1-11-15 Bulletin - Annunciation Catholic Parish

246 East Main Street, Havelock, NC 28532
Office 252-447-2112 ~ Fax 252-447-2113
Annunciation Catholic Church (252) 447-2112
“We, … renew the response of our beloved Virgin Mary,
by proclaiming ‘[We are] the Lord’s servant!’”
Parish Staff
Very Reverend Gregory Spencer, V.F….……………..Pastor
Deacon Wally Calabrese ..................................... Deacon
Deacon Jim Strange………………………………………….Deacon
Teresa Rodney ….…………………………Office Administrator
Liturgy Schedule
Weekday Masses
Holy Days
Tues. 7:00 PM, Wed.-Fri. 8:30 AM
5:30 PM
8:30 AM, & 11:30 AM
(see inside bulletin)
Sacrament of Reconciliation
4:00-5:00 PM or by an appointment
Faith Formation Classes
Sunday 9:45 AM - 11:15 AM Sept. - May
Baptism: Class required for parents and godparents.
Call the parish office to register for class.
Marriage: Requires six months preparation before
wedding. Call the parish office for details.
Anointing of the Sick: Please call the office or priest if
you are in need of the anointing.
Annunciation Catholic School
Preschool - 8th grade
246 E. Main Street, Havelock, NC 28532
Phone: (252) 447-3137
Fax: (252) 447-3138
Monette Mahoney……..………………………… Interim Principal
Parish Ministries
Adult Faith Formation….Mary Bares & Annette Williams
Youth Ministry…………………………….Maribel & Matt Rearic
Altar & Rosary Society ....................................Ann Silveira
Altar Servers ............................................ Glen VanNosdall
Catholic Daughters ................................ Dianna Vaccarella
Extraordinary Minister………………...J. Benedict/J. Radicella
Finance Council Chair ............................ Charles McMullin
Knights of Columbus……………………………..Normand Girard
Readers ..................................................... Frank Radicella
Music…………………………………………………………..Ron Thomas
Nocturnal Adoration ............... Jason Gordon & Curt Pope
Parish Council Chair .......................................... Gary Odle
RCIA Coordinators……………….Dcn. Wally & Amy Calabrese
Lazarus Ministry…………………………..………….Ralph Williams
Head Ushers: Sat……..5:30 p.m. ~ Chuck Roeckell
Sun…….8:30 a.m. ~ Jimmy O’Connor
Sun. …11:30 a.m. ~ Ben Cruz
January 11, 2015
The Baptism of the Lord
Today we celebrate the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. In most years, this feast is celebrated on the
Sunday after Epiphany. When Epiphany falls on either January 7 or 8, the Baptism of the Lord is celebrated on
the Monday after Epiphany.
Today, we celebrate the last day of the Christmas season. Today is the Solemnity of the Baptism of
the Lord. In today's Gospel, we hear how John the Baptist contrast his baptism of repentance with the baptism
that Jesus will inaugurate. John the Baptist says that he has baptized with water, but that the one who is to
come after him, will baptize with the Holy Spirit. John's baptism was not yet a Christian baptism; it was a
preparation for the Christian Baptism we celebrate today, and through which sins are forgiven and the gift of
the Holy Spirit is received. In accepting John's baptism, Jesus, though sinless, united himself with all sinners.
The baptism of Jesus is reported in each of the three Synoptic Gospels—Matthew, Mark, and Luke.
Clearly, Jesus' baptism was an event of great significance for Jesus and for the early Christian community.
Mark and Luke report the story from Jesus' perspective; the voice from heaven is addressed to Jesus. In
Matthew's Gospel, the voice from heaven speaks to all who are present. The descent of the Holy Spirit on
Jesus at his baptism shows that something new is beginning through the baptism and ministry of Jesus.
The baptism of Jesus is considered an important manifestation of God in the person of Jesus, another
epiphany. Jesus' baptism inaugurates his mission. Mark's Gospel moves quickly from the report of Jesus'
baptism to Jesus' temptations in the desert to his ministry in Galilee after John's arrest. The end of the ministry
of John the Baptist is the beginning of Jesus' ministry. In an analogous way, our Baptism inaugurates our mission as Christians.
Surprisingly, on this the last day of the Christmas season, the Gospel does not tell a story from Jesus'
childhood. Already Jesus is an adult. Instead the Gospel reveals Jesus' relationship to God: the Son of Mary
and Joseph is also God's own Son. We believe that through Baptism we are also made children of God.
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam, Fr. Greg
Psalms are sung in the home and
rehearsed in the streets.
—St. Ambrose
You can still make the choice to send your child to
Annunciation Catholic School.
It does make a difference...
If you are attending Annunciation and are not
registered with the Parish as a member, we have no
idea if you are a participating Catholic or not, so
please register and if you can not afford to give
monetarily please put a prayer card in the offertory
so that we know you are attending. Also for all of
you who pay by cash we really appreciate it but if
you would put it in an envelope we could track that
you are attending as well. It is important when it
comes to things such as baptisms and weddings. We
can not say you are active if we do not know.
Thank you...
First Reading: Behold my servant with whom I am
pleased; he shall bring forth justice to the nations
(Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7) or Isaiah 55:1-11.
Psalm: The Lord will bless his people with peace
(Psalm 29) or Isaiah 12:2-6.
Second Reading: God anointed him with the Holy
Spirit (Acts 10:34-38) or 1 John 5:1-9.
Gospel: You are my beloved Son, with you I am
well pleased (Mark 1:7-11).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997,
International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Sanctuary Candle
In Loving Memory of
Leonard, Mildred & Robert Phillips
Requested by:
Their Family
Mass Intentions for the week of
January 10th –January 18th
Saturday, January 10th
5:30 PM~
Everette Krantz 
Barbara Krantz & Family
Sunday, January 11th
8:30 AM ~
People of the Parish
11:30 AM ~
Andrew James Wasko 
Frank & Gwen Wasko
Tuesday, January 13th
7:00 PM ~
Leonard Lang 
His Family
Wednesday, January 14th
8:30 AM ~
Masayo Watson 
Christine Hill
Thursday, January 15th
8:30 AM ~
Joseph Savage 
8:30 am Ushers
Friday, January 16th
8:30 AM ~
Mary Williams 
Dave & Marlene Rink
Saturday, January 17th
5:30 PM~
Phillip & Rose Mistretta 
Izzy & Rosalie Tramutra
Sunday, January 18th
8:30 AM ~
William O’Connor 
Rosemarie O’Connor
11:30 AM ~
People of the Parish
Heb 1:1-6; Mk 1:14-20
Heb 2:5-12; Mk 1:21-28
Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18; Mk 1:29-39
Heb 3:7-14; Mk 1:40-45
Heb 4:1-5, 11; Mk 2:1-12
Heb 4:12-16; Mk 2:13-17
1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19;
1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42
Please remember in your prayers all
those who are sick especially:
Mary Armstrong
Cathy DeMeo Barkas
Addison Buckman
Bob Calabrese
Juliet Cubero
Sharon Cress
Helen Frauenholz
Irene Garcia
Blaine Hill
Philip Johnson
Marea Mahoney
Zygmunt Malecki
Josephine McGeough
Charles McMullin
Michael McMullin
Mary Ellan Miller
Andrew Moorer
Jimmy O’Connor
Brenda Provost
Dave Rink
Pat Quisenberry
Lee Roche
Lou-Ann Sarmiento
Eileen Sidney
Maria Sonntag
Dottie Yeager
Please call the office if you would like a name on
the prayer list. (252) 447-2112.
Diocesan Mass for Life, January 17 at NOON at
Halifax Mall in downtown Raleigh
The annual Diocesan Mass for Life which is always held
the day of the North Carolina Rally and March for Life
has a new location and time! Join us at Halifax Mall in
downtown Raleigh at Noon for Mass with Bishop
Burbidge. This new tradition will allow us to join over
1000 Diocese of Raleigh Youth in a heated tent for
Mass! It will be a wonderful event. Mark your calendars
today! Following the Mass, the faithful are encouraged
to join the NC Rally and March for Life, also in Halifax
Mall, to offer witness to the sanctity of human life and for
the protection of the unborn.
If you need a statement for your taxes please
call the parish office @ 252-447-2112. If
you would like to sign up for online giving
please let us know.
Normand E. Girard
Grand Knight Council 6648 Knights of Columbus
Tired of all that clutter in your basement,
closets, or garages? Wish there was a quick
way to get rid of all that junk? Well there is!
Donate your stuff to the Knights of
Columbus Yard Sale. After the success of
the previous sale, we are adding a third (3rd)
The date will be January 17, 2015 from
8:00AM until noon in the Annunciation School
Hall. Feel free to call for pickups, or if you
wish you can drop off your donations at the
church. Please call 626-4618 or see any
Knight to arrange a pickup or a drop off.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Yard Sale proceeds
benefit the parish and
local charities.
Consider increasing your stewardship of
time, talent or treasure in 2015. This
week we'll consider TIME. Think about
how you currently spend your time and
consider carving out more time to spend
in prayer, reflection and meditation.
Jesus spoke of how important it is to
spend time in prayer. If it was
important for Him, it must be important
for us! How about starting your day
with a few minutes of quiet prayer? Or
ending your day with reflection, or
contemplative prayer? Can you join
Nocturnal Adoration and spend an hour
of your time with the Lord? Can you join
in the weekly rosary on a Tuesday
evening or attend a weekday
mass? Consider which
opportunity may work for you
and make it a routine for 2015!
Attention Parishioners
Stewardship Station
It is time to start planning the Angels and Saints Gala
on January 31st. Please help us get
donations to have for the silent auction. All new items
are appreciated. If you own a business or go to a
business frequently please consider asking them for a
donation for our school. We will advertise them in our
program and in the church bulletin. Items such as dinner
certificates, nail certificates, spa certificates, time
shares, use your imagination as the sky is the limit. If
we start now we should have a lot of items to offer at
the event. Mark your calendar it is the premiere event
of the year. Tickets are on sale now, please consider
purchasing a ticket for a teacher if you are not able to
attend. Remember this is the premiere event of the year.
We work very hard to transform our gym into an elegant
Gala. We could not do it with out your support...
Please send me your news so that I can post it in
the bulletin.
Thanks to all of you who collect
and turn in Boxtops for Education.
The 10 cent coupons added up to
$1,030.70. Keep them coming in.
Annunciation Catholic School
appreciates all of your help.
It is with Heartfelt Sympathy
we offer our condolences to
Joann Tellez in the Loss of
Her Loving Husband, Jimmy
There's so little we can do or
say, but may it help to know
that we deeply care.
Our heartfelt sympathy goes out also
to the Sekely Family in the loss of
David’s mother Thelma Sekely.
Annunciation Parish Faith Formation News !
If you are interested in volunteering on Sunday mornings for Faith Formation please contact the Parish Office
Needed 7th & 8th Grade catechists to begin immediately please contact the parish office if you are interested!!
Are you available to teach in the afternoons????
Classes to begin soon for Students 3rd grade and above:
Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist
Children in 3rd grade and above who have not received the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist are
encouraged to attend Special Sacrament class. These classes will begin in January and meet weekly, this class is
in addition to the Sunday Faith Formation Program. Please contact the Parish Office at 252-447-2112
Students who wish to attend the Love My Life Youth Rally in Raleigh on January 17th
See your catechists Mr. & Mrs. Gordon or Mr. & Mrs. Rearic for more information for the bus sign-up with St.
Mildred. This invite by St. Mildred is for Annunciation youth and their chaperones only.
Schedule for January: Sundays, 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th!!
Questions or concerns relating to Faith Formation or sacraments please contact the parish
office: [email protected] or call 252-447-2112
For All Ages...
Anyone interested in helping repair and
refurbish the pews in the church please
contact Ralph Williams at (252)638-6836
or email [email protected] to inquire
about a work day.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion ~
Catholic men & women sixteen years or older and
are in good standing, which means they have
received the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism,
Confirmation and Eucharist) and if Married have
been Married in the Catholic Church, are eligible for
this ministry. They are to live the Gospel message
in accordance with the teachings of the Church and
to participate regularly in the celebration of the
Sunday Eucharist and practice their Catholic Faith.
They are to be registered members of the parish in
which they are commissioned. Please call the parish
If you need to schedule a baptism please enroll in the next class that is being held on
Thursday, January 15th, at 7:00 pm in the parish office.
Please call the Parish office to register for the class. (252)447-2112.
Parish Information for the Week
Meetings and Activities for the week
January 12th English as a Second Language
January 12th Our Daily Bread
January 12th Altar & Rosary Meeting
January 13th Calendar Meeting
January 14th English as a Second Language
January 15th Baptism Preparation
January 17th Knights of Columbus
January 17th Hispanic Ministry Pot Luck
Please join the
Hispanic Ministry for a
pot luck dinner on
January 17th after the
5:30 mass. Bring a
dish and join the
Sunday: The Baptism of the Lord
Monday: First Week in Ordinary Time begins
Tuesday: St. Hilary
Saturday: St. Anthony
In this Christmas themed presentation, Fr. Shannon Collins
sheds new light on the biblical
narratives of the birth of Jesus
Christ, as well as the beautiful
Christmas traditions of the
Sunday, January 11th, 2015
John the Baptist said “I have baptized you with water; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit”. Invite
the Holy Spirit into your marriage. The next
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are
Feb 6-8, 2015 in Asheville, NC and May 1-3, 2015
in Greensboro, NC. Early sign up is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at:
http://NCMarriageDiscovery.org or contact us at
[email protected]
or 704-315-2144
Parish Hall
7:00 pm
St. Benedict
Parish Office
Parish Office
Parish Hall
after 5:30 mass Parish Hall
Thank you for the generous
donations of food that all have
made to the food pantry recently. It
has been very well received… They
called to say THANK YOU for your
support, it was very much
appreciated and needed. This is a
hard time of year for a lot of
families and all is appreciated.
Bags are in the back of the church
please take one home and bring it back next week.
The item of need for January is Pancake Mix.
Bulletin Announcements
Turn in all announcements by Friday the week
before you want it printed in the bulletin.
On January 11th is the Candidate
and Catechuman Rite of Acceptance
at 8:30 A.M. Mass.
January 18th is the Anointing of the
Catechumen at 11:30 A.M. Mass.
February 22nd is sending of the
Catechumen at 11:30 A.M. Mass.
March 7th is the 1st Scrutiny at
5:30 P.M. Mass.
March 15th is the 2nd Scrutiny at
8:30 A.M. Mass.
Please fill out the information below and we will send you your ticket. Please help
us make this a successful event. We will need help with set up on Friday and
Saturday. Sign up in the school office. Please donate items as that is how we make
our money. If you have any questions at all please let me know. Send this form
back to the parish or school office with the money and we will send you your
tickets. All tickets are $25.00 if you purchase more than one. Please consider
purchasing tickets for our teachers.
Teresa Rodney 252-447-2112
TÇzxÄá tÇw ft|Çàá ZtÄt
10th Annual Silent Auction
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Annunciation Parish Hall · 246 East Main Street · Havelock, NC
Doors Open at 6 o’clock
Silent and Live Auction
Heavy Hordeuvres, Wine and Beer
$30.00 Single Ticket· $50.00 per Couple · Cocktail Attire Suggested
TÇzxÄá tÇw ft|Çàá ZtÄt
10th Annual Silent Auction
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Annunciation Parish Hall · 246 East Main Street · Havelock, NC
Doors Open at 6 o’clock
Silent and Live Auction
Heavy Hordeuvres, Wine and Beer
$30.00 Single Ticket· $50.00 per Couple · Cocktail Attire Suggested
TÇzxÄá tÇw ft|Çàá ZtÄt
10th Annual Silent Auction
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Annunciation Parish Hall · 246 East Main Street · Havelock, NC
Doors Open at 6 o’clock
Silent and Live Auction
Heavy Hordeuvres, Wine and Beer
$30.00 Single Ticket· $50.00 per Couple · Cocktail Attire Suggested
TÇzxÄá tÇw ft|Çàá ZtÄt
10th Annual Silent Auction
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Annunciation Parish Hall · 246 East Main Street · Havelock, NC
Doors Open at 6 o’clock
Silent and Live Auction
Heavy Hordeuvres, Wine and Beer
$30.00 Single Ticket· $50.00 per Couple · Cocktail Attire Suggested
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Please save and send in your BOX TOPS labels. The
10 cent coupons add up to hundreds of dollars. A box
is located in the back of the church for your