Page 4, The Daily Review, Morgan City, La., Friday, January 9, 2015, Section Two PUBLIC NOTICE OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS CITY OF MORGAN CITY DECEMBER 17, 2014 The Mayor and City Council of Morgan City, Louisiana, met at 6:00 pm (local time) in regular session, this date, in the City Court Building, Highway 182 East, Morgan City, Louisiana. There were present: Honorable Frank P. Grizzaffi, III Mayor; and Council Members Ron Bias, Barry Dufrene, James Fontenot, Tim Hymel, and Louis J. Tamporello, Jr. Absent: None Also present were Mr. Marcus Folse, Chief Administrative Officer and Mr. Paul Landry, City Attorney. The invocation was given by Reverend Bias. The minutes of the November 25, 2014 meeting were submitted. There being no corrections, additions, or deletions, a motion to approve the minutes was made by Mr. Hymel, seconded by Mr. Dufrene, and voted unanimously in favor. Mrs. Deborah Garber, Finance Director, submitted the following financial statement for the period ending November 30, 2014. MONTHLY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DATE: December 17, 2014 TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Deborah Garber RE: Comments related to summary of revenues and expenses compared to budget for the period ended November 30, 2014. Attached is a summary that compares our actual revenues and expenses to our operational budget for our major funds subject to budgetary control for the period ending November 30, 2014. The following comments are related thereto: General and Ancillary Funds: Actual total revenues are over budget by $631,189. Operating expenses are below budget by $578,182. The net income, after transfers, of $914,394 creates a favorable variance of $1,209,371. Utility Fund: Actual revenues are over budget by $2,258,944, with operational expenses also over budget by $1,218,733. Again, this is largely due to the energy and gas costs being $1,481,256 over budget making the electric and gas revenue over budget as well. The net income, after transfers, of $341,050 creates a favorable variance of $1,047,387. Sanitation and Sewer Fund: The operating revenues are $685,405($675,000 sewer) over budget, with total operating expenses under budget by $94,017. The net income, after transfers, of $371,675 leaves a favorable variance of $759,392. Respectfully submitted, (S) Deborah Garber Deborah Garber, Finance Director Small Ads Big Deals If You’re Getting Nowhere Fast, Call Us! 384-8370 The Daily Review CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT Actual Revenues and Expenses Compared to Budget Period Ended November 30, 2014 GENERAL AND ANCILLARY FUNDS REVENUES General Fund Recreation Fund Library Fund Auditorium Fund Lake End Park Fund Total Revenues EXPENSES-OPERATIONAL General Fund Recreation Fund Library Fund Auditorium Fund Lake End Park Fund Total Expenses TRANSFERS Transfers from Funds Transfers to Funds Net Transfers EXCESS NET OF TRANSFERS UTILITY FUND Total Revenues Total Expenditures Net Excess Net Transfers and non-oper. Excess net of transfers SANITATION AND SEWER FUND Total Revenues Total Expenses Net Excess Net Transfers/nonoperating expenses Excess net of transfers and non-operating A motion to accept the financial statement was made by Mr. Tamporello, seconded by Mr. Fontenot, and voted unanimously in favor. Bill Cefalu, Utilities Director, gave a brief update on the utility system. He stated that the East Boulevard Substation would be smart phone status by the end of January. It would be about six months before the LA 70 and Federal Avenue substations would be at smart phone status. He stated that the system was much better than it was in the past, but additional monies would be needed in order to insure a more reliable system. Mark Stephens, Assistant Fire Chief, updated the Mayor and Council on the status of the fire department. He stated that there had been great strides in training and equipment since he began working for the department. He stated that a new truck would have to be budgeted in the near future to replace an outdated one, as well as the purchase of updated equipment such as air packs and ladders. The next matter on the agenda was the LGAP resolution, whereupon, Mr. Hymel offered the following Resolution, who moved for its adoption. RESOLUTION NO. R: 14-29 WHEREAS, the City of Morgan City submitted to the Louisiana Division of Administration, an application for Local Government Assistance Program funding for main water line valve replacement; and WHEREAS, the City of Morgan City was awarded a grant in the sum of $25,000.00 by the State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Louisiana Local Government Assistance Program (LGAP) to replace valves in the main water line. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council, the governing authority of the City of Morgan City, that the Mayor be, and he is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to execute and submit the Agreement between the City and the State of Louisiana pertaining to the 2013 - 2014 Local Government Assistance Program. Mr. Dufrene seconded the motion. The vote thereon was as follows: AYES: Hymel, Dufrene, Fontenot, Tamporello NAYS: None ABSENT: Bias The resolution was therefore declared ap- November 2014 ACTUAL November 2014 BUDGET VARIANCE 7,288,397 172,804 28,391 6,724,722 143,721 16,866 563,675 29,083 11,525 336,363 680,040 8,505,995 344,846 644,651 7,874,806 (8,483) 35,389 631,189 9,120,482 531,840 134,725 430,792 667,088 10,884,927 9,558,119 590,692 141,744 458,332 714,222 11,463,109 (437,637) (58,852) (7,019) (27,540) (47,134) (578,182) 3,965,326 (672,000) 3,965,326 (672,000) 0 0 3,293,326 3,293,326 0 914,394 (294,977) 1,209,371 20,754,503 17,228,683 3,525,820 (3,184,769) 341,050 18,495,559 16,009,950 2,485,609 (3,191,946) (706,337) 2,258,944 1,218,733 1,040,211 7,176 1,047,387 2,603,668 2,674,651 (70,983) 1,918,263 2,768,667 (850,404) 685,405 (94,017) 779,421 442,658 462,687 (20,029) 371,675 (387,717) 759,392 proved and adopted this 22nd day of July, 2014. —————————— Frank P. Grizzaffi, III Mayor ATTEST: —————————— Debbie Harrington Clerk The next matter on the agenda was the first reading for the waiving of the Morgan City Harbor and Terminal District Emergency Operations Center permit fees ordinance. No definitive action necessary. Mayor Grizzaffi stated that one of the members on the Housing Authority Board had resigned. He offered the name of Theresa Mitchell for appointment to the Housing Authority Board. A motion to concur in the appointment was made by Mr. Hymel, seconded by Mr. Dufrene, and voted unanimously in favor. There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Dufrene, seconded by Mr. Tamporello, and voted unanimously in favor. —————————— Frank P. Grizzaffi, III Mayor —————————— Debbie Harrington Clerk Adv. Jan. 9, 2015 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the following proposed ordinance has been submitted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Patterson, Louisiana on the 6th day of January, 2015, to-wit: ORDINANCE NO. 2015-01 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PATTERSON, LOUISIANA, TO AMEND THE 2014-2015 OPERATING BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Patterson, Louisiana, in regular session assembled that the 20142015 Operating Budget of the City of Patterson, Louisiana, is hereby amended to provide for the transfer of $361,000 from the Sewerage and Solid Waste Tax Fund to the General Fund to provide excess revenues in the General Fund for the purpose of providing evidence that the City of Patterson has the ability to make sufficient and timely debt service payments on the issuance of $1,000,000 in excess revenue bonds that are required to complete construction of a new water plant; all as shown on the two schedules attached entitled “City of Patterson, Louisiana, General Fund Budget, Year Ended June 30, 2015” and “City of Patterson, Louisiana, Special Revenue Fund, Sewerage and Solid Waste Sales Tax Fund, Year Ended June 30, 2015”. All sections, articles, chapters or provisions of said Code in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. The foregoing Ordinance was introduced by Councilman L. Mendoza and seconded by Councilman T. Darnell, at the regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council of the City of Patterson on the 6th day of January, 2015. A public hearing by the City Council of the City of Patterson was held on the ____ day of ____________, 2015, and notice of such hearing was published in the official journal of the City of Patterson on January 9, 2015, January 14, 2015, and January 20, 2015. The foregoing Ordinance was offered by Councilman ______________________ , who moved its adoption, seconded by Counc i l m a n _____________________, and being read and considered section by section, the Ordinance was submitted to vote with the results as follows: YEAS: NAYS: ABSENT: WHEREUPON, the Ordinance was declared adopted on this ___ day of ___________, 2015. _____________________ RODNEY A. GROGAN, MAYOR ATTEST: _____________________ CITY CLERK Notice is further given that a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed ordinance is set for 7:00 P.M. on the 3rd day of February, 2015, during the regular meeting of the Patterson City Council to be held at the city Hall in Patterson, 1314 Main Street, Patterson, Lousiana, on that date and at that time, and final action on said proposed ordinance shall be taken at said meeting. Dates of Publication of Notice: January 9, 14, and 20, 2015 (S)___________________ Pamela Washington, City Clerk Patterson, Louisiana Adv. Jan. 9, 14 and 20, 2015 PUBLIC NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Sixteenth Judicial District Court —— PARISH OF ST. MARY —— STATE OF LOUISIANA Freedom Mortgage Corporation-DBA Freedom Mortgage Corporation of New Jersey Vs. No. 127364 Div “F” Scott J Breaux and Kimberly C Breaux TAKE NOTICE, that by virtue of an Order of Seizure and Sale issued out of the Honorable 16th Judicial District Court, in and for the Parish of St. Mary, and to me directed, in the above numbered and entitled suit, I have seized the following mentioned and described property, to wit: That certain lot or parcel of ground together with all buildings and improvements thereon situated, all rights, ways, privileges, servitudes, appurtenances and advantages thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, situated in Morgan City, Parish of St. Mary, State of Louisiana, being known designated and described as LOT 5 of SQUARE LETTER “C” of the property of LAKEWOOD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC., as shown on plan of land of Lakewood Development Co., Inc. made by Lee B. Delaune, Surveyor, dated April 27, 1960 and recorded May 11, 1960 in St. Mary Parish COB 11-G, Entry No. 108,068. to satisfy the sum of ONE HUNDRED FORTY FIVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SIXTY SEVEN AND 91/100 ($145,567.91) DOLLARS, interest thereon at the rate of 4.0 per cent per annum from December 1, 2013 until paid; reasonable attorney’s fees of 25% of the sums due under the Note; all of its foreclosure costs and expenses in enforcing the Note and Mortgage, including but not limited to escrow, taxes, all insurances premiums, and maintenance, property preservation expense, or appraisals, corporate advance expense, and protection of Lender’s rights in the property, together with all other charges permitted by the Note or Mortgage including pre-payment penalties and late charges and all costs of this proceedings, as well as all Sheriff ’s costs and commission. All successful bidders must have cash, cashier’s check or a verifiable letter of credit in favor of said bidder from a solvent bank, savings and loan association or other such financial institution authorized to do business in the state of Louisiana and full payment must be made on the date of sale. Letter must state that money is available on the date of sale. I shall expose the same at public sale, for Cash, according to law WITHOUT appraisement to the last and highest bidder, at the principal front door of the Court House in the Parish of St. Mary, Town of Franklin, Louisiana, on Wednesday, the 11th day of February A.D., 2015, between the legal hours commencing at 10 O’Clock A.M. Sheriff ’s Office Parish of St. Mary, La. Thursday, the 20th day of November A.D., 2014. MARK A. HEBERT, SHERIFF BY: Desaraye Johnson Deputy Sheriff Adv. Jan. 9 and Feb. 4, 2015 PUBLIC NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Sixteenth Judicial District Court —— PARISH OF ST. MARY —— STATE OF LOUISIANA Nationstar Mortgage, LLC Vs. No. 124729 Div “G” James A Leboeuf, Jr TAKE NOTICE, that by virtue of Order of Seizure and Sale issued out of the Honorable 16th Judicial District Court, in and for the Parish of St. Mary, and to me directed, in the above numbered and entitled suit, I have seized the following mentioned and described property, to wit: That certain lot or parcel of land lying and being situated in the Corporate limits of the City of Morgan City, Parish of St. Mary, State of Louisiana, known designated and described as being Lot No. Six (6) in Square Letter “J” of said City according to Barnes’ map and plan of said City, said Lot No. Six (6) fronts 58 feet more or less on the North side of Ditch’s Avenue and has a depth on its east line of 167.6 feet, a depth on its west of 175 feet and a rear line width of 56 feet; said lot being bounded on the North by a portion of Lot No. Four (4) in Square “J” on the East by Lot No. Five (5) in Square “J” and on the South by Ditch Avenue, and on the West by Lot Number Seven (7) in said Square. Together with all buildings and improvements thereon situated including therewith all rights, ways and privileges thereunto appertaining and belonging. Being a portion of the same property acquired by Harold F. Besse and Floriece Agnes Besse by Act of Sale passed before Leonard C. Wise, Notary Public for the Parish of St. Mary, Louisiana, on January 21, 1949, and recorded in Book 7-F of Conveyances, Page 401 of date January 21, 1949, of the records of St. Mary Parish. That certain lot of ground lying and being situated in the corporate limits of the town of Morgan City in St. Mary Parish known, designated and described as being lot no. 5 in Square Letter “J”; the lot hereinabove conveyed being bounded on the North by Lot Number 4 of said Square, on the East in part by Sixth Street and in part by lands of Ditch on Railroad Avenue; on the South by Railroad Avenue and on the west by Lot Number 6 in said Square. Together with all buildings and improvements thereon situated and all rights, ways and privileges thereunto belonging and appertaining. to satisfy the sum of NINETY-FIVE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED THIRTY AND 14/100 ($95,730.14) DOLLARS, together with interest thereon at the rate of 7.0% per annum from August 1, 2011, until paid in full, together with reasonable attorney’s fees not to exceed $2,500.00, inclusive of any bankruptcy or title curative work necessary to complete this action, in addition to all costs advanced for filing and expenses incurred in enforcing this note and mortgage including advances for taxes, insurance premiums, special assessments, repairs to and maintenance of the property for the protection, preservation and repair of the property, and other amounts provided for in the mortgage and applicable law such as late charges, escrow advances for the payment of taxes and insurance and other advances which plaintiff is entitled to prove by verified petition or affidavit filed or submitted before distribution by the sheriff or the proceeds of the judicial sale; all to be paid by proper preference and priority over all persons and all costs of this proceedings, as well as all Sheriff ’s costs and commission. All successful bidders must have cash, cashier’s check or a verifiable letter of credit in favor of said bidder from a solvent bank, savings and loan association or other such financial institution authorized to do business in the state of Louisiana and full payment must be made on the date of sale. Letter must state that money is available on the date of sale. I shall expose the same at public sale, for Cash, according to law WITH appraisement to the last and highest bidder, at the principal front door of the Court House in the Parish of St. Mary, Town of Franklin, Louisiana, on Wednesday, the 11th day of February A.D., 2015, between the legal hours commencing at 10 O’Clock A.M. Sheriff ’s Office Parish of St. Mary, La. Friday, the 21st day of November A.D., 2014. MARK A. HEBERT, SHERIFF BY: Desaraye Johnson Deputy Sheriff Adv. Jan. 9 and Feb. 4, 2015 CHILDREN’S COALITION WHAT WORKS CONFERENCE 2015 PARENT IS A VERB January 16 – 17, 2015 Monroe Civic Center Conference Hall Register online at what-works-conference 318-323-8775 Services Offered Help Wanted General J in C Concrete Finishers Concrete work, haul off, scraping, painting, stucco, tear down trailer houses & buildings, land clearing, spread dirt and sand, storm debris removal, roofing, carpentry work, brick & blocks. We erect metal bldgs. & all types of fences Free Estimates! 397-7917 Patterson Hydraulics Equipment & Component Repairs 985-290-7957 Business Opportunities For Sale/Lease Functional Bar & Grill in Amelia, Hwy 182. Serious inquiries. Call for details, 985/518-7353 “By Sea or Land” Accepting Applications for Offshore: *100-1600 TN Master/Mates *500 TN Master/Mates *DPOs-Unlimited *Chief Engineers/ Asst Engineers *DDE4000/DDE Unlimited *Able Bodied Seaman *Electrician *Mechanics *Crane Operators *Rig Mover/Mooring Operations *Vessel Coordinator/ Mooring Operations *Sandblasters *Painters *Scaffold Builders *Riggers *Carpenter *Welders *Pipe Fitters *E-Line Technicians *Hydro Testers *Level 2 Compliance Coordinator *Barge Project Administrator *NDT Technicians *Quality Inspector Apply online at or in person at our Thibodaux Location: 618 Canal Blvd. Thibodaux, LA 70301 Oceanwide is an Equal Opportunity Employer Found Shitzu dog in Berwick Call to Identify 519-1437 AMPOL is hiring Remediation Technicians for our facility in Bayou Vista. We will be taking applications on Wednesdays from 8:30am to 3:30pm @ the facility located at 575 Hwy 182 Bayou Vista, LA 70380 Services Offered Cafe Jo Jo’s accepting applications for Lost & Found Dump Truck For Rent Day, Week or Month 985-519-1900 FILL DIRT, RIVER SAND Anthony Resignola Bartender, Wait Staff, Will train. ALSO need part time Servers for catering. Apply @ 624 Front St., M.C. Wed. - Fri. 4:30 - 5:30pm Looking for a Maintenance Man 384-8200 Gerry’s Stump Removal 985/312-9300 Dump Trailer Rental Minimum of 2 yrs. exp. working on Elec. Equipment/ Welding. Must be able to pass pre-employment physical/drug screen. Salary DOE, 401K, Heath/Vision/Dental, Pd. Holidays, Pd Vacation. APPLY IN PERSON: U S GALVANIZING LLC 1618 Hwy 182 E Bayou Vista, LA NO PHONE CALLS!! Services Offered Services Offered 384-0260 pager 397-0338 Free Dumping Site For Broken Concrete Patterson CENTRAL BOAT RENTALS, INC. Boat/Barge Repairs Fleeting for Boats/Barges Oilfield Equip. Storage Waterfront for Lease 985-384-8200 Section Two, The Daily Review, Morgan City, La., Friday, January 9, 2015, R & K DEVELOPERS - LEON KAHN REAL ESTATE 823 NINTH ST., MORGAN CITY - 985/385-1660 www.LEONKAHN.COM MORGAN CITY 1210 Hickory Street 4BD/3.5BA $535,000 213 Lake Palourde Road, Amelia, 2800sqft home zoned for general commercial-can be used as a home or commercial building. Sale for $249,500 or LEASE $1,700/Month 3013 Lake Palourde Dr., 5BD/5BA $600,000 130 Terrebonne, 3BD/3BA $149,500 REDUCED 3129 Diane Dr. 3BD/2BA $160,000 7 Marquis Manor, 5BD/3BA $339,000 REDUCED 1713 Dale St., 3 BD/2BA $149,000 1621 Canal Rd., 3 BD/3BA $175,000 913 Walnut Dr., 3BD/2BA $148,000 1517 Bernice St., 3 BD/2BA $192,000 617 Mayon St., 2BD/1BA $67,900 STEPHENSVILLE 1007 Woodview Dr., 4 BD/2.5BA $370,000 REDUCED 1239 E Stephensville Rd.,(2) 1 BD/2BA Cottages on 200 ft of 4 Mile Bayou $109,900 REDUCED 1002 Carla Court 4BD/2BA $184,900 REDUCED Waterfront Property 1063 Stephensville Rd. 3BR/2BA $139,600 2.5 lots Waterfront Property PATTERSON 400 Mike Dr. 3BD/2BA $133,000 REDUCED 139 Laura St. 3BD/2BA $135,000 2001 Trina St. 2BD/2BA $96,500 Waterfront Property 200 Main St. 3BD/3.5BA $597,000 220 Main St. 3BD/1.5BA $285,000 BAYOU L’OURSE 110 Andras 2BD/1BA $58,000 ACREAGE 480 Fairview Dr., Berwick 53.11 acres $48,500/acre on The Lower Atchafalaya River 160 Flamingo/Hwy 182, Bayou L’Ourse 3400 sq ft-$39,900 Zoned for Commerical/Residential 232 Cremo Lane, Patterson Lot size is 57X118 $19,500 735 David Drive, Morgan City 87,120 sq ft $600,000 OPEN HOUSE 7 Marquis Manor, Morgan City, Sunday January 11th , 1p.m.-4p.m. CENTERVILLE/VERDUNVILLE 6908 Hwy 182 3BD/2.5BA $489,000 Approx 6 Acres on Bayou Teche 221 Ricohoc Drive, 3BD/1.5BA $375,000 COMMERCIAL 827 Ninth St, Morgan City $112,000 927 Sixth Street, Morgan City, $180,0004BD/2.5BA Commercial/Residential BERWICK 519 Utah St., 3BD/1BA $85,000 REDUCED 100 Hogan St., 4BD/3BA $288,000 279 Oregon St., 3BD/2BA $118,900 500 Brashear Ave., Service Station Lease $800/Month 501 First Street, 1669 sq ft $149,900 1400 Canal Rd., 14 Apartments $390,000 We have a client interested in purchasing waterfront property in Patterson or Bayou Vista area. Please contact Leon Kahn!!! FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL OR EMAIL AT [email protected] Check our website: to see the photo of our listings!! WE HAVE TWO STATE CERTIFIED APPRAISERS AND THEIR RESOURCES WHO ASSIST TO ANALYZE AND DETERMINE A RECOMMENDED SELLING PRICE FOR YOUR HOME...WHEN YOU LIST WITH US AGENTS Charline McJimsey - 518-7225 Colleen Kahn - Broker Dolores Robicheaux - 518-2669 Diana Aucoin - 519-7093 Shelia Landry - 518-2419 Maurice Roberie - 985-255-1796 LEON KAHN REAL ESTATE LEON KAHN-BROKER BAYOULAND REALTY, INC. 1025 Victor II Blvd., Suite S 985-385-0232 DANIEL SONS, BROKER CHECK OUT OUR FEATURED LISTINGS AT Don’t Go To The Rest, Come To The Best! In Loving Memory In Loving Memory Raymond Delco Born: 1/15/32 Died: 1/9/13 It is not a day that goes by that we do not think of you, and the beautiful memories you left with us are embedded in our hearts. Father, Grandfather, Great-Grandfather Gone but not forgotten, our angel Raymond Delco Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Cajun Country Now Hiring Bartenders & Waitresses 985/518-1513 Coastwide Transportation Weekend Dispatcher needed in Fourchon. Salary plus Per Diem. Call: 985-396-4400 Help Wanted General APPRAISER Leon Kahn Carla Loupe 1008 Sandra Court in Stephensville, 3BR/2BA, 1,694 LSF, water front property. $175,000. 128 Polaris Rd. in Bayou Vista. 4BR/2BA, 1,722 LSF. $169,900. 1429 Filmore St., Morgan City, 3BR/2BA, 1,492 LSF, $129,900. 1320 Arbor Circle in Bayou Vista. 3BR/2BA, 1,542 LSF. New Price! $208,000. 318 Camille Dr., Patterson, 3BR/2BA, 1,189 LSF, $114,900. 115 Country Village Dr. in Bayou L’Ourse. 3BR/2BA, 1,804 LSF. $273,000. 501 Tiffany St., Patterson, Duplex. New Price! $108,900. 710 Martin Luther King Jr. in Patterson. 3BR/2BA mobile home. $130,000. COMMERICAL PROPERTY! Lots for Sale. 217 Morgan Street in Amelia. 173.06x150. NEW PRICE! $30,000. 207 Hendricks St. in Patterson. 3BR/2BA, 1,189 LSF. $48,800. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY! 10107 Hwy 182 E in Amelia. Currently used as a Bar/Restaurant. 5,000 total square feet. NEW PRICE! $225,000. WATERFRONT PROPERTY 121 Eagle Point Dr., Pierre Part, 2BR/2BA with large bonus room 1,743 LSF, $258,000. COMMERICAL PROPERTY! Lots for Sale. 201 Morgan Street in Amelia. 173.06x150. NEW PRICE! $30,000. Please apply in Person 816 Bollinger Lane Amelia, LA 70340 or Contact-Recruiter 985-532-7709 Bollinger is an equal employment employer and is committed to providing employment opportunities to minorities, females, veterans and disabled individuals. 58560 Village Dr. in Plaquemine. 4BR/3BA with 2,798 LSF. NEW PRICE! $379,900. 412 Jupiter St. ~ Bayou Vista, LA 70380 GLEN ELLIOTT Broker MORGAN CITY 1604 Elm St.-3BR, 2.5 BA, 2876 sq. Ft. $202,100. 985-399-1414 Visit our website for Color Photos of all Listings and More under construction Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Comfort Inn is currently seeking a Front Desk Clerk & Maintenance Person Hotel exp. preferred. Apply in person. Crew Service is now accepting applications for Experienced Boat Personnel Apply in person @ 104 Freret St. M/C M-Thurs. 9-11 & 1:30-3 Part time office assistant needed. Must be High School Graduate with some college and excellent office skills. Mastery of Word, Excel and database management required. Must have excellent typing, spelling and other English skills. Good interpersonal skills needed for interaction with the public Send resume’ to ASSISTANT P. O. Box 1577 Morgan City, La 70381 Power Specialities, LLC is looking for a Warehouseman/Truck Driver with CDL. We offer insurance and 401k. Please no phone calls come by the office to apply @ 325 Chennault St. M/C Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Established local company has opening for an Exp. Butcher’s Helper Call Donna 337-836-9672 for appt. Help Wanted General Power Specialties LLC. is looking for a mechanic to work on pumps & compressors. No experience necessary will train. We offer 401K and Insurance benefits. Please come by for application. Help Wanted General Help Wanted Drivers Unfurnished Apartments Looking for a Front End Loader Operator Call 985/384-5896 Class A CDL Driver Wanted 3 years experience 3BR, 2½BA apt. unfurn. private back yard, Amelia - $900/mo. Call 384-5315 or 759-2233 after 11am Waitress Needed @ Latin Corner Professional & Exp. ONLY Apply in person, 1-2pm 201 Railroad Ave/MC Receptionist/Kennel Helper needed for Busy Animal Hospital. Hours vary between 7:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. (split-shifts), and weekends. Heavy lifting, cleaning, multi-tasking. Apply in person at the Morgan City Veterinary Hospital 1014 Chennault Street Morgan City, La. 70380 Class A CDL Driver needed for specialized loads. Call Travis Romero @ 985-397-2342 or Edie Watson, 985-518-1003 Help Wanted Medical Help Wanted Medical Help Wanted Drivers Assumption Community Hospital Napoleonville, LA (985) 369-3600 (Equal Opportunity Employer) Central Boat Rentals NOW HIRING Experienced Masters and Mates of Towing Full Benefits, good pay and flexible schedules Call or come in today to apply 1640 River Road, Berwick, LA 70342 985-384-8200 Admissions Rep I Fulltime - Benefits Rotating Shifts (includes evenings, nights, weekends) Please apply online: Current Job Openings Select Facility: Our Lady of the Lake Location: Assumption required. Pays up to 30%. 985-518-1105 Help Wanted Office/Clerical NOW HIRING! Office Clerk Job Duties to include: Shipping and Receiving Paperwork, minor shipping, inventory tracking, Tracking of parts for invoicing purposes, filing, some experience with QuickBooks and Excel, and many other clerical duties. MUST BE ABLE TO PASS DRUG SCREENING AND PHYSICALLY FIT TO WORK! EMAIL RESUMES TO: accounting@ All References will be contacted Business Rentals For Rent or Lease: Commercial yard, 5 acres on Bayou Teche in Patterson across from high school. Call 985/384-8200 WAREHOUSES FOR LEASE Call 985-384-8200 Waterfront property For lease -Morgan City & Charenton Canal Areas. 985-384-8200, ask for Joy Furnished Apartments Has an immediate opening for the following positions: Help Wanted General Qualified individual should have five (5) years of blasting/painting supervisory experience with resource planning/scheduling. Should have basic knowledge of SSPC preparations and various types of surface coatings. Must be able to perform troubleshooting on various craft specific equipment and coating issues in addition to reading and interpreting paint specifications and manufacturer application instructions. Must be able to communicate effectively and work well with other supervisors. Also, must have a strong focus on quality, production, safety and environmental aspects of work being performed. 723 North Anita St. Gonzales, 3BR/2BA, 1,644 LSF, $140,000. Associates of Preferred Realty, Inc. An Equal Opportunity Employer BLASTER/PAINTER CRAFT SUPERVISOR Acreage - 2211 Highway 182 in Patterson. 31.5 acres. NEW PRICE! $325,000. “AREA’S BEST MARKETING FEATURING HD VIRTUAL TOURS, YOUTUBE VIDEO & REALTOR.COM” APPLY IN PERSON NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE Now Hiring WATERFRONT PROPERTY! 1079 Oak Harbor Dr. In Stephensville. 3BR/2.5BA with 2,755 LSF. NEW PRICE! $499,900. Rebekah Pollock - REALTOR - 985-300-3658 Vickie Charlet - REALTOR - 985-714-0820 Applicant must present a pictured I.D. and be able to pass pre-employment drug screen. Help Wanted General Action Realty Each Office Locally Owned and Operated Bank Owned-1226 Delmar Ave. in Bayou Vista. 5 BR/2BA, 1712 LSF. $135,000. Carla Vaccarella Loupe Broker 1015 Stephensville, Road Morgan City, LA (w/valid driver’s license) Company Offers the Following Benefits Excellent Working Conditions (ALL SHOP WORK) 401K Plan Company Paid Vacations Company Paid Holidays Group Health Insurance Incentive Program Payments Disability Insurance 329-2515 1201 Brashear Ave., Suite 428 Morgan City Bank Building Real Estate, LLC Scully’s Metal Fabrication •Aluminum Welders •Aluminum Fitters •Helpers #1 In Service Makes Us #1 In Sales 101 Trevino - Berwick, La. 985-380-2770 Help Wanted General Taking applications for experienced Page 5 NOW HIRING FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITION EXPERIENCE PREFERRED Medical Technologists/ Medical Laboratory Technicians PRN Positions/Variable Shifts •Houseman Must be currently licensed by the State of Louisiana Benefits include all types of Insurance, Vacation, Sick pay, 401K. Wages meet or exceed area standards. Apply in person @ 520 Roderick St., Morgan City, LA Apply online at For More Information Contact: Human Resources Department 1125 Marguerite, Morgan City, LA 70380 985-380-4424 Trucks For Sale A.J. Dohmann Chrysler-Jeep-Dodge-Ram NOW HIRING SALES CONSULTANTS Benefits: •Huge Inventory •Great Hours •Health Insurance •401K •Paid Vacation •Guarantee While Training •Positive Work Environment Only positive, motivated individuals welcome See Steve Grabert for your confidential interview A. J. DOHMANN Chrysler-Jeep-Dodge-Ram 802 Robison Rd/Berwick, LA 384-8070 Trucks For Sale 2BR/1BA apt., fully furn. & all utilities pd. A full service laundry is located on premises. Cleaning & linen services are offered. $1200/mo. Located @ 324 Clarke Rd/BV 985/395-6460 Furnished Efficiency Apt. on 316 Veterans #35 in Patt. water pd. W/D included $395dep. $395mo. and $200 pet fee, call 397-1124 or to apply Trucks For Sale FOR SALE 2015 CHEVY SILVERADO **$23,500.00** 505 MILES CALL KING TRUCKING, INC. 985-631-0526 1/2BR. apts. in BV. water paid. $525/$575 mo., W/D hookup. 985/519-6967 or 985/519-6968 1BR/1BA. in MC, Water, sewerage & garbage pd. No pets. $500/mo., $500dep. 985/498-9560 or 631-0038 2BR., CAH, washer/dryer hook-up. 510 Egle St./MC $650/mo. + dep. Breezeway Apts. Call 985/395-9791 2BR/1BA. apt. $500/mo., $500 dep. 397-2320 or 255-3536 3BR, 2½BA, $850/mo., $850 dep., Victor II Blvd. 397-2320 or 255-3536 GRANDWOOD APARTMENTS 2BR, CAH, Walk-in closet, washateria & pest control . 985-395-9855 New Year’s Special C.C. & M.C. 1 & 2Br, Furn & Unf. w/stove, ref., CAH. $550 & up. 985/509-0077 Unfurnished Houses 2BR., 1BA., CAH No pets. $750/mo., $750 dep. 119 Rizzo St., Patt. 395-5264 MC-1BR, $550/mo., 2BR, $775/mo., kitchen appl. covered parking, CAH Call 385-6062 owner agent Mobile Homes For Sale $400 to $850/mo. Rent w/option to purchase Pelican Place, Bayou L’Ourse 395-6014 Homes For Sale 3123 Vine Dr., 3BR/2BA., 1303 sq. ft. liv. $125,000 Call (985) 714-3066 or (985) 385-1836 2BR/2BA in Green Acres Patt. 1315 sq.ft. living, on lot 65 x 142, dbl carport, CAH, $96,500 Call 385-2448 Real Estate For Sale 6.5 acres, Red Cypress, 54K 1/3 acre, MLK, $22K 66x200, L St., $14K 985-518-9294 Real Estate For Sale www. thomsonrealestate .com
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