1686 GAZETTE Newsletter of Chapter 1686 Sunnyslope OCTOBER 2014 Vol. XXXV No. 1 Meetings of Chapter 1686 NARFE held at Cross Roads United Methodist Church, 7901 N. Central Ave., Phoenix. (S.E. corner of Central & Northern Aves. Enter from Northern Ave.) NEXT MEETING: Friday, Oct. 17, 2014 Come join us and support NARFE. ~ ~ All Federal Employees, Retirees, and their spouses are most welcome. ~ ~ NOTE THE TIMES FOR THIS MEETING! 11:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.: Marc Rosales of Blue Cross Blue Shield will speak and answer questions on their health insurance plan. 12:00 noon - 12:30 p.m.: Bryan Sperling will speak and answer questions on the GEHA health insurance plan. 12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.: Refreshments. 1:00 p.m: Chapter 1686 business meeting, followed by a celebration of the Chapter’s 35th Anniversary! ~ PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE (Virginia Ginter , [email protected]): Happy 35th Anniversary, Chapter 1686! 1979 - 2014 Happy Halloween Special meeting this month 35TH CHAPTER ANNIVERSARY ! Also, come early for the information from Brian and Marc from GEHA and Blue Cross. Changes occur each year. Be informed. Workshops and Conventions are over. Changes are already in the works. In February 2015, all chapters and their members will receive a new Federation newspaper. At the present time only chapter officers receive the Federation News. There is quite a bit that would be of interest to members, but cannot be passed along in meetings and chapter newsletters at the present time due to time and space. Also, Gems will be changing as some feel there is too much unnecessary information presented. No time given for the change. (Continued on Page 5.) Page 1 of 8, LEGISLATIVE REPORT (Lois Gossett): Voting Records: • The October issue of NARFE Magazine includes NARFE’s 113th Congress Scorecard. The insert shows how members of Congress voted on NARFE’s priority legislation during this Congress. The scorecard also includes life-time voting records. Lame Duck: • Congress is scheduled to return on November 12th for a Lame Duck session. During the session, they are expected to vote on the National Defense Authorization Act and a Continuing Resolution spending bill that will take us into the new Congress. The present CR will expire December 11th. It is not expected to be a cantankerous session, nor is it expected to go later then mid-December. • One piece of legislation that may be debated during the lame duck is the postal reform bill pending in the Senate, S. 1486. o NARFE opposes the bill for a variety of reasons, all of which on their own is enough to oppose the larger bill. o NARFE members should be using the recess before the lame duck to let their Senators know they oppose the bill. o We revised the previous action letter to reflect possible lame duck action. Click here to send your Senators the action letter. This letter contains the main points of the bill and why we are opposed to them. It effects other than postal employees as well and is worth reading. COLA: ♦ The COLA has now shrunk to 1.6%. The final figure is dependent on the September number due out in October. ~ ~ SERVICE OFFICER’S REPORT (Richard Yee, [email protected]): Open Season for 2014 starts on Monday, Nov 10th through Monday Dec 8th This is your time to decide if you still want to keep what you have or check out the other insurance companies. If any of you are interested in the literature for any insurance carriers, you can research the internet or give me a buzz. On September 14, 2014 the Arizona Republic published an article about Long Term Care (LTC) Insurance, stating that it is starting to look like a necessity for many folks. Point to consider: Medicare covers only up to 100 days of rehabilitation following hospitalization. Beyond that—nothing. Seventy (70%) of people older than 65 may likely need some form of LTC at some point. For married couples, the chance that one spouse will need LTC rises to 91%. Women outlive men, and thus are more likely to need some sort of home health care someday. The big question about LTC is how do you pay for it? If you have very little money but a big need, Medicaid will pay for it. It’s the people in the middle with incomes of $100K to $1 million that may have issues. So you should do the math, and if your math is not encouraging, then arrangements should be made based on your other resources.. The bottom line, as I have repeatedly said in past issues, is that having LTC is a choice we should make, as some of us who already have it may not ever need to use it, while others who don’t have it, may really need it! ~ ~ Columbus Day Oct. 12th 1686 GAZETTE is published eight issues a year by Chapter 1686, National Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE), 825 E. Cinnabar Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85020-1732. Members annual dues include subscription to this publication. Non-profit bulk mail rate permit postage paid at Glendale, AZ. ~ ~ Page 2 of 8. MEMBERSHIP REPORT (Clarice Pharo, HEALTH FAIRS: [email protected]): During FEHBP Open Season many health fairs will be held at many government agencies. NARFE will be setting up tables at these fairs to pass out literature and explain about what our organization is doing to help federal employees and retirees. This is an opportunity to sign up new members. The chapter needs members to help man the tables and talk to prospective members. If you are able to work at one of these tables for a few hours, please contact Richard Yee as soon as possible. Tel.: 623-337-45498 or E-mail: [email protected]. Thank you. ~ ~ The monthly Activity Report from NARFE National Office has not been received yet. The new Membership Drive was explained in the last newsletter and packets with more information were distributed at the September meeting. This is an incentive for chapter members to recruit new members. For each member they sign up he/ she will receive $10.00 from the National Office. The Arizona Federation will match this with another $10.00. The recruiter’s name will then be put in a drawing for each member they recruit for a Kindle Fire Tablet. Be sure to put your NARFE ID number on the application form. The packets will again be available at the October meeting. If you can’t attend the meeting and would like more information, give me a call or e-mail message. (602-943-4753; [email protected]) ~ ~ “You need NARFE; NARFE needs You” NARFE DUES SCHEDULE: $ 40 ~ 1 yr. National, plus Chapter Dues $ 72 ~ 2 yrs., National, plus Chapter Dues $102 ~ 3 yrs., National, plus Chapter Dues $ 34 ~ 1 yr., National, Dues W/holding, plus Chapter Dues (Retirees only eligible for Dues W/holding.) NEW CHAPTER 1686 MEMBER: Theddeus L. Nelson, 1018 E. Acoma Dr., Phoenix, AZ 85022-4324 Welcome to Chapter 1686 Sunnyslope! We hope to meet you soon. ~ ~ $ 10 ~ 1 yr., Chapter $ 40 ~ New Member, first year only (Includes National and Chapter Dues.) ~ ~ See how long it takes you to do this. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 FYI: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ It takes glass one million years to decompose, which means it never wears out and can be recycled an infinite number of times. Gold is the only metal that doesn’t rust, even if it’s buried for thousands of years. If you stop getting thirsty, you need to drink more water. When a human body is dehydrated, it’s thirst mechanism shuts off. Zero is the only number that cannot be represented by Roman numerals. Drinking water after eating reduces the acid in your mouth by 61 percent. Your tongue is the only muscle in your body that’s attached at only one end. Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair. ~ ~ 15 15 15 15 15 15 Put a number in each square, using each number only once. Numbers across and down must add up to “15”. - - - Thanks to Richard Yee Page 3 of 8. SUMMARY - MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER MEETING.: President Virginia Ginter called the meeting to order at 1:08 p.m. She called for a moment of silence for all departed members, and then led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Secretary called the roll. Carol Culbertson, today’s keynote speaker and Chapter 1686 delegate to the 2014 NARFE National Convention in Orlando, Florida, happily reported that she was able to avoid meeting up with a large alligator that was spotted at the Rosen Centre Hotel, where about 785 people were attending the convention. Carol also reported on the many highlights of the conventions such as the National Office election results, bylaws amendments, and resolutions which were voted on and passed or defeated. The resolution to require NARFE Headquarters to schedule training of Chapter Service Officers at various locations was rejected. The resolution to reassign current nationwide E-NARFE members to statewide chapters was withdrawn, so no action was taken. Carol said that Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson of Florida is fighting the Chained CPI. Also, NARFE will save ½ million dollars right away by eliminating the National Officer positions from four to two. By 2016, NARFE should have an Executive Director position at a salary of $200,000. The ENARFE chapter has 382 votes. Carol was awarded a NARFE cup by President Ginter. John Curth made an observation that a simple majority rule on voting might be better than the 2/3 rule, and it was suggested that he e-mail Rodney Adelman about this matter. Membership Officer Clarice Pharo gave her membership report. She said the monthly report from NARFE National showed that we have two new members, two members have dropped out for nonpayment of dues, and there are three prospective members. The membership drive has been extended until the end of this year. Recruiters will receive $10.00 for each new member they recruit. The Arizona Federation has agreed to match the “finder’s fee” of $10.00, making a total of $20.00 for each recruiter. Legislative Officer Lois Gossett reported that the House of Representatives has passed a continuing resolution that will keep the government operating until Dec. 11, 2014. At this point in time, Congress has not used any means to block a one percent pay raise for federal employees granted by Page 4 of 8. President Barack Obama, so the raise is scheduled to go into effect in January. The VA Construction .Assistance Act would seek increased oversight of veterans’ hospitals. If signed into law, a project manager from the Army Corps of Engineers would oversee Veterans Affairs. that cost more than $60 million. Lois also reported that the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee approved bipartisan legislation that would give disabled vets who were hired as federal employees access to their full year’s sick leave immediately upon starting their jobs. The Wounded Warriors Federal Leave Act would give the service-disabled 104 hours starting out, instead of starting from zero, and accruing more leave as federal employees currently do. Virginia discussed the summer luncheons. Lois suggested we drop the Asian luncheon and suggested a barbecue place for next year. Virginia discussed future speakers for our chapter meetings. We will have a nominating committee to select nominees for next year’s board. The committee consists of Eleanor Dullas and Carol Ehle. For our October meeting, our chapter will conduct a mini-health fair from 11:00 to 12:45, before our chapter meeting. Marc Rosales of Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Brian Sperling of GEHA will be present. Roberta reported that so far we have only heard from Humana and United Concordia, whose representatives will not be able to attend. Richard said that Dee Price of Chapter 1234 has offered to accompany him to the Sunnyslope Post Office health fair and also the combined health fair of the IHS, U.S. Attorneys Office, and DCMA. Richard announced that the Alzheimer’s Walk will take place on November 8th at Bolin Plaza. A box for monetary donations from our members will be placed in our meeting room during the October chapter meeting. The meeting was adjourned at about 2:45 p.m. (There were 16 members present.) Submitted by Roberta Yee, Secretary ~ ~ FEDERATION WORKSHOP: The Federation Workshop was held on September 26th and 27th at the Clarion Hotel in Ahwatukee. The following members of Chapter 1686 attended: Virginia Ginter, Carol Culbertson, Roberta and Richard Yee, Lois Gossett, Clarice Pharo, Jean Rigtrup and Joan Ashton. Several of these members will speak on the highlights of this Workshop at the October 17tth meeting. ~ ~ BIRTHDAYS: Oct. 16 thru Nov. 15th: Richard Yee Philip Hanna Rita Kulawiec Dale Armstrong Alan Finkel Oct. 20 Oct. 21 Oct. 21 Oct. 24 Nov. 11 Best Wishes! SUNSHINE REPORT (Carol Ehle, [email protected]): No cards sent this month . ~ ~ 50/50 WINNERS: Fred Garcia drew the winning names for the September 50/50. Winners of $7.00 each were John Curth and Lois Gossett . The chapter treasury received $14.00. ~ ~ President’s Message (Cont. from Pg. 1: At the September workshop, Bill Gates and Lisa Heidinger representing the two Governor candidates presented the candidate's views on issues, followed by a Q&A. In Arizona, all the House of Representatives are up for re-election so this is an important election for NARFE. Read the article in the October NARFE issue "How they voted: 113th Congress score card." We have escaped certain threats in the past, but our earned benefits are never secure. It is important if you have changed your phone or email address (as many have) to please let us know. Contact any of the officers, phone numbers in back of newsletter. Thank you to those members who will give their time at this year’s Health Fairs. . One last note. Each year I remind you, "The Great Pumpkin is Coming". Don't believe Oh Dear! You will be missing out. Happy Halloween! ~ ~ REFRESHMENTS: The refreshments for the September meeting were furnished by Jean Rigtrup and Roseanne Sonchik. Thank you. ~ ~ EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING: The November Chapter 1686 Executive Board meeting will be held on November 6, 2014, 1:00 p.m. in the Library Room at the Cross Roads Church. All members are welcome to attend.~ ~ BIRTHDAY DRAWINGS: If you find the Hidden Birthdate in this newsletter and it’s yours, you will receive a NARFE cup. Also, if your name is drawn from the list of birthdates in the newsletter, you will receive a cup. No one claimed the September hidden birthday. Three names were drawn from the list in the newsletter - Gary Gard, Elnora Robinson and Rolf Cartharius. None were present, so no cups were given out. ~ ~ ELECTION OF CHAPTER OFFICERS: Election of Chapter 1686 President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer will be held at the November Meeting. Eleanor Dullas (602-266-2664) and Carol Elhe (602-943-7308) are in charge of getting a slate of officers for the election. If you are willing to serve the chapter by running for one of these positions, call Eleanor or Carol and let them know. The Appointed Officers, consisting of Legislation, Membership, Service Officer, Public Relations, and Editor will be appointed by the President after election. Are you willing to serve as one of those? Also, there are committee chairmanship positions that need to be filled. Step up and let us know how you can help. Your chapter needs you. ~ ~ FEHBP Open Season: Nov. 10th through Dec. 8th, 2014 Check out our AZ Federation Web page at: http://www.narfeaz.com Page 5 of 8. CHAPTER 1686 HOLIDAY PARTY: ALZHEIMER’S WALK: The Chapter 1686 Annual Holiday Party will be held at the IronWorks Restaurant on December 19, 2014, starting at 11:30 a.m. The entrée will be a choice of Turkey, Pork Chops or Meat Loaf, along with salad, potatoes, vegetable, coffee or tea, and rolls. The charge will still be $15.00 per person and the chapter will pay the difference in price. The Chapter 1686 officers for 2015 will be installed at the party. There will be a Silent Auction, Door Prizes, 50/50 and the Losers’ Prize drawing. If you turned in all of your losing 50/50 tickets for the year, you will have another chance to win a prize. Plan to attend, send in your reservations early, and we’ll see you at the party. ~ ~ The Walk will be held Saturday, November 8, 2014, at Wesley Bolin Plaza, 1700 W. Washington St.. Phoenix, AZ. Live entertainment throughout the morning. One- and three– mile Walk routes are available, all paved and over flat surfaces. ♦ ♦ ♦ 7:30 a.m. - Registration 8:45 a.m. - Walk Program starts 9:15 a.m. - Walk begins If you are unable to participate in the Walk but would like to donate to the cause, give or send your check to Richard Yee and he will give it to the Alzheimer’s Assn. (Richard’s address is on Page 8.) ~ ~ SILENT AUCTION ITEMS FOR HOLIDAY PARTY: A Silent Auction will be held at the Holiday Party again this year. Due to limited space, we plan on having fewer items and items of better quality. If you have a nice item that you would like to donate for the auction, please bring it to the October or November meeting. Jean Rigtrup and Roseanne Sonchik will be in charge of this event. ~ ~ CHAPTER 1686 ANNUAL HOLIDAY PARTY WHERE: IronWorks Restaurant, 17233 N. 45th Ave., Glendale., AZ WHEN: Friday, December 19th, 2014 - TIME: 11:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. COST: $15.00 per person - Includes Tax & Gratuity ENTRÉE: _____ Turkey; _____ Pork Chops; _____ Meat Loaf (Mark how many of each.) NAME: ____________________________ SPOUSE: __________________ Guests: _____________________________________________ Total Number Attending: ________ @ $15.00 = (List names) $ __________ enclosed. Installation of Chapter 2015 Officers Silent Auction Door Prizes 50/50 Losers’ Prize Make check payable to: Chapter 1686 NARFE, and give or mail to: Clarice Pharo, 825 E. Cinnabar Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85020-1732. Reservation Deadline: Dec. 9, 2014. ~ ~ Page 6 of 8. DATES TO REMEMBER: Oct. 17, 2014 (Fri.) Nov. 06, 2014 (Thurs.) Nov. 21, 2014 (Fri.) Dec. 19, 2014 (Fri.) May 3 –5, 2015 - Chapter 1686 Mtg., Cross Roads Church, Northern & Central Aves., Phx. Chapter 1686 Exec. Board Mtg.,Cross Roads Church, Northern & Central Aves., Phx. Chapter 1686 Monthly Mtg., Cross Roads Church, Northern & Central Aves., Phx. Chapter 1686 Annual Holiday Party, IronWorks Restaurant, Glendale, AZ Federation Convention, Windermere Hotel in Sierra Vista, AZ ~ ~ DONATIONS FOR DESERT MISSION: Thanks to those who brought items to the September meeting for Desert Mission. Three large boxes of clothing and miscellaneous items, along with food items were delivered to the Mission following the meeting. We hope members will bring new or like new, unwrapped toys to the November meeting for the Mission to distribute during the holidays. Desert Mission, right here in Sunnyslope, has been our chapter charity for a number of years. Their Treasure Trove Thrift Store on Central Avenue has closed and they have opened a new, larger store at 333 E. Dunlap Avenue. It’s new name is North Mountain Community Thrift Store. With the larger store, they need more Items to fill it. They would appreciate good used clothing and household goods and mentioned that at the present time they are short of purses. Stop in and visit their new store. They have some very nice items. ~ ~ 2014 NARFE SCHOLARSHIPS: Scholarship winners have been announced and one is Jenna Richie, the granddaughter of our Chapter 1686 member Marlyne Falk. Jenna will attend the University of Arizona.. The other Arizona winner is Austin Platt, grandson of Merle Zunigha of Chapter 1395. Austin will attend Grand Canyon University. ~ ~ We sincerely thank the First Credit Union for supporting our newsletter with their monthly advertisement. Stop in and visit them at 803 East Devonshire Ave., Phoenix, AZ ~ ~ 9-15 THIS CREDIT UNION IS FEDERALLY INSURED BY THE NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ADMINISTRATION Page 7 of 8. NARFE Nat’l. Active & Retired Fed. Employees Assn. Chapter 1686 Sunnyslope Clarice M. Pharo, Editor 825 E. Cinnabar Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85020-1732 Time Value OCTOBER 2014 Address Service Requested Dated Material CHAPTER 1686 EXECUTIVE BOARD: President: 1st V. President: Secretary: Treasurer: Virginia Ginter 602 942-6093 Carol Culbertson 602 943-7834 623 337-4498 Roberta Yee Richard Yee 623 337-4498 8844 W. Kings Ave. Peoria, AZ 85382-3511 Legislative: Lois Gossett Unlisted Membership: Clarice Pharo 602 943-4753 Service Officer: Richard Yee 623 337-4498 602 943-7834 Public Relations: Carol Culbertson Editor: Clarice Pharo 602 943-4753 COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN: Sunshine, Carol Ehle: 602 943-7308 Greeter, Lynn Engles: 602 265-3750 Membership Records, Fred Garcia: 623 878-7007 Attendance and 50/50 Fred Garcia 623 878-7007 Refreshments, Clarice Pharo 602 943-4753 Telephone Chairman, Virginia Ginter: 602 942-6093 NARFE-Pac Coordinator, Vacant Asst. to Editor, Jean Rigtrup: 602 841-1203 * * * * * * * * * * Dist. 1 V. Pres.: Thad Andreski Fed. President: Rodney Adelman Reg. VII V. Pres.: Frank Impinna 928 252-6743 623 505-4719 303 482-1747 October Flower Calendula Page 8 of 8. Stone Opal CHAPTER TELEPHONE CALLERS: Richard Yee Roberta Yee Joan Ashton Barbara Campbell Carol Ehle Need a Caller - Addie to Clark Carlos to Gilchrist Ginter to Kelber Kelleman to Miller Moed to Schultz Solnit to Zandee Contact Virginia (602 942-6093) if you would like to be a caller. Thank you. ~ ~
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