Extended Product Grid with Editor Extension by Amasty | User Guide

Extended Product Grid
with Editor
Magento Extension
User Guide
Official extension page: Extended Product Grid with Editor
User Guide: Extended Product Grid with Editor
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Page 1
Table of contents:
1. General settings……………………………………………………………………….3
2. Choose editing mode ………………………………………………………….……4
3. Attribute columns settings ……………………………………..………………..5
4. Column display settings …………………………………………………..………6
5. Category filter and removal of columns ……………………………………..7
6. Product q-ty sold for specified period ………………………………………..8
7. Quantity based availability ………………………………………………….……9
8. Product thumbnails on category product grid ……………………………10
9. Edit products right on the product grid …………………………………….11
10. Products Creation Data……………………………………………………………13
11. Add product attributes to the product grid………………………………..14
12. Product thumbnails………………………………………………………………...17
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Page 2
1. General settings
If you choose “Yes”
you will be able to
sort attribute
columns on the
product grid.
Please go to admin panel -> System ->
Configuration -> Extended Product Grid
with Editor to manage the extension
settings. At this page you can specify what
information can be edited on the product
grid (e.g. allow to edit product name,
price quantity right on the product grid),
choose editing mode, etc.
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Page 3
2. Choose editing mode
You can choose editing mode. When
‘Single Cell’ mode is selected,
modifications are automatically saved
one by one. With ‘Multi Cell’ enabled,
you can save multiple edits in one go.
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Page 4
3. Attribute columns settings
This setting allows to add
different attribute columns to the
grid for different admin users. It
is very convenient if you have
several product admins – each of
them can add the column which
are necessary for him or her.
When this option is set to
‘Yes’, you can edit product
attributes right on the
product grid.
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Page 5
4. Column display settings
You can enable editing of stock
availability on the product grid.
You can also enable display
of product thumbnail, cost,
special price and its from/to
In case you don’t need some
of the default columns on
your grid, just list them
here: Type (code ‘type’),
Attribute Set Name (code
‘set name’), Status (code
‘status’) and Websites (code
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Page 6
5. Category filter and removal of columns
It is possible to show
product categories on the
grid and enable category
filter. Please be aware that
enabled category filter
increases server load.
You can also remove some
columns from the product grid:
Type (code ‘type’), Attribute Set
Name (code ‘set_name’), Status
(code ‘status’) and Websites (code
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Page 7
6. Product q-ty sold for specified period
To see product quantity
sold during the certain
time period on the product
grid you need to specify the
required calendar scale.
Example on the product
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Page 8
7. Quantity based availability
When ‘Quantity Based Availability’
option is set to ‘Yes’, availability
will automatically change to 'In
stock' when quantity is positive and
to 'Out of stock’ when quantity is
zero or negative. Please set to ‘No’ if
you prefer to indicate availability
status manually.
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Page 9
8. Product thumbnails on category product grid
You can show product thumbnails on
category product grid in admin panel
if you set this option to ‘Yes’.
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Page 10
9. Edit products right on the product grid
At the moment single cell editing is
enabled. To edit some information
(e.g. price) just click on the field
you would like to edit. After you’ve
entered the necessary info, please
click any spot outside the field for
the data to get saved.
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Page 11
9. Edit products right on the product grid
After you’ve entered the necessary info,
please click ‘Save’ button and all the
modified data will be saved. Multiple
cell editing is more convenient when you
edit larger volumes of information.
Now multiple cell editing is
enabled. To edit some information
(e.g. quantity) just click on the
fields you would like to edit.
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Page 12
10. Products Creation Date
Now you have an opportunity to track
products creation date. Sorting and
filtering for this option is also available
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Page 13
11. Add product attributes to the product grid
To add more product attributes
to the product grid, click ‘Grid
Attribute Columns’ button.
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Page 14
11. Add product attributes to the product grid
Choose attributes which you would
like to add to the product grid and
click ‘Save Columns’ button. All ‘text’,
‘dropdown’ and ‘yes/no’ attributes can
be added to the grid.
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Page 15
11. Add product attributes to the product grid
I’ve added ‘Manufacturer’ and
‘Price View’ attributes to the grid.
Now it is possible to filter and sort
products by these attributes. Also
you can edit the attributes right on
the product grid (if set accordingly
at the configuration page).
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Page 16
12. Product thumbnails
You can display product
thumbnails on the grid.
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Page 17
Thank you!
Should you have any questions or feature suggestions, please contact us at:
Your feedback is absolutely welcome!
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