The Curious Case of Benjamin Button The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Hsu, Yen-Ting (徐彥婷) Class211 Hsu, Ting (許婷) Class211 Teachers:陳姿仲、蔡幸珊、張思韻、黃惠婷 Yan-Ping Private Senior High School 1 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Ⅰ.Introduction Shakespeare once compared the world to a stage and all people were just like players. Many people think of our life as a journey which only belongs to us.” The curious case of Benjamin Button” is an intriguing movie mainly adapted from a short novel. This movie was nominated the Best Picture, the Best Director, the Best Actor, the Best Supporting Actress, and was awarded the Best Art Direction, the Best Makeup, and the Best Visual Effects by the 81st Academy Awards. The inspiration of the literally creation is quoted from Mark Twain” Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen.” Ordinary people step on the road of death, meeting their terminal of life. While the backflow of time leads Benjamin to another bizarre phase. Will it be a better life? The motive that drives us to look into this movie is to pursue the profound meaning of Benjamin’s life and our own life. As a consequence, we compared Daisy’s life with this curious case and the original novel with the adapted movie. We found a few appealing similarities and differences. The following is our investigation. Ⅱ.Thesis 1. Background A. New Orleans Located in the southeastern Louisiana, New Orleans is the most important port as well as the major industrial city in Southerern America, also referred to as the "most unique" city. The movie started with Daisy confined to bed in a hospital in New Orleans, and ended with the scene of the disaster brought by the Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, August 25,2005, which was also displayed in the reality. B. World War One At first, the USA didn’t attend the World War One. After Germany announced the military operation “Unrestricted Submarine Warfare” in 1915, many innocent American ships were attacked. As a result, America took part in the World War One, and eventually, they won. On the day they celebrated the 2 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version The Curious Case of Benjamin Button triumph of the war, Benjamin Button, the curious man who had an extraordinary life was born. C. World War Two Same as the World War One, the USA wasn’t one of the members of the war at first. She attended the World War Two because of the Hawaii Operation, which was provoked by Japan and caused a great damage to America. The boat which Benjamin labored on, the Chelsea was conscripted into this war. As a result, Benjamin and the ship’s crew witnessed the horrifying scene of this cruel war. 2. The characters A. main characters a. Benjamin Button P1 He is the main character in the film, who is featured by Brad Pitt. He was born in the form of a graybeard and became younger and younger in his bizarre life. Abandoned by his startled father, he spent his childhood in the rest-home. Later on, he befriended with several venerable elders such as Mrs. Maple and Mr. Oti, who broadened Benjamin’s horizon. He met Daisy there ---the woman who was the treasure of his life. A whole new fantastic world was revealed in front of Benjamin after he got 3 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version The Curious Case of Benjamin Button aboard on the Chelsea to work. The first job and the first love affair made him no longer foreign to ordinary life. After going through the World War Two, Benjamin finished endless voyages and went back to rest-home again, where he had a reunion with Daisy. Soon, he and Daisy fell in love, and they gave birth to a little girl, who was named” Caroline”. However, while he became younger and younger physically, his mentality reached elder’s level. He was even diagnosed with dementia-- which made him forget everything. Afterwards, Benjamin was attended by Daisy, and he died in Daisy’s embrace in the form of an infant. b. Daisy P2 Daisy was a girl who had talent in dancing. She was so good at it that she was the only American dancer ever performed in the Bolshoi Theatre. Nonetheless, due to a terrible car crash, she broke her right leg, which made her unable to dance anymore. Daisy met Benjamin in her childhood. She knew that he wasn’t merely an ordinary old man. They became friends and they sent postcards to each other no matter where they were. At last, Daisy fell in love with Benjamin. They weren’t married, but they had a daughter who was named” Caroline”. B. supporting characters 4 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version The Curious Case of Benjamin Button a. Queenie Queenie used to be an attendant in the rest-home. Because she lost the ability to bear a child, she took pity on friendless as well as helpless Benjamin, and adapted him. Instead of being nauseated toward Benjamin, she treated him as her own son. She was a significant person in Benjamin’s life. P3 b. Captain Mike During the Great Depression, Benjamin stepped his foot on the Chelsea, coming across another indispensable person-- captain Mike. He brought Benjamin to the pub and let him observe and learn from the real world. Captain died in the World War Two, leaving thought for Benjamin---“You can be as mad as a mad dog at the P4 way things went. You could swear, curse the fates, but when it comes to the end, you have to let go. He helped Benjamin develop a profound philosophy toward life. c. Elizabeth Abbott Elizabeth was the first woman Benjamin had a love affair with. She was already married when they first met. Nonetheless, after their secret chatting every night, gradually, they fell in love. Elizabeth was once a top-notch swimmer, who dreamed to swim across the English Channel. However, she gave up when the opposite bank was almost seen. She felt very remorse about the failure. Finally, she succeeded at the age of 5 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 63. P5 d. Thomas Button Playing the role as a father, Mr.Button didn’t fulfill his obligation. He abandoned Benjamin because of his unbelievably ugly looking. Although he did such a cruel thing, he still cared his son a lot. When he encountered Benjamin at the brothel, he noticed his identity instantly. After Mr.Button was seriously ill, he offered a sincere apology to Benjamin, and admitted the truth that he was his father. P6 e. Caroline The whole film was unfolded through the statement of Benjamin’s daily diary narrated by his daughter-- Caroline. The name “Caroline” was named after Benjamin’s mother. P7 f. Mrs. Maple She was an old lady who taught Benjamin” the true meaning of losing our earnest love” in the rest-home. Mrs. Maple told him that “We are doomed to lose our beloved, or how will we know how much we love them?” And she also taught him how to play the piano. P8 6 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version The Curious Case of Benjamin Button g. Little man Oti Mr. Oti was a Pygmy, which means he was very short. He was Benjamin’s first friend, and he was also the first man to find Benjamin’s curious characteristic. He helped Benjamin to contact with the world outside of the rest-home. P9 3. The plot On November 11, 1918, an infant was born with the appearance and physical condition of a man in his early-eighty just as the residents of New Orleans were celebrating the end of the World War One. The baby’s father, Thomas Button, abandoned him on the porch of a rest- home. Queenie, who was the attendant in the rest- home, was unable to bear a child, deciding to adopt the baby. She named the baby Benjamin. Benjamin began to grow younger biologically. He met a 6-year-old girl named Daisy, whose grandmother lived in the nursing home. In 1934, Benjamin went to work on a tugboat for a tattoo craftsman, Captain Mike. Later on, Benjamin left his hometown with the tugboat staff for a long-term employment. While in the Russian port city of Murmansk, he came across a love affair with the married Elizabeth Abbott. While in Russia, Captain Mike’s tugboat was assigned into the United States Navy because of the World War Two. Undergoing this devastating ordeal, Captain Mike unfortunately passed away. The 21-year-old Daisy has become a household name as a ballet dancer in New York City while Benjamin afterwards returned to New Orleans. Nonetheless, a car accident became an obstacle in Daisy's otherwise successful dancing career. In 1962, Daisy returned to New Orleans and reunited with Benjamin. Of the same physical age, they fell in love and had a 7 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version The Curious Case of Benjamin Button daughter named Caroline. Nonetheless, Benjamin was convinced that he could not be a normal father due to his reverse aging. Accordingly, he left them. Years later, Daisy received a phone call, which informed her that they found Benjamin — now a young 12-year-old boy, who was suffered from dementia and he could not remember his past. Daisy moved into the rest- home where Benjamin grew up and took care of him. In the spring of 2003, the 84-year-old Benjamin, who was now physically an infant, died in Daisy's embrace. At the moment before Benjamin died, Daisy could tell from his look that he recognized who she was. Finally, the 2005 hurricane cuts the electrical system, Daisy passes away. III. An analysis from The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 1. the original book The book’s cover P10 Seeing the book’s cover at first sight, you may think of it as a common book with a simple cover. Actually, this cover contained plenty of meanings in it. By depicting a clock and a few gear wheels, it brought out a hint about time. In the story, Benjamin Button was a man who had a reversing life. He wasn’t able to do things in time. For instance, he couldn’t attend the university when his mental age was twenty yeas old, just because of his elder appearance. 8 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Through the cruel experience of Benjamin’s, we noticed the happiness to hold a normal life. The book features the story in a way far from the movie. It didn’t portray much about what Benjamin occurred in his life, but emphasized the impressions others imposed on him. At first, Benjamin told everyone the truth about his “real age”; however, no one took it seriously. Moreover, they thought it was an absurb joke and ignored everything he spoke. After numberless frustrations, Benjamin learned not to tell the reality but to cater to things others were fond of. Through the book, we noticed that our society doesn’t really accept bizarre people. We are often afraid of contacting new things that have never appeared in our life. As a consequence, we avoid the unusual things and refer to them as lies, assuming that doing this can protect ourselves from risks. Besides, the book added more mysterious elements to the story. For example, Benjamin was born in the form of an old man, while the movie had him born as an infant’s stature, but graybeard’s condition. It sounded qutie preposterous to have such an intact man born from a woman’s womb. However, this was actually what the author wanted to display – an absurd story that couldn’t occur in reality. Based on the fictitious background, the author could bring his imagination into full play, such as a heavenly steed soaring across the skies. 2.Comparison of Benjamin’s curious life and Daisy’s normal life Unlike common people, Benjamin possessed a unique life. Since born in the world, Benjamin had grown in the process of adversed background different from other people. In the movie, the director took advantage of ingenious technique using Benjamin and Daisy, who feature the two main characters, to make a vivid comparison. Born Benjamin Daisy 1. Born in infant’s stature, but with graybeard’s physical condition. 2. As a misfortune, he was 1. Born just like other normal infants. 9 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version The Curious Case of Benjamin Button abandoned in the nursing home by his father. 3. His physical function practically broke down. Childhood 1. Since the mature body, he was 1. Free from care, she made friends confined to a wheelchair, and with children who had the same age could not make much movement as her.(except Benjamin) at will. 2. Under such circumstances, he could only befriend with the elder whose age had great differences with him. Teenager 1. Physical age strided into sixty, 1.So as to acquire the capability of ballet, she went to ballet school. he left home to work. 2. Familiarized himself with the sophisticated world earlier than normal people. 3. Having an affair with a married woman older than him. Meridian 1. Compelled to the war since he 1. Becoming a big-time ballet was working on the tugboat. dancer, but she broke her leg and 2. Attached to Daisy, but because couldn’t dance anymore. of different ages, he confronted a 2. She held a complex social cold refusal. relationship and had affair with many dancers simultaneously. Middle-aged 1. Indulging in infatuations with Daisy (at same mental age) and had a daughter – Caroline. 2. Caught in a dilemma, he left Daisy and Caroline since he didn’t want Caroline to have a bizarre father. Old 1. Physical condition grew younger and younger. But diagnosed with dementia. Death 1. Died in the form of an infant. 1. Falling in love with Benjamin and they had a child. 2. She ran bussiness as a ballet teacher. 3. After Benjamin left, she married another man. 1. Attended Benjamin, who lost his memory. 2. Her physical condition was reaching to her own limit. 1. Died in one of New Orlean’s hospital with an aged appearance. 10 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 3. Sub-issues A. About “Love” If the movie was revealed in front of a sophisticated person, he might be touched a lot; while being innocent people, we can’t not help but think “Why Benjamin was so persistent in love, but evaded at times?” Love and death are both the most controversial assignment and challenges in our life. We have no eternal life; as a result, we couldn’t do nothing but wait for true love to come. We should be on the initiative to pursue happiness, just because time flees in a twinkling of an eye. We must take advantage of our sights and sounds of spring in our life, indulge ourselves in our affection, only for fear that it will be too late. B. About ”Destiny” The movie’s illustration of coincidence as well as fate gives us a ponderable inspiration. All the gains and loses, laughter and tears, be it trivial or significant, have their reasonable meaning and logical principle behind them. Human beings have to “live” so as to realize the thing called “life”. Time will pass; things will change; whether we live a normal or reverse life, it may be the arrangement of fate, which involves psychological meanings. The habit of relying on our beloved family members and the hesitation and construction toward affection are both true experiences of life. C. An analysis from Benjamin to his daughter’s letter a. the original text “To be whoever you want to be, start whenever you want. You can change or stay the same. There are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. And if you find that you’re not… I hope you have 11 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version The Curious Case of Benjamin Button the strength to a start all over again.” b. analysis This letter may not be that abstruse at first sight, but actually, it involved a lot of philosophic theories. God is fair, he gives everyone, no matter rich or poor, twenty-four hours a day and it couldn’t reverse. Although Benjamin experienced a reversing life physically, he still couldn’t make time a turn. As the proverb goes “One never arranges enough to beat changes.” Occasionally, things that we put high expectation on them come with accidental outcomes. Life is a journey pieced up by unexpected fragments, as a consequence, wonders, excitements and miracles are here, there and everywhere. The only thing we can do is to face our lives courageously. We dominate our own lives; we don’t need to be regretful for doing things we draw interests in. And when we make mistakes, there’s no necessity to be dejected, we should make every effort to solve problems and make it a try again. There’re lots of interesting amazements around us, we should learn lessons from these things even they are tiny things, in order to broaden our horizon, to enrich our knowledge and to be a person that honor his life. Ⅳ.Conclusion The movie wants to express a fabulous fable, an abnormal, reversed-growing man, and his bizarre experience with some special people. He discovered the true meaning of love and annotated copiously about the” real life”. We learn that the sorrow and delight interweave our lives and we have no alternative whenever faced with some incident. Sometimes we might consider that our sorrow can be recovered by the fleeting of time, which is called “eternity”. However, time is not always the best medicine. If we avoid facing challenges, nothing will be changed. It makes people query about that is eternity just a daydream? No matter which kind of life we lives, an ordinary one or a reversed-growing one, our journey of life never ends. We are bound to fulfill our obligation of life not only for beloveds but for ourselves. Like Queenie uttered “You never know what’s comin’ for sure.” 12 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Ⅴ.References 1. 班傑明的奇幻旅程,維基百科,自由的百科全書。 B7%A3#.E8.A9.95.E8.AB.96 (檢索日期:2009/10/28) 2. 班傑明的奇幻旅程。DVD 3. F. Scott Fitzgerald (2007).The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. 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