1686 GAZETTE Newsletter of Chapter 1686 Sunnyslope Vol. XXXV JANUARY 2015 No. 3 6 Meetings of Chapter 1686 NARFE held at Cross Roads United Methodist Church, 7901 N. Central Ave., Phoenix. (S.E. corner of Central & Northern Aves. Enter from Northern Ave.) NEXT MEETING: Friday, January 16, 2015 Registration - 12:30 p.m. Meeting - 100 p.m. ~ ~ All Federal Employees, Retirees and their spouses are most welcome. Refreshments and fellowship will follow the meeting. ~ ~ PROGRAM: The speaker for the January meeting will be Sharon Knutson-Felix, Executive Director of Phoenix 100. She will tell what their organization does for the local community. ~ ~ PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE (Virginia Ginter, [email protected]): Our Holiday Party at Ironworks was successful, due to Clarice, Carol, Jean, Roseanne and Fred. There were about eight plus guests and NARFE members from other Chapters including Ron Adelman our District VII VP along with his wife. Total attending was 35. Reviewing our past year - Carol Culbertson attended the National convention; Chapter had good participation working the Health Fairs; 35th Anniversary celebration; variety of very good speakers with good attendance for most meetings. About seven members attended the Federation Workshop in May. We also gave donations of money, food, clothing and toys to Desert Mission. The three social luncheons during the summer months had good participation. Plans for 2015 - Continue with quality speakers, more focus on Legislative issues. Lois Gossett is one of three selected from all Arizona chapters to go to Washington for the NARFE Legislative Conference in March. Our chapter members are also active with the Task Force which includes meeting and discussing issues with other chapters. Planned participation in May Federation convention. From Richard Thissen, National President: "Below are a few of the NARFE's legislative accomplishments in the 113th Congress. We will go into 2015 with a strong resolve to continue to execute NARFE's primary mission: "To support legislation beneficial to current and potential federal annuitants and to oppose legislation contrary to their interests." (Refer to GEMS website for more details.) 1. NARFE successfully opposed chained CPI prevented alterations to Federal annuities. 2. Prevented damaging alternatives to Federal Health Plan. 3. Successfully opposed increased premiums and loss of FEHBP coverage for postal employees and retirees. 4. Supported addition of self, plus one to FEHBP. Looking forward to an active and successful 2015. ~ ~ My Best Year Yet May this be the year that I love to live. Have fun, achieve, have much to give. Pursue, attain, forgive, forget. In short, may it be my best year yet! Page 1 of 8. FIRST VICE PRESIDENT AND PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER’S REPORT (Carol Culbertson, [email protected]): 2015 is here, it will be an exciting year. For example, I can hardly wait to file my 2014 tax return! Yes, we are surrounded by Government. Rest assured, National NARFE including our Region VII VP Rodney Adelman, the Arizona Federation led by Etta Bryant, Federation Vice President Thad Andreski, District 1 Vice President and our Sunnyslope Chapter 1686 led by Virginia Ginter, will do their utmost to look after our interests! Sharing an inspirational story with you: The Necessity Of Stress by Travis - December 30, 2014. It's amazing what humanity can learn from nature. The Biosphere 2 project was created as a research tool for scientists to study Earth’s living systems, and it allowed scientists to play with farming and innovation in a way that didn't harm the planet. One of the most profound discoveries made by the scientists had nothing to do with a cure for some new disease or a new way of farming land. Rather, the discovery had to do with the wind’s role in a tree’s life. The trees inside Biosphere 2 grew rapidly, more rapidly than they did outside of the dome, but they also fell over before reaching maturation. After looking at the root systems and outer layers of bark, the scientists came to realize that a lack of wind in Biosphere 2 caused a deficiency of stress wood. Stress wood helps a tree position itself for optimal sun absorption and it also helps trees grow more solidly. Without stress wood, a tree can grow quickly, but it cannot support itself fully. It cannot withstand normal wear and tear and survive. In other words, the trees needed some stress in order to thrive in the long run. So what can we learn from this about ourselves? For us to reach our full potential, we need stress too. Learning to engage with stress and manage the consequences of choices is actually the richer, more fulfilling road to success. Rather than avoid stress, we need to embrace it Page 2 of 8. turn our sails toward the wind, make decisions, and learn to adapt. In the long run - the deeper your roots will grow, the stronger your skills will be and the more successful you will become. ~ ~ LEGISLATIVE REPORT (Lois Gossett): President Barack Obama signed the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act, which will give soldiers a 1 percent pay raise, as well as a $3 increase in most prescription co-pays. The bill is the result of a compromise in troop benefits reached by the House and Senate Armed Services Committees. Below are highlights of the bill: DoD requested "significant increases" to military pharmaceutical co-pays. The committee rejected this request and approved a limited $3 increase for selected pharmacy co-pays. Troop Pay & Allowances: The NDAA upholds the President's request for a 1 percent pay increase in 2015 for military personnel and the pay freeze for General and Flag Officers in FY15. The NDAA also turned away DoD's request for a 5 percent reduction in basic allowance for housing (BAH). Instead, it replaces that reduction with a 1 percent decrease. This will not affect veterans' benefits. Rehiring Federal Annuitants: NDAA includes a provision that would extend by five years agency heads' authority to rehire federal annuitants without a salary offset. (this applies to all agencies) Presidents Executive Order: Federal employees under the General Schedule will receive a 1 percent pay increase in 2015. Members of Congress will not get a raise this year. Nor will the Vice President and certain senior political appointees covered by the Executive Schedule, after those salaries were frozen as part of the 2015 spending package. The President's executive order, however, keeps locality pay percentages at 2014 levels. Congress is in recess until next year when the newly elected will take office. All bills that were proposed in 2014 will die and any issues they represented will have to be reintroduced. KEEP WATCH! ~ ~ SERVICE OFFICER’S REPORT (Richard Yee, [email protected]): Happy New Year! This year 2015 should be a pretty good year for those who are working and those who are retired. Zero and eight are good numbers because both go round and round and never end. The number 2015 is a good example, because if you add these numbers, 2015 will total 8. This is the time of the year to gather all of your documents for the filing of your taxes and to get the necessary brochures from the IRS. Some of the booklets that are important for everyone are the 1040, 1040A, Publication 17 (Your Federal Income Tax), Publication 502 (Medical and Dental Expenses), Publication 525 (Taxable and Nontaxable Income), Publication 554 (Tax Guide for Seniors), and Publication 721 (Tax Guide to U.S. Civil Service Retirement Benefits). Based upon my previous experience you can go to your nearest IRS Tax Office to get what you need, and if you are unable to find a publication, you can call 1-800829-3676 to have it sent to you. Also, the beginning of each year is a good time to update your F-100 (03-10) - “Be Prepared for Life’s Events.” This is a booklet about what your survivors should know and it is a guide to help you organize your personal and financial information in one location. Your circumstances may have changed in such areas as finances, insurance, assets, investments, and the location of your various documents. And you computer users should provide your siblings or children with your various user names and passwords so that they can access them in case of any emergency. And for those of you who do not have this booklet, just give me a call or send me an e-mail and I can make arrangements to have one sent to you. ~ ~ Minnehaha: A very, very small joke. ~ ~ One of the privileges of old age is to relate experiences that nobody will believe and give advice that nobody will follow. ~ ~ MEMBERSHIP REPORT (Clarice Pharo, [email protected]): Happy New Year! Hopefully we will be able to increase our Chapter membership in 2015. Our Activity Reports from the National NARFE office for November and December show the following: Reinstatements: 2; New Member; 1; Dropped for non-payment of dues: 3; Transferred out of chapter to e-Chapter: 1; Deaths: 1. We ask our members to help in recruiting new members. If you know of any prospective members give me their name and address and I will send them an application form and more information on NARFE. ~ ~ “NARFE needs you and you need NARFE”. NEW CHAPTER 1686 MEMBER: Michael Karlson, 4611 E. Onyx Ave., Phx. Welcome to Chapter 1686 Sunnyslope! We hope to meet you soon. ~ ~ AREA AGENCY “Lift the Wait” CAMPAIGN: Thanks to those who contributed to the Area Agency on Aging campaign. The proceeds of $71.00 from the Silent Auction at the Chapter Holiday party were donated to the “Lift the Wait” Campaign. ~ ~ 1686 GAZETTE is published eight issues a year by Chapter 1686, National Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE), 825 E. Cinnabar Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85020-1732. Members annual dues include subscription to this publication. Non-profit bulk mail rate permit postage paid at Glendale, AZ. ~ ~ Page 3 of 8. SUMMARY - MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER MEETING: President Virginia Ginter called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. She called for a moment of silence for Doris T. Walton and all departed Armed Services men and women. Col. Tom Burch, our guest speaker for today, led us all in the Pledge of Allegiance. Col. Tom Burch, who is a volunteer for the AARP Arizona Driver Safety Program, spoke on “Negotiating Traffic on the Roads Today.” Col. Burch retired in 1959 as a Colonel in the Army after 28 years, and he has a Bachelor of Science degree in Law Enforcement, a Master’s Degree in Criminology, and a Master of Arts Degree in Military Science. Col. Burch held our attention as he spoke about Arizona’s traffic problems regarding cell phones and the unrestricted prevalence of trucks in any lane on the roads. Two basic rules for senior citizens and drivers of any age are to be mentally aware and to look around by scanning the traffic for one second before proceeding. There are about 6.4 million people in Arizona, and of the driving population, l7% are drivers over the age 65. By the year 2020, this will increase to 20%. It is estimated there is an 8% crash rate for seniors over the age of 65, and 75% of these crashes occur at intersections. If you are driving in Coconino County, you cannot text or be on the cell phone. Col. Burch also covered the many problem areas of dementia, alcohol, medications, and using the light rail as an alternative to driving. Virginia presented him with a NARFE cup. Richard gave the treasurer’s report and Virginia asked him about the cost of putting out the newsletter, which was $918 in 2013. There will be an audit in January. Membership chair Clarice reminded us that we have until December 31th to sign up a new member and receive $20, and to be sure to sign up for the Holiday Party by December 9th. Eleanor Dullas, Officer Election chair, reported that the executive board will remain the same for the year 2015. Virginia reported that donations for Area Agency on Aging’s campaign, “Lifting the Page 4 of 8. Wait”, has been falling and there are 1037 people waiting for services and aid, and she passed out envelopes for donations. Legislative Officer Lois Gossett reported that federal retirement claims were up during October. Congressional leaders are focusing on budget issues that would raise federal employees’ tributions towards retirement, such as paying 5.5% more of their salary toward retirement. Representative Jason Chaffetz of Utah has introduced a bill to require federal agencies to fire any employees who are delinquent on paying their taxes. Another chairman to watch for is Senator Ron Johnson, who wants a hearing on whether federal employees are overpaid even though there has been a three-year freeze on their pay. Congress needs to pass legislation to keep the government going beyond December 11, and we need to check Gems which advocates for us. To do this, go to www.narfe.org/ legislation and sign up for GEMS. On the left page about half-way down, look for “add e-mail and join Gems”. Click on this and also click the first bullet in the “Change Email Type”. Reminder: Donate to the NARFE-PAC! Attendance: 17 members, one guest:. The meeting was adjourned at 2:40 p.m. Submitted by Roberta Yee, Secretary ~ ~ AUDIT AND BUDGET COMMITTEE: The Audit and Budget committee will be meeting on January 12th to audit the chapter treasury books and prepare a proposed budget for 2015. The proposed budget will be printed in the February chapter newsletter and discussed and voted on at the February meeting. Committee consists of Chairman, Lois Gossett, Fred Garcia and Clarice Pharo. ~ ~ NARFE 2015 LEGISLATIVE TRAINING CONFERENCE: Congratulations to Lois Gossett for being selected to attend the Legislative Conference in Arlington, VA in March. Lois is our Chapter 1686 Legislative Officer and will be one of four from the Arizona Federation to attend the conference this year. ~ ~ BIRTHDAYS: Jan. 16th thru Feb. 15th: Tom Solnit Evelyn Fisher Palmer Baken Steven Rabatin Charles Kelber Terrence Loyer Annette Fischer Edith Hanna Caroline Deegan - Jan. 31 Feb. 01 Feb. 01 Feb. 08 Feb. 09 Feb. 10 Feb. 11 Feb. 14 Feb. 15 Best Wishes! ANNIVERSARIES (over 50 years): Mr. & Mrs. Palmer Baken Jan. 15th - 71 years BIRTHDAY DRAWINGS: If you find the Hidden Birthdate in this newsletter and it’s yours, you will receive a NARFE cup. If your name is drawn from the list of birthdates in the newsletter, you will also receive a cup. You must be present in either case. The Hidden Birthday for November was for Barbara Campbell, who was not present. Wanda Hauger’s name was drawn from the birthdays listed in the newsletter. She was not present. ~ ~ EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING: The February Board meeting will be held on February 5th in the Library Room at the Cross Roads Church at 1:00 p.m. All members are welcome to attend these meetings. ~ ~ 50/50 WINNERS: Fred Garcia collected $30.00 for the 50/50 at the November meeting. The chapter treasury received $16.00 and Edline Van Beers and Elaine Caves each received $7.00. ~ ~ SUNSHINE REPORT (Carol Ehle, [email protected]): Our Sunshine Lady has not been feeling well lately. We wish you a speedy recovery, Carol.. We received word that our long-time member, Jesse Pate, passed away recently. No other information available at this time. ~ ~ REFRESHMENTS: Refreshments for the November meeting were furnished by Marlyne Falk, Tressie Annand and Dan Gilchrist. Thank you. ~ ~ 5-9 ELECTION OF CHAPTER OFFICERS: ADDRESS CHANGES: The following chapter officers were installed at the Holiday Party: We ask, again, if you have a change of address or e-mail, let Fred or Clarice know. We still have some newsletters that are being returned because of incorrect addresses. The chapter is charged for any returned mail and we would like to keep the mailing lists up-to-date. . Thank you. ~ ~ Elected: President Vice President Secretary Treasurer - Appointed: Legislation Membership Service Officer Public Relations Editor - Lois Gossett - Clarice Pharo - Richard Yee - Carol Culbertson - Clarice Pharo ~ ~ Check out our AZ Federation Web page at: http://www.narfeaz.com Virginia Ginter Carol Culbertson Roberta Yee Richard Yee Page 5 of 8. DATES TO REMEMBER: Jan. 14, 2015 (Wed.) Jan. 16, 2015 (Fri.) Feb. 20, 2015 (Fri.) Mar. 20, 2015 (Fri.) Apr. 17, 2015 (Fri.) May 3 –5, 2015 - District 1 & 5 Task Force Mtg., Ginter Residence, 1902 W. Joan de Arc Ave, Phx. Chapter 1686 Monthly Mtg., Cross Roads Church, Northern & Central Aves., Phx. Chapter 1686 Monthly Mtg., Cross Roads Church, Northern & Central Aves., Phx Chapter 1686 Monthly Mtg., Cross Roads Church, Northern & Central Aves., Phx. Chapter 1686 Monthly Mtg., Cross Roads Church, Northern & Central Aves., Phx. Federation Convention, Windermere Hotel in Sierra Vista, AZ ~ ~ DID YOU KNOW? ♦ Pam cooking spray will dry finger nail polish. ♦ For shiny hair use brewed Lipton tea. ♦ To remove labels from glassware, rub with peanut butter. ♦ For dirty grout, use Listerine. ♦ Minor burns, Colgate or Crest toothpaste. ♦ Grass stains, use Karo Syrup ♦ Bee stings, meat tenderizer. ♦ To keep flowers fresh longer, add a little Clorox or two Bayer aspirin, ♦ Puffy eyes, Preparation H.. ♦ Athletes feet, cornstarch ♦ Sweat stains, use Efferdent or vinegar. ♦ Kool Aid cleans dishwasher pipes. Just put it in the detergent section and run a cycle. ♦ Candles last longer if put in freezer 3 hours before burning. ~ ~ We sincerely thank the First Credit Union for supporting our newsletter with their monthly advertisement. Stop in and visit them at 803 East Devonshire Ave., Phoenix, AZ ~ ~ THIS CREDIT UNION IS FEDERALLY INSURED BY THE NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ADMINISTRATION Page 6 of 8. HIGHLIGHTS OF CHAPTER 1686 HOLIDAY PARTY: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Party was held on December 19th at the Ironworks Restaurant with 35 members and friends in attendance. Carol Culbertson was the Master of Ceremonies and Lynn Engles was the Greeter. Federation Vice President Thad Andreski installed the Chapter 1686 Executive Board for 2015. Region VII Vice President Rodney Adelman commented on the Federation and about starting his new position as Region VII Vice President. The Silent Auction, set up by Jean Rigtrup and Roseanne Sonchik, donated the proceeds to Area Agency on Aging “Lifting the Wait” Campaign. Lynn Engles and Violet Toy each made $15.00 on the 50/50 drawing. $29.00 went into the chapter treasury. Clarice Pharo won the Losers’ Prize. Door Prizes winners were: Cecilia Casaneda, John Curth, Mercille Curth, Bunny Rabinowitz, Becky Dullas, Eleanor Dullas, Marlyne Falk, Fred Garcia, Virginia Ginter, Lois Gossett, Edith Hanna, Clarice Pharo, Roseanne Sonchik, Violet Toy. Prizes were donated by Blue Cross, GEHA, First Credit Union and members. The food and service were good and everyone enjoyed the afternoon. ~ ~ DONATIONS FOR DESERT MISSION: Thanks to the members who brought toys to the November meeting for the Mission to distribute to the children for Christmas. January is the month to bring your donations for Desert Mission. Bring non-perishable food items, usable clothing, items that can be sold in their Thrift Store or cash to the January meeting. They will be delivered to the Mission following the meeting. Thank you. ~ ~ NEW FEDERATION NEWSLETTER: The Arizona Federation has contracted for a new newsletter. Starting in March 2015, it will be sent quarterly to all NARFE members in Arizona at no cost to the Federation. Cost will be borne by advertisers. Chapters are encouraged to submit articles for this publication. They should be sent to Bob Elgines. ~ ~ NARFE DUES SCHEDULE: $ 40 ~ 1 yr. National, plus Chapter Dues $ 72 ~ 2 yrs., National, plus Chapter Dues $102 ~ 3 yrs., National, plus Chapter Dues $ 34 ~ 1 yr., National, Dues W/holding, plus Chapter Dues We hope all our NARFE members had a very Merry Christmas. And we wish them (Retirees only eligible for Dues W/holding.) $ 10 ~ 1 yr., Chapter $ 40 ~ New Member, first year only (Includes National and Chapter Dues.) ~ ~ all the best for 2015! January 2015 Stone - Garnet Flower - Carnation Page 7 of 8. NARFE Nat’l. Active & Retired Fed. Employees Assn. Chapter 1686 Sunnyslope Clarice M. Pharo, Editor 825 E. Cinnabar Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85020-1732 Time Value JANUARY 2015 Address Service Requested Dated Material CHAPTER 1686 EXECUTIVE BOARD: President: 1st V. President: Secretary: Treasurer: Virginia Ginter 602 942-6093 Carol Culbertson 602 943-7834 Roberta Yee 623 337-4498 623 337-4498 Richard Yee 8844 W. Kings Ave. Peoria, AZ 85382-3511 Legislative: Lois Gossett Unlisted Membership: Clarice Pharo 602 943-4753 Service Officer: Richard Yee 623 337-4498 Public Relations: Carol Culbertson 602 943-7834 Clarice Pharo 602 943-4753 Editor: * * * * * * * * * * Dist. 1 V. Pres.: Fed. President: Fed. V. Pres. Reg. VII VP Ron Castaneda Etta Bryant Thad Andreski Rodney Adelman 623 546-5596 520 578-0848 928 252-6743 623 505-4719 God Bless America! Page 8 of 8. COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN: Sunshine, Carol Ehle: 602 943-7308 Greeter, Lynn Engles: 602 265-3750 Membership Records, Fred Garcia: 623 878-7007 Attendance and 50/50 Fred Garcia: 623 878-7007 Refreshments, Clarice Pharo: 602 943-4753 Telephone Chairman, Virginia Ginter: 602 942-6093 NARFE-Pac Coordinator, Vacant Asst. to Editor, Jean Rigtrup: 602 841-1203 CHAPTER TELEPHONE CALLERS: Richard Yee Roberta Yee Joan Ashton Barbara Campbell Carol Ehle Need a Caller - Addie to Clark Carlos to Gilchrist Ginter to Kelber Kelleman to Miller Moed to Schultz Solnit to Zandee Contact Virginia (602 942-6093) if you would like to be a caller. Thank you. ~ ~
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