The Parish Gazette For the church communities of Christ the King & St. Colman Our Lady of the Assumption Twinned with the Catholic Parish of the Transfiguration in Tver' Russia and St. Brigid Churches in Southampton East Pastoral Area Pass on the Good News.... Twenty-Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time Weekend of the 11th & 12th October2014 5.30pm Saturday Vigil Mass Our Lady of the Assumption -Hedge End 11.00am Sunday Mass Christ the King & St Colman -Bitterne 5.30pm Sunday Mass St Brigid -West End George & Florie Butler RIP There will be Refreshments after: the 5.30pmVigil Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption and every Sunday after the 11am Mass at Christ the King & St Colman and every 2nd Sunday in the month at St Brigid after 5.30 Mass . All welcome Mon 13th Oct 10.00am 28th Week of Ordinary Time Service of the Word & Communion Bitterne Tue 14th Oct 10.00am 28th Week of Ordinary Time Service of the Word & Communion Hedge End Wed 15th Oct 10.00am St Teresa o Avila Service of the Word, Communion & Rosary West End Thur 16th Oct 10.00am 28th Week of Ordinary Time Service of the Word & Communion Bitterne Fri 17th Oct 10.00am St Ignatius of Antioch Service of the Word & Communion Hedge End No Reconciliation until further notice Fri 17th Oct 7—7.30pm Quiet Exposition & Sat 11th Oct Holy Hour 10.30-11.30am Christ King & St Colman The gospel today starts with a message of hope. God is calling us to his heavenly banquet. The responses he gets vary, from ungrateful to murderous. Responses that happen in every generation, ranging from those who are too busy to come to Church even once a week to be nourished by His Body and Blood; to those who refuse Christ’s offer of nourishment in favour of secularisation and worldly gain. The reading should give us a jolt and make us see how we respond to Christ and the nourishment He offers. And the man with no wedding garment, I think he represents those who have devised their own form of Christianity, a form that neither challenges nor follows the way Christ is calling us too. Fr James From The Joy of the Gospels Pope Francis The Church must be a place of mercy freely given, where everyone can feel welcomed, loved, forgiven and encouraged to live the good life of the Gospel. “I have held you in the palm of my hand” Isaiah 51:16 Next Sunday we welcome into our Parish Family Jessica Jaime & Sophie Majewska who will be Baptised at Christ the King & St Colman Church during the 11 O Clock Mass Date Day DIARY EVENT Where Time 13th Oct Mon West End Faith Group meeting Sheila’s House 7.30-9pm 20th Oct Mon JPPC OLA Hedge End 7.30-9pm 23rd Oct Thurs PAPC Meeting Woolston Boyle Room 7.30-9pm Collections 4th & 5th October 2014 Christ the King & St Colman Loose plate £133.30 Our Lady of the Assumption & St Brigid Loose Plate £150.21 Gift Aid £103.64 2nd Collections £114.80, Coffee morning £36.00, 1st Friday Soup £47.00 Street Pastors Training –see Notice Board This training is aimed at Street Pastors etc and qualifies as refresher training for insurance purposes but if you would like to come along or you know someone who is involved in street ministry please pass the details to them. Although Street Pastors organise these bi- annual events we make them open to anyone involved in Christian ministry to the street community. CAFOD Mass of Remembrance The 10.30am Sunday Mass on 16 November 2014 at Our Lady Help of Christians, 1A Sherborne Road, North Camp, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 6JS will remember and hold in prayer all deceased CAFOD supporters from our diocese and celebrate their lives, faith and compassion. Everybody is welcome to attend. If you would like to remember a loved one (even if you cannot attend the Mass), please send their names to [email protected] or phone the CAFOD office on 01252 329385 by 7th November and they will be included in the Book of Remembrance. CAFOD Needs You - CAFOD Portsmouth is currently looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help us visit Catholic secondary schools in Southampton. If you are a good communicator and interested in global issues, please get in touch. The role aims to empower young people to make a difference in today’s world. Full training provided. Please contact Lynda Mussell on 01252 329385 or email [email protected] for further information. Please continue to pray for all the sick, housebound in our parishes: Valerie Caesar, Tom Alford, Julie Hyans, James Adie, Marcus Sanderson, Margaret Lohse, Margaret Philips, Eileen Goble, Bill Byrne, John Gallen, Ron & Pat Viney, Mrs Betty Bailey, Mrs June Pond, Mrs Veronica Jackson, Madge Oldfield, Mrs Kay Fenton, Mrs Marie Beddow, Margaret Jackson, Florrie Jones, Julia Baldwin and Michael Dowling . Please also pray for all our friends and family who have died recently. Bridget Maiden, Ruby Margaret Philips & Martha Elena Browning ROTA Saturday 18th & 19thOctober 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time 5.30pm 11th Oct H/End 11.00am 12th Oct Bitterne 5.30pm 12th W/ End Welcomers Margaret Dolton Jackie, Rachel & Christopher Lang Lee & John Stewart Eamonn Flynn Peter Humphreys Ministers of Holy Communion Simon Grummitt Douglas Millar, Peter Bassom H Joan St Omer Chris Cookson Jan Prina Eileen Hurst Rita Busuttil Sheila Murphy Brian Smith Sacristan — Veronica Cleary Graham Farrington — Altar Servers — Readers — Bidding Prayers — Offertory Tom Drew Pierre Jack — Jackie Lang Lauren Mekle Colin Murphy David & Katherine Hill — Rose Jay Joan & Olivia Campbell Carmen McMahon Mary Scammell First Communion 2015: If your child will be 8 in the coming school year (ie, was born on or before 31st August 2007 and is in Year 3 or above this coming September) and you would like her/him to prepare for First Communion next year, please fill in one of the Registration forms in the porch and return it by 9th November – Feast of Christ the King. Dates (for all our Pastoral Area) are: Enrolment on 29/30th November The 1st Reconciliation – to be confirmed 1st Holy Communion Day will be 6/7th June 2015– the Feast of Corpus Christi Christ the King & St Colman Church The singing group meet on Fridays at 7.30 pm in Christ the King and Colman Church Hall. We will welcome any musicians and or singers to help with the organisation of Music in the Mass. No one has to be expert, just to want to join in and help enhance the liturgy. If you are interested and these times are not suitable please talk to one of the group Child Protection Training there are 3 venues for coming up soon for those that need it from the Children's Liturgy Team. Anyone who has not done the training before or have only had the Refresher Training needs to attend. Tuesday 7th Oct The Discovery Centre, St Edmund House, Bishop Crispian Way, Portsmouth PO1 3QA Child Protection Training - 7.00pm – 9.00pm Sat 1st Nov. at St Patrick's, Manor Road, Hayling Island PO11 0QU. Child protection Training 10 am - 12.30 pm. To attend please contact Hedge End /West End Margaret Flavin 01489 7824150 Hedge End Cake Sale and more: Saturday, 25th October after the 5.30 p.m. Mass outside the church (weather permitting, otherwise in Hedge End Hall). Please bring cakes and biscuits to put on the tables before mass if possible and remember to label if they may contain nuts. Please come and buy cakes to help raise money for parish funds. Waymark Ministries See Notice Board for Posters on Christian Meditation & Challenging Norm Sessions/talks CaFE series ‘Strength to Strength’ This coming Wednesday is another opportunity to join us in the popular CaFE series “Strength to Strength’. This week Giovanna Payne will be talking to us about ‘Pray before you speak’. This series is designed to help us with our daily prayer life, to renew ourselves each day with prayer as nourishment for our soul and to live our faith in our daily lives.This fourth talk in the six week series is on Wednesday 15th October, 7:30pm to 9:15pm at Christ the King & St. Colman’s parish hall, Commercial Street, Bitterne SO18 5EG.Please come along and enjoy the company of other parishioners as we listen and share together and learn to deepen our prayer life. Refreshment is provided Hedge End & West End Fund Raising CHRISTMAS MINI MART This year's mini-mart will be held on Saturday 29thNovember 18.15-19.30 in the Church Hall. Tickets will be on sale from 08th November at 50p per adult, children are free, and include tea/coffee and a mince pie or a piece of stollen. Donations for the stalls, tombola and raffle, such as good quality unwanted presents, gift sets, toiletries, chocolates, any beverages, jars, cans, wrapping paper etc. will be greatly appreciated. Boxes for donations will be left at the back of the church. We would also like to ask for help with the stalls and setting up the Saturday before the Mini Mart and making tea and coffee. If you think you could help on either day please call Beatrice Gill on 01489 790698 or email:[email protected] nded Confirmation 2015: The Sacrament of Confirmation for our Pastoral Area will be celebrated on 30 May 2015 at 3pm in the Cathedral (all Confirmations are now being celebrated there). It is for those aged 13 by 31 August 2014, i.e. mostly school Years 9 and 10, as there has been no Confirmation this year. Candidates are invited to send a short letter or email to the office applying to join the programme and saying why they would like to be confirmed. Details of the programme will be advertised soon. Church Communities Our Lady of the Assumption Freegrounds Rd, Hedge End St. Brigid Woodlea Gardens, West End Christ the King & St. Colman Bitterne Road East, Bitterne BISHOP’S CORNER Keep in touch with the latest news! The Diocese of Portsmouth now issues a weekly e-news with photos, news, and information from around the Diocese. Go to and add your email address to receive these updates. Are you on Facebook? Like ‘Diocese of Portsmouth’ to get all the latest info as it happens. You can also follow @BishopEgan and @PortsmouthRC on Twitter. Parishes Office 2 Dean Road, Bitterne Southampton SO18 6AP tel:02380449088 Email: [email protected] Priest: Fr. James Carling Mobile:07917792936 Email :[email protected] DISCOVERING PRIESTHOOD DAY Opening Hours: For those discerning the priesthood at St John's Seminary, Wonersh, on 1st November, 2014, 10am - 5pm. Lunch will be provided. Contact: Fr. John Chandler: [email protected]. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 9.30 am to 1.00 pm Mrs Madeleine Wood Mrs Catherine Bassom Mrs Rose Jay Parishes Email:[email protected] Heavens Road fm Catholic Radio The new series on Vocations features some fascinating stories of Catholics talking about their faith - from Religious, Postulants, Priests, Vocation Directors and Chaplains to Gangsters-turned-Catholic-Evangelists. The series starts on Sunday 12 October with a talk by Fr Gerard Flynn Vocations Director Portsmouth Diocese. Pastoral Area Website: HALL BOOKINGS: Bitterne Angela Adams 023 80421639 Hedge End /West End Mary Barker: 01489 781202. Email: [email protected] LOCAL SAFEGUARDING REPRESENTATIVES Thank you Hedge End /West End I would like to thank you for all your prayers and cards following my recent operation. I am now recovering and taking my delayed annual leave. Margaret Flavin 01489 782150 Bitterne Pat O’Brien 023 8046 3585 Pastoral Area Fr. James Website: Tom and Cath Alford would like to thank Father James and the Parish Family for their prayers and good wishes during Tom's stay in hospital. Tom & Cath R e g i s t e r e d If you are new to the parish, or if you have not let us have your details before, please fill in one of the ‘new parishioner’ forms in the porch, and post it through the presbytery door. Also, if you move within the parish or out of the parish, please let us know .Thank you. C h a r i t y N o : 2 4 6 8 7 1
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