P U B L I S H E D B Y M I N D ’ S D E S I G N S T U D I O S I N C E 2 0 11 News CALL 403-203-9152 FOR ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES THE WILLOW RIDGE JANUARY | 2015 W W W. M I N D S D E S I G N . C A Join Us! YOUR OFFICIAL COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER F O R W I L L O W PA R K AND MAPLE RIDGE CIR C U LATI ON | 3 9 0 0 H OM E S A N D B U S I N E S S E S HIGHLIGHTS IN THIS ISSUE: COMMUNITY ENHANCEMENT P3 HAVE SHOVEL WILL TRAVEL P9 SKATING UPDATE P9 Willow Ridge Community Association 680 Acadia Drive S.E. Calgary, Alberta T2J 0C1 Visit us at: www.WILLOWRIDGE.CA Shirley Mikolajow Your WillowRidge Specialist Call Shirley Mikolajow today to buy or sell. Shirley Mikolajow’s Homeselling System When you list with Shirley you receive these Guarantees: Your home advertised hours a day until it is sold Service24with integrity, always! Your home advertised on Marketing and Negotiating! Proven Superior Sales worldwide Knowledge, www.mikolajow.com Living in WillowRidge and supporting the beauty of our neighbourhood! Your home advertised to millions on multiple websites Your home advertised in full colour print ads every day until it is sold Call Shirley Shirley Mikolajow’s Homeselling System Mikolajow Now for a When you list with Shirley you receive these Guarantees: . Your home advertised 24 hours a day until it is sold FREE . Your home advertised worldwide on www.mikolajow.com . Your home advertised to millions on multiple websites MARKET EVALUATION OF YOUR HOME (403) 804-3990 (403) 804-3990 Call Shirley Mikolajow Now for a FREE MARKET EVALUATION OF YOUR HOME Pg. 2 January 2015 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Community NEW for Residents... Your Official Newsletter News Community Engagement for Facilities Improvement Project Nearing Completion How should we spend $2 million? Over the last several months the Community Association has been asking Willow Park and Maple Ridge community members for their input about using the $2 million in funding we have available for a recreation project. Our two-phase community engagement process began with a community stakeholder meeting in March to introduce the project and gather initial feedback. More than 25 stakeholders attended and provided valuable and insightful comments. We heard very clearly from this group they felt the money would be best used to upgrade the existing community association building, rather than construct a new gymnasium as initially proposed. Based on those comments, we created an online survey to find out what the rest of the community thought. The survey asked WillowRidge residents to share with us how they use the current facility and what improvements or changes they would like to see happen. In total 175 survey responses were collected and the results echoed the comments from the first community stakeholder meeting; the community supports upgrading the existing facility. In the second phase of community engagement WRCA tenants and key stakeholders completed an online survey to give us more details about how the building could be improved. After that, a second stakeholder meeting was held on September 15 to discuss the results of the engagement process and talk about the potential building improvements. Tenants and stakeholders told us improved storage, more efficient flow throughout the building and moving the office to a more visible location were important, among other things. All of the input was used to draft a facility improvement plan and presented at a public open house on Saturday, September 27 at the WillowRidge Community Association. There were 22 attendees and 11 feedback forms were filled out. We also posted a feedback form on willowridge.ca and 21 feedback forms were collected online. Pg. 3 January 2015 l Q: Do you have any Questions, Comments or Concerns regarding your community? A: If so, we want to hear from you! You can submit your comment, concern or question to our main office at [email protected]. They’ll ensure it goes to the appropriate contact for a proper response. Expect to see your question answered or comment responded to in this section of your official newsletter a month or so following your submission. WE LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU! The feedback from the open house and online survey, along with proposed improvement plan, were presented to the Community Association Board of Directors on October 21. The next step is seeking approval from the The City of Calgary on the proposed use of the funds to improve the existing building. Once we have the go-ahead from The City, the Community Association will conduct a detailed feasibility study on the recommended plan to ensure long-term financial sustainability. Once the funding and recommended layout has been approved, stakeholders and the community will be informed. Watch willowridge.ca and The WillowRidge News for news about the project. The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge Willow Ridge Community Association Please direct any community related questions to : Phone: 403-271-8044 E-mail: [email protected] www.willowridge.ca Address: 680 Acadia Drive SE Calgary, Alberta T2J 0C1 FRONT DESK HOURS: Monday - Friday: 1:00 - 5:00 pm Saturdays / Sundays / Holidays: Closed Executive President Past President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Directors Building Director Casino / Bingo Director Civic Affairs Director Communications & Newsletter Funding Director Sports Director Social Director Trico Centre Director Director at Large Director at Large Director at Large Director at Large Roger Crowe Craig Evans Christine Schreuder Wes Bot Leslie Churchill 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 Jason Poole VACANT Greg Humphreys Laurel Barney Shivaughan Sky VACANT VACANT Don Boykiw Colleen Gnyp Marty Bentley Jan de Bruyn Peter Davis 403-271-8044 Facility Expansion Committee Directors Bruce Brunette VACANT Other Community Garden Coordinator WRCA District Contacts Councillor (Ward 14) M.L.A. MP, Calgary Southeast CPS Community Liaison Distribution Girl Guides of Canada Scouts Canada Welcome Wagon Newsletter Ad Inquiry/Ad Sales Newsletter Publisher [email protected] [email protected] 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 Maria Leligdowicz-Rudna Peter Demong Jonathan Denis Jason Kenney Josh Young Carolyn Edwards Calgary Area Robert Chaskavich Head Office Bobbie-Jo Bergner Bobbie-Jo Bergner 403-271-8044 403-268-1653 [email protected] 403-640-1363 [email protected] 403-225-3480 [email protected] 403-567-6600 [email protected] 403-271-8044 403-283-8348 [email protected] 403-827-5653 [email protected] 1 844 299-2466 403-203-9152 [email protected] 403-203-9152 [email protected] Hall Rental Inquiries Willow Ridge Community Hall For information, please call 403-271-8044 and/or [email protected] Pg. 4 January 2015 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Important Hey Parents! Your Official Newsletter ALL EMERGENCY CALLS Numbers Need a Sitter?! 911 Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre 403.253.5250 Alberta Health Care 403.310.0000 AHS Addictions Hotline 1.866.332.2322 ATCO Gas – 24 Hour Emergency 403.245.7222 Calgary HEALTH LINK 24/7 403.943.5465 Calgary Police – Non Emergency 403.266.1234 Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter 403.234.7233 Child Abuse Hotline 1.800.387.5437 Child Find – Alberta 403.270.3463 Distress/Crisis Line 403.266.4357 ENMAX – Power Trouble 403.514.6100 Poison Centre – Alberta 1.800.332.1414 Suicide Crisis Line 1.800.784.2433 HOSPITALS/URGENT CARE Alberta Children’s Hospital 403.955.7211 Foothills Hospital 403.944.1110 Rockyview General Hospital 403.943.3000 South Calgary Urgent Care 403.943.9300 South Health Campus 403.956.1111 OTHER Calgary Humane Society 403.205.4455 Calgary Parking Authority 403.537.7100 Calgary Senior’s Resource Call Before You Dig City of Calgary 403.266.6200 1.800.242.3447 403.268.3888 Elder Abuse Resource Line (65+) 403.705.3250 Fish Creek Library 403.221.2090 Kerby Centre for the 55 plus 403.705.3246 City Hall 403.268.2111 City Hall - Mayor’s Office 403.268.5622 1.877.262.4997 Trico Centre 403.278.7542 Weather Information 403.299.7878 Pg. 5 January 2015 Babysitter’s List L A UNCHI NG F E B RUA RY 2 0 1 5 ! Name Age Phone# Sitting Course First Aid YOUR NAME HERE! Email us at [email protected] to be added! YOUR NAME HERE! Email us at [email protected] to be added! YOUR NAME HERE! Email us at [email protected] to be added! ARE YOU 12 OR OLDER and would like to put your name on our list to be called for babysitting jobs in the community? Email [email protected] today. WRCA accepts no responsibility as a regulatory body, nor does the Association endorse or screen any of those listed or who use the service. Please email [email protected] if you wish to have your name added to the list. Please note: Babysitters under the age of 18 years must have parental consent before they can be placed on the list. Dayhomes/cares are not accepted. 211 and 311 City of Calgary - Parks & Rec. Road Conditions – Calgary Your Community l Please Note: The opinions expressed within any published article, report or submission reflect those of the author and should not be considered to reflect those for the Community Association or the publisher of this newsletter. The information contained in this newsletter is believed to be accurate, but is not warranted to be so. Thank you. The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge willow ridge Community Updates Your Official Community Newsletter Willow Ridge Monthly Board of Directors Meetings Are held the Third Tuesday of each Month (Excluding July & August) and commence at 7:00 pm. Wanted!!! The Community Association is in HIGH NEED of volunteers to fill positions on the Board. Please Volunteer! If you would like to make a brief presentation to the Board, please notify the WRCA office at least three (3) days prior to the meeting date and state the topic you wish to address. Note to self... To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are. Willow Ridge Community Association Editorial Policy With resp e c t to th e WRCA Ne w s l e tte r : • All content appears at the discretion of the Board. • Advertorial must be marked as such. • All editorial may be edited due to space. • Priority of content in Newsletter: • WRCA News. • Community Events. • School Content. • Senior and Youth programs and content. • Political representation (limited to representatives elected by members of this community ie: if their name appeared on a ballot and they were elected). Willow Ridge News (Deadlines) Community Content and Ads... Submission Deadlines Community content is due on the 10th of the month, for the following month’s issue. Do you have anything you would like to submit? Do you have anything special and personal you would like to annouce or share - engagement, marriage, sympathy? Please forward to us at [email protected] Ads are due on the 15th of the month, for the following month’s issue. Newsletter Ad Sales: [email protected] Pg. 6 January 2015 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Community Your Official Newsletter Services Sledding Safety Alberta Health Services, EMS would like to remind parents and children of some basic sledding safety tips as the winter season continues. Sledding injuries can result from collisions with stationary objects such as trees and rocks or with other people on the hill. Unprotected falls can result in injury if you lose control at high speeds. Everyone is at risk – especially children. Educate your family how to stay safe by following these simple reminders and have a fun day on the toboggan hill. Equipment Plan ahead • • • • Ensure your sled is in good condition. Do not use sleds with broken parts, sharp edges, or splits in the material. Currently, there are no helmets designed specifically for sledding. However children should wear a properly fitted helmet designed for high impact collisions, such as hockey, cycling, or climbing helmets. • • • Hazards • • • Avoid hills that are too steep, or too icy – you can lose control very quickly. Choose hills free of obstacles such as trees, rocks, utility poles, or fences. Be mindful of clothing that contains drawstrings, or loose clothing, such as scarves, which can present a choking hazard if they become caught or snagged. • ress warmly in layers and anticipate weather changes. D Consider bringing extra sets of gloves and toques to exchange wet garments for dry ones. Take breaks to warm up out of the cold. Ensure frostbite hasn’t affected any exposed skin. Even when properly protected from the elements, the finger tips, toes, ears, the tip of the nose, and other high points on the face such as the forehead and cheek bones can be affected by frostbite. If frost bite has occurred, treat it by first removing the individual out of the cold environment. Gently warm the affected skin by placing a warm hand over it or by placing the affected part in warm water (not hot; ~41°C max.) until re-warmed Having access to a survival/first-aid kit within your vehicle is also advised. Your spare room could save her life. Foster Help us provide temporary care and shelter to cats and kittens in-need. Learn more at meowfoundation.com/foster Pg. 7 January 2015 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge Protect your family and kids online T he digital age has changed the landscape of parenting. Many parents feel out of their depth watching their kids go online to do homework, or to chat with a friend through a new app or online game. While parents and caregivers may need more time to catch up to tech-savvy young people today, there are certain things they know instinctively about how to stay safe – in the real world and online. We don’t have to know how to message someone, chat online, or make a video call to see the warning signs. Here are some helpful tips to make sure your family knows how to stay safe online: • Talk about safety and the unknown: Inform children about the risks of opening emails or texts from senders they don’t know, or what to do if a stranger contacts them. Discuss different scenarios and possible reactions. For example, if they get a text saying they should follow a link to collect a prize, tell your child to simply delete the message. Pg. 8 January 2015 • Make password protection a priority. Children should know that their online information will be better protected if they use passwords. They should use different passwords for different sites and they should change them regularly. Make passwords strong (eight characters or more and a variety of letters, numbers and special characters), and never share them with anyone. • Make wise choices. Choose usernames for games and accounts that don’t reveal personal details about your child such as their location, what school they go to, their age or their full name. • Check your anti-spy and anti-virus software. Make sure your computer is fully loaded and up to date with this protection. New laptops often come with anti-virus software on a trial basis. Be sure to renew it or install new software when the trial period ends. • Trusted source. When downloading files and apps from the Internet, make sure they are from a trusted source. • Emphasize the importance of protecting mobile devices. The first thing anyone should do with a new mobile device is activate a passcode. Talk to your kids about this, and the importance of protecting the device itself. A device that gets into the wrong hands could result in videos or pictures being posted online by someone else in your child’s name. • Remind kids that what they post on the Internet is not always private. Once something is posted online, you no longer have control over it. It can be forwarded, copied and pasted, manipulated, printed out or saved – it can remain online, in some form, potentially forever. • Teach your kids to think before they click. It can take only seconds to snap a photo and post it to the Internet, or to post a comment. But it can be nearly impossible to permanently delete that comment or photo once it’s posted. They should only post things that they would be comfortable with the whole world seeing. Protect while you connect. More information is available online at GetCyberSafe.ca. — www.newscanada.com Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Hey kids! Want to Work?! Have Shovel WILL TRAVEL! Name Age 403-452-2911 Phone# YOUR NAME HERE! Email us at [email protected] to be added! YOUR NAME HERE! Email us at [email protected] to be added! YOUR NAME HERE! Email us at [email protected] to be added! For all your plumbing needs! ARE YOU 14 OR OLDER AND WOULD LIKE TO MAKE SOME EXTRA MONEY OVER THE WINTER? Put your name on our list to be called for sidewalk shoveling jobs in the community? Email [email protected] today. WRCA accepts no responsibility as a regulatory body, nor does the Association endorse or screen any of those listed or who use the service. CONCRETE CUTTING FOR BASEMENT WINDOWS AND DOORWAYS OFF % The skate room is managed by Volunteers and is scheduled to be OPEN Saturday and Sunday 10:00 am – 9:00 pm During the week the Preschool Classes also use the skate room until 3:00 pm. Mention this ad at the time of your booking & receive 10% off. Please Keep the Room CLEAN! Some conditions may apply. 403-689-8959 Follow the ICE reports on @WillowRidgeYYC [email protected] Pg. 9 January 2015 To All Skaters: Exceptions would be for extremely cold conditions. Cut, Supplied & Installed ASAP CONCRETE CUTTING & CORING www.plumbingparamedics.ca Monday to Friday 1:00 pm – 9:00 pm Please email [email protected] if you wish to have your name added to the list. Please note: Kids under the age of 18 years must have parental consent before they can be placed on the list. 10 $25.00 off any plumbing or heating repair over $200.00. Expires Jan. 31/15 Need a bigger window? l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge Willow Ridge Community Association Willow Ridge memberships can be completed and either mailed or dropped off to: Willow Ridge Community Association, 680 Acadia Drive S.E. Calgary, AB T2J 0C1 Why Join the Community Association? You will help make this a better community in which to live. • Willow Ridge residents receive 20% discount on Trico Centre memberships with payment of the Community Support fee. ( $30.00 per individuals/family membership , $15.00 per senior membership) 100% of the community support fee goes back to the WillowRidge Community Association. You may bring your Trico Centre Community Support fee receipt to Willow Ridge Community Association and receive a community association membership. • The Vice President of the Association can help you adress such concerns as traffic problems. • Willow Ridge publishes your Newsletter to keep you up to date on Community happenings. Your membership helps support this publication. • Memberships help to pay for the upkeep of the Community Centre and its amenities, including tennis & sport courts, hockey & lacrosse rink and soccer fields. • Membership will give you a discount on Hall Rental Fees and Social Functions. • Your children will be able to participate in any community sport. • Membership will give you a say and a vote on community issues. Memberships are $30 per family and $15 for Seniors (55 and older) per year. Check out our website: www.willowridge.ca for information, current news, upcoming events... and more! Don’t wait! Buy your Annual Membership Today! Memberships are $30 per family and $15 for Seniors (55 and older) per year. Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Spouse/Partner Name: ____________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________ Postal Code: _____________ Contact Number: _______________________________________ E-Mail: __________________________________________________________________________ Number of Children: _____________________________________________________________ Age/s of Children: ________________________________________________________________ Yes, please contact me about volunteering: ___________________________________________ ________________________________ NAME PHONE Please complete and mail or drop off to the Willow Ridge Community Association. Thank you for supporting your Community Association! Address: 680 Acadia Drive S.E. Calgary, Alberta T2J 0C1 FRONT DESK HOURS: Monday - Friday: 1:00 - 5:00 pm, Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays: Closed Pg. 10 January 2015 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! It’s A New Year and It May be Time for You To Make A Change! If you are thinking of relocating, now is a great time to have your home evaluated! At Royal LePage Foothills, we have buyers for homes in your area. Let’s have a coffee and talk about the current market, what’s happening in your area, and ianne to discuss my marketing action plan! D DeLong Realtor® After all, I don’t just work in your area, I live here too! Ph: 403-225-5000 [email protected] www.diannedelong.com Pg. 11 January 2015 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge ØÃıį±±į ØĽd 9 ğįQį ğÃæįıîįıÀį ØÃıį±±įØĽdįÃçį'PæĽPğŎį PæįğqÃʼnįPçį H)A:!Fį ğį´Ãďįį PØÙį³řĶ±ā³Âřêřřį íğįıPÃØĥ & Associates, LLP Certified General Accountants Professional services provided: • • • • • • • • • Preparation of financial statements (audit, review and compilation) Bookkeeping Personal tax returns Corporate tax returns Personal and corporate tax planning Payroll and T4s, T5s Accounting software training Incorporation and dissolution of company Administration of health spending accounts Suite 200, 8180 MacLeod Trail SE Calgary, Alberta T2H 2B8 Phone: (403) 253-4188 Website: www.lynllp.com Acadia Dental SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT We Welcome New Patients & Emergencies Dr. Bob Do you have a dental question or concern? Call us to arrange a complimentary, no obligation consultation. Pg. 12 January 2015 403-252-0303 #201 - 8330 Fairmount Dr S.E. Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! C algary ’ s B est I ndoor B ootcamp and Voted T op F itness C lub for 2 0 1 4 PHONE: 587-777-3378 7730 Macleod Trail SE Unit 4R G et your 1 st month for $ 2 0 , after your F R E E C lass . B ring in this coupon and get your F I R S T class for • • • • FREE! v italityfitnesscalgary. com ! Group Based Personal Training Lose Weight Improve Energy Increase Strength and Fitness Coupon expires January 31/15 Pg. 13 January 2015 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge things to do Friends of Fish Creek F ish C reek C ommunity F air Your Official Community Newsletter Would You Like to Volunteer in Fish Creek? The Friends of Fish Creek Need You! Saturday, Feb. 28, 2015 1:00pm -4:00pm Fish Creek Environmental Learning Centre, Shannon Terrace, Fish Creek Provincial Park (13931 Woodpath Rd. SW - Access via 130 Ave. SW and 37 St. SW) If you live close to Fish Creek Provincial Park, a natural urban oasis we are fortunate to have within our own backyard, then you are part of the Fish Creek Community! No matter your age, skill level or physical ability, the Friends of Fish Creek have volunteer opportunities for you to get involved in helping to engage the community, raise awareness and maximize peoples’ enjoyment of this area. Come to the Fish Creek CommUnity Fair to learn about amazing programs, courses, events and opportunities taking place in 2015. The ground may still be covered in snow, but Spring starts now in Fish Creek! For more info, please visit www.friendsoffishcreek.org/event/fccuf FISH CREEK SPEAKER SERIES Fire Management in Kananaskis Country Effective control of wildfires over the last century has led to the near-elimination of fires that once shaped the vegetation of Alberta. Loss of fire from the landscape is causing dramatic changes to our forests and grasslands, affecting species diversity, how ecosystems function, and the resilience of ecosystems to natural disturbances and changing climate. Come and take a historical walk through time to view landscape change in Kananaskis Country, and learn how Alberta Parks is dealing with these complex challenges. Registration required. Thursday, Feb. 19, 2015: - 7pm - 8pm Presented by Scott Jevons, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Specialist and Fire Ecologist with Alberta Parks in Kananaskis Country For more information or to Register visit www.friendsoffishcreek.org/event/fire Pg. 14 January 2015 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Carriage House Inn “We Take Great Care of You” JOIN US IN OUR 9030 DINING ROOM ELEGANT DINING FINE WINES MAGNIFICENT CUISINE OPEN 5PM-9PM NEWLY RENOVATED PEANUTS PUBLIC HOUSE SPORTS VIEWING AT ITS BEST! HOME OF THE FAMOUS STEAK SANDWICH Address: 9030 Macleod Trail South Pg. 15 January 2015 Phone : (403) 253-1101 l Website: www.carriagehouse.net The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge With Dr. Lori Keeler Frequently Asked Animal Dental Questions 1. Why does my pet have bad breath? Halitosis comes from many sources but the most common is overgrowth of bacteria in the mouth. Normal breath in dogs and cats should not smell bad, but may smell of the food they just ate, which should clear in an hour or so. Other causes of halitosis are kidney or stomach disease. 2. How often should I brush my pet’s teeth? For best results, teeth should be brushed daily. 3. Why must my pet’s teeth be pulled? Teeth are usually extracted because of severe periodontal disease, fractures, leasions similar to cavities, misalignment and other problems that cause discomfort or difficulty swallowing. tooth is below the gum line where you cannot see it, and so is 2/3 of the disease which can cause tooth loss and pain. Therefore an appropriate professional cleaning involves anesthesia to allow a thorough examination and diagnosis, dental x-rays to assess bone and tooth root health by a trained veterinarian, along with scaling and polishing. 6. my cat picks up his food and drops it. Why? Droping food may be a sign of tooth pain caused by a condition similar to tooth decay. This cat should be examined, dental radiographs may also be indicated. 4. My pet’s teeth are loose; what should I do? Loose teeth are caused by fractures, periodontal disease, cancer and many other problems. An examination and dental radiographs are recommended. 7. Is my pet too old for anesthesia? For older animals the actual risk needs to be evaluated by the doctor because each patient is different. Blood profiles, chest xrays, and other tests may be performed before the procedure to fully evaluate the risk. But most of them can undergo anesthesia without problems. 5. Why do you use anesthesia to clean my pet’s teeth? Non-anesthetic cleaning is only a cosmetic action. It may clean the surface you see, but 2/3 of the animals 8. My pet’s tooth is fractured. What should I do? Only two choices for treatment are practical. The veterinarian may extract the tooth or perform root canal therapy. Leaving it alone is not an option because it will result in infection of the pulp (probably already present), which can cause pain and other medical problems. Even if the pet is eating and acting normal, the fracture should be evaluated and treated. 9. My pet has both baby teeth and adult teeth in place. What should I do? This is a common problem, especially in small breeds. Baby teeth should all have fallen out by 6 months of age, if not the baby teeth must be surgically removed to allow sufficient space for the adult teeth. If this is not done as soon as it is discovered it may cause permanent orothodontic problems. Have them evaluated right away. 10. What kind of food is best for my pet’s teeth? There are a lot of pet foods available today. Many claim to be good for the pet’s oral health. BUT, only those which have the Veterinary Oral Health Council seal of approval (VOHC seal), have proven through research that they do what they claim. Some control plaque, and some mechanically clean the teeth. January is Dental Health Awareness Month Chinook Animal Clinic 9945 Fairmount Dr. SE Pg. 16 January 2015 Schedule your pet’s dental exam now, appointments are filling up fast. www.chinookvet.com 403-278-9311 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Community Your Official Newsletter Services A message from the Federation of Calgary Communities Building Safe Communities Program Have you ever wondered about the too good to be true deal that you see on Kijiji or Ebay? Did you know that for every $100 you spend on merchandise that $20 of it goes into loss prevention measures related to theft? Organized retail crime (ORC) is ‘professional’ shoplifting done by organized groups of people. Did you know that ORC is the fastest growing method of how criminal enterprises generate revenue to continue illicit activities in North America. Want to learn more? Hello! My name is Miranda Lee. I’m a born and raised Calgarian and mommy of three little girls. I recently started a line of baby clothing called Joined At The Hip Babywear. The idea is that all of the outfits are one piece but you would never know it—they look like separates. A full outfit, but it’s a onesie. I’m extending the 20% discount to readers of this community newsletter until the end of January, just enter promo code COMNEWS at checkout. Thanks for supporting a local entrepreneur! www.joinedatthehip.ca Published by: Partners in Crime Prevention Workshop: Organized Retail Crime (ORC) How does ORC affect you and your community? Learn what you can do as consumer, and what programs are available to you a business owner from Cst. Sampson and Cst. Critchley of the Calgary Police Service Crime Prevention Unit. Mind’s Design SERVING COMMUNITY RESIDENTS, COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS & LOCAL BUSINESSES FOR OVER 10 YEARS! www.mindsdesign.ca ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS TODAY! Reach Over 190,000 Potential Customers! Date: Tuesday January 13, 2015 Location: Bridgeland Riverside Community Association at 917 Centre Ave NE 403-203-9152 Time: 7pm-9pm Cost: FREE for all Calgarians Register at www.calgarycommunities.com/workshops-events Pg. 17 January 2015 Every outfit is all one piece - from the head to the feet! Joined At The Hip makes dressing your baby easy because you have other things to worry about. l [email protected] Your community newsletter is delivered by: l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge SCHOOL listings École St Cecilia French Immersion Elementary School 610 Agate Cres SE Tel: 403-500-2040 École Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix 809, boulevard Willgdon SE, 403-271-5544 École St. Mathew School 416 - 83 Avenue SE, 403-500-2300 Pg. 18 January 2015 Fairview School 7840 Fairmount Drive SE, 403-777-7900 Mapleridge Cooperative Preschool 600 Acadia Drive SE Tel: 403-278-9594 Maple Ridge School 10203 Maplemont Road SE, 403-777-6280 R.T. Alderman School 725 Mapleton Drive SE, 403-777-7520 St. Bonaventure Junior High School 1710 Acadia Drive SE, 403-500-2062 St. Philip Fine Arts School 13825 Parkside Dr. SE, 403-500-2072 St. William School 11020 Fairmount Drive SE Tel: 403-500-2055 Willow Park Preschool 680 Acadia Drive SE Tel: 403-271-7016 Willow Park Arts Centred Learning 343 Willow Park Dr SE Tel: 403-777-6900 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Community Your Official Newsletter Civic Chat Hon. Jonathan Denis Q.C. Minister of Justice and Solicitor General MLA Calgary Acadia 10, 8318 Fairmount Drive SE 403-640-1363 | [email protected] www.jonathandenis.com Serving: Riverbend, Southwood, Fairview, Acadia, Willowpark, Mapleridge January is always an exciting time of year. It is a time when we reflect on the previous year and look forward to the New Year with optimism. There will be challenges with the lower price of oil, but I choose to look at the challenges as opportunities for a better way of doing business for the people of Alberta. I would encourage you to contact the office and give me your thoughts and feedback on the fall session and the upcoming Spring Session. Albertans Encouraged To Get Medical Insurance Before Traveling Many of us travel to warmer climates in the middle of winter. I admit the thoughts of warmer weather are enticing for me too. I would just encourage you to plan ahead. There are a number of things Albertans can do to ensure they will be adequately covered for unexpected health care expenses when they travel. Before leaving the country, Albertans should: • • • • Make sure they understand which services the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan covers outside of Alberta and what is not covered. Purchase travel medical insurance and make sure they understand what is covered under this policy and what is not covered. Some policies will restrict or limit coverage for certain factors, such as a pre-existing medical condition. Disclose all the medications they take in the health section of the travel insurance form. Pack their Alberta Personal Health Card, travel insurance documents and the emergency contact number for their travel insurance. Anyone unsure about what their travel medical insurance policy covers or what is considered a pre-existing medical condition should talk to their insurance provider. Pg. 19 January 2015 l Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right. ~ Oprah Winfrey Three hundred and eighty hectares of undisturbed native grassland has been donated to Alberta’s provincial parks system. At the request of donor Gottlob Schmidt, who resides on the land near Hanna, the land will become Antelope Hill Provincial Park. Antelope Hill has high ecological value because it has never been cultivated. It features rare native grasslands, aspen groves and healthy wetlands in addition to being home to a variety of wildlife, including the thirteen-lined ground squirrel, deer and elk. “I’m very happy to make this donation to the province and the people of Alberta. I’ve lived on this land since 1933 and my wish is to preserve the land in its natural state for future generations.” Gottlob Schmidt The park will be managed for wildlife purposes and low-impact recreational uses such as hiking. Hunting, overnight camping and off-highway vehicle use will not be permitted within the park. Antelope Hill will become Alberta’s 76th provincial park and increase the provincial parks land base to more than 221,000 hectares. Alberta’s parks system includes almost 2.8 million hectares of land under a variety of designations, including Provincial Recreation Areas, Wildland Provincial Parks and Ecological Reserves that support conservation, preservation and recreation opportunities. As your MLA, you are always welcome to contact me with questions, suggestions or concerns. In fact, your communication with my office helps me do my job. Contact my office anytime at 403-640.1363. You can also follow what I am doing as your MLA and as the Minister of Justice on Facebook, Twitter and my website. Facebook: Facebook.com/jonathandenismla Twitter: twitter.com/jonathandenismla Website: jonathandenis.com The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge Girl Guides Blackfoot District Your Official Community Newsletter Happy New Year One and All 2015 marks the 102nd anniversary of Girl Guides in Alberta and you might want your daughter to try something new. Think about joining this long standing program aimed at promoting self development and friendship in women. Guiding is a great place to learn new skills, experience new adventures and build lasting friendships. Guiding welcomes girls of all ages from kindergarten through to high school and beyond. Sparks Brownies Guides Pathfinders Rangers Leaders ECS & Grade 1 or (5&6 year olds) Grades 2 & 3 or (7&8 year olds) Grades 4, 5 & 6 or (9 to 12 year olds) Grades 7, 8 & 9 or (12 to 15 year olds) Grades 10, 11 & 12 or (15 to 17 year olds) (18 years and over) The Spark units will be visiting the fire hall, playing games, learning about our feathered friends and making a bird feeder. The Brownie units will be skating, learning some camp skills at Brownie Academy at Camp Jubilee and working on badges. The Guide units will be sledding, having sleep-overs and snow shoeing. S R T P I N EA A L L A G D K Y The Pathfinder units will be going to camp, glass fusing and doing a service project as they work towards their Canada Cord. The Ranger units will be camping, covering program work and service projects as they work towards their Commonwealth and Commissioner’s Award. The Trex will be prepping for winter camping. Upcoming District activities include roller skating at Lloyd’s in early February. The 24th Pathfinders and 17th Rangers would like to thank residents of Willow Park and Mapleridge who supported their bottle drive in December. Registration is on going. Guiding is a great place to grow lasting friendships and experience new opportunities. Why not give us a try! If you have any questions regarding Guiding or registration please contact Calgary Area Girl Guides at [email protected] or call 403-283-8348. Girl Greatness Starts Here! First 2000 Days. First 5000 Words. The first 2000 days of a child’s life… yes, between birth and kindergarten… are when 85% of the brain’s pathways are developed. This is the best time to introduce the foundations of literacy. Most reading problems are preventable by providing a literacy-rich environment in all the days before kindergarten. Join us for a coffee and a conversation. Free open house to learn about your child’s first 2000 days and to gather resources that are available in your community. Wednesday January 21 from 1:30-2:30pm Banting & Best School (1819 66 Avenue SE) RSVP: [email protected] Pg. 20 January 2015 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Attention Calgary property owners On the Assessment Search website you can access: ❯ detailed information about your own property(s). ❯ real estate market sales information used to prepare assessments. ❯ summary information on other properties for comparison. On Jan. 5, 2015, The City of Calgary will mail the 2015 property assessment notices. Your notice contains important information, including your Access Code to register for the Assessment Search website. First-time users will need to complete a two-step registration process: 1. Create a City of Calgary myID account. 2. Link your property assessment to your myID account. When you receive your 2015 assessment notice in January, go to calgary.ca/assessmentsearch and sign in with your myID. Enter the Roll Number and Access Code displayed on your notice. 2014-2361 For more information, visit calgary.ca/assessmentsearch. Assessment Search – getting started calgary.ca | 403-268-2888 Onward/ Increase online services for citizens. 2014-2361 2015 CRP Community Newsletter Ad.MDS.FP.indd 1 2014-2361 CRP Community Newsletter Ads Publication: Mindʼs Design Studio Section: Newsletter Publications Insertion Date: December 12/2014 Size: 6.5" x 3.85" Prints: BW HOME shredding JUST DOESN’T cut IT anymore. Pg. 21 January 2015 Designer: D. Blais CSA: J. Wong P/A: M. Zielinski 2014-12-11 2:53 PM MAYBE IT’S TIME TO TRY AMA SECURE DOCUMENT DISPOSAL. Secure Document Disposal is our great NEW service that protects you from identity theft. Just buy a secure envelope from us (for members its only $3.50!), fill it with your personal documents (including credit cards and stapled items), then bring it back to any AMA Centre and we’ll safely destroy it for you. It’s way more convenient than using a home shredder. Easy peasy. Safe and secure. Visit AMARegistries.ca/Secure for more info. l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge Your t y i u m n Com ADS!!! Temperature got you down? IED F I S S A CL To place your classified ad, contact Bobbie-Jo at 403-203-9152 or email: [email protected] today! Community Members Can Receive Discounts! ART CLASSES FOR KIDS 2015 Winter Trimester Theme: Australia & N Zealand animals, people, landscapes, culture Mon - Riverbend; Tues Strathcona; Wed Queensland; Fri Braeside Feb 17 to Apr 29, 4:30 to 6 pm. For registration, schedule & fees, email [email protected] Instructor away Dec-Jan. www.originalpaint.ca BR plumbing & Renovations LTD. Residential services, plumbing repairs and new installations, hot water tanks, taps/toilets, sumpumps, drain cleaning and home renovations. We are just minutes away! 403-923-2918 (24 hr services). CONCRETE CUTTING FOR BASEMENT WINDOWS and DOORWAYS - Cut, Supplied & Installed. Doorways Cutting - Concrete Wall Cutting - Concrete Floor Cutting Core Drilling - Any Size. Excavation/Window Well Supplied & Installed - Weeping Tile Installation. Phone 403-689-8959 Email: [email protected] See our display ad on page 9. ELECTRICITY IS NOT A HOBBY! Call a licensed Electrician and Pot Light Specialist. No job is too small. Excellent rates. Call John at 403-281-5002/403-708-6555. Turn up the heat at Trico Centre Discover all the ways a Trico Centre membership will add some heat to your January. Trico Centre for Family Wellness 11150 Bonaventure Drive SE 403-278-7542 | www.tricocentre.ca “Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.” - Brad Paisley IS YOUR COMPUTER CAUSING YOU GRIEF? Feeling frustrated & don’t know where to start? Trusted, reliable technician (+15 yrs exp) offering personal, home based & small business computer services to suit your budget. Call Debra at DDL Computer Solutions: 403-630-2862 KING HOME INSPECTIONS – Licensed, Experienced and TRUSTED. Locally owned and operated, King Home Inspections is committed to providing the highest level of professional and friendly service to every client, every time. We give you the confidence and knowledge to make your decision the right one! For every inspection in December, we will donate $25.00 to the food bank on your behalf. Call 403-481-8800 or email [email protected] JUNK TO THE DUMP Disposal of residential/ commercial unwants including hard to handle. Move in/out & reno cleanups. We load. Fast service, competitive $$ & satisfaction guaranteed. Specializing in South Calgary. Call Sanil 403-616-2758. NEPTUNE PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. Residential and commercial service. Renovations, gas fitting and backflow testing. Fully licensed and insured with competitive rates. Customer satisfaction assured. CALL 403-255-7938, 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE. Pg. 22 January 2015 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! January is Moroccanoil Month January is Moroccanoil month at Esthetica Salon and Spa. Enter to WIN Moroccanoil Hair Care Products! Value ($400.00) Esthetica Salon & Spa - 611 Acadia Dr SE www.estheticasalonandspa.com Pg. 23 January 2015 l 403-278-2525 The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge OUR PARTNERS The McKenzie Team CRITICAL 10 GUIDEBOOK Questions and strategies to guide you through the five years before and after retirement. Contact us for your free copy at 403.776.6228 or visit www.BrianMcKenzie.net Richardson GMP Limited is a member of Canadian Investor Protection Fund. Richardson is a trade-mark of James Richardson & Sons Limited. GMP is a registered trade-mark of GMP Securities L.P. Both used under license by Richardson GMP Limited. RGMP-111 McKenzie Team_Ad_C10_6.5 x 3.80.indd 1 12/2/2014 8:57:43 AM 403.253.5678 24 Hours Cell: 403.714.4833 (text/voice) [email protected] Residential, Condo, Retirement and Investment Agent 1. I LIVE IN WILLOW RIDGE and care about the resale value of our area! 2. #1 RESIDENTIAL AGENT at Maxwell South Star out of 102 Realtors in 2013. 3. TOP SELLING RESIDENTIAL REALTOR SINCE 1992 AND GENERAL HOME RENOVATION CONTRACTOR FROM 1995 TO 2014. I know both sales and construction to provide you with complete real estate guidance. 4. RENOVATION SERVICES FOR BUYERS prompted by a home inspection or your differing tastes. REPAIR SERVICES FOR SELLERS to help you get more money! 5. CREATIVE LISTING OPTIONS, with 4 distinct marketing plans to satisfy many different seller’s needs, while still providing Nick Lima’s level of service. MaxWell South Star Realty #20, 8180 MacLeod Trail S, Calgary, AB T2H 2B8 6. A FREE MARKET EVALUATION during my job interview with you, which includes a list price and sold price analysis. 7. I can assist you in buying an older home by ANALYSING ACTUAL REPAIR COSTS prior to putting in an offer. Why pay for the home inspection, then afterwards, decide not to buy it? 8. Prior to having kids, I was consistently TOP 7 OUT OF 700 Realtors at Maxwell Realty 6 YEARS IN A ROW. Kids have grown. I AM BACK! 9. AN ADVANCED STAGING OPTION which applies principles of FLIPPING HOUSES to selling your own house. I have flipped for a profit over 36 homes in the last 21 years. Let me help you NET more. 10. I can guide you through a RENOVATION STEP BY STEP of any home built between 1942 and today. You can renovate yourself or hire someone to do it with confidence!
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