Bartlett United Methodist Church January 2015 Volume 41 Issue 1 K EVIN F RYE F INANCE C OMMITTEE C HAIR January Sermons Happy New Year Bartlett UMC, January 4 Wesley’s Covenant Service Jeremiah 31:31-34 January 11 “Contentment Or Comparisons” (First in series, Choices Christians Make) John 21:20-22 January 18 “Humility Or Pride” (Second in series, Choices Christians Make) Proverbs 16:18 January 25 “Pleasing God or Pleasing People (Third in series, Choices Christians Make) Proverbs 29:25 Let’s Worship Together Sundays 8:30 & 10:50 Worship Services Sunday School: 9:30am Wednesdays Wednesday Night Devotion 6:00-6:30pm—Sanctuary Acolytes January 4 8:30: Addison Bawcum, Paige Proseus 10:50: Skylar Sides, Sydney Sides January 11 8:30: Carson Shapard, Luke Freeman 10:50: Daleigh Brandon, Brian Cassady January 18 8:30: Adrian Harding, Callie Drum 10:50: Sydney Frye, Emma Fergie January 25 8:30: Mallory Orman, Ava Lewter 10:50: Katie Isaachsen, Meagan Kelley Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner and Activities will resume on Wednesday, January 7. I want to take a minute to personally thank the good and faithful servants of BUMC. Your continued prayers, gifts, and service have provided unbelievable opportunities not only to me and my family, but our congregation and the surrounding community. One thing I strongly believe in is that God is in control of this Church and our lives, BUT we must make ourselves open and available to Him. For those of you who know me, I am not your “typical” Finance chair. I do not have an accounting job, I dislike bureaucracy (voting on EVERYTHING) and I REALLY dislike the response “because we have always done it that way”, but I like being challenged. In my personal life I have seen the direct correlation to giving and my walk with Christ. The first 2 years on Finance has been another personal and spiritual growth experience for me and my family (Jennifer, Sydney - 11, and Henry - 8). I have attended BUMC for 35 years and have personally been touched by Outreach, Youth Group, Scouting, Youth Choir, Preschool and KDO. It took being the Finance Chair to remind me of these blessings and the importance that I personally play in supporting these great programs. When I took over as Finance Chair, I felt that our finances were another integral aspect to the mission of our church. I wanted to be open and transparent with all members of the congregation concerning the finances of our church. In response, we opened all of our meetings up to the congregation (3rd Tuesday of every month as a reminder). For those who have not attended, here is a quick summary of 2014: Operating Giving up 2014 vs 2013 Capital Improvement transfers up 2014 vs 2013 Capital Improvement needs are outpacing transfers Apportionment payments up 2014 $95,000 vs 2013 $85,000 All major program areas and personnel expenses are within budget Raised over $50,000 for the new sound system Endowment Fund $776,000 on our way to $1MM Building debt is down to $3.2 million 2015 Operation Budget is set at $1,579,393 “Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let's celebrate together!” Matthew 25:21. Peace and Joy, Kevin Frye “A covenant community grounded in and passionate about scripture, prayer, and our love for Jesus Christ.” Glad Tidings and Great Joy P ASTOR A NDY T HOMPSON A SSOCIATE P ASTOR Christmas has come and gone and so has the Advent season. I hope the holidays were enjoyable and meaningful for everyone. I also hope that you had a chance during Advent to think about preparing for the long expected Jesus to arrive on Christmas Day and into our It is time to restock the freezer with HOMEMADE bread loaves! If you would like to help with this ministry for visitors to our Sunday Morning worship services, please bake up some of your favorite bread, double wrap, label with your name and type of bread and put in the freezer in the Oaks Hall closet. Thank you so much for your help with this ministry of Homemade Bread! lives. And then, before you know it we will be entering into another time of preparation as we move toward Lent. I have been thinking a lot about the excitement and anticipation that has built up as Christmas Day approached and want to continue to live in that joy. I want to try, to the best of my ability, to spend every day preparing for Jesus to come into my life and I hope that I never lose the child like excitement I experience every time I sense and feel God’s presence. As a people of faith we experience Christ as “Emmanuel, God with Us” in so many ways. From the cradle to the grave, through good times and bad times, God is with us, loving us and drawing us closer to Him even when we don’t realize it. We should have the joy of Christmas in our hearts every day, knowing that God comes to us and offers us peace, healing, hope, salvation and love through the greatest gift ever given… His Son, our Lord and Savior and light for the world, Jesus the Christ. We Support Our Church By Our Prayers: for those who experience sorrow: Sympathy is expressed to Tracie Easterwood and Family upon the death of her mom, Mary Clatworthy; to The Family of Harry Clay, our church member, upon his death on Nov. 27; to The Family of Mildred Mayo, our church member, upon her death on November 29; to Treva Jolley and Family upon the death of her cousin, Doreen Lee; to Tricia Darby and Family upon the death of her aunt, Dean Stephens; to Susan Moeschle and Family upon the death of her brother, Steve Lane; to Winston Guthrie and Family upon the death of his brother, James Guthrie; to Vernon Tabor and Family upon the death of his brother, John Tabor; to The Family of Verna Haggenhoff, our church member, upon her death on December 7; to Rosey Landreth and Family upon the death of her brother Mark Woody. By Our Presence: Worship: December 7—598; December 14—587; December 21—607 Sunday School: December 7—388; December 14—518; December 21—386 By Our Service: January Greeters: Progressive, Followers, Journey, The Foundation, Genesis, The Way January Ushers: 8:15 Ushers: Jim Lamb, Denis Elliott, Jim Hathcock, Bill Glasgow, Don Piper, Del Soles, Bo Horton, Dave Wing 10:50 Ushers: Jim McFarland, Bob Bowers, Gerald McKinney, Sam Pickard, Ken Williams By Our Gifts: Operating Budget Building Fund Weekly Need: $30,687.00 Weekly Need: $5,751.00 November 30: $15,772.90 December 14: $20,033.35 November 30: $4,458.50 December 14: $6,582.50 December 7: $35,098.01 December 7: $9,674.00 Pledge cards are available in the church office, Oaks Hall and online Change or Acceptance? Recently, in response to a life crisis, a client was wrestling with the meaning of the famous Serenity Prayer (“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, & wisdom to know the difference.” ) “But exactly how do I decide what to change & what to accept?” they asked me. “Taking responsibility for that feels overwhelming!” Dr. Ron Johnson As we reflect on the Director of BUMC Counseling past year & enter a 901-384-4035 new one, some of us [email protected] too will enter a period of discernment. Whether life has handed us a new crisis or a chronic dilemma, we too will be deciding whether acceptance or change or some combination of both is wise in our situation. Significant change – in health, in relationships, in work, in spirit - is possible but likely requires a creative “courage.” Faith claims this truth - we are accepted AND we are called to change. The goal of the Center is to be a support system for that discernment within the church & out to the wider community. As licensed health care professionals & ordained clergy, our calling is to be available for discerning wisdom, serenity, change & acceptance. Fun Club Upcoming Calendar January 6 Lunch/Cheddars on Germantown Pkwy. Join us for a trip out to Cheddars! January 20 Meeting, Program, and Lunch in LEC beginning at 10am Program: Cathy Brooks/Bartlett Library Ron Jewell from BPAC will also speak briefly to us about shows in 2015! The very first Fun Club lunch prepared by Andy Thompson, BUMC Associate Pastor, will be served after the meeting! New Directories will be out handed out at the January meeting, so be sure to check out all our Programs and Trips for 2015! Exciting events are planned for the entire year and you won’t want to miss a single thing! United Methodist Men Saturday, January 10 - 8:00am Cook Fellowship Hall Cost: $4.00 Please call the Church Office (386-4563) by noon, Friday, January 9 to make your reservations. United Methodist Women There will not be a UMW General Meeting in January and most circles will not meet in January. Tuesday, January 13 Vital Circle will meet January 13 at 7:00 in the LEC Parlor. A Note from Lay Leader, David Horne. . Dear Church; During the month of December, leading up to Christmas day we are all thinking about what we may give to those we love and hold dear. I would hope as believers of the faith, that we really take time out and reflect on what gift God has so sacrificially given to us; His Son and through Him the gift of salvation. Throughout this New Year and the days ahead, it is my prayer that you will make a commitment to give sacrificially, all that you can to support and enhance the ministries of this your Church. Grace & Peace 604-0097 or e-mail [email protected] UMW President Loretta Galarno displays a Silver Certificate awarded to our unit for completing eight criteria for excellence for United Methodist Women. UMW meets the second Tuesday of each month at 10am in Cook F. Hall for a program and lunch. All women are invited to come! One of my very favorite Christmas songs is Faith Hill’s “A Baby Changes Everything.” Hearing this song always takes my mind back to those precious moments of delivering my own children. The pain. The crying. The miracle. The immense responsibility and worries over making mistakes. Mary went through all the normal mama experiences: fretting over every noise Jesus made, changing tons of diapers, losing sleep, and feeding Him constantly. I can only imagine how she felt about the additional honor of bearing Angela Lewter God’s only Son. This is one of the amazing miracles of Christmas- that God chose a humble, poor, Director of Children’s Ministry Jewish teenage girl to bring the incredible gift of Jesus into the world. God so loved the world that [email protected] this gift was for ALL of us! I pray that this Christmas season, you were able to experience the joy of how much God loves YOU. A baby truly did change everything. In Christ, Angela Thank you for the blessing of your continued support of Kids Beach Club! We provide snacks and drinks for over 60 children each week, as well as providing two children with Bibles at each club meeting. This vibrant ministry would not be possible without your help. Donations of cheap prizes for our treasure box (collection box in Oaks Hall) and funds for the purchase of Bibles are always appreciated. If you would like to be on our substitute helper list for Beach Club for the spring semester (beginning January 15), we invite you to join us! Please contact me or Andy Thompson for more details. Thank you for supporting T’was the Night Just for Christmas with your candy donations! We had a great turnout this year, and it was so fun to see all the kids’ candycovered gingerbread houses. Thank you also to the Youth department and Children’s Council for another successful event. Volunteer needs are currently posted outside Fellowship Hall. Parents, please remember to sign up for at least one Sunday for the January through March quarter if your child attends Children’s Church. You are not required to prepare any lesson- we simply need an extra adult to assist the main teacher. I will be on maternity leave during most of this time period. Please contact Andy Thompson or Jennifer Freeman with any questions about Children’s Church during that time. At the end of December, a Sunday will be assigned to parents who have not yet chosen a day. In the fall, we were able to completely staff this program without assigning anyone dates! Thank you for your help in making sure our children have a safe, fun program to attend during the 10:50 service. o get gs hildren whvice, pleas a B r c in y Bus e small urch se y Bags e h s iet u hav e Bu i ng c If yo my” dur t we hav ovide qu r r a i p h u “sq forget t se bags ild. h t e Thanks for your support don’ Hall. Th or your c f y s of our Rice Bowls caml t k t n a e en O tainm have rec stocked r paign, our Kids Mission e t n d e o Bags ut an s als project for the fall. Busy cleaned o . There i are s Together we raised funds been ew item to read n n to help children in poverty with of books prefers. d x l i o h b -stricken nations have enough to eat. Visit c a your f i y for more information about b this organization. More pics on the Kid’s Page!! As we move ahead into the new year, we will begin the registration process for our 2015-16 school year. I know how important the decision is for parents to find a quality pre-school experience for their child’s early childhood development. Our goal is to be a bridge between parental guidance and a well-rounded preparedness for Kindergarten. Our doors are always open to anyone Jennifer Freeman wanting to find out more about our program. Director of BUMC Preschool [email protected] "The Confirmation Class" had a Christmas Party with their mentors on December 6. Want your child to learn and have fun? If you're looking for a fun place where your baby or toddler can learn, socialize, and get ready for preschool, Bartlett United Methodist can help! Our Kid's Day Out is a quality, affordable program that can provide positive early learning experiences and foster your child's intellectual, social, and emotional development. Our highly qualified teachers will provide a warm, loving place for your little ones to grow, create, and explore. Kids Day Out Registration Our Kid’s Day Out Registration for the Summer 2015 and Fall 2015 programs will open on January 21, 2015. Summer Program The summer program is for ages 6 months Pre-school age. The program is open Mondays and Thursdays during June and July. Hours are 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Fall Program On December 7 the class presented a Christmas Play to Children's Church." "This month the Confirmation Class will collect food to help restock our church's food pantry. Students will visit all the adult classes on January 4 to ask for food and on January 11 to collect the food. The class wishes to thank the church for their support of this joint student-mentor project." Wednesdays—5pm—LEC Adults - $6 Children (4 -12 yrs.) - $3 Max per immediate family - $20 (parents with children) Soup & Salad ~ $3 Dessert & Drink Only - $2 The fall program is for ages 6 months to 3 years old. The program is open Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays (maximum two days a week). Hours are 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Cheryl Phillips, Director of KDO 901/386-1698 [email protected] Wednesday, January 7 Wednesday, January 14 Wednesday, January 21 Wednesday, January 28 Country Fried Steak w/gravy Green Beans Fried Okra Au Gratin Potatoes Rolls Salad Bar Cookies/Ice Cream Peach Cobbler Soup: Chicken Noodle Kids: Pizza BBQ Chicken Turnip Greens Seasonal Peas Corn on the Cob Cornbread Salad Bar Cookies/Ice Cream Blackberry Cobbler Soup: Cream of Tomato Kids: Mac & Cheese Philly Steak Sandwich (Beef & Chicken) Cheese Sauce, Peppers, Sautéed Onions, Mushrooms Coleslaw Seasonal Broccoli Steak Fries Salad Bar Cookies/Ice Cream Strawberry Shortcake Soup: French Onion Kids: Chicken Tenders Sesame Chicken Sweet & Sour Chicken Eggrolls Stir Fried Vegetables Fried Rice Pork Potstickers Salad Bar Cookies/Ice Cream Cherry Cobbler Soup: Egg Drop Kids: Corn Dogs Mon 4 Crossroads Youth Choir 4:15pm UMYF-5:15pm 6 @ 6 -6pm 5 Stretch Class-9am Basketball Practice-5pm Women’s Bible Study 5:30pm Celebration Ringers5:45pm Girls Scouts-6:30pm Boy & Cub Scouts-7pm NA Meeting-7pm Tue Wednesday Fellowship Dinner Resumes! Yum! Yum!! 6 Fun Club lunch at Cheddars Basketball Practice-5pm Moriah House –6pm Girl Scouts-6:30pm Troop Committee-6:30pm Y ield your members to righteousness (Romans 6:11, 16) E xercise yourself in godliness (1 Timothy 4:7) A im for a perfect, mature faith (Hebrews 6:1) N eglect not your talents and opportunities (Galatians 6:10) E xamine yourself daily (2 Corinthians 13:5) W ork diligently for the Lord (1 Corinthians 15:58) H old fast to your faith (Hebrews 4:14) A ssemble with the saints (Hebrews 10:25) P ray earnestly every day (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18) P ray for great blessings (Malachi 3:10) Y ield not to temptation (1 Thessalonians 5:22) FOR THE NEW YEAR Sun 1 Eternal God! CHURCH OFFICE AND LEC CLOSED Thu 7 Stretch Class-9am Pastor’s Bible Study 10:30am Fellowship Dinner-5pm Campanella Ringers 5pm Jacob’s Well-5pm PIYO Class-6pm Volleyball-6pm Devotion-6pm Graded Choirs-6pm Men’s Bible Study-6pm Youth Bible Study-6pm Chancel Choir-7pm Disciple I Study-6:30pm 8 Bartlett Bells-9am Women’s Book Study 2pm Beach Club-3pm Basketball Practice-4pm Yoga-5:45pm Daisy Troop Meeting 6:30pm Crew Band Rehearsal 7pm NEXT Step—7pm and be hopeful; faith enough to look upward Grant us gratitude enough to look backward and be thankful; courage enough to look forward Wed Volunteers are needed to help watch children! Give Perry a call if 9 Stretch Class-9am LUCES-6:30pm 2 Stretch Class-9am Fri UMM Prayer Breakfast-8am Youth Basketball Games Pistols & Petticoats-7pm Youth Dinner Club at McAlister’s—6:30pm 10 COME AND WATCH US PLAY!!! 3 Youth Basketball Games Pistols & Petticoats-7pm Sat 26 Stretch Class 9am Preschool Chapel-9am Basketball Practice-5pm Women’s Bible Study 5:30pm Boy & Cub Scouts-7pm Girls Scouts-6:30pm NA Meeting-7pm 25 Blood Pressure Screening Puppets-2:30pm Crossroads Youth Choir4:15 UMYF-5:15pm 6 @ 6 -6pm 19 Church Office & LEC Closed for Martin Luther King Day 12 Stretch Class-9am Basketball Practice-5pm Women’s Bible Study 5:30pm Celebration Ringers5:45pm Chancel Bells-6pm Boy & Cub Scouts-7pm Girls Scouts-6:30pm NA Meeting-7pm 18 Puppets-2:30pm Crossroads Youth Choir4:15 UMYF-5:15pm 6 @ 6 -6pm Blood Pressure Screening Puppets-2:30pm Crossroads Youth Choir 4:15pm UMYF-5:15pm 6 @ 6 -6pm 11 27 Preschool Chapel-9am Basketball Practice-5pm Girl Scouts-6:30pm 20 Youth Breakfast Club5:45am Fun Club Meeting/Program and Lunch-10am Basketball Practice-5pm Girl Scouts-6:30pm Moriah House Birthday Party Music @ Noon resumes with the Bartlett High School Band performing. 13 Preschool Chapel-9am Basketball Practice-5pm Girl Scouts-6:30pm Vital Circle—7pm 28 Stretch Class-9am Preschool Chapel-9am Pastor’s Bible Study 10:30am Music @ Noon-12:10pm Fellowship Dinner-5pm Campanella Ringers 5pm Volleyball-6pm Devotion-6pm Graded Choirs-6pm Men’s Bible Study-6pm Youth Bible Study-6pm Chancel Choir-7pm Disciple I Study-6:30pm 21 Kid’s Day Out Registration Stretch Class-9am Preschool Chapel-9am Pastor’s Bible Study 10:30am Music @ Noon-12:10pm Fellowship Dinner-5pm Campanella Ringers 5pm Volleyball-6pm Devotion-6pm Graded Choirs-6pm Men’s Bible Study-6pm Youth Bible Study-6pm Chancel Choir-7pm Disciple I Study-6:30pm 14 Stretch Class-9am Preschool Chapel-9am Pastor’s Bible Study 10:30am Music @ Noon-12:10pm Fellowship Dinner-5pm Campanella Ringers 5pm Volleyball-6pm Devotion-6pm Graded Choirs-6pm Men’s Bible Study-6pm Youth Bible Study-6pm Chancel Choir-7pm Disciple I Study-6:30pm 16 Stretch Class 9am Cub Scout Pine Wood Derby-6:30pm 23 Stretch Class 9am 25 Youth Basketball Games St. John’s Soup Kitchen-3:30pm Pistols & Petticoats-7pm St. Johns Soup Kitchen3pm Pistols & Petticoats-7pm 17 Youth Basketball Games Scout Pancake Breakfast 8:00am 29 Bartlett Bells-9am Women’s Book Study 2pm Basketball Practice-4pm Beach Club-3pm Yoga-5:45pm Daisy Troop Meeting 6:30pm Disciple’s Path Study 7pm Crew Band Rehearsal 7pm 31 Youth Basketball Games Pistols & Petticoats-7pm Please turn in your pledge card to the church office as soon as possible. Thanks!! Just a friendly reminder. . . . 30 Stretch Class 9am J A N U A R Y 2 1 — S u m me r a n d F a l l S e s s i o n s 22 Bartlett Bells-9am Women’s Book Study 2pm Basketball Practice-5pm Beach Club-3pm Preschool Parent Mtg5:30pm Yoga-5:45pm Daisy Troop Meeting 6:30pm Crew Band Rehearsal 7pm Volunteers are needed to help with St. Johns Soup Kitchen! Call Perry if you can help. (386-4563) 15 Bartlett Bells-9am Women’s Book Study 2pm Basketball Practice-5pm Beach Club-3pm Yoga-5:45pm Daisy Troop Meeting 6:30pm Crew Band Rehearsal 7pm Here are a Upcoming Music activities from the Music area. JANUARY 4 Crossroads Youth Choir resumes rehearsal 5 Celebration Ringers resumes rehearsal 7 All Wednesday Night programming resumes 8 Bartlett Bells resumes The beginning of a New Year is typically exciting. We take time to reflect on the year past, and we create goals for the year ahead. As a church musician I use this time of reflection to measure the Todd Wilson work of the recent past. Have I done my part to glorify God Director of Music Ministries [email protected] and not the needs of man? Have I inspired my ensembles to go beyond what they are capable of? Have I challenged the congregation to reach higher, to learn, and to be more accepting of tunes they are just learning? This morning, as I’ve been preparing to write this, all I can think of is December 2015. I’ve actually had thoughts of next December’s musical offerings several times this fall. I encourage you in this rollover time to reflect and plan ahead as well. What are you doing to be a stronger, more involved member of BUMC? 12 Chancel Bells resumes FEBRUARY Many, many The Crossroads 6&7 thanks to Madrigal Dinner Crossroads Madrigal Dinner Theater 17 Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and Variety Show 18 Ash Wednesday Service 20 Chancel Bells CD release Party MUSIC @ Noon Concert Series 2015 January 14 Bartlett High School Band Dwight Dodd, Director January 21 Brazilian Organist— Cristiano Rizzotto Doctoral Student, University of Oklahoma January 28 Priscilla Tsai Memphis Repertory Orchestra Concertmaster—Solo Violin everyone . . . . who participated in the children’s Christmas program! It was a wonderful Karen Strawhecker morning! Assoc. Director of Music The children did Ministry/Organist a great job of [email protected] presenting the story of Christ’s birth through global music. The next two projects for the Children’s Music Program are coming up quickly in the new year. The first is music for the Ash Wednesday Service on Wednesday, February 18th at 6:00 p.m. All of the children’s choirs will participate in the service. The second project is the Kingdom Chorale choir tour to Birmingham, AL. This year the children will participate in a choir festival, something we have never done before. We will also visit the Alabama Wildlife Center in Pelham, AL. Dates for the tour are March 6-8. February 4 Dr. Judith Pfeiffer—Solo Piano February 11 Mary Wilson—Voice Students Valentine's Day with Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music Singers February 25 Scott Anderson— Trombone Students University of Memphis Instrumentalists You are invited to join us for 30 minutes of some of the Memphis area’s finest musical talent. All concerts begin at 12:10pm and end at 12:40pm. A light lunch will be available for purchase following each performance. Theater is coming up! Performances will be Trenton Teegarden February 6th Director of Youth Music and 7th in the W: 901-386-4563 LEC. Tickets C: 615-339-4962 [email protected] for this year’s performance will be available for everyone in Oaks Hall starting Sunday January 18th. Tickets will be $15.00 for adults and $5.00 for children. All proceeds go to support the Youth Music Fund at Bartlett UMC. You can also purchase tickets in the front office during business hours or by contacting me at 901-356-4563 or email me at [email protected]. This year’s performance is going to be extra exciting! If you have not attended a Madrigal dinner in some time then I encourage you to come back, you won’t be disappointed! Our knitting and crocheting ministry has grown! We meet on Wednesday nights at 6pm in the LEC Parlor and all are invited to join us, from beginners to accomplished stitchers. We are working on a variety of projects: preemie hats, prayer shawls, afghans for the homeless and area shelters, and more. We have shawls available for use on Sunday mornings during worship. They are meant to be used and then put back after services. Come and join us! Outreach in 2014 Outreach Calendar January 7 Jacob’s Well, 5pm 702 Looney, OPEN!! Volunteers Needed!! January 9 LUCES Volunteers need to watch kids January 17 St. John’s Soup Kitchen, 3:30-6pm, OPEN!!! Volunteers Needed!! January 20 Moriah House B’Day Party Throw a party for women in Moriah House with a January Birthday. Crackers Breakfast items Pasta Pasta Sauce Rice Mac & Cheese Canned meats Peanut butter We cannot possibly name all of the volunteers that made 2014 a great year, but these are some of the missions we accomplished this year. Over 400 families and 1300 people came through our pantry. This is a 30% increase from last year. Fed over 2000 people through Jacob’s Well, Church Without Doors, and St. John’s Held our first Health Fair Made and sent out over 120 goodie bags Perry Martini Made and sent out over 500 hygiene bags Director of Outreach Ministries [email protected] Over 80 volunteers at SOS for a week Delivered over 80 preemie caps to the Med Served at Moriah House 20 times for dinners, graduations, & birthday parties Served 40 families and their children at LUCES every month Provided home improvement for a family in Raleigh Provided 96 Thanksgiving baskets to schools, churches, and individuals Adopted 6 families for Christmas Collected over 200 toys and bikes for Perea, Reelfoot, and the local community Provided Chapel services, teacher breakfasts, and a Christmas party at Perea preschool Collected 434 operation Christmas Child shoeboxes Found homes for washers, dryers, clothes, televisions, and various assorted items that were donated Provided more than 100 blankets and numerous hats, scarves, and gloves to the homeless These things are not possible without the donation of time and resources from this congregation and those groups from outside this church that chose to come to us for service hours. We thank all of you. We thank God for always making things work out even when we thought we were short of food or people. Blessings to you Happy New Year everyone! from Rachel By the time you receive this newsletter, Christmas will have passed and we will be on our way into 2015— seems like time flies! As I write this article, however, we are still very much in 2014 and all of the busy end-of-year activities and Christmas events. It’s difficult for me to look ahead to that calmer time, caught in the flurry of closing out 2014, but there are some things I want to share with you: 2014 Contribution Statements will be mailed out around the middle of January for those who contributed at least $250 to the church throughout the year. If you have not received yours by the end of January or there is a discrepancy between your records and ours, please give me a call in the church office. Personalized offering envelopes will be ordered by the first of February. You must let me know by the end of January (either by marking the box on your pledge card or by phone call or email) if you want them. Once the order is placed, I cannot add names. As of December 16, out of 545 pledge cards mailed, we have had 224 returned. Please remember how important your pledge is to the programs and ministries of this church. There is no pledge too small. Every dollar you commit helps us know better where we stand in our budget for the upcoming year. If you have lost yours (which is completely understandable this time of year) extras are available in Oaks Hall, or, if you prefer, you can fill out your pledge card electronically on our church website—it gets emailed directly to me! Our Thanksgiving offering brought in over $9000! Thanks to your generosity, we are able to go ahead with some much needed upgrades to systems that have been struggling since our computer crash in the spring. On a personal note, I always find it impressive how diligently the staff works this time of year to get all the things done that they manage to get done. It is CRAZY busy around here this time of year! But, everyone does it with a smile on his/her face, a lightness of step, and the occasional whistle or hum of holiday cheer (especially Todd!) I even had a secret elf deliver an early Christmas present this year (my eyes thank you, whoever you are, sweet elf!) I definitely count working with this staff and for this congregation among my many blessings! As the New Year comes around, many of us become reflective and consider the parts of our lives that we would like to “ transform”. Often these revolve around kicking bad habits (such as eating junk food) or developing new disciplines (like working out three times a week). So, what is the place of resolutions in the Christian life? On a basic level, resolutions are part of everyday Christian life. We are resolved to seek God and glorify Him each and every day: Romans 12:2 calls us to daily transformation of our minds so we can know and live out God’s will for us. ‘Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.’ We are encouraged to be self disciplined in life. In 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Paul uses the imagery of an athlete in training being disciplined and striving towards the goal. “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.” SOOOOO…What are your resolutions this year? New Year’s could be the perfect time (though any day is great) to commit yourself to pursuing disciplines and habits that will help you run the race and win the prize. These could include: Lynn Thompson Director of Youth Ministries [email protected] January 8 Next Step -7:00pm January 10 Dinner Club-6:30pm McAllister’s Deli Plan to get into God’s word It could be a devotional, reading the Bible in a year, listening to a sermon, dwelling on a January 20 verse. Be creative! (Colossians 3:16) Breakfast Club –5:45am Pray daily Set time aside for prayer, be structured in praying for people and issues in the world by using prayer lists, start a prayer journal, find a place to go each day to pray. (Philippians 4:6) Work on your problem areas Pray that God will reveal the sin in your life to work on this year. Acknowledge, confess and repent of this sin. Find someone to be accountable to and meet and pray with them this year! Positive Habit There may be other areas in your life that you may feel you should be working on. These may include eating better, sleeping better, exercising more, getting more organized etc. Remember we are physical beings as well as spiritual. We need to be working on both to be functional! Don't rely Just on Willpower!!! The world is pretty cynical about New Year’s resolutions. According to research you are most likely to revert to old behaviors between 5-7 times before changing your ways and it takes at least 66 days to develop a new habit. It is little wonder than that most resolutions don’t see it past January. But thankfully, as Christians we have a greater power at work in us that can enable us to see things through. The Spirit of God works within us conforming us to the image of Christ. If he is for us – who can be against us? And what is better – we know there is forgiveness and grace when we do slip up. So why not take the time this coming new year to consider the aspects of your life that need working on while resolving each and every day to choose to In Christ, live for Lynn Thompson Christ. COME AND WATCH!!! BUMC Basketball games have now started! Come up to the gym any Saturday in January or February and catch some of our awesome players taking the court! Games start at 9am and end around 4pm. NEW CLASS STARTING IN JANUARY!! PIYO Class (instructed by Shana Blankenship): Class will be Wednesday nights at 6pm in the racquetball room. Sunday, November 16 Sam Thompson Director of Recreation Ministries [email protected] PiYo Description: PiYo LIVE combines the musclesculpting, core-firming benefits of Pilates with the strength and flexibility • Running Group: Meets every Wednesday after Fellowship Dinner. Meet in the LEC Lobby around 6pm to run or walk! BUMC GOLF MINISTRY Taking a break for the winter! We will kick back up in spring! Please contact Sam Thompson to be added to the mailing list Bootcamp: Tuesday and Thursday at 5am in LEC Gym. Class limit to 20 participants. No charge but donations for instructors greatly appreciated. Contact Sam Thompson to get on the list!!! Stretch Class: 9am, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Freeplay Basketball: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 2-4pm WE ARE STARTING BACK UP! COME OUT AND PLAY. Open Gym Volleyball: 6pm,Wednesdays Yoga: Every Thursday night at 5:45pm Contact Pat Gresham at 371-6972 (reg. required) ACROSSTOWN 5K Mark your calendars for the 2015 aCrosstown 5k on April 4!! This year’s race will benefit Latinos United for Children’s Education and Support, Moriah House, and Jacobs Well (three local missions that the church holds dear to its heart)! Registration is now available! Register online at or fill out a paper form and turn it into the main office! Do you have any ideas for the Recreation Department? Shoot an email to Sam Thompson at [email protected] of flowing yoga movements. You’ll use your body weight to perform a series of continuous, targeted moves to define every single muscle—big and small. Men’s Retreat will be in early May 2015. Mark your calendars with the tentative date of May 2nd, 2015! Planning a trip to Pickwick Lake! Hey Congregation, I hope you are all doing well and had an excellent holiday season! I came across a Tim Tebow article the other day that has been stuck in my mind and something that I am trying to live out every day since I read it. Tim Tebow more often than not is criticized for his love for God and how he displays those feelings in sports or broadcasting. A large number of people consider him “over the top” or “pushy” when it comes to his opinion on religion or his thoughts on God and Jesus. I have even heard Christians themselves say that he is “putting on a show.” He released a statement that talks about why he proclaims God’s great news in the manner he does and it really hit home for me. GOD IS GOOD! So why do we try and hide it sometimes or feel embarrassed to proclaim his good news? I challenge you all to take a leap of faith this New Year and celebrate God’s wonderful work that he is doing in each of our lives! BARTLETT UNITED METHODIST CHURCH NEWS USPS#087-010 published semi-monthly by Bartlett United Methodist Church, 5676 Stage Road, Bartlett, TN Periodicals postage is paid at Memphis, TN POSTMASTER, send address changes to Bartlett United Methodist Church News, 5676 Stage Road, Bartlett, TN 38134 Bartlett United Methodist Church 5676 Stage Road Bartlett, TN 38134 Phone: 901/386-4563 Fax: 901/386-9927 Counseling Center: 901/384-4035 If you know of a member who is in the hospital or in rehab, please call the church office with that information so we can update our hospital list and visit our members. Thank You! It is time to restock the freezer with HOMEMADE bread loaves! If you would like to help with this ministry for visitors to our Sunday Morning worship services, please bake up some of your favorite bread, double wrap, label with your name and type of bread and put in the freezer in the Oaks Hall closet. Thank you so much for your help with this ministry of Homemade Bread! Chancel Flower Openings: January 4, 11, 18, 25 If you would like to place flowers in celebration of someone, as an honorarium or a memorial please call the church office at 386-4563. What if we took our lengthy lists of changes we want to make in the new year and narrowed them down — way down? Rather than making a half dozen or more commitments that we’re unlikely to keep, how about zeroing in on a single word that captures the essence of what we want to achieve or become? North Carolina pastor Mike Ashcraft encouraged church members to each find one word that points to or describes a characteristic or vision they wanted to achieve in the year ahead. The experiment turned into a movement, with ideas and testimonials available at What would your one-word resolution be?
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