The Parish Gazette For the church communities of Christ the King & St. Colman Our Lady of the Assumption Twinned with the Catholic Parish of the Transfiguration in Tver' Russia and St. Brigid Churches in Southampton East Pastoral Area Pass on the Good News.... The Baptism of the Lord 10th & 11th January 2015 5.30pm Saturday Vigil Mass Our Lady of the Assumption -Hedge End 11.00am Sunday Mass Christ the King & St Colman -Bitterne 5.30pm Sunday Mass St Brigid -West End Frances Farruga RIP There will be Refreshments after: the 5.30pmVigil Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption and every Sunday after the 11am Mass at Christ the King & St Colman and every 2nd Sunday in the month at St Brigid after 5.30 Mass . All welcome Mon 12th Jan 10.00am Ordinary Time Feria Mass Bitterne Tue 13th Jan 10.00am Ordinary Time Feria Service of Word & Communion Hedge End Wed 14th Jan 10.00am Ordinary Time Feria Mass & Rosary West End Thur 15th Jan 10.00am Ordinary Time Feria 4pm Mass Bitterne Reception of Maureen Harnett’s body into church Hedge End Fri 16th Jan 10.00am Ordinary Time Feria Funeral Mass for Maureen Harrnett Hedge End 17th January Reconciliation 12-12.30pm at Christ the King & St Colman Church Next Sunday is Pax Christi - Peace Sunday—there is no second collection Today we celebrate the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. It is a chance for us to stop and take a look at our Baptism and our commitment to our Baptismal Promises. It is good to stop and think about our Baptism and ask ourselves how we live the Baptismal Promises, how we live our Faith and how we put into practice Gospel values. We are called to put our Baptism into practice everyday, showing we are what we claim; showing that we are continually pointing the way to Christ, the Light of the World. Fr. James Pope Francis Joy of the Gospel The Gospel, radiant with the glory of Christ’s cross, constantly invites us to rejoice. A few examples will suffice. “Rejoice!” is the angel’s greeting to Mary (Lk 1:28). Mary’s visit to Elizabeth makes John leap for joy in his mother’s womb (cf. Lk 1:41). In her song of praise, Mary proclaims: “My spirit rejoices in God my Saviour ( Lk 1:47). When Jesus begins his ministry, John cries out: “For this reason, my joy has been fulfilled” (Jn 3:29). Jesus himself “rejoiced in the Holy Spirit” (Lk 10:21). Thank you very much for your Christmas Offerings, gifts and card. They are much appreciated. Please be assured of a place in my prayers. Thank you Fr.James Date Day DIARY EVENT Where Time 13 Jan Tues Sparklers & Flames Planning meeting CKSC church 7.30-9pm 19 Jan Mon CKSC liturgy Group meeting CKSC church 7.30pm 20 Jan Tues Administrators CCLI Roadshow Chandlers Ford 12.30pm On Going Events Prayer & Discussion Group 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month—2pm Hedge End Hall Church Rosary & Exposition Group 10.30 to 11.30am every Saturday Going Deeper Wednesday CKSC Church hall 7.30pm Please continue to pray for all the sick & housebound in our parishes: Beatrice Gill, Maria Dear, Colin Murphy, Jane Callaghan. Pat Ormerod, Mike Pond, Kath Parker, Julie Hyans, James Adie, Marcus Sanderson, Margaret Lohse, Eileen Goble, Bill Byrne, Ron & Pat Viney, Mrs Betty Bailey, Mrs Veronica Jackson, Madge Oldfield, Mrs Kay Fenton, Mrs Marie Beddow, Margaret Jackson, Florrie Jones, Julia Baldwin & Michael Dowling Please also pray for all our friends and family who have died recently: Sylvia Oliver, Maureen Hartnett Woman’s World Day of Prayer our area service will be at St Luke’s Church at 7.30pm on Friday 6th March The Theme this year comes from the Bahamas and is “Do you know what I have done to you?” The Bible Study in preparation will be at Kings Community Church on Monday 19th January 10-12noon with lunch included All men women & children are welcome to both the Bible study & the Service Knights of St Columba January: WHEN DID I SEE YOU IN PRISON? In this month which is dedicated to, World day of Peace, the theme is slavery. Let us consider all people who find themselves modern day slaves. Many of them find themselves physically and sexually abused. How can we take part? By gathering as families, community groups or as individuals in prayer, worship, meditation and the Holy Rosary for particular chosen intentions. Christ the King & St Colman Red Box Collection Thank you from Missio - for £89.50 collected and for support & prayers CONFIRMATION. Confirmation for the Southampton East pastoral area will begin in January for those who have enquired. I would like to invite all parents and candidates to an introductory session at Christ the King and St. Colman Church, Bitterne, 7:00pm on Monday 12th January 2015. You will be able to meet the catechists and discuss the program, which will lead us into Confirmation with Bishop Philip at the Cathedral in May Deacon Peter Church Hall at Hedge End Closed Please be advised that on Tuesday 13th January the hall will be closed to allow for a replacement boiler to be fitted, the engineers hope to do the work in one day. Fr. James Important Notice re Newsletter Please can we have all notices for the Newsletter in the office by mid day on Wednesday each week. Thank you A New Series of CaFE! We are happy to announce a new series of CaFE, which will begin on Wednesday 14th January and will run each Wednesday for 5 weeks. This series is called “Life to the Full” and will be presented by David Payne, director of Catholic Evangelisation Services and Jenny Baker, conference speaker and DVD presenter. For those who are new to CaFE, the series consists of listening to video talks and spending some time in reflection and sharing in a relaxed informal atmosphere. Refreshments are provided. The first session is called “Where on earth is God?” when David Payne will lead us through the Bible to discover how God reveals Himself to us. It will take place on Wednesday 14th January at 7:30pm to 9:15pm at Christ the King & St. Colman’s Parish hall, Commercial Street, Bitterne SO18 5EG. If getting there is a problem, transport can be arranged by calling Chris Blick on 02380 560452 Looking forward to seeing you there. A short video clip can be found at Collections Waymark Ministries Christ the King & St Colman From January we will be adjusting the Weekly Christian Meditation Classes. Instead of being once a week for 60 minutes, they will be twice a month for 90 minutes, and will include some teaching on a theme as well as practical applications of meditation. These sessions will be led by David Cole and Alison Jones. They will be held on the second and fourth Thursdays each month from 7pm to 8.30pm at the St Joseph’s Centre, Ashurst. £9 per session. Pre-booking preferable, but walk-in’s welcome. January 8th & 22nd; February 12th & 26th. For your prayers: David continues a weekly mindfulness class with ‘Solent Mind’ at their centre in Hythe from the start of January. For more information on Solent Mind visit November Standing Orders £1609 50 21st December Loose plate £ 1122.08 28th Dec Loose Plate £139.03 4th Jan 2015 Loose Plate 107.64 Our Lady of the Assumption & St Brigid 20/21st Dec Loose Plate £137.09 Gift Aid £99.50 24/25th & 27/28th December Loose Plate £76.25 Gift Aid £90.00 4/5th January Loose plate £89.47 Gift Aid 92.16 Hedge End Crib Offering £5.60 Don’t forget Basic Bank. Make a difference in someone’s life—perhaps a hungry child Thank you Tom Allen Club November Winner Sheila Donnelly December Winner Lee Stewart Keep in touch with the latest news! The Diocese of Portsmouth now issues a weekly e-news with photos, news, and information from around the Diocese. Go to and add your email address to receive these updates. Are you on Facebook? Like ‘Diocese of Portsmouth’ to get all the latest info as it happens. You can also follow @BishopEgan and @PortsmouthRC on Twitter. Calling All Youth Flame 2—Saturday 7th March 2015 In 2012, 8000 young Catholics gathered at Wembley Arena for Flame. In March, CYMFED is building on this success by running Flame 2. This event is for young people from Year 10 - young adult. Over 5000 tickets have been sold, and young Catholics from Portsmouth Diocese are going to be a big part of it, as they travel with Bishop Philip on our diocesan coach to Wembley for Flame 2. Places cost just £45 which will include transport, tickets and a hoody! For more information and to book a place, contact Will Hince at [email protected] or 07780221686. The trailer for the event is above. CAFOD Portsmouth Supporters Meeting Cafod Portsmouth will be holding a meeting for Supporters on Saturday 31st January 2015 from 10am until 1.30pm at St Bede’s RC Primary School Basingstoke. Booking essential Ring 01252 329385 or email [email protected] Church Communities Our Lady of the Assumption Freegrounds Rd, Hedge End Could you help out CAFOD in 2015? We really need people to help in a wide variety of ways. For more information please go to or contact Lynda at the CAFOD office on 01252 329385 [email protected] St. Brigid Woodlea Gardens, West End Christ the King & St. Colman Bitterne Road East, Bitterne Parishes Office From the Bishop’s Office ECHOES-PARISH BASED CATECHIST FORMATION Echoes is a parish based formation for catechists and those involved in handing on the Faith. It builds on a sense of parish community and shared responsibility for the work of catechesis. Echoes presents key knowledge and skills needed for catechesis and equips those involved to build up their confidence in these areas; helping them to use Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Church documents to develop their own understanding of the faith. Echoes also suggests good methods of effective catechesis, which are Christ Centred and link to the Liturgy. A special training day for Priests and Catechists will be held at St Edward the Confessor, Chandler’s Ford, SO53 2DU January 24th 2015 10.00am 3.00pm. (bring a packed lunch) Cost £10.00 Contact Sr. Veronica @ 01590 681874 or e mail [email protected] 2 Dean Road, Bitterne Southampton SO18 6AP tel:02380449088 Email: [email protected] Priest: Fr. James Carling Mobile:07917792936 Email :[email protected] Opening Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 9.30 am to 1.00 pm Mrs Madeleine Wood Mrs Catherine Bassom Mrs Rose Jay Parishes Email:[email protected] Pastoral Area Website: HALL BOOKINGS: Bitterne Angela Adams 023 80421639 World Youth Day 2016: Thursday 21 July to Tuesday 2 August 2016. The Diocese is organising a coach for young people from our diocese to go to Poland for the next World Youth Day in 2016 with Pope Francis, travelling across Europe with Bishop Philip to join with over a million young Catholics. With accommodation in the heart of Krakow facilitating full participation in the whole event, this is going to be epic! Guide price £995. See Diocesan website here for more information. Limited places. Hedge End /West End Mary Barker: 01489 781202. Email: [email protected] LOCAL SAFEGUARDING REPRESENTATIVES Hedge End /West End Margaret Flavin 01489 782150 Bitterne Pat O’Brien 023 8046 3585 Pastoral Area Why not check out ‘Awestruck.TV’, a Catholic social network, with over 500 groups, See Portsmouth Diocese E-News: for all news from the Diocese R e g i s t e r e d Website: If you are new to the parish, or if you have not let us have your details before, please fill in one of the ‘new parishioner’ forms in the porch, and post it through the presbytery door. Also, if you move within the parish or out of the parish, please let us know .Thank you. C h a r i t y N o : 2 4 6 8 7 1
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