECA and hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to grow as a future business leader. Our competition committee is going to be working hard over the next few months to execute this event for the high school chapters and we cannot wait for you to join us on the UNLV campus. We hope this packet serves as a guide to registering for the competition and answers any questions you might have about the event. We welcome you to contact us using the below information if you have any further questions about the competition. Sincerely, 2014-2015 UNLV Collegiate DECA Officers Academy Coordinator Jamie Hillen [email protected] Academy Co-Coordinator Randy Huynh [email protected] (L-R) Nicholas Huynh (President), Celine Endy (Administrative VP), Annie Bellorin (VP of Finance), Randolph Huynh (VP of Technology), Denisse Labori (VP of Marketing), and Kriza Dagdag (VP of Community Relations). UNLV Collegiate DECA 4505 S. Maryland Pkwy #6034 Las Vegas, NV 89131 [email protected] COMPETITION INFORMATION Purpos: C o m p e t i t i on Pr a c t i c e, L iv e F e e d b a c k o n P r e s e n ta t i on s , C o m p e t i t i on T r a in i n g, an d E xp o s u r e t o a C o l l e g ia t e E n v i r on m e n t * W i l l N O T to s e r ve a s a q u a l i f ie r f o r s ta te o r n a t i o n a l c o n f e r e n c e * When: Saturday, December 13 f r o m 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Where: University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) Campus Student Union & Frank Estella Beam Hall R e g i s t r at i o n F e e: $ 1 5 p e r p e r s o n ( c o m p e ti t o r s , a d v i s o r s , p ar e n t s , c h ap e r o n e s , e t c . ) I n c l u d e s : R e g i s t r a t io n , w o r k s h o p m a t e r ia l s an d l u n ch R e g i s t r at i o n D e a d l i n e : N o v e m b e r 3 0 t h at 5 : 0 0 p m R e g i s t r at i o n P r o c e s s : P l e a s e v i s i t w w w . u n l v d ec a . c o m O n l y A d v i s o r s c an r e g i s te r t h e i r c h ap t e r s / c o m p e t i t o r s Eligibility: A l l c o m p e t it o r s m u s t b e a r e g i s t e r e d N e v ad a DE C A M e m b e r T h i s y e a r w e a r e c ap p in g r e g i s t r a ti o n a t 2 0 0 com p e t i t o r s . I f t h i s n u mb e r i s r e a ch ed w e w i l l n o t i fy al l r e g i st e r e d c h a p t e r s . Change Deadline: December 10 at 5:00 pm S p a c e c an n o t b e g u a r an t e e d a f t e r t h i s d at e P a y m e n t: B r i n g a c h e c k f o r t h e i n v o i c e d a m o u n t t o th e co m p e t i t i on . P u r c h a s e o r d e r s w i ll n ot b e a c c e p t ed . P l e a s e m a k e c h e c k s p ay a b l e to “ U N L V DE C A ” th COMPETITIVE EVENTS LIST In an effort to allow for the judges to provide as much feedback as possible to the delegates and keep the event running on time we are only able to offer a condensed list of competitive events at the Competition Academy. Delegates will only be allowed to register for one event and will have the opportunity to present to a judge twice during the competition. Principles of Business Administration Events (1 participant - 10 minute prep - 10 minute presentation) PBM: Principles of Business Management and Administration PFN: Principles of Finance PHT: Principles of Hospitality and Tourism PMK: Principles of Marketing Team Decision Making Events (2 participants - 30 minute prep - 15 minute presentation) MTDM: Marketing Communications HTDM: Hospitality Services FTDM: Financial Services REGISTRATION CHECKLIST Here are the DEADLINE DATES for the various forms DESCRIPTION Online Registration with attached forms DEADLINE Competitor Registration Excel Form Attach with online registration Students with Special Needs Form *if necessary Attach with online registration DONE November 30th Bring to the Competition: *DO NOT MAIL CHECKS* DESCRIPTION DEADLINE Check made payable to: UNLV DECA Bring to competition DONE AVOID COMMON REGISTRATION FRUSTRATIONS • • Type information requested in the registration materials to assure accuracy of name tags, etc. This will save you time at registration! Be sure to use both capital and lowercase letters (do not enter names in all capitals) Follow-up with us to make sure the check will be received on time. • Do not MAIL your forms! The only acceptable way to register for the competition is online at • Photocopy all forms and correspondence for your records. • Bring a copy of all school forms and competition registration records with you to competition. • • Write your chapter’s name on the top of each form. This will reduce mix-‐ups and delayed registration. Do not abbreviate your high school name. Get the CELL PHONE numbers of every participant attending from your chapter members • Invite your school administration to showcase DECA to them! • Make registration checks payable to: UNLV DECA. Nevada DECA Las Vegas Competition Academy Tentative Agenda Saturday, December 13, 2014 *Sessions are still being finalized, all workshop information including descriptions, locations, times, and bios will be available on the website.* 8 – 8:30 a.m. 8:30 – 8:50 a.m. 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. 11:00 – 3:00 p.m. Registration in the UNLV Student Union Academy Welcome Nevada DECA Competition Training Competitive Events 12:00 p.m. 11:00 - 1:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Competition Lunch Available Leadership Sessions Meet the Pros Panel Discussion Award Ceremony GENERAL POLICIES • • • • • Only participants registered for the competitions may enter the competition areas. Anyone not registered for the competition may not attend or participate. Students may not “come and go” during the duration of the event. Students may not leave competition facilities without the permission of their advisor. Nevada DECA requires that all attendees be accompanied by a school approved chaperone that is responsible to ensure all students are supervised and participating fully in the education and leadership activities. Registration materials will only be given to the chaperone. This competition will NOT be a qualifier or by any means effect placement at the State Career Development Conference (SCDC) or the International Career Development Conference (ICDC). DRESS CODE Professional business attire is required for the Competition Academy. Please consult the “Official DECA Dress Code” resource at when determining what to wear for competition. EXIT PACKETS This competition has been designed to allow delegates an opportunity to receive feedback from their judges' during the competition. We will instruct all judges' to return any score sheets and feedback forms to the event coordinators so we can include them in your chapter's exit packet. Please make sure to pick this up before you leave the UNLV Campus. AWARDS The purpose of this competition is to provide an opportunity for Nevada DECA members to practice and train for competitive events. Each participant will be receiving judges' feedback and will be allowed to interact with their judge directly following each simulation. Due to the competition format we do not believe it is reasonable to give a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place award for each event category. However in an effort to recognize those students who do exceptionally well during the competition we will be giving out awards to those with the highest for each individual judge and those who score a 70 or higher. COMPETITION CONDUCT DECA has established guidelines for both dress and conduct that contribute to the learning experience. All delegates must understand that though having a good time is definitely encouraged, expectations are high and violations of accepted principles will not be tolerated. Conduct Enforcement Chapter advisors are primarily responsible for enforcing all conduct activities for his/her chapter members. Staff is available to assist advisors, when necessary, in the enforcement of conduct guidelines. Participation All delegates are expected to participate 100% in the competition academy. This includes attending all general sessions, meetings, and workshops. It is not appropriate for members to be simply “hanging out” when they are not competing. It is also important for participants to display excellent standards of professionalism and demeanor. Talking during sessions, refusing to participate, or disrupting sessions with distracting behavior is not a sign of a professional future leader. Cell Phones Students should be strongly encouraged to TURN OFF their cell phones during the hours of the event. Cell phones on vibrate or silent mode will be accepted as long as they are not distracting. AT NO TIME is it appropriate for members to get up and leave a session to take a call. It is very disruptive to participants and rude to presenters when members and advisors are accepting phone calls and removing themselves from participation to accept outside calls and pages. ADVISOR DUTIES/RESPONSIBILITIES As leaders and teachers of young professionals, it is important that we prepare our students for the events to come. The following information will help you to plan for the Competition Academy and prepare your students with important information about the event. We anticipate a significant number of local business partners or potential partners to be attending and volunteering at the competition. Our members, or in other words, our product, will be on “display” at all hours. Please keep this in mind when determining who represents your chapter. Students with Special Needs The competitive event team will make every attempt to accommodate the special needs of the students. If you contact us prior to the competition, we can make the competition as barrier free as possible. If you have students with physical challenges or other special needs that make movement or participation more difficult, please be sure to explain the accommodation during the online registration form process. Visibility Drop in and check on your students. Performing a "head count" from time to time is important, but be sure to physically see every student during the competition. Ask questions about events and have a conversation with them so you can see how they are doing. With all of this, you will know that your students have been accounted for which helps prevent challenges. Meet challenges head-‐on in a positive manner! Do not let things get out of hand – do your part, tactfully. Ask other advisors for ideas if you are not sure how to handle minor situations 39. Frank & Estella Beam Hall (BEH) 38. Student Union (SU) PARKING INFORMATION The competition area will be held in the Student Union (SU) and Frank & Estella Beam Hall (BEH) which can be accessed from the UNLV entrance at Maryland Parkway & Harmon Avenue. Enter campus from Maryland Parkway and make a left to the parking lot. Parking on the UNLV campus is not enforced on Saturday in any of the lots and will be free to park anywhere on campus. Suggested parking areas are designated by a “gold star”. Please do not park in the business centers or residential areas surrounding or across the street from UNLV; vehicles in these areas are subject to towing and ticketing enforcement. For more detailed maps please visit If you are bringing your students on a bus we suggest to park in the main lots by the Thomas & Mack Center accessible at Tropicana and Swenson Street. Iphone users can also download the "UNLV CAMPUS MAP" app to their phone. Student Union First Floor Student Union Second Floor 205 Medium 208 C Large 207 Medium 208 B Large 209 Medium 211 Medium 208 A Large 213 Medium Ballroom A 218 Small Ballroom C Prefunction Space 219 Small 222 Small Ballroom B North Balcony 224 Small Pida Plaza
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