FILLIPS FROM JA NUA RY 201 5 Vo l um e XL VII , N o. 8 Pr e s ch oo l : 3 7 9- 70 74 Fax : 3 79 -7 07 3 of f ic e @ f a it h se g u in . or g w w w . f a it h s e gu i n. o r g 1326 E. Cedar Street, Seguin, Texas 78155, 379-7036 Flowers for 2015 A FEW WORDS FROM PASTOR CROSS… Church Doctor Report The 2015 Flower Chart is now posted on the bulletin board outside the church office. If you would like to provide flowers during the year, please remember to sign up for the Sunday of your choice as soon as possible. Things to Remember • LCMC’s Three Days of Prayer— January 6th-8th • Commitment Sunday— January 11th • LCMC Learning Event: Accessing Scripture— January 12th-16th • Congregational Meeting— January 25th On December 7th, Kent Hunter of Church Doctor Ministries presented his oral report to the congregation regarding our recent church consultation. At that meeting he presented his findings and highlighted some of his key recommendations. Now we will be entering another phase of this consultation, prayerfully discerning which recommendations we sense God is calling us to as congregation. Here’s what comes next. The church council has appointed a task force of respected members of the congregation who will review all the recommendations listed in the report. This task force will divide the recommendations into common ministry areas and refer those recommendations to those committees or groups who are responsible for those particular areas of ministry. In turn, those committees or groups will be asked to prayerfully consider which specific recommendations God is calling us to implement here at Faith. The committees or groups are to get back in touch with the task force with action plans on how the congregation might implement these recommendations. It might be helpful to clear up some misunderstandings that have surfaced regarding these recommendations and how we will or will not implement them. First of all, these recommendations are precisely that, recommendations. In all, there were 192 of them. Some of them we may choose to implement, some of them we may choose to modify, and some of them we may choose to reject. The specific recommendations deal broadly across all areas of ministry. Some recommendations are simple and obvious. Other recommendations are more complex and may require respectful conversation, and members may have to agree to disagree without being disagreeable. But we need to be clear from the outset whether we agree or disagree or are undecided; they are just recommendations unless we decide to act upon them as a congregation. And I would like to point out that of these 192 recommendations, 59 of them were recommendations to give thanks to God for areas of ministry where we are doing quite well. Second, it is not the role of the task force to decide what recommendations will or will not be implemented. Their role is to review all the recommendations, divide and classify them, assign them to the various committees, groups, and ministry areas, and then report back the action plans from the various committees and ministries. The church council selected the following members to serve on this task force: Harold Bogisch, Kurt Cantrell, Dianne Chambers, Mary Koehler, and Phil Wuest. continued on pg. 2 Pa g e 2 JA N UAR Y A FE W MORE WORDS FROM PASTOR CROSS… January Birthdays 01 Clarence Lang 04 Rick Salewsky 04 Robert Raetzsch 05 Emma Jean Becker 06 Tara Sagebiel 07 Brooke Bennett Third, Dr. Hunter has reminded us that prayer is critical in this process. The question isn’t whether he or we think these recommendations are good ideas or bad ideas. The question is, does God want this to happen here at Faith? Thus, our first order of business is to pray about this report. One thing I know about prayer. First, foremost, and always prayer is about being humble and submissive before God, subordinating our will to his. Fourth and finally, we have approximately 250 households in our local membership. Of those, about ninety households picked up a copy of the report and recommendations thus far. I would strongly encourage you, if you have not already done so, to please contact the church office for your copy. We can print one and mail it to you, print one and have you pick it up at the office and save the postage, or have an electronic copy e-mailed to you to save both printing and postage costs. The biggest misunderstandings about the report can be cleared up by reading it for yourself. 07 Patrick Casey 08 Carol My Cue 09 Ron Salewsky 09 Jason Bloch 10 Amy Cantrell 11 John Dikes 2015 and the New Year As the New Year begins, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you God’s richest and best blessings for 2015. My prayer for each and every one of you is that you might see the New Year as an opportunity to draw closer to Christ Jesus through regular prayer and devotional reading of his Word. Starting Thursday, January 8th, we will begin a new Emmaus Bible Institute session on Accessing Scripture through the Bible Toolbox. Bible Toolbox is a study on how to study and better understand the Bible. What a great place to start the New Year! 12 Dolly West 12 Kathy Ersch 12 Jonathan Edwards 12 Pat Dikes 13 Chunkie Harwell 13 Pat Bodine 13 Alexander Taddy 14 Kale Lange 14 Andrew Koenig 15 Leah Linnet 16 Sue Harwell 16 Kendalynn Pruitt 16 Kate Sherwood From the Nominating Committee The Committee has nominated Linda Dietz, Ed Engelhardt, Derick Kauitzsch, Albert Menn and Margit Thurston as candidates for Congregation Council, and Phil and Leyla Wuest as candidates for delegates to the LCMC conventions. Three (3) Council members and two (2) delegates are scheduled to be elected at the January 25, 2015 Congregational meeting. According to the terms of our Constitution and Bylaws, any voting member of the Congregation may submit additional names to the Committee no later than three (3) weeks before the date of the election meeting. The Nominating Committee consists of: Elaine Bennett, Chair; Bill Ermel, Gail Herbold, John Hoff, Clem Howe, and Phyllis Neumann. CONGRATULATIONS TO: Travis Lohmeyer, who graduated from the University of Texas at San Antonio on December 20, 2014. Pa g e 3 P RE S C HOO L NEWS The TRUE meaning of Christmas was everywhere you looked in the Preschool wing. The 2, 3, and 4 year-olds made beautiful handmade gifts for their parents and were even more excited about GIVING them. The entire month of December was a food drive for the Christian Cupboard. The children opened their hearts and generously donated 93 pounds of food to help feed those in need. The children truly understand the meaning of GIVING! January Birthdays 16 Paige Lange Angelic voices were heard at Seguin Assisted Living as the Preschoolers did an AMAZING job singing Christmas carols to a standing room only crowd. They were rewarded with huge smiles and warm hugs from the residents. 17 Georganna Roswell During chapel time, Georgie Dittrich and Johanna Lange presented the wonderful story of Christ's birth. The children were in awe and listened so attentively as these ladies brought the story to life. Each child held the tiny baby Jesus in their hands and whispered, "Come into my heart, dear Jesus." It was truly a magical moment! When asked if they could have visited baby Jesus and taken him a gift, what would they bring him? The children responded... 19 Randal Springs Bouncing balls - Jason Ranft A picture of my family - Raegan Ranft A toy truck - Huckleberry Steele A jacket - Macie Combs A little puppy - Addie Dunn A baby doll - Cooper Morris A baby rattle - Layla Moreno A baby boy doll - Jackson Kirchner A choo-choo train - Travis Just A Sunflower - Eli Baker I would draw a picture of him - Brooke Walker A new cover to keep him warm - Kate Walker One of my baby dolls and blanket - Addie Seidel A fighting robot for when he's older - Josiah Hernandez A jingle bell and then I would sing him the song - Craig Kallus All classes celebrated with a Birthday Party for Jesus. What a joy it is that these children understand the TRUE meaning of Christmas!! As the year comes to an end, we thank God for the gift of His Son and for the gift of each of you who help our Preschool Program grow each year. 16 Ian Cross 20 Vicki Kalkwarf 21 Albert Zipp 22 LeAnne Heckman 22 Charlotte Burns 23 Kelsey Laird 24 Mona Kuhene 24 Suzette Long 24 Joan Vanbeek 27 Judy Sagebiel 28 Deloris Atzger 28 Joyce Siedel 28 William Huff 28 Lauren Eckhardt Annual Congregational Meeting to be Held 29 Weston Koehler On Sunday, January 25th, the members of Faith will meet to adopt Ministries and Programs for the congregation for the coming year. The meeting will begin after the close of the 9:00 AM Worship Service. The agenda for the meeting includes the election of four Church Council members and two LCMC Convention delegates, and presentation of reports from the Financial Review Committee and the Treasurer. The Budget for 2015 in the amount of $553,000.00 was adopted at the Congregational Meeting on December 14, 2014. A Town Hall meeting was held prior to that meeting; however, no Town Hall meeting is planned before the Annual Meeting. 29 Sydney Brucks 29 Henry Scull 30 Travis Mauermann 30 Stacy Smith 30 Bylinda Lange 31 Colby Wilke Pa g e 4 January Anniversaries 06 Brad & Stacy Zella 10 Fred & Sue Blumberg 11 Brad & Mary Flippin 11 Rusty & Jennifer Reininger 13 John & Pat Dikes 14 Will & Renee` Scull 15 Cliff & Debbie Lehmann 15 Kerry & Mary Koehler 26 Jerry & Carol MyCue 30 Mike & Carrie Mueller JA N UAR Y Faith Lutheran Church has a wonderful opportunity to begin the New Year with Three Days of Prayer. On January 6th, 7th, and 8th, Faith will join other LCMC congregations around the world in the Three Days of Prayer Event. LCMC Service Coordinator Mark Vander Tuig writes, “Our attitude toward prayer has often been characterized by saying, “well, all we can do now is pray!” Prayer is not a hopeless act of desperation. Prayer is a gift that God has given to us as a means to approach the throne of grace with confidence—like that of a child coming to her parents sharing concerns, victories, defeats and every part of life. It is an opportunity to express the deepest heartache and the greatest joy. Prayer is a conversation between the Creator and the created…and the conversation began with God, for us, in Christ Jesus.” The prayer focus on Tuesday, January 6th, at 7:45 PM (following committee meetings) will be confession as we gather in the sanctuary. At noon on Wednesday, January 7th, will be a day of petition as we pray for our congregation and its leaders and for all those connected to Faith that they might know God’s redeeming love for all in Christ. Thursday, Jan 8th, at 6:15 PM will be a day for vision as we pray that the Holy Spirit will move through the hearts and minds of leaders and pastors that God’s vision for his church might be revealed and fulfilled. May our response to this prayer opportunity be a witness to the power of prayer in the life and ministry of Faith Lutheran Church. Paul wrote in Acts 2:42 about the 1st century church, “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to the prayers.” May this be true in the 21st Century at Faith Lutheran Church! Please mark your calendar and make plans to join in this uplifting time of prayer and spiritual renewal. Christian Cupboard Item of the Month Food Drive Continues The Social Concerns Committee continues to sponsor the Item of the Month Food Drive to benefit the Christian Cupboard. For the month of January, the Christian Cupboard states that their most needed item is oatmeal. This includes any type of oatmeal, quick oats, instant, flavored, etc. Please bring your donations through January 31st and place them in the basket in the Narthex marked Christian Cupboard. Items of the month for the next two months are as follows: February, coffee; and March, canned beans, Faith’s members have always been wonderful supporters of the Christian Cupboard, and the Social Concerns Committee thanks you for your continued generosity. You have helped us make the Item of the Month Food Drive a success! Pa g e 5 Church Council Communication Corner Church Council meets the second Tuesday of every month at 6:30 PM with agenda-setting meetings on the first Tuesday of the month also at 6:30 PM. Any member of the congregation who would like to bring something before the council is encouraged to contact any council member or attend the agenda-setting and council meetings for the month. Highlights from the December Council Meeting: Thank you to all who attended the Diagnostic Consultation with the Church Doctor. If you would like a copy of the full report, please contact the church office to reserve one for pick up or have one emailed or sent to you. The Church Council has begun the process of appointing a task force to consider the many recommendations made in the report. The Council approved the use of Constant Contact, a mass emailing provider. This will allow for faster and more frequent communication with all members of Faith Lutheran Church. Once the system is up and running, you will have a chance to submit your email address in order to be included. The annual meeting is set for January 25, 2015. Most importantly, we will be voting on new Council members, and we hope everyone can be there. Please continue brainstorming about ideas for Faith on Tour. We are looking forward to kicking this project off early in 2015. Social Concerns Committee Kicks Off Baby Bottle Campaign Drive In conjunction with Sanctity of Life month in January, the Social Concerns Committee is once again sponsoring the Baby Bottle Campaign Drive for the South Texas Pregnancy Care Center. The primary mission of the center is to promote life for the unborn child and to offer support for the mother and child during pregnancy, birth, and the baby’s early years. The fundraiser begins Sunday, January 4th, through the end of January. In addition, a special Sanctity of Life Service will take place on January 18th. As in the past, baby bottles will be available in the narthex for Faith members to pick up and take home. Bottles will also be distributed to Sunday School children. We encourage you to join other churches in the Seguin area by placing change, dollar bills, and checks in the baby bottles to help support the services that the center provides. A few of the important services that the center provides at no charge to clients include pregnancy tests, sonograms, counseling, educational materials, newborn gift packages, and teen abstinence events. One hundred percent of the funds raised go directly support the center's budget. The South Texas Pregnancy Care Center exists to reach out and offer hope to people who mistakenly believe abortion is their only option. Please return the bottles to the church no later than Sunday, February 1st. MAY THE LORD BLESS AND COMFORT THE FAMILY OF: Mr. Lawrence Barker, father of Rissa Springs. Mr. Barker passed through death into Eternal Life on November 30, 2014, in Seguin. Graveside services were held on December 5th. MAY THE LORD BLESS AND COMFORT THE FAMILY OF: Mrs. Sharon Weise, mother of Ben Weise. Mrs. Weise passed through death into Eternal Life on December 6, 2014, in Yoakum, Texas. Graveside services were held in Yorktown, Texas on December 12th. MAY THE LORD BLESS AND COMFORT THE FAMILY OF: John Whitwell, husband of Lydia Whitwell. John passed through death into Eternal Life on December 11, 2014, in Garden Ridge. Funeral services were held here at Faith on December 13th. Pa g e 6 JA N UAR Y FAITH on Tour 50th Anniversary Celebration To Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Faith Lutheran Church in 2016, we are taking our FAITH on Tour! Mission: Serve God’s people in our community. Celebrate the History and Future of Faith Lutheran Church. Your Task: We need you to think of a community place or group you would like to serve, organize, and perform a service project for them with the support of the 50th Anniversary Task Force and celebrate 50 years of Faith. Contact Amy Cantrell with your ideas for service. 830-556-6711 or [email protected] HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM PARISH EDUCATION!! December was filled with celebrating the birth of Jesus. On the first Sunday of Advent, we invited families to make Advent wreaths. Pastor Cross taught us all how the Advent wreath came to be and its significance in the church during the Christmas season. It was fun to watch families work together and put their own creative touches on their wreaths. Each family took their wreath home along with daily scripture readings and activities to do as a family every day of Advent. THANK YOU to everyone who helped make the Sunday School Christmas Program, The Birth of Christ, a success. DVD copies of the slideshow presentation will be available soon. Please call Teressa at the church office to reserve one. There will be NO SUNDAY SCHOOL on January 11th due to Commitment Sunday. Please consider Parish Education and Sunday School as you fill out your Time and Talent sheets. Any and all help is always appreciated. On Sunday, January 18th, our lesson will begin on the Ten Commandments followed by the story of the walls of Jericho. We look forward to an exciting year! Please join us each week and feel free to bring a friend. A reminder to parents: Sunday School starts at 10:30 AM. We do not have staff to supervise your children from the time church ends until Sunday School begins at 10:30 AM. We encourage you to enjoy cookies and fellowship as a family between the worship service and Sunday School. This can be a wonderful time to catch up with other parents and get to know our new members. The Sunday School Advent Wreath making activity was fun for all ages. Pa g e 7 WOMEN OF FAITH IN JANUARY HOPE CIRCLE—Thursday, January 15th, 2:00 PM at the home of Johanna Lange, 1434 Canary Lane CHARITY CIRCLE—Monday, January 19th, 7:00 PM at the home of Anita Hoff, 159 Woodstone Street LOVE CIRCLE—Tuesday, January 20th, 9:30 AM at the home of Brenda Bloch, 710 Heritage MEN OF FAITH The Men of Faith Lutheran Church will meet in the Activity Center from 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM for breakfast and a devotional on Saturday, January 17th. GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER Commitment Sunday January 11, 2015 The Stewardship Committee urges you to circle Sunday, January 11th, on your new 2015 calendar. This is the date of our Commitment Sunday. This year’s theme is "God Loves a Cheerful Giver" from 2 Corinthians 9:7. “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, " not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." Why is it important to share our blessings? Three reasons: Giving is a reminder of His ownership. Giving is praise and worship. Giving is for our spiritual well being. Because we are designed in God's image, we are happiest and most fulfilled when serving and giving. The mission of our church will be in direct proportion to our time, talent, and monetary gifts. Join us for breakfast from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM in the Life Enrichment Center. The Worship Service will be held at 10:00 AM. During this service, you will be asked to turn in your time and talent sheets, as well as your pledge cards. The pledge cards will remain sealed on the altar for the entire year. There will be no Sunday School on this day; however, the Nursery will be available from 8:30 AM until the end of the Commitment Worship Service. The family of John B. Whitwell sincerely thanks our Faith Family for the prayers, cards, food, visits, and most of all those who helped set up and clean up after the funeral reception. It helped so much in relieving the stress during the time of our husband, father and grandfather’s death. God’s Blessings, Lydia Whitwell and Family FAITH’S SEALED PLEDGES Many years ago Faith Lutheran Church chose to follow a unique path of personal financial commitment. Each family or individual determines through thoughtfulness and prayer what portion of their income will be given to the work of this congregation for the coming year. This information is written on a pledge card and placed on the altar during the Commitment Service with deep assurance that the Holy Spirit has acted in each member’s heart and mind. These cards are never opened. Only God and each of his servants know what was written on these pledge cards. This means as a congregation, we place a great deal of faith in the individual relationships our members have with their Lord. MAY THE LORD BLESS AND COMFORT THE FAMILY OF: Bernice “Rocky” Junker. Rocky passed through death into Eternal Life on December 19, 2014, in Seguin. A memorial service will be held here at Faith on January 9, 2015. Wednesday Nights @ Faith Join us on Wednesdays for food and fellowship with the rest of the great youth! As always, friends are welcome! UPCOMING MENU January 7 - Mac & Cheese January 14 - Pizza Casserole Important Things January 21 - Pork Express January 28 - What is it??? JanuaryBirthdays!! January 7th we will be starting back with Confirmation and regular Wednesday night activities. Hope to see you all there! 1/13 - Alexander Taddy 1/16 - Kate Sherwood Happy Birthday from the Faith Lutheran Youth Department. 8 Senior High will have a guest speaker on Wednesday, January 7th. Come out and hear from Pat Bodine! Rock on for Life will be on January 18th. More info on this great fundraising event will be forthcoming! OUR LOVE AND PRAYERS GO OUT TO Jeff Mueller Allan Dreibrodt Phoebe Weise Kelton Lange Sydney Brucks Tootsie Rodgers Laura Nash Donald Jackson Nora Lavalett Dorothy Burris Jody Dixon Lillian Lippe Jonathan Andrews Ronnie Glenewinkel Ken Pfeil Glenda Leiber Jim Leiber Tom Stout Bill Mires Julie Sagebiel Keli Seidel Art Hiltgen, brother/uncle of Glenda Leiber/Nicole Dietz Nora Naumann, friend of Wallace and Coreen Dube Felix Hahn, Jr., father of Margie Campbell Ron Ridge, father of Syndra Schulze Pam Taggart, sister of Lisa Lohmeyer Kathy Gorman, friend of Dolly West Barbara Roesler, cousin of JoAnn Bogisch Barbara Campbell, mother of Jonathan Campbell Dianne Mueller, mother of Mike Mueller Wanda Linsey, sister-in-law of Ruby Linsey Rebecca Haskin, niece of Carolyn Sagebiel Leigh Couch, sister of Kathy Ersch Glen, Gene, and Wanda Badgett, family of Clara Fischer Nancy Rodgers, sister of Damon Rodgers John Brannan, friend of Steve and Susan Foerster Diane Allbaugh, friend of Birdie Kuempel Faye Henze, sister of Birdie Kuempel Lessie Shashack, mother of Steve and Jamie Shashack Marti Radicke, friend of the Reiningers Pat Armour, friend of Fred and Sue Blumberg Mary Moss, cousin of Jo Ann Bogisch Amy McCallick, friend of the James Walker Family Edward Marquardt, brother of Sherline Bogisch Clay Brawner, cousin of Rusty Reininger Erika Dubois, mother of Patrick Lang Willie Mae Brondstad, mother of Donna Boelter Landon Douglass, friend of Lisa Lohmeyer Steve Koehler, son of Charles Koehler Marjorie Treadaway, mother of Phoebe Weise Tuddy and Jeanette Dietz, friends of Chris/Nikki Lange Family of Clyde Weikert, friends of Tim Bogisch Family Rose Hunt, friend of Faith Lutheran Church Herb and Helen Roberts, friends of Bill Keller Cherie Almand, friend of Vanita Hodge Sandra Aadland, mother of Kolleen Kallus Richard Luensmann, friend of the Reiley Family Mary Herrera, friend of Irene Menn Nancy Bittrich, sister of Susan Wuest Nancy Swanger, friend of Lisa Lohmeyer Ron Marcotte, friend of Ted and Doris Engelhardt 9 Danny, friend of Ben and Phoebe Weise Allison Goodson, friend of Janyce Dreibrodt Mildred Weaver, friend of Fred and Sue Blumberg Dianne Levy, daughter of Sue and Chunkie Harwell Donna Becker, sister of Debbie Lehmann Reid Strauss, great-grandson of Carla Anderson John Murray, brother of Sandy Wille Marilyn McLauchlan, mother of Jamie Shashack Michelle Jesse, niece of Janet Wolber Nancy Mercer, friend of Kim, Deborah, and Diane Judy Spruce, sister of Patty Fox Debbie Dykes, friend of Doris Beicker Kim Isaacs, sister of Kristin Moum Ana Maria Rush, friend of Al and Debbie Bacon Kathy Spitler, friend of Marvin and Loretta DeLong Kenny Dykes, brother of Sharon Westerholm Max Owens, brother-in-law of Sammie Gibson Melissa Kaiser, sister of Cori Blaschke Miles Takington, friend of Cliff and Debbie Lehman Betty Wiederstein, sister of Dorothy Burris Marilyn Lubbering, niece of Dorothy Burris Shirley Masterson, relative of Ruby, Mona & Roxanne Sara Rainwater, friend of Allan and Janyce Dreibrodt Ted Andrews, father of Mike Andrews Judi Pyburn, sister of Jerry Vogel Audrey/Amelia Hettinger, friends of Margie Campbell Ray Speight, brother of Barbara Hilbert Bridgette Smith, great-great niece of Clara Fischer Barbara Harborth, sister of Linda Foreman Peggy Staton, friend of Faith Lutheran Church Emmett Engelke, friend of Ted and Doris Engelhardt Corinne and Paul Becker, family of Don/Emma Jean Becker Eric Moum, brother of Kristin Moum LeAnn Kenworthy, friend of Doug and Vicki Bierstedt Clara Lindig, mother of Melvin Lindig Marilyn King, friend of Steve and Susan Foerster Jo Ann Hoel, cousin of Anita Hoff Kim Nelson, cousin of Betty Moltz Abbey Wilkens, daughter of Nick and Ashley Wilkens Helen Walker, grandmother of Sara Edwards Bill Welch, son-in-law of Randall and Flora Ingalls Doug Brown, brother of Sammie Pooley-Means Michelle Waag, friend of Cliff and Debbie Lehmann Brenda Hodge, step-mother of Richard Hodge George Sullivan, brother of Julia Glenewinkel Rebecca Pavlowsky, cousin of Katharine Schievelbein Andrew Dalton, friend of Chris and Nikki Lange Cristo Rey Lutheran Church, Pharr, Texas FAITH WORKERS FOR JANUARY 2015 JANUARY 4TH JANUARY 11TH JANUARY 18TH JANUARY 25TH Janet Wolber Kitty Keller David Moltz Count: COMMUNION Karen Huff Doug Eckhardt Deloris Atzger Deloris Atzger ASSISTANTS Count: Janet/Karen Count: Kitty/Doug Lock Up: Janet Wolber Lock Up: Doug E. Clem Howe, Cpt. Tim Bogisch, Cpt. Count: David/Deloris Jud Alexander Lock Up: David Moltz Lock Up: Jud Bill Keller, Cpt. Paul Kalkwarf, Cpt. Jan Howe Albert Menn Tim Fox Vicki Kalkwarf Ted Engelhardt Andrew Koenig Willie Bloch Ryder Wuest Bill Ermel Brian Dahl Jim Sagebiel Sharon Westerholm Ben Weise Chunkie Harwell Commitment Sunday Kurt Cantrell Sherline Bogisch Mary Koehler Fran Braun Dianne Chambers B.J. Chanbers Mary Koehler Fran Braun Dianne Chambers B.J. Chambers Mary Koehler Fran Braun Dianne Chambers B.J.. Chambers USHERS LAY READERS Set Up ALTAR GUILD Clean Up NURSERY Sunday School Tiffany Bogisch Commitment Sunday Tiffany Bogisch Tiffany Bogisch HELPERS Church Tiffany Bogisch Commitment Sunday Tiffany Bogisch Tiffany Bogisch Georganna Roswell Pat Sagebiel Ron Salewsky Larry Serold Katharine Schievelbein Missy Sagebiel Brandon Westerholm Kristy Serold Carter Holtkamp Karsyn Dietz Cameron Patek Kameron Shanafelt Jack White Blake Martinez Samantha Lum Chase Boenig GREETERS ACOLYTES JANUARY 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Church Office Closed 4 HOLY COMMUNION WORSHIP 9:00 AM STUDY 5 6 Women's Noon 6:30 PM Sewing 9:00 AM WWF 4:00 PM Committee Meetings Handbells Confirmation 6:45 PM 7:00 PM Choir 7:00 Bible Study Activity Center Rental 3 9 10 16 17 Al-Anon 10:00 AM 7 Council Board Saturday 2 8 Emmaus Bible Al-Anon Institute 10:00 AM 7:00 PM - Noon - 3:00pm 11 COMMITMEN T SUNDAY 12 13 HOLY BREAKFAST 8:30 AM Women's Church Noon 6:30 PM to 9:30 AM in WORSHIP 10:00 AM Bible Study 18 HOLY WORSHIP 9:00 AM STUDY 19 20 Women's Love Circle Noon 9:30 AM 14 15 Sewing 9:00 AM Hope Circle WWF 4:00 Handbells 6:00 PM 2:00 PM Confirmation Choir 7:00 PM Emmaus 21 Sewing WWF 4:00 PM Handbells Prayer and Confirmation Charity Circle Healing 6:45 PM Service - 7:00 Choir 7:00 7:00 PM PM PM 25 26 27 28 WORSHIP ANNUAL FOLLOWING WORSHIP Bible Study Al-Anon Men of Faith 10:00 AM 8:30 AM A.C. Institute AC Rental 7:00 PM 22 1pm - 4pm Emmaus Al-Anon Institute 10:00 AM 24 30 31 7:00 PM - 29 Sewing Emmaus Al-Anon Noon WWF 4:00 Institute 10:00 AM Bible Study 7:00 PM - Via de Cristo Handbells Confirmation 6:45 PM 6:30 PM Choir 7:00 Women's 23 Faith Lutheran Church 1326 E. Cedar Street Seguin, Texas 78155 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #3 SEGUIN, TEXAS 78155 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED January 2015 FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH COUNCIL David Moltz, President…...Evangelism Committee Jud Alexander, Vice President…...Mission Outreach Committee Janet Wolber, Secretary...Parrish Education Committee David Brucks, Treasurer…...Junior High Youth Committee Doug Eckhardt, Asst. treasurer…...Stewardship Committee Deloris Atzger…...Worship Committee Karen Huff…...Preschool Committee Mary Flippin…...Senior High Youth Committee Amy Cantrell…...Social Concerns Committee Kitty Keller…… Property Management Committee CHURCH STAFF Pastor………….……Paul M. Cross Pastoral Intern……….Philip Daniels Office Manager…Cathy Wensinger PRESCHOOL & EXTENDED CARE Director/Teacher……….....Sharon Stollewerk Teacher & Ext Care Aide…....Paula Neuman Preschool Teacher…………..Angela Beasley Comm. Director……..Teressa Cope Preschool Aide…………..…..Georgie Dittrich Parish Education……...Amy Casey Volunteers……………..Nancy Estes Youth Director….Mark Westerholm Youth Assistant………..Jon Bostick Organist/Choir………Annette Stout Handbell Dir….Roxanne Heckmann Custodian…...Janiece Schwarzkopf INSIDE YOUR JANUARY NEWSLETTER Birthdays / Words from Cross 2 Preschool News / Birthdays 3 Anniversaries / LCMC / Cupboard 4 Council Corner / Baby Bottle Campaign 5 Sunday School / 50th Anniversary 6 Women / Men / Stewardship 7 Youth Page 8 Becky Moore MMO Teacher…...…………..Candi Andrews MMO Aide & Extended Care Teacher……………….………....Sheri Scaief Extended Care Aide………..…...Macy Glass
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