*v ThcGTamsteo Times FIFTH • > . f. R. WALDO & 0 0 ~ MORE N E W GOODS 1 BARGAINS X E W A O V E ICTIS EflE N T S . t h e certificate of p a y m e n t is there issued,, and t h e claimant notified ' of 1883. t h e result. I t only requires then 18837" that the signature of t h e Commisi gioner of Pensions* followed'by t h a t I N 0EP£ N D|N -AT T H E of t h e Assistant Secretary of tht» Interior h e affixed t h e r e t o t o make it a valid document, a n d place t h e -ANDclaimant on t h e rolls as a pensioner of t h e U n i t e d States. If i t appears J d u r i n g t h e progress of a claim Until about the 20th of July, then I intend to t h r o u g h the Adjudicatinc: Division g o t o New York. July a n d Augnst always bring dull t r a d e . I a m not used t o haying. to wlaeh it has been gent t h a t t h e I do not intend to get used to dull trade, small and sure profits is m y motto. Quick sa»es testimony therein described is of a alwavs keep fresh goods in stock. No one doubtful or conflicting character, or need "ask for credit even for a day or so, for I cannot give it to any one. but I will t a k e alt h a t there is probable cause t o r t u s most anything that you h a v e to sell, but trust pecting fraud o r an a t t e m p t t o imI cannot use. A . H. BUHNELL, - Editor and Prop'r pose upou-lhe office, the claim i s a t or.ee sent t o t h e Division of Special A d d e d t o o u r large s t o c k w cases and packages m o r e of C A N 1 S T E O , N. Y-. Examinations, with a^ ii'ier • statei the- reasons tot T H U R S D A Y , A U G U S T i», ia t i n seriding, i t Star Tumblers 3J ceets apiece. Good Goblet 4cents. Elegant Goblet for 5 cents. Splendid there Is f o r w a r d glass setts.covered b u t t e r d i s h a n d sugar bowl, v •i ed 10 C b o l r r a o n t t i r ."H.trtii. [ thst divi>iou creamer and «poon holder for 32 cents, glass water pitcher 43, worth 65 cents, large bread .i- 111; V b e IOC ltt.nl the viciuitv of plates IS, worth 25 to 30 cents, siiuce plates 3 4.i:iiaut in th< T h e alarming increase of aofttaucents each, covered fruit bowl 25 t o 50 cents, tne case. glass hand lamp complete for 25 cents, stand ty from cholera iii K g y p t caMfea Under the !•:. r:ii-.-r practice of t h e lamp complete 25 cents, vases 85 cents pair A 24 in Black S i l k K £1.25, worth 11.50. regular price $1.25. vases 50 cents pair, regular widespread, alarm throughout E u - office, exaaii:;::i:.i-)iis of this character price 75 cent*, vases 40 cents, regular price 50 rope. T h e (juarrntine regulations were made almost entirely in secret cents, all goods on 5 cent counter, 4 cents, all on 10 cent counter, 8 cents. are rigidly enforced in t h e Medit- and wholly ex-parte ; and the ipef err I'IV ia ports, and the iSritish >tuti cial Exar:>i:.i-rs, or Agent* a s they REMEMBER THESE PRICES ARE FOR is making strenuous exertions t o were then called, appear t o have ONLY ABOUT THIRTY DAYS. r e t a r d the progress of the pesiileru/e. been imbued with the idea t h a t t h e F;:U: Black Goods in M g h t and medium weight, i "but there Is every reason 10 believe claimants hail/no rights in t h e mat— T I I E P O P U L A R A N D OXLYI h a v e a few tea setts of real china moss rose and gilt band. 56 pieces for £9.00. blue t h a i before: t h e year; expires manv ter, a n d that it w a s t h e •.Agents' band and moss rose sett for §3.00. one sett pink countries on tiie Continent,, a n d special duty \6 hunt u p testimony band S7.50. I have some dinner setts 110 pieces .white with heavy gilt band for $22, dinner probably E n g l a n d and t h e United- against the claim, and pay l i t t l e o r 'setts Chinese patterns no t w o size plates decStates m well, will suffer from t h e no attention to any ,that might b e orated alike for §16 00. chamber setts banded GREAT AMERICAN for §3 50. best English wash bowl a n d pitcher ravages of the most m a l i g n a n t of in its favor. Commissioner Dudley 95 cents,,all kinds of majolica w a r e down 20 per cent; I have not t h e space to give t h e Asiatic plagues. T h e records of has "changed all this, and under t h e prices of everything, l a m sellingcheap.eome previous visitations of cholera show rules and regulations prescribed by H a s received a very large and beiamifttl lirj.e of 1 and see for your self. I do not mean to sell at -j A h D'TRAINED cost. 1'always aim to m a k e money and save t h a t whenever E g y p t has been at- him It is t h e first a n d imperative money for my customers. I guarantee every t a c k e d b y the disease E n g l a n d a n d d u t y of t h e Examiner t o notify t h e thing a s represented, a n y mistakes or a n y thing wrong come back and let me know. A the Continent have -not escaped. claimant, in writing, that an examI WILL EXHIBIT AT full line of groceries, tinware, wooden ware, T h e lower Xile basin, however, has ination as t o t h e merits or d e m e n t s toys, notions, doll carriages. Express wagons. bird cages, butter packages, flour, feed, lime, often become infected from E u r o p e . of his claim are t o be had at a cerpiaster and cement. I n 1S.2S t h e disease was carried from tain tinje and place convenient t o J u n e 20th, 1883. . Made u p in t h e v e r y latest styles and b y the b e n tailors, i Persia across t h e Caspian into Rus- his home, and t h a t he can b e presb o u g h t for cash, and can therefore sia, and was gradually communica- ent i n person or b y attorney, or t e d t o G e r m a n y , Austria a n d Hun- both, and hear the testimony Of the N O V E L T I E S I X W H I T E D R E s A o o D S , N E \ V S A T E E N IH>1>K>, gary. I t was not until 1838 t h a t it witnesses a n d cross-examine them, NEW CHAMBLTAYS AND SEERSUCKERS. WE HAVE ALL f* revailed extensively in E n g l a n d , and (.'tier any 'additional testimony ONE DAY ONLY, THE LATEST MAKES IX (JRSET^S, LADIES DRESSING 'ranee and Spain, a n d i t w a s in in the ease t h a i he may have. In Presenting a norel and unique entertainment SACQUES, CORSET COVMLS, NEW HOOP SKIRIS, and a rare collection of World's vv onders T l i a t have t o b o y on credit* A v a i l youiself of t h . ekance and t h a t year that it appeared in E g y p t , other words,- secret investigations in our and ex>parte methods in the matter, AND BUSTLES. h a v i n g been carried t h i t h e r from G e r m a n y by t h e way of Constanti- of pension claims are entirely done nople and Syria; T h e same route away with, and the claimant is m a d e Department will be found was followed in t h e next terrible to-understand that t h e Government,, in endeavoring t o protect Itself, Is visitation. T h e disease reached As* t r a k b a n from Persia d u r i n g t h e not a t t e m p t i n g t o crush him ; a n d A. J . Aldrich having been succeeded in t h e In all the leading s h a p e A n d shades. Novelties in summer of 1847 and spread rapidly further, t h a t if he has been wrong- The Three-Headed Songstress. grocery business by fully adjudged t h r o u g h some am! - " i i * in southern .Russia, following t h e The most marvelous feature ever preaedted to to the public. Also F o r yourself and boys, and save 25 per cent, b v so dtfpg. \ ,t Black Saa t o Odessa a n d Constan- biguity of testimony previously tinople, passing up the D a n u b e into offered, o r from a n y other cause - t o show goods. T o u r s truly, Germany, a n d being carried from which lie can make plain, h e now Holland*to E n g l a n d about the time has t h e opportunity presented of The >oa-h-Americas Phenomens or Electric Ladv. an enigma for doctors • also hundreds Hosiery for Ladies a n d Children I n endless variety at telling prices. They -would announce that they shall continue of its ravages in E g y p t . D u r i n g setting himself right.— Washington cf"othtr euriousiiies from wonderland. In to keep a fine a n d fresh stock of Staple Gazette. ' these two cholera periods t h e ' disH a v i n g closed a m B u f a e t u r o r s stock of the spacious Amphitheatre will be groceries, together with a fine,line of •river, a Grind Classic and refined eas* was not communicated directly ) _ Entertainment by a Compa- i ny of frem Alexandria t o t h e European ( a p t . J o h n Ericsson. DRY GOODS5BOOTS AND SHOES, Continent. I n ' 1 5 6 5 , however, t h e FIRST-CLASS ARTISTS ! o u t b r e a k in E g y p t preceded t h e Capt. J o h n Ericsson, the inventor, On the morning of- exhibition. Prof. Morrig' ravages on t h e Continent, cholera attained his eightieth birthday last great Military Band of being carried t o Marseilles afad week, l i e is apparently as hale and 1 W | are enabled to, offer a L a n g d o r f c e i n f o r e e d Shirt, hand-made button ™ holes, for 75 B u t s , worth 1 1 . S o u t h a m p t o n a n d other European hearty' as he was t w e n t y years a g o . Comprising- a general stock. Thankful for past favors, the new firm solicit a share of ports b y Mediiterranean steamers. Then lie was devoting twelve hours Will parade the streets, seated on the uolosthe public patronage. Golden Chariot, announcing the Arrival I n t h a t year the disease w a s Ara- a d a y t o the -work of practical in- sia.1 ALDRICH & GIFFORD, of tne Great Show, Don't fail to see t h e Gre^t Canisteo, March 20th, 1683. bian rather t h a n I n d i a n in its ori- ventions, and to-day he is devoting Free Exhibition giren at the show grounds at o'clock. Two performances. 3Ittseum m gin, a n d Alexandria offered t h e the same time daily in t h e same one doors open at I and 7 p. m. T* W e have never before been so wfll equipped with stock. N e v e r in One 35 cent ticket admits to all advertised shortest line of communication with way. His residence has not altered <t2TThose indebted to A. J . Aldrich a r e r e shape t o offer so many attractions a l w e are to-day. A visit of inspection quested to call and settle within thirty days. E u r o p e . T h e other visitations were in outward appearance since h e en- 'shows. •"" „ H a v i n g purchased t h e W. W. B e n n e t t stock,of ADMISSION. to be ascribed t o Indian cholera tered i t in 1864. will prove profitable to all. Our m | t o is large sales, small profits a n d T h e interior is •—-<-A ..,.;.. I. ".. 35cts. ' one price t o all. communicated t o Russia through what one m i g h t expect t o find i t . Adults y..25ets. Persia. The present outbreak, like The simply furnished rooms are fill- Children . . . . No postponement on account of the weather. t h a t of 1S65, is apparently Arabian ed with models. Models cover t h e Our tents a r e waterproof. in origin. tables, mantels, and walls. In the Coal, C o a l . y a r d back of t h e house stands the The United States w d l share in anv daugers of infection t o which- inventor's latest invention, t h e sun I wish to say to. the people of. Canisteo that I am now prepared to Currish coal in large or Europe may be exposed. I n 1832motor. small quantities at the most reasonable .-rates -PERSIANCapt. Ericsson's secretary, w h o for the first quality of coal. Send in your cholera was carried b v emigrant orders early. Terms cash. ships from Ireland t o Quebec and has been with Capt. Ericsson" for August, 1st. ISM E. L. GRAY. thence along the St. Lawrence a n d t w e n t y years, said t h a t the inventor Notice. * t h r o u g h Ontario t o Detroit. U n i t e d was of suek a retiring disposition "Secure the Shadow ert di^ 1 States troops t h a t were transported that he could.not be brought to anyNotice is hereby friveri.th.at all persons a r e by vessels on which some of these t h i n g like a public reception. There forbidden In balk and cans, to play ball or throw stones upon Substance lades." „ were, however, m a n y callers, who,^ any of the public highways within the corporemigrants had been sick were a t And being desirous of r e d u c i n g the stock at once, I offer the limits of the village* of Canisteo, N. Y.» PURE CASTOR OIL, LARD OIL. RAW LIXtacked by the disease, a n d t h e in-knowing this disposition, were con* ate under penalty, snch being a n offence against targe stock for sale a t SEED , OIL, GOLDEN MACHINE OIL. fection was carried along the chain tented t o leave their congratula- the By-Laws of said village. Having added to their store fine line of D.B. POWELL, Prea. CHALLANGE MACHINE OIL. AND H u n d r e d s of messages were of military posts as far as t h e Mis- tions. FINE SEWING .MACHINE OIL. received. O n e from a society of sissippi. N e w Orleans w a s subseF o r S a l e . IN BULK AND BOTTLES. quently visited, and t h e disease ex- Swedish workmen called Mm t h e Go toStebbins to get the. s h a d o w , h e wil hausted itself in t h e s u r r o u n d i n g foremost workman of the world. The Brick Residence of A . H. Burrell or also the largest stock of Pure Greenwood street, Canisteo, N . Y. T e r m n do the work in the,most artistic manner, and country. I n 1348 the pestilence was Capt. Ericsson was born in cen- easy. Will exchange for a F a r m orcheapes don't allow any one in this section to beat hiin| imported in ships arriving a t Ne;vtral Sweden. A granite shaft eigh- village property. Ne.v Qamergs for making large 11x14 head, and Invite the public to cull and examine the same. J a n u a r y 3. 1383We ccntinue,to keep our usual line stock of instantaneous plates for children. Copying Orleans from H a v r e , and w a s com- teen feet in height has been reared To enable me t o m a k e room for a done in the best and most permanent manner,] municated rapidly t o S t . Louis, in h i s birthplace in his honor. FOR SALE. no tin-types.chromos or inferior India ink passe Cincinnati and Buffalo, a n d subse- H e is t h e son of Olaf Ericsson, w h o / off as artistic work. Orders taken for the bes(l quently carried across t h e Plains t o was a Swedish mining proprietor. A house and lot on Main street, in t h e vjl ink and crayon work. —AND— ge of Caaiiteo. known as the Wni- Mulhollon San Francisco. I n 1866 N e w York A t 13 years of a g e J o h n Ericsson ^ property. Inquire of A . H. Burrell, ove was t h e distributing point from was put in charge of a section of a Bank of Canisteo, N. Y. the emigrant ships ; but although ship canal which was being conDissolution. . outbreaks of the disease occurred at structed by a corps of engineers, in long distances from t h e seaboard, which he had obtained a n appointThe partnership heretofore existing between the area of infection w a s compara- ment as cadet through the influence O. P. and J. N . Jeffers, under t h e firm n a m e Term Opens Wednesday^ To be fnund In this place, which I will sell on of Jeffers B^os., in Canisteo. is this day distively narrow. If E u r o p e suffers of Admiral Count Platen. the at tbe lowest cash price for W h i l e solved by mutual consent. J . N. Jeffers will September ot7i 1883. I this year from t h e pestilence, i t s engaged in this work he became a n continue the! grocery business at the old stand, arid O. P . Jeffers will control the coal business. Canisteo, J u l y 25, 1833. N e x t door to the Battt ultimate appearance in t h e United officer in the Swedish army, whence >EED, M E A L , T O B A C C O A N D O. P. jEFFEits, J. N. J K F F E B S . j States may be accepted a s a fore- comes his title of Captain. In,1826 CIGARS, GLOVES A N D Canisteo, July 13.1883. Tbie school offers good advantages t gone conclusion. Quarantine regu- he visited E n g l a n d , a n d h e never those ,V.'1IQ are fitting themselves fo MITTEXS, MOLASSES, lations cannot be so t h o r o u g h as, t o returned to his native country. I n The. undersigned successors to teaching or the active pursuits of bus! And warrant every article sold to be as repreK E R O S E N E OIL, exclude the disease when t h e tide 1829 he entered his locomotive Novsented or money refunded. cess life. Very Respectfully, ETC., ETC. ' of immigration is setting i n so elty, in t h e competition of which Ladies or Gentlemen thoroughly pre -o pared for entering any of the highe strongly M i t is a t present. Sani- the winner was George Stephenson's institutions of learning. tary science, however, h a s m a d e celebrated , Rocket. D . XT. C O M F O R T , I n 1833 h e • . A R E SELLING There is a full corps of experienced such, marked progress iu American brought t o public notice his calorie teachers. cities since the visitation of cholera engine for pumping. Those- who eontempUtte attendiu I n 1837 he Main Street, - Canisteo, N. Y. in | 8 i S that the prospect of the on- constructed the first practical proschool can obtain a catalogue giving ful BOOTS AND SHOES, information concerning the. school bj V a r i o u s Causes— ward course of t h e disease across peller vessel, the F r a n c i s B. Ugden, addressing either Rev. "L. P. Laine, PresiAdvancing years, care, sickness, disapthe Atlantic o u g h t ..not t o cause and t h e disfavor with which this :At reduced prices for cash or ready pay. Farm dent Board of Trustees or pointment, and hereditary predisposi• produce bought a n d soldor taken in exwidespread apprehension.—Tribune. was received by the British Admichange for goods. Call and examine 0 . M. ESTjEE, A. M., P R I X . . tion—all operate to tarn the hair gray, our stock. and either of them inclines it to "shed Canisteo, N. "i. ralty caused his d e p a r t u r e for t h e prematurely. AYEU'S HAIR VIGOR will United States in 1830. T h e buildJ . J A C K S O N & SON, C l a i m s In m e P e n s i o n Office. restore faded or gray, light or red hair ing of the war ship Princeton was to a rich brown or deep black, as may T h e history of M a i n S t r e e t , - C a n i s t e o , N . Y . To see the various stages t h r o u g h his first work here. be desired. It softens and cleanses the J E F F E R S BROS: scalp, giving it a healthy action. I t which a pension claim passes from the Monitor ia well known. F o r removes and cures dandruff and humors. the moment of its reception in t h et h e past few years his attention has By its use falling hair is checked, and These are the inducements we offer t o the publifc of C a n i ^ - and office until its consummation is been chiefly directed t o t h e attena new growth will be produced in all SUMMKE3 & COFF, m e will sell vou a n v t h i n g in the litre of Canisteo, Oct. 24, 1882. reached, would astonish t h e claim- tion of engines of submarine attack, cases where the follicles are not destroyed or the glands decayed. Its ants and. render theui^hfss clamor- and his torpedo boat, the Destroyer, Firel|XLife & Accident Insurance effects are beautifully shown on brashy, ous, and would a l s ^ b e a surprise t o is the result. GO TO weak, or sickly hair, on which a few R B P R i s E X T I X G A LARGE AMOUNT O F the genera; public, i I t is briefly applications will produce the gloss and this : When a claim is filed its IXSUEANCE CAPITAL freshness of youth. Harmless and sure s now prepared to show the ladies of Canisteo General News. in its results, it is incomparable as r...-c«.-ipt at the office is acknowledged the late Summer etvk-8 of Including some of the oldest and most reliable] a dressing, and is especially valued to the claimant, and t h e claim hecompanies doing business in the United States, J —The Western Union continues for the soft lustre and richness of tone such so the fore .-tartiug on its rounds, is stump- its great g a m e of bjuff and t h e situit imparts. ed a n d jacketed, and', t h e Jacket AVER'S HAIR VIGOR is colorless; aii«n shows no change. I t is n o w CONTINENTAL,'Jfitw York. " ' briefed in the Mail Division ; after P h a r m a c i s t s , contains neither oil nor dye; and will 20 to 25 per cent, cheaper than a n y house in this section. FIRE ASSOCIATION. Philadelphia. H a t i n g mk«simply a• question of endurance. If not soil or color white cambric; yet leaving the Mail Division i t goes t o MANUFACTURERS FIRE AND MARINE factured our own stock we can save y o u one profit bv pur,:.-:.-' the strikers keep cool and stand I r m Boston. 4 it lasts long on the hair, and keeps the Record Division, where "it is FIREMANS'FUND, SanFrancisco. they will win, b u t t h e W e s t e r n goods of us. Special attention is called t o our it fresh and vigorous, imparting an DEPOT STREET, CANISTEO, N.Y, LONDON AN!) LANCASHIRE, Liverpool. n tin be red and forwarded t o the AdShe also keeps all kinds of material for agreeable perfume. Union can probably t r y theju: paSTANDARD FIRE OFFICE, (Limited). Lonjudicating Division to which It bedon. , For sale by all druggists. tience for some time yet. TRAVELERS, of Hartford. longs, this point being determined ME t'ROPOLE. of P a r i s , F r a n c o . We by the geographical location in — D e a t h is being glutted.. ' ' T h e 1 carry very which the rim—nt originally enlist- n u m b e r of lives lost, at Isehia. ia esAgricultural Engines u t t c h t h e lared, thus. : All cases from t h e New timated at 8,000, choleril h a s car, \W e also have t h e largest line of I gest stock -of E n g l a n d States go t o t h e Eastern ried off a t least 11,000 J n E g y p t , Takes measures for Corsets, etc. Trimming AND W E S T E R N { * done on short notice at reasonable rates. Call d r o s s , medicines a n d Division ; from the Southern States and probably twice as many, with at her house on Russell street and see. Defaulted Coantv, City, Township a n d Railroad Druggiate* sundries of a n y to the Souther:i Division, etc., a n d the death rate still very high a n d Bonds, for which the HIGHEST price will be drug store in Canisteo. Weguar^ it m during its progress through the the disease spreading, while almost ' I paid. Be sure and communicate with me before selling. Bridge. School and Fnnding Bonds of Adjudicating Division t o which It every day brings news of some disJ . J . I i n d e r m a n ia still t h e agent for t h e a n t e e a pore article, many of them iiissouri. Illinois and Kansas for safe. InformaWestfnghouse Conjpany, for t h e sale of has been sent that the merits or de- aster by sea o r land_ a t t e n d e d with of dor own mannfactnre, a t a s low a tion furnished on application. Correspondence their cjelebrated solicited.. SAM'L A. GAYLORD, Stock and merits of t h e claim a r e tested. shocking loss of life. t r i c e a s can be h a d a t a n y other place^j Bond Broker, St. Louis, Mo. Visit us inspect our stock and you will be convinced that a t \ \ hen t h e evidence in a case is for t h e same qaality of goods. completed it is briefed and submitCatarrii. A complete line of For this vicinity. Having sold these good3 ted to the Examiner, either for ad- T h e remarkable res-alts in a disfor six years I can say to my friends a n d customers that they are no longer an experiment. mission or rejection,and goes thence ease so universal a n d with such a THE N E W But it has been proven that they a r e a sucto the Board of Review, where t h e variety of characteristics as C a t a r r h , cess in the hands of every one of t h e many purchasers that a r e using them, they are lighwork of the Examiner is reviewed. prove how effectually Hood's Sarsater and easier to handle, more economical in Goods of best quality constantly on and his recommendation reversed or pirilla acting t h r o u g h t h e blood, fuel and more durable than any other engine -AN in the field to-day. Catalogues and prices free hand. Satisfaction guaranteed THE GfiMERAI, IKSURANcS jAaEKCY OF concurred in as t h e case may be. to enquirers in person or by mail. Also a reaches every p a r t of t h e h u m a n and all Work Warranted. large quantity of cut pine shingles of t h e very If t b e claim proves t o have been im- system. A medicine, like u r r t b i n g best quality a n d make for sale a t very low Ha3 just opened a fine line of properly submitted, it i» returned prices a t Linderman Bros, mill a t Adrian, in se, can be fairly j i d g e i only b y small lots or by t h e car load. Custom Work a Specialty. R e p r e s e n t i n g 20 of t h e S t r o n e s t I n s u r a n c e Comanies in the World, for adjudication ; otherwise it m its results. We p i h pride t o CLOTHS A N D SUITINGS, COMPRISING tat wr Respectfully ronrs, W e also keep a good line of rated n t s certain sum per month, the glorious recon ERENCH AND ENGLISH WORSTEDS. WITH AN A G G R E G A T E C A P I T A L O F 2 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 . TfOUSE AND LOT FOR SAUL Hood' I Sarsap*according t o the disability found t o villa has -entered upon IMPORTED CASHMERES, ETC. the hearts of NOTICE.—The first-class msurance with us costs no more than tha which ia unreliable exist, nna then goes t o the Division thousands of people it has cured of Cents' Furnishing G::ds. Situated oa Maple street, in Canis;«o. Ht uarantees a good fit or no sale. A l l Office over Baak of Hornellsville, in Babcock's building, jooe" Mllar a n d rood water. Will be i work done promptly. fniit. good Call and see him over . - . --y. C of Certificates and A c c o u n t s , and catarrh. toM t k e a p Inquire of S. C Clamant ' McCaig ** " "" Bros, drug store. t s y o i y e us a call. ANNUAL TOUR * ADAM DAVIDSON DRY 6000 BAS^ E T STOUE W A L L PAPER, D R Y GOODS. Hornellsville, N. Y. 127 Main S t r e e t , * If Main Street, - Canisteo, N^v ' MY PRICES ars as FOLIOWS : New Desir J i Jersey Clotfc, Albatross, Allied Shows , ^ Veiling. B u n t i n A , Plain and Lace, Animal Exposition, Summ er Waps ia Cloth & Ehaiames, * . • - • • \ J • . . . . • — " Our stock is complete in every department and prices a l w a y s t h e lowest. Read the Glorious News! KING. BURKE &CO.S CANISTEO . Square Dealing Clothier L J e r s e y J a c k e t s , Summer Shawls. J. F. SMITH OTDEHSELL OTHEE DEALEH iS NEW FIRM! MUSEUM IHIdlle I r e n e , I n e z Crinnof&p CALL AT IfflGER'S STCM And B u y a Spring Suit,' L A D I E S H T K C K W E A R . Aldrich & Gifford, WHITE ' ' L O U I S LINGER. fiEDUCT JSHIRTS Notions, Etc., F STOCI REDUCTION OF PRICES! 12 Solo Musicians, TAKE JTOTICE ! ""PURE % t, ii. (lira Paris Green, 127 Main Street. e, - M e w York. Sh Insect Powder, • • • COST PHICES, GROCERIES, MEDICIHES, CANISTEO * F B E N . F. F E R R I S . F l o u r and Salt, *.» DaYison&Peck Groceries,Pro visions, 'roduce t a k e n in ex- Our Spring Inducements, change for goods. . Our Prices, Our Stock, . OIT QUALITY OF GOODS. CANISTEO For Pure Drugs INSURANCE AGEIOY Mrs. E. O. Fulkerson MENS', YOUTHS', BOY'S MCCAIG BUOS., i AND C H I L D R E N ' S C L O T H I N G Millinery Goods. T Crewel W o r k THRESHERS Engines & Separator Bonds Wanted. H a t s , Caps. G e n t s ' Furnishing Goods, IATTESTIOH! Trunks ana Satchels. MOIfcJEfcIS, L. T O T T E N . MERCHANT TAILOR. WALL PAPER Merchant T ailor, i Boy zand Children's Clothing* Spafford's One Price Clothing House is the p l a c e j o buy. Depot St.. Canisteo. Curtain Fixtures. MC CAia BROS. HORNELLSVILLE, N. Y. Untitled Document J Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com • — - : - - - • - • • • • - • • - ' • - '
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