Main Menu Dam Safety 2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS To Use this Table of Contents: Scroll down or use the bookmarks in the left-hand frame to move to a new location in this index. Click on a blue paper title to view that paper. To return to this index after viewing a paper, click the PREVIOUS MENU bookmark in the left frame. Some of the Material on this CD-ROM was created from scanning each author’s paper originals. Viewing of the text and graphics and the ease of readability will depend largely on content requiring scanning and the quality and/or consistency of each author’s paper original. Monday, September 8 10:30 am – 12:00 noon Session I: Dam Owner Issues Design & Construction of The Olivenhain RCC Dam Gerard E. Reed, III, P.E., Senior Civil Engineer, San Diego County Water Authority, San Diego, CA; Michael F. Rogers, P.E., Design Engineer, Design Engineer, Parsons-Harza, J.V., Escondido, CA; Joseph L. Ehasz, P.E., Construction Management Project Manager, Vice President, Washington Infrastructure Services, Inc., Escondido, CA; and Glenn S. Tarbox, Vice President, MWH, Bellevue, WA Protecting Your Investment: Why Propety Owners Associations Should Own Community Dams Lisa A. Cahill, President, Watershed Services, Mechanicsville, VA Enjoying Dams Safely: An Industry Perspective on Public Safety (Abstract Only) Tony Bennett, Director, Dam Safety; Kim Froats, Senior Advisor, Health & Safety; Bill McKinlay, Senior Affairs Advisor; and Lyle Rowat, Hydroelectric Plant Officer, Ontario Power Generation, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Session II: Advancing Technology Relation K & K to SPT and CPT Penetration Resistance for Use in Evaluating Liquefaction Potential I.M. Idriss, Professor; and Ross W. Boulanger, Professor, University of California, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Davis, CA Application of 3-Dimensional Laser-Scan Survey Technology in Dam Safety Investigations James A. Mumford, Safety of Dams Program Manager, US Bureau of Reclamation, Boise, ID; and Danial L. Perry, President, Arrow Scan Corporation, Meridian, ID Reliability and Performance of Inflatable Dams Paul G. Schweiger, P.E., Senior Project Manager; and William B. Bingham, P.E., Vice President, Gannett Fleming Inc., Harrisburg, PA Session III: Hydrology and PMP Comparison of Temporal Rainfall Distributions for Near Probable Maximum Precipitation Storm Events for Dam Design James N. Moore, P.E., Civil Engineer; and Ray C. Riley, P.E., Watershel Planning Specialist, USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service, Little Rock, AR Storm Distribution Developed from World Curve Data and Its Potential Areal Application Ray C. Riley, P.E., Watershed Planning Specialist; and James N. Moore, P.E., Civil Engineer, USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service, Little Rock, AR Site-Specific Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) for the Cherry Creek Drainage Basin, Colorado Edward M. Tomlinson, Chief Scientist; and Ross Williams, Applied Weather Associates, Monument, CO; and Larry Lang, Colorado Water Conservation Board, Denver, CO 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Session I: Ice Stability and Drainage: Two Birds with One Stone Todd M. Rudolph, P.E., Water Resources Engineer; and Dean S. Steines, P.E., Water Resources Engineer, Ayres Associates, Eau Claire, WI The Behavior of Fusegates in Ice Affected Environments Hasan T. Kocahan, Business Development Manager, Hydroplus Inc., Arlington, VA; and V.B. Rodionov, Director, Center for Hydraulic Research Institute of Energy Structures, Moscow, Russia Session II: Seismic Issues Jed Johnson Dam Rehabilitation and Seismic Reinforcement Gregg Batchelder Adams, P.E., Program Manager; and Mark Kalvels, Program Manager, US Fish & Wildlife Service, Lakewood, CO; and Ying-Kit Choi, P.E., Principal, BasePoint Design Corporation, Aurora, CO Fixer - Upper: Close to School, Fishing and Fault; Needs Plumbing & Hydroelectic Turbine Robert A. Joyet, P.E., Senior Geotechnical Engineer; and Rodney W. Eisenbraun, Vice President, ECI, an AECOM Company, Greenwood Village, CO Reanalysis and Seismic Strengthening of Thompson Creek Dam, California Tim Keuscher, Senior Geotechnical Engineer, Geomatrix Consultants, Inc., Costa Mesa, CA; Faiz Makdisi, Principal Engineer; and Zhi-Liang Wang, Senior Engineer, Geomatrix Consultants, Inc., Oakland, CA Session III: State Dam Safety Program Issues “Would I Want to Live in That House?” - A Case Study in Cost Effective Hazard Classifications David M. Leone, Hydrologist; and Peter H. Baril, P.E., Associate Principal, GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc., Norwood, MA; and Paul Guglielmino, P.E., Senior Sanitary Engineer, Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, Providence, RI 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Session I: Risk Incremental Damage Analysis - The Perverse Perspective and The Lessons from Success and Failure Richard L. Pearce, P.E., Associate Engineer, Boyle Engineering Corporation, Denver, CO The Use of Flood Damage Analysis in Dam Rehabilitation and Repair Carlos Carriaga, Ph.D, P.E., Project Manager, Dibble & Associates, Inc., Phoenix, AZ; William C. Jenkins, P.E., Senior Engineer, Dam Safety; and Jon M. Benoist, P.E., Senior Engineer, Dam Safety, Arizona Department of Water Resources, Phoenix, AZ Probabilistic Hydrologic Forecasts: An Essential Component of Risk Management Michael M. DeWeese, Senior Hydrologist, North Central River Forecast Center, and Steven D. Buan, Hydrology Program Manager, Weather Forecast Office, National Weather Service, Chanhassen, MN Session II: Case Studies in Dam Rehabilitation A Dangerous Place to Dig, Excavation at the Toe of Saluda Dam Elena Sossenkina, Monitoring Coordinator, Paul C. Rizzo Associates, Inc., Lexington, SC; and Scott G. Newhouse, P.E., Senior Engineer, and Matt Glunt, Graduate Engineer, Paul C. Rizzo Associates, Inc., Monroeville, PA Standardized Design Results in Cost-Effective Remediation of Nine Dams Charles B. Wilson, P.E., Schnabel Engineering Inc., Alpharetta, GA The Historic Rehabilitation of Pine River Dam Neil T. Schwanz, P.E., Geotechnical Engineer, US Army Corps of Engineers, Saint Paul, MN; and William J. Forsmark, P.E., Vice President, Barr Engineering Co., Minneapolis, MN Session III: Spillways Increasing Spillway Capacity at Bee Tree Dam Russell A. Bendel, P.E., Senior Engineer, Donald L. Basinger, P.E., Senior Vice President, and Robert P. Cannon, P.G., Senior Vice President, Schnabel Engineering Inc., Greensboro, NC Stepped Spillways Reduce MAC Project Costs Guy S. Lund, P.E., Consulting Civil/Structural Engineer, URS Corporation, Denver, CO; and Beth Keister, P.E., Project Manager, URS Corporation, Minneapolis, MN Improving an Urban Dam for a Second Century of Service Brian S. Johnson, Senior Project Manager; and Joe Green-Heffern, Senior Project Manager, GEI Consultants Inc., Englewood, CO; Roger Lindquist, Project Engineer, CH2M Hill, Corvallis, OR; and Don Deere, Principal, Tetra Tech RMC, Longmont, CO Tuesday, September 9 8:30 am – 10:00 am General Session: Meeting Today’s Challenges: The Security of Dams Mixing Recreation and Security: Can They Go Together? Dr. Peter Tarlow, President, Tourism & More, College Station, TX Vulnerability of Dams to Terrorist Attacks (Abstract Only) Landon K. Davis and Gordon McMahon, Army Engineer Research and Development Center, US Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, MS 10:30 am – 12:00 noon Session I: Security at Dams Observations and Insights on the Application of the RAM-D Methodology to Dam Vulnerability and Security Studies John W. France, P.E., Vice President; and Richard A. Millet, P.E., Vice President, URS Corporation, Denver, CO Bureau of Reclamation Security Program and Protection Strategies for Dams (Abstract Only) Martin Chavira, Physical Security Engineer, US Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO Session II: Rock Anchors Rock Anchors - Then & Now Donald A. Bruce, Ph.D., E.Eng., President, Geosytems, L.P., Venetia, PA Rock Anchor Field Study at Bluestone Dam Greg Yankey, P.E., Associate, David J. Bentler, Ph.D., Senior Geotechnical Engineer, and Rick Deschamps, Ph.D., Associate, Fuller, Mossbarger, Scott & May, Lexington, KY Using Post-Tension Anchors to Stabilize The Abutment Section of a Concrete Arch Dam Ed A. Toms, P.E., Vice President; and Dirk J. Bal, P.E., Associate Structural Engineer, Boyle Engineering, Lakewood, CO; and Norm Erthal, Civil Engineer, and Hank Koopman, Civil Engineer, Colorado Division of Wildlife, Denver, CO Session III: Hydrological Parameters Panel Discussion Hydrology and Hydraulics for Dams: State of Practice or Practice of States? Greg Paxson, P.E., Senior Engineer, and John Harrison, P.E., Associate, Schnabel Engineering Inc., West Chester, PA 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Session I: Underwater Repairs Kent Lake Dam Repairs: Slip-Lining Without Lowering the Pool Scott P. Cahill, Watershed Services, Mechanicsville, VA Mixing Oil & Water: Offshore Oilfield Experience and Technology Used in Reservoir's Submerged Isolation Valve Replacement Michael R. Istre, P.E., Senior Design Engineer, Project Consulting Services, Inc., Metairie, LA; David K. Burd, Director, Merrill Creek Reservoir, Washington, NJ; Ernie V. Shields, Manager – Birmingham Operations, Project Consulting Services, Inc., Birmingham, AL; and Eric Caylor, Marine Sales/Project Manager, Superior Special Services, Inc., Fond du Lac, WI Underwater Concrete Repairs At The Ludington Pumped Storage Plant – Lessons Learned Donald L. Basinger, P.E., Principal Engineer, Edward D. Billington, P.G., Associate, and Robert P. Cannon, P.G., Principal, AG&E/Schnabel Engineering Inc., Greensboro, NC Session II: Dam Failures and Incidents Rapidan Dam 2002 Emergency Repairs, Blue Earth County, Minnesota James P. Herbert, P.E., Vice President, and John Quist, P.E., Barr Engineering Company, Minneapolis, MN; Darrell W. Morey, P.E., US Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul, MN; and Alan Forsberg, P.E., Public Works Director/County Engineer, Blue Earth County Highway Department, Mankato, MN Flooding of Medina Dam Guy S. Lund, P.E., Consulting Civil/Structural Engineer, and John France, P.E., Principal, URS Corporation, Denver, CO; Jeff Irvin, P.E., and Colin Young, P.E., URS Corporation, Austin, TX Balcones Dams: Validating Dam Safety Theory Through a Case Study in Dam Safety Emergencies Duane M. McClelland, Water Resources Engineer; Stephen G. Brown, and Curtis A. Thompson, GEI Consultants, Inc., Englewood, CO; and Brian D. Becker, Chief, Dam Safety Branch, US Fish & Wildlife Service, Lakewood, CO Session III: Seepage Repair Synthetic Liners for Rehabilitation of Cracks & Joints: Two Case Histories, One Executed in The Dry and One Underwater John Wilkes, President, CARPI USA, Roanoke, VA; Erick Larson, Pacific Gas & Electric Company, San Francisco, CA; and Gabriella Vaschetti, Manager, and Alberto Scuero, General Manager, CARPI Tech S.A., Chiasso, Switzerland Patoka Lake Seepage Remediation Stephen T. Hornbeck, Geologist, and Timothy L. Flaherty, P.G., Geologist, US Army Engineer District, Louisville, KY; and David Wilson, P.E., Geologist, Gannett-Fleming, Inc., Camp Hill, PA 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Session I: Low-Head Dams = Drowning Machines A Public Hazards at Low-Head Dams: Can We Make Them Safer? (Introductory Remarks) Bruce A. Tschantz, P.E., Emeritus Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN Recreational Use Considerations in Planning and Permitting of Low Head Dams Michael G. Donahue, Esq., Stark & Stark, P.C., Princeton, NJ; and T. Andrew Earles, Ph.D., Wright Water Engineers, Inc., Denver, CO Public Safety at Low-Head Dams Kenneth R. Wright, P.E., Chief Engineer, and T. Andrew Earles, Ph.D., P.E., Senior Hydraulic Engineer, Wright Water Engineers, Denver, CO; and Jonathan M. Kelly, P.E., Senior Civil Engineer, Wright Water Engineers, Inc., Glenwood Springs, CO Minnesota’s Response to “Drowning Machine” Dams Kim A. Elverum, Coordinator, Boat and Water Safety Program; and Dana Gauthier, Senior Engineer, Dam Safety Program, MN Department of Natural Resources, St. Paul, MN Session II: RCC RCC 101 - Understanding the Issues Randall P. Bass, P.E., Program Manager, Portland Cement Association, Lilburn, GA Olivenhain Dam, Design Issues for RCC in a Seismic Region Mark Schultz, Senior Engineer, Frank C. Fong, P.E., G.E., Project Engineer, and David A. Gutierrez, P.E., G.E., Chief CA Division of Safety of Dams, Sacramento, CA Kyle Dam Modifications - RCC Service Spillway Stephen Bareis, P.E., President, Bareis Engineering, Inc., Rapid City, SD Session III: Dambreak Analysis Dam Break Modeling Using HEC-RAS 3.1 Albert G. Holler, Ph.D., P.E., Senior Hydrologic Engineer, Associated Engineering Consultants, Inc., Atlanta, GA Uncertainty in Dam Breach Analyses Norman D. Folmar, E.I.T., Ph.D. Candidate, and Arthur C. Miller, Ph.D., P.E., Professor, Penn State University, University Park, PA Dam Failure Inundation Study - Estimation of Breach Parameters and One-Dimensional Modeling for Asaayi Dam, Navajo Indian Reservation, Arizona James E. Nelson, P.E., Program Manager, ACS Government Services, Lakewood, CO Wednesday, September 10 8:30 am – 10:00 am General Session: ASDSO Initiatives: Leading to the Future of Dam Safety Dam Rehabilitation Funding – What’s Being Done? Eric J. Ditchey, P.E., Senior Associate, McCormick, Taylor & Associates, Mount Laurel, NJ 10:30 am – 12:00 noon Session I: Dam Removal and Environmental Issues A Removal of the Orienta Hydro Dam and Construction of Fish and Lamprey Barrier Carrie J. Ryan, P.E., Civil Engineer, Barr Engineering Company, Duluth, MN; William P. Zawacki, P.E., Director of Hydro Plants, and Richard M. Rudolph, P.E., Supervisor, Xcel Energy, Eau Claire, WI Retirement Isn't the End of a Historic Dam's Career Michael W. Oakland, Ph.D., P.E., Senior Geotechnical Engineer, CDM Jessberger, Cambridge, MA; and Ivette M. Bolender, R.G., Camp Dresser & McKee, Cleveland, OH Restoring The Big Rapids in Big Rapids, MI: Sediment Management Plan Keys Dam Removal Project’s Success James R. Hegarty, P.E., F. ASCE, Project Manager, Prein & Newhof, Grand Rapids, MI Session II: Drains and Filters Construction of Vertical & Inclined Sand Drains in Embankment Dams David P. Hammer, P.E., Geotechnical Engineer, XCorps, LLC, Wilder, KY The Filter Design Tightrope Danny K. McCook, P.E., Civil Engineer, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Fort Worth, TX Evaluation of Broadly Graded Soils and Existing Filter Material for Compatibility and Internal Stability at G.B. Stevenson Dam Robert T. Saber, P.E., Senior Project Manager, Gannett Fleming, Inc., Harrisburg, PA; and William J. Franz, P.E., Civil Engineer, PA Department of Environmental Protection, Harrisburg, PA Session III: Hydraulics & Spillway Design Unlined Auxiliary Spillway Design Joseph S. Monroe, P.E., Schnabel Engineering Inc., Alpharetta, GA Old Models - New Applications Paul I. Welle, P.E., Senior Associate, Schnabel Engineering Inc., West Chester, PA; and Kem C. Kadavy, P.E., Agricultural Engineer, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Stillwater, OK Designing A 75-Percent PMP Spillway for Low Head Conditions Darren J. Brinker, P.E., Associate Engineer, Boyle Engineering Corporation, Lakewood, CO POSTER PAPERS Enlargement and Facility Improvements to El Toro Dam Ralph W. Rabus, P.E., Vice President of Engineering, and Joseph J. Kulikowski, P.E., President, Genterra Consultants, Inc., Irvine, CA; and Robert R. Hill, General Manager, El Toro Water District, Lake Forest, CA Sediment Transport Evaluation for Dam Removal Scenarios, Fossil Springs Diversion Dam, Arizona Charlie Schlinger, Justin Ramsey, Paul Trotta, Jim Janecek, and Bill Auberle, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ; and Sean Welch, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Portland, OR
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