Year 8 Homework Programme Half Term 3 Below is an outline of homework tasks and independent learning opportunities for your son/daughter within each department. 1 - Students may work through the tasks in any order they wish but will need to make sure that they hand the completed task in to their teacher by the stated deadline 2 - Staff may also set additional homework within lessons to add to the work that is set here. 3 - Students must make a note of any work they complete in their planners and parents/carers should sign the planner to confirm what work has been done. Department Due Date Homework Title Instructions Documents and Weblinks Learning Skills Please note. Your child will only be following one of the courses below. ART COURSE 1 Early Jan Mid Jan Collage Presentation ART Early Feb Grid Drawing Find examples of sporting and Olympic images – Create a collage. Collect examples of artwork by Roald Bradstock. Create a drawing of a sports person using a grid for accuracy. Add tone. Google Google Research Presentation Research Observation Numeracy ART COURSE 2 Early Jan Chihuly presentation Create a presentation about Dale Chihuly and his work. Google Independent learning Analysis Observation Mid Jan Sea life collage Early Feb Fish drawing Create a presentation of sea life images. Consider composition, colour, size, shape etc in your presentation. Use texture and tone to complete a detailed fish drawing Google Research Independent learning Worksheets provided Google Drawing skills Observation COMPUTER STUDIES Department Due Date w/c 12/01/15 Homework Title Website structure diagram w/c 19/01/15 Hobbies page Documents and Weblinks Create a structure diagram for your hobbies website. Which structure diagram will you use? S:\ICT\Homework - Half term 3\Year 8 Write out the text you want to put on your two extra web S:\ICT\Homework - Half term 3\Year 8 Planning, reflecting and embedding. S:\ICT\Homework - Half term 3\Year 8 Planning, reflecting and embedding. pages. You need two hobbies or interests and two COMPUTER STUDIES Learning Skills Planning, reflecting and embedding. Instructions paragraphs about each. w/c 02/02/15 Keywords Complete the keywords worksheet that has been given to you in class DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY Department FOOD Rotations Due Date Homework Title On going Practical record book Wk 1 10 Golden Rules or Hazard Analysis Instructions Documents and Weblinks Complete for each practical in as much detail as possible. Give yourself a selfassessment grade and focus on new skills and what you have progressed with. Write in full and grammatical sentences Complete sheet or do an interesting poster Booklets obtained from teacher. If doing for homework must be taken care of. Do not lose, deface, scribble or spill anything on the booklet. organisms behaviour health/diet drugs/revision/2/ Wk 2 Food and Nutrition, Health and Nutrients Follow instructions on the sheet Wk 3 Small Equipment handout Name the equipment and state its uses Evaluation of fruit salad Wk 4 Wk 5 Wk 6 Safety in the kitchen Washing up sheet Worksheet ‘Types of basic cutting tools’ Name knives and their uses Introduction to nutrients Recognition of hand tools Evaluation skills. Recognising positives and negatives Complete evaluation of fruit salad on planning sheet Put activities in the correct order on the sheet. Alternatively produce a colourful poster to show the same Learning Skills Improving performance in practical lessons by way of selfreflection. Improving vocabulary and writing skills. Introduction to flow charts and recap on ways of working Understanding purpose of uses of cookery equipment Wk 7 Wk 8 Wk 9 On going Department GRAPHIC PRODUCTS Rotations Complete worksheet (with helpsheet). Weighing out Weighing out exercise. School worksheet. Product Development Equipment Worksheets Due Date Homework Title Teacher to set Inspiration board Disassembly/annotation task Product analysis Natural Fibres and Fabrics research task – 3 homeworks plus presentation Health and Safety Environmental issues – 2 homeworks Consumer survey and final evaluation Due Date Homework Title Wk 1 Air freshener Moodboard Wk 2 Impact of over Packaging Wk 3 Names and Uses of TEXTILES Rotations Department Dietary Goals Making food healthier by developing the recipe worksheet Identify the piece of equipment and its use. Look at home and the relevant supermarket aisle. Extension to Healthy Eating html Siteld=19&Sectionld=109&Contentld=566 Common conversions and volume measurements Introduction to Product Development Help can be obtained from websites by typing in what you think the piece of equipment is. Documents and Weblinks Learning Skills Instructions Documents and Weblinks Learning Skills Create an inspiration board to match chosen design theme Complete the Importance of Packaging sheet. /gcsebitesize/design/graphics Instructions Design and make a cushion cover using at least 2 decorative techniques with an Under the Sea theme Equipment Department Wk 4 Technical Terms Wk 5 Cad Cam Wk 6 What is Corporate Identity Due Date Homework Title Instructions Documents and Weblinks Creative task Moodboard of favourite shapes; colours; interests etc. http:/ /imghp?hl=en&tab=wi Hwk 1 Complete the ‘What is corporate identity’ sheet Hwk 2 Materials theory revision Materials homework Hwk 3 Spelling Practice Keywords spelling 1 Hwk 4 Spelling Practice Keywords spelling 2 Hwk 5 Spelling Practice Keywords spelling test RMT Rotations Hwk 6 Saw theory Sawing Homework /gcsebitesize/design/resistant materials/ http:/ resistantmaterials/ http:/ rm-revision/default.htm joindex.htm Learning Skills ENGLISH Department Due Date Instructions Documents and Weblinks Doddle quizzes plus at least 30 minutes reading of AR book Doddle quizzes plus at least 30 minutes reading of AR book Week 3 Doddle quizzes plus at least 30 minutes reading of AR book Week 4 Doddle quizzes plus at least 30 minutes reading of AR book Week 5 Doddle quizzes plus at least 30 minutes reading of AR book Week 6 Doddle quizzes plus at least 30 minutes reading of AR book Week 1 Week 2 ENGLISH Homework Title Learning Skills HUMANITIES Department Hwk 1 Homework Title World War I Hwk 2 World War I Due Date HUMANITIES HISTORY All projects should be completed HUMANITIES by the GEOGRAPHY date your teacher has set – this Y8 Geography Task 1 Instructions Letter from the tranches – create a letter from a WWI soldier who has or is currently serving in the trenches in France. In your letter you need to explain the following: • What the conditions in the are like • How did you get there? • What injuries have you or your fellow soldiers got? • What are the weapons like? • How are you feeling living in a war zone? Either make a model or A3 diagram of a trench. The model or diagram needs to be labelled and show all the different parts of a trench. You need to pick any human and physical disaster that has happened in the world to do a research project on. You must find out what it is, how it occurs, where in the world it happened Documents and Weblinks Learning Skills Organisation Creative Research Annotation Reasoning should be by the w/c 9th Feb and when. You must see how the area and people were affected by it and how the area recovered after it. You must not copy and paste information from books or the internet – you need to write it in your own words. It can be presented in the form of a leaflet, poster, printed out power point presentation or project booklet. Create a leaflet of poster about renewable energy. All projects should be completed by the date your teacher has set – this should be by the w/c 9th Feb Y8 Geography Task 2 You need to pick one of the renewable energies (solar, wind, nuclear, biomass, hydroelectric power, biomass, tidal). Find out what it is, how it works, where it is in the world and why we should use it. Include examples, interesting facts and pictures. You could even make a • • • • • Organisation Independence Research Source work Resilience Creative model to show others how it works. MATHS Department Due Date Homework Title Instructions Area of a circle Log onto MyMaths and complete tasks Nets surface area Log onto MyMaths and complete tasks 27/1 Multiply two decimals Log onto MyMaths and complete tasks 2/2 Divide decimals by whole numbers Log onto MyMaths and complete tasks Adding, subtracting fractions Log onto MyMaths and complete tasks Multiplying fractions Log onto MyMaths and complete tasks 12/1 19/1 MATHS Sets 1, 2 and 3 9/2 23/2 Documents and Weblinks Learning Skills Shape, area and perimeter, area of a circle Shape, volume and surface area, nets surface area Number, decimals, multiply two decimals Number, decimals, divide decimals by whole numbers Number, fractions, adding, subtracting fractions Number, fractions, multiplying fractions MATHS Department MATHS Sets 4 and 5 Due Date Homework Title Instructions Documents and Weblinks 12/1 Units of length Log onto MyMaths and complete tasks 19/1 Metric conversion Log onto MyMaths and complete tasks 27/1 Ordering decimals Log onto MyMaths and complete tasks 2/2 Adding decimals mental Log onto MyMaths and complete tasks Multiply decimals by 10 and 100 Log onto MyMaths and complete tasks Simple equivalent fractions Log onto MyMaths and complete tasks 9/2 23/2 Learning Skills Shape, measures, units of length Shape, converting units, metric conversion Number, decimals, ordering decimals Number, decimals, adding decimals mental Number, decimals, multiply decimals by 10 and 100 Number, fractions, simple equivalent fractions M.F.L Department Due Date Halfterm 3 Half-term 3 Homework Title French: Linguascope German: Linguascope Instructions Documents and Weblinks Spend 2 hours (in 4, 6, or 8 blocks of time) working through the food/drink units username: oakbank password: future Try the Intermediate section, using the free time and media topics Spend 2 hours (in 4, 6, or 8 blocks of time) working through the food and drink units username: oakbank password: future Try the Intermediate section, using the free time and media topics M.F.L Halfterm 3 Halfterm 3 Spend 2 hours (in 4, 6, or 8 blocks of time) working through the town and countries units Spanish: Linguascope French menu Try the Intermediate section, using the town and home topics Create a menu in French for one of: 1) A healthy sports centre café 2) A school – healthy side / unhealthy side 3) A strange café Learning Skills Independent development of vocabulary; developing reading and listening skills username: oakbank password: future Independent development of vocabulary; developing reading and listening skills Independent development of vocabulary; developing reading and listening skills Linking different items of vocabulary to create new phrases Using a variety of (unusual combinations!) Halfterm 3 German + French Food research Find 5 examples of foods which are eaten in the TL country. Print pictures and provide a brief explanation of what each item is. Create a menu in German for one of: 1) A healthy sports centre café 2) A school – healthy side / unhealthy side 3) A strange café (unusual combinations!) Halfterm 3 German menu Halfterm 3 Spanish environmental problems. Create a poster about environmental problems. Use key vocab from your book and notes from the lesson to support this. Halfterm 3 Spanish family tree Create a family tree giving a description of each member. If you want to create a fictional family include at least 7 people. vocabulary Using positive opinions Independent research Understanding culture Linking different items of vocabulary to create new phrases Using a variety of vocabulary Using positive opinions Linking different items of vocabulary to create new phrases Using a variety of vocabulary Using positive opinions Linking different items of vocabulary to create new phrases Using a variety of vocabulary Using positive opinions PERFORMING ARTS Departmen t Due Date Homework Title Samba 14/01/15 PERF ARTS Music Hooks and Riffs 09/02/15 14/01/15 PERF ARTS Drama Spontaneous improvisation Status 09/02/15 Instructions Complete Samba research sheet. You can complete this homework electronically via misswardmusic. Complete a ‘social media’ reflection sheet from a practical lesson Think of three starting points for improvisation. Be prepared to share ideas with the class. Write a short scene for two characters based on ‘Comings and Goings’ script. Documents and Weblinks or Samba sheet Learning Skills Literacy, rhythm and research skills. Evaluation and literacy skills. Literacy, imagination. Script extract Imagination, literacy. SCIENCE Department Due Date 23 Jan Homework Title Light SCIENCE Sets 1-3 23 Jan SCIENCE Sets 4&5 Choose one from: • Can you write your name in mirror writing. Remember to check your work in a mirror. • Produce a revision poster Med on light. Some of the poster must be written in mirror writing – have fun! • Produce a revision poster Hot on light. All of the poster must be written in mirror writing – have fun! Health & Lifestyle Choose one from: Mild • What would you tell a primary student to warn them about the dangers of Med smoking. • Produce a leaflet for KS2 students about dangers to your health. Focus on diet, drugs, alcohol smoking, exercise or some/all of Hot them. • Produce a leaflet for KS2 students about ‘the different twins’. One is healthy one is not. Focus on issues listed above. Include details of how health is affected by each diet Periodic Choose one from: Table/Separation Techniques • Can you use the symbols Mild from the periodic table to Mild 13 Feb Instructions Documents and Weblinks Learning Skills Research. Literacy, Knowledge Research. Literacy, Knowledge Research. Literacy, Knowledge Med Hot 13 Feb Light Mild Med Hot spell words of increasing length? Start at a three letter word and see how far you can go (eg Carbon Astatine = CAt) • Remember to get the capitals and lower case letters in the correct places. Target: Up to a 6 letter word. • As above but the target is up to an 8 letter word. As above but your target is as far as you can go! Choose one from: • Can you write your name in mirror writing. Remember to check your work in a mirror. • Produce a revision poster on light. Some of the poster must be written in mirror writing – have fun! • Produce a revision poster on light. All of the poster must be written in mirror writing – have fun! Research. Literacy, Knowledge
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