January 2015— Vol. 27 No. 10 Information for Residents & Visitors to Thorne TO THE MANY VOLUNTEERS WHO HELPED DURING THE PAST YEAR—WE COULDN’T DO IT WITHOUT YOU. A BIG THANK YOU TO THE COMMUNITY FOR YOUR SUPPORT. WE WISH YOU GOOD HEALTH, HAPPINESS, AND GOOD CHEER. HAVE A WONDERFUL NEW YEAR C H ZACHARIAS Top Soil Gravel Crushed Rock Septic Tanks Snow Removal Lot Cleaning Road Repair Tree Removal Landscaping Snow Plowing Auto Service Herbert Zacharias 388 Tessier Street Otter Lake QC J0X 2P0 819 453-2900 H IL D RE N ’ S C H RIS TM A S P A RTY LA C D YS M ITH & H RIS TM A S FRIE N D S S UP P E R 20 13 Thank you to the crew that made the party Festive decorations, twinkling lights and another success: Santa, Mrs. Claus and the friendly faces greeted one hundred and elves; Oktoberfest Ladysmith for their seventy-five folks to the annual Christmas generous donation towards the party; Terry Supper. Smiles, laughter and Christmas Campbell for donating the hot dog buns; cheer filled the hall. Everyone enjoyed their the parents, family and friends who attended evening. with the little ones; Anne-Marie Vaz, MRC Thank you to all who attended, made Pontiac sports and leisure coordinator who, donations of money, food and door prizes again this year, brought all the ingredients and to the many volunteers who helped and engineering plans for the Gingerbread with decorations and auditorium set up. house construction; generous folks who Hats off to the cooks, helpers and clean-up donated extra desserts and great volunteers crew. in the kitchen who served the lunch. Did We look forward to seeing you next you hear Santa when he was leaving? He Christmas. said, “See you again next year at the TCRA for the “ANNUAL CHILDREN’S PARTY. C LOS E C A LL HO, HO, HO.” A few weeks ago as our pastor was preaching the sermon, our music director M UN IC IP A L ITY O F TH O RN E was acting a little frantic and everyone was W IRE L E S S N E TW O RK IN FO RM A TIO N looking around trying to find out what was wrong. With subtle gestures, he seemed to W i reles s N etworkID (S S ID ): be working hard to get us to change the TH O RN E L IB RA RY song we were to sing after the end of the W P A 2 E nc ryption Key (P S K)sermon. He quietly signalled the ‘changed’ freewifi number. I couldn’t resist checking out the song we were supposed to have sung. Our pastor was preaching on the topic, “What About Hell.” The song originally scheduled for us to sing was “Light the Fire.” LADYSMITH YOGA ‘Serving the Pontiac’ Palmer Plumbing-Tim Palmer-Licensed Plumber 819 592-5414 /819 962-2297 http: //www. lad ys m ithyoga. blogs pot.c a/ P IZZA S P A GH E TTI C A S S E RO L E 1-16 oz. box uncooked spaghetti 1 lb. ground meat (beef or turkey) ½ tsp. oregano ½ tsp. garlic powder ½ cup milk 1 egg 2 oz. sliced pepperoni (reserve some for top layer) 1-26 oz. jar pasta sauce 1-16 oz. can diced tomatoes (Italian is good) ¼ cup grated parmesan cheese 1-8 oz. package shredded (Italian blend) cheese (Other preferred toppings: olives, sausage, onions, peppers, etc.) Cook noodles, drain and put in a casserole. Brown meat in a small amount of oil. Combine milk & egg, whisk together and pour over pasta. Add the jar of sauce, tomatoes, garlic powder and oregano. Mix all these ingredients together. On top, add ground meat and a layer of pepperoni. Sprinkle cheeses on top followed by more pepperoni. Bake at 350 for about 30 minutes. LADYSMITH DARTS AT THE TCRA WEDNESDAY EVENINGS FOR INFO CONTACT KAREN KELLEY CALLING ALL SENIORS Thorne Seniors Program Wednesdays at the TCRA 1-3 p.m. Come and enjoy cards, board games, fellowship, tea and coffee. (RESUMING JANUARY 7) All are welcome 647-6797 AND SUNDAY FROM 8 AM WING NIGHT EVERY THURDSAY 6-9 PM FRESH MADE WINGS AND COLD BEER ALL FOR A SPECIAL PRICE H O W A B O UT B O O KIN G O UR D IN IN G RO O M FO R A P RIV A TE D IN N E R P A RTY . W E D O B IRTH D A YS , A N N IV ERS A RIES , ETC . G IV E US A C A L L . E V E RYO N E IS W EL C O M E . O UR D IN IN G RO O M IS C O M P L E TE L Y N O N -S M O KIN G . O UR FUL L M E N U IS A V A IL A B L E FRO M TH URS D A Y 1 1 A M TIL L S UN D A Y 7 P M . Friends and neighbors are invited to attend a Baby Shower for Crystal Thrun and Jeff Hannaberry at the TCRA on Saturday, February 28th at 1 p.m. UPSTAIRS AT THE TCRA HÔTEL LADYSMITH COMPLETE BREAKFAST MENU SATURDAY B A B Y S H O W ER M US IC L E S S O N S Hi. If you would like to become a musician (drummer, guitar or bass) please email: [email protected] Feel free to ask any questions. Thanks ...ten little fingers and ten little toes An elderly lady dialed 911 after falling in her house. She didn’t wake her family. As the ambulance men were carrying her out of the front door on a stretcher, her son, roused from his sleep by the noise, came out to the landing, panicked at the sight, slipped and fell downstairs, knocking himself out. His wife, rushing out of the bedroom to see what was wrong, observed her husband lying on the floor and promptly fainted. Paramedics now had three casualties to take to emergency instead of one. The tally rapidly became four when the family dog rampaged furiously into the hall and inflicted a bite on the bottom of one of the ambulance men. Said a spokesman for the ambulance service, “It was quite a night, actually.” Notice Board: Vol. 27, No. 10 January 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Dec 28 Dec 29 MUNICIPAL OFFICE HOURS Tuesday to Friday 9:00 to 12:00 & 1:00 to 4:00 Dec 30 MUNICIPAL DUMP HOURS 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sat, Sun & Mon Closed Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday & Friday Dec 31 POST OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday 10:30 to 12:30 & 3:00 to 5:30 CLOSED SATURDAY Jan 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 4 NEW YEAR’S DAY 8 9:00 St. James Otter Lake 10:00 St. John’s 10:30 St. Charles (Bilingual) 11 9:00 St. James Otter Lake 10:00 Zion 10:30 St. Charles (Bilingual) FULL MOON 12 PRIVATE RENTAL 13 14 18 9:00 St. James Otter Lake 10:00 St. John’s 10:30 St. Charles (Bilingual) 19 25 9:00 St. George’s 9:00 St. James Otter Lake 10:00 Zion 10:30 St. Charles (Bilingual) 26 16 17 FIREMEN’S MEETING 7:00 COUNCIL SITTING MOON LAST QUARTER 20 15 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 Feb 4 Feb 5 Feb 6 Feb 7 7:00 TCRA MEETING NEW MOON 27 MOON FIRST QUARTER Feb 1 9:00 St. James Otter Lake 10:00 St. John’s 10:30 St Charles (Bilingual) Feb 2 Feb 3 FULL MOON
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