Functional Development of Hair Cells

Functional Development of Hair Cells
Ruth Anne Eatock and Karen M. Hurley
The Bobby R. Alford Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Communicative
Sciences, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030
I. Introduction
II. Maturation of Function
A. Evoked Activity
B. Spontaneous Activity
III. Development of Mechanoelectrical Transduction
A. Hair Bundle Development
B. Biophysics of Transduction
IV. Developmental Acquisition of Basolateral Ion Channels
A. Outwardly Rectifying Potassium Conductances: gKv, gA, gK,Ca, gK,n, gK,L
B. Inwardly Rectifying Potassium Conductances: gK1, gh
C. Voltage-Gated Sodium Conductances: gNa
D. Voltage-Gated Calcium Conductances: gCa
E. Summary of Developmental Changes in Basolateral Conductances
V. Outer Hair Cell Electromotility
VI. Interactions between Developing Hair Cells and Innervating Nerve Fibers
A. Hair Cells and Primary AVerents
B. EVerent Synapses on Hair Cells
VII. Summary and Concluding Remarks
Embryonic hair cells in chicks and mammals have functional transduction
channels and voltage-gated outwardly rectifying potassium (Kþ) channels, fast
inwardly rectifying channels, and voltage-gated sodium (Naþ) and calcium
(Ca2þ) channels. Together these channels may participate in spiking by the
immature hair cells, which may drive rhythmic or bursting activity of neurons at
higher levels of the auditory pathway. The electrical activity of immature hair
cells may influence aVerent synaptogenesis and diVerentiation indirectly by
promoting neurotrophin release or more directly by glutamatergic transmission. With maturation, a number of changes tend to reduce hair cell spiking:
Naþ, Ca2þ, and fast inwardly rectifying channels may become less numerous,
whereas outwardly rectifying Kþ channels become more numerous and diverse.
These changes signal the transformation from a developing epithelium with
active formation of synaptic contacts to a sensing epithelium where receptor
potentials represent the mechanical input in a graded fashion. The composition
of the late-arriving outwardly rectifying Kþ channels is specific to the hair
Current Topics in Developmental Biology, Vol. 57
Copyright 2003, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
0070-2153/03 $35.00
Eatock and Hurley
cell’s type and location in the sensory epithelium and confers specialized
properties on the receptor potentials. Fast, Ca2þ-gated channels serve highquality electrical tuning in certain tall hair cells of the chick cochlea. In rodent
cochlear hair cells and type I hair cells of chick and rodent vestibular organs,
large outwardly rectifying conductances lower the input resistance, enhancing
the speed and linearity of voltage responses. ß 2003, Elsevier Inc.
I. Introduction
The final cell division that produces a vertebrate hair cell simultaneously
produces a sibling that may become a supporting cell or another hair cell
(Lang and Fekete, 2001; for reviews of the mechanisms giving rise to one
or the other cell type, see Bryant et al., 2002, and Fekete and Wu, 2002).
In this chapter we are concerned with the acquisition of features that diVerentiate hair cells from their sibling supporting cells (Fig. 1): a transducing
hair bundle and an abundance of basolateral ion channels, both voltageand ligand-gated. We also consider how the immature electrical activity of
diVerentiating hair cells before the onset of stimulus-evoked responses may
influence development of the rest of the aVerent pathway.
In order to place hair cell diVerentiation in a functional context, we begin
by briefly reviewing the time course of the maturation of auditory and
vestibular function in rodents and chicks, the subjects of most developmental research on the inner ear. Fig. 2 shows the timing of some key aspects
of morphological and functional development for these two model systems.
Some hair cell properties are functional before auditory and vestibular
function are mature, as assessed by behavioral and electrophysiological
assays, whereas others develop with a similar time course. For an excellent
comprehensive review of the development of auditory function in chicks
and rodents, the reader is referred to Ru¨bsamen and Lippe (1998). The zebrafish is an important emerging model system for development of the inner
ear (Whitfield, 2002; see Chapter 11 by Riley), and this chapter presents
zebrafish results where those are available.
II. Maturation of Function
A. Evoked Activity
1. Rodent Hearing
In rodents, hearing function begins in the second postnatal week, as
evaluated by hearing reflexes and signature potentials generated by various
stages in the aVerent cascade. Behavioral responses are first evident in mice
13. Functional Development of Hair Cells
Figure 1 (A) Schematic of a hair cell in the sensory epithelium of the vibration-sensitive frog
saccule. Reproduced with permission from Eatock, R. A. (2000). Adaptation in hair cells.
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 23, 285–314. The epithelium comprises hair cells surrounded by
supporting cells, plus the terminals of aVerent and eVerent neurons. The cell bodies of the
neurons reside in eighth-nerve ganglia and the brainstem, respectively. Tight junctions near the
apical (lumenal) surfaces of the cells maintain separate compartments for the extracellular fluids
bathing the apical and basolateral cells surfaces (high-Kþ, low-Ca2þ endolymph, and high-Naþ
perilymph, respectively). The hair bundle is surmounted by an otolithic membrane, a gel-like
structure that bears calcium carbonate crystals (otoconia; not shown). Linear acceleration of
the head causes diVerential displacement of the epithelium and the denser otoconia, leading to
bundle deflection, the eVective stimulus to the hair cell. The bundle comprises rows of stereocilia
that change progressively in height, with the tallest row adjacent to a single kinocilium, tethered
to the otolithic membrane. Hair cells detect bundle deflection oriented parallel to a line running
from the shortest to the tallest row of stereocilia and bisecting the bundle. Tip links with the
same orientation link stereocilia in adjacent rows and may be the gating springs that apply force
to the mechanosensitive transduction channels, and/or a mechanism for adjusting the input to
the transduction channels. The stereocilia are anchored in an apical cuticular plate via actin
rootlets. In the basolateral hair cell compartment, a presynaptic ribbon and associated synaptic
vesicles (filled with glutamate) face an aVerent terminal. A postsynaptic cistern is apposed to an
eVerent terminal containing vesicles filled with acetylcholine. (B) The staircase of stereocilia in a
rat cochlear hair bundle. Scanning electron micrograph. Reproduced with permission from
Schneider, M. E., Belyantseva, I. A., Azevedo, R. B., and Kacher, B. (2002). Rapid renewal of
auditory hair bundles. Nature 418, 837–838. (C) Tip links connecting two stereociliary pairs in a
freeze-etch image of a guinea pig cochlear hair bundle. Reproduced with permission from
Kachar, B., Parakkal, M., Kurc, M., Zhao, Y., and Gillespie, P. G. (2000). High-resolution
structure of hair-cell tip links. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97, 13336–13341. Scale bars in B and
C are 1mm and 100 nm, respectively.
Eatock and Hurley
Figure 2 Approximate timing of various developmental changes in cochleas and vestibular
organs of rodents and chicks: terminal mitoses of hair cells and ganglion cells (primary afferent
neurons); hair bundle development and mechanoelectrical transduction; acquisition of
electromotility in mammalian outer hair cells; differentiation of basolateral channels in hair
cells; hair cell (hc) spiking and bursting or rhythmic activity of primary afferents and higherorder auditory neurons; formation of afferent and efferent synapses on hair cells and primary
afferent terminals, including the afferent calyx ending on amniote vestibular type I hair cells;
and functional measures: cochlear potentials, vestibular reflexes, auditory evoked potentials and
vestibular evoked potentials. References: Rodent cochlea: 1Ruben, 1967; 2Kros et al., 1992;
Holley and Nishida, 1995; 4Kros et al., 1998; 5Marcotti and Kros, 1999; 6Marcotti et al., 1999;
Marcotti et al., 2003; 8He, 1997; 9Beurg et al., 2001; 10reviewed in Ru¨ bsamen and Lippe, 1998;
Echteler et al., 1989; 12Pujol et al., 1998; 13Bruce et al., 2000; 14Mikaelian and Ruben, 1965.
Rodent vestibular organs: 15Sans and Chat, 1982; 16Mbiene et al., 1984; 17Mbiene and Sans,
1986; 18Denman-Johnson and Forge, 1999; 19Ge´ le´ oc et al., 1997; 20Holt et al., 1997; 21G.S.G.
Ge´ le´ oc and J. R. Holt, personal communication; 22Ge´ le´ oc et al., 2003; 23reviewed in Anniko,
1990; 24Ru¨ sch et al., 1998b; 25Desmadryl and Sans, 1990; 26Dechesne et al., 1997; 27Parrad and
Cottereau, 1977; 28Curthoys, 1979. Chick cochlea: 29Katayama and Corwin, 1989; 30Adam et al.,
1998; 31Cohen and Fermin, 1978; 32Tilney et al., 1992b; 33Griguer and Fuchs, 1996; 34Fuchs and
Sokolowski, 1990; 35Jones et al., 2001; 36Sokolowski and Cunningham, 1999; 37,38Whitehead
and Morest, 1985a,b; 39Saunders et al., 1973. Chick vestibular: 40Goodyear et al., 1999;
Masetto et al., 2000; 42Masetto et al., 2003; 43Ginzberg and Gilula, 1980; 44Meza and
Hinojosa, 1987; 45Jones and Jones, 2000a.
13. Functional Development of Hair Cells
at postnatal day (P) 11 (Ehret, 1977). The sensitivity of the behavioral audiogram gradually improves from P11 to P18, and even further by adulthood.
This development of the audiogram may reflect development of both sensory
and nonsensory components (Werner and Gray, 1998). Sound-evoked responses from the cochlea emerge in the second postnatal week: the cochlear
microphonic potential, a measure of outer hair cell transduction, at P8–P12
(in rats and gerbils) and the compound action potential, a measure of
cochlear aVerent activity, at P11–P12 (in mice and rats) (Ru¨ bsamen and
Lippe, 1998).
In rodents, the frequencies represented by the base of the cochlea shift
from low-to-mid frequencies to high frequencies (‘‘place code’’ shift; for
review, see Romand, 1997). This shift is mirrored at higher stages in the
rodent auditory pathway. Whether a similar shift occurs in the basal and
middle regions of the chick cochlea is controversial (reviewed in Ru¨bsamen
and Lippe, 1998). The term ‘‘place code shift’’ gives an oversimplified impression of the changes in the rodent. Echteler et al. (1989) studied developmental changes in the frequency selectivity (tuning) of gerbil cochlear
aVerents. At a particular basal location in the cochlea, the shift to higher
characteristic frequency (CF; sound frequency to which the aVerent is most
sensitive) occurs in two steps: (1) around hearing onset (P14–P15), a sudden
increase in sensitivity at all frequencies; and (2) a subsequent improvement
in high-frequency sensitivity (P15–P17). Thus, in the second stage the
aVerent tuning curve adds a high-frequency-sensitive component (the tuning
curve ‘‘tip’’) to a less sensitive, lower-frequency component (the tuning curve
‘‘tail’’). The addition of the tip is likely to reflect the acquisition of
electromotility by cochlear outer hair cells (see Section V) and possibly certain voltage-gated ion channels in both inner and outer hair cells (see Section
IV), in addition to maturation of passive material properties of the cochlea
(Overstreet et al., 2002).
2. Rodent Vestibular Function
Information about functional development of the vestibular system is less
complete, in part because the maturation of vestibular reflexes requires both
sensory and motor development, but we do know that some vestibular reflexes are functional before hearing onset. Head rotations compensatory
for vestibular input are evident at least as early as P4 in rats (Parrad and
Cottereau, 1977). Electrical stimulation of the eighth nerve produces eye
movements in newborn rats, showing that the vestibuloocular reflex pathway is functional well before eye opening between P11 and P17 (Curthoys,
1979). The responses of rat semicircular canal aVerents to angular velocity
increase in signal-to-noise and gain throughout the first postnatal month.
The gain increase can be accounted for by an increase in canal size, which
Eatock and Hurley
is expected to produce more hair bundle deflection per unit of angular head
velocity (Curthoys, 1983).
3. Chick Hearing
Development is faster in chicks than in rodents. Thus, although chicks and
rodents both have embryonic periods of about 3 weeks, the chick inner ear is
morphologically and functionally close to mature at the time of hatching,
whereas the rodent inner ear is quite immature at birth. Low-frequency sounds
evoke potentials in the chick cochlear nuclei as early as E10, and thresholds decrease thereafter, with particularly marked improvement between E18 and
hatching at E20–21, coinciding with the filling of the middle ear with air rather
than liquid (Saunders et al., 1973). The hearing of hatchlings is comparable to
that of 2-week-old rodents. Behavioral thresholds, particularly at frequencies
above 1 kHz, continue to improve postnatally (Gray and Rubel, 1985).
4. Chick Vestibular Function
The chick vestibular system is also functional but immature before hatching.
Jones and Jones (1996, 2000a) recorded ‘‘linear short-latency vestibular
evoked potentials’’ (VsEPs) in response to linear accelerations. These
potentials, like the auditory brainstem response, have both peripheral and
central components (Nazareth and Jones, 1998). VsEPs were not detected
in embryos before E19 (Jones and Jones, 2000a). From E19 to P22, the
properties of the VsEPs (response latency, thresholds, and amplitude/
intensity relations) mature.
5. Zebrafish Hearing and Vestibular Function
In the zebrafish, vestibular righting and ocular reflexes (Riley and Moorman,
2000) and acoustical and lateral line startle reflexes (Eaton et al., 1977;
Nicolson et al., 1998) are first evident between 3 and 4 days postfertilization
Exposing zebrafish larvae to microgravity for various intervals up to 4 dpf
produces a deficient vestibuloocular reflex in some animals, consistent with
a critical period for vestibular sensory development between 1 and 3 dpf
(Moorman et al., 2002). During this interval, vestibular aVerents are born
and innervate both their peripheral targets (inner ear organs) and central
targets in the brainstem. In contrast, Jones et al. (2000) found that embryonic exposure to hypergravity or high levels of vibration had no eVect on
the development of chick vestibular evoked potentials. Chicks were sensitive
to these interventions during the second week after hatching, well after the
inner ear is mature, suggesting an eVect on central development.
13. Functional Development of Hair Cells
B. Spontaneous Activity
Before the onset of hearing, spontaneous activity of the auditory neurons at
various levels of the pathway in both chicks and mammals is low, bursting,
and sometimes rhythmic (reviewed in Ru¨bsamen and Lippe, 1998). The low
spontaneous rates may in part reflect eVects of anesthesia in young animals.
At the onset of hearing, the rhythmic activity is replaced by steady spontaneous
activity. Rhythmic activity is particularly robust in prehatch chicks, where it is
present in cochlear ganglion neurons (Jones et al., 2001) and is abolished at
higher levels by silencing the cochlea with tetrodotoxin injections or ablation
(Lippe, 1994). The activity may therefore arise either in hair cells or in cochlear
ganglion cells. Rhythmic activity has been described in other developing
systems. In the retina, it appears to have an instructional eVect on retinal ganglion projections, mediated at least in part by neurotrophins (Katz and Shatz,
1996). Experiments in which cochleas are ablated before hearing onset show
that in both chicks and rodents, cochlear input influences the development of
central auditory neurons (Gabriele et al., 2000; Hashisaki and Rubel, 1989).
Rhythmic activity has not been reported in immature vestibular aVerents.
In rat semicircular canal aVerents, the rate of spontaneous activity is low
initially, increasing gradually after birth, and the highly regular pattern
of firing characteristic of many mature vestibular aVerents is first seen at
P4–5 in the rat (Curthoys, 1979, 1982). A similar progression was seen in the
spontaneous activity of vestibular aVerents in inner ear explants made on the
day of birth (P0; Desmadryl et al., 1986): Spontaneous rates were initially low
and increased as much as 10-fold after 6 days in vitro (DIV; equivalent to P6).
The percentage of aVerents with regular firing increased substantially from
almost none at birth to 50% by P6. Regular firing has been recorded as early
as E19 in chick (Jones and Jones, 2000b). The change to the highly regular
pattern of firing may reflect the acquisition by some aVerents of a large
after-hyperpolarizing current (IAHP) that determines the interspike interval
(Smith and Goldberg, 1986).
In the following sections on development of hair cells and of their interactions with aVerent and eVerent fibers, the rhythmic activity of immature
auditory aVerents is a recurring theme. This rhythmic activity may originate in
the hair cells, arising through the transient expression of specific voltage-gated
and/or transmitter-gated ion channels cochlear.
III. Development of Mechanoelectrical Transduction
In this section we review literature on the morphological development of the
hair bundle array, surely one of the most highly ordered and tightly specified
structures in the body. We briefly review such developmental information as
Eatock and Hurley
can be gleaned from studies of hair cell transduction. Despite the fact that
most transduction data are obtained during a neonatal period in which
significant morphological development occurs, no substantial qualitative
changes in the transduction process with development have been described.
However, no comprehensive eVorts to investigate this process have been
A. Hair Bundle Development
1. Bundle Morphology
Hair bundles comprise cross-linked arrays of specialized microvilli, which
bear the unfortunately persistent misnomer ‘‘stereocilia,’’ arranged in rows
of incrementing height to form a staircase profile (see Fig. 1B; see Chapter
2 in this volume by Quint and Steel). At the tall edge of the bundle is a single
true microtubule-based cilium, the kinocilium. In mature auditory bundles
of mammals and birds, the kinocilium regresses, although its basal body
persists. Hair cells detect the component of bundle motion parallel to a line running from the shortest to the tallest rank of stereocilia, which defines the
bundle’s orientation. The mechanosensitive transduction channels are located
near the tips of the stereocilia (Jaramillo and Hudspeth, 1991; Lumpkin and
Hudspeth, 1995). Extracellular ‘‘tip links’’ run between rows, angling upward
from the tips of shorter stereocilia to the upper flanks of adjacent taller stereocilia, parallel to the bundle’s orientation axis (Pickles et al., 1984) (see
Fig. 1C). The links have a central zone comprising two filaments wound
around each other in a right-handed helix. This central zone is coupled to
the stereociliary membrane by 2–3 strands (see Fig. 1C; Kachar et al., 2000;
Tsuprun and Santi, 2000). In the ‘‘tip link/gating spring’’ model of transduction, stretch of the links during bundle deflection applies force to the mechanosensitive channels, promoting their opening (Pickles and Corey, 1992). This
model has been refined recently to suggest that the distal strands, rather than
the helical central portions, are likely to be the elastic elements (Kachar et al.,
2000). Alternatively, the tip links may be important for regulating the
relative positions of stereocilia but not applying stretch themselves.
The core of each stereocilium is an array of actin filaments (Flock and
Cheung, 1977; Flock et al., 1981), cross-linked by fimbrin (Sobin and Flock,
1983) and espin (Zheng et al., 2000b). Many actin filaments terminate at the
stereociliary ankle region, where the stereocilium meets the cell body, but a
subset of central actin filaments extends as a ‘‘rootlet’’ into the cuticular
plate, the hair cell equivalent of the terminal web generally found in epithelial cells. The cuticular plate contains filamentous actin, at cross angles to the
rootlets (DeRosier and Tilney, 1989), and other proteins, including myosins
13. Functional Development of Hair Cells
(Hasson et al., 1997; Slepecky and Ulfendahl, 1992). Microtubules penetrate
the cuticular plate from below (Furness et al., 1990; Jaeger et al., 1994). A
circumferential ring of actin runs around the cuticular plate at the level of
the zonula adherens (Hirokawa and Tilney, 1982).
In addition to actin, fimbrin, and espin, stereocilia contain calmodulin and
various unconventional myosins (-1c, VI, VIIa, XV) (Hasson et al., 1997;
Steel and Kros, 2001). Calmodulin is hypothesized to mediate the Ca2þ dependence of an adaptation process by interacting with a myosin motor complex that links the actin core with the transduction channel (Gillespie and
Hudspeth, 1994). Calmodulin is also an important regulator of a plasma
membrane Ca2þ ATPase (PMCA), present in abundance in stereocilia
and responsible for the transmembrane Ca2þ gradient (Kozel et al., 1988;
Yamoah et al., 1998). Information from naturally occurring mutants and
transgenic experiments has suggested the following functions for the unconventional myosins that are found in the hair bundle and cuticular plate
regions: Myosin-1c is the motor molecule that, together with calmodulin,
mediates a major form of Ca2þ-dependent transducer adaptation (Holt
et al., 2002). Myosin VI, localized to the apical surface of the cuticular plate,
may help to anchor the stereociliary membrane to the cuticular plate membrane; without functional myosin VI, the membranes of stereocilia fuse (Self
et al., 1999). Myosin XV may be involved in structural development of the
actin core of the stereocilium; mutants have short stereocilia and abnormal
long actin bundles emanating from the soma (Anderson et al., 2000).
Myosin VIIa is localized in and around the cuticular plate and in the
stereocilia (Hasson et al., 1997). In both mice (including shaker-1) and zebrafish with mutations in myosin VIIa, bundles are disorganized (Ernest
et al., 2000; Self et al., 1998). Detailed analysis of the bundles in Myo7a61
and Myo7a816SB mouse mutants suggests that the growth of individual
stereocilia is normal but that the stereociliary array is fragmented into
clumps. This defect may mean that myosin VIIa helps to anchor the stereocilia in the cuticular plate (Self et al., 1998) or maintains the bundle as a unit
by tensioning lateral links between stereocilia (Kros et al., 2002). The latter
kind of eVect was suggested by the eVects of the myosin VIIa (Myo7a) mutations on hair cell transduction: a negative bias in the resting position of the
bundle relative to its operating range (the range of bundle deflections to
which it is sensitive) and a hyperadaptation (Kros et al., 2002). Myosin VIIa
is homologous to Crinkled, a Drosophila protein involved in orienting epithelial cells along the axis orthogonal to the apical–basal axis; by homology,
myosin VIIa may participate in orienting hair bundles (see Section III.A.5).
The stereociliary plasma membrane houses mechanoelectrical transduction channels of unknown molecular identity at just one-to-several per
stereocilium (see discussion in Ricci and Fettiplace, 1997); PMCA molecules;
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and, at least in cochlear hair cells, purinergic receptor channels (P2X
receptors; Housley et al., 1998) of uncertain function.
2. Bundle Growth
a. Chick Bundles. The morphological stages in hair bundle development
have been thoroughly examined in the chick cochlea by the Tilneys
and DeRosier and their colleagues (Tilney and DeRosier, 1986; Tilney and
Saunders, 1983; Tilney et al., 1983, 1986, 1988; reviewed in Tilney et al.,
1992a). In this organ, hair bundle formation takes place in clearly defined
stages that occur simultaneously throughout the organ (Fig. 3). Hair bundles
begin (E8) with a central kinocilium and small microvilli protruding from
the apical surface. Thus, bundles are not oriented at the outset. Between
E8 and E10, the microvilli grow to a uniform height and the kinocilium
moves to the edge of the cell’s apical surface, defining bundle orientation.
The staircase then begins to form: stereocilia elongate in successive rows, beginning with the row adjacent to the kinocilium (which will be the tallest
row), widen, acquire tapered ankles, and extend rootlets into the cuticular
plate. In the chick cochlea, staircase formation takes place in two stages
(E10.5–E13 and E16–P1); in the intervening pause, excess microvilli are
b. Rodent Bundles. In rodent inner ear organs, hair cell diVerentiation is
staggered, i.e., at any one time point, hair cells are at multiple stages of diVerentiation, from E13 through to the second or third postnatal week
(e.g., Denman-Johnson and Forge, 1999; Mbiene and Sans, 1986; Mbiene
et al., 1984; Nishida et al., 1998; Ru¨ sch et al., 1998b; Zine and Romand,
1996). In the cochlea, most diVerentiation markers begin basally and spread
apically, and this is true for bundle diVerentiation as well (Kaltenbach et al.,
1994; Zine and Romand, 1996). The apical turn is delayed by about 2 days
relative to the basal turn (Zine and Romand, 1996). The initial stage of
bundle formation, characterized by a central kinocilium and multiple microvilli (similar to E8 bundles in the chick cochlea, Fig. 3), is evident at E13.5 in
mouse vestibular organs (Denman-Johnson and Forge, 1999; Mbiene
and Sans, 1986; Mbiene et al., 1984) and at E17 in the basal turn of the rat
cochlea (Zine and Romand, 1996).
By birth, cochlear hair bundles in the hamster (Fig. 4) have an eccentric
kinocilium and elongate microvilli (immature stereocilia), corresponding to
bundle development at about E10 in the chick cochlea (compare Figs. 3
and 4A). The neonatal rat cochlea appears to be more advanced, with
bundles closer to the E13 stage in the chick cochlea (see Fig. 3; compare
Fig. 4C [hamster] with Fig. 2 [rat] in Zine and Romand, 1996). The stages
in bundle development in the rodent cochlea resemble those in the chick
13. Functional Development of Hair Cells
Figure 3 Development of hair bundles in the chick cochlea. Modified and reproduced with
permission from Tilney, L. G., Tilney, M. S., and DeRosier, D. J. (1992). Actin filaments,
stereocilia, and hair cells: How cells count and measure. Annu. Rev. Cell Biol. 8, 257–274. Top to
bottom: Bundles from the apical (distal), low-CF end of the chick cochlea (left) and from the
basal (proximal), ultimately high-CF end (right), from E8 to posthatching (P1). (E8) Tiny
stereocilia are randomly distributed on the apical surface of the hair cell. A single, taller
kinocilium is apparent in the middle of the apical surface. (E9) The kinocilium has moved to the
periphery of the cell and the apical surface of the hair cell is covered with a dense carpet of
immature stereocilia of uniform length. (E10.5) The tallest row of the stereocilia has begun to
form behind the kinocilium. The apical surface has continued to expand and fill with immature
stereocilia. (E13) The staircase profile of the stereocilia has formed. The number of stereocilia
still greatly exceeds the mature number. Stereocilia have begun to taper into ankles at their
bases and to send rootlets into the cuticular plate. (E16) The stereociliary rootlets reach mature
length. Extraneous stereocilia have been resorbed. (P1) The stereocilia in most cochlear bundles
have reached their mature height and thickness.
cochlea, except that there is no evidence for a pause in stereociliary elongation (Kaltenbach et al., 1994). An excess of stereocilia are made and then
lost. In the middle part of the cochlea, the number per bundle rises from
about 200 at P0 to 300 at P2–3, falling precipitously to 150 at P5 and to
100 by P20. By P14, almost all of the kinocilia have disappeared, leaving
the notch that produces the W shape of mature outer hair cell bundles.
The orientation of actin filaments in the stereocilium predicts that
actin monomers are added at the distal tip. This was confirmed recently by
Schneider et al. (2002), who transfected neonatal cultures of the rat organ of
Eatock and Hurley
Figure 4 Development of hair bundles in the hamster cochlea. Reproduced from Kaltenbach,
J. A., Falzarano, P. R., and Simpson, T. H. (1994). Postnatal development of the hamster
cochlea. II. Growth and diVerentiation of stereocilia bundles, J. Comp. Neurol. 350, 181–198.
Reproduced with permission of Wiley-Liss, Inc., a subsidiary of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Top
and bottom rows: Outer hair cells and inner hair cells, respectively. Ages are indicated in the
lower left hand corner of each electron micrograph. (A) Newly diVerentiated hair cells have
clusters of stereocilia that can be diVerentiated from apical microvilli on surrounding cells (stage
I, Kaltenbach et al., 1994). (B) Stage 2 bundles have a clearly established tall edge and smaller,
shorter, and more loosely organized stereocilia elsewhere. (C) In stage 3 bundles, the staircase
becomes clear. The apical surface outside the staircase is still covered with short stereocilia.
(D) In stage 4, extraneous stereocilia are resorbed.
Corti with plasmids containing -actin linked to green fluorescent protein.
Actin monomers are added to filaments at the tips of the stereocilia at a high
rate. Even in 10- to 15-day-old cultures, the actin filaments ‘‘treadmill’’
toward the base by incorporating new actin monomers at their tips.
A cuticular plate antibody (CP1) stains nascent apical structures
beginning at E14 in the mouse cochlea (Nishida et al., 1998). Based on the
staining patterns obtained with this monoclonal antibody, Nishida and
colleagues propose that the cuticular plate originates as a peripheral ring,
then a thin central plate forms. The mature form of the cuticular plate is
present by P4–P6, at the same time as the V-shaped bundle arrays.
c. Zebrafish Bundles. Relatively little is known about the timing of
bundle development in the zebrafish inner ear. Haddon and Lewis (1996)
saw bundle-like structures in an otolith organ as early as 1 dpf, when the otoliths are small irregular granules. The long bundles of semicircular canal hair
cells are visible in vivo at 2.5 dpf (Nicolson et al., 1998), before the onset of
13. Functional Development of Hair Cells
vestibular, acoustical, and lateral line reflexes. By 5 dpf there are 20 properly
oriented hair cells per crista (Haddon and Lewis, 1996).
3. Staircase Formation
The formation of the staircase is particularly interesting because it is both
peculiar to vertebrate hair bundles and implicated in the tip link/gating
spring hypothesis. The heights of the ranks of stereocilia within a bundle
are presumably set by the molecules that regulate the length of the actin
bundles that form each stereociliary core. This in turn may be determined
by molecules that aVect polymerization at the growing tip and/or depolymerization at the base. Candidate molecules include Rho GTPases, wellknown regulators of actin polymerization in other systems (Kollmar,
1999). Another likely candidate is the stereociliary actin-bundling protein,
espin. In jerker mice, which have deficient levels of espin, hair bundles are
short (Zheng et al., 2000b). Furthermore, excess production of espin stimulates the growth of extra-long microvilli in transfected cells of a kidney cell
line (Loomis et al., 2003).
How do stereociliary ranks rise to (or stop at) specific heights? One idea is
that there is feedback from the transduction process on this process: As the
stereocilia grow, the tip link becomes stretched and applies force to the
transduction channels, opening channels. The resulting Ca2þ influx through
the open channels is then envisioned as signaling an end to actin filament
elongation (Pickles et al., 1991a; Tilney et al., 1988). In support of this
model, Pickles and Rouse (1991) found that chick cochlear bundles grown
in the presence of a transduction channel blocker are very disorganized. In
contrast, in a preliminary report, Bryant et al. (2003) found that the transduction channel blocker neomycin had no obvious eVect on staircase development in chick cochlear cultures made on E6.5.
4. Tip Link Formation
Tip links are seen as each successive row of the staircase develops
(Kaltenbach et al., 1994; Pickles et al., 1991b). Clues about how tip links
grow are provided by a study of their regeneration in cultured chick cochleas
(Zhao et al., 1996). Tip links were broken with extracellular application of a
calcium chelator, BAPTA. Over the next 24 h, multiple linkages sprouted
from the tips of the stereocilia, with a relatively high percentage oV axis
and/or below the normal tip link positions on the stereocilia. With time,
these inappropriate links were cleaned up, so that by 24 h the treated
bundles were close to normal in appearance. Similar changes are described
in developing bundles (Kaltenbach et al., 1994; Pickles et al., 1991b). Over
the same period, transduction recovered. The tip link regeneration did not
Eatock and Hurley
depend on protein synthesis and was inhibited by increasing intracellular
Ca2þ with an ionophore. Zhao et al. (1996) suggest that tip links are moved
into position by motors within the stereocilium, possibly myosin molecules
moving along the actin core.
5. Bundle Orientation
Bundle orientation must be organized both within a hair cell (to create a
bundle’s characteristic polarity) and within the epithelium (to produce the
stereotypic arrays of bundle orientations on the epithelial surface). These
developments are of utmost functional importance because the bundle’s
orientation defines its axis of functional sensitivity (Flock, 1965; Shotwell
et al., 1981).
The early formation of the kinocilium in developing and regenerating hair
bundles, and its stereotypic and singular position at the center of the bundle’s tall edge, have suggested that it plays a role in establishing bundle
orientation (e.g., Sobkowicz et al., 1995). Other possibilities include the striated rootlet that emanates from the kinociliary basal body, as it does from
centrioles in other ciliated cells, and assemblies of microtubules or microfilaments (see discussion in Denman-Johnson and Forge, 1999). A very diVerent
hypothesis arose through observations in the chick cochlea, where bundles
reorient during development as they come into contact with the growing
tectorial membrane. Cotanche and Corwin (1991) suggested that the reorientation results from traction exerted by the growing tectorial membrane.
Whether this mechanism works in the chick cochlea has been debated (see
Lewis and Davies, 2002), but it cannot work in other hair cell organs in
which the development of the overlying tectorial/otolithic structure lacks
the right timing or pattern of formation to mediate bundle orientation.
For example, in parts of some lizard cochleas (e.g., the alligator lizard; Mulroy, 1974), there is no overlying tectorial structure, yet the bundles form a
precise array. In the mammalian cochlea, bundle orientation is approximately established before the tectorial membrane is formed (Coleman et al.,
1995), although there is gradual refinement of the orientation in the first 2
postnatal weeks (Dabdoub et al., 2003). Finally, the traction model seems
implausible in otolith organs, where bundle orientations form complex
arrays and where the overlying structures exert shearing forces in diVerent
directions, specified by the sum of linear forces applied to the head at any
instant in time.
In the saccule and utricle, bundles reverse orientation at a line running
through a specialized swath of macula called the striola. On either side of
the line, bundle orientation changes very gradually with position along the
reversal line, such that neighboring bundles have similar orientations.
The otolithic gel (‘‘otolithic membrane’’) is acquired simultaneously across
13. Functional Development of Hair Cells
the width of the organ, beginning at very early stages. In mouse otolith
organs (Denman-Johnson and Forge, 1999), otolithic gel substance is apparent as early as E12.5 in dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum of supporting
cells and overlying their apical surfaces. Small otoconia appear by E16.5,
and an organized gel with otoconia is present by E18.5. At E15.5, the line
of bundle reversal becomes evident and a second wave of bundle formation
begins (see also Mbiene et al., 1984). The addition of new bundles does not
disrupt the orientation map and the line of reversal, indicating that those
properties are set for the population rather than on a bundle-by-bundle
That mechanical feedback of some kind, either direct or through an intermediary such as Ca2þ, aVects the orientation of tip links is suggested by the
observations cited earlier on developing (Kaltenbach et al., 1994; Pickles
et al., 1991b) and regenerating (Zhao et al., 1996) tip links. Tip links that
form at odd angles and odd places appear to be pruned, leaving only those
at appropriate orientations. Furthermore, in chick cochleas cultured for a
day (with tectorial membranes detached), the number of inappropriate links
increases (Zhao et al., 1996), suggesting that normal mechanical input may
be required to continuously prune inappropriate tip links. Finally, many hair
bundles in otolith organs have tip links that are 30 oV the bundle’s axis of
bilateral symmetry, reflecting the tight packing of the stereocilia (Takumida
et al., 1989). One might speculate that this oV-axis orientation is tolerated
because mechanical stimuli arrive from all angles in otolith organs. In contrast, mechanical stimuli to cochleas have a uniform orientation normal to
the long axis of the epithelium so that it is clearly advantageous to align
all bundles with that stimulus angle. Indeed, the misalignment of some hair
bundles that occurs naturally in some guinea pig cochleas decreases hearing
sensitivity (Yoshida and Liberman, 1999).
Bundle orientation is an example of planar cell polarity (PCP) in epithelia:
polarization of the epithelial cell along an axis orthogonal to its apical–
basal axis. The signaling mechanisms that control hair bundle orientations
in inner ear epithelia may be homologous to those that set up the
regular array of hairs in Drosophila wings (Eaton, 1997; Lewis and Davies,
2002). Orientation of the fly-wing hairs is controlled by a two-tier PCP
signaling pathway involving (1) communication of a directional signal to
individual cells by a cadherin protein (Fat), and (2) alignment of
neighbor–neighbor orientations via the transmembrane Wnt receptor,
Frizzled (Ma et al., 2003). Frizzled on the distal side of a cell recruits
the cytoplasmic protein, Prickle, to the proximal side of the adjacent
cell (Tree et al., 2002), setting up similar orientations among neighbors. A
homologous pathway may operate in hair cell epithelia. Mutations in
protocadherin 23, homologous to Drosophila Fat, and myosin VIIa, homologous to Drosophila Crinkled (another PCP protein), produce misoriented
Eatock and Hurley
bundles (Di Palma et al., 2001; Self et al., 1998). A Wnt protein (Wnt7a)
is expressed in developing pillar cells in the organ of Corti, and in vitro
application of Wnt7a or of Frizzled-related Wnt inhibitors to embryonic
cochlear cultures causes bundle misalignment (Dabdoub et al., 2003).
B. Biophysics of Transduction
Much of what we know about hair cell mechanotransduction in mammals
comes from excised sensory epithelia of the neonatal mouse cochlea and
utricle. These epithelia are morphologically immature in many ways. In
the P0 mouse organ of Corti, certain areas (tunnel of Corti, inner sulcus)
have not yet been sculpted, and, relevant to mechanoelectrical transduction,
the tectorial membrane is not yet fully formed and hair bundles have many
small microvilli/stereocilia that are later resorbed (Coleman et al., 1995;
Kaltenbach and Falzarano, 1994; Kaltenbach et al., 1994; Zine and
Romand, 1996). Nevertheless, these hair cells generate large transduction
currents in excised preparations in response to bundle deflections aVected
by a fluid jet stimulus (Kros et al., 1992). From a preliminary report on
transduction in mouse organ of Corti cultures made from the basal cochlea
at E16.5, transduction currents can be recorded from inner hair cells about 3
days later (E19–E20) and outer hair cells 1 day later still (Bryant et al., 2003).
The P0 mouse utricle is also immature, with some hair cells not yet born
and a number of cells apparently transitional between supporting cells and
hair cells with immature hair bundles (Ru¨ sch et al., 1998b). In hair cells
chosen for their relatively mature-looking bundles, bundle deflection evokes
robust transduction currents with properties that do not appear to change
dramatically over the first 10 postnatal days (Fig. 5; M. A. Vollrath and
R. A. Eatock, unpublished results). Even as early as E16.5, transduction currents are robust and show prominent adaptation (G. S. G. Ge´ le´ oc and J. R.
Holt, personal communication).
Changes with transduction during development may become apparent as
we look harder. One improvement would be to use stimuli that better reveal
the functional consequences of developmental changes in bundle morphology and stiVness. In the frog saccule, stiVness of the otolithic gel and
bundles combined is dominated by bundle stiVness (Benser et al., 1993),
suggesting that the natural stimulus to the bundle may be better approximated by a flexible probe than by the rigid probe stimulus used in the experiments of Fig. 5. When bundles are deflected by a flexible probe (a quasi-force
step) rather than a stiV probe (a displacement step), interbundle diVerences
in instantaneous stiVness will aVect the initial angular deflection and the
stimulus to the gating springs. Furthermore, with a flexible probe, Ca2þmediated adaptation and amplification processes can feed back on the
13. Functional Development of Hair Cells
Figure 5 Transduction properties in mouse utricular hair cells do not appear to change
systematically during the first postnatal week (M. A. Vollrath and R. A. Eatock, unpublished
results). (A) Bundles were deflected along their sensitive axes by moving a rigid glass probe
against the back of the bundle (the probe is shown end on); step deflections had a rise time of
1 ms. Transduction currents were recorded in whole-cell voltage clamp mode with a glass
pipette. A deflection toward the tall edge, as shown, produces an inward transduction current.
The cells were bathed in a standard high-Na+ saline and the pipette contained a standard highK+ solution, with 10 mM EGTA. (B) Transduction currents evoked by families of step bundle
deflections, in hair cells in a P1 and a P6 utricle, respectively. Stimulus amplitudes (lower panels)
are given as displacements of the probe (and bundle) parallel to the plane of the epithelium.
Scale bars apply to both P1 and P6 data. The half-maximal responses were fit by a singleexponental function (red lines), with time constants ( A) of 15 ms (P1) and 34 ms (P6). This
diVerence in the time constants is not reflective of a trend with age, as shown in D. The currents
from the younger cell look noisier because they were not averaged. (C) Current-displacement
relations, obtained by plotting peak currents in B as functions of bundle displacement from the
resting position. The data are fit by second-order Boltzmann functions. The lines at the bottom
show the operating ranges for each cell: displacements corresponding to 10–90% of the maximal
response. (D) The maximum current (Imax); adaptation time constant at half-maximal stimulation
Eatock and Hurley
bundle mechanics, causing dynamic changes in the stimulus to the gating
springs (Hudspeth et al., 2000).
IV. Developmental Acquisition of Basolateral Ion Channels
Mature hair cells express a rich variety and abundance of ion channels
that serve to modulate the receptor potential. A mature hair cell of a particular morphology and location in the sensory epithelium is likely to express a
set of conductances that distinguishes it from its neighbors and from hair
cells in other kinds of sensory epithelia. Patch clamp experiments on hair
cells at diVerent ages have shown that the mature repertoire is attained
through both expansion, acquisition of new channel types, and pruning,
elimination of channel types that represent an immature phase. In this
section we consider the channels that are either Ca2þ- or voltage-gated
(Table I). A recurring theme is that immature hair cells have electrophysiological properties—especially certain voltage-gated conductances—that
favor spiking. Hair cell spiking may underlie the spontaneous rhythmic activity noted at various stages of the auditory pathway in immature animals
(see Section II.B) and may promote synaptogenesis, as envisioned in other
systems (Katz and Shatz, 1996).
A. Outwardly Rectifying KþConductances: gKv, gA, gK,Ca, gK,n, gK,L
In most hair cells, the most abundant ion channels are outwardly rectifying
Kþ channels. With a couple of notable exceptions (gK,n and gK,L; see
Sections IV.A.3 and IV.A.4), these channels have a low open probability
at the resting potential, which increases with depolarization. Thus, they are
activated by the depolarization initiated by inward transduction currents
during positive bundle deflections (see Fig. 5B and C). Because the membrane potential is positive to the Kþ equilibrium potential, Kþ flows outward through the open channels (hence the term ‘‘outwardly rectifying’’),
tending to repolarize the membrane potential toward its resting value. In
mature organs, the nature of these ion channels varies with hair cell type
and location in the sensory epithelium. In cochleas, the best known variations are longitudinal and therefore correlate with the best frequency.
In vestibular organs, variations with longitudinal position and relative to
( A, obtained as shown in A) extent of adaptation expressed as a percentage [100 (Imax Isteady-state)/Imax]; and operating range, as functions of postnatal age. Variability does not
appear to be systematic with age in this period, but recordings were not taken from immaturelooking bundles (e.g., bundles in the first two columns in Fig. 4).
13. Functional Development of Hair Cells
central and peripheral zones have both been described. These variations are
likely to contribute to known diVerences in the response properties of vestibular aVerents that innervate the diVerent zones. In some cases, ion channel expression grades smoothly with position in the epithelium. Again, this
is most obvious in the cochlea, where fine variations in best frequency
correlate with fine variations in Ca2þ- and voltage-gated ion channel expression. Presumably these maps of ion channels in the sensory epithelium arise
from gradients in gene expression during development.
Outwardly rectifying Kþ currents are evident in the earliest available recordings from cochlear hair cells of the mouse (E14.5) and chick (E10) and
vestibular hair cells of the mouse (E16) and chick (E10) and increase in size
and diversity as the hair cells diVerentiate. Mature hair cells may express
any or all of the following kinds of outwardly rectifying Kþ conductances
(Table I). Delayed rectifier conductances, variously called gKv, gK, and gDR,
and A-current conductances (gA), are distinguished by their kinetics;
A-currents are faster to activate and inactivate. Voltage ranges of activation
tend to be positive to resting potential, with varying sensitivity to voltage
(steepness of the conductance-voltage curve; see Fig. 7B for examples), and
with voltages of half-maximal activation (V1/2) ranging from 40 to
20 mV. Ca2þ-dependent K conductances (gK,Ca) are activated by Ca2þ
and to a lesser degree by depolarization. They may be large-conductance,
fast-activating ‘‘BK’’ channels activated by Ca2þ influx through the voltage-gated Ca2þ channels that also mediate synaptic vesicle exocytosis
(Roberts et al., 1990) or smaller-conductance, slow ‘‘SK’’ channels activated
by Ca2þ influx through acetylcholine receptor channels postsynaptic to eVerent terminals (Yuhas and Fuchs, 1999). In mammals, both cochlear and
vestibular hair cells also express, in varying amounts, more negatively activating conductances that do not inactivate much (gK,n in cochlear hair cells
and gK,L [also called gKI] in type I hair cells of vestibular organs). These
conductances are appreciably activated at resting potential, and therefore
hair cells that express them have relatively low input resistances and fast
membrane time constants.
In this section we summarize changes in outwardly rectifying Kþ conductances with diVerentiation. Data are available for chick and rodent cochlear
and vestibular hair cells.
1. Outward Rectifiers in Chick Cochlear Hair Cells
In the chick cochlea, hair cells fall into two classes with striking similarities
to the inner and outer hair cells of the mammalian cochlea: tall hair cells,
which receive most of the aVerent innervation, and short hair cells, which
receive most of the eVerent innervation. As in most auditory organs, the
Table I
Voltage- and Ca2+-Gated Conductances in Hair Cells
K, Kv,
Delayed rectifier
K, Ca
Ca2+-gated, fast,
K, Ca
Ca2+-gated, slow,
K,L or
K1 (IR)
Fast, K+selective
Slow, mixed
Hair cell types
Many, including frog
saccular1 and crista2 hair
cells, fish saccular,3
turtle cochlear,4 amniote
vestibular type II5
Many, including frog saccular,6
crista2 and amphibian papilla,7
fish saccular,8 chick cochlea
(short),9 amniote vestibular
type II5
Many; prominent in frog
saccular6 and reptile10 and
chick11 cochlear; rodent
Chick short hair cells13;
rodent outer hair cells14
Rodent cochlea15
Amniote vestibular
type I16
Many, including frog
saccular,17 fish saccular,18
turtle cochlear,19 rodent
cochlear,20 and amniote
vestibular hair cells21
Frog saccular,17 fish saccular,18
and amniote vestibular
hair cells22
Molecules (genes)
Repolarizing Vm;
spiking at
frequencies <100 Hz
Repolarizing Vm; low-Q
(broad) electrical
cKv1.4; cKv1.1
High-Q (sharp) electrical
tuning6,10,11; speeding up
the receptor potential12
c-slo (KCNMA,
Efferent-evoked ipsp;
shunting, de-tuning
Speeding up the
voltage response
Reducing gain, increasing
linearity; unconventional
afferent transmission?
SK2 (KCNN2)13,14
Setting resting potential,
boosting spiking?
Kir2.1 (IRK1)40
Setting resting potential,
reducing gain,
Alligator cochea23; fish
saccular3; rodent
amniote vestibular25
rat utricle26
Frog saccular,6,27
crista28 and amphibian
papilla7; turtle,10
chick,29 and rodent
cochlear30; rodent
Frog saccular27
Frog crista28
Transmitter release,
activation of
BK channels
(electrical tuning)
Cav1.3 (1D)
Chick short hair cells31;
mammalian outer
hair cells32–34
Efferent-evoked ipsp;
inhibition, de-tuning
Hair cell types: KV,K, DR conductances:1 Armstrong and Roberts, 1998. 2 Housley et al., 1989; Masetto et al., 1994. 3 Sugihara and Furukawa, 1995;
Steinacker and Romero, 1991. 4 Goodman and Art, 1996. 5 Lang and Correia, 1989; Masetto and Correia, 1997a,b; Eatock et al., 1998; Masetto et al., 2000;
Brichta et al., 2002.
A conductances:6 Hudspeth and Lewis, 1988a,b. 7 Smotherman and Narins, 1999. 8 Sugihara and Furukawa, 1989. 9 Murrow and Fuchs, 1990.5 Lang
and Correia, 1989; Masetto and Correia, 1997a,b; Eatock et al., 1998; Masetto et al., 2000; Brichta et al., 2002.
K,Ca-BK conductances: 6 Hudspeth and Lewis, 1988a,b.; 7 Smotherman and Narins, 1999. 10 Art and Fettiplace, 1987; Eatock et al., 1993. 11 Fuchs et
al., 1988. 12 Marcotti et al., 2003
K,Ca-SK conductances: 13 Yuhas and Fuchs, 1999. 14 Dulon et al., 1998; Oliver et al., 2000.
K,n conductance: 15 Housley and Ashmore, 1992; Marcotti and Kros, 1999; Oliver et al., 2003.
K,L (also KI) conductance: 16 Correia and Lang, 1990; Rennie and Correia, 1994; Ru¨ sch and Eatock, 1996a; Ricci et al., 1996; Masetto et al., 2000;
Brichta et al., 2002.
Table I (Continued)
K1 conductances: 17 Holt and Eatock, 1995. 18 Sugihara and Furukawa, 1996. 19 Goodman and Art, 1996. 20 Marcotti et al., 1999. 21 Ohmori, 1985;
Ru¨ sch et al., 1998b.
h conductances: 17 Holt and Eatock, 1995. 18 Sugihara and Furukawa, 1996. 22 Ru¨ sch and Eatock, 1996b; Ru¨ sch et al., 1998b.
Voltage-gated Na+ conductances: 23 Evans and Fuchs, 1987. 8 Sugihara and Furukawa, 1989. 24 Witt et al., 1994; Oliver et al., 1997. 25 Ru¨ sch and
Eatock, 1997; Masetto et al., 2003. 26 Lennan et al., 1999.
Voltage-gated Ca+ conductances: 6 Hudspeth and Lewis 1988a,b. 27 Rodriguez-Contreras and Yamoah, 2001. 28 Martini et al., 2000. Perin et al., 2001.
Smotherman and Narins, 1999. 10 Art and Fettiplace, 1987. 29 Zidanic and Fuchs, 1995. 30 Platzer et al., 2000. 31 Bao et al., 2003.
ACh receptor channels: 32 Fuchs and Murrow, 1992a. 33 Dulon and Lenoir, 1996. 34 Elgoyhen et al., 1994, 2001. 35 Weisstaub et al., 2002.
Molecules: KV,K, DR conductances: 36 Navaratnam et al., 1997.
A conductances: 37 Rajeevan et al., 1999.
K,Ca-BK conductances: 38 Jiang et al., 1997; Rosenblatt et al., 1997; Navaratnam et al., 1997; Jones et al., 1998; Ramanathan et al., 2000; Langer et al.,
K,Ca-SK conductances: 13 Yuhas and Fuchs, 1999. 14 Dulon et al., 1998; Oliver et al., 2000.
K,n conductance: 39 Kharkovets et al., 2000; Oliver et al., 2003.
K1 conductances: 40 Navaratnam et al., 1997.
Voltage-gated Ca+ conductances: 41 Kollmar et al., 1997a,b; Platzer et al., 2000; Bao et al., 2003.
ACh receptor channels: 34 Elgoyhen et al., 1994, 2001.
13. Functional Development of Hair Cells
chick cochlea is tonotopically organized, with high characteristic frequencies
represented basally and a smooth decrease in characteristic frequency with
distance from the basal end. In the mature animal, short and tall hair cells
are both found both apically and basally. Short hair cells express gA (Murrow and Fuchs, 1990) and gK,Ca carried by SK channels (gK,Ca–SK) (Yuhas
and Fuchs, 1999); the latter generates the inhibitory postsynaptic potential
in response to release of acetylcholine (ACh) from eVerent terminals. Tall
hair cells express a delayed rectifier, gK, and gK,Ca carried by BK channels
(gK,Ca–BK) (Fuchs and Evans, 1990); the latter participates in the electrical
resonance that contributes to acoustical tuning in these hair cells (Fuchs
et al., 1988).
Griguer and Fuchs (1996) were able to distinguish some of these
diVerences in outwardly rectifying conductances very early in development,
at E10. The most basal embryonic hair cells, which look morphologically
like the short hair cells of mature chick cochleas, have a relatively fast gA,
whereas the most apical hair cells resemble tall hair cells in having a slower
gK with more positive voltage ranges of activation and inactivation. The
lack of short hair cell–like currents in the apical zone at E10–E14 suggests
that diVerentiation of short hair cells proceeds from base to apex. The slow
delayed rectifier of apical hair cells may be encoded by cKV3.1 (KCNC
or Shaw family), a putative delayed rectifier subunit that is preferentially
expressed in the apical half of the cochlea (Navaratnam et al., 1997). Sokolowski and colleagues have shown that a number of Kv1 (KCNA, Shaker)
subunits are expressed beginning at diVerent times in the chick inner ear,
from as early as E3 (Duzhyy et al., 2003; Rajeevan et al., 1999).
Despite the similarities, the embryonic Kþ currents are distinguishable
from their mature counterparts by their sensitivity to Kþ channel blockers
(Griguer and Fuchs, 1996) and most strikingly by the relatively late acquisition of gK(Ca)–BK by tall hair cells in the basal half of the cochlea
(CFs > 100 Hz). gK(Ca)–BK turns on rather abruptly at E18 (Fuchs and
Sokolowski, 1990; Griguer and Fuchs, 1996), near hatching (E19–E21,
depending on incubation temperature) and concomitant with a dramatic
increase in hearing sensitivity (Saunders et al., 1973). The acquisition of
gK(Ca)–BK has a major impact on the voltage response of hair cells to depolarizing currents (Fuchs and Sokolowski, 1990). Before gK(Ca)–BK acquisition, tall hair cells generate large, slow, repetitive Ca2þ spikes in response
to sustained depolarizing current. After gK(Ca)–BK acquisition, the cells produce higher frequency damped oscillations (electrical resonances). These
resonances may serve acoustic tuning (Fuchs et al., 1988).
The properties of gK(Ca)–BK vary along the length of the chick and turtle
cochleas. These diVerences help to establish the tonotopic gradient of electrical tuning of hair cells with CFs above 100 Hz. Within this range,
lower-CF hair cells have slower gK(Ca)–BK channels than do higher-CF hair
Eatock and Hurley
cells (Duncan and Fuchs, 2003). The underlying channels comprise poreforming subunits (KCNMA subunits) and accessory subunits (KCNMB
subunits) that modulate the channel’s Ca2þ sensitivity. The tonotopic gradient in the kinetic properties of the channels (Duncan and Fuchs, 2003; Wu
et al., 1995) may reflect changes with cochlear position in both subunits
and splice variants of the -subunit products of a single gene (Jiang et al.,
1997; Jones et al., 1998; Navaratnam et al., 1997; Rosenblatt et al., 1997;
reviewed in Fettiplace and Fuchs, 1999). Below 100 Hz, electrical tuning is
achieved with delayed rectifiers and inward rectifiers (Fettiplace and Fuchs,
1999; Goodman and Art, 1996). It is not clear how these gradients in ion
channel expression are set up in development.
2. Outward Rectifiers in Rodent Cochlear Hair Cells
Mature mammalian inner hair cells express several outwardly rectifying currents: a large, fast, Ca2þ-dependent Kþ current (gK,f); a slower
delayed rectifier with a component (gk,4AP) that is sensitive to block by 4aminopyridine (gK,4AP); and a linopirdine-sensitive current (gK,n). gK,n is a
relatively negatively activating current that was originally described in
outer hair cells (Housley and Ashmore, 1992) and that is likely to
comprise KCNQ4 subunits (Kharkovets et al., 2000; Marcotti and Kros,
1999; Oliver et al., 2003), possibly in combination with other KCNQ
subunits. Subunits of the same Kþ channel family (KCNQ2 and KCNQ3)
make up the M current of neurons (Wang et al., 1998). In one form of
DFNA2, a dominant human deafness, the KCNQ4 subunit has a point
mutation in its pore region (Kubisch et al., 1999). In inner hair cells,
Marcotti et al., (2003) have shown that gK,4AP and gK,n combine to form
the slow outwardly rectifying current that has been called IK,s (Kros and
Crawford, 1990).
The mature complement of inner hair cell outward rectifiers is acquired
over a period of several weeks following terminal mitosis (see Fig. 2 and a
more detailed schematic in Fig. 6A). The earliest recordings, at E14.5 in
the mouse, show a small delayed rectifier (Marcotti et al., 2003). The total
outwardly rectifying current gradually becomes larger and slower up to
about P10. Several changes occur at about the same time as the onset of
hearing: From P8 to P20 the voltage activation range of the total current becomes more negative, reflecting the acquisition of two negatively activating
Kþ conductances, gK,n and gk,4AP the 4-AP–sensitive component of IK,s. It is
not clear whether gK,4AP is a new conductance or a modified form of the neonatal 4-AP–sensitive conductance (see Fig. 6A). In the rat cochlea, in situ hybridization with probes for KCNQ4 reveals mRNA expression in inner hair
cells of the basal turn as early as P0 (Beisel et al., 2000), a week earlier than
the onset of gK,n. If, as is widely assumed, gK,n channels do include KCNQ4
13. Functional Development of Hair Cells
subunits (rather than other types of KCNQ subunits), then somehow there is
a delay between the expression of mRNA and the functional expression of
the channels, reflecting perhaps other subunits or posttranslational changes
in KCNQ4.
The total outward current acquires a fast component when a fast Ca2þdependent Kþ conductance (gK,f) appears, at P10 in basal hair cells
(Marcotti et al., 2003) and 2 days later in apical hair cells (Kros et al.,
1998). Messenger RNA for the subunits responsible for IK,f (KCNMA and
KCNMB1) is first detected in the rat cochlea about 1–3 days earlier (Langer
et al., 2003). Note that the timing of this acquisition—at the onset of hearing—is similar to that for gK,Ca-BK in the chick cochlea. The timing of IK,f
expression may be at least partly controlled by thyroid hormone: The appearance of IK,f is delayed in mice null for thyroid hormone receptor (TR) (Ru¨ sch et al., 1998a). This receptor is expressed in the greater epithelial ridge of the immature cochlea, an appropriate site for guiding hair cell
development (Bradley et al., 1994).
In rodent cochlea, unlike in chick and turtle cochlea, there is little expression of splice variants for BK channel subunits and no tonotopic variation in
their expression (Langer et al., 2003). This suggests that diVerential expression of BK transcripts does not contribute to tonotopic variation in frequency tuning in mammalian cochlea, unlike the results in chick and turtle
cochlea (see Section IV.A.1). This is not unexpected. Because of constraints
on the speed of ion channel activation, electrical tuning via ion channels may
not work above several kHz, thereby missing much of the mammalian range.
Rather than contributing high-quality electrical tuning, it is argued that IK,f
both speeds up the receptor potential of inner hair cells by reducing the
membrane time constant and opposes spiking (Kros et al., 1998; Marcotti
et al., 2003). Figure 7 shows that neonatal mouse inner hair cells respond
to small current injections with spikes (see Fig. 7B) and that the spikes disappear when IK,f is acquired (see Fig. 7E). As we see, acquisition of gK,f is
just one of several developmental changes that reduces the tendency of hair
cells to spike as they mature.
Mouse outer hair cells also show significant electrophysiological
changes with the onset of hearing. These include the abrupt appearance of
gK,n (Marcotti and Kros, 1999), which is a more prominent fraction of
the total outwardly rectifying conductance in outer hair cells (particularly
basal hair cells) than in inner hair cells. Again, gK,n reduces the input
resistance and therefore the membrane time constants of cochlear hair cells,
expanding the frequency range of their voltage responses. Outer hair
cells also show weak expression of BK channel transcripts (KCNMA
and KCNMB), beginning later (after P16) than expression in inner hair cells
(Langer et al., 2003).
Eatock and Hurley
A) Mouse inner hair cells
K,Ca (Kf)
K - 4-AP insensitive
K- 4-AP sensitive
Induced spiking
Spontaneous spiking
E15.5 0
Hearin g
B) Chick crista hair cells
Bouton af ferents
Type I
E10 12 14
18 20
Figure 6 Timing of acquisition of voltage- and Ca2+-gated conductances. (A) In mouse inner
hair cells. Modified with permission from Marcotti, W., Johnson, S. L., Holley, M. C., and
Kros, C. J. (2003). Developmental changes in the expression of potassium currents of
embryonic, and mature mouse inner hair cells. J. Physiol. 548, 383–400. Ca2+ and Na+
conductance data are derived from Beutner and Moser, 2001. (B) In chick crista vestibular hair
cells. Modified with permission from Masetto, S., Perin, P., Malusa, H., Zucca, G., and Valli, P.
(2000). Membrane properties of chick semicircular canal hair cells in situ during embryonic
development. J. Neurophysiol. 83, 2740–2756. Na+ conductance data are derived from Masetto
et al., 2003. Conductances are identified by their subscripts; note that ‘‘K,Ca’’ represents
gK,Ca–BK. In the mouse data, changes in conductance amplitudes are shown where known. Note
that the development for the chick is accelerated relative to the mouse, with a mature
complement of conductances present by hatching.
13. Functional Development of Hair Cells
Figure 7 Developmental changes in the excitability of mouse inner hair cells. Reproduced with
permission from Marcotti, W., Johnson, S. L., Holley, M. C., and Kros, C. J. (2003).
Developmental changes in the expression of potassium currents of embryonic, neonatal and
mature mouse inner hair cells. J. Physiol. 548, 383–400. Hair cell voltage was recorded with the
patch clamp method in current clamp mode. The current protocol is shown in C. (A) At E14.5,
just after terminal mitoses of cochlear hair cells, hyperpolarizing currents evoked large, slow
voltage changes because there is very little voltage-activated current in this range (i.e., the cell
had a high input resistance). Depolarizing currents activated an outward rectifier that tended to
repolarize the cell, producing an onset peak in the voltage response. (B) At E17.5 (left),
spontaneous oscillations in membrane potential occurred (see zero-current trace in B; a single
oscillation is shown at higher gain in D). By P3 (right), these oscillations have transformed to
large, fast action potentials (spikes; see waveform of one spike in D). (C) Current protocol.
Hyperpolarizing and depolarizing current steps were delivered; there was no holding current.
(D) Spontaneous regenerative behavior. A single voltage oscillation at E17.5 and a single spike
at P3. (E) By P10, just before the onset of hearing, the acquisition of negatively activating
outward rectifiers has made the resting potential more negative and the response to injected
currents small and relatively linear.
Eatock and Hurley
3. Outward Rectifiers in Chick Vestibular Hair Cells
Chick vestibular hair cells have mature complements of ion channels by the
time of hatching (E21), 2 days after vestibular evoked potentials are detected
(see Fig. 2). These ion channels vary with location in the epithelium and with
hair cell type. The vestibular epithelia of birds, mammals, and reptiles have
two morphological hair cell types, I and II, defined according to the form of
the aVerent synaptic contact. Primary vestibular aVerents make conventional bouton endings on type II hair cells, each bouton opposite a single
presynaptic ribbon structure in the hair cell. On type I hair cells, in contrast,
the aVerent forms a large cup-shaped calyx ending that engulfs much of the
basolateral membrane (Wersa¨ ll and Bagger-Sjo¨ ba¨ ck, 1974) (see schematic in
Fig. 5A). Mature type I and II cells are also distinguished by their outwardly
rectifying Kþ conductances. Type II cells express a variety of voltage- and
Ca2þ-gated conductances that are activated by depolarization from the
resting potential, whereas type I cells express an unusually large and negatively activating conductance, called gK,L or gKI, that is substantially activated at the cells’ resting potentials (Chen and Eatock, 2000; Correia and
Lang, 1990; Rennie and Correia, 1994; Ricci et al., 1996; Ru¨ sch and Eatock,
1996a). As described in Section IV.A.4, this conductance is acquired rather
late in hair cell diVerentiation.
Sokolowski et al. (1993) documented changes in voltage- and Ca2þ-gated
currents in hair cells and precursor cells in chick otocysts, organ cultured for
varying periods from E3. At E3 there were only small round cells, about half
of which expressed a small outwardly rectifying Kþ current that activated
very positively (positive to 0 mV). By 9 days in vitro, hair cells could be recognized, and these expressed a much larger delayed rectifier Kþ current that
activated positive to 30 mV. By 12 DIV, a number of cells expressed an
additional A-type current, with fast activation and inactivation. By 17
DIV, some cells expressed a small Ca2þ-dependent Kþ current as well (consistent with the onset of gK,Ca-BK in chick cochlear hair cells at E18; see
Section IV.A.1). By this stage the currents of hair cells from the cultured
otocyst resembled those of type II hair cells dissociated from semicircular
canal sensory epithelia (cristas) of 2- to 3-week-old posthatch chicks. No
hair cells expressed gK,L, the negatively activating conductance that is typical
of type I cells.
Using the chick otocyst culture system, Sokolowski and Cunningham
(1999) found that diVerent neurotrophic factors—retinoic acid, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3)—enhance
or inhibit expression of basolateral conductances. Such factors are present
in the developing inner ear in various amounts, depending on the organ or
even location in the organ (Rubel and Fritzsch, 2002). Neurotrophins within
the inner ear epithelia are known to influence growth and diVerentiation of
13. Functional Development of Hair Cells
inner ear aVerents (see Section VI.A.1). The results of Sokolowski and Cunningham (1999) suggest that neurotrophins may also help to set up gradients
in expression of hair cell basolateral channels.
Masetto et al. (2000) surveyed the time course of acquisition of voltagegated currents in slices of semicircular canal cristas, made acutely between
E10 and E21. Their results are summarized in Fig. 7B. At E10, just as
synapses are beginning to form (Ginzberg and Gilula, 1980), embryonic hair
cells already express a delayed rectifier conductance (gKv). By E12,
when aVerent synapses are evident, some cells acquire an inactivating
Kþ conductance, gA. By E14, when eVerent synapses are first reported, gK,Ca
is evident. Thus, the progression in these acute crista preparations is similar
in important ways to that described by Sokolowski et al. (1993) for their
chick otocyst cultures; the earlier reported onset of some conductances in
the acute slices may reflect the shorter sampling interval in that study. By
using a slice preparation rather than dissociated hair cells, Masetto et al.
(2000) were able to show regional variation in Kþ channel acquisition. For
example, the cells that acquire gA are from the edge of the crista (the planum). In the acute crista slices, gK,L first appeared at E17, 2 days after type
I hair cells begin to acquire their distinctive shape and partial calyces and
simultaneously with the appearance of full calyx endings (see Fig. 6B). The
coincidence of the appearance of gK,L and calyces in vivo raises the possibility that calyx formation induces gK,L. Data from the developing rodent
utricle (see Section IV.A.4) and the regenerating pigeon utricle, however,
show that gK,L can occur without calyces and calyces can occur without
gK,L, respectively.
Avian auditory and vestibular organs are capable of substantial regeneration following damage to hair cells (for a recent review of hair cell
regeneration, see Bermingham-McDonogh and Rubel, 2003). Correia and
colleagues have investigated the recovery of ion channels in regenerating hair
cells in the mature vestibular organs of pigeons (Correia et al., 2001; Masetto
and Correia, 1997a,b). Supporting cells, from which the regenerating hair
cells derive, have virtually no voltage-gated Kþ channels. The ionic currents
return, with appropriate regional variation, in about the same order as they
are acquired in development. Thus, the developmental signals that set up the
regional and cell type variations in ion channels are also available in regenerating epithelia. The signal that drives the appearance of gK,L, however, is
delayed or attenuated, because it takes months for gK,L to reappear.
4. Outward Rectifiers in Rodent Vestibular Hair Cells
The earliest recordings from a rodent utricle are from a preliminary report
of experiments in the mouse (Ge´ le´ oc et al., 2003). At E16.5, there is a small
outwardly rectifying Kþ current that activates positive to resting potential
Eatock and Hurley
(V1/2 20 mV). Over the next 2 days the conductance doubles in size. The
incidence of gK,L (percentage of hair cells expressing gK,L) increases rapidly
in the first postnatal week to mature levels by P7–P8 (60%, corresponding
to the percentage of type I cells in the mature rodent utricle; Ru¨ sch et al.,
1998b). The time course of acquisition of gK,L is not aVected by culturing
the denervated organs at P0, before calyx formation takes place (Ru¨ sch
et al., 1998b). Thus, calyces do not induce gK,L. (The cultured type I hair
cells also acquire their distinctive morphological features, including the flask
shape, despite the absence of calyces.)
In hair cells from rat utricles, gK,L appears with a slightly delayed schedule
relative to the mouse data. Figure 8A shows voltage-gated currents from rat
utricular type I cells at P4, P13, and P21 and from a type II cell at P21. Until
P7, all outward Kþ currents activate positive to resting potential (V1/2 values
positive to 50 mV; Fig. 8B and C). Then the negatively activating current,
gK,L, appears and for the second postnatal week the V1/2 values of type I cells
range from 25 mV to 90 mV. By P18, all V1/2 values in type I cells
are negative to 60 mV and we also start to see very large maximal conductances (see arrows, Fig. 8C). It is not yet clear whether this change represents
acquisition of new Kþ channel subunits or modification of previous
channels. It has been suggested that gK,L is a KCNQ4 channel, like gK,n in
rodent outer hair cells. One reason to suggest this is that KCNQ4 is first
detected in vestibular epithelia at about the same time as gK,L appears
(Kharkovets et al., 2000). Arguing against this are the strong biophysical
and pharmacological diVerences between gK,L and gK,n, the KCNQ4 conductance of outer hair cells (Hurley et al., 2002; Rennie et al., 2001), and observations that most KCNQ4 immunoreactivity is in the calyx rather than
the hair cell (Lysakowski and Price, 2003). Another possibility is that the
change in V1/2 with age (see Fig. 8C) reflects modulation of the voltage
range of activation through a process other than new subunit expression.
The activation range of gK,L is known to be sensitive to phosphorylation
(Eatock et al., 2002).
Although gK,L is not induced by calyx formation, in vivo the two features
appear simultaneously and may be functionally linked. The unusual shape of
the calyx ending has long fed speculation that it sustains unconventional
transmission: retrograde (Scarfone et al., 1988), electrical (Yamashita and
Ohmori, 1990), ephaptic (Gulley and Bagger-Sjoback, 1979; Hamilton,
1968), or via Kþ accumulation in the synaptic cleft (Goldberg, 1996). There
is immunocytochemical evidence that KCNQ4 subunits are expressed postsynaptically in the calyx ending (Kharkovets et al., 2000; Lysakowski and
Price, 2003). The presence of negatively activating conductances both preand postsynaptically may serve ephaptic transmission via the direct flow of
Kþ current out of the hair cell conductance (gK,L) across the cleft and into
the calyx ending via KCNQ4 channels (Trussell, 2000).
13. Functional Development of Hair Cells
Figure 8 Postnatal changes in the outwardly rectifying current of rat utricular hair cells (K. M.
Hurley and R. A. Eatock, unpublished results). gK,L, a negatively activating delayed rectifier
specific to type I cells, appears after the first postnatal week and becomes large during the third
postnatal week. Hair cells were dissociated enzymatically and mechanically. Whole-cell currents
were recorded in voltage clamp mode with the perforated patch method, which preserves
internal second messengers. (A) Voltage-activated currents from a type II cell at P21 and from
type I hair cells at P4, P13, and P21. The voltage protocols used are shown in B. (B) Activation
curves for a neonatal type I hair cell (V1/2 ¼ 32 mV); a type II cell at P21 (V1/2 ¼ 27 mV);
and a type I cell at P21 (I, V1/2 ¼ 85 mV). Activation curves were generated from tail currents
at the oVset of iterated voltage steps similar to those shown in A (but for cells with gK,L, longer
voltage steps [1 s] were needed because of the slow kinetics of gK,L). The curves are
normalized to the maximum conductance in order to emphasize diVerences in V1/2. (C)
Parameters (V1/2 and gmax) from fits of activation curves like those in B, plotted against
postnatal age. In the first postnatal week, V1/2 and gmax values were similar for all cells. gK,L
first appeared at P7 (filled circles, V1/2 plot). During the second postnatal week (arrows), type I
Eatock and Hurley
B. Inwardly Rectifying K Conductances (gK1, gh)
In hair cells, inwardly rectifying currents activate with increasing hyperpolarization negative to about 50 mV (Goodman and Art, 1996; Holt and
Eatock, 1995). Two kinds have been described. One (gK1) has very fast
kinetics, is Kþ-selective, and is blocked by Ba2þ. The other (gh) is much
slower and is a mixed Kþ/Naþ conductance; in standard solutions, its reversal potential is 40 mV. Much of the activation range of gK1 is negative to
its reversal potential (near the equilibrium potential for Kþ, EK, 85 mV
in standard solutions) and all of the activation range of gh is negative to its
reversal potential ( 40 mV). Negative to the reversal potential, positive
ions flow inward—hence the term ‘‘inwardly rectifying.’’ It should be noted,
however, that current through gK1 is outward over the physiological range of
voltages, which are positive to EK. Inward rectifiers contribute to the resting
conductance and resting potential of the hair cell (reviewed in Holt and
Eatock, 1995). Furthermore, gK1 can contribute to electrical tuning: as the
hair cell depolarizes, rapid deactivation of gK1 can boost the depolarization
(Goodman and Art, 1996).
The fast inward rectifier, gK1, tends to appear early in development,
though a bit later than the earliest outward rectifier. In chick otocysts
that were organ cultured on E3, gK1 first appeared after 9 days in culture
(Sokolowski et al., 1993). Although after many days in culture the hair cells
came to resemble chick crista cells, Masetto et al. (2000) found no evidence
for gK1 in embryonic chick crista slices until E19. Thus, the otocyst-derived
hair cells may have been more heterogeneous at early stages in the in vitro
diVerentiation of the hair cells than at later stages. The inward rectifier in
chick cochlear hair cells has been identified as cIRK1 (Kir2.1; Navaratnam
et al., 1997). In the slices, a small gh was recorded in the same regions beginning at E14.
In the mouse cochlea, both inner and outer hair cells express gK1 at birth
(Marcotti et al., 1999). In outer hair cells, gK1 declines to a negligible amplitude by P6. For inner hair cells, we know how gK1 changes between E14.5
and P20 (Marcotti et al., 1999, 2003). In gK1 is not evident at E14.5, when
a small outward rectifier is found, first appearing at E15.5. gk1 increases in
size until the onset of hearing (P12), after which it rapidly decreases to a
small current (see Fig. 6A). The significance of the transient increase in expression is not known. The action of gK1 to boost regenerative behavior in
turtle cochlear hair cells (Goodman and Art, 1996) suggests that transient
cells with positively activating outward rectifiers (open circles) were no longer seen, and the
amplitude of the negatively activating conductance became very large in many type I cells (note
absence of open circles after P17 in V1/2 plot and note gmax values >100 nS after P15 in gmax
13. Functional Development of Hair Cells
expression of gK1 in immature hair cells may represent an adaptation to
boost spiking during synaptogenesis (see Section IV.C). Indeed, blocking
gK1 in a P4 inner hair cell with external Csþ eliminated spiking in response
to depolarizing currents (Marcotti et al., 1999). Thus, the disappearance of
gK1 at the onset of hearing may be one of several coordinated changes
that reduce the tendency of the hair cells to spike once sound detection is
In the mouse utricle, gK1 is present in most hair cells at P0 and persists
through maturity (Ru¨ sch et al., 1998b). In contrast, gh is acquired by both
type I and type II cells in the first postnatal week, over the same period that
gK,L is acquired by type I hair cells. Thus, inward rectifiers may appear with
similar timing in mammalian and chick vestibular organs. The data from
rodent utricles argue that type I and type II hair cells undergo electrophysiological diVerentiation concurrently, rather than the type I hair cell being a
‘‘super-diVerentiated’’ type II hair cell (Eatock and Ru¨ sch, 1997), but the
data from regenerating pigeon utricles are consistent with the latter (Masetto
and Correia, 1997b; see Section IV.A.3). These kinds of relations will be
better understood when the molecular constituents of the ion channels have
been resolved.
C. Voltage-Gated Naþ Conductances: gNa
Voltage-gated Naþ currents are expressed by some mature hair cells in
diverse organs, including the alligator cochlea (Evans and Fuchs, 1987),
goldfish saccule (Sugihara and Furukawa, 1989), chick crista (Masetto
et al., 2003; Sokolowski et al., 1993), and guinea pig cochlea (Witt et al.,
1994). The voltage range of activation is positive to resting potential, with
reported V1/2 values between 35 and 45 mV. As in other cell types,
Naþ currents in hair cells are transient because the channels inactivate very
rapidly. Hair cells are unusual, however, in that the reported voltage range
of inactivation for gNa in hair cells is often very negative, with voltages
of half-maximal inactivation, V1/2,in, between 90 and 110 mV. The somewhat puzzling consequence is that the channels fully inactivate at the usual
resting potential (50 to 70 mV). To be activated, therefore, such channels
must first experience strong hyperpolarizations to relieve the inactivation.
Inhibitory mechanical stimuli and eVerent-activated Kþ currents can provide hyperpolarizing inputs. It is also possible that in vitro recording
conditions artificially shift the inactivation range to more negative potentials. For example, reports are generally at room temperature. For rat
cochlear outer hair cells, raising the temperature from 23 to 37 C
shifts the inactivation range by þ8 mV (Oliver et al., 1997). In other experiments, the use of enzymatic dissociation protocols or washout of internal
Eatock and Hurley
second messengers during recording may have altered the Naþ channel
In the chick crista, hair cells begin to express gNa at E14 and continue to
express it through to maturity (Masetto et al., 2003). It is expressed by most
hair cells, except for type II cells at one end of the crista (near the planum
semilunatum). To examine the influence of gNa on the voltage behavior of
the hair cells, Masetto et al. (2003) compared the hair cells’ voltage responses
to current steps in control conditions and with tetrodotoxin present to block
gNa. As expected, the Naþ current augments spikes at the onset of the current step—but only if the cell is prehyperpolarized negative to 80 mV to relieve inactivation and then is suddenly depolarized. It is not clear how often
such conditions would be met in vivo; not only must there be a substantial
hyperpolarizing input, but also the depolarization must be fast enough to
permit current activation before inactivation takes over. This may be a problem for vestibular organs, for which the mass of the head attenuates stimulus
energy at high frequencies.
In rodents, gNa is more prominent in immature cochleas and vestibular
organs than at maturity. Between P0 and P9, virtually all outer hair cells in
the rat cochlea express a negatively inactivating gNa (Oliver et al., 1997).
The size of this conductance increases two- to threefold from P0 to P3 in basal
OHCs and from P0 to P4–P8 in apical OHCs, after which it rapidly returns
to the P0 level, by P6 in basal OHCs and by P9 in apical OHCs. At P18 it is
present only in about half of OHCs, and in those it is about half its P0 value.
In a preliminary report Chabbert et al. (2003) observed that gNa in rat
utricular hair cells decreases in incidence from P1 to P8, becoming negligible by P21. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)
experiments suggested that the channels comprise Nav 1.2 and/or Nav 1.6
There is one report of a hair cell Naþ conductance with a more conventional inactivation range (V1/2,in ¼ 25 mV), which was transiently expressed in the immature rat utricle (P3; Lennan et al., 1999). These
recordings were made with 0 ATP in the pipette, which may explain the discrepancy between these results and other reports of gNa in hair cells. In neonatal mouse utricles, V1/2,in values of 100 mV and 70 mV have both
been seen (Ru¨ sch and Eatock, 1997; J. R. A. Wooltorton and R. A. Eatock,
unpublished observations).
The postnatal reduction of Naþ currents in rat outer hair cells and rat utricular hair cells suggests that gNa may contribute to spiking in neonatal hair
cells and, possibly, to spontaneous rhythmic activity at other levels. In their
preliminary report, Chabbert et al. (2003) provide an attractive possible link
between Naþ spikes and the formation or stabilization of hair cell–aVerent
synapses. Brain-derived neurotrophin factor (BDNF) is made by vestibular
sensory epithelia and is required for successful innervation of those epithelia
13. Functional Development of Hair Cells
by vestibular nerve fibers (Bianchi et al., 1996). Chabbert and colleagues
report that BDNF release from immature rat utricles has a tetrodotoxinsensitive component that is not seen in mature rat utricles. Since tetrodotoxin
specifically blocks voltage-gated Naþ channels, this result suggest that Naþ
channel activity, presumably in the immature hair cells, promotes BDNF
D. Voltage-Gated Ca2þ Conductances: gCa
Ca2þ influx through voltage-gated Ca2þ channels in hair cells mediates aVerent transmitter release, may contribute in some cases to slow Ca2þ spikes,
and activates Ca2þ-activated Kþ channels. Ca2þ channels are localized at
presynaptic active zones next to synaptic dense bodies or ribbons (Roberts
et al., 1990). Hair cells express an L-type Ca2þ channel, Cav1.3 (also called
1D) (Bao et al., 2003; Kollmar et al., 1997a,b; Ramakrishnan et al., 2002).
In some cases they may express an additional channel type, either N-type
(Rodriguez-Contreras and Yamoah, 2001) or R-type (Martini et al., 2000).
In a preliminary report, Brandt et al. (2003) describe how neonatal hair cells
in Cav1.3 null mutants express a residual Ca2þ current carried by other
L-type channels (Cav1.2, 1C) and R-type channels. Although the Cav1.2
Ca2þ channels do permit a small amount of exocytosis by the null mutant
hair cells, they cannot sustain cochlear function in that the null mutants
are deaf (Platzer et al., 2000).
gCa is evident early in embryonic development: at E10 in chick crista slices
(Masetto et al., 2000) and E16.5 in mouse cochlear inner hair cells (Marcotti
et al., 2003). In mouse inner hair cells, Beutner and Moser (2001) showed
that depolarizing voltage steps evoke Ca2þ currents and synaptic vesicle
exocytosis (measured by increments in hair cell capacitance) that increase
in parallel from P0 to peak values at P6, then fall back to levels below the
P0 level by P14–P25 (Fig. 9). The decrease after the first postnatal week
may reflect developmental pruning of active zones and/or presynaptic
ribbons (Sobkowicz et al., 1982, 1986) and the loss of associated Ca2þ
At P6, spontaneous Ca2þ action potentials were recorded from some hair
cells and shown to provoke exocytosis. Beutner and Moser (2001) suggest
that these Ca2þ spikes may promote neurotrophin release, underlie the
bursting activity that characterizes the immature auditory nervous system,
and set up Ca2þ oscillations within the hair cells that may have important
developmental functions, such as regulation of gene expression. The frequency of Ca2þ spikes influences diVerentiation in cultured developing Xenopus neurons, specifically the maturation of the time course of a delayed
rectifier and the appearance of neurotransmitter (Gu and Spitzer, 1995).
Eatock and Hurley
Figure 9 Developmental changes in voltage-gated Ca2þ current and voltage-dependent
capacitance increments, reflecting synaptic vesicle exocytosis. Cell capacitance is proportional
to cell surface area and increases as vesicles fuse with the plasmal membrane. Mouse inner hair
cells. Reproduced with permission from Beutner D., and Moser, T. (2001). The presynaptic
function of mouse cochlear inner hair cells during development of hearing. J. Neuro. Sci. 21,
4593–4599. (A) Depolarizing steps (not shown; 50 ms duration, to 5 mV from the holding
potential of 80 mV) evoke increments in cell capacitance (Cm, upper traces) and inward Ca2+
currents (lower traces). The Cm trace is blanked out during the voltage step, when Cm cannot be
accurately read. Both the capacitance change and the inward Ca2þ current are largest at P6
(middle panel ). This is quantified for a number of hair cells in B, which shows the increment in
Cm (top histogram) and the Ca2+ current density (current divided by total cell capacitance;
bottom histogram), in response to depolarizing steps to 5 mV of 20 ms or 100 ms duration
(black and gray bars, respectively). The relatively large currents and exocytosis at P6 may reflect
the presence of multiribbon active zones at this stage (left schematic), which become pruned to a
single ribbon in mature hair cells (right schematic).
E. Summary of Developmental Changes in Basolateral Conductances
The earliest available recordings from immature hair cells show them expressing small outwardly rectifying Kþ conductances. These are quickly
joined by voltage-gated Ca2þ channels, voltage-gated Naþ channels, and fast
inwardly rectifying channels (gK1), all of which act to boost the eVects of depolarizing inputs—the Ca2þ and Naþ channels by rapidly activating and
feeding back positively with more inward current and the inwardly rectifying
13. Functional Development of Hair Cells
K channels by rapidly deactivating, feeding back positively by reducing
outward current. These channels may contribute to spontaneous spiking behavior in the hair cells, which may help to establish connections both in the
periphery and, as the spiking propagates through the system, more centrally.
At about the onset of hearing and vestibular reflexes, the hair cells undergo
multiple changes that reduce their excitability: decreases in gNa, gCa, and gK1
and increases in outwardly rectifying Kþ conductances. In the chick cochlea,
the acquisition of gK(Ca)–BK just around hearing onset enhances electrical
tuning at acoustic frequencies. In the mammalian cochlea and hair cells of
amniote vestibular organs, late arriving outward rectifiers include Kþ conductances that activate negative to the resting potential. Such conductances
reduce the size and speed up voltage responses to transduction currents.
In the mammalian auditory system, the enhanced speed may be important
for signaling and transmitting frequencies in the thousands of Hertz. In
the vestibular system the acquisition of large outward rectifiers may have
less import with respect to the speed of signaling given the relatively low
frequencies of head movements, but it may help to linearize the receptor potentials of type II hair cells (Holt et al., 1999). In type I hair cells, the acquisition of gK,L attenuates the voltage response of the hair cell but may
contribute to unconventional forms of transmission across the unusual calyx
V. Outer Hair Cell Electromotility
Isolated outer hair cells expand and contract lengthwise when hyperpolarized and depolarized, respectively (Brownell et al., 1985). This fast ‘‘electromotility’’ may be the ‘‘cochlear amplifier’’ that imparts high sensitivity
at high frequencies to mammalian cochleas (but see Gale and Ashmore,
1997), possibly in combination with a stereociliary mechanism (Hudspeth
et al., 2000). Electromotility is associated with a nonlinear membrane
capacitive current, which may reflect the charge movement that drives
the motility (Santos-Sacchi, 1991). Both depend critically on the protein
prestin, a member of a large anion transporter family that is present at
high density in the outer hair cell membrane (Liberman et al., 2002;
Zheng et al., 2000a). It is thought that the transmembrane voltage
aVects the conformation of the protein, which somehow—possibly through
changes in protein area—changes the length of the outer hair cell.
Other properties peculiar to the outer hair cell may be important in
amplifying the basic electromotility of this membrane protein—for
example, the specialized cytoskeleton (Holley and Ashmore, 1988), the
subsurface cisternae (Dieler et al., 1991), and an unusual membrane
lipid composition (Oghalai et al., 2000). As described later, prestin and
Eatock and Hurley
other proteins and structures that may play supporting or amplifying roles in
electromotility are acquired at about the same time that gerbil aVerents at
the basal end of the cochlea add a high-frequency tip to the tuning curve,
i.e., acquire the cochlear amplifier (Echteler et al., 1989; see Section II.A.1).
In gerbil outer hair cells, isolated acutely or from cultures made on P0, the
incidence of the electromotile response (percentage of cells showing electromotility) rises as a sigmoidal function of time, from negligible at P5 to 100%
by the onset of hearing at P12 (He, 1997). In outer hair cells isolated
from rats, the density (mF/cm2) of the nonlinear capacitance rises with a
similar time course, from negligible at <P5 to nearly mature levels by P15
(Belyantseva et al., 2000; Beurg et al., 2001). Similarly, the amplitude of
the electromotile length change increases (Fig. 10A; He, 1997), doubling
between P6–P8 and P12–P14 (Beurg et al., 2001). These physiological
changes correlate in time with increased expression of prestin, as assayed
with fluorescent immunocytochemistry (Fig. 10B; Belyantseva et al., 2000).
At P6, prestin-like immunoreactivity is dispersed over the entire basolateral
membrane of outer hair cells. By P8 it is strongly localized to the ‘‘lateral
wall,’’ the specialized electromotile membrane that runs from the apical
cuticular plate to the basolateral nucleus. Interestingly, in thyroid hormone–deficient animals, this redistribution never takes place (Weber et al.,
2002). This abnormality is therefore another candidate for the hearing defect
in hypothyroidism, along with the delayed expression of IK,f by inner hair
cells (Ru¨ sch et al., 1998a; see Section IV.A.3).
The sugar transporter, GLUT-5, is also expressed at high levels in the
mature outer hair cell membrane (Nakazawa et al., 1995) and mediates an
eVect of sugar transport on the voltage sensitivity of electromotility (Ge´ le´ oc
et al., 1999). Presumably, the membrane particles evident at high density in
freeze-fracture images of the outer hair cell’s lateral membrane are both
prestin and GLUT-5 proteins (Kalinec et al., 1992). GLUT-5 expression,
as indicated by fluorescence immunocytochemistry, rises immediately
following the onset of hearing, from negligible at P12 to mature
levels by P18 (Belyantseva et al., 2000). Activity of this transporter may be
important not just for energy metabolism but also as a regulator of the
voltage dependence of electromotility, possibly through direct mechanical
interactions with prestin in the membrane.
The subsurface cisternae, a collection of cisterns that ring the elongate
soma of the outer hair cell, begin to appear at the same time as both electromotility (Souter et al., 1995; Weaver and Schweitzer, 1994) and the cisterns
that are postsynaptic to eVerent boutons (Pujol et al., 1998). The function
of the subsurface cisternae is not known, although they have been implicated
in electromotility by their localization along the electromotile lateral membrane of outer hair cells, the timing of their appearance in development,
and their sensitivity to agents that disrupt electromotility (Dieler et al., 1991).
13. Functional Development of Hair Cells
Figure 10 Developmental acquisition of electromotility and of the electromotile protein,
prestin. (A) Longitudinal movements of gerbil outer hair cells, cultured on P0 and isolated after
5–10 days in vitro (DIV). Reproduced with permission from He, D. Z. (1997). Relationship
between the development of outer hair cell electromotility and eVerent innervation: A study in
cultured organ of Corti of neonatal gerbils. J. Neurosci. 17, 3634–3643. The hair cell was drawn
into a ‘‘microchamber,’’ a polished glass pipette, through which incrementing steps of voltage
were applied (bottom trace). Electromotile responses can be seen for large steps at 7 DIV,
increasing in amplitude with further time in vitro. An inner hair cell (IHC, 10 DIV) did not show
electromotility. (B) Prestin immunoreactivity appears in the lateral membranes of rat outer hair
cells after P6. Reproduced with permission from Belyantseva, I. A., Adler, H. J., Curi, R.,
Frolenkov, E. I., Kachar, B. (2000). Expression and localization of prestin and the sugar
transporter GLUT-5 during development of electromotility incochlear outer hair cells.
J. Neurosci. 20, RC116. Organs of Corti from P0–P12 rats were divided into basal, middle,
and apical segments and stained with fluorescent antibody to prestin protein. The focal plane is
about midway along the cell bodies of the outer hair cells. Scale bar:10 mm.
VI. Interactions between Developing Hair Cells and
Innervating Nerve Fibers
In the mature mammalian cochlea, radial aVerents (type I neurons) innervate inner hair cells in a 10:1 to 20:1 pattern, spiral aVerents (type II
neurons) innervate outer hair cells, lateral olivocochlear eVerents innervate
the terminals of radial aVerents below the inner hair cells, and medial olivocochlear eVerents innervate outer hair cells. AVerent neurons undergo terminal
mitoses 2–3 days in advance of hair cells: in the mouse, terminal mitoses occur
at E12–13 and E15–16 for spiral ganglion neurons and cochlear hair cells, respectively (Ruben, 1967). AVerent fibers are seen in the greater epithelial ridge
of the developing organ of Corti before morphological diVerentiation of
Eatock and Hurley
hair cells is evident (Pujol et al., 1998). Radial aVerents, which innervate inner
hair cells in the mature cochlea, show considerable sprouting early in development to multiple inner hair cells and to outer hair cells. Pruning before hearing onset produces the mature pattern, with most radial aVerents innervating
just one inner hair cell (with exceptions at the cochlear apex; Liberman et al.,
1990) and with spiral aVerents innervating outer hair cells.
EVerent nerve fibers to the inner ear emanate from cell groups in the
brainstem and project onto hair cells, principally short hair cells in the bird
cochlea, outer hair cells in the mammalian cochlea, and type II hair cells in
amniote vestibular organs. EVerents also terminate on primary aVerent
endings that contact both cochlear as vestibular hair cells. Several lines of
reasoning suggest that inner ear eVerent neurons arose from brainstem
motorneurons (Barritt et al., 1999; Simmons, 2002).
EVerent fibers enter the developing inner ear very early. In rodents, they
penetrate the sensory epithelia at around E14. Early in development, eVerents make functional synapses on the cell bodies of inner hair cells, as discussed in Section VI.B. These eVerent terminals may be from lateral
olivocochlear eVerents (Pujol et al., 1998), which ultimately project mostly
onto primary aVerent endings below the hair cells (but possibly also onto
synapses on spiny projections from the inner hair cell; Sobkowicz et al.,
2002). Additionally or alternatively, the eVerent terminals on inner hair
cell bodies may belong to medial olivocochlear eVerents (Simmons,
2002). Medial olivocochlear eVerents reach their mature targets, outer hair
cells, between P6 and P12 (Cole and Robertson, 1992; Lenoir et al., 1980;
Robertson et al., 1989; Simmons et al., 1990). Thus, during synaptogenesis,
rodent cochlear hair cells are exuberantly innervated by multiple aVerents
and eVerents. The connections are pruned and retargeted postnatally.
In the developing chick cochlea, aVerent fibers penetrate the presumptive
cochlear epithelium on E6–E7 and form synapses beginning on E8–E9
(Sokolowski and Cunningham, 1999; Whitehead and Morest, 1985a,b).
EVerents may arrive at about the same time (Fritzsch et al., 1998; Sokolowski
and Cunningham, 1999) but eVerent synapses form over a long period,
continuing for weeks past hatching (Sokolowski and Cunningham, 1999).
A. Hair Cells and Primary Afferents
1. Hair Cells Differentiate Independently of Innervation
The early arrival of aVerent fibers beneath hair cell epithelia has long suggested the possibility that aVerents direct hair cell diVerentiation. The preponderance of evidence does not support this idea. Diverse experiments,
from in vitro culture of early otocysts (Raymond, 1987; Van de Water,
13. Functional Development of Hair Cells
1976) to gene knockout experiments (Ma et al., 2000), have indicated that
diVerentiated morphological attributes of hair cells can be acquired without
innervation by aVerents or eVerents.
Consistent with these morphological studies, many of the diVerentiating
electrophysiological changes described previously have been observed in cultured inner ear explants. Usually rodent inner ear cultures are made shortly
after birth (P0–P3). The distal endings of the primary aVerents are severed,
leading to their rapid degeneration. Denervation of the hair cells at this time
and subsequent short-term culture (<2 weeks) have no strong qualitative
eVect on the diVerentiation of mechanosensitive or voltage-gated ion channels or of electromotility, as assessed by comparing results from cultured
and acutely excised preparations (Beurg et al., 2001; He, 1997; Kros et al.,
1998; Ru¨ sch et al., 1998b). This is true even for the acquisition of conductances that normally appear coincidentally with synaptogenesis (e.g., gK,L
in type I hair cells; see Section IV.A.4). This not to say that there
are no eVects of culturing, which may include the eVects of denervation.
For example, Beurg et al. (2001) saw a reduction in the nonlinear charge
density of the membrane in cultured outer hair cells relative to acutely dissociated outer hair cells, presumably reflecting decreased density of prestin
2. Hair Cells Influence Afferent Innervation Via Neurotrophins
In contrast, aVerent nerve fibers clearly need hair cells in order to reach their
targets and/or to maintain their presence in the developing epithelium. One
critical mechanism for this eVect is the neurotrophin–Trk receptor cascade
(for a review of its impact in the inner ear, see Rubel and Fritzsch, 2002).
During development, hair cells in vestibular epithelia and the apical cochlea
release BDNF, which binds to TrkB receptors on eighth-nerve aVerents.
Hair cells in the basal cochlea also release neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), which
binds to TrkC receptors on basal cochlear aVerents. Null mutants for neurotrophins or their receptors make morphologically diVerentiated hair cell
epithelia but lack appropriate innervation.
Neurotrophins may be needed not just for appropriate targeting and
maintenance of synapses but also for diVerentiation and/or maintenance of
the appropriate electrophysiological profile of the aVerent neurons. Recent
results from Davis and collaborators (Adamson et al., 2002) show how neurotrophins can influence the expression of voltage-gated ion channels in
postnatal eighth-nerve aVerent neurons. Exposing cultured spiral ganglion
neurons from any cochlear region to BDNF or NT-3 promotes the expression of ion channels characteristic of neurons from the basal or apical
regions of the cochlea, respectively. (Although both neurotrophins are
present in the cochlea, their distribution along its length is somewhat
Eatock and Hurley
controversial; see discussion in Adamson et al., 2002.) It is not clear how
neurotrophins change the expression of ion channels in the aVerents. Acute
eVects of neurotrophins on aVerent activity have been observed. BDNF and
NT-3 cause transient increases in intracellular Ca2þ in early postnatal rat
vestibular aVerents (Montcouquiol et al., 1997), and iontophoresis of NT-3
into the synaptic region of the adult guinea pig cochlea in vivo potentiates
aVerent activity (Oestreicher et al., 2000).
In addition to neurotrophin-mediated eVects, transmission at the hair
cell–aVerent synapse might influence targeting by and diVerentiation of
aVerent neurons through glutamatergic mechanisms, e.g., gene expression
activated by Ca2þ entry through NMDA receptors (Takasu et al., 2002).
It is very likely that such mechanisms are active before the inner ear is fully
functional, given the evidence we have already described for functionality at
preceding stages in the hair cell. Because the transduction apparatus functions at an early stage, hair cells will produce voltage changes in response
to bundle movements evoked by Brownian motions or vibrations. As
discussed in Section IV.E, the presence of Naþ, Ca2þ, and fast inwardly rectifying channels in the basolateral hair cell membrane may amplify these
potentials into spikes. The hair cells have voltage-gated Ca2þ channels and
exocytose in response to both exogenously applied depolarizations and
Ca2þ spikes at P0 and probably earlier (Beutner and Moser, 2001). Finally,
glutamate receptors are present on aVerent terminals at early stages. In the
mouse (Puyal et al., 2002), NMDA receptors (NR1) are first seen in statoacoustical ganglion neurons on E11, when neurons are growing into the
otocyst, followed shortly by AMPA receptor subunits of the GluR3 variety.
GluR2 AMPA subunits appear during the period of synaptogenesis, beginning at E15 in the vestibular ganglion and E17 in the spiral ganglion (Puyal
et al., 2002).
B. Efferent Synapses on Hair Cells
In finding their targets in the inner ear, eVerents seem to depend more on
aVerents than on neurotrophins. EVerents may find their way by piggybacking on growing aVerents in a process that depends on ephrins (Cowan et al.,
2000; reviewed in Simmons, 2002).
All eVerent terminals release acetylcholine (ACh). In birds, cochlear eVerents are exclusively cholinergic, but in mammals there is evidence for GABA,
dopamine, and CGRP, especially in the lateral olivocochlear eVerents, which
synapse principally on primary aVerent endings below inner hair cells (see
review by Simmons, 2002). Medial olivocochlear eVerents and chick cochlear eVerents appear to release just ACh onto outer and short hair cells,
respectively. In both hair cell types, the receptor is the 9/10 neuronal
13. Functional Development of Hair Cells
nicotinic ACh receptor (nAChR), an ionotropic receptor that upon binding
ACh opens and fluxes cations, including Ca2þ (Elgoyhen et al., 1994, 2001;
Weisstaub et al., 2002). 9 but not 10 subunits can form functional channels by themselves (Elgoyhen et al., 2001). A preliminary report suggests that
similar receptors occur on type II hair cells in amniote vestibular organs
(Holt et al., 2003). The 9/10 receptors are functionally coupled to smallconductance Ca2þ-activated K channels (SK channels), as elucidated by
Fuchs and colleagues in the chick short hair cell (Fuchs and Murrow,
1992b) and by Dulon and colleagues in the mammalian outer hair cell
(Blanchet et al., 1996; Dulon et al., 1998). ACh opens the channel of the
9/10 receptor, through which Ca2þ enters and activates SK channels.
EZux of Kþ through SK channels mediates a hyperpolarizing inhibitory
postsynaptic potential (ipsp), which is much larger than the excitatory
potential resulting from inward current through the 9/10 receptor channel. Thus, the dominant eVect of eVerent transmission is inhibitory. In turtle
cochlear hair cells, which receive both aVerent and eVerent terminals, the
ipsps reduce tuning directly by shunting electrical resonance (Art et al.,
1985). In chick and mammalian cochleas, the eVerent inhibition acts principally on one class of hair cells, while a diVerent class are the main source of
aVerent information. In the mammalian cochlea, eVerent actions on outer
hair cells reduce the gain of the inner hair cells at CF (i.e., the sharpness of
tuning; Brown and Nuttall, 1984; Wiederhold and Kiang, 1970), presumably
through the mechanical eVects of outer hair cells on the cochlear partition
(Brownell et al., 1985; Mountain, 1980).
An interesting aspect of eVerent development in mammals is the evidence
that medial olivocochlear eVerents form functional synapses on young inner
hair cells before or at the same time as they form synapses on their mature
targets, principally the first row of outer hair cells (summarized by Simmons,
2002). Inner hair cells express mRNA for 9 subunits from E18 through maturity (Simmons and Morley, 1998) but express mRNA for 10, the silent
partner in the receptor, only from E21 to P15, during the period of transient
innervation by medial olivocochlear eVerents (Morley and Simmons, 2002).
With the onset of hearing, the bulk of the eVerent innervation on hair cells
shifts to outer hair cells, although some eVerent endings on inner hair cell
somata persist (Vetter et al., 1999).
Is there a developmental function to this transient eVerent innervation of
inner hair cells? One possibility is that it plays a role in the rhythmic firing of
immature auditory aVerents (see Section II.B). Walsh et al. (1998) found
that cutting the eVerent input to the cochlea in neonatal cats transformed
the rhythmic firing of immature auditory aVerents into continuous firing.
Glowatzki and Fuchs (2000) suggest that this eVect may be mediated
through the inner hair cells. In an in vitro preparation of rat organ of Corti
(P7–P13), they showed that the eVerent synapses on the immature inner hair
Eatock and Hurley
cells are functional by recording inhibitory postsynaptic currents (ipscs)
from the hair cells. The ipscs were either endogenous in origin, from eVerent
synapses that persist despite being cut oV from their parent cell bodies in the
brainstem, or evoked by exogenously applied ACh. Ca2þ spiking, readily induced in the inner hair cells by depolarizing current injections (as Beutner
and Moser [2001] found in the neonatal mouse organ of Corti), was inhibited
by ipsps. Thus, intermittent inhibitory input from eVerents in the immature
cochlea may help set up aVerent rhythmicity or bursting by interrupting
spontaneous spiking in the hair cells. If so, eliminating the rhythmicity by
cutting the eVerents or knocking out the 9 subunit has relatively subtle
eVects (see later), whereas eliminating all output from immature cochleas
has dramatic eVects on the development of brainstem auditory structures
(Gabriele et al., 2000; Hashisaki and Rubel, 1989).
In outer hair cells ACh responses, subsurface cisternae, and eVerent innervation are acquired concurrently with electromotility in the week leading
up to hearing onset, (see Section V). In gerbil outer hair cells, He and colleagues first detected ACh-evoked outward currents (presumably carried
by SK channels activated by 9/10 receptors) at P5–P6 in the basal turn
of the cochlea (He and Dallos, 1999; He et al., 2001). The incidence and size
of the ACh response gradually increased until it reached mature levels at P11
(He and Dallos, 1999), just before hearing onset.
Although the overall picture of how eVerent innervation changes during
cochlear development suggests a possible instructional role for eVerents, in
fact the impact of eliminating eVerent input on cochlear development is
relatively modest, with the caveat that complete and selective elimination
of eVerent innervation has yet to be done. (A number of experiments, including overexpression of the 9 subunit [Maison et al., 2002], suggest that
medial olivocochlear eVerents protect the cochlea from acoustical injury.)
The developmental increase in ACh responsiveness in outer hair cells has
been seen in cultured, denervated cochleas that were made on P0 (He et al.,
2001), just as it has been seen in acutely excised cochleas (He and Dallos,
1999). Recall also that outer hair cells acquire electromotility in denervated
cultured cochleas (see Section IV.A.1).
Instead of denervating surgically, Vetter et al. (1999) silenced a major
component of the eVerent pathway by knocking out the 9 subunit of the
9/10 ACh receptor. The results were subtle. In wildtype animals, outer
hair cells are initially contacted by single relatively large eVerent endings,
but multiple eVerent terminals are more typical in mature cochleas. In the
null mutants, large single terminals were present even in mature animals.
Vetter et al. (1999) suggest that in wildtype animals, activity at the eVerent
synapses leads to competition between terminals to produce the mature
13. Functional Development of Hair Cells
VII. Summary and Concluding Remarks
The descriptions by diVerent groups of developmental changes in the
basolateral conductances of hair cells, though not complete, have suggested
a framework for thinking about the functional impact of these changes. The
evidence to date shows no influence of innervation on hair cell diVerentiation. In contrast, hair cell epithelia control aVerent innervation through neurotrophin release. The electrical activity of immature hair cells, arising from
complements of ion channels that are distinct from those in mature hair
cells, may influence aVerent synaptogenesis and diVerentiation indirectly by
promoting neurotrophin release, or more directly by glutamatergic
transmission. Embryonic hair cells in both chicks and mammals have functional transduction channels and voltage-gated outwardly rectifying Kþ
channels, fast inwardly rectifying channels, and voltage-gated Naþ and
Ca2þ channels. Together these channels may participate in spiking, which
may drive the rhythmic or bursting activity of immature auditory neurons
at higher levels of the auditory pathway. Given the capability for transduction and exocytosis in neonatal mouse cochleas, spontanous activity in hair
cells is likely to drive aVerent activity well before the onset of sound-evoked
activity. A transient inhibitory input from eVerent terminals onto inner hair
cells may also contribute to the bursting, rhythmic, spontaneous activity of
immature auditory neurons.
With maturation, a number of changes tend to reduce hair cell spiking. In
some hair cells, the numbers of voltage-gated Naþ, voltage-gated Ca2þ channels, and/or fast inward rectifier channels diminish, whereas the numbers
and types of outwardly rectifying Kþ channels (gK,Ca, gK,f, gK,n, or gK,L) increase. This parallels the transformation from a developing epithelium, with
active formation of new and in some cases transient synaptic contacts, to a
sensing epithelium, where receptor potentials represent the mechanical input
in a graded, nonspiking fashion that varies with location in the epithelium
and/or hair cell type. The composition of the underlying conductances confers these variations. In the chick cochlea, the acquisition of the fast gK,Ca–BK
confers high-quality electrical tuning on tall hair cells. Mammalian cochlear
hair cells and type I vestibular hair cells, in contrast, acquire outwardly rectifying conductances that are activated at resting potential, reducing input
resistance and time constants. Functionally, these changes both linearize
and speed up the voltage response to input currents. Enhanced linearity
may be an important eVect for vestibular signals that drive motor reflexes
and for the electromotile response of outer hair cells, whereas enhanced
speed is important in enabling timing information at acoustical frequencies.
The changes in outer hair cells that accompany electromotility occur in the
same time frame as the maturation of basolateral conductances, significantly
Eatock and Hurley
later than the onset of transduction capability and in time to account for the
acquisition of sharp tuning by mammalian cochlear aVerents.
The notion that hair cell spiking is an important driving force in the development of central pathways is attractive but lacking specific evidence. More
supporting data on hair cell spiking are required, ideally from hair cells in
quasi-intact, transducing epithelia (as in Fig. 7). In addition, the hypothesis
should be tested by selectively eliminating such spiking without interfering
with hair cell transduction and transmission. The ability to manipulate ion
channel expression selectively with either null mutations or hair cell–specific
promoters (Maison et al., 2002) may allow us to dissect the relative importance of individual ion channels in hair cell spiking and, ultimately, the
diVerentiation of the auditory and vestibular systems. The null mutation
for the principal hair cell Ca2þ channel, Cav1.3, does not test the hypothesis
because although it presumably knocks out Ca2þ spiking, it also knocks out
most hair cell aVerent transmission (Brandt et al., 2003; Platzer et al., 2000).
Eliminating the hair cells’ Naþ channels or expressing outward rectifiers
early in development might more selectively aVect spiking by immature
hair cells.
Work in our laboratory is supported by grants from the National Institute of Deafness and
Communication Disorders (to RAE) and the Deafness Research Foundation (to KMH) and by
Karim Al-Fayed Neurobiology of Hearing funds. We thank Dr. Julian Wooltorton and
Jasmine Garcia for their comments on the manuscript.
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