音楽家 大江 千里 - 週刊NY生活デジタル版

(63) [English Edition]
Japanese-Style Holidays
in NYC
Susan Hamaker
Geriatric Center
2014 Consul-General’s
New Year!
The holidays
are a magical
time in New
Fur Designer,
York, with
Chie Imai, Attends
lights and
the Christopher &
Dana Reeve
Foundation Gala
Tourists from around the world
Chie Imai,
come to see the tree at Rockefeller
designer and
Center and other attractions, while
owner of the
people who live here escape the
Isabella Geriatric Center in
city to visit loved ones.
Royal Chie,
As we begin the Year of the Manhattan was presented with the
attended A
Sheep, I am aware of the many Consul-General’s Commendation at
M a g i c a l
Japanese-themed holiday celebra- his official residence on December
Evening, a
The nonprofit, established in
gala for The
1875, provides healthcare and residential service for elders. It current- Christopher Reeve Christopher &
ly operates as a senior housing Dana Reeve Foundation at
tions found in New York. complex with a 705-bed care facili- Cipriani Wall Street in New York
Although we’re thousands of ty, senior citizen housing through on November 20.
The foundation was estabmiles away from Japan, New Isabella House and a variety of
lished by Dana Reeve, the widow
Yorkers can celebrate Christmas community programs.
The consul-general acknowl- of actor Christopher Reeve,
and the New Year in much the
edged Isabella’s remarkable effort
same way as the Japanese.
Japanese bakeries such as Pan to extend their services to Japanese
Ya and Café Zaiya sell Christmas seniors early on, a successful visit
cakes. Japanese companies and by the Japanese prime minister’s
prefectural associations host wife in September as well as other
Bonenkai to forget the past year contributions to the Japanese comand look forward to the next. We munity. Today, 30 Japanese senior
can purchase osechi ryori meals residents enjoy great care provided
from a handful of restaurants in in their mother tongue.
Mark Kator, Isabella’s president
New York and at Mitsuwa in New
Jersey. Many people have and C.E.O., congratulated the resi- Chie Imai (top left) with her son Chris
Oshogatsu parties at their homes dents and staff members in his (top center), Shigenobu Motoshima
(bottom center) and his mother Junko
and serve homemade osechi ryori. delighted greeting.
(top right)
New York State Senator Adriano
We can send nengajo to our
Chie Imai (center) with Reeve’ s sons, Matthew (left) and Will (right)
friends and family thanks to the Espaillat and Susan Onuma from known for his role as Superman.
proper stationery sold at the Japanese American Association Reeve became a quadriplegic the tenth time Ms. Imai has rehabilitation, he is now able to
after falling from a horse during attended the annual event and she walk again. He said, “seeing the
Kinokuniya and Muji. Kinokuniya delivered congratulatory speeches.
even has cute stickers and rubber Seventy guests, including 24 an equestrian competition in has donated about $200,000 to the foundation’s activities in the
stamps with Year of the Sheep Japanese residents of Isabella 1995. Their three children, foundation. Also in attendance United States gave me the hope to
characters so that we can adorn Geriatric Center, attended the com- Alexandra, Matthew and Will, was Dr. Shigenobu Motoshima, live positively.”
have now taken over the founda- who lives in Fukuoka, Japan. Mr.
mendation ceremony.
Ms. Imai received the
our nengajo.
In New York, we are never far (Kaoru Komi/ Translated by Hiroko tion that is dedicated to the cure Motoshima suffered a spinal cord Commander of the Order of the
for spinal cord injury. This was injury while swimming, but after Lion of Finland earlier this year
away from Japan.
and hopes to one day spread her
(Susan is the writer/editor of
NY COOL JAPAN is the English Edition of SHUKAN NY SEIKATSU
charity work to Japan.
JapanCultureNYC, an EnglishNEW YORK SEIKATSU PRESS, INC., 71 W 47 St, Suite 307 New York NY 10036 USA
(Ryoichi Miura/ Translated by
language website for all things
Editor in chief: Ryoichi Miura, Associate Editor: Travis Suzaka, Editor: Sayaka Murayama
Mai Moore)
Japanese in New York.)
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COOL JAPAN from New Yorkers' Viewpoints
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