ZION UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 211 S. ST. PETER STREET SOUTH BEND, IN 46617 Non Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID South Bend, IN Permit No. 202 Sunday Worship 9:00 am Fellowship Time 10:00 am Sunday School 10:30 am THEVISITOR ZionUnitedChurchof Christ *AJustPeaceandOpen& Af irmingChurch* Vol. XXIII Issue 1 January 2015 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Church Office Hours Monday-Friday PASTOR’S PONDERINGS: A MESSAGE FROM REV. WENDY BRUNER “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” ― Martin Luther King Jr. “I have decided to stick to love...Hate is too great a burden to bear.” ― Martin Luther King Jr. I know, you don’t want to begin the new year talking about race relations in our country. I know. I would rather not talk about it either. But during advent I ran across a quote by Martin Luther King Jr. regarding love and I started reading some of the other things he said. Then I recalled what we had just talked about in Sunday School, about how we as the church might participate in bringing shalom to our community and maybe even the world. Then I thought about that little baby whose birth we celebrated – celebrated with hope for a better future that might come if we but followed him. And then I thought… I can’t not talk about what’s going on in our country. Wendy Bruner, Pastor Connecting People With God Contact information: Office: 574-233-5446 Fax: 574-233-9684 Email: [email protected] website: www. zionsb.org We’re on face book. Our Church Community: Ministers Pastor Music Director/Organist Accompanist Office Manager Bookkeeper Custodian Board of Elders Every Member of the Congregation Wendy Bruner 574-326-9023 Linda Roher Tim Becze Nancy Philabaum Jan Raymond Michelle Cain Cathy Bair Rick Meece Jen Einspahr Cortney Nellis Beth Green Beth Sargent Brian Hedman Iaian Seals Linda Kowatch Judy Taelman Bob Lang Don Zutter When one group in society cries out in anguish because they are being killed, the response to that cry should not be to turn the other way so we do not have to hear or see their anguish. Regardless of what our views are about the events that unfolded in August and beyond in this country, the bottom line is that our brothers and sisters are hurting. People are not experiencing justice in the land they call their own. This did not just start in August, 2014. August was the tipping point. We are far from shalom. I would invite us into an intentional conversation this year about race in this country and how we might be followers of Jesus - the one whose table was inclusive, the one who stood up and spoke when it would have been safer to keep his mouth shut, the one who calls us to come along with him. I would invite us to think about ways we might live out the love of God by caring about our brother’s and sister’s anguish and consider speaking out against the injustice that creates it. “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” ― Martin Luther King Jr. Let us stand together as children of God – as a loving and compassionate people. Our lives, after all, begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. JANUARY MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS Deacons JANUARY BIRTHDAYS Fred Goldstein & Bill Liskow will sponsor a Coffee Hour for you. 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 6 7 8 10 14 15 16 16 20 Contact Cherie: 254-0316, 23 Liturgist 4 Fred Goldstein 11 Jan Raymond 18 Lila Kennedy 25 Tom Whipkey Communion Hosts: 4 Cathy & John Bair Audio Rick Muhlbeier Visual Julie Niedbalski Altar Paraments Michele Seals Coffee Hosts 4 11 18 25 OPEN Richardson/Fellowship OPEN Seals COFFEE HOUR HOSTS NEEDED If you are unable to host a coffee hour, with your donations, Fellowship Ministry Emmi Rosin Bill Wagoner Lorraine Besemer Karen Hintz Susan Goldstein Jacob DuBrava Matthew DuBrava Alva Hohl Jen Einspahr David Gerth Michelle Seals Geneva Sweet Jack Sargent Matthew Forsythe Erin Keresturi Katelynn Muhlbeier Rachel Wozniak Michelle: 329-5599, or Sandy: 220-0195 February’s Newsletter Deadline Deadline for articles for the February issue of The Visitor is Thursday, January 15th. November’s Worship Attendance November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 86 71 64 82 68 PASTOR WENDY’S PHONE (574) 326-9023 PRAYER CONCERNS Hilda Bare, Arthur Bradley, Floyd Burton, Betty Green, Pastor Mary Lundgren, Dennis Riedel, Emmi Rosin, Sandy Schafer, Geneva Sweet, Alice Trubey, Bill Wagoner, and Margaret Whipkey. NOTES FROM THE ELDERS With a new year brings new Elders to our board. We welcome Jen Einspahr, Linda Kowatch, Bob Lang, and Beth Sargent and look forward to working with them. We would like to thank Rich Cullar, Becky deBruyn, Dana Forsythe, and Sue Goldstein for their commitment to the board. Our new year brings new enthusiasm and new questions for Zion. Please keep the Board of Elders in your prayers as we move ahead in God’s design for Zion, in our neighborhood, our community and the world. EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES AT ZION SUNDAY MORNING ADULT ENRICHMENT Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. We’ll begin a new series on Sunday, January 11, 2015! Watch for updates! MONDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY Mondays at 6:45-8:00 p.m. A Bible Study/Small Group is meeting on Monday Nights MISSIONS MINISTRY The Missions Ministry has been very purposeful at looking at ways to use our time, talent and treasure. For 2015 Missions Ministry decided Broadway Christian Parish would be the recipient of our gifts for the whole year so when you go to the grocery store you will know what to buy because it will usually be the same items. from 6:45-8:00 p.m. It incorporates prayer and study on living out our faith in the world by learning about social justice issues. EVERYONE is welcome. Join us on Monday nights and pray for how God will transform your faith through this small group! If you have questions talk with Pastor Wendy or Linda Kowatch. HELPING HAND CART for BROADWAY CHRISTIAN PARISH: THEHOSPITALITYROOMiscurrentlyBroadway’smostevolvingministry.OpenMonday throughThursdayfrom8:30to11a.m.,itprovidesaplaceforhomelesspeopleandother nearbyresidentstocomeforbreakfastandtoconnectwithothers.Itisaplacewherepeople areknownbynameandaretreatedasguests.Whilehere,ourguestscansignupforshowers,washsmallloadsofclothes,andreceivenewsocks,underwearandotheressentialsdependingontheseason. Ourguestswillalso indvolunteerswhowillstopbytochat,ortojustlistentotheirstories. Aswegettoknowguestandtheygettoknowus,linesofcommunicationareopenedthatcan leadtoadditionalhelpwithhealthmatters(SaintMary’scontributesstudentnurses), inding employment,anddiscoveringothermeansofassistance.Inalltheseefforts,westrivetobea placeofphysical,emotionalandspiritualsustenance. THE HOSPITALITY ROOM needs: coffee and laundr y soap. THE FOOD PANTRY needs the following: canned goods (especially Bear Creek soup mix), cereals, peanut butter, and toilet paper. THE SHOWER MINISTRY needs: Large Bottles of Shampoo • Laundry Detergent • Razors • Soap* (Liquid preferred) • Shaving cream • Towels (used is fine!) • Deodorant* (Spray preferred) *We prefer the spray deodorant and liquid soap so that the men and women can share them! TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays at 9:00 a.m. “In the end, there are only two hard historical facts about Jesus of Nazareth upon which we can confidently rely…” These words written by Reza Aslan, the author of Zealot, have started the Tuesday morning study group on a journey through the life and times of Jesus. We meet at 9:00 a.m. every Tuesday. If you want to be challenged, this is the place to be. Please join us. CONFIRMATION CLASS Fourth Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to noon Confirmation Class is working on exploring our faith in fun and creative ways. The class is researching imaginative ideas to fund a Church World Service project. They want to make a difference in the world and think this is a great way to begin. SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Grow, Proclaim, Serve! is our curriculum. “Touched by Jesus” is January’s focus”. Children 2-12 will be discovering the Bible stories: January 11-The Woman at the Well January 18-The Ten Lepers January 25-Mary & Martha COMMON GROUND COFFEEHOUSE Saturday, January 10, 2015 Sign up starts at 6:45 p.m. Open Mic 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. MUSIC, POETRY, COMEDY & DANCE ALL ARE INVITED & ENCOURAGED TO PARTICIPATE ! Free admission, Fair Trade coffee & snacks EVANGELISM MINISTRY MEETING Monday, January 12, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. Evangelism Ministry tells the story of Zion Church and its ministry. THE ELDERS MEETING Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. The first meeting of the new year! TAIZE SERVICE Friday, January 16, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Please join us for our Taize Worship Service on the third Friday of each month. Taize is a sung and silent participatory prayer service designed to achieve a contemplative state through music, song and silence. BOOK CLUB Sunday, January 18, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. We’re meeting at the home of Maureen Wildey. The book for discussion will be Zealot by Reza Aslan (nonfiction). A FUTURE selection will be Elizabeth is Missing by Emma Healey. PROPERTY MINISTRY MEETING Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. Property Ministry is responsible for maintaining, repairing, and improving all church properties. CONFIRMATIONCLASS Saturday,January24,2015from9:00a.m.-noon We’rebeginningournewyearofexploringourfaithinfunandcreativeways! ALL CHURCH WORK DAY Saturday, January 24, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. until noon This is a wonderful opportunity to work together and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Anyone can participate for any amount of time. And ALL work is appreciated. THE VISITOR MAILING TEAM Wednesday, January 28, at 9:00 a.m. The team readies “The Visitor” for mailing. OpportuniƟes for Worship, EducaƟon & Mission MONDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY Mondays from 6:45-8:00 p.m. This Bible Study/Small Group incorporates prayer and study on living out our faith in the world by learning about social justice issues. EVERYONE is welcome. Join us on Monday nights and pray for how God will transform your faith through this small group! If you have questions talk with Pastor Wendy or Linda Kowatch. TUESDAY MORNING STUDY GROUP Tuesdays at 9:00 a.m. Join us Tuesday mornings for adult Bible/book study. We are discussing Zealot by author Reza Aslan. STEWARDSHIP MINISTRY MEETING Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. Stewardship Ministry involves the congregation in year round stewardship. CHOIR REHEARSAL Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. Anyone who is interested in singing with the choir – please join us in preparing for leading worship. THE WHITLOCK BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Thursday, January 8, 2015 at 3:30 p.m. Zion is a member of The Michiana Benevolent Society, Inc. which supports The Whitlock, an Independent Living Community for persons 55 and older in Bremen, IN. WORSHIP MINISTRY REMOVE CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS Saturday, January 10, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. Take down the decorations. Worship Ministry is meeting to remove, organize, and put away the decorations. WORSHIP MINISTRYPLANNING MEETING Saturday, January 10, 2015 After removing Christmas decorations Worship Ministry is meeting for a planning session.
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