Non-profit Organiza+on U.S. Postage Paid Molalla, Oregon 97038 Permit #49 Molalla Moose Lodge #1277 419 Eckerd Street PO Box 615 Molalla, Oregon 97038 (503) 829-5539 phone Issue 2015, Volume 01 Address Label Heart of the Community Making our communities better places in which to live is a major portion of the mission of the Moose fraternity. Our Lodges and Chapters annually contribute monetary donations, values of miles driven and value of hours served totaling more than $75 million. From small projects to large undertakings, from local programs to national and international partnerships, the men and women of the Moose are there – and they are reliable, compassionate and genuine in their responses to the needs of others. Our goal is for residents, both members and nonmembers, to see the Moose as “The Heart of the Community.” Tommy Moose - The Tommy Moose program aids in helping children overcome fears and anxiety during times of stress. Donated to Law Enforcement, Fire, and other Emergency workers, Tommy Moose plush dolls are presented to children in various traumatic situations. Moose Alert - Moose Alert is a tangible way to show local communities that the Moose care and are willing to become involved as a significant resource in our home communities. Read more for information about Moose Alert and how your Lodge can become involved. (cont pg 3) IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Loyal Order of Moose is a private organization. All activities and events referred to in this Moose newsletter are available to members in good standing (active) and their qualified guests only. This newsletter is for informational ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ purposes with proprietary information intended for members only. General information is available to the public at large, but should not be construed to be a solicitation for membership. MooseNews is an initiative of the Moose Family Center 1277, Molalla, Oregon, and is not sanctioned by the Loyal Order of Moose, Moose International or any subsidiary thereof. All logos, trademarks and service marks pertaining to the Loyal Order of Moose and/or its programs or degrees are copyrighted © by Moose International, Inc., Mooseheart, Illinois. Molalla Lodge 1277/Chapter 1751 Page 1 January 2015 2010 Molalla MooseNews Visit Molalla Moose on Facebook! Molalla Moose Lodge 1277/ Chapter 1751 Oregon Moose Association webpage: Molalla Lodge #1277 Family Center 419 Eckerd Street PO Box 615 Molalla, Oregon 97038 (503) 829-5539 phone (503) 829-3335 fax [email protected] LODGE HOURS Monday-Thursday 3-10 Friday 3-Midnight Saturday Noon-Midnight Sunday 9-8 FIND IT WHERE? Cover:: Heart of the Community Page 2: Events & Informa7on LOOM 1277 Officers WOTM 1751 Officers Who Ya Gonna Call? NewsleEer Game update Page 3: Happenings Page 4: Governors News Sr. Regent Talk Page 5: Membership Administrator Rambling You’ve been Caught Page 6: Calendar Oregon Moose Association Facebook page: Oregon Moose Associa7on OMA Governor Rick LeGore Jr Past Governor Darrell Townsend Dear MooseNews readers, It has been brought to my aEen7on that I Jr Governor Chris Rice have missed naming volunteers in my list Prelate Bobby Lowe each month. It is not my inten7on to cause Administrator Rick Reed anyone stress or hard feelings by leaving Treasurer them out. I just don’t know who all of the Richard Townsend volunteers are. So, in order to alleviate the Trustee: 1 year Hazen Bernard nega7vity around the whole missed name thing I will no longer 2 year Art Slate be naming each of you individually. It certainly wasn't my inten3 year Corey Cully 7on to create conten7on among you nor to put one volunteer Sgt. At Arms Shorty Cook above another. You are each unique and special in what you bring to our Lodge. Inner Guard Mike Hamilton LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Thank you EVERYONE for your many hours of volunteer service. I hope you know that everything you do is appreciated . Kind Regards, Christy Senior Regent Jr. Grad. Regent Jr. Regent Chaplain Sec/Treasurer Recorder Joan Moore Jan LeGore PaN Lucht Jimielee Smith Marilyn Post Vivian Baker Lodge Secretary Jamie Rice (503)829-5539 MooseNews Newsle:er Newsle:er Game This months prize winners: SO SORRY...NO CORRECT GUESS LAST MONTH All winners will receive their prizes from a random drawing of correct entries. Put your name on a slip of paper with the answer and slip it into the black box at the top of the ramp. Please print LEGIBALLY… I need to be able to read your name. This Month’s Contest is: For Crying out loud! Have Fun & Good Luck! Last months answer: Instead of “Women of the Moose” I put “Women Moose”. Christy Reed, Editor (503)789-0204 ARTICLE SUBMISSION: PLEASE E-EMAIL your ar7cle to: [email protected] Submission deadline is the 20th. Social Quarters Servers: Kim Hall Cathy Takeshita Custodial staff: Heidi Moore ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Molalla Lodge 1277/Chapter 1751 Page 2 January 2015 2010 HEARTFELT HUGE THANK YOU! What a great Molalla Moose Lodge we have! I would like to thank each and every one of you who have given your time, money, cans, garage sale donations and gifts for our children and our community. 45 kids signed up to see Santa this year! Each one was able to have a chance to write a letter so Santa could bring something from their list. We also helped three local families in need this year. What Word? Winnie Can you guess what ONE word being described? It is just ONE word and this can get a liEle tricky but fun. Example: Clue: Display the animal hair. "Literal" Answer: Show Fur End Answer: Chauffeur. Get it?? 1. Metal jar, 4th leEer 2. Honey maker, chain ___ fence 3. Woman opposite, complete 4. #2, leg cousin 5. Stupid discovered 6. Display the animal hair 7. No money, serving plaEer 8. Not the front flame 9. Golf ball holder, urine 10. Sketch the vertebrae 1. Candy 2. Blink 3. Manhole 4. Secondhand 5. Dumbfound 6. Chauffeur 7. Portray 8. Backfire 9. Teepee 10. Drawback Mad Gabs A group of words, that at first glance and first saying don't make sense... but say them SLOWLY and LISTEN to what you hear to figure out what the phrase is. Example: Common Firm Their Rain = Come In From The Rain 1. Ache Hop Pick Hat 2. Ache How Cue Later 3. Ache Leans Late 4. Ache Off Cores 5. Ache Up Puck Off He 1. A Copy Cat 2. A Calculator 3. A Clean Slate 4. A Golf Course 5. A Cup of Coffee (Heart of the Community cont.) ARE YOU…. A New Member (male or female)? Join us on the 3rd Thursday of each month Safe Surfin’ - The Moose fraternity has always had concern for the welfare of children as one of its core missions. Read more for information about the Safe Surfin' Foundation and it's partnership with the Moose Organization. 7:00 PM Learn more about being a Moose, what we do and why we do it!. If you aren’t sure why you're a Moose please come down and find out. Special Olympics - Moose is pleased to be the primary supporter of Special Olympics softball. Read more for information about the partnership between the Moose Fraternity and the Special Olympics. Come early and enjoy a free meal and drink. Sponsors are asked to accompany new members to Orienta7on and to the next mee7ng. Youth Awareness - Can high school students persuade younger children to make positive choices in life? The teens and adults who work together in the Moose Youth Awareness Program say, “YES!” Read more for information about the Moose Youth Awareness Program. Membership Orienta7on ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Molalla Lodge 1277/Chapter 1751 Page 3 January 2015 2010 Sr. Regents Talk Governor's News Hello everyone! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!!! A new year has begun. Lets try to make this the best year ever. I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I can hardly believe 2014 has come and gone. We have welcomed new members and lost very dear members. We've had our good 7mes, our bad 7mes, disagreements, agreements... but through it all we have persevered and s7ll stand united as one. December was a very busy month for everyone and now we can get back to basics. There will be a lot of things going on the next few months. Keep an eye on your calendar for upcoming events. We want to give a shout out to Gary Brenner for all the help he has given us the last few months. I also want to thank all of our volunteers. Without you our lodge would not be as great as it is. We would like to thank Karla's Kapa Kids for performing at our children's Christmas Party. It was thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated. Thank you to all the women who worked to make the party a great success! Make sure you make it down to the lodge oXen for some old fashioned visi7ng .HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL THERE! Bye for now... see you soon. December 17th was the WOTM 2nd mee7ng of the month and aXer our mee7ng we had our Christmas party which was lots of fun. We laughed, we ate, we stole each others giXs and had a great 7me. December 20th was the kid's Christmas party and it was a huge success. Thanks to all that helped make it fun for all our kids as they all had a great 7me topped off by a special visit from Santa who presented each child with a present. Be sure to check your February newsleEer as I will have informa7on regarding the upcoming spring conference which will be held in Klamath Falls the laEer part of March. As I close I want to wish you all a very Happy New Year. Thanks to all our volunteers that make our Lodge/ Chapter successful. You really are appreciated. Your Governor Rick LeGore POOL RespecYully yours, Joan Moore Senior Regent January’s tournament is on the 3rd. PINOCHLE results: LAST MONTHS TOURNAMENT WINNERS: 1st Place– Richard C 2nd Place– Amanda C 20-Nov 1st: Ruth 7330 2nd: Carol 7320 Pinochle: Jimielee 4-Dec 1st: Ruth 7530 2nd: Wilma 6770 Pinochle: Wilma 11-Dec 1st: Anna 7770 2nd: Rosalee 7320 Pinochle: Jerry & Marge SNIFFLEBOARD January’s tournament is on the 17th LAST MONTHS TOURNAMENT WINNERS : 1st Place– Mike H & Ron 2nd Place– Lloyd & JoAnn 18-Dec 1st: Sampson 7640 2nd: Marion 6980 Pinochle: Sampson & Marion Moosey Races January’s tournament is on the 10th ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Molalla Lodge 1277/Chapter 1751 Page 4 January 2015 2010 ITS All ABOUT MEMBERSHIP Get your hotel accommoda+ons now! A new year is dawning and I am sending best wishes for a great one to all my Brothers and their families. As we set out seeking a successful new year, let’s take a moment to look back on successes of 2014. One of our best has to be community service. We have already thanked those who par7cipated in the annual Relay for Life. We also provided aid to the Adult Center, two scholarships to local Seniors, and various dona7ons to local children’s projects. However, our shining star must be the annual Children’s Christmas party. Thanks to Winnie Anderson and Don Phillips (who has a real in with Santa!). A job well done!! Through generous dona7ons and a six month pop can drive $2040 was raised. Each of the 51 children in aEendance received a giX listed in his or her leEer to Santa, delivered by the jolly old man himself. Of course he had a couple of lively elves along to keep things organized. The Kapa Dancers were on hand to inspire and delight us. On Christmas Eve we delivered food and toy boxes to 3 needy families. In addi7on, each child in each family received a new bicycle. When I ask “Why are you a Moose?” this has to be one of the top reasons. We are so proud of all our members who are so generous to support the fundraisers that help us be a part of Mooseheart/Moosehaven and our local community. Keep up the good work Brothers! Oh yes, by the way, keep those applica7ons rolling in. Fraternally, Ron Grace Membership Chairman h:p:// Administrator’s Rambling 2015! We are off and running. December proved to be a month chock full of ac7vity. Food boxes, Santa Clause, Christmas Party for the kids, Lodge Christmas dinner, New Years Eve, cake walks and wonderful raffle baskets. What a month! We have a great bunch of volunteers in our lodge. We have so many caring and generous people that offer their 7me and talents to making our Lodge warm and welcoming! Thanks to all who lent a hand with the many ac7vi7es last month… The raffle baskets, once again, were filled with tasty fruit and goodies, well worth the price of a 7cket for a chance to win one. Did you win a cake at the cake walk? Remember, someone probably spent some 7me preparing that cake to donate to the event. The Lodge Christmas meal was mighty tasty. Hope you were able to stop by. Our cooks spent many hours in the kitchen preparing and serving the tasty ham meal. Did you stop in and catch a glimpse of the fun the kids were having at the Christmas Party, hosted by the Women of the Moose? Did you know that the fund-raising for that event spanned several months. Some long hours were spent by organizer Winnie Anderson and Don , overseeing garage sales and turning in donated cans. Remember… VOLUNTEER OPPOURTUNINTIES ABOUND! Please help us out whenever you can. Come join the fun! Please share any ideas you may have for an event or ac7vity. We are always open to your sugges7ons. Support your Lodge and aEend our scheduled func7ons, It'll be worth your 7me! Wishing you a very happy and fulfilling New Year 2015. Rick Reed, Administrator ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Molalla Lodge 1277/Chapter 1751 Page 5 January 2015 2010 J A N U AR Y 2 0 1 5 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu New Year's Resolu+on Fri Sat 1 2 3 A person makes a promise to do an act of selfimprovement or something slightly nice, such as opening doors for people, beginning New Year's Day. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Molalla Lodge 1277/Chapter 1751 Page 6 January 2015 2010
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