1 Effects of Catastrophic Insect Outbreaks on the Harvesting Solutions of Dahurian 2 Larch Plantations 3 4 Qi Jin1,*, Lauri Valsta1, Kari Heliövaara1, Jing Li2,3, Youqing Luo2 and Juan Shi2 5 6 1 Department of Forest Sciences, P.O. Box 27, FI-00014, University of Helsinki, Finland 7 8 2 9 Forestry University, Beijing 100083, P.R.China Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of Education, Beijing 10 11 3 China Forestry Publishing House, Beijing 100009, P.R. China 12 13 14 *Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 0 23 Abstract: 24 25 Optimal harvesting under pest outbreak risk was studied on a set of even-aged Dahurian larch 26 (Larix gmelinii) stands in northeastern Inner Mongolia, China. The effects of catastrophic 27 pest outbreaks caused by the Siberian moth (Dendrolimus sibiricus) on the economic 28 harvesting plan are compared through both deterministic and stochastic cases. Stand 29 simulation is based on an individual-tree growth system. Combined with the simulation 30 system, the modified optimisation function is able to find the optimal number, intensity and 31 type of thinnings, subject to given rotation lengths. The objective is the bare land value with a 32 3.5% discount rate. Optimal rotation age may vary considerably (42–58 yrs) for different 33 larch stands depending on the initial stand state in the deterministic analysis. A scenario 34 approach is applied when simulating the effects of catastrophic pest outbreaks. Insect damage 35 is assumed to be a Poisson process with an average rate 0.1 per year. One hundred scenarios 36 of insect damage are created using the Poisson process and used to simulate the distribution 37 of bare land value of each of the optimal regimes obtained from the deterministic analysis. 38 Numerical results show that the optimal rotation is shortened with the probability of a 39 catastrophe. The average bare land values in the stochastic case are approximately 14.8% to 40 22.9% lower. Numbers of thinnings are decreased for most plots when seeking a highest bare 41 land value, compared to the deterministic optima. 42 43 Key words: Dahurian larch (Larix gmelinii), Individual-tree growth model, Scenario approach, 44 Risk, Stand-level Optimization, Siberian moth (Dendrolimus sibiricus) 1 45 1. Introduction 46 47 Dahurian larch (Larix gmelinii) is one of the main timber species in China. It forms large 48 forests in northeast China, including the northeastern part of the Inner Mongolia autonomous 49 region and the Daxing'an Mountain range. However, because of tree species monocultures 50 and lack of biodiversity, this area has become vulnerable to insect invasions. Disasters caused 51 by the Siberian moth (Dendrolimus sibiricus), one of the most destructive defoliators of larch 52 in the area, have destroyed tens of thousands of hectares (ha) of larch forests and caused 53 immensurable loss to the forest resources in northern China during the past few years (Li et 54 al., 2009). These catastrophic insect outbreak disturbances can be viewed as stochastic, or 55 random events as we cannot precisely determine if, when or where they will occur (Peltola et 56 al., 1999; Forsell, 2003; Hanewinkel et al., 2010). Earlier studies revealed that effects of risk 57 (e.g. fire) on stand yields and developed theoretical models of timber harvesting of forest 58 stands subject to risk (e.g. Reed, 1984; Reed and Errico, 1985). Usually, as stochastic and 59 deterministic processes have different effects on forest ecosystem development, and natural 60 disturbances and other uncertainty sources can largely influence forests (e.g. Reed and Errico, 61 1985; Wang et al., 2006; Kerns and Ager, 2007; Jenkins et al., 2008; Moore et al., 2008; 62 González-Olabarria and Pukkala, 2011; Mitchell, 2013), questions have been raised 63 concerning the effects that insect outbreaks will have on forest management solutions. 64 65 In our study, a stand management analysis system was designed to support the management 66 of Dahurian larch stands and analyse the influence of catastrophic insect outbreak on 2 67 harvesting solutions in the Aershan area of Inner Mongolia, China. The system consists of a 68 stand growth and yield simulator based on individual-tree growth and mortality models, and 69 an optimisation algorithm which is modified from Hyytiäinen et al. (2005), to find the 70 optimal management schedule for a given objective function. The effect of catastrophic insect 71 outbreak was analysed using the scenario approach where stochasticity is represented by a set 72 of scenarios of the uncontrollable random variables. Our hypothesis is that the probability of 73 insect outbreak affects the financially viable management of Dahurian larch stands. 74 75 2. Materials and methods 76 77 2.1 Study area and initial stands 78 79 The study site is located in the Aershan area (47°07′ –47°55′N, 119°51′–120°57′E, mean 80 elevation 1100 m) of northeastern Inner Mongolia, China. The area belongs to the cold and 81 wet temperate zone with an annual average temperature of −3.2 °C and an average 82 precipitation of 452.11 mm. The total area is 4.83×105 ha, with forest coverage accounting for 83 3.45×105 ha. Forest coverage rate is 71.4% (Li et al., 2009). The main forest species in the 84 area are pure Dahurian larch (Larix gmelinii) and white birch (Betula platyphylla) plantations, 85 while Dahurian larch is the only tree species largely planted in the region (Li et al., 2009; 86 Wang et al., 2009). 87 88 Measurements from nine inventory plots (Li et al., 2009) were used as starting points for 3 89 stand simulations in our current study. The plots were pure even-aged stands of Dahurian 90 larch. All the plots were treated similarly of human activities, and each had approximately 91 2000 trees ha-1 at the beginning indicating that a pre-commercial thinning had occurred at 92 each stand (as was assumed in the bare land value calculation). Biological data, including 93 diameter at breast height (DBH), height, crown width, height of the first live branch, species, 94 and degree of damage (healthy, damaged, dead, fallen tree) were recorded during the field 95 work. 96 97 2.2 Simulation 98 99 2.2.1 Growth simulation 100 101 Stand development simulation is based on individual tree growth model, mortality model and 102 ingrowth model (Huber, 2010). The simulation model accepts two alternative ways of 103 describing the stand: either by tree list or by diameter distribution of the representative plot. 104 In the latter case, the system requires the DBH, height, age and number of trees per hectare of 105 every diameter class, as well as the site index of the stand. 106 107 As most of the simulators are based on deterministic relationships, stochasticity may have to 108 be introduced to the models afterwards (Valsta, 1992a). In our present study, the starting 109 point of the simulation is a deterministic, individual-tree growth model developed by 110 Monserud and Sterba (1996) and adjusted for Dahurian larch by Jiang (2009). The biological 4 111 component of the simulator consists of models for (1) basal area increment, (2) crown ratio, 112 (3) height growth, and (4) mortality rate. The models, which are described in detail in the 113 Appendix, represent a common modelling method used in many individual-tree simulators. 114 115 2.2.2 Insect outbreak frequency 116 117 The effects of epidemic pest outbreak that cause considerable mortality are studied and 118 simulated through the scenario approach where catastrophic insect outbreaks are modelled as 119 random events that damage a part of the growing stock. Stochasticity is represented by a set 120 of scenarios. The random process of insect outbreak is modeled using a Poisson process with 121 outbreak events occurring independently of one another and randomly in time at an average 122 rate of 1/a per unit of time. The insect outbreak probability P(T) is then expressed by: 123 124 P(T) = 1 – exp(– T/a) (1) 125 126 where T is the time span between two successive insect outbreaks, and a is the average 127 interval between outbreaks. Previous records (Forest Diseases and Insect Pests Control and 128 Quarantine Station, 2006; Li et al., 2009) reveal that outbreak at epidemic level occurred in 129 1988, 1997 and 2008 separately, which means it happens approximately every 10th year. 130 Figure 1 shows the graph of the exponential distribution for an average interval between 131 outbreaks at epidemic level a = 10 years. The graph shows that the probability of a pest 132 outbreak occurring increases at a decreasing rate as T increases. The probability that an 5 133 outbreak will occur within an interval of five years is approximately 0.39. Within a 10-year 134 interval it is approximately 0.63. It is nearly certain that an outbreak at epidemic level will 135 occur within 45 years. 136 137 Figure 1. 138 139 The stochasticity effect was modelled as random events that damage a part of the growing 140 stock. Values of stochastic variables (e.g. timing and intensity of catastrophe in this study) 141 were generated randomly through computer program using Poisson process. We assume that 142 the damaged trees must be harvested by thinning, with a 25% reduction in their stumpage 143 volume and a doubling of the logging costs. These economic parameters were set subjectively, 144 as no data were available from applicable silvicultural conditions. 145 146 2.2.3 Economic data 147 148 The economic data consist of regeneration costs, roadside prices of larch sawlogs and 149 pulpwood and harvesting costs. A 3.5% interest rate is applied to calculate optimal solutions. 150 The regeneration cost is assumed to be $606.4 ha-1 (including land preparation costs, planting 151 and seedling costs, silvicultural operations costs, and tending costs). The roadside prices of 152 larch are $150.5 m-3 and $103.0 m-3 for sawlog and pulpwood, respectively. Merchantable 153 volumes are predicted and computed using the segmented stem taper and volume equations 154 modified from Fang et al. (2000). These models are described in the Appendix. 6 155 156 Harvesting costs were kept constant in our study. In detail, the felling costs employed here are 157 $17.4 m-3 (including both direct and indirect costs) for thinning or selective harvest, and 158 $23.6 m-3 (including both direct and indirect costs) for the final harvest. The transportation 159 cost is $0.08 m-3 km-1, while the average transporting distance to a timber yard is 57 km. As 160 the other fixed costs were partly calculated within the felling costs, the remaining part mainly 161 consists of the loading and storage cost, which is $1.58 m-3 (Gao et al., 2009). 162 163 2.3 Objective function for optimal solution 164 165 The optimisation model for even-aged larch stands applied here is modified from Hyytiäinen 166 et al. (2005). The optimisation model used in our study is adjusted so that the effect of a 167 catastrophe damaging a part of the growing stock is incorporated into the model: 168 max {hu ,tu ,u=1,…,k; Z0 } V= ∑ku=1 ��∑ni=1 ∑2j=1 pj ∙ �gj �Ztu , hu � + s ∙ Lj �Ztu , btu ��� − Cu �Ztu , hu � − C′u �Ztu , btu �� (1 + r)−tu − C0 (Z0 ) 1 − (1 + r)−tk 169 (2) 170 171 172 173 174 subject to Ztu = f�Ztu−1 , hu−1 , t u − t u−1 , btu � , ∀ u = 1,..., k, tu ≤ tu+1 , hu ∈ σtu , ∀ u = 1,..., k−1, ∀ u = 1,..., k, (2.1) (2.2) (2.3) 7 175 176 where V is the bare land value, u = 1,…, k harvests, j denotes the timber assortments (for 177 sawlog, j = 1; for pulpwood, j= 2), k is the final harvest, Z0 denotes a matrix describing the 178 initial state of the stand, tu is stand age at the uth harvest, Ztu denotes a matrix describing 179 180 the stand state before the uth harvest at stand age tu, hu denotes a n-dimensional vector as the ratio of trees removed in the uth thinning, pj is the roadside price of timber assortments 182 (dollars per cubic metre), g j denotes the harvested volumes of timber assortments (m3 ha−1 ), 183 and 1, which gives the proportion of trees destroyed by the catastrophe, s is the salvage rate, 181 Lj is volumes of forest lost to the catastrophe (m3 ha−1 ), btu is a random number between 0 185 Cu is the harvest cost of the uth harvest, C′u the is cost of cleaning up and reforesting the 186 denotes the set of admissible thinning at stand age tu. 184 insect-attacked stand area, C0 is establishment and silvicultural costs, r is interest rate, σtu 187 188 Gross harvest revenues of the uth harvest are summed over n trees, j timber assortments as 189 products of prices pj (dollars per cubic metre), harvested volumes gj (m3 ha−1), and salvaged 190 volumes s ∙ Lj (m3 ha−1 ). The net harvest revenues are attained by subtracting harvest costs, 192 Cu and C′u , consisting of felling and on-site transport costs. The net harvest revenues are 193 interest. 191 discounted to the beginning of the rotation period by a factor (1 + r)−tk , where r is the rate of 194 195 The bare land value in Equation 2 is maximised subject to the stand dynamics that define the 196 stand state just prior to the harvest at age tu, and the catastrophe scenarios between present (tu) 8 197 and previous (tu-1) harvest. This is given as a function of stand state prior to the previous 198 harvest (Ztu−1 ), the intensity of the previous harvest (hu-1), the possibility of a catastrophe 199 200 happening and its damage intensity (btu−1 ) and the time difference between present tu and tu-1. In our study, stand structure is described with n trees (n = 3), each tree is characterised by 201 variables reflecting its current dimensions (age, diameter, height etc.) and an expansion factor 202 representing the number of trees per hectare. All remaining trees are removed in the final (kth) 203 harvest. 204 205 The thinning rate equation 2.3 defines thinning rates for each diameter class. The thinning 206 rate is a piecewise linear function of tree diameter in our study, relative to the smallest and 207 largest stand diameters. The thinning parameters define the thinning rates at the corner points 208 of the piecewise linear function. The thinning definition can be adjusted to simulate different 209 thinning types by changing only a few parameters per thinning (for more details, see Valsta, 210 1992a). 211 212 2.4 Method for finding the optimal solution 213 214 Optimizing the management schedule means finding the optimal values for a set of decision 215 variables (DV), i.e. the optimal DV values for each thinning and final harvest (Miina, 1996; 216 Pukkala and Miina, 1997, 1998; Go´mez et.al, 2006). Because the number of thinnings is 217 not a continuous variable, schedules with different numbers of thinnings are to be treated as 218 separate optimisation problems. The management regime was specified by the number of 9 219 thinnings and the DVs, chosen as follows: 220 221 For each thinning: (a) years since previous thinning (which were set as a multiple of five 222 years from the previous thinning), (b) remaining basal area, and (c) harvest percentage. 223 224 For final cuttings: (a) years from the last thinning to the regenerative cut. Noticeably, the 225 criteria for grouping trees in our study are based on their DBH. Tree volumes and stumpage 226 values are thereby computed by diameter classes classified into small stems (with diameters 227 ranging from 4 cm to 13 cm), medium stems (with diameters ranging from 14 cm to 21 cm) 228 and large stems (with diameters great than 21 cm). 229 230 To determine the optimal management schedule, an initial solution (a supposition of the 231 optimal DV combination) was first fed into the computation. By doing this, the value of the 232 objective function with these DV values and the given set of parameters (timber prices, unit 233 costs and discounting rate) was calculated. The vector of DVs consists of times between 234 forest operations (adjusted by 1 year) and information on how the operations is executed, e.g., 235 thinning percentages at different tree diameters (adjusted by 0.1%). Based on the feedback 236 from the simulation system, changes in the DV values were made in an effort to improve the 237 schedule, and the objective function was once again calculated using the new DV values. The 238 optimal management schedule for a given number of thinnings was eventually found, after 239 this search-process several times was repeated several times once a defined convergence 240 criterion was met. The optimisation was carried out for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 thinnings separately, 10 241 in order to find the number of thinnings that maximised the bare land value. In order to gain a 242 better economic return, thinning intensity limits for small and medium trees were additionally 243 set at 40%, which a previous study found to be effective for larch plantations in northeastern 244 China (Sun et al., 2005). 245 246 3. Results 247 248 3.1 Deterministic optimal solutions at 3.5% interest rate 249 250 Table 1 shows the deterministic optimal solutions at a 3.5% interest rate for different plots. 251 The symbols in the tables are: DBH is diameter at breast height (cm), S-trees (%) denotes the 252 portion of small trees removed, M-trees (%) denotes the portion of medium trees removed, 253 L-trees (%) denotes the portion of large trees removed, Ro.dg denotes mean diameter at the 254 end of rotation (cm), M.A.I denotes mean annual increment in cubic metres per year, SI 255 denotes site index, which is the dominant height in meters at the index age. 256 257 Computations of sawlog and pulpwood amounts were based on the diameter classification. 258 For computing the amounts of pulpwood in our study, inferior trees such as small stems and 259 dead or damaged trees (natural mortality or caused by pest outbreak) were used as pulpwood; 260 the computation of sawlog amounts are based on the volumes of medium and large stems. 261 262 Table 1 11 263 264 Table 1 shows the proportion of trees removed in optimal thinnings for all plots at a 3.5% 265 interest rate. The thinning type is determined with three variables that define the thinning 266 rates for minimum, middle and maximum diameters. The thinning rates for other diameters 267 are interpolated. 268 269 To maximise the objective function according to various sample plots, two to five thinnings 270 were required. Two thinning were required on Yiershi 48, three thinnings were required on 271 Dulaer 76, Yiershi 53, Yiershi 57 O-2 and Yiershi 57 O-3, four thinnings were required on 272 Dulaer 80-2, Yiershi 58 and Yiershi 57 O-1 and five thinnings were required on Yiershi 57. 273 The sample plots in our study varied in their initial stand age, site fertility, initial stand 274 density and geographic location. Prior management treatments also possibly varied. However, 275 bare land values in our study were calculated assuming no prior harvest revenues or previous 276 establishment costs. 277 278 3.2 Sensitivity analysis of varying numbers of thinning 279 280 Deciding on the number of thinnings and the rotation length constitute seperate problems with 281 corresponding numbers of variables. The number of thinnings is therefore a parameter given 282 to the simulation-optimisation system at the outset. The maximum bare land value for 283 different numbers of thinnings (i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 thinnings) on various plots under 284 optimal rotation lengths are shown in Figure 2. Although bare land value increased with the 12 285 number of thinnings until the highest was reached, most of the economic gain was achieved 286 with just one thinning. Four thinnings were practically as good as the optimal number (i.e. 3 287 thinnings) for plots such as Dulaer 76 and Yiershi 53. Five thinnings were practically as good 288 as the optimal number (i.e., 4 thinnings) for Yiershi 58 and Yiershi 57 O-1. For other plots, 289 the bare land values change limitedly with the number of thinnings varying by one. 290 291 Figure 2. 292 293 3.3 Effects of catastrophic insect outbreak 294 295 To reveal the effects of catastrophic events, or pest outbreaks in our study, scenarios with 296 different probabilities and the intensity of occurring catastrophes were applied. We used 100 297 scenarios to gain a better picture of the result variability, as the application of fewer scenarios 298 may cause instability of the results. 299 300 In even aged management, one key decision variable is rotation age (Buongiorno and Gilless, 301 2003). The same method of scenario approach was used to produce good statistical statements 302 regarding the effect of the rotation age. For this purpose, 100 replications of the simulation at 303 different rotation ages were made, holding all parameters constant except for the string of 304 random numbers (e.g. catastrophe timing and intensity). These 100 scenarios of insect 305 damage were then generated randomly by using the Poisson process and used to simulate the 306 distribution of present value of each of the optimal regimes obtained from the deterministic 13 307 analysis. The largest and smallest bare land values, as well as the mean bare land value, the 308 standard deviation of the bare land value and the standard error of the mean, were observed in 309 these 100 replications with different scenarios for each different rotation. Thes results are 310 gathered and showed in Table 2. Table 2 shows that in these 100 replications, the bare land 311 value ranged from a minimum value to a maximum value. For example, at rotation age 49, 312 the bare land value for plot Dulaer 76 ranged from a minimum of $6749.0 ha-1 to a maximum 313 of $12850.8 ha-1. The mean bare land value was $10218.6 ha-1, with a standard error of 314 $131.2 ha-1. The 95% confidence interval of the mean bare land value is: 10218.6 ± 2 × 131.2 315 = ($9956.2 ha-1, $10481.0 ha-1). This 95% confidence interval does not contain the bare land 316 value obtained through the deterministic simulation, $11989.5 ha-1. Thus, the mean results 317 from the stochastic simulation are very different from those of the deterministic simulation. 318 319 Also, the catastrophes have an effect on the numbers of thinning when seeking a highest bare 320 land value. Table 3 indicates that the numbers of thinnings for most plots are decreased in the 321 stochastic case. 322 323 Table 3. 324 325 In Table 3, number of thinnings was decreased from four to three for Dulaer 80-2, Yiershi 58 326 and Yiershi 57 O-1; for Yiershi 53 and Yiershi 57 O-3, number of thinnings was decreased 327 from three to two; for Yiershi 57, number of thinnings was decreased from five to four. 328 14 329 Details of Table 2 are displayed in the Appendix. The optimal solution for each plot in the 330 deterministic analysis was added to perform the comparisons. The optimal bare land value for 331 both deterministic and stochastic cases are in bold characters. 332 333 Table 2 indicates that the mean bare land values from the stochastic simulation (with 100 334 replications of different scenarios) are 14.8% to 22.9% lower than the deterministic 335 simulation, which corresponds to the different plots. 336 337 When the stand was subject to the risk of catastrophe, increasing risk reduced the optimum 338 rotation. This is demonstrated in Figure 3, we took Dulaer 76 as example, where the 339 deterministic case is compared with three levels of risk, presented by annual probabilities of a 340 catastrophic insect outbreak. Damaged trees are logged by thinnings. 341 342 Figure 3. 343 344 Given a constant thinning rate, the optimum rotation was shortened from 53 yr to 47 yr when 345 the probability increased from 0 to 0.04. Thinning was brought forward in higher risk cases 346 (Table 4). 347 348 Table 4. 349 350 The other decision criterion examined in this study was conditioned by a specified bare land 15 351 value. By adjusting rotation length, the forest manager wishes to maximize the probability of 352 attaining a target bare land value. In this formulation, the decision-maker can increase 353 willingness to take risks by raising the bare land value requirement. When thinning rate was 354 constant, increased risk-taking caused the optimum rotation, i.e., the one with highest 355 probability, to decrease (Figure 4). For example, the probability that a simulated bare land 356 value is high than 10000 USD was 0.63 when the rotation was 49 years. Namely, in 63 of the 357 100 simulations made, the bare land value was higher than 10000 USD. 358 359 Figure 4. 360 361 4. Discussion 362 363 The main purpose of the present study is to reveal the effects of insect outbreaks on the 364 financial performance of Dahurian larch. To do this, a stand level optimisation approach is 365 applied. Stochasticity is introduced in the form of scenarios. 366 367 Results in the deterministic case indicate that stands with high mean annual increment such as 368 Yiershi 48, Yiershi 57 O-2 and Yiershi 57 O-3, produced the highest bare land values among 369 all the plots. Many factors affect rotation age, e.g. planting density and thinning frequency 370 and intensity (Hyytiäinen, 2005; Go´mez et.al, 2006). 371 372 Clearcutting would take place around the age of 42 to 58 years on various plots. The mean 16 373 diameters of all the plots at the end of the rotation period in this deterministic case ranged 374 from 15.9 cm to 21.3 cm, which is different to results received in other studies (e.g. Li, 1987; 375 Sun et al., 2001; Shi and Feng, 2005). These studies had longer rotation ages and greater 376 mean diameters (usually > 20 cm) at the end of rotation period. On the other hand, Sun et al. 377 (2005) and Gao et al. (2009) reported similar results of mean diameters at the end of rotation 378 in their research as are reported by our study. The heavy cutting intensity of large trees in 379 previous thinnings and the variance of the initial state and site quality might be key reasons 380 for the difference in mean diameters at the end of rotation. The optimal rotation period for 381 plot Yiershi 57 O-3 is much shorter compared to other plots. Usually larch plantation stands 382 must be 45 years or older to meet clearcutting requirements (Gao et al., 2009). However, 383 some earlier studies reported that the optimal rotation can be shorter than recommended. For 384 example, Sun et. al (2005) claimed that the rotation period of larch is 37–39 years with the 385 first thinning timed 25 years. This result was naturally found using a different discount rate, 386 timber price and site location. 387 388 For the stochastic analysis, the risk of catastrophic pest outbreaks shortens the optimum 389 rotation considerably and decreases the numbers of thinning, respectively. Among all nine 390 plots, rotation period of Yiershi 53 decreased mostly in stochastic case, by eight years. For 391 Yiershi 57 the risk of catastrophic pest outbreak shortened the optimum rotation period by 392 seven years, for Dulaer 80-2 and Yiershi 57 O-1 both by six years. And for most plots, 393 numbers of thinnings were reduced by once than the deterministic optima. The increasing 394 catastrophic risks affected the bare land values with variability. The bare land values from the 17 395 stochastic case were approximately 14.8% to 22.9% lower on average than in the 396 deterministic case. Compare to the deterministic case, bare land value of Yiershi 57 had the 397 largest decreasing of 22.9% lower, and bare land value of Dulaer 76 had the smallest 398 decreasing of 14.8% lower among all nine plots. In addition, with simulating a specified 399 probability (%) we could achieve at least as good a bare land value as with the deterministic 400 case when e.g. Dulaer 49-yr rotation period is applied in the stochastic case (deterministic 401 case 53-yr rotation). 402 403 Our results point out that initial conditions and management plans may strongly influence the 404 results of including stochasticity into stand level optimisation. The source of stochasticity was 405 the occurrence of a catastrophic pest outbreak. To determine the solution with confidence and 406 get a better picture of the variability of the results, 100 scenarios were exerted—a smaller 407 number of scenarios application may cause instability and report incorrect solution. 408 409 Information about possible outcome variability has additionally been gained from the 410 stochastic simulation. While the law of averages may be relevant for owners with several 411 stands of this type, such as the owner in our study, it may not be relevant for owners with a 412 single woodlot. Any one of the stochastic simulation outcomes is possible for this owner 413 group, and outcome variability will affect property values and influence managerial decisions. 414 415 In our study, the scenarios were formed by generating random outcomes of the defined 416 stochastic process (i.e. catastrophic pest outbreak). Another alternative would be to form 18 417 scenarios subjectively, so that they would be likely realizations of the future. Furthermore, 418 one of the strengths of the present scenario-based stochastic simulation is that the distribution 419 of the objective function values is known and can be analysed with respect to relevant 420 variables, by scenario approach. The scenario simulations produce huge amounts of 421 information which can be used to evaluate management strategies. 422 423 Quantitative probabilistic risk analyses in our study used mathematical definitions that 424 described the relationship between the expected value of the probability of the event 425 occurring at a particular location and intensity, and the net value change given that the event 426 has occurred. Calculating the probabilities for stochastic processes and the effects of 427 catastrophic or expected loss in this manner is advantageous for risk analysis related to 428 disturbance processes. The results and approach offer managers several opportunities because 429 they provide information that can be used to assess risks that are difficult to amend through 430 mitigation or in situations where additional mitigation investments have limited effects. 431 432 Forest planning and decision-making usually deal with large forest area, instead of a single 433 stand (Haight and Monserud, 1990; Valsta, 1992b). The applicability of the presented system 434 depends on the production objectives of the forest. If the objective is to maximise net income 435 or profitability while considering a stochastic situation or risk of catastrophe, the system can 436 be used directly. It is possible to separately optimise the management of each stand, or use the 437 system to produce management instructions for different sites and stand densities in similar 438 circumstances. Stand-level optimisations also serve comparative analyses on the effects of 19 439 economic or biological factors on stand management (Valsta 1992b). 440 441 We believe that the system presented in our study is a useful contribution towards improved 442 decision-making in the management of Dahurian larch stands under risk of catastrophic insect 443 outbreaks. The system enables us to assess the likelihood and severity of economic 444 consequences when exposed to an invasive species. The system is essentially a stand level 445 decision-support tool, which can be used to simulate alternative management regimes and 446 find economic management strategies. The system can also be used in forest-level 447 optimisation in conjunction with linear programming or other optimisation procedures. 448 System reliability will obviously depend on the reliability of the simulation system. It is 449 therefore important to refine and enhance it, e.g. by more precisely quantifying economic 450 and ecological damage related to the invasive species; incorporating stochastic structure into 451 the simulation system (Fox et al. 2001) which leads to valid statistical inference, improved 452 estimation efficiency and more realistic and theoretically sound prediction. It is proposed that 453 individual-tree modelling methodologies need to characterise and include structured 454 stochasticity in future research. 455 456 Funding 457 458 This work was supported by the Academy of Finland [grant number 114201, Biodiversity and 459 Forest Pest Problems in Northeast China, BIOPROC]. 460 20 461 Acknowledgements 462 463 We wish to thank the helpful staff of the Aershan Forestry Bureau in Inner Mongolia, 464 Aershan, P.R China. 465 466 References 467 468 469 Buongiorno, J. and Gilless, J. K. 2003. Decision methods for forest resource management. 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The simulation of one 5-year 561 time span consists of the following four steps: 562 563 1. Tree basal area increment: 564 565 ln(BAI) = 0.7144 + b SIZE + c COMP + s SITE, (E.1) 566 567 where BAI is the 5 year basal area increment, SIZE stands for the tree size variables, COMP 568 stands for the competition variables, and SITE stands for the site variables. 569 570 In detail, diameter at breast height was used as a measure of stem size and crown ratio as a 25 571 measure of crown size, yielding the expression: 572 573 b SIZE = 1.1547 ln(DBH) – 0.000101 DBH2 + 0.4999 In(CR), (E.1.1) 574 575 where DBH (cm) is the diameter at breast height and CR is the crown ratio. Although DBH 576 and CR here are referred to as size variables, they also reflect the effects of past competition. 577 578 Current competition effects were expressed as: 579 580 c COMP = – 0.0159 BAL, (E.1.2) 581 582 where BAL is the basal area (m2 ha-1) of trees larger in diameter than the subject tree. The 583 BAL of the largest tree is 0.0, and for the smallest tree equals the stand basal area minus that 584 tree's basal area. 585 586 Site description is very important as it influences tree growth, site function was expressed as: 587 588 s SITE = – 0.00174 (ELEV)2 + 0.1882 S + 0.3309 V, (E.1.3) 589 590 where ELEV is the elevation in hectometers (100 m), S is a set of dummy variables for 591 various soil groups (the soil group of our study site is Spodi-Dystric Cambisol on silicate 592 material); V is a set of dummy variables for various vegetation types (the vegetation type of 26 593 our study site is Oxalis acetosella types (Moder humus in conifer stands)). Here, the values 594 for the corresponding dummy variables are S = 1 and V = 1. (for more details, see 595 FAO-UNESCO, 1989; Jiang, 2009; Forest Diseases and Insect Pests Control and Quarantine 596 Station, 2002) 597 598 2. Live crown ratio: 599 600 ln(CR) = – 0.95042 – 0.008886239175 BA + 0.30066 ln(DBH) – 0.59302 ln(H) + 0.19558 601 ln(PCT), (E.2) 602 603 where BA is stand basal area (m2 ha-1), DBH is diameter at breast height (cm), H is tree 604 height (m), and PCT is a tree’s percentile in the stand basal area distribution. 605 606 3. Height growth curve: 607 609 H= 1.3 + 1.3432 Ab 0.7571 [1 – exp (0.02296 SI 0.7548 DBH)], 610 where H is tree height (m), Ab is age at breast height, SI is site index, DBH is diameter at 611 breast height (cm). Additionally, the site index in Equation (E.3) was decided using the 612 following equation: 608 (E.3) 613 614 SI = Hmean * exp( 12.51004 A – 12.51004 A1 ), (E.3.1) 27 615 616 where Hmean is the stand mean height (m), A is the stand age, A1 is the index age (the index 617 age for larch plantations is 30 years). 618 619 4. Tree mortality: 620 621 P = [1 + exp (4.407 – 12.9395 / DBH + 2.2039 CR – 0.0326 BAL)] -1, (E.4) 622 623 where P is the probability of mortality (in a 5-year period), DBH is diameter at breast height 624 (cm), CR is crown ratio, BAL is the basal area of larger trees (m2 ha-1), and b0 - b5 are 625 parameters. Furthermore, DBH, CR and BAL are values at the beginning of the 5-year period. 626 627 The merchantable volumes of individual trees are predicted and computed using the 628 segmented stem taper and volume equations modified from Fang et al. (2000): 629 630 631 632 633 d2= c2 H k−b1 b1 (1 − z) k−β β α1 I1 + I2 α2 I2 , (E.5.1) k k Vm = c2 H b1 [b1 + (I1 + I2) (b2 – b1) t1 + I2 (b3 – b2) α1 t 2 – β (1 − z) β α1 I1 + I2 α2 I2 ], (E.5.2) 634 635 636 where 2 c = I1 = � 1, 0.076907 ≤ z ≤ 0.56896 , 0, otherwise d3 − k b1 d1 DBHd2 H b1 (1− t1 ) + b2 (t1 − α1 t2 ) + b3 α1 t2 I2 = � 1, 0.56896 < z ≤ 1 , 0, otherwise k k , t1 = 0.923093b1 , t 2 = 0.43104b2 , α1 = 28 637 638 0.923093 (b2 −b1 )k b1 b2 , α2 = 0.43104 (b3 −b2 )k b2 b3 , β= b11−(I1+I2) b2 I1 b3 I2 , z = h H , k = π 40000 , b1 = 0.000010481, b2 = 0.000038139, b3 = 0.000027594, d1 = 0.000019913, d2 = 1.94675, d3 640 = 1.185269, Vm is the merchantable volume (m3), d (cm) is the diameter of the measurement 641 aboveground height to the measurement point on the stem. 639 point at height h (m), DBH (cm) is diameter at breast height, H is tree height (m), h is the 642 643 644 645 646 z = 0.076907 and 0.56896 are the relative locations of the two inflection points of Dahurian larch trees, which divided a stem into three corresponding stem-segments. A special case included in the merchantable volume equation occurs, when h = H, Vm arises as the total stem volume. 647 648 Log volumes obtained from the model are based on stem dimensions. The minimum sawlog 649 diameter and length are 14 cm and 2m, respectively; the minimum pulpwood diameter and 650 length are 5 cm and 2m, respectively. 651 h 653 From Equation E.5.1, it is possible to calculate the value of z (z = 654 measurement point where d is a specific value (e.g. d = 14 cm). Bringing this value z into Equation E.5.2, we can compute the sawlog volume (with diameter ≥ 14 cm). Using the same 655 method, we can also calculate the pulpwood volume (with diameter ≥ 5 cm and < 14 cm). 652 656 657 Table 2. 29 H ) at a specific
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