Child Care Project November & December 2012

Child Care Project
The Child Care Project is a resource and
referral agency serving the child care needs
of families and early childhood & school age
professionals in Orange and northern Windsor Counties in Vermont, as well as northern
Sullivan and southwestern Grafton Counties
in New Hampshire.
Child Care Support Services
Child Care Resource & Referral
Jeff Robbins, Director
Chris Pressey-Murray, Coordinator
Cindy Binzen, Assistant Coordinator
Anita Dole, Administrative Assistant
Child Care Project
17 1/2 Lebanon Street, Suite 2
Hanover, NH 03755
(603) 646-3233 or (800) 323-5446
[email protected]
Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Child Care Support Services
Child Care Financial Assistance - Vermont
The Family Place
319 US Route 5 South
Norwich, VT 05055
(802) 649-3268 or (800) 639-0039
Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Child Care Scholarship - New Hampshire
Department of Health & Human Services
Claremont District Office
17 Water Street
Claremont, NH 03743
(603) 542-9544 or (800) 982-1001
This newsletter, sponsored in part by the VT Child
Development Division, is produced bimonthly
and distributed to child care centers, family child
care homes, human service agencies, parentchild centers and other child care professionals
in the Child Care Project coverage area.
Any VT parent or provider with concerns about
services received from their local training, referral or subsidy agency should call the VT Child
Development Division at (800) 649-2642.
November & December 2012
Greetings from the Child Care Project,
It’s definitely fall now. We’ve moved beyond marveling at the
leaves changing color and have begun to enjoy scuffing in them and
piling them up. Children are already wearing their new winter coats.
Mittens have made their annual appearance and, just as predictably,
have begun to go missing.
Fall is a great time to ponder the year ahead. You may already have
planned your favorite fall field trip and you are probably looking
forward to repeating some of the favorite activities that appear in
your program year after year.
Amidst the planning of activities, try slowing down for just a bit
and ask yourself some thoughtful questions about the coming year.
Take a moment to read this month’s article, “Four Questions to
Guide Teachers’ Thinking About Their Practice” by Carol Keyes.
The four questions appear in the very first paragraph so you don’t
have to read far to get the idea and the rest is a quick read.
Your answers to the four questions will reflect your values and
assumptions about children and about teaching. They may help you
shape the direction of your professional development goals this year.
Take a moment to ask if you are the teacher you want to be or, as
Carol Keyes asks in her article, “Would I want to be a child in my
If your answer is “yes,” you are a treasure to children and their
families. If your answer is “yes... but,” you are an even greater treasure
because you are engaged in the thoughtful process of continuous
improvement. If your answer is “no,”
call us for help in thinking about positive
changes you can make. Check our training
calendar for workshops that will help you
find ways to make change. Don’t forget our
lending library of resources for providers.
And, my last recommendation: After all
that thinking, it’s time to go outside and
scuff up some leaves!
Happy fall,
Check us out any time at
CCP Training Opportunities
November 2012
3 Basic Specialized Child Care
SAT Services (Level I)
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical CenterBorwell 658W, Lebanon, NH • 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
This six-hour Fundamentals class is required for
all providers/programs wishing to attain Basic
Specialized Child Care Provider status, and offers
valuable information for anyone supporting children
and families when abuse, neglect or special needs
are involved. Topics covered will include: typical
child development, the impact of stress and abuse on
development, red flags, working with families and
the system, as well as mandated reporting responsibilities. Supporting children with special needs will
also be touched upon. All VT and NH providers are
welcome. We will work through lunch, so bring your
own or plan to buy food at DHMC during a break.
Presenter: Margot Holmes, Specialized Child Care
Coordinator, The Family Place
VT Core Knowledge Areas: 1, 2, 5
NH Core Knowledge Areas: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
CDA Subject Areas: 3, 5, 6
Basic Specialized Child Care Services: 6 hours
Communication: Building
Relationships (Level I)
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical CenterAuditorium F, Lebanon, NH • 6:00 - 9:00 pm
This Fundamentals class addresses the skills all
professionals need to effectively communicate
with other adults. Strategies for creating an
environment that promotes and encourages respectful
communication with colleagues and families will
be discussed. Participants will also learn how to
approach families and talk about difficult topics.
Presenter: Lori Harris, M.S., Director, DartmouthHitchcock Medical Center Child Care Center
VT Core Knowledge Areas: 2, 5
NH Core Knowledge Areas: 1, 2
CDA Subject Areas: 4, 6
page 2 7 Vermont Child Care Licensing
W Regulations (Level I)
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical CenterAuditorium G, Lebanon, NH • 6:00 - 9:00 pm
This Fundamentals class will feature an interactive
presentation by Kelly Lyford, Licensing Supervisor
from the Child Development Division Licensing Unit,
on Vermont child care regulations and a discussion of
how they are linked to developmentally appropriate
practice. This engaging workshop will use case
scenarios to help participants develop strategies to
apply child care licensing regulations. Vermont
home- and center-based providers are welcome.
Presenter: Kelly Lyford, Licensing Supervisor, VT
Child Development Division Licensing Unit
VT Core Knowledge Areas: 1, 3, 4, 5
NH Core Knowledge Areas: 1, 2, 3, 4
CDA Subject Areas: 1, 3, 5
Parent-Teacher Conferences
TH Made Meaningful
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical CenterBorwell 758W, Lebanon, NH • 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Keeping the lines of communication open between
providers and parents is critical, albeit not always
easy. In this workshop, we will together explore the
purposes of meeting with families and different ways
of gathering information on each child in our care.
We’ll discuss different styles of conferencing, draft
several templates for conference notes and brainstorm
ways to increase parent participation. Research has
shown that parental involvement is one of the most
important factors in a student’s eventual success in
school. For many parents, however, this involvement
is limited to attendance at parent-teacher conferences.
Come learn how to make the most of the opportunity
now in the early years! Presenter: Brenda Metzler,
MA, veteran child care classroom teacher
VT Core Knowledge Areas: 2, 3
NH Core Knowledge Areas: 2, 3, 5
CDA Subject Areas: 4, 7
Child Care Project Newsletter
13 The More We Sing Together,
TU Part 1
Dartmouth College Child Care CenterMultipurpose, Hanover, NH • 6:30 - 8:30 pm
In this two-part series, music educator and preschool
teacher Brooke Wilkinson will lead an interactive
study on the benefits of music in the development
of young children. Come learn tips and songs
to teach basic knowledge, ease tasks and smooth
transitions. We’ll explore many ideas for using
music to enhance and encourage positive growth
in preschoolers. From “hello” to “good-bye,” we’ll
find ways to incorporate music into your every day
activities to benefit both children and providers.
Bring your questions, stumbling blocks and own
favorite songs. Attendance at both parts, November
13 and November 15 is required. Presenter: Brooke
Wilkinson, Preschool Music Instructor & Teacher,
Strafford Creative Preschool
VT Core Knowledge Area: 3
NH Core Knowledge Area: 3
CDA Subject Area: 2
15 The More We Sing Together,
TH Part 2
Dartmouth College Child Care CenterMultipurpose, Hanover, NH • 6:30 - 8:30 pm
See full description under November 13. Attendance at both parts, November 13 and November
15 is required. Presenter: Brooke Wilkinson,
Preschool Music Instructor & Teacher, Strafford
Creative Preschool
19 Emotional Development,
M Part 1: Introduction to
Observation and Recording
Behavior (Level I)
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical CenterAuditorium F, Lebanon, NH • 6:00 - 9:00 pm
This Fundamentals class will explore milestones
in the emotional development of young children.
Discussion will include how and when children
develop self-control and appropriate responses
to typical developmental stages. The role of
November & December 2012 observing and recording children’s behavior
will also be introduced and different methods
shared. Attendance at part 2 on November 26
is recommended. Presenter: Lori Harris, M.S.,
Director, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Child Care Center
VT Core Knowledge Areas: 1, 3
NH Core Knowledge Areas: 3, 4, 5
CDA Subject Areas: 3, 7, 8
26 Emotional Development,
M Part 2: The Influence of
Culture (Level I)
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical CenterAuditorium F, Lebanon, NH • 6:00 - 9:00 pm
This Fundamentals class
will continue to explore
milestones in the emotional
development of young
children; discussion from last
week will deepen. Activities
will focus on how culture
and other characteristics
influence emotional development. Attendance at
part 1 on November 19 is recommended. Presenter:
Lori Harris, M.S., Director, Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Medical Center Child Care Center
28 Social Skills Development
W and A Sense of Oneself
(Level I)
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical CenterAuditorium F, Lebanon, NH • 6:00 - 9:00 pm
This Fundamentals class will explore how children
form a sense of themselves. The concepts of
attachment and resiliency will be addressed, along
with positive guidance, coping with transitions
and other strategies that support children’s social
development and developing sense of self. Presenter:
Lori Harris, M.S., Director, Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Medical Center Child Care Center
VT Core Knowledge Areas: 1, 2, 3
NH Core Knowledge Areas: 3, 4
CDA Subject Areas: 2, 3, 8
page 3
December 2012
3 Social Skills Development and
M Understanding Others (Level I)
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical CenterAuditorium F, Lebanon, NH • 6:00 - 9:00 pm
This Fundamentals class will address strategies to
support the development of positive social skills in
children. Conflict resolution, including supporting
children with challenging behaviors, and social
development milestones will also be discussed.
Presenter: Lori Harris, M.S., Director, DartmouthHitchcock Medical Center Child Care Center
VT Core Knowledge Areas: 1, 2, 3
NH Core Knowledge Areas: 3, 4
CDA Subject Areas: 2, 3, 8
Get Organized and Earn
TH More Money in 2013 and
Beyond: Record Keeping
and Tax Tips for Family
Child Care Providers
Child Care Project- Conference Room,
Hanover, NH • 6:30 - 8:30 pm
This surprisingly lively annual workshop is a must
for all new family child care providers, as well
as those needing a reminder or encouragement to
get organized in the upcoming year. It is also appropriate for any providers who use a tax preparer,
accountant, etc. because it covers record keeping
in detail. Easy systems of record keeping and tax
preparation specific to the business of family child
care will be covered. Learn how you can maximize
your deductions, thus increase your profit as a small
home business. Any recent changes to the tax laws
will be discussed and 2013 Calendar Keepers will
be available for purchase at a discounted rate. Presenter: Jeffrey Kent, President, Kent Tax & Business
Services, LLC
VT Core Knowledge Area: 5
NH Core Knowledge Area: 1
CDA Subject Area: 5
page 4 8
Positive Workplace
SAT E n v i r o n m e n t s , F a m i l y
Centered Practice and
Fundamentals for Early
Childhood Professionals
Course Wrap Up (Level I)
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical CenterAuditorium F, Lebanon, NH • 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
This final session of Fundamentals, restricted to
those enrolled in the entire series, will focus on
understanding the needs of adults and how to work
successfully with peers and families. Familycentered practice will be defined; how adults change
and develop will be addressed. The afternoon
will be spent presenting projects and reviewing
selected topics covered in previous modules, with
an emphasis on reflection. We will work through
lunch, so bring your own or plan to buy food at
DHMC during a break. Presenter: Lori Harris, M.S.,
Director, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Child Care Center
VT Core Knowledge Areas: 2, 5
NH Core Knowledge Areas: 1, 2
CDA Subject Areas: 4, 5
11 Exploring Diversity
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical CenterTU Auditorium E, Lebanon, NH • 6:30 - 8:30 pm
The winter holiday season is a perfect time to think
about identity, culture and difference. Through a
variety of interactive exercises we’ll explore what
diversity is, why it matters and how we might create inclusive work and learning environments for
our staff and families. The goal of this session is to
increase your understanding of all aspects of diversity and begin the process for dialogue and working
together productively and respectfully. Presenter:
Gabrielle Lucke, Director, Diversity Training &
Educational Programs, Dartmouth College
VT Core Knowledge Areas: 1, 2, 3, 5
NH Core Knowledge Areas: 1, 2, 3, 4
CDA Subject Areas: 4, 6, 8
Advanced Specialized Child Care Services: 2 hours
Child Care Project Newsletter
(603) 646-3233 • (800) 323-5446
[email protected]
Registration is accepted beginning the first of the month prior to each class.
If plans change and you cannot attend a workshop for which you have registered, please let us know.
Contact us now to sign up for November and December Child Care Project training
listed in this newsletter.
Coming up in January 2013...
10 Social-Emotional Development
TH of Infants, Toddlers and their
24 Never Too Early, Part 2
TH (Level II)
15 Stop!
TU Out!
29 C a n P r e s c h o o l e r s B e
TU Depressed? Symptoms and
Supports, Part 1
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical CenterAuditorium E, Lebanon, NH • 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Presenter: Margot Holmes, Specialized Child Care
Coordinator, The Family Place
Don’t Throw That
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical CenterAuditorium E, Lebanon, NH • 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Presenter: Sharon Adams, M.S., Early Childhood
Education Consultant & Master Instructor
17 Never Too Early, Part 1
TH (Level II)
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center- Fuller
Board Room, Lebanon, NH • 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Presenter: Judy Witters, M.Ed. & M.F.A., Three
Apple Storyteller & Vermont Arts Council Touring
November & December 2012 Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center- Fuller
Board Room, Lebanon, NH • 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Presenter: Judy Witters, M.Ed. & M.F.A., Three
Apple Storyteller & Vermont Arts Council Touring
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical CenterAuditorium E, Lebanon, NH • 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Presenter: Steve Atkins, Psy.D., Adjunct Professor,
Dartmouth Medical School Faculty; Psychologist
& School Consultant, SCA Psychological Services
31 C a n P r e s c h o o l e r s B e
TH Depressed? Symptoms and
Supports, Part 2
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical CenterAuditorium E, Lebanon, NH • 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Presenter: Steve Atkins, Psy.D., Adjunct Professor,
Dartmouth Medical School Faculty; Psychologist
& School Consultant, SCA Psychological Services
page 5
Other Training Opportunities
CPR & First Aid Trainings
Most classes require pre-registration and prepayment; many are space limited and could be
canceled in the event of low enrollment. Call the
individual site for more information or to register.
American Red Cross
Local classes currently under
reorganization; none scheduled
for November or December.
Private classes may be arranged
at your center or home for
groups of 6 or more by calling
(802) 660-9130.
New London Hospital
Heartsaver Adult, Child & Infant CPR
Recertification: November 13, 9:00 am or
December 11, 9:00 am. $20. Weber Room, 273
County Road in New London, NH. American Heart
Association classes.
events/courses_classes_schedule or (603) 526-5501.
Valley Regional Hospital
Heartsaver Adult, Child & Infant CPR- New &
Recertification: November 15, 5:00-8:00 pm. $36
Adult/Child CPR, $12 Infant CPR, $13.95 text.
Heartsaver First Aid: November 29, 5:00-8:00 pm.
$18. 243 Elm Street in Claremont, NH. American
Heart Association classes. Private courses for
groups of six or more scheduled on request. (603)
542-1839; [email protected].
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical CenterWomen’s Health Resource Center
Heartsaver First Aid: December 12, 6:00-9:00
pm. $55. Heartsaver Adult, Child & Infant CPR
Certification: December 13, 6:00-9:00 pm. $55.
On the Mall (9 Hanover Street) in Lebanon, NH.
American Heart Association classes. Scholarships
(603) 650-2600.
page 6 Upper Valley Ambulance, Inc. in Fairlee, VT is
an American Heart Association Training Center;
for CPR and first aid training information, contact
Kevin Cole at kevinc@uppervalleyambulance.
com or (802) 333-4043 x108. White River Valley
Ambulance in Bethel, VT offers CPR training;
contact Pat Edwards at [email protected] or
(802) 234-6800 for details.
You may also find a class by phoning your local fire
station - many times they have trained staff willing
to teach CPR and/or first aid - or your community
recreation department.
VT Basic Specialized Child
Care Services Training
Specialized Child Care Services (SCCS)
encompasses VT subsidized child care for children
eligible under one of the following service needs:
1) Protective Services - for a child who has been a
victim of abuse or neglect and child care is part of
a plan to support the child, thus reducing the risk of
future abuse/neglect; 2) Family Support - for a child
in a family experiencing significant stress where
child care is part of a larger family plan to address
specific issues; 3) Special Need - for a child in child
care with a special physical or developmental need.
Providers must attend a 6-hour Basic SCCS Training
prior to signing the "Provider Agreement, Part 3"
and being granted SCCS status enabling them to
care for children with a SCCS need. Basic SCCS
training is offered annually in the fall through the
Child Care Project (see page 2 for details). Other
upcoming options include:
November 1 & 8, 6:00-9:00 pm in Middlebury, VT.
Call Amethyst Peaslee at (802) 388-4304 to register.
November 3, 10:00 am-4:00 pm in St. Johnsbury,
VT. Call Kim Buxton at (802) 748-1992 to register.
($5 fee)
Child Care Project Newsletter
November 3, 9:00 am-3:00 pm in Morrisville,
VT. Call Lorraine Patterson at (802) 888-5229 to
register. ($5 fee)
November 5 & 12, 6:00-9:00 pm in St. Albans, VT.
Call April Wright at (802) 393-6564 to register.
VT Essential Maintenance
Practices for the Stabilization
of Lead Paint
Owners of child care facilities (including family
child care homes) built before 1978 are required
to attend this training once and perform lead paint
stabilization procedures annually. To reserve a
seat at the following upcoming VT Department
of Health approved FREE Essential Maintenance
Practices training, call ��������������������������
(800) 290-0527. Registration is on a first come, first serve basis. For more
information, visit LeadSafeVermont at
November 28, 5:00 pm at City Hall in Burlington, VT
Family School Connections
Resource & Referral Training
Funded in part by the NH Department of Health &
Human Services, Division for Children, Youth &
Families, and the NH Child Development Bureau,
the following workshops are open to all providers.
For more information or to register, contact Cathy
Paradis at [email protected] or (603)
November 13: Emergency Preparedness: Do
You Have a Plan? with Cathy Paradis and Gregg
Champlin, 6:00-8:00 pm at Claremont Savings
Bank in Claremont, NH
December 11: Doing Time While My Mom's in
Jail with Cathy Paradis, 6:30-8:30 pm at Children's
Center of the Upper Valley in Lebanon, NH
November & December 2012 Living in the New Normal:
Helping Children Thrive in
Good and Challenging Times
The Military Child Education Coalition, a nonprofit organization addressing the educational
needs of children in military families, is offering
this training designed for parents, child care
providers, educators, military family readiness
groups and other concerned adults to gain strategies
and practical applications to increase resilience in
military-connected children. Presented by Sharon
Adams, this practicum is planned for November 15
from 8:00 am-4:00 pm at Our Lady of the Angels
Church in Randolph, VT. Funded by Office of the
Secretary of Defense, Department of the Army,
there is no cost to participants; breakfast and lunch
are provided. For more information, call Sharon
Adams locally at (802) 763-2797, or contact
Joe Clever at (254) 953-1923 or joe.clever@ Visit
and select the Training tab to register.
Chemistry in the Kitchen,
Geometry in the Art Room
Experimenting and investigating are cornerstones
of creativity. Have fun exploring art and science
using shaving cream, glue, baking soda, vinegar,
cornstarch, glue, paint, glitter, gelatin and more.
Discover open-ended ways to incorporate math
concepts into art projects as well. Offered by The
Arts Bus, an incorporated non-profit organization
whose goal is to provide meaningful exposure
of the arts to the children of our community, and
presented by Jennie Harriman, this workshop is
scheduled for November 28 from 6:00-8:00 pm
at the White River Craft Center in Randolph, VT.
Contact Cynthia Sandusky, The Arts Bus Project
Director, at [email protected] or (802) 276-2192
for more information.
page 7
NLCDC Approved Sponsors
of Online Training
Vermont's Northern Lights Career Development
Center (NLCDC) continues to review and approve
sponsors of online training that is not for college
credit. Newly approved sponsors include: Quality
Assist, Child Care Aware (formerly NACCRRA),
Smart Horizons, Care Courses and Building
Blocks for Literacy. Approved online training
may count as VT child care licensing annual
hours, training hours for Step Ahead Recognition
System (STARS)-staff qualifications/professional
development arena, initial Child Development
Associate (CDA) credential required training,
Department of Education training to renew educator
licensure and more. Be sure to follow the specific
training requirements of the program or credential.
Visit to learn more about
online training in Vermont and approved sponsors.
Local Colleges with Early
Childhood Education Classes
Community College of Vermont
Upper Valley campus
145 Billings Farm Road, Wilder, VT
(802) 295-8822 •
Fall term underway; ends December 17.
Registration for spring term begins November 5;
spring term runs January 22-May 6.
Granite State College
Lebanon Academic Campus
24 Airport Road, West Lebanon, NH
Claremont Regional Campus
27 Pleasant Street, Claremont, NH
(603) 542-3841 •
Fall term underway; ends December 7.
Registration for winter term underway;
winter term runs January 5-March 29.
• HUMN 550 American Sign Language I, 4
credits, Wednesdays, 5:30-9:00 pm in Claremont
with C. Rosinski
• EDU 551 Learning and Early Childhood
Environments, 4 credits, online with B. Mulrey
• EDU 555 Language and Literacy Development,
4 credits, online with B. Krol-Sinclair
• EDU 601 Observation and Assessment in Early
Childhood Education, 4 credits, online with P.
• EDU 603 Family and Community Relations
in Early Childhood, 4 credits, online with B.
• EDU 605 Early Childhood Program
Administration, 4 credits, online with J. Carson
• EDU 624 Assessment of Young Children in EC/
ECSPED, 4 credits, online with P. Howson
• PSY 508 Child Development, 4 credits, online
with B. McKenna
• SOC 607 Child Abuse and Neglect, 4 credits,
online with P. Neville-Carey
Lebanon College
River Valley Community College
15 Hanover Street, Lebanon, NH
(603) 448-2445 •
Fall term underway; ends December 17.
Spring term runs January 22-May 9.
Fall term underway; ends December 21.
Registration for winter/spring term begins
November 20; winter/spring term
runs January 14-April 27.
1 College Drive, Claremont, NH
(603) 542-7744 x411 •
The Bright Futures Information System (BFIS) is a data management system designed and operated by
the VT Child Development Division of the Department for Children and Families. Hundreds of statewide
professional development opportunities (such as workshops, classes and conferences) are listed and updated
regularly in the BFIS Course Calendar. Visit to access the calendar.
page 8 Child Care Project Newsletter
Local ECE Professional Support Networks
Upper Valley
Child Care Association
For: All Upper Valley child care center directors,
administrators, family child care providers and early
childhood professionals from both NH and VT
Meets: 2nd Tuesday of each month, 1:00-3:00 pm
at Franklin Pierce University in West Lebanon, NH
Upcoming guest:
• Denise Corvino, Chief of NH Child Care Licensing,
will share tentative plans for NH rule revisions,
answer questions about professional development,
join our discussion of QRIS and exit surveys, and
answer questions at the November 13 meeting.
For more information, contact: Jeff Robbins at
Dartmouth College Child Care Center, (603) 6466610 or [email protected]
Central Vermont Early
Care & Education Network
For: All child care providers around Braintree,
Brookfield, Randolph, Bethel, Royalton, Chelsea,
Corinth and Tunbridge, VT
Meets: 3rd Monday of each month, 6:30-8:30 pm
at Green Mountain Gospel Church in Randolph, VT
For more information,
contact: Pam White
at (802) 728-9587 or
[email protected]
For: All Orange County, VT early educators and
child care providers, home- and center-based
Meets: 1st Tuesday of each month, 6:30-8:30 pm at
Bradford Elementary School in Bradford, VT
Upcoming training:
• On November 6, Carolyn, of Rising Spirit Yoga,
will share how to introduce children’s yoga to
preschoolers. She will teach breathing techniques,
basic poses, partner poses, creative games and songs,
and end with a visualization/relaxation routine that
children love. A regular yoga class for the adults
will follow in the second half of the evening. Come
dressed to have fun, dance and stretch! Bring a yoga
mat if you have one.
For more information, contact: Meri Saladino at (802)
222-4236 or Nicole White at [email protected]
VT Center for Afterschool
Excellence Regional Group
For: All people working in Orange/Northern Windsor
afterschool programs: community-based organizations,
school-based programs and family child care homes
Meeting: Next meeting date(s) to be determined.
Visit for details.
For more information, contact: Dana Anderson at
(802) 767-4632 x3140 or [email protected]
Free Resources for NH Child Care Providers
Are you a NH child care provider… frustrated by children who bite; annoyed by children who hit, push or bully other
children; upset by children who swear or use offensive behaviors; confused by children who don’t fit in; discouraged
by strategies that just aren’t working? Help is just a phone call away... call the Preschool Technical Assistance
Network (PTAN) toll-free at (888) 584-8200.
PTAN’s Child Care Inclusion Program is committed to helping child care programs throughout NH, family- and
center-based, work successfully with young children with challenging behaviors and other special needs. PTAN's
free services, available to all NH child care providers, include phone consultation in the privacy of your program,
email updates, on-site training and consultation from experts in your region. Funded by Child Development Bureau,
Division for Children, Youth and Families, NH DHHS. For more information, visit
November & December 2012 page 9
Notes of Interest
Kelly Ward, a registered family child care provider
in Vershire, VT has joined VT’s Step Ahead Recognition System (STARS) for child care, preschool
and afterschool programs with two stars of recognition. Way to go, Kelly!
Kristy Kimball of South Royalton, VT has been
awarded a VT Northern Lights Career Development
Center Level IIIA certificate. Congrats, Kristy!
Elizabeth Britch of South Royalton, VT has been
awarded a VT Northern Lights Career Development
Center Level IIIB certificate. Yahoo, Elizabeth!
Vicki Covell of Babble-On Day Care in White River
Junction, VT has earned a VT Northern Lights Career
Development Center Program
Director Credential, Step 2.
Kudos, Vicki!
VT STARS Incentive Blitz
VT Birth to Three has announced a special
promotion for VT family child care providers
who - by December 31, 2012 - have their STARS
application received by the STARS office. These
providers will receive the choice of a $50 gift
card to Barnes and Noble, Amazon or Shell Gas.
Applications must be received by the STARS office
by December 31, 2012 to be eligible.
If you are interested in this promotion, contact
Brenda Schramm at (802) 447-0906 or baschramm@ or visit
Orange County STARS
Application Support Group
These evening meetings, to be held on the fourth
Thursday of every month beginning in January
2013 at the Orange County Parent Child Center
page 10 in Chelsea, VT from 6:30-8:00 pm, are designed
to bring together VT home providers and center
staff who are actively working on their STARS
applications or are interested in starting that
process – with help! Bring all your materials
and we’ll sit down and go through your specific
application, page by page. Come when you can,
one time or every time, on time or throughout the
evening. Hearty brain snacks provided! Contact
Emily Marshia, OCPCC’s STARS Support Project
Coordinator, for more information at (888) 6852264 or [email protected], or visit www.
VT Birth to Three New
Network Meetings in Hartford
In collaboration with the Child Care Project, VT
Birth to Three is offering community based network
meetings for Hartford, VT area child care providers.
Network meetings give an opportunity to those
who care for others to take time for themselves.
They are an opportunity to bond with others in
the same field experiencing the same struggles
and triumphs. As a child care provider you spend
countless hours nurturing VT’s youngest children –
the best nurturing happens when those offering the
care have time to be nurtured themselves.
To date, local meetings have been held at the Tip
Top Pottery Studio in White River Junction, VT and
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon,
NH featuring a potluck dinner, rich conversation
and relationship building. The goal of VT Birth
to Three is to continue building momentum,
identifying program needs and offering support
systems to VT providers. Meetings are held
monthly – for more information on date, time and
location of the next meeting contact the Child Care
Project at (603) 646-3233 or Rachel Hunter, VB3
mentor at (802) 886-1070.
Child Care Project Newsletter
VT Birth to Three
Mentor Opportunity
VT Birth to Three is offering support throughout the
state on many levels to increase quality child care and
to support providers and the work they do directly
with children. A key component is peer mentoring.
Rachel Hunter, a 5-star registered family child care
provider and VT Birth to Three mentor, is available
to mentor VT registered family child care and legally
exempt child care (LEC) providers in Orange and
Northern Windsor Counties. Rachel offers a wide
range of support, such as helping providers progress
up the career ladder, increase professional development trainings hours, become an active member in
local network groups, participate in the food program, complete the STARS application and enroll
in college courses. She also provides assistance
with general program
support and activities
with children.
contact Rachel Hunter
at (802) 886-1070 or
[email protected].
VAEYC Launches Child Care
Quality Improvement Project
This project strives to improve access to quality
(developmentally beneficial) child care programs
and increase supports for all VT providers. With
blended funds from the Henderson Foundation
and VT Birth to Three, the Vermont Association
for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC)
is implementing two strategies to meet the
project’s goals: 1) Mentoring. The Project will
be supporting experienced child care providers to
build mentoring relationships with interested child
care providers. 2) Workgroups. The project will
support existing and/or support the development
of regional/local workgroups focused on topics
related to the project’s evaluation measures. The
project’s focus is VT-wide for licensed programs
and in Washington County and Northern Orange
County for registered home providers.
November & December 2012 Programs and individuals interested in participating
in the project should be committed to the concept of
continuous quality improvement for their program.
While the evaluation methods are based in VT
quality systems (supporting programs to get into
and move up through the STARS system, as well as
supporting individuals in achieving IPDP goals and
moving along the Early Childhood Career Ladder)
the project is also interested in supporting programs
in their self-chosen quality improvement efforts.
For more information or if you are interested in
being a mentor or seeking out a mentor, contact
Melissa Riegel-Garrett at (802) 244-6282 or
[email protected].
VT Child Care Licensing
Regulation Revision Project
The VT child care licensing regulation revision
process continues. If you haven’t heard, 201213 is the year to review and revise the VT child
care licensing regulations. This summer and fall
included consideration of staff qualifications and
professional development. Check in regularly at and click on “Child Care
Licensing Regulation Revision Project” to get the
latest information about the process and to add your
comments. Tracey Soboleski, a registered family
child care provider in Wilder, VT, has volunteered
to serve as our local provider representative on the
project. Contact Tracey at traceystoddlers@gmail.
com or (802) 296-0007 for more information or to
share your topic-specific thoughts.
VCLF Announces CRIBS Loan
In response to new and improved crib safety
standards instituted last year by the U.S.
Consumer Protection Safety Commission, the VT
Community Loan Fund (VCLF) has announced
a new loan program to help child care programs
pay for purchases of new, safety compliant cribs.
All cribs purchased before June 28, 2011, must be
replaced with new cribs which meet the new safety
regulations by December 28, 2012.
page 11
The new loan program, known as CRIBS, for
Capital Resources for Infant Bed Safety, will
provide loans for crib purchases to qualified VT
child care programs. VCLF has been working
with VT child care providers for over a decade,
providing access to loan capital, grant support
and business-related technical assistance. For
more information, visit
news/102-vclf-announces-cribs-loan-in-responseto-new-federal-safety-standards or call Maria at
VCLF at (802) 224-9141.
Tenth Annual
Mark your calendar and pass the word to your
families: The Family Place’s annual Gingerbread
Festival is coming up on December 8 from 10:00
am-3:00 pm at Tracy Hall in Norwich, VT. Enjoy
an exquisite display of gingerbread houses, cookie
decorating and other fun activities for children, cafe
food, live music, store with crafts and JewelryOs,
and a silent auction with great prizes. $10 for families or $5 for individuals; all proceeds benefit The
Family Place Parent Child Center which offers comprehensive resource and information for parents of
children ages birth to 6. For more information, call
(802) 649-3268 or visit
2013 Calendar-Keepers
Now Available
2013 Calendar-Keepers are available for $10 each
through the Child Care Project (a considerable
savings over buying directly from Red Leaf Press).
A comprehensive family child care record-keeping
system, the Calendar-Keeper gives you monthly
expense charts for all purchases; monthly attendance
and payment log for parent fees; Food Program
tallies for meals, expenses, and claims; weekly/
quarterly income record; important record-keeping
advice; worksheets that make tax time a breeze;
convenient mileage record; ready-to-use waiting
list; fire and emergency drill records; easy-to-find
page 12 emergency numbers; recipes and menus; nutrition
information and fun activities. Calendar-Keepers
will be available at upcoming trainings or can be
mailed to you for an additional $2.50. Contact the
Child Care Project for more information.
Free VINS Pass Offer
Interested in taking a field trip or even a weekend
outing with your own family? Thanks to funding
provided by VT Starting Points, the Child Care
Project has a free pass to the Vermont Institute of
Natural Science’s (VINS) Nature Center located a
quarter of a mile west of the Quechee Gorge at 6565
Woodstock Road (Route 4) in Quechee, VT. The
pass allows entrance to one adult and up to five children over age 2 (children under age 2 are welcome,
but are always free and not included in the count)
for a day. Contact us at (603) 646-3233 or child.
[email protected] with a specific date
request and we will email you a pass for that day.
VINS is a nonprofit organization, whose mission
is to motivate individuals and communities to care
for the environment through education, research
and avian wildlife rehabilitation. For more information about the Nature Center, including driving
directions, visit or call (802)
359-5000. VINS is open year round, seven days
a week; seasonal hours November 1 through April
15 are 10:00 am-4:00 pm.
Child Care Project
Lending Library
Remember... the Child Care Project maintains a
lending library of books and media to assist providers
with specific concerns, curriculum development or
professional development. Visit www.dartmouth.
edu/~ccp/providers/ccpbook-library.pdf to view
the material available.
Contact us at
[email protected]
or (603) 646-3233 to
arrange to borrow an item.
Child Care Project Newsletter
Fact Sheet #46: Daycare Centers & Preschools
Under the Fair Labor Standards Act
The United States Department of Labor fact sheet #46 provides general information on how the Fair
Labor Standards Act (FLSA) applies to daycare centers and preschools. It can be found in its entirety
The FLSA requires covered employers to:
• Establish the workweek for pay purposes (7 consecutive 24-hour periods), which may begin on any
day of the week in the employer’s discretion (but remains fixed once established).
• Maintain complete and accurate records of each employee’s daily and weekly hours worked each week.
• Pay at least the federal minimum wage to all nonexempt employees of not less than $7.25 per hour
effective July 24, 2009, for all hours actually worked.
• Pay at least one-and-one-half times each employee’s regular rate of pay as overtime compensation to
each nonexempt employee for all hours worked over 40 in each workweek.
• Comply with all youth employment standards, such as restrictions on working hours, operating certain
equipment, or performing work in certain occupations for minors under age 16 and, if under age 18, restrictions
against performing certain hazardous occupations (which include driving a school bus, among others).
Rest and Meal Periods:
Employers that authorize short breaks or rest periods must count them as hours worked. Rest periods of
short duration, usually 20 minutes or less, are common in industry (and promote employee efficiency)
and are customarily paid for as working time. Bona fide meal periods (typically 30 minutes or more)
generally need not be compensated as work time as long as the employee is completely relieved from
duty for the entire meal period for the purpose of eating a regular meal. The employee is not relieved
from duty if required to perform any duties, whether active or inactive, while eating. Thus, an employee
is not considered “relieved” if required to continue to watch over children while they and the employee
eat their meal.
Lectures, Meetings and Training Programs:
Attendance at lectures, meetings, training programs, and similar activities must be counted as working
time unless all four of the following criteria are met: (1) it occurs outside normal scheduled hours of
work; (2) it is completely voluntary; (3) it is not job-related (unless the employee attends an independent
school or college on his/her own initiative outside work hours); and, (4) no other work is performed
during the period. The time spent attending training that is required by the state for daycare center
licensing is working time for which employees must be compensated.
For additional information, visit the US Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division website at or call their toll-free information and help line, available 8:00 am-5:00 pm,
(866) 487-9243.
November & December 2012 page 13
Four Questions to Guide Teachers’
Thinking About Their Practice
by Carol R. Keyes
Over the years, I have organized a series of activities
for professional development that, rather than
focusing on a particular topic, revolves around four
questions related to teachers’ values and beliefs:
1. What characteristics do I want to help the child
2. What can I be teaching in this situation?
3. Why do I do what I do in the classroom?
4. Would I want to be a child in this classroom?
These questions are designed to help teachers
become more reflective about their values and
beliefs, more intentional in their teaching, and
to improve the match between their beliefs and
practices. The questions and discussion help
teachers ‘unpack’ their own ideas and help facilitate
Question 1: What kind of person do I want
to develop?
This first question involves teachers in thinking
about the characteristics they are trying to nurture
in young children. Here’s an outline of the steps
for this activity:
a)Share the question.
b)Distribute a list of characteristics to describe
children. Post them on a board or project them
using an overhead projector:
adventurous, affectionate, a good guesser,
altruistic, always asking questions, athletic,
attempts difficult jobs, self-starter, becomes
preoccupied with tasks, careful, cautious,
competitive, completes work on time,
conforming, considerate of others, cooperative,
courageous, courteous, creative, critical of
others, curious, desires to excel, determined,
domineering, emotional, energetic, faultpage 14 finding, fearful, friendly, gets good grades,
healthy, independent in judgment, industrious,
intelligent, intuitive, likes to work alone, likes
school, never bored, negativistic, obedient,
persistent, physically attractive, physically
strong, proud, quiet, rebellious, receptive to
ideas of others, refined, regresses occasionally
(playful, childish), remembers well
c)Ask the teachers to chose the three
characteristics they believe are the most important
for children’s development.
• Give them time to consider their choices.
• Ask each teacher to share one choice at a time.
• When a teacher names a characteristic, ask all
of those who have chosen that characteristic to
raise their hands too.
• Count the number of respondents and post the
number next to that characteristic.
• Continue to go around until all choices have
been reported.
d)Discuss why each characteristic chosen is
e)Ask for examples of how to help children develop
those characteristics and abilities in the classroom.
f) Close the session with a quote from Marian
Wright Edelman. Take a few final minutes to compare
what the teachers chose with what Edelman wrote:
“[Children need] adults to teach them how to
struggle with complexity, to think through the
short- and long-term consequences of their
actions, to bounce back from life’s inevitable
failures, to learn how not to be lonely when
alone, to think, ask the right questions, solve
problems, sort out and synthesize reams of
information, make informed judgments, and
take effective action, to sacrifice to build a
fairer and safe world.” (Edelman, 2008, p. xv)
Child Care Project Newsletter
Question 2: What can I be teaching in
this situation?
Question 3: Why am I doing what I am
doing in the classroom?
This second question asks teachers to consider their
role in responding to children’s behavior as a way
of facilitating their learning.
The third question asks teachers to reflect on their
role in extending children’s learning through their
responses to different categories of child behavior.
a)Post the following incident on an overhead or
poster board or distribute copies to the teachers:
Imagine a teacher of 20 four-year-olds whose
outdoor equipment only includes two tricycles!
Squabbles will inevitably arise over whose
turn it is to use them. A child name Robin goes
to the teacher and protests, “Leslie won’t let
me have a turn.”
a)Post the category system that helps teachers
monitor their own responses to children on an
overhead, pad or chalkboard or distribute copies to
the teachers.
b)Ask teachers to think about what they would do.
c)Have the teachers share their recommendations
for how to respond to the incident.
d)Discuss the pros and cons of each recommendation.
Consider not only Robin and Leslie, but also the
other children who, while otherwise engaged, are
paying attention to what is happening.
e)Describe what children might learn from
their solutions: social skills, verbal skills (assertive
phrases, conversational phrases), social knowledge,
social perspective, dispositional learning (empathy,
altruism, disposition to experiment), elaborating on
each category.
f) Describe the unprofessional responses
(distraction, exhortations, removal, empty threats,
bribery, time-out, preaching, sympathy, guilt) that
some teachers use.
g)Discuss all of the appropriate responses
as well as the unprofessional ones. Note
that being conscious of these will help the
teachers use the appropriate responses and
reduce the times they might fall into the
trap of using one of the unprofessional
November & December 2012 b)Introduce the category system for describing
adult responses to children’s behavior:
• Stop: The adult halts or limits a child’s actions
verbally or nonverbally.
• Change: The adult redirects the child through
verbal means, directions or materials to a new
activity or behavior.
• Sustain: The adult makes a neutral comment or
a brief response or participates without influence.
• Extend: The adult extends or expands a
child’s activities through such actions as giving
information, challenging or adding new materials.
c)Discuss the different categories and share
examples, noting that in most cases sustaining
and extending children’s behavior is preferable to
stopping or changing their behavior.
d)Have the teachers take turns sharing examples
of when they have stopped, changed, sustained or
extended children’s behavior as well as what they
might do in the future and why.
Question 4: Would I want to be a child in
my classroom?
The fourth question asks teachers to reflect on
all of the children in their classroom, with
particular attention to those who present
special challenges to them in their teaching
role. This activity is divided into two
page 15
Part One
Part Two
a)Read an excerpt from Except for Michael
(Buckley, 1996, p. 89):
“Except for Michael, I thought, stirring
the yellow paint in preparation for the day
ahead, this group of fives would be such a
joy. Somehow, I don’t feel strong enough for
Michael today. Maybe he won’t come!”
a)Ask each teacher to write a short profile about
one of the children in his or her classroom.
b)Ask the teachers if they have any Michaels in
their classrooms.
c)Have each teacher make a list of the children in
his or her classroom.
d)After a few minutes ask if they are missing anyone.
e)If they now remember them, have them add them
on the bottom with an asterisk (*).
f) Share with teachers that the children they forget,
almost forget, or that are at the bottom of their list,
are what Elizabeth Jones calls “invisible children.”
They are the ones the teachers pay less attention to
than others in the class.
g)Ask the teachers if they would want to be in their
class if they were at the bottom of the list or like Michael.
h)Read a second excerpt from Except for Michael
(Buckley, 1996, p. 91):
The teacher is reflecting. “Then I began to
ask myself, ‘Does Michael feel worthwhile:
Does he feel respected? Do I make him feel
accepted as an individual?”
i) Talk about strategies teachers could use to make
sure they acknowledge and pay attention to all of
the children in their classrooms.
j) Suggest to the other teachers that they occasionally
make the list when they are away from the classroom.
Following this activity they can acknowledge or
spend some time with the children who appear at
the bottom of their lists. If teachers do this regularly
then there will be no ‘invisible children.’
page 16 b)Have them examine their profiles, looking for
positive and negative value judgments.
c)Tell them to mark all the positive judgments with
a plus (+) and the negative ones with a minus (-).
d)Ask them to read what they wrote again to
identify words that are labels (L), words that are
generalizations (G), words that are extreme (E) and
words that are qualifying (Q).
e)Ask the teachers to consider if they are being fair
to those children or if their perceptions are being
influenced by their own biases. Ask the teachers
who described the children with too many negatives
or extreme language if they would want to be
children in their classrooms and what they need to
do to correct this.
Concluding Thoughts
While teachers may follow different curriculum
models or accreditation standards in their classrooms,
values underlie all of the choices they make with
regard to children. Their behaviors and attitudes,
as well as the ideas they have about how children
should behave, what experiences they should have
and what goals they have for their future, are based
on those values. Rarely do they realize how much
those beliefs influence their actions. Using the
questions as starting points at staff meetings or
professional development sessions will help teachers
uncover their values, beliefs and biases, and discuss
the underlying purposes of the activities they choose
and the interactions they engage in with children
and families. When teachers think about what kind
of adults they want to help develop, what they can
be teaching in particular situations, why they’re
doing what they are doing, and whether this is a
classroom that the child wants to be in, they become
more reflective and intentional and more effective
in accomplishing their charge.
Source: Exchange, September/October 2012, p. 14-17
Child Care Project Newsletter
Homemade Graham Crackers... and treats
Basic Graham Crackers
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 ½ cups all purpose flour
½ cup dark brown sugar, packed
½ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking soda
½ cup butter, chilled & cubed
¼ cup honey
¼ cup water
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a food
processor or mixer, combine first six ingredients. Add
cubed and chilled butter to the mix and pulse/mix until it resembles coarse meal. Add honey and water and
continue to mix until it all combines. Remove and shape
dough into a flat disk and place between two pieces of
parchment paper. Roll dough out until ¼ inch thick. Cut
into crackers or shapes with knife or cookie cutters.
Place crackers on parchment- lined baking sheet and
bake for 15 minutes. Cool and serve.1
Graham Dippers: Dip crackers in cinnamon sprin-
kled low-fat ricotta cheese, applesauce or pumpkin puree.
Fruit S’mores: Place sliced up strawberries and bananas between two crackers spread with vanilla yogurt.
Snacks: Mix 3 ounces light
cream cheese, softened for 10 seconds in the microwave, with 3 Tablespoons of all-fruit jam and spread
on crackers.
Grapes and Grahams: Spread crackers with a thin
layer of light cream cheese then sprinkle halved grapes
over the top of each.
Frozen Yogurt Sandwich: Smear 1-2 Tablespoons of frozen yogurt between two graham crackers.
Smudgies: Mash together until creamy 1 banana and
1 Tablespoon natural crunchy peanut butter (use soy nut
or sunflower butter if you’re nut-free). Spread between
two crackers. Wrap in foil and freeze for six hours.
Vanilla Cashew Frosting: Soak 1 ½ cups raw ca-
shews for 2-3 hours, drain and place in blender with
¼ cup maple syrup, ¼ cup unsweetened almond milk,
¼ teaspoon stevia, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, pinch of
salt and 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon. Blend on medium-low
speed for 5 minutes or until creamy. Spread on crackers.
Yummy Honey Grahams
(Grain-Free, Refined Sugar-Free)
1 cup blanched almond flour
3 Tablespoons coconut flour
½ teaspoon unflavored gelatin powder
1 teaspoon ground chia seeds
½ teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon baking soda
¼ teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon salt
3 Tablespoons coconut oil
1 Tablespoon blackstrap molasses
1 ½ Tablespoon coconut milk,
warmed enough to be soft
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
1 Tablespoon honey
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a food processor, combine first eight ingredients. Turn on for a second or two
to combine. Add coconut oil and pulse 5-8 times to incorporate. Add remaining four ingredients and process
again until dough comes together. Scrape dough onto
parchment paper and pat into a 5-inch square. Loosely
wrap the parchment paper around dough and place refrigerate for 30 minutes. Remove dough from refrigerator and unwrap. Sprinkle a little coconut flour on dough
and rolling pin and roll out dough to about 1/8 inch
thickness. Cut small cookies out of dough and place on
parchment-lined baking sheet. Bake for 10-12 minutes
or until lightly browned underneath. Cool on pan for a
minute, then transfer to cooling rack to cool completely. 2
Sources: 1. 2.
November & December 2012 page 17
Child Care Project
Dartmouth College
17 1/2 Lebanon Street, Suite 2
Hanover, NH 03755
Child Care Project Newsletter
November & December 2012
What Is Inside...
Welcome Letter
CCP Training Opportunities
Other Training Opportunities
Local ECE Professional Support Networks
Notes of Interest
Fact Sheet #46: Daycare Centers & Preschools Under the FLSA
4 Questions to Guide Teachers’Thinking About Their Practice
Homemade Graham Crackers... and treats
p. 1
p. 2
p. 6
p. 9
p. 10
p. 13
p. 14
p. 17
The Child Care Project is a Granite United Way partner agency.