Patented'Mer-3,1949 - 2,463,784 / UNITED STATES, PATENT OFFICE sm'rnon or raeraama PENTONIC scms raonr rau'rosas Lewis B. Lockwood, Peoria, 111., assignor to the United States of America as represented by the Secretary of Agriculture No Drawing. Application August 9, 1946, ' Serial No. 689,350 14 Claims. (01. 195-41) (Granted under the act 0! March 3, 1883, as 1 amended April 30, 1928; 370 O. G. 757) 2 This application is made under the act or stirrers may be used as suitable vessels in which March 3, 1883, as mended by the act of April to carry out the process. 30, 1928, and the invention herein described, it Considerable latitude is possible in the selec patented, may be manufactured and used by or tion of the nutrients to be used in the conduct for the Government of the United States of 5 of this invention.‘ Thus, the KHaPO4, MgSO4, America for governmental purposes without the ‘and urea may be varied in quantity, or may be payment to me of any royalty thereon. omitted, and corn steep liquor, vegetable decoc This invention relates to a method of prepartions, liver extract, or any of the wide variety of ing pentonic acids from the corresponding aldo‘nutrient materials now marketed for the culture pentoses by fermentation with bacteria of the 10 of micro-organisms, may be substituted for the genus Pseudomonas. There are eight possible - dehydrated yeast extract. aldo-pentoses. They are d-arabinose, l-arabi- The following examples illustrate representa nose, d-lyxose, l-lyxose, d-ribose, l-rigose, Ig-xyl- tive procedures used in practicing this invention. ose, and l-xylose. Of these, only -ara nose, l-arabinose, d-ribose, and d-xylose are of com- “5 mon occurrence. This invention relates, more EXAMPLE I The non-saccharine constituents of all of the particularly, to the oxidation of these four pen- culture solutions were the same. They constitut toses to the corresponding pentonic acids, respectively, d-arabonic acid, l-arabonic acid, d-ribonic ed urea, 02 8111-; KHiPQi. 0-6 gm: MgS04HHz0, 9-25 8111-; dehydrated yeast extract, 0.5 gm.; soy acid, and d-xylonic acid. ' 20 Pea-n 011. 3 drops P91‘ 100 ml. culture; and CaCOz Fermentative oxidation of- sugars has a num"1 excess of the quantity necessary to neutralize ber 'of advantages over chemical oxidation of the maximum quantity of pentonic acid which ‘ sugars in that costly reagenm are not required’ could theoretically be formed from the pentose. , better yields of oxidized products may be obtained The culture solutions were aerated by bubbling under suitable conditions, and the microbial oxi- 25 air through them at the rate of 100 ml. air per 100 dation processes are more speci?c, resulting in In]- mash Pe1'_ minute- The temperature was fewer side reactions leading to cgntaminating maintained at 30° C'. d-Arabinose was added to products which interfere with recovery_ the basal culture solution, and 100 ml. portions The Oxidation of arabinose to arabonjc acid Of were inoculated with bacteria Of the species: was reported by Bertrand (Compt. Rend. Acad. 3" Pseudomonas fmgii, ‘P. graveolen, P- synrantha. Sci" Paris, 1279129431 (1393), who used acetic and P. vendrelli. Analyses of mashes, made aft acid bacteria Bertrand (compt; Rend_ Acml er seven days, gave the data contained in Table I. Sci., Paris, 127:124-127 (1898)), also reported TABLEI the oxidation of xylose to xylonic acid by acetic . _ v ‘ acidbacteria. The use of bacteria of the genus 35 4'8 grams of d'ambmose in 100 ml- culture 801%“ Pseudomonas for pentose oxidation has not been “on previously reported in the literature. The use of Pseudomonas instead of acetic acid bacteria Grams Weightyleld o?ers the advantages that the process is of wider applicability, since acetic acid bacteria do not 40 q-mbonic d?f?c wtgr‘irdtdt?‘fd Miami-100 oxidize some of the pentoses which are readily culture oxidized by bacteria of the Pseudomonas genus, ' and since pure synthetic nutrients may be used, Psmdommmgfmgii (1.5313059 ' ____________ __-_ 20 2M ‘although trients may thebeaddition made inofsome cmdecases nitrogenous where these nu- 45'Pseudomonaa lli?ggm wag marezuzajj _______ _jj 2-53 173 1512 will not interfere with recovery. It is well known that acetic acid bacteria require the addition of ‘ expensive vitamins if purely synthetic mashes are to be used_ such additions are not required by ' bacteria In thisofinvention the genus thepseudomonas. mashes may be aerated, either at atmospheric pressure or at super-atmospheric pressure by any means known to those skilled in the art. Rotating drums, or deep ves- EXAMPLE n - l-Arabinose instead of d-arabinose was added It0 the 100basal ml- Culture P01130118Solution were inoculated described inwith bac time Of the Species PSeudOmOMs ?uofeseens, P- fmyii, 1’- mildenbefyii, P- pu?dd, P- Syn-‘mutila and P. vendrelli. Analyses made after six days sels equipped with disperser stones, agitators, or 05 gave the data presented in Table II. 2,463,784 3 2. A process of making d-arabonic acid coni prising inoculating a nutrient medium containing d-arabinose with bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas, and aerating the medium, a TABLE II 4.0 grams of l-arabinose per 100 ml. culture solu tion . Grams, Weight yield l-arabonic kgxgg?c acid produced acid “100 per 100 ml. grgms culture l-arabinose Paeudomonas ?uorescent 6 ___________ .. Pseudomonas fragii 25 _____ ._ . 1. 38 28. 2 l. 75 35. 7 1. 41 28. 8 Pseudomonas mildenbcrgii 21.. Pseudomonas putida 13.. _._ 2. 34 47. 8 Pacudomonas sunzantha 79.. Pacudomoncs vendrelli 23 _____________ .. . 86 2. 22 17.5 45. 4 neutralizing agent for the pentonic acid formed being present. 3. A process of making d-ribonic acid compris ing inoculating a medium containing d-ribose with bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas, and 10 aerating the medium, a neutralizing agent for the pentonlc acid formed being present. .4. A process of making d-xylonic acid com prising inoculating a medium containing d-xylose with bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas, and 15 aerating the medium, a neutralizing agent for the pentonic acid formed being present. EXAMPLE III cl-Ribose, instead of d-arabinose, was added to the basal culture solution described in Example I. 100 ml. portions were inoculated with bacteria of of the species Pseudomonas ?uorescens, P. 5. The process of claim 1 in which the bacteria is Pseudomonas ?uorescens. 6. The process of claim 1 in which the bacteria 0 is Pseudomonas mildenbergii. '7. The process of claim 2 in which the bacteria graveolens, P. mildenbergii, P. ovalis, P.-putrija ciens, P. synzcantha, and P. uendrelli. Analyses 8. The process of claim 3 in which the bacteria is Pseudomonas ?uorescens. 9. The process of claim 4 in which the bacteria is Pseudomonas jragii. made after nine days gave the data in Table III. TABLE III 5.9 grams d-ribose per 100 ml. culture solution Pseudomonas fragii 25 ________________ .. Pseudomoriaa mildenberaii 21.- .. Paeudomimas ovalis 8 ______ .. Pseudo'mzmas putri/acicnc 76 Paeudomonac aynzantha 79. Pseudo-menus cendrelli 23... - is Pseudomonas ?uorescens. 10. The process of claim 4 in which the bacteria is Pseudomonas mildenbergii. 11. The process of claim 1 in which the Grams d- Weight yield neutralizing agent is a calcium compound. ribonic acid grams d produced ribonic acid 12. The process of claim 1 in which the per 100 ml. per 100 grams neutralizing agent is calcium carbonate and the culture d-ribose temperature is maintained at about 30° C., the calcium carbonate being in excess of the quantity 1.08 18. 4 0. 58 9. 9 35 necessary to neutralize the maximum theoretical 0. 41 7.0 yield of pentonic acid from the pentose. 0.81 14.8 13. A process of converting d-xylose to d l. 69 28.8 .. 2. 89 49. 3 Pscudomonas ?uorescent 6. ...'....... .. 4.11 70.0 EXAIVIPLE IV d-Xylose, instead of d-arabinose, was added to the basal culture solution described in Example I. 100 ml. portions were inoculated with bacteria of the species Pseudomonas J‘iuorescens, P. fragii, P. graveolens, P. mildenbergz'i, P. ovalis, and P. putida. Analyses made after three days gave the data presented in Table IV. . ‘TABLE IV 6.7 grams d-mylose per 100 ml. culture solution Grams d-xylonic acid roducc er Weight yield grams xylonic acid in high yields, comprising inoculat ing a nutrient medium containing d-xylose with 40 Pseudomonas KH2PO4, MgSOl, dehydrated yeast extract, and calcium carbonate in excess of the quantity necessary to neutralize the maximum theoretical yield of d-xylonic acid from d-xylose. 14. A process of making a pentonic acid com prising inoculating a nutrient medium contain ing an aldo-pentose with bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas, and aerating the medium, the said 50 medium containing urea, KHzPO4, MgSO4, de hydrated yeast extract, and calcium carbonate in excess of the quantity necessary to neutralize > 1the maximum theoretical yield of pentonicacid d-xylonic from the pentose. acid per 100 100 m . grams culture d-xylose ?uorescens, and aerating the medium, the said medium containing urea, - LEWIS B. LOCKWOOD. REFERENCES CITED Pacudomonas ?uorescent 6 ........... .. Pscudomcmas I wait 25 ............. -. 4. 59 1. 89 68. 5 28. 2 Pacudo'mmm graveolem 14... Paeudo'monas mildmberaii 2i 3. 78 4. 87 55. 5 72.9 Paeudomimcs ovalia 8. .... Puudomonus putida 13. .. 2. 66 4. 40 39. 7 65. 7 The following references are of record in the . 60 file of this patent: UNITED STATES PATENTS Name Date Number 2,356,581 Having. thus described my invention, I claim: 1. A process of making a pentonic acid com prising inoculating a nutrient medium containing‘ an aldo-pentose with bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas, and aerating the medium, a neutralizing agent for the pentonic acid formed being present. 65 Grandel __________ __ Aug. 22, 1944 [OTHER REFERENCES Lockwood et al., J. Bact., July 1941, page 54. Chemical Abstracts, vol. 34, 7321, '7 and 8 . (1940), citing V.‘ V. Pervozvankii-Microbiology (U. S. S. R.) 8, N0. 2, 149-159 (1939) , and N0. 3-4, 70 339-52.
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