1010 Clubhouse Drive Lake Isabella, MI, 48893 989-644-8654 Village of Lake Isabella Planning Commission AGENDA January 13, 2015 7:00 PM I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call of Members: IV. Agenda Approval V. Approval of Minutes VI. Reports: VII. Public Hearings: None Robert Laraway Larry Hiither Angela Schofield George Dunn Councilman Jeff Grey Farzad Tafreshi Chairman Dave McGrath Chairman Village Manager Zoning Board of Appeals Village Council VIII. Public Comments IX. Existing Business 1. 2. X. New Business 1. 2014 Planning & Zoning Report 2. February Meeting Date 3. 4. XI. Public Comments XII. Adjournment Village of Lake Isabella PlanningCommissionMinutes RegularMeeting–December9,2014 1010ClubhouseDrive LakeIsabella,MI,48893 The Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Planning Commission Vice Chairman Robert Laraway and the pledge of allegiance was recited. Members Present: Dunn, Grey, Hiither, Laraway, Tafreshi, & Schofield Members Excused: McGrath The Agenda for the meeting was accepted as presented without objection or modification. A motion was made by Dunn, seconded by Tafreshi, to approve the minutes of the November meeting as presented. VOICE VOTE: MOTION CARRIED 6-0-0. Reports: Village Deputy Manager Manley reported on Manager Wolff’s report. Public Hearings: 1. Proposed Ordinance 2015-01; Temporary Structures Laraway opened the Public Hearing at 7:03 PM. Public Comments: None Grey stated he liked the change to the barricade specifications. Laraway Closed the Public Hearing at 7:08 PM. A motion was made by Dunn, seconded by Hiither, to recommend ordinance 2015-01 to the Village Council for adoption. VOICE VOTE: MOTION CARRIED 6-0-0. Public Comments: None Existing Business: New Business: None Announcements The planning commission members let it be known the meetings they will not be able to attend for the upcoming months, and asked to be excused as follows: George Dunn: Larry Hiither: Farzad Tafreshi: January-April February March-April Public Comments: Comments were offered to the Planning Commission by Mike Scherba of Isabella Vista. With no further business, the Planning Commission stood in adjournment at 7:12 PM. x\ Jeffrey P. Grey, Village Clerk DRAFT Village of Lake Isabella Village Council Minutes Regular Meeting – December 16, 2014 1010 Clubhouse Drive Lake Isabella, MI, 48893 The Meeting was called to order by his Honor, Village President Torgerson, at 7:00 PM and the pledge of allegiance was recited. Members Present: Eberhart, Grey, Lacca, Kiel, & Torgerson Members Excused: Griffin & Pattison The Agenda for the meeting was accepted without objection or modification, which included the approval of Griffin and Pattison being excused from the meeting. A motion was made by Kiel, seconded by Grey, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, which included the following items: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Investment Reports Invoices and Bills to be Paid Balance Sheet Income & Expense Report Disposal of Closed Session Minutes Draft Minutes of the November 25, 2014 Village Council Meeting Draft Minuets of the December 9, 2014 Planning Commission Meeting Draft Minutes of the December 12, 2014 Finance Committee Draft Minutes of the December 12, 2014 Personnel Committee ROLL CALL VOTE; YEAS: Eberhart, Grey, Lacca, Kiel, & Torgerson NAYS: None; MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (5-0-0). Reports: 1. Staff from Gabridge & Company was present to provide an overview of the Village’s audit for the 2013-2014 fiscal year. Once again the Village received the highest opinion that can be offered by the auditors, and had no issues which warrant further correction. The auditors discussed the one-time occurrence of how the Village’s debt refinancing impacted the year-end numbers. Since the repayment of the bonds needed to be accounted for under the expenses for the year, it showed that the Village had total General Fund expenses of $857,487. Of which, $530,000 was debt refinancing. As a result the audit showed cash on hand of roughly 32% of General Fund expenses. Taking the debt refinance out of that formula would result in a General Fund balance of roughly 85% for an entire fiscal year expenses. It was noted that The State of Michigan considers a community at risk for financial distress when that number is at 13% or lower, and that the generally acceptable standard in auditing is a minimum cash on hand of 17%. 2. Skip Uber, General Manager of Isabella Pellet, was present to give the Council an update on various changes and developments at the factory. He advised the Council that all of the original management team is no longer involved in the operations of the factory, and that they will be converting their heat source for the dryer from wood chips to natural gas in January of 2015. He discussed improvements that are planned for the facility over the DRAFT Village Council Minutes – December 16, 2014 2 next year as revenue allows. He asked the Council to delay any enforcement action on the uncompleted items from their various development agreements. There was discussed with Mr. Uber from the Council, specifically on the need to finish the required paving and the outdoor storage of materials. The Council requested that Mr. Uber provides quarterly updates to the Council on the progress being made towards full compliance with the development agreements. No enforcement action was requested by the Village Council at this time. 3. Village President Torgerson presented Councilman Lacca with a plaque thanking him for his service on the Village Council. 4. Village Manager Wolff provided a written report to the Village Council, it was received without objection. Wolff also asked Deputy Manager Manley to give an update on the Adopt-a-Family program. She informed the Council that roughly $3,400 was raised this year to help families in need. 5. LIPOA Manager King provided a written report to the Village Council, it was received without objection. Public Hearings: 1. Proposed Ordinance 2014-07; Temporary Vendors & Zoning Permits Torgerson opened the public hearing at 7:55 PM. A synopsis of the ordinance was read by Village Manager Wolff. Public Comments: None Comments from Council: Torgerson thanked the Planning Commission for its work on this project and stated his opinion that it was wise to have the regulations in place. Torgerson closed the public hearing at 7:58 PM. A motion was made by Grey, seconded by Lacca, to adopt Ordinance 2014-07 as presented. ROLL CALL VOTE; YEAS: Eberhart, Grey, Lacca, Kiel, & Torgerson NAYS: None; MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (5-0-0). Public Comments: Public comments were offered to the Village Council from the following individuals: George Dunn of Queens Way Mike Scherba of Isabella Vista Paul Cueny of Clubhouse Drive Larry Hiither of Queens Way Existing Business: 1. Resolution 2014-25; Employee Handbook A motion was made by Eberhart, seconded by Grey, to adopt Resolution 2014-25, which updates the Village of Lake Isabella Employee Handbook, as recommended by the Personnel Committee. ROLL CALL VOTE; YEAS: Eberhart, Grey, Lacca, Kiel, & Torgerson NAYS: None; MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (5-0-0). DRAFT Village Council Minutes – December 16, 2014 3 2. Resolution 2014-26; Village Council Rules & Procedures A motion was made by Grey, seconded by Kiel, to adopt Resolution 2014-26, which updates the Village Council Rules and Procedures, effective January 1, 2015 as recommended by the Personnel Committee, and then further amended by the Village Council. ROLL CALL VOTE; YEAS: Eberhart, Grey, Lacca, Kiel, & Torgerson NAYS: None; MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (5-0-0). New Business 1. 2014-2015 Drain Commissioner Special Assessment Payment A motion was made by Kiel, seconded by Eberhart, to approve a payment in the amount of $3,251.17 to cover the first of four annual installments Isabella County Drain Commissioner Special Assessment for repairs made to the Lake Isabella Dam on all parcels currently owned by the Village of Lake Isabella which are not listed for sale. ROLL CALL VOTE; YEAS: Eberhart, Grey, Lacca, Kiel, & Torgerson NAYS: None; MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (5-0-0). 2. Introduction of Proposed Ordinance 2015-01; Temporary Structures A motion was made by Grey, seconded by Lacca, to introduce proposed Ordinance 201501, which deals with Temporary Structures and set a public hearing for the next regular meeting date with a quorum present. VOICE VOTE: MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5-0-0. 3. Dedicated Patrol Coverage Contract with Sherman Township A motion was made by Lacca, seconded by Eberhart, to authorize the Village Manager to begin contract renewal negotiations with Sherman Township on the Village’s dedicated coverage contract which is set to expire on February 28, 2015. VOICE VOTE: MOTION CARRIED UNAMIMOUSLY 5-0-0. 4. Resolution 2014-27; Budget Amendments A motion was made by Kiel, seconded by Lacca, to adopt proposed Resolution 2014-27, which amends the Village’s FY 2014-2015 budget. ROLL CALL VOTE; YEAS: Eberhart, Grey, Lacca, Kiel, & Torgerson NAYS: None; MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (5-0-0). 5. Proposed Ordinance 2015-02; Boat, Trailer, & RV Storage Regulations Proposed Ordinance 2015-02 was discussed by the Council, but was not formally introduced. Without objection further action was postponed until the next regular meeting with a quorum present to allow further review of the draft. 6. Resolution 2014-28; Lake Isabella South & Lake Isabella Golf Estates II Report A motion was made by Eberhart, seconded by Grey, to adopt Resolution 2014-28 which directs the Village Manager to prepare a report detailing the history of the restrictions which limit the on-site development of well and septic systems for Lake Isabella South and Lake Isabella Golf Estates II and submit such to the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Central Michigan District Health Department, and Isabella County Board of Public Works, and further authorizing the Village Manager to engage in discussions with those entities listed above as to amending the existing restrictions to allow future development on a case-by-case basis provided that there is sufficient DRAFT Village Council Minutes – December 16, 2014 evidence to support the lifting of the restrictions and there are no concerns from those organizations over the impact on the public’s health and well-being. ROLL CALL VOTE; YEAS: Eberhart, Grey, Lacca, Kiel, & Torgerson NAYS: None; MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (5-0-0). Public Comments: Comments were offered to the Council and public from Councilman Lacca. With no further business, the Village Council stood in adjournment at 8:49 PM. x\ Jeffrey P. Grey, Village Clerk x\ Dave Torgerson, Village President 4 DRAFT Village of Lake Isabella Village Council Minutes Special Meeting – December 26, 2014 1010 Clubhouse Drive Lake Isabella, MI, 48893 The Meeting was called to order by his Honor, Village President Torgerson, at 5:00 PM and the pledge of allegiance was recited. Members Present: Members Absent: Grey, Kiel, Lacca, Pattison, and Torgerson Eberhart & Griffin Public Comments: Public comments were offered to the Village Council from Paul Cueny of Clubhouse Drive. Business 1. Proposed Resolution 2014-29; Village Council Rules, Technical Amendment The Village Council reviewed a proposed resolution to make a technical amendment to section 2.2 of the Village Council rules which go into effect on January 1, 2015. A motion was made by Lacca, seconded by Kiel, to direct the Village Manager to confer with legal counsel to update the Village Attorney’s original opinion regarding the permissible use of telephonic and video conference means to allow Council members to attend and participate in Council meetings and supply such opinion to the Village Council before taking further action on the proposed resolution. VOICE VOTE: MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0-0. 2. Request to Approved Excused Absences A motion was made by Grey, seconded by Kiel, to approve the following requests to be excused from the regular meeting dates during the first half of 2015: Torgerson: February 17, 2015 Pattison: January 20, 2015 February 17, 2015 March 17, 2015 April 21, 2015 Kiel: January 20, 2015 February 17, 2015 March 17, 2015 April 21, 2015 Griffin: January 20, 2015 February 17, 2015 March 17, 2015 April 21, 2015 Eberhart: January 20, 2015 VOICE VOTE: MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5-0-0. DRAFT Village Council Minutes – December 26, 2014 2 3. Proposed Resolution 2014-30; Personnel Committee A motion was made by Grey, seconded by Lacca, to adopt Resolution 2014-30, which makes the Personnel Committee a “Committee of the Whole.” ROLL CALL VOTE; YEAS: Grey, Kiel, Lacca, Pattison, and Torgerson NAYS: None; MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (5-0-0). 4. Letters of Resignation A motion was made by Kiel, seconded by Grey, to accept with regret and sincere thanks, the resignation of Dan Pattison from the Village Council effective 11:59 PM on December 31, 2014. President Torgerson asked that unanimous consent be given to excuse Pattison from voting on this matter as was advised by the Village Attorney. There were no objections to the request. ROLL CALL VOTE; YEAS: Grey, Kiel, Lacca, and Torgerson NAYS: None; MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (4-0-0). A motion was made by Kiel, seconded by Grey, to accept with regret and sincere thanks, the resignation of Richard Lacca from the Village Council effective 11:59 PM on December 31, 2014. President Torgerson asked that unanimous consent be given to excuse Lacca from voting on this matter as was advised by the Village Attorney. There were no objections to the request. ROLL CALL VOTE; YEAS: Grey, Kiel, Pattison, and Torgerson NAYS: None; MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (4-0-0). 5. Set January Meeting Date and Time President Torgerson asked the members present, including Councilman-elect Cueny, if Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at 7 PM was acceptable as a meeting date for the January meeting with the main items of business to elect officers and select committees. There were no objections to this proposed date and time. 6. Village Council Appointment Village President Torgerson stated that in his opinion, since Richard Lacca was the highest vote getting candidate not elected at the last Village Council election, that he should be appointed to fill the remainder of Dan Pattison’s term on the Council, and was making a motion to that effect. Lacca asked was asked if he was interested in continuing to serve on the Council. After hesitation, he agreed to continue serving if appointed. Kiel seconded the motion made by Torgerson to appoint Richard Lacca to the Village Council, effective January 1, 2015 to the remainder of Dan Pattison’s term. Pattison spoke in favor of appointing Lacca to the remainder of his term on the Council. President Torgerson asked that unanimous consent be given to excuse Lacca from voting on this matter. There were no objections to the request. ROLL CALL VOTE; YEAS: Grey, Kiel, Pattison, and Torgerson NAYS: None; MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (4-0-0). DRAFT Village Council Minutes – December 26, 2014 Public Comments: Public comments were offered to the Village Council from Paul Cueny of Clubhouse Drive. With no further business, the Village Council stood in adjournment at 5:31 PM. x\ Jeffrey P. Grey, Village Clerk x\ Dave Torgerson, Village President 3 DRAFT Village of Lake Isabella Village Council Minutes Special Meeting – January 6, 2015 1010 Clubhouse Drive Lake Isabella, MI, 48893 The Meeting was called to order by his Honor, Village President Torgerson, at 7:00 PM and the pledge of allegiance was recited. Members Present: Members Absent: Cueny, Eberhart, Grey, Kiel, and Torgerson Griffin Public Comments: None Business 1. Rescind Village Council Appointment from December 26th Meeting Torgerson discussed that the Village had been advised by legal counsel that since Dan Pattison’s resignation was not made “effective immediately” at the December meeting, the Village should not have appointed Richard Lacca to fill the vacancy at the same meeting. A motion was made by Eberhart, seconded by Kiel, to rescind the appointment of Richard Lacca to the Village Council from the December 26, 2014 meeting. VOICE VOTE: MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5-0-0. 2. Appointment to Fill Council Vacancy Four individuals applied to fill the vacancy on the Village Council caused by Pattison’s resignation. Those four individuals were: Wayne Frazier of Clubhouse Drive Richard Lacca of El Camino Grande Marc Forrest of Clubhouse Drive Dave McGrath of Queens Way A motion was made by Kiel, seconded by Eberhart, to appoint Richard Lacca to the Village Council for the remainder of Dan Pattison’s term of office. VOICE VOTE: MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5-0-0. 3. Oath of Office Village Clerk Grey administered the Oath of Office to Richard Lacca, and he was seated as a Council member. 4. Election of Officers A motion was made by Grey, seconded by Lacca, to elect David Torgerson as Village President. VOICE VOTE: MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6-0-0. A motion was made by Kiel, seconded by Cueny, to elect Richard Lacca as Village President Pro-Tempore. VOICE VOTE: MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6-0-0. A motion was made by Lacca, seconded by Eberhart, to elect Jeffrey Grey as Village Clerk. VOICE VOTE: MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6-0-0. DRAFT Village Council Minutes – January 6, 2015 2 A motion was made by Eberhart, seconded by Grey, to elect Charles Kiel as Village Treasurer. VOICE VOTE: MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6-0-0. 5. Other Appointments & Committee Assignments A motion was made by Kiel, seconded by Lacca, to appoint Arnold Griffin as Village Deputy Treasurer. There was discussion regarding whether or not it causes issues for both the Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer to be gone for several months in the winter. VOICE VOTE: MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6-0-0. A motion was made by Kiel, seconded by Lacca, to appoint John Eberhart as Deputy Village Clerk. VOICE VOTE: MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6-0-0. A motion was made by Cueny, seconded by Kiel, to appoint Jeffrey Grey to the Planning Commission for a term ending in January of 2017. VOICE VOTE: MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6-0-0. A motion was made by Eberhart, seconded by Kiel, to appoint Arnold Griffin to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a term ending in January of 2017. VOICE VOTE: MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6-0-0. A motion was made by Eberhart, seconded by Lacca, to appoint Jeffrey Grey to the Airport Advisory Board for a term ending in January 2017. VOICE VOTE: MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6-0-0. A motion was made by Lacca, seconded by Kiel, to appoint Council members Cueny, Eberhart, and Griffin to the LIPOA-Village Liaison Committee. VOICE VOTE: MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6-0-0. 6. Resolution 2015-01; Authorization of Signers A motion was made by Kiel, seconded by Cueny, to adopt Resolution 2015-01 which designates the following officers as signers; Village President, Village President ProTempore, Village Clerk, Village Treasurer, and Village Deputy Treasurer. VOICE VOTE: MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6-0-0. 7. January Liaison Committee Agenda Items Torgerson asked if there were items of discussion that members of the Council would like for the Liaison Committee to discuss at its next meeting on January 26th. Grey asked if the committee could discuss how the No Parking areas are working. 8. February Meeting Date The Council discussed rescheduling the February meeting date to allow for the greatest number of members to attend. After discussion, the regular meeting was rescheduled from the third Tuesday (February 17th) to the second Tuesday (February 10th) without objection. The time and location were unchanged. Public Comments: Public comments were offered to the Village Council from Geoff Elias of Clubhouse Drive and Dave McGrath of Queens Way. DRAFT Village Council Minutes – January 6, 2015 With no further business, the Village Council stood in adjournment at 7:35 PM. x\ Jeffrey P. Grey, Village Clerk x\ Dave Torgerson, Village President 3 1010 Clubhouse Drive Lake Isabella, MI, 48893 989.644.8654 [email protected] www.lakeisabellami.org JANUARY VILLAGE MANAGER’S REPORT Department of Public Safety: The Village Council has directed me to begin contract renewal talks with Sherman Township on our agreement with the Marshal. That agreement is set to expire on February 28th of this year. Department of Public Works: We are still working off our first shipment of salt for the winter. We’ve been using brine this winter on days where it has been too cold for road salt to work. We likely will be expanding that operation in future winters. Department of Community Development: Attached is a flow chart showing how the lot-swapping plan for Lake Isabella North will work. The Sherman Twp. Planning Commission delayed action on the proposed site plan for the cell tower north of the airport. Department of Community Services: As of January 8th, our inspection services have returned to Isabella County for all new permits. Other Items: At the regular meeting of the Village Council in December, Skip Uber from Isabella Pellet was present to provide an update on the pellet factory. Notes on his conversation can be found in those meeting minutes. The Village Council also received our annual audit at the December meeting. Copies of the Audit can be obtained at the office and were included online in the meeting packet for December. The Legislature passed Rep. Cotter’s bill on allowing golf carts on streets if the local community so wants. It was presented to the Governor on January 2nd. As of today’s date it has not been signed into law yet. The Governor has 2 weeks to sign the bill. 1010 Clubhouse Drive Lake Isabella, MI, 48893 989.644.8654 [email protected] www.lakeisabellami.org January 13, 2015 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Memorandum Agenda Item: New Business #1 Submitted by: Tim Wolff, Village Manager Subject: 2014 Planning & Zoning Report Discussion A requirement of the enabling legislation for planning and zoning is creating an annual report. That report is attached for your review. The Planning Commission submits the report to the legislative body for its final acceptance. One item that should be visited by the Planning Commission in the near future would be an update of the goals and projects to focus on. One idea that I have been thinking about would working on a different schedule for the year. Rather than just hold a meeting once a month, an idea that I think might make us more productive would be to hold a work session once every four or 5 months. During each of these periods, the Planning Commission would focus on 2 or 3 main projects or tasks. The projects would be set and broadly defined at the beginning Work Session. For example, if the Planning Commission wanted to explore this option a schedule for the year might look something like this: First Work Period March – Work Session April – Regular Meeting May – Regular Meeting June – Regular Meeting July – Regular Meeting Second Work Period August – Work Session September – Regular Meeting October – Regular Meeting November – Regular Meeting December – Regular Meeting Attachments 2014 Annual Report. Recommended Action Approve the report and submit it to the Village Council. Motion(s) Needed per Recommendation I move to accept the 2014 Planning & Zoning Annual Report as presented and submit such to the Village Council. or I move to accept the 2014 Planning & Zoning Annual Report as amended and submit such to the Village Council. Village of Lake Isabella 2014 Annual Planning & Zoning Report January 2015 Planning Commission Dave McGrath, Chairman Bob Laraway, Vice-Chair Jeff Grey, Village Councilman Angela Schofield Larry Hiither George Dunn Farzad Tafreshi Prepared By: Tim Wolff Village Manager & Planning Commission Secretary Permit & Activity Historical Summary Table 1. Zoning Activity History 1998 - 2014 1998 Total Zoning Permits 48 New Home Permits 29 Variances Heard/ Approved 0/0 3 Planning Commission Meetings 5 1999 90 45 9/9 2 12 2000 77 36 3/3 3 13 2001 73 35 2/2 2 12 2002 85 39 2/1 1 11 2003 59 37 2/2 0 12 2004 58 30 6/6 3 14 2005 61 27 4/3 2 13 2006 40 16 2/1 3 11 2007 40 20 3/3 5 12 2008 28 12 4/2 1 8 2009 29 4 7/4 2 11 2010 23 2 1/0 3 9 2011 20 2 3/1 5 6 2012 16 2 0/0 4 9 2013 22 2 1/0 3 8 2014 17 2 0/0 4 8 Totals 786 340 49/37 43 165 Year Ordinances Adopted 2014 Planning Commission Activity In 2014 the Planning Commission began work on implementing the goals and projects from the Village’s newly adopted Master Plan. The Planning Commission undertook a review and update of the regulation of Group Homes in the zoning code as a first step in this process. The Planning Commission also recommended an ordinance which moved the Village’s zoning permit inspections from a two-visit approval, to a three-visit approval. Under the new regulations site visits now occur before the project begins, once during construction, and once at the end of construction. This ensures that all work done is in compliance with the approved permit. Additionally, the Planning Commission also undertook a review of the regulation of Temporary Vendors and Temporary 2 2014 Annual Planning & Zoning Report Structures. This was prompted by a use request earlier in the year which the Planning Commission also addressed. Under the adopted Zoning Code for the community, when a use is requested which is not found in any of the zoning districts, the Planning Commission is charged with establishing a district for the proposed use. In this case, the requested use was for a temporary vendor during the summer months. Several questions regarding the ordinance were sent from the Planning Commission to the Zoning Board of Appeals for interpretation. Based upon the findings of the ZBA, the Planning Commission was then able to establish a proper district for the proposed use. In addition to this request, the Planning Commission also worked with a local business to update a portion of the Zoning Code applicable to that business. Building Inspections & Permits In 2014 the Village Council authorized a change back to Isabella County for the inspection services used on development projects in the Village of Lake Isabella. This change was approved by the State of Michigan in January of 2015, and went into effect on January 8, 2015. 2014 Zoning Board of Appeals Activity The Zoning Boards of Appeals met only once during the 2014 year. This meeting was a unique task for the ZBA as it did not focus on an appeal of any section of the ordinance, but rather the interpretation of the ordinance at the request of the Planning Commission. 2014 Code Enforcement Action The table below provides a general breakdown with respect to the types of code violations handled by the department since 2009: Type of Case Animal Control Blight Fireworks/Burning Miscellaneous Noise Rental Code Sign Code Streets Trailer/RV Zoning TOTAL 2009 49 333 13 3 0 46 2 7 56 16 525 2010 24 173 11 1 0 6 3 0 12 9 239 2011 13 138 6 2 3 34 0 0 0 7 203 2012 25 178 9 7 1 33 2 6 11 23 295 2013 12 102 1 8 1 54 1 26 21 17 243 2014 3 60 1 2 1 36 0 22 2 12 139 3 2014 Annual Planning & Zoning Report Agenda & Priorities Based on the last goal setting session undertaken by the Planning Commission, the current priority of projects is as follows: 1. Update the regulation of sexually oriented businesses 2. Update the regulations and design requirements for the Coldwater Business Districts 3. Update the regulations for the Waterfront-Shoreland Overlay District 4. Review the Village’s adopted regulations on windmills and solar panels and update them to reflect current best practices for residential uses. 5. The Village should discuss creating an overlay district for the area of the Village where limited industrial growth may be targeted. This overlay district would be an “opt-in” for a developer and if carefully crafted could also be a means to expedite the zoning approval process. 6. Examine the current size requirements for new residential development in light of current market conditions, and possibly modify size requirements to a combination of location (waterfront / nonwaterfront) and parcel size. Roster & Terms Planning Commission Member Farzad Tafreshi George Dunn Dave McGrath, Chairman Larry Hiither Jeff Grey* Robert Laraway, Vice-Chair Angela Schofield Term Expires July 1, 2015 July 1, 2015 July 1, 2016 July 1, 2016 January, 2017 July 1, 2017 July 1, 2017 Zoning Board of Appeals Member Dave McGrath** John Dauffenbach Arvil King, Chairman Bruce LaPointe – Alternate Member Arnold Griffin*** Lee Price * Term Expires July, 2015 July 1, 2015 July 1, 2016 July 1, 2016 January, 2017 July 1, 2017 Grey serves as the Village Council’s representative to the Planning Commission. His term expires on the Organizational Meeting date for the Village Council following the 2016 General Election. 4 2014 Annual Planning & Zoning Report ** McGrath serves as the Planning Commission’s representative to the ZBA. His term expires at the regular Planning Commission meeting date in July. *** Griffin serves as the Village’s Council representative to the ZBA. His term expires on the Organizational Meeting date for the Village Council following the 2016 General Election. 2014 Zoning Activity Map 5 2014 Annual Planning & Zoning Report 1010 Clubhouse Drive Lake Isabella, MI, 48893 989.644.8654 [email protected] www.lakeisabellami.org January 13, 2015 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Memorandum Agenda Item: New Business #2 Submitted by: Tim Wolff, Village Manager Subject: February Meeting Date Discussion The Village Council has rescheduled its meeting in February to the second Tuesday of the month at 7 PM. This obviously conflicts with the Planning Commission’s regular meeting. I am aware right now that at least two members of the Planning Commission plan to be absent on the regular meeting date in February. As such, the Planning needs to determine if it would like to reschedule its meeting in February or not hold a meeting during the month. If it would like to reschedule the two most logical options would be to hold the meeting either on the regular date (February 10th) at a different time such as 5 PM. Or, move the meeting back 1 week to the Council’s regular meeting date, February 17th. Attachments None. Recommended Action Determine a course of action. Motion(s) Needed per Recommendation I move to reschedule the regular February meeting of the Planning Commission to the following date and time: ______________________________.
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