January 2015 Dear ONL Member: You are invited to be a part of the 2015 nomination process by submitting your own name as a nominee, submitting the name of a colleague, or encouraging an ONL member to submit his/her nomination for elected office. The nomination process provides ONL members the opportunity to seek talented nursing leaders who are committed to the advancement of nursing practice and patient care in health care systems. A nominee must have been an ONL member for at least two years to be eligible for the office of Secretary, Regional Representative or the Nominating Committee. Three years of ONL membership are required for PresidentElect nominees. Additionally, each sitting member of the Board of Directors must be a current member of AONE. The following ONL positions are included in the 2015 election cycle: President-Elect Secretary & ByLaws Chair Regional Representatives for Metro West-Central; Northeast; and Western MA Regions (two-year term of office) Nominating Committee Members (three selected for a two-year term of office) If you, or a colleague, are interested in being considered for nomination, please submit the attached nominations form, candidate background information form and a resume. Also attached are copies of the nominations timeline and the criteria for each of the positions. Please note that nominations must be received by February 6, 2015. Completed nominations forms may be mailed, emailed or faxed to the ONL office at 781-272-3505. A member of the nominating committee will contact all those nominated for office and provide them with the necessary documents to complete to be included on the 2015-2016 slate for elected office. ONL Nominating Committee Barbara Weatherford: Mary Sullivan-Smith: Lisa Colombo: Jane Foley: Margery Chisholm: Christine Klucznik: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Chair) Thank you for your interest and assistance, as the nomination process assures the strong, continued leadership the ONL Board provides. Sincerely, Christine Klucznik, DNP, RN ONL Immediate Past President Chair, Nominating Committee Attachments 800 West Cummings Park, Suite 5600, Woburn, MA 01801 Phone: 781-272-3500 Fax 781-272-3505 www.oonl.org The following ONL positions are included in the 2015 election cycle: President-Elect Secretary & ByLaws Chair Regional Representatives for Metro West-Central; Northeast; and Western MA Regions (two-year term of office) Nominating Committee Members (three selected for a two-year term of office) I wish to submit the following name(s) for consideration in the nominating process (please print): Candidate #1: Name: Work Phone: Title: Organization: Desired ONL Position Email: ONL member in good standing for at least 1 year? (Y/N): Is person aware that name is being submitted? (Y/N) Candidate #2: Name: Work Phone: Title: Organization: Desired ONL Position Email: ONL member in good standing for at least 1 year? (Y/N): Is person aware that name is being submitted? (Y/N) Candidate #3: Name: Work Phone: Title: Organization: Desired ONL Position Email: ONL member in good standing for at least 1 year? (Y/N): Is person aware that name is being submitted? (Y/N) Name of Person Completing this Form Work Phone: Email: Email to: [email protected] - Fax to: 781-272-3505 or Mail to: ONL, 800 West Cummings Park, Suite 5600, Woburn, MA 01801 800 West Cummings Park, Suite 5600, Woburn, MA 01801 Phone: 781-272-3500 Fax 781-272-3505 www.oonl.org Organization of Nurse Leaders MA & RI FY2015 Election Fact Sheet President-Elect Criteria Term of Office Twelve (12) months from the 2015 Annual Meeting through the 2016 Annual Meeting President: 12 months from the 2016 Annual Meeting through the 2017 Annual Meeting Past-President: 12 months from the 2017 Annual Meeting through the 2018 Annual Meeting Responsibilities Assure the ONL mission is accomplished by: Chairing the ONL Board of Directors (after the President-Elect year) and being accountable for its responsibilities Developing the strategic plan to meet the organization’s vision, mission & goals Selecting and evaluating the executive director for ONL Serving as a spokesperson for ONL Appointing members of committees and task forces Serving as a leadership role model for the profession Keeping Board members fully informed on ONL status Working with ONL’s chief executive officer and staff to ensure that planning, finances, and policy further ONL’s vision, mission, and goals Assuming full responsibilities as a member of the ONL Board of Directors Providing leadership for fundraising for ONL Criteria for Nomination Experience Current Membership in ONL for at least the past 2 years, including the current year Current membership in AONE Participation in AONE activities at national level is preferred Other Known as a visionary leader Ability to make the time commitment, with support from employing organization (when not self- employed) Minimum yearly time commitment includes 2 days for the ONL Annual Meeting; 8 days for ONL board meetings; 5 days for AONE Annual Meeting; 3 days for quarterly meetings Demonstrated collaboration and mentoring abilities Demonstrated relationship-building with internal and external stakeholders Demonstrated understanding of ONL’s mission, values, and issues Demonstrated understanding of health care and nursing issues Demonstrated skills in public speaking ONL board members complete their work in a variety of ways. It is expected that nominees have access to a computer and be able to use e-mail Resources Available Administrative support is provided by ONL Travel and partial expenses as President to the AONE annual meeting and AONE chapter leader meeting provided by ONL in accordance with the ONL Travel Reimbursement Policy Information to be submitted for nomination Completed biographical/nominations form Résumé or curriculum vitae Statement on the most significant issue facing ONL with potential strategies to address the issue with a limit of 100 words (Note: ONL reserves the right to edit the statement in order to adhere to the word limit.) Please submit statement as an e-mail attachment to [email protected]. The nominee must also state his/her competencies to fill the role (why is the nominee qualified to fill the role of President-Elect?) 800 West Cummings Park, Suite 5600, Woburn, MA 01801 Phone: 781-272-3500 Fax 781-272-3505 www.oonl.org Organization of Nurse Leaders MA & RI FY2015 Election Fact Sheet Secretary Criteria Term of Office Twenty-four (24) months from the 2015 Annual Meeting through the 2016 Annual Meeting Responsibilities Assure the ONL mission is accomplished by: Recording all business of the board meetings, quarterly meetings and annual meetings Making all requests for minutes available within thirty (30) days following a meeting of ONL Serving as the Chairperson of the Bylaws Committee - Annually reviewing the bylaws and recommending changes, as necessary, in order to meet the objectives of the organization - Presenting bylaws changes for vote by the membership in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Massachusetts Organization of Nurse Executives Criteria for Nomination Experience Membership in ONL for at least 1 year Participation on ONL committees Membership in AONE Other Ability to make the time commitment, with support from employing organization (when not self employed) Minimum time commitment includes two days for the ONL Annual Meeting, eight days of ONL Board meetings, Finance Committee meetings every two months, and three all-day quarterly meetings Demonstrated collaboration and relationship-building skills Demonstrated understanding of AONE mission, values and issues Demonstrated understanding of health care and nursing issues Resources Available Administrative support is provided by ONL Information to be submitted for nomination Completed biographical/nominations form Résumé or curriculum vitae Statement on the biggest issue facing ONL with potential strategies to address the issue with a limit of 100 words (Note: ONL reserves the right to edit the 100 words in order to adhere to the word limit.) Please submit statement as an email attachment to [email protected]. The candidate must also state the potential nominee's competencies to fill the role (why is the nominee qualified to fill the role of secretary?) 800 West Cummings Park, Suite 5600, Woburn, MA 01801 Phone: 781-272-3500 Fax 781-272-3505 www.oonl.org Organization of Nurse Leaders MA & RI FY2015 ELECTION FACT SHEET REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES CRITERIA Term of Office Metro West-Central; Northeast; and Western MA for twenty-four (24) months from the 2015 Annual Meeting through the 2017 Annual Meeting Responsibilities Assure the ONL mission is accomplished by: Acting in the interest of ONL’s membership Establish communications strategy to keep regional members informed on ONL’s work Assisting in the development of the strategic plan to meet the organization’s vision, mission & goals Publicly supporting Board actions to members in their region Fulfilling assignments as liaison or representative of ONL Criteria for Nomination Experience Membership in ONL for at least 1 year Participation in ONL activities Membership in AONE Other Ability to make the time commitment, with support from employing organization Minimum time commitment includes 2 days for the ONL annual meeting; 8 days ONL Board meetings; 3 days for ONL quarterly meetings Demonstrated collaboration, mentoring and relationship-building skills Demonstrated understanding of AONE’s mission, values, and issues Demonstrated understanding of health care and nursing issues Resources Available Administrative support is provided by ONL Information to be submitted for nomination Completed biographical/nominations form Résumé or curriculum vitae Statement on issues facing ONL with potential strategies for each, with a limit of 100 words (note: ONL reserves the right to edit the 100 words in order to adhere to the word limit.) Please submit statement as an email attachment to [email protected] 800 West Cummings Park, Suite 5600, Woburn, MA 01801 Phone: 781-272-3500 Fax 781-272-3505 www.oonl.org Organization of Nurse Leaders MA & RI FY2015 Election Fact Sheet Nominating Committee Criteria Term of office Twenty-four (24) month term of office from the 2015 Annual Meeting through the 2017 Annual Meeting Responsibilities Network with ONL members in Massachusetts to gain knowledge of potential candidates Recommend criteria for selection of candidates Recommend the annual slate of candidates Criteria for nomination Experience Membership in ONL for at least 1 year Participation in ONL committee work is preferred Participation in AONE activities at national level is preferred Information to be submitted for nomination Completed biographical/nominations form Résumé or curriculum vitae Statement on issues facing ONL with potential strategies for each, with a limit of 100 words (note: ONL reserves the right to edit the 100 words in order to adhere to the word limit.) Please submit statement as an email attachment to [email protected] ONL Nominating Committee 2015 – 2018 Election Cycle Time Line Key dates: 1. Nomination materials packets emailed to members by January 9, 2015 2. Nomination applications due to ONL Office February 6, 2015 3. Candidates notified of nomination status by February 20, 2015 4. Ballots e-mailed to membership April 3, 2015 5. Voting closes May 8, 2015 6. Election results announced June 5, 2015 800 West Cummings Park, Suite 5600, Woburn, MA 01801 Phone: 781-272-3500 Fax 781-272-3505 www.oonl.org
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