KATPO Newsletter- January 2015 Dear Ophthalmic Medical Personnel and Administrators, January 2015 The KATPO Board of Directors cordially invite you to attend the 2015 KATPO Annual Continuing Education Program and Tech Bowl scheduled for Friday & Saturday, February 27th & 28th, 2015 at the Clarion Hotel in Lexington, KY. Register now to earn the Early Bird Discounts! The KATPO Reception and Tech Bowl on Friday evening, February 27th, is an entertaining and interactive way to challenge your ophthalmic knowledge and learn new things. It is a GREAT test review and you could potentially win cash prizes! The 1st place winner will receive $300, the 2nd place winner will receive $150, and the 3rd place winner will receive $75!! Even the audience members will have a chance to win prizes. This is a great venue to network with your ophthalmic peers from in and around the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Join us for the fun! A reception and drinks will be provided. On Saturday, February 28th, we have a great line-up of presenters for the KATPO Morning General Sessions and Afternoon Workshops, including some of your familiar favorites and many exciting new speakers representing various sub-specialties. Remember we also have an Administrator’s Track! There’s something for everyone! The KATPO Membership Meeting Luncheon will be held Saturday afternoon. This year the agenda will include Elections for the Board of Directors. See the 2015 KATPO Elections Information Form for more details. Back by popular demand is the Exhibitor BINGO. Stop by the numerous exhibitor booths for resources and to get your BINGO card filled out. Then, turn it in to enter to WIN a great PRIZE! (you must be present to win) For more information, please visit our website at www.KATPO.org or contact a KATPO Board member today!! Remember, KATPO Members get a discount on Program Registration! Warm Regards, Register Now!! Lynnette Lambert, KATPO President KATPO 20th Annual Continuing Education Program and15th Annual Tech Bowl! February 27-28, 2015 Clarion Hotel in Lexington, KY www.KATPO.org KATPO Board of Directors: President: Lynnette Lambert, COT Immediate Past President: Amy Jost, BS, COMT, CCRC Vice President: Tracy Cruz, COA, OST,OCS Secretary: Misty Moore, COT Treasurer: Julia Doering, COA Member-at-Large: Amy Luechauer, COA, OCS Member-at-Large: Robin Caffee, COA KATPO Annual Continuing Education Program and Tech Bowl Friday, February 27, 2015 6:00-6:30pm- KATPO Reception/ Tech Bowl Registration 6:30-9:30pm- Tech Bowl (Moderator: Robin Caffee, COA; Judges: Carl Baker, MD, Jeff Taylor, MD and Ken Woodworth, COMT) Saturday, February 28, 2015 7:15-7:45am- Registration and Light Breakfast 7:45-8:00-am- KATPO Welcome and Introductions – Lynnette Lambert, COT/President 8:00-8:10am- Welcome from JCAHPO President - Karl Golnik, MD 8:10-9:00am- Pertinent Pupillary Problems- Karl Golnik, MD 9:05-9:35am- Diabetic Retinopathy Management: The Ongoing Change from the Laser to the Needle- Carl Baker, MD 9:40-10:10am- Laser Cataract Surgery- Two Years Experience- Kris Pugh, MD 10:10-10:30am- Break. Visit Exhibit Hall 10:30-11:00am- Loose Lenses, Funky Pupils and Otherwise Wonky Anterior Segments -Michael E. Snyder, MD 11:05-11:35am- Advances in Glaucoma Management- Jeff Taylor, MD 11:40am-12:10am- Advances in Cornea Transplants- An Eye Bank's Perspective- Tina Mays, CEBT 12:15-12:20pm- Concluding Remarks – Lynnette Lambert, COT/President 12:30-1:30pm- Lunch and Member Meeting 1:30-1:40pm -Break Administrator Track: 1:40-2:40pm- Budgets and Contracts for Clinical Research in Ophthalmology - Amy Jost, BS, COMT, CCRC 2:45-3:45pm- Administrative Potourri - Kenneth E. Woodworth, Jr., COMT, COE, FASOA 4:05-5:05pm- A Multi-Tiered Technician Education Program- Amy Jost, BS, COMT, CCRC Technician Tracks: 1:40-3:40pm- Cirrus OCT Workshop (2 hrs) - Natalie Hamilton 1:40-2:40pm- Ocular Anatomy Dissection Workshop – Lori Williams, MD and Tracy Cruz, COA, OSA 1:40-2:40pm- What?! You’re Teaching Blind People to Drive?! - Brenda Eadens 1:40-2:40pm- Dry Eye Workshop- Ron Tilford, MD and David Patterson 2:45-3:45pm- Ocular Anatomy Dissection Workshop – Lori Williams, MD and Tracy Cruz, COA, OSA 2:45-3:45pm- Pentacam Workshop- MarkPurdy 2:45-3:45pm- Lessons Learned on Ophthalmic Mission Trips- Amy Jost, BS, COMT, CCRC 3:45-4:05p.m Break. Visit Exhibit Hall 4:05-5:05pm- Ocular Anatomy Dissection Workshop – Ron Tilford, MD and Tracy Cruz, COA, OSA 4:05-5:05pm- Pentacam Workshop- Mark Purdy 4:05-5:05pm- Retina Grand Rounds – Lori Williams, MD Certification Examination Prep Courses: 1:40-5:00pm- COA Written Exam- Karen Susco, COMT 1:40-5:10pm- COT Written Exam- Nancy Gangross, COMT, OSA 1:40-2:40pm- COT Practical Exam- Mona Carpenter, COMT Approved for JCAHPO CE Credit 2015 KATPO Annual Continuing Education Program & Tech Bowl Registration Form Saturday- Saturday, February 27-28, 2015 For even easier and faster registration, please register on-line at www.KATPO.org. Registration Information: Name: _____________________________________________________Are you a member of ATPO? [ ] Ms. [ ] Mrs. [ ] Mr. First M.I. Yes / No Last Please list the credentials you want to appear on your name badge (limit 2):_________________________ Preferred Address:_____________________________ City:_________________State_____Zip________ Preferred Phone #: ____________________________ 2nd Phone #:_______________________________ Preferred e-mail address: _________________________________________________________________ In case of emergency, please notify:_________________________________________________________ Name Telephone # Employer Information: Name of Practice:____________________________________ Business Address:______________________________ City:_________________ State_____Zip_______ Business Phone #: ______________________ Ext. _______Fax #:_______________________________ Preferred e-mail address:_________________________________________________________________ KATPO Full Program Package (February 27-28, 2015) - Early Bird Registration and Best Value!! [ ] KATPO CE Program and Tech Bowl…Non-Member…………………..……........................... $300 $ [ ] KATPO CE Program and Tech Bowl…KATPO Member ………..……................................... $250 $ To register as a KATPO Member go to www.KATPO.org Other Options: [ ] KATPO CE Program- Saturday Sessions only, Sat, Feb 28th Non-Member………………....... $225 $ [ ] KATPO CE Program- Saturday Sessions only, Sat, Feb 28th KATPO Member…..………....... $175 $ To register as a KATPO Member go to www.KATPO.org [ ] KATPO Tech Bowl ONLY Fri, Feb 27………………………………………………………...... $75 $ Submit Program Registration Form with payment to Julia Doering, 825 Lauderdale Dr., Lexington, KY 40515 by February 16, 2015. (Registrations postmarked after Feb 16, 2015 will incur a $25 late fee.) $25 $ Discounted hotel room reservations are available to KATPO program attendees for $91 per night. Please contact the Clarion Hotel Lexington at 888-390-4918 for reservations by Feb. 16, 2015 for discount please mention KATPO meeting or go to www.KATPO.org for a link to online reservation. This program registration form does not reserve a room for you. Make Checks/Money Orders payable to KATPO (or register & pay on-line at www.KATPO.org) TOTAL: $ Please select your Saturday Break-Out Session choice(s): [ ] Administrator’s Track or… [ ] Technician’s Track Please Circle in order of Preference, (Example your 1st choice = 1, 2nd choice=2, etc.) 1:40- 3:40pm 1 2 3 4 Cirrus OCT Workshop (2 hrs) (Limited to 10) 1:40- 2:40pm Afternoon Workshops 2:45- 3:45pm Afternoon Workshops 1 2 3 4 What?! You’re Teaching Blind People to Drive? 1 2 3 4 Pentacam Workshop 1 2 3 4 Retina Ground Rounds 1 2 3 4 Lessons Learned on Ophthalmic Mission Trip 1 2 3 4 Anatomy/Dissection Workshop (Limited to 15) 1 2 3 4 Anatomy/Dissection Workshop (Limited to 15) 4:05- 5:05pm Afternoon Workshops Certification Exam Prep Courses: 1 2 3 4 Anatomy/Dissection Workshop (Limited to 15) 1 2 3 4 1:40-5:00 pm COA Written Exam 1 2 3 4 Pentacam Workshop 1 2 3 4 1:40-5:00 pm COT Written Exam 1 2 3 4 Dry Eye Workshop 1 2 3 4 1:40-2:40 pm COT Practical Exam Application for 2015 KATPO Continuing Education Scholarship Name_______________________________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________ State___________ Zip Code__________________ Phone__________________________________ Email_______________________________________ Level of Certification _______ COA _______COT _______ COMT _______ other(_____) Employment Name of Employer____________________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________ State___________ Zip Code__________________ Work Phone: _______________Cell phone:_____________________ Position __________________ Years in Ophthalmology__________ Supervisor_____________________________________________ Guidelines and Conditions for Scholarship Criteria for Eligibility: Applicant must submit an original essay titled, “My Journey in Ophthalmology”. The essay must be 300 words or less, typewritten and double-spaced. Applicant must be a member of KATPO at the time of the 2015 meeting. You can download a membership application from the website, www.katpo.org. Submit your membership application and dues concurrently with the scholarship application. All applications must be postmarked by February 7, 2015. Selection of Recipients: The scholarship covers registration for the 2015 KATPO Tech Bowl and Continuing Education Program to be held on February 27th & 28th, 2015. The scholarship is non- transferable. Regrettably, the scholarship is void if the applicant is unable to attend the 2015 program. There are two scholarships available. Selection of the two recipients will be conducted by a committee appointed by the KATPO Board of Directors. Their decision is final. All applicants will be informed of the status of their application by February 20, 2015. Applications must be signed and must include all required information requested on the application. Applicant agrees to be interviewed for an article in the newsletter. I attest that all information provided in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I agree to the guidelines and conditions of the scholarship. __________________________ Signature ______________ Date ________________________ _____________ Physician’s Signature Date Please mail this signed application and the essay, typed on a separate piece of paper, to: KATPO c/o Lynnette Lambert, 1900 Broadway, Ste 2, Paducah, KY 42001. You may also email your application and essay as long as your signature is attached. If you need help completing the application or have other questions, please contact Lynnette Lambert at [email protected] or by calling 270-443-4393. KATPO 20 Annual Continuing Education Program & 15th Annual Tech Bowl February 27-28, 2015 CLARION HOTEL LEXINGTON, KY COMT th Get Involved with KATPO! Please complete this form and submit it today! We encourage all KATPO members to become involved! KATPO has many opportunities for you to get involved. We invite you to consider sharing your time and talents to promote the success of KATPO. Here is your chance to build your leadership and communication skills. We are actively recruiting volunteers to assist in a variety of ways. Elected Positions Nominating Committee Run for KATPO Board of Directors position Volunteer Positions KATPO Bylaws Committee KATPO Tech Bowl Committee Continuing Education Committee Membership Committee Author an article for the newsletter Miscellaneous Volunteering Opportunities Volunteer at the annual meeting as room proctor, registration desk, moderator, etc. Recommend a Speaker and/or Topic: Other Suggestions: Name/Certification Level: Practice/Employer: Work Ph#: (___ ) Cell Ph#: (___ ) e-mail(s): Comments: Mail your Volunteer form in with your Meeting Registration Form or submit it online today at www.KATPO.org then click the “Get Involved” link. 2015 KATPO Elections Information Form Elections for KATPO Board Members will be conducted during the Membership Meeting. The following Board positions are open: 1. President-Elect: Laura Hopkins, COMT 2. Member-at-Large: Mary Bledsaw, COA 3. Secretary: 4. Member-at-Large: Misty Moore, COT Anyone who would like to be considered for a position on the KATPO Board please contact the Nominating Committee Chair, Amy Jost at [email protected] III. Nominating Committee Elections: Up to four (4) members will be elected to serve with the Chairman, Amy Jost, BS, COT, CCRC (Immediate Past President): Open for nominees IV. Presidential Appointments to the following KATPO Committees will be announced: 1. Continuing Education Committee 2. Membership Committee 3. Bylaws Committee 4. Elections Committee KATPO Attn: Julia Doering 825 Lauderdale Drive Lexington, KY 40515 Join us for the KATPO Annual CE Meeting &Tech Bowl February 27-28, 2015 Lexington, KY
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