Volume 21, Issue 1 January 2015 MANASSAS CHAPTER NEWSLETTER NARFE Chapter 356, Manassas, VA - Organized September 9, 1953 Managing Arthritis with Physical Therapy Treatment, David Sahley, DPT Next Meeting Date January 21, 2015 Hibachi Buffet & Sushi Grill at 8121 Sudley Road, Manassas, VA Buffet Lunch 11:30 AM Program at 12:15PM For directions and Inclement Weather Policy see Page 4 Future Meetings: February 18—Veterinary Medicine, Joe “Chip” Wells, DVM Our speaker, Dr. David Sahley graduated from Physical Therapy School at Marymount University in 2000. Prior to opening Dynamics Physical Therapy in 2002, he managed an outpatient orthopedic clinic in Northern Virginia. Dave is an Orthopedic Certified Specialist (OCS), a Certified Orthopedic Manual Therapist (COMT), a credentialed Clinical Instructor and a senior instructor for Maitland Physiotherapy Seminars. He helps instruct continuing education courses focusing on the spine and the extremities to his peers nationally, as well as giving seminars on injury prevention and treatment for a host of diagnosis to the community locally. He is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) and the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists (AAOMPT). In his spare time, Dr. Sahley enjoys traveling, scuba diving, playing soccer, and spending time with his family. Dr. Sahley is also the co-founder and Vice President of Teardrops to Rainbows, which is a non-profit that provides support and financial assistance to children with cancer and their families. From The Chapter President A new calendar year is here and we have seen the 1.7% increase in our pensions and 1.0% increase in active employee pay. Next month the figures will change when the new premiums for health, dental and vision insurance go into effect. We ended the calendar year with 337 chapter members. Over the past three years we have had a 94 person drop in membership, which can be largely attributed to those not renewing their membership. Since January 2014, we gained 7 new members but lost 42 members for non-renewal. This trend not only hurts our effort to protect federal employee and retiree benefits, but impacts the budget of this chapter. Other chapters are experiencing similar trends but many have enough numbers to absorb these losses. Therefore, I urge you to renew your membership when it becomes due. Consider the different options, such as, two or three year membership or dues withholding. We also have to reach out to our friends, former coworkers, and relatives and extend the invitation to join NARFE. Application forms are located in the National magazine or we have applications with prepaid postage paid at our meetings for anyone who needs them. We are looking forward to continuing to provide monthly meetings with informative and interesting speakers. Please consider joining us for future meetings. See you at the next meeting. David A. Doliber President Help Wanted Our Chapter is looking for a member to serve as our Public Relations Chair. The primary duty is to inform our local news media outlets of our meeting dates to have posted in their newspapers and online. If you would be interested in supporting our Chapter in this way, please contact our President, David Doliber. Page 2 Manassas Chapter Newsletter Legislation Update Ronald Bantom NATIONAL LEGISLATION The 114th Congress will convene on January 6, 2015 and has been expected to hit the ground running. Between budget proposals, the debt ceiling deadline, an extension of the highway trust fund and other major policy debates, NARFE members could face serious threats to their earned retirement and health benefits early on in the new Congress. Now is the time to plan your 2015 Grassroots activities. (Extracted from 12/04/14 NARFE GEMS Upcoming legislative Training.) Recent tax law changes, and some that may come after the national elections, are likely to have a significant impact on year-end tax planning for 2014. First, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (the PPACA) added several key tax provisions for individuals and employers, including a new 3.8% surtax affecting many investors. Next, the Tax Relief Act of 2010 (TRA) extended numerous tax breaks, although some were on a temporary basis. Finally, the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA) raised tax rates, reduced itemized deductions and personal exemptions for high-income taxpayers, and established permanent parameters for estate and gift-tax planning, among other changes. As things stand now, certain favorable tax law provisions that technically expired after 2013 or have been curtailed for 2014 may be reinstated, even retroactive to the beginning of the year, if Congress enacts new legislation. But the uncertainty could affect your year-end tax-planning decisions. It is important to continue to monitor developments. (Extracted from 11/20/14 NW Capitol Management issue.) As 2014 came to an end, seen in Congress were some signs of bipartisanship; majorities in both the House and the Senate approved an 11th hour spending agreement and a number of bipartisan bills were approved. While the House and Senate budget agreement was far from perfect, it did honor last year’s bipartisan agreement to limit federal spending and we have reduced our federal deficit,. It also removed the danger of another disruptive government shutdown, which would have hit Virginia harder than any other state. Additionally, the Virginia delegation worked together to make sure the spending agreement protected many of our shared priorities. (Edited from VA Senator Mark R. Warner’s report dated 12/22/2004). Congress passed and the President signed, a $1.1 trillion spending package, nicknamed the “CRomnibus.” The package funds most government operations through the end of the fiscal year. The one exception is the Department of Homeland security, which was funded by a continuing resolution that will expire in February. There were no provisions in the CRomnibus negatively impacting federal employees or retirees. Some news outlets reported on a provision dealing with multi-state pensions and the federal pension insurance program. Some media described these as federal pension but they are private pensions that are insured by the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation, a government entity. The provision does not impact the pensions of federal employees or annuities. (Extracted from the 12/22/2014 January NARFE National Headquarters Gems Legislative Update for Chapters.) President Obama made the 2015 federal pay raise official for federal employees covered by the General Schedule and members of the military, among other feds. These federal employees will get a 1 percent pay raise in January. The president signed an executive order calling for the increases on 12/19/2014. Under new dismissal and closure procedures issued by the Office of Personnel Management on 12/17//2014, federal employees who are on pre-approved paid leave during a government closure will no longer be given an excused absence. OPM also, on 12/18/2014 was to notify 48,439 federal employees whose personal information may have been exposed due to a compromised computer network at KeyPoint Government Solutions. (Sources for above three items from Federal News Radio.com of 17, 18, and 19 Dec.) The Legislative Action Center at www.narfe.org, is the one-stop site to send a letter to congress. NARFE members who modify the form letter report better responses. Reach the letter template by using: http://capwiz.com/narfe/issues/alert?/ alertid-62245936, President Beaudoin urges every Association member to use NARFE’s Action Center to speak to your Congressional delegations. Legislative Hotline: A weekly legislative message is available at 703-838-7780 and toll-free at 877-217-8234; posted on the NARFE website www.narfe.org, and is sent to over 80,000 GEMS email addresses. To obtain an answer to federal benefits questions, NARFE members should call 703-838-7760, ask for the Federal Benefits Department; or send a question by postal mail to NARFE Headquarters, ATTN: Federal Benefits; or email to [email protected], The NARFE BILL TRACKER is your monthly guide to congressional legislation that NARFE is following. As the year draws to a close, so, too, will the 113th Congress. When this Congress adjourned “sine die”, bills that did not pass in the113th Congress will expire. Because most of the bills in the NARFE Bill Tracker are not likely to be considered during the lame-duck session of Congress, the Tracker will be on hiatus until key pieces of legislation are introduced in the 114th Congress. Please visit the NARFE Legislative Action Center at www.narafe.org/legislationto check the status of all bills NARFE is watching. Contact the Legislative Department with questions at 703-838-7760, ext. 201, or [email protected]. NARFE is fighting against attacks on Federal workers and retirees, along with their pay and benefits, every day. But we need YOUR help to make our voice stronger. NARFE-PAC (the Federal Employee & Retiree Defense Fund) is there, with your help to help elect (and re -elect) lawmakers who will protect your benefits and recognize the value of our service. A NARFE-PAC Contribution Form is located on page 11 of the January issue of NARFE magazine. A new NARFE-PAC Toolkit is available from the NARFE website or by request from the Legislative Department. It is designed to help NARFE leaders on the federation and chapter levels to raise (Continued on page 3) Volume 21, Issue 1 (Continued from page 2) funds for NARFE-PAC, the Association’s political action committee. (Edited from the December issue of NARFE magazine.) VIRGINIA LEGISLATION This month, Virginia delegate Joseph Morrissey resigned in wake of conviction and then promised to run again. Virginia is in for more spectacle, on top of all the rest: a state delegate sent to prison for corruption; a federal investigation, just wrapped up without charges, that exposed a seeming bidding war over a state senator; and, most shocking of all in a state long known for clean government, the federal corruption conviction and imminent sentencing of a popular former governor and first lady. Morrissey had been in trouble many times before: he has been jailed for fights and lost his law license for nearly a decade. So it was not a shocker to see him in trouble again. The saga has churned on in ever more salacious and absurd directions, giving it a staying power and a level of attention mortifying to people stepped in the state’s proud image of political rectitude. (Extracted and edited from the 12/18/2014 Washington Post Article by Laura Vozzella and Rachel Weiner.) Page 3 Previous Chapter Meeting, December 17th Chapter 356 held its annual Christmas/ Holiday party with 17 members and guests present. Gifts donated by the Executive Committee members were raffled to attendees and netted $135 in donations for the Alzheimer’s fund. Canned goods, food staples and grocery gift cards were collected for SERVE. A short business meeting was conducted with officers and committee reports. The Minutes of the November 19 Chapter meeting as they appeared in the Newsletter were approved and the Treasurer’s report was accepted. President Doliber noted that January pension checks would reflect a 1.7% COLA increase and that changes to the cost of the Federal Employees Health Benefit Plan, which take effect in January 2015, would appear in February pension checks. Active Federal employees can expect a 1% pay increase in 2015. The Congress has passed an omnibus spending bill funding all government agencies, except the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), through September 2015. DHS will only be funded through February 2015, providing the new Congress with an opportunity to challenge President Obama’s immigration policies. The next Executive Committee meeting will be held at the Manassas Senior Center on Tuesday, January 6; all members are welcome to attend. (Note that the Executive Committee has moved its monthly meeting from the first Wednesday of the month to the first Tuesday of the month.) The next regular monthly meeting of Chapter 356 will be held on Wednesday, January 20 at the Hibachi Buffet and Sushi Grill. Mary M. Brandt Secretary Chapter 356 Membership Report for November 2014 1 reinstatement 1 dropped for nonrenewal 2 transferred from other chapters 1 transferred out to other chapters Welcome to our Chapter Ernest Gaddy Herb Thompson Chapter 356 membership as of Dec. 31, 2014 is 337 members . Mature Driver Law Change Goes into Effect January 1 Beginning January 1, 2015, Virginia law requires drivers age 75 and older to visit a Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) customer service center every five years to renew their driver’s licenses. These drivers do not need to renew their licenses until their current licenses are set to expire. At each renewal, they will have a vision screening, which is the standard for all individuals renewing in person. Currently, drivers 80 and up renew their licenses in person every eight years. Driver's license fees are $4 per year. A five-year license costs $20. (Extracted from DMV News 12/22/14 at (www.dmv.virginia.gov) Gifts raffled to attendees netted $135 in donations for the Alzheimer’s fund. Visitors from the North? Just our President David and Area VP Pierce Johnson Food items collected for SERVE NARFE Chapter 356, Manassas, VA Organized September 9, 1953 Return Service Requested NARFE Chapter 356 PO Box 1682 Manassas, VA 20108-1682 POSTMASTER: - T IME S ENSITIVE P LEASE D ELIVER BEFORE J ANUARY 1 4 TH C HAPTER M EETING J ANUARY 21 ST Meeting Location The next chapter meeting will be at Hibachi Buffet & Sushi Grill located at 8121 Sudley Road (Westgate Shopping Center). It is next door to the Barnes and Noble Book Store. I N CL EM EN T WEAT HER In case of inclement weather, please listen to the radio and/or TV for news about Prince William Schools. If the schools are closed, the meeting will be canceled. If the schools are opening late, we will plan to hold the meeting as usual. CHAPTER 356 OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES President: 1st Vice Pres 2nd Vice Pres. Treasurer: Secretary: Service Officer: Program Comm: Public Relations: Membership Comm: National Legislation: Sunshine Comm: Alzheimer’s Comm: Yahoo Group Coord: Chapter Chaplain: Newsletter Editor: David A. Doliber Ronald Bantom Blaine Stockton Blaine Stockton Mary Brandt Priscilla Saboe Jana L. Bennett Gloria Donovan Helen Brooks Ronald Bantom Priscilla Saboe Marilyn Markman, RN Gary Bowles Richard Horte Richard Horte 703-330-0535 703-368-2062 703-791-3881 703-791-3881 703-753-3954 703-361-1150 703-743-1597 703-361-4677 703-791-6737 703-368-2062 703-361-1150 703-791-4329 541-608-7307 703-368-8767 703-368-8767 Past President: President Emeritus: Treaurer Emeritus: Jack Shipley Phil Louer Merritt Robertson 703-753-0143 703-754-2824 703-369-5348 Manassas Chapter Newsletter Online Our newsletter is available by email through our Chapter Yahoo Group to group members when submitted to the printer. To subscribe to this mail group, please submit your email address to: [email protected]. The latest newsletter is also available at the VFC website at www.vanarfe.org. Go to Chapter/Area Newsletters #356.
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