Office Phone: 757-423-8305 Office Fax: 757-451-3335 Residence Phone: 757-489-9636 Website: Email: [email protected] The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time • 12 October 2014 6400 NEWPORT AVENUE NORFOLK, VIRGINIA 23505 OFFICE HOURS Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Friday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm The church is open at 8:00 am weekdays. MASS SCHEDULE Weekday Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 9:00 am Thursday: 12:00 pm (DePaul Medical Center Chapel) Weekend Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am and 10:30 am (Nursery available September — May) RECONCILIATION Individual confessions are heard Saturdays at 4:00 pm, at seasonal Reconciliation Services, and by appointment. MARRIAGE Active registered members need to contact the parish office at least six months prior to the intended date for the pre-nuptial inquiry and to enroll for the preparation classes. BAPTISM Active registered parents or adult individuals need to call the office to enroll for the preparation classes. MINISTRY TO SICK Ministers may bring the Eucharist to sick and homebound parishioners. Please arrange for this facility by calling the parish office. Anointing of the Sick is encouraged by appointment. R.C.I.A. PARISH STAFF Father Joseph H. Metzger III, STB, STL Pastor Gregg Marino, Director of Music Ministries/Admin. Assistant [email protected] A program to assist adults to prepare for the Sacraments of Initiation. Please contact Sr. Regina to enroll in the program. Classes are held Tuesdays at 7:00 pm, September–May; baby sitting provided. Lisa Diaz Coordinator of Religious Education [email protected] CHAIRMEN Sr. Regina Stupak, I.H.M. Receptionist [email protected] Barbara Vasko Bookkeeper/Office Assistant [email protected] Chris Colclough Coordinator of Youth Ministries and Young Adult Ministries [email protected] REGISTRATION Please complete the registration form if you desire to join the parish. By completing this form, you are put on our records for all pastoral services. Christianna Hilovsky, Mary Collis, Parish Community Life Karen Jackson, Advocate for Persons with Disabilities Julie Keesling, Parish Pastoral Council • [email protected] Gerald Kevorkian, Finance Council Patricia Yeiser, Justice & Peace • [email protected] ST. PATRICK CATHOLIC SCHOOL 757-440-5500 • BISHOP SULLIVAN CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL 757-467-2881 • SAVE THE DATE: THIS FRIDAY, 17 OCTOBER OUR 7TH ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT DETAILS INSIDE BLESSED SACRAMENT ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Readings for the Week of 12 October 2014 Sunday: Is 25:6-10a/Phil 4:12-14, 19-20 Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1-10 Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31--5:1/Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6/Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25/Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10/Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14/Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b/Lk 10:1-9 Next Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Welcome to the beautiful season of Autumn. A few important items to pass along to you: * thank you for having pledged for the Diocesan Appeal during Mass last weekend. The Appeal is very important for the many ministries in the diocese and in our own parish. Again, thank you. *our parish Golf Tournament is THIS FRIDAY. The tournament is to raise money for many of the youth of our parish to go on a summer Mission Trip, where they spend a week with hundreds of other Catholic youth, helping those living in poverty-stricken areas. Next summer, they will be in Dover, Delaware. If you haven’t yet signed up to play or sponsor, it is not too late. All forms are on the table next to the office door. Please return the forms to the office tomorrow, 13 October, as we need to forward the information to the golf course *Thank you for welcoming Fr. Robert Ruth this weekend at the Masses, as I am out-of-town with family. Pax, Fr. Joe PRAYER FOR THE UNBORN - Heavenly Father, You created us in Your own image, and You desire that not even the least among us should perish. In Your love for us, You entrusted Your only Son to the Holy Virgin Mary. Now in Your love, protect against the wickedness of the devil, those little ones to whom You have given the gift of life. I ask that you help those considering abortion, and by Your Grace, change their hearts and protect the unborn. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA WEEKLY SCHEDULE Monday, 13 October Fr. Joe’s Day Off 8:00 am Church Opens (Monday—Friday) 9:00 am Office Opens (Monday—Friday) Tuesday, 14 October 9:00 am Mass 12:00 pm Peanut Butter & Jesus w/ Sr. Regina 7:00 pm RCIA Wednesday, 15 October 9:00 am Mass Thursday, 16 October 12:00 pm Mass (at DePaul’s Chapel) 7:00 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal Friday, 17 October 9:00 am Mass offered for Cecile (+) & Joseph Trudeau (+) 11:00 am Office Closes Our 7th Annual Golf Tournament 11:00 am Registration/Free Driving Range 12:00 pm Florida Best Ball-Start THIS WEEKEND FOOD DRIVE BEGINS PARISHIONER ART SHOW BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENINGS Saturday, 18 October 4:00 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:00 pm Vigil Mass offered for John Falls III (+) Sunday, 19 October 8:00 am Mass offered for Parishioners (+) 9:00 am Religious Ed. (Grades K-5) 9:00 am Edge (Grades 6-8) 9:00 am Adult Religious Ed. 10:30 am Mass offered for Steve Prevost (+) (w/ Baptisms) 2:00 pm Girl Scouts Meeting 4:00 pm Mosaic Steel Orchestra Free Concert 6:00 pm Life Teen (Grades 9-12) CELEBRATE AN ANNIVERSARY, birthday, or the memory of a loved one and add joy and beauty to our liturgy by donating $80 or more for flowers for the Altar. Call the office, 423-8305, for more information. 12 OCTOBER 2014 PRAY FOR PEACE HARVEST BAZAAR HANDMADE ART WORK, GENTLY USED ITEMS, PLANTS, CRAFTS, BAKED GOODS, CERAMICS, SEASONAL DÉCOR, SMALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES, LINENS, LAMPS Friday, 7 November 7:00 am—2:00 pm Saturday, 8 November 8:00 am—2:00 pm Sunday, 9 November—After All Masses DONATIONS CAN BE BROUGHT TO THE CHURCH ANY TIME DURING REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS. PARISHIONERS ARE INVITED TO DONATE THEIR HOMEMADE CRAFTS, GENTLY USED ITEMS. WE ARE ACCEPTING BAKED GOODS 4 & 5 NOVEMBER. PLEASE CALL THE OFFICE, 423-8305, IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. UPCOMING FREE CONCERTS NEXT SUNDAY, 19 OCTOBER, 4;00 PM MOSAIC STEEL ORCHESTER SUNDAY, 16 NOVEMBER, 4:00 PM OLD DOMINION SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA & CONCERT CHOIR SUNDAY, 14 DECEMBER, 4:00 PM THE STROLLING SILVER STRINGS WWW.BLESSED-SACRAMENT.COM BULLETIN ADVERTISERS: We Thank You. We thank our current bulletin advertisers, and we are always eager to welcome new advertisers. Did you know that our bulletin is read by over 1500 people? It is thanks to our advertisers that our bulletin is printed free of charge. Liturgical Publications, our bulletin publisher, has sales representative, Brian Williams, available to renew current advertisers and to arrange new ads. Please contact Brian Williams with questions and to reserve ad space, 800-477-4574 ext. 6310, or [email protected] or 423-8305. PARISHIONER’S ART SHOW 18/19 & 25/26 OCTOBER Fall CANNED Food Drive 18 October—2 November To Benefit The Food Pantries of St Mary’s, St Pius and Holy Trinity Did you get your grocery bag with the canned food list?? The list includes canned: vegetables, stews, pasta sauces, juices, tuna, meats, peanut butter & jelly, etc. Thank you for your help! Please continue to pray for an end to world hunger. Sponsored by Justice and Peace ____________________________________________________ MY GRANDMA’S COFFEE CAKE SALE 25/26 OCTOBER—AFTER ALL MASSES ____________________________________________________ Bus drivers are desperately needed for the NEST, ATTENTION ALL ARTISTS!! Are you an artist either by hobby or profession? Your fellow artists are putting on a Blessed Sacrament Parish Art Show 18/19 & 25/26 October. If you are interested in showing a few of your pieces -please contact either *Jim McGough: e-mail: [email protected] or *Jacqueline Camire: e-mail: [email protected]. We are looking for a variety of styles and mediums. Let's show the parish what we do and grow closer through some beautiful art! BAPTISMAL INFO The next Baptism class is scheduled for Sunday, 26 October. The next celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism is scheduled for next Sunday, 19 October. Active members of Blessed Sacrament Catholic parish who wish to have a child baptized will need to complete a Baptismal form and attend the preparation class. Please call Lisa Diaz, 423-8305, Monday – Thursday to register. Baptism Class (11:30 am): 26 October Sacrament of Baptism: 19 October (10:30 am); 8 November (5 pm); 13 December (5 pm) ( Norfolk Emergency Shelter Team ) program. NEST runs from early December through April. If interested, please call Sr. Regina, 423-8305. Thank you and God Bless You. VOTER REGISTRATION REMINDER The Virginia Catholic Conference reminds Virginians: Election Day is approaching on Tuesday, 4 November. Virginia voters will elect one of their two U.S. Senators and their U.S. Representative. Your vote is important. Have you registered to vote? The deadline to register and make changes to current voter registration is THIS Tuesday, 14 October. Register to vote, change your registration, or find out what are the new voter identification requirements for in-person voting at ALL SAINTS DAY MASS SATURDAY, 1 NOVEMBER 10:00 AM 12 OCTOBER 2014 THE TWENTY -EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Please remember our sick and shut-ins with your prayers, calls, cards, and presence: OUR PARISHIONERS: Dan Batkin, Barbara Brady, Richard Collins, Jim Dellaripa, Karen Frederick, Betty Guille, Madeline & Jack Hahn, Henry Heck, Samantha Jackson, Denise McCue, Arthur & Josie Murtz, Joe Pajuf, Ronald Prescott, Dorothy Sink, Helen Smallwood, Geneva Smith, Mary Grace Thompson, Ron Zoby FRIENDS AND RELATIVES OF PARISHIONERS: Robert Currie, Drew George, Kara Hennelly Cusano, Sr. Katherine Durney, John Duffy, Lupe Escolante, Sheila Farr, Margaret Gangewere, Concetta Herbert, Robert & Isabelle Hutchinson, Rosalie Johnson, Fr. Dan Klem, Cardinal Jorge Mejia, Jeff Schmid, Dorothy Shannon, Estelle Sherman, and Bette Spaugh Last chance to purchase tickets!! $ 10.00 RAFFLE TO BENEFIT OUR YOUTH MISSION TRIP INSIGNIA TV 42” Class LE DRAWING THIS FRIDAY, 17 OCTOBER If you have never received your offertory envelopes mailed from the parish, you are not registered at Blessed Sacrament. If you have considered yourself a member, please ensure that you are registered, for only then can Blessed Sacrament write on your behalf to other parishes authorizing you to be a sponsor at a Baptism, or a witness at a wedding or even have the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Marriage conferred on yourself or members of your family. Registration forms are available on the cabinet by the front doors. Did you know that we spent $ 1,900 on Postage and Shipping Expenses last year. Thank you for your stewardship of finance. MARK YOUR CALENDAR OCTOBER 12, 19, 26—Girl Scouts ································2:00 pm 12—Youth Choir Rehearsal ·························4:30 pm 12—NO LIFE TEEN ··················································· 14,21,28—Peanut Butter & Jesus ··········· 12:00 pm 14,21,28—RCIA ·············································7:00 pm 16, 23, 30—Adult Ed. Choir Reh················7:00 pm 17—Office Closed (Golf Tournament) ··· 11:00 am 17—Our 7th Annual Golf Tournament ··················· Registration/Free Driving Range ············ 11:00 am Florida Best Ball Start ······························ 12:00 pm 18 October—Food Drive Begins ······························ 18/19—Blood Pressure Screenings ························· 18/19, 25/26—FREE Art Show (in Social Hall) ··· 19,26—Religious Ed (Grades K-5) ·············9:00 am (meet in church) 19,26—Edge (Grades 6—8) ························9:00 am (meet in social hall) 19,26—Adult Religious Ed ···························9:00 am 19—Baptisms ················································ 10:30 am 19—Mosaic Steel FREE Concert ···············4:00 pm 19,26—Life Teen···········································6:00 pm 20—23—Fr. Joe at Mandatory Convocation········· 21-23—NO DAILY MASS ········································ 21—Women of Faith····································· 1:00 pm 24—Daily Mass at St. Pius X ·····················9:30 am 25—Pathways Training ············· 8:00 am—4:00 pm 25/26—My Grandma’s Coffee Cake Fundraiser (after all Masses) 26—Baptism Class ······································ 11:30 am 26—Young Musicians Reh.···························4:30 pm NOVEMBER 1—All Saints’ Day Mass ····························· 10:00 am 1—Daylight Savings Time Ends-change your clocks 1/2—All Souls’ Day Masses ······································ Saturday ·························································5:00 pm Sunday ······································· 8:00 am & 10:30 am 26—Thanksgiving Day Mass ·······················6:00 pm PRAY FOR PEACE
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