THE PARISH CALLER Where CLC also stands for A Caring and Loving Community! HAPPY NEW YEAR – WELCOME 2015 Eternal God, you have placed us in a world of space and time, and through the events of our lives, you bless us with your love. Grant that in this new year we may know your presence, see your love at work, and live in the light of the event which gives us joy forever – the coming of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING SUNDAY, JANUARY 25TH, FOLLOWING THE WORSHIP SERVICE Light Luncheon will be served This is the official notice of the January Congregational Meeting that we are required to hold according to our constitution. This year’s meeting will be held in the lower level of the church where a luncheon will be served. Primary agenda items include the review of the Annual Reports, presentation and action on the proposed 2015 budget, consideration of a proposal on video upgrades, and sharing of thanksgivings. All active confirmed members of the congregation are voting members and encouraged to be present for this important meeting that both celebrates our past ministry and looks forward to the future. All Team Ministries and organizations of the congregation are asked to submit a year- end report to be included in the Annual Report. NEW YEAR BEGINS NEW CHURCH SEASON EPIPHANY BEGINS – JANUARY 6TH In the church year the Day of Epiphany marks the arrival of the Wisemen to the manger. The message of Epiphany is that the Christ-child is for all the world to behold. During theses Sundays of Epiphany we are reminded that God is a God for all people in all places at all times. JANUARY BIRTHDAYS 1 /2 1 /5 1 /6 1 /7 1 /9 1 /10 1 /11 1 /13 1 /14 1 /15 1 /16 1 /17 1 /20 1 /21 1 /22 1 /23 1 /25 1 /26 1 /27 1 /28 1 /29 1 /30 1 /31 Vivian Cottrell Siiri Mason Isabelle Hunt Sydney Miles Kaylee Percival Richard Reddeman Stephanie Crow Holly Cooperrider Sara Findley Tim Greiser Mark Kush Sean Schnitzer Virla Cleasby Amy Cooperrider Jase Kellenberger Linda Coughlin Teresa Walsh Logan Davis Elisabete Nestor Jaden Chachich Dave Larkin David Wiley Louise Hunt Kenzie Kush Mary Skirke Tina Mitchell Gerald Reed Judy Bates Karl Engelhard Dominic Folsom Jean Johnson Emily Nestor David Hojdila Linda Martin JANUARY ANNIVERSARIES 1 /12 1 /19 1 /30 Fred & Florence Haynes James & Lynn Robertson Mike & Tina Mitchell Below are the Servants for the month of January, 2015 10:00 am Worship Service. If you are unable to assist please trade with someone and call the office with the changes. The first Sunday of February has been included to help you with scheduling. 1 /4 1 /11 1 18 1 /25 2 /1 1 /4 Thank you! 1 /11 Dear Friends, my sincere thanks for the most generous gift of money presented to me at the Christmas Eve Service. You are truly a wonderful congregation to serve and have been a blessing to my and my family. May God’s blessings of joy and love be with you all and enrich your lives in the new year. Pastor John 1 /18 1 /25 2/1 USHERS John Barnfather, Tina Catenacci Steve & Marsha Fante Joan Rathbun, Bruce Jensen Jerry & Carole Scrivo Rita Bergsrud & Jill Jones Erwin & Sue Klopfer Jake Jakel & Pam Haab Emmet & Sharon Morse Beth Brown, Evelyn Edwards Ron & Kris Goetze COUNTERS Bob & Terry Young Mary Bratun, Barb Harris 1 /4 1 /11 1 /18 1 /25 2/1 Gil & Rita Bergsrud are recycling the styrofoam cups - only. There is a large metal container in the fellowship area for cups! LAY ASSISTANTS Joan Rathbun Julia Hanneman-Schoenbach Dave Warmer Bob Bates Gil Bergsrud COMMUNION ASSISTANTS Norm Kinnison, Erwin & Sue Klopfer Debbie Barnowsky, Donna Butora, Tina Catenacci, Charlotte Charter Evelyn Edwards, Marsha Fante, Pam Haab, Barb Harris, Jane Ives, Jill Nancekivell Joan Rathbun Gil Bergsrud, Mary Bratun, Julia Zaremba ALTAR Mary Russell, Carol Brown, Martha Marshlones Isabelle Russell 1 /4 1 /11 1 /18 1//28 2 /1 1/4 1 /11 1 /18 1 /25 2 /1 COFFEE HOURS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Church Council - Team 2 Women of the Church - Julie Zaremba Men’s Group Volunteers NEEDED! GREETERS Ron & Kris Goetze Jane Ives, Martha Marchlones Lynn Robertson & Grace Rockey Pat Kinnison & Char Charter Jean Maynard & LaVerne Langdon Madelyn Stobbe & Virginia Woods Jerry & Carole Scrivo Bob & Terry Young Mark & Karen Kush Steve & Lois Szabo NURSERY The nursery program can’t seem to get off the ground! For our church to grow we really need a nursery for visiting families! Please consider helping even on an occasional basis. Please contact Vicki Hill, 248-889-7144 or sign up on your Information Slip on any Sunday. Many, many thanks to those who assisted with the Christmas Eve Worships! As always your help is greatly appreciated! We Lifted Up In Prayer the Past Weeks: Members in our prayers are: Margaret Aho, Kim Arnold, Ford & Maxine Andrews, Tom & Myrna Armstrong, Bill Bright, Del Brown, Dennis Brown, Craig Butora, Effie Cobb, Anthony Crow, Karen DeRousse, Valna Dow; Eleanor Englehart, Steve & Marsha Fante; Lisa Head & family; Fred Jones, John & Connie Keating, Thelma Kidd, Rena Koskela, Helen Leece, Shirley Jean Long, Siiri Mason, Amy Jean Maynard, Rev. Dick Nelson, Pearsall family, Wayne & Jean Peterson, Lynn Richter, Grace Rockey, Thomas Salisbury, Andrea Schnitzer, Linda Seling, Jeannine Shearer, Don Smith, Kim Stephens, Steve Szabo, Norm Tick, Roberta Trayer, Owen Wismer, Marjorie Wiley, Krystal Wingett, Virginia Woods, Jim Worthington, Bob & Terry Young. We share our love and concern: Our Armed Service and support personnel: Ryan Cox (Mary Bratun); Mia Dziadziak (Pat Scott); Bradley Weber, Alex Weber, Bradley & Tom Weber, Jason Eaves (Marilyn Schulze); Justin Philpot (Kay Ragatz); Christopher & Nicholas Vogler (Del & Carol Brown). also in our prayers are: Reece Brown (Maxine Andrews); Linda Synder, Shane Williams (Carol Becker); Kylie Madsen (Rita Bergsrud); Finn Family (Nancy Bright); Clare Schroeder, Carol Weatherburn (Beth Brown); Diane FisherDavis (Carol Brown); Chuck Creamer, Mary Ford, Noah McKeachie, Oliver McCarter, (Virla Cleasby); Konrad Dobrott (Joan Cole) ;; Jan Charter, Carole Schachinger, Mike Hosler, Lindsay Brownfield (Cindy Edwards); Martin Beer, Sandy Janikowski, (Elizabeth Fante); Andy Bridges (Marsha Fante); Denny Weirick, John Jarvis (Barb Harris); Michelle, Linda Goldsworthy, Bev Krey (Jane Ives); Kelly Marcks (Linda Jensen); Angela Gerbeck, Gary McGowan, Kim Thorell, Val Sinclair (Jill Jones); Dan Kinnison (Kinnison); Williams family (Alexis Miles); Kelly Vaugh, Otto Johnson, Austin Katona (Morses); Ethelene Hanson, Marilyn Rockey, Steve Rockey (Grace Rockey); Mike Desnoyers (David & Ann Rogers); Bob Eisele, Mary Schiller, (Pat Scott); Betty Baird, Norm & Anna Doree (Skirke); Scott Thompson (Barb Thompson), Kim Arnold, Todd Salisbury (Terry Tick); Earl Worthington (Jim Worthington). + ++ + ++ + ++ + Prayer Card Ministry Martha Marchlones is sending out prayer cards on behalf of the congregation for those in need, whether sickness or distress. If there are loved ones you would like a card sent to, you may contact her at 248461-2687. TECH TEAM CORNER--------------1/4 Switcher: Dave Warner, Projection: Max Thompson; Cameras: Tracey Barney, Emmet Morse; Sound: Sean Martin 1 /11 Switcher: Chuck Charter Projection: Larry Cottrell Sound: George Leinonen; Cameras; Karen Bolley, Dave Warner 1 /18 Switcher: Max Thompson Projection: Chuck Charter; Sound: Sean Martin: Cameras: Emmet Morse, Tracey Barney 1 /25 Switcher: Chuck Charter Projection: Dave Warner; Sound: George Leinonen; Cameras: Larry Cottrell, Owen Wismer 2/1 Switcher: Max Thompson; Projection: Sue Klopfer Sound: Sean Martin; Cameras: Tracey Barney, Karen Bolley HELP IS NEEDED WITH THE VIDEO TEAM!! There are a few doing many things !!! There is a DESPERATE need of more help. You do not have to ‘jump’ in - you will have training and support! The CRAFT GROUP is continuing! Tuesday, January 6th at 6:30. A time for ideas, hand work and fellowship The Adult Discussion Group will pick up again Sunday, January 18th at 6:30 pm. See you then for our in depth discussion. The 70th ANNIVERSARY DIRECTORY is in the ‘works’! At this moment the activity pages are being prepared. We waited for the th 70 Anniversary celebration to include these in the directory. The next step is to get the info to the company, then to receive the proof-book to check. THEN the directories will be delivered after the New Year. We are moving as fast as we can but little bit by little bit it will be completed. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED! For Nursery - contact Vicki Hill For Video Team - call the church office For Coffee Hours - sign up on your Information Slip The 2014 FLOWER CHART & ETERNAL LIGHT CHARTS are up. The flowers are still $20 per Sunday and the Eternal Light is still $8 per Sunday. Please be sure to include in whose memory or honor the flowers and/or light are given or the special event you wish to include. We are trying to get a TRANSPORTATION MINISTRY underway - helping those not able to drive, get to church each Sunday. You can sign up on your Information Slip on Sunday or call the church office to offer assistance. The need continues for FOOD STAPLES! There are many going without food as they struggle to pay utilities and rent AND the need is GROWING! There are HUGE utility bills and those living on the ‘edge’ financially are not able to make ends meet. Any type of assistance is always appreciated! The MITTEN TREE is still up and waiting for ‘decorations’ in the form of hats, gloves, mittens & scarves. As the tree fills up these items are sent to the area help agencies... so it an ongoing project. This project will continue through the winter - so please help keep the tree ‘decorated’ to help those less fortunate fight the winter chills! Men’s Food & Fellowship will The Annual Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 25th, 2015 There will be a luncheon prior to the meeting - be sure to sign up so we have an accurate count. Annual Reports need to be in the office before January ??. If you have any questions - please call the church office- 248-673-7331. begin - Monday, January 19th at 6:30 pm. All men are invited to this monthly potluck with good food and great fellowship. Those with last names beginning with A - I please bring a salad; J - Q a meat dish; and R - Z a dessert. Please sign up on your Information Slip on the proceeding Sundays! CONTINUE HELPING OUR ABITIBI PAPER RECYCLING - We no longer are getting money from the paper dumpsters. But - - when we recycle newspapers, magazines, catalogs, office & school papers and mail into the dumpster we are keeping these items from the landfill!!! FREE MOVIE NIGHT RESUMES Friday, December 19, 7:00pm The featured movie TBA Popcorn and drinks will be available. Bring a snack to share if you like. BOTTLE & CANS FOR SCHOLARSHIPS Help build our Youth Scholarship Fund by dropping off your bottles & cans in the box located at the back entry way of the church. These funds are used to help our youth attend special events as well as supporting those seeking higher education. Nursery Attendants & Helpers are needed! You can sign up on your Information slip of the chart in the fellowship area! We REALLY need to get this ministry going! In Loving Memory… Rev. Martin J. Wager, Jr. 1930 – 2014 We recently received word that Pastor Martin Wager died, entering the Church Triumphant on November 30, 2014. Pastor Wager was a son of this congregation who was born in Pontiac in 1930 and graduated from Clarkston High School in 1948. He entered the ordained ministry in 1963. He served in five congregations in California and was also a 1st Lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force. He is survived by his wife Junia, of 63 years; two sons, one granddaughter, and one brother. His mother Flora Wager served as the first organist of this congregation. May the Lord of the Resurrection bring comfort to his family as he joins the saints around God’s heavenly throne. ANGELS AMONG US! The incredibly warm generosity of the congregation here at Christ Lutheran Church made Christmas a bright spot in the year for eleven families from Lighthouse. Whether you so kindly donated needed household items, contributed money to purchase necesssities, adopted an entire family, or sent positive thoughts to those in need, thank you, thank you, thank you all! Blessings to all in this New Year! Jamie Schutt and the entire CLC Global & Community Ministry A HUGE thank you to all who brought cookies for the Christmas Concert Reception - what a wonderful variety! A very special thank you to Jill Nancekivell, Rita Bergsrud and all who helped with the reception - you did a great reception! January 2015 CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Christ Lutheran Church 1 5987 Williams Lake Road Waterford, MI 48329 248-673-7331 (Phone & Fax) [email protected] 2nd Sunday of Christmas 10:00 am Communion Service Friday Saturday 2 Have a Safe & Happy New Year! 5 4 6 Epiphany 7 4:00 pm Bible Study 6:30 pm Rock Club 8:00 pm AA Meeting 8 9 10:00 am WELCA 6:30 TOPS 6:45 pm Bells 7:30 pm Choir 7:30 pm Bible Study 7:00 pm Craft Night 3 10 Outside Group 1:00 - 4:30 pm 8:00 pm AA 8:00 pm AA Baptism of Our Lord 10:00 am Communion Service Noisy Offering 12 11 13 9:00 am Quilting 14 7:30 pm Bible Study 19 6:45 pm Bells 7:30 pm Choir 6:00 pm SCSA 8:00 pm AA Annual Reports due to office 18 20 10:00 am Communion Service 7:30 pm Bible Study 6:30 pm Adult Discussion Group 25 21 12:00 noon - ELCA Pastor Conference Meeting 27 9:00 am Quilting 10:00 am Communion Worship 7:30 pm Bible Study Annual Luncheon & Meeting after worship 22 8:00 pm AA 23 6:45 pm Bells 7:30 pm Choir Outside Group 8:00 pm AA 28 4:00 pm Bible Study 6:00 pm SCSA 8:00 pm AA 7:00 pm Free MOVIE NIGHT 6:30 pm TOPS 4:00 pm Bible Study 8:00 pm AA 26 17 6:30 TOPS 6:30 pm Men’s Food & Fellowship 3rd Sunday after Epiphany 16 4:00 pm Bible Study 7:00 pm Church Council 2nd Sunday after Epiphany 15 29 6:45 pm Bells 7:30 pm Choir 6:30 pm TOPS 30 31
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