OPPORTUNITIES FOR ARTISTS Department of Art & Art Professions, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, NYU listing of art opportunities *Please Note: NYU Steinhardt maintains a list of scholarships and grants from outside organizations. The list can be found here: http://steinhardt.nyu.edu/art/resources/nonnyuscholarships The College Art Association posts various opportunities for the arts, which can be found here: http://www.collegeart.org/opportunities/ The Artist Trust posts residencies, workspace, awards, etc. with corresponding deadlines which can be found here: http://artisttrust.org/index.php/for-artists/opportunities JANUARY 2015 The Opportunities for Artists include scholarships, residencies, grants, fellowships, awards, exhibitions, for art students, visual artists and other arts-related professions. All information is subject to change and must be verified by the individual seeking each opportunity. AWARDS, GRANTS & FELLOWSHIPS Fellowship, The Wolfsonian - FIU, Miami Beach, FL, Deadline: December 31, 2014, http://www.wolfsonian.org/research-library/fellowships Emerging Artist Fellowships, Socrates Sculpture Park, Long Island City, NY, Deadline: January 12, 2015, http://socratessculpturepark.org/opencalls/eaf15/ 2015 Research Fellowships, Center for Creative Photography, Tucson, AZ, Deadline: January 15, 2015, http://www.creativephotography.org/study-research/fellowships-internships Affordable Art Fair Award, Julio Valdez Studio Project Space, Deadline: January 15, 2015, http://www.jvsprojectspace.com/#!affordable-art-fair-award/c128k Barbaralee Diamonstein-Spielvogel Visiting Artist Fellowship, Duke University, Durham, NC, Deadline: January 16, 2015, http://library.duke.edu/rubenstein/research/visiting-artist Artist Trust Fellowship, WA, Deadline: January 20, 2015, http://artisttrust.org/index.php/for-artists/money#fellowships Alexander Rutsch Award and Exhibition for Painting, Pelham Art Center, Deadline: February 1, 2015, http://www.pelhamartcenter.org/in_the_gallery/rutsch.cfm Apprenticeship, Spoleto Festival USA Apprenticeship Program 2015, Charleston, SC, Deadline: February 6, 2015, http://spoletousa.org/get-involved/apprenticeships/ 2015 Artist Fellowship, Franconia Sculpture Park, Shafer, MN, Deadline: February 6, 2015, http://www.franconia.org/fellowship.html Artist Fellowship, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, VT, Deadline: February 15, 2015, http://www.vermontstudiocenter.org/residencies/ Summer Fellowship Program, Ox-Box, Saugatuck, MI, Deadline: February 23, 2015, http://residencyunlimited.org/opportunities/ox-bow-2015-summer-fellowship-program/ RESIDENCIES Digital Fabrication Residency, Laurel, MD, Deadline: December 28, 2014, http://www.digitalfabricationresidency.com/about/ Outpost Residency, Signal Fire, Portland, OR, Deadline: December 31, 2014, http://www.signalfirearts.org/residency Artist Residency, Form/Space Atelier, Seattle, WA, Deadline: December 31, 2014, http://www.formspaceatelier.com/residency.php Year-round Artist Residency, Osage Arts Community, Belle, MO, Deadline: December 31, 2014, http://osageac.org/index.php/theprogram/application-process/ Ceramic Artist-in-Residence, View Arts Center, Old Forge, NY, Deadline: December 31, 2014, http://viewarts.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=106:ceramic-artist-in-residence-progr am&catid=2:uncategorised Summer & Fall Artist Residency, Old Furnace Artist Residency, Harrisonburg, VA, Deadline: December 31, 2014, http://oldfurnace.tumblr.com/ Artist Residency, La Macina di San Cresci, Greve, Chianti, Tuscany, Italy, Deadline: December 31, 2014, http://www.chianticom.com/en/news/327-call-for-application-fellowship Artist-in-Residence, Mississippi State University - Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge, Brooksville, MS, Deadline: December 31, 2014, http://www.friends-of-noxubee-refuge.org/artist-in-residence.html Artist Residency, The Luminary, St. Louis, MO, Deadline: December 31, 2014, http://theluminaryarts.com/programs/residency-program Artist Residency, nueBOX, Phoenix, AZ, Deadline: January 1, 2015, http://www.nuebox.org/ Artist Residency, Jentel Foundation, Banner, WY, Deadline: January 15, 2015, http://www.jentelarts.org/sitepages/application.htm Artist Residency, Triangle Arts Association, Brooklyn, NY, Deadline: January 15, 2015, https://triangleartsassociation.submittable.com/submit/33463 2015 Smelser Vallion Visiting Artist, Doel Reed Center for the Arts - Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, Deadline: January 16, 2015, http://drca.okstate.edu/academics/2015-visiting-artist Artist Residency, 2015 Cheng Long Wetlands International Environmental Art Project, Cheng Long, Yunli County, Taiwan, Deadline: January 16, 2015, https://artproject4wetland.wordpress.com/ Artist Residency, I-Park Residency, East Haddam, CT, Deadline: January 19, 2015, http://www.i-park.org/ Artist Trust Residency, The Millay Colony of Arts, Austerlitz, NY, Deadline: January 20, 2015, http://artisttrust.org/index.php/for-artists/money#fellowships Artist Residency, Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, Scotland, Deadline: January 21, 2015, http://www.royalscottishacademy.org/pages/scholarships_detail.asp?id=36 Catoctin Mountain Artist-in-Residence Program, Catoctin Forest Alliance, Cunningham Falls State Park, Thurmont, MD, Deadline: February 15, 2015, http://www.nps.gov/cato/supportyourpark/artist-in-residence.htm Artist Residency, Houston Center for Contemporary Craft, Houston, TX, Deadline: March 1, 2015, http://www.crafthouston.org/artists/residents/apply-to-program/ Artist Residency, Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts, Nebraska City, NE, Deadline: March 1, 2015, http://www.khncenterforthearts.org/residency.php Artist Residency, Marble House Project, Dorset, VT, Deadline: March 15, 2015, http://www.marblehouseproject.org/detail.php?p=854 EXHIBITIONS, COMMISSIONS AND COMPETITIONS Exhibition Opportunity, Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery, Deadline: December 27, 2014, http://www.lightspacetime.com/newsletter/4th-annual-seasons-online-art-competition/ Call for Submissions, Online Quarterly Journal, Deadline: December 30, 2014, http://www.collegeart.org/opportunities/listing/11053/ Exhibition Opportunity, Criminal Justice Gallery - Rutgers University, Newark, NJ, Deadline: December 31, 2014, http://www.collegeart.org/opportunities/listing/8489/ Open Call for Artists, The Artist’s Studio, BRIC, Deadline: January 7, 2015, http://bricartsmedia.org/contemporary-art/artist-opportunities/open-c-all-registry-exhibition Illustration Competition, Communication Arts, Deadline: January 9, 2015, http://www.commarts.com/competitions/illustration Call for Proposals, Summer-Long Sculpture Program, FIGMENT NYC, Deadline: January 15, 2015, http://newyork.figmentproject.org/2015_interactive_sculptures Exhibition Opportunity, Studio Montclair’s ViewPoints 2015 Annual Exhibition, Newark, NJ, Deadline: January 24, 2015, http://studiomontclair.org/2014/11/08/viewpoints-2015-call-for-entries/ Call for Painters and Writers: Paint Pulse Magazine Issue 1, Deadline: January 31, 2015, https://www.paintpulsemagazine.com/artists-submit.html ONGOING OPPORTUNITIES AWARDS, GRANTS & FELLOWSHIPS Grants for Individual Artists, The Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation, http://www.elizabethgreenshieldsfoundation.org/main.html Creative Inquiry Fellowship, STUDIO at Carnegie Mellon University, http://www.cmu.edu/studio/fellowships/ $1,000 Grant, The Awesome Foundation For the Arts and Sciences, http://www.awesomefoundation.org/ RESIDENCIES Artist Studio Residency, Smack Mellon, New York, NY, http://residencyunlimited.org/opportunities/smack-mellon-artist-studio-program-2/ Youth Arts Now - Artist-in-Residence, Chashama, New York, NY, http://www.chashama.org/YAN-AIR Artist Residency, Dorland Mountain Arts Colony, Temecula, CA, https://www.dorlandartscolony.com/residency.html EXHIBITIONS, COMMISSIONS AND COMPETITIONS Group and Solo Show Opportunities for Women Artists, Pen + Brush, http://www.penandbrush.org/explore/visual
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