NARFE Chapter 1270 WORD Page 1 Woodbridge W O R D NARFE OFFICERS President Jim Little 703-655-9259 Vice President Linda Force 703-490-5506 Secretary Darwin Ransom 703-590-1210 Treasurer Darwin Ransom 703-590-1210 National Active and Retired Federal Employees NARFE Chapter 1270 Woodbridge, Dumfries, Lorton and the World Chartered April 10, 1973 Volume 18, Number 11, November 2014 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Jim Little [email protected] This month is one of the most important months of the year as Americans go to the polls. I urge each of you to vote on November 4. As Pericles said around 466 BC, “Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you.” Remember that some polling stations have changed over the last couple of years and that an appropriate picture ID is now required in Virginia. GET OUT AND VOTE! I appreciate Pierce Johnson and Gaston Gianni, Chapter 1270 members and officials of the Virginia Federation of Chapters, for putting on a “Meet and Greet” event at Four Seasons. We had a number of potential recruits attend and at least one new associate member join. As a chapter and as an advocacy organization, it is critical that we do more to increase (even maintain) our membership. If you look at the numbers, our chapter’s and NARFE’s membership numbers have been dropping dramatically, which is consistent with many other advocacy organizations. To encourage recruitment, NARFE has extended until December 31st its incentive program, giving members $10 for every new member they recruit before December 31, 2014. To qualify, the new recruit must include your ID number (which can be found on the address label of your monthly NARFE magazine). Enrollment can be done online at; by filling out November 2014 an application (found in the NARFE magazine) postmarked by December 31; or by calling 800-627-3394. We cannot expect someone else to do the recruiting for us and be complacent and satisfied with the status quo. As you plan out your month, don’t forget the FEHBP Open Season Workshop on November 15th, detailed in last month’s newsletter. The workshop will be held at the Fairfax County Government Center, 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, VA 22035, from 10 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Representatives from most major health plans, OPM, and Medicare will be onhand to discuss their programs with participants. Also, we have been invited to attend the Vienna-Oakton Chapter’s November 11th meeting to hear Tammy Flanagan speak on Open Season with an emphasis on Medicare and the FEHBP. Tammy is a member of our chapter and is the Senior Benefits Director for the National Institute of Transition Planning. The meeting will be held at 1:30 p.m. at the Vienna Community Center on Cherry and Park Streets, Vienna, VA. I wish each of you a very Happy Thanksgiving and a safe holiday season. Veterans Day—November 11th Please take some time during this day to remember and pay honor to veterans of all U. S. wars. NARFE Chapter 1270 Up-coming Elections for Chapter 1270 Chapter 1270’s Bylaws require the annual election of a president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary; that Elections shall be held annually at the November monthly meeting; and that the president shall serve no more than two consecutive terms. To date, the following chapter members have been nominated, and they have accepted to run for office at our November 20th meeting: Linda Force, President; Tammy Flanagan, Vice President; Cheryl Sullivan, Secretary; Darwin Ransom and Doris McAdams, Treasurer. Additional nominations will be accepted from the floor on the date of the meeting. Please attend this important meeting to cast your vote and support the leadership and future of your organization. WORD Page 2 Boothe then realized that America had forgotten about the women who have served, fought, bled, and died alongside their male counterparts. Ms. Boothe never forgot what she and her son had been through and was determined to ensure her fellow sister veterans had a resource in their time of need. Ms. Boothe founded Final Salute Inc., in November 2010 as part of her commitment to “Never Leave a Fallen Comrade”. Final Salute Inc. has assisted over 300 women veterans and children and now operates 3 transitional homes in Alexandria, VA; Martinsburg, WV; and Columbus, OH. Ms. Boothe holds a BA in Mass Communications from Mississippi Valley State University and dual MAs in Human Resource Management and Management and Leadership from Webster University. Ms. Boothe has received many awards for her leadership and community impact. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT Linda Force [email protected] History of Veterans Day Greetings NARFE Chapter 1270 members! We are privileged to have Ms. Jas Boothe as our November 20, 2014 guest speaker. Ms. Boothe is a veteran and will speak about the challenges faced by female veterans. Ms. Boothe is a Chicago native and disabled Army Veteran, who gave 13 years of service to this great nation. She deployed during the Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom campaigns and her military career has been dedicated to working with and advocating for soldiers and their family members. World War I, known at the time as “The Great War”, officially ended when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, in the Palace of Versailles outside the town of Versailles, France. However, fighting ceased seven months earlier when an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. For that reason, November 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of “the war to end all wars.” See you all on November 20th. Happy Thanksgiving! In 2005, she was a single parent in the Army Reserves living in New Orleans. That spring, she learned she would soon be deploying to Iraq. During her mobilization, Ms. Boothe’s life was torn apart by two significant events. In August she lost everything she owned due to Hurricane Katrina. She tried to shift her focus to her platoon that was counting on her for leadership through the deployment. The very next month in September, she received a devastating diagnosis of an aggressive head, neck, and throat cancer, and was now unable to deploy. Chapter 1270 membership for the end of September 2014 is 557. During that month we had 2 new members and 35 renewals. Keep those renewals coming in; they are critical to maintaining a large and stable NARFE membership. Ms. Boothe’s options were limited and posed some very hard choices for her. Because of her illness, she was facing discharge from the military. Ms. Welcome to our new members Sophia Clark and Cassandra Roche. We hope to see you at a future meeting. Membership Report continued on next page MEMBERSHIP REPORT Christina L. Lundeen [email protected] November 2014 NARFE Chapter 1270 WORD Membership Report continued from page 2 REMINDER: Keep sending those Email Addresses to me, for use in distributing our monthly newsletter. You will receive your newsletter much sooner and at no cost to the chapter (no printing or postal costs). And don’t forget to let me know if your Email Address changes. RECRUITMENT INCENTIVE: Between now and the end of the year 2014 any NARFE member who recruits a new member will receive $10 from HQ. If you recruit two new members you will receive $20, etc. So let’s all find friends, neighbors, co-workers, or even family members who should belong to NARFE and get busy recruiting. SERVICE OFFICER REPORT Joyce Pieritz [email protected] FEHBP and FEDVIP open season begins November 10 and continues through December 8, 2014. OPM has set up web sites where you can review premium rates. For FEHBP go to: healthcare/plan-information/premiums/. FOR FEDVIP go to: #url=Premiums. You will be able to find specific information about the benefits of individual plans on the OPM web site in early November. If you are in the Northern Virginia area, you can also get information about Open Season by attending the Open Season Workshop offered by Congressman Gerry Connolly. That workshop will be held Saturday, November 15, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Fairfax County Government Center, 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, VA. Representatives from OPM, Medicare and various FEHBP plans will be available to provide information and answer your questions. Take advantage of this free program if you can! Even if you are happy with your health plan, it pays to check the new rates and the changes in the plan, to make sure the plan still meets your needs and your budget! Page 3 SECRETARY’S REPORT Darwin Ransom [email protected] October Meeting notes: Joyce Pieritz called the October meeting to order at the Holiday Inn on October 16. She noted that Open Season for changing health insurance was November 10 to December 8. OPM has posted the rates on its web site. Guest speaker Norm Mosher, Congressional District 1 candidate, spoke on future issues that may be facing Congress and answered a multitude of questions. Jim Little announced the nominees for officers for 2015. Election will be in November and additional nominations may be made. Current nominees are: President - Linda Force, Vice President - Tammy Flanagan, Secretary - Cheryl Sullivan, and Treasurer - Doris McAdams and Darwin Ransom. Christina Lundeen announced that through December members recruiting a new member will receive a $10 bonus. Gaston Gianni reported that an “Open House” will be held for government employees and retirees at Four Seasons from 9 to 11 Saturday morning on October 18. Doris McAdams encouraged everyone to complete the survey in the last newsletter. She discussed the possibility of a wine tasting and a "Dine to Donate" to benefit Alzheimer’s Research. The lucky winner of the 50/50 won $33. September Meeting notes: Our annual picnic was held on September 18 with a good turnout of our local politicians and members we had not seen for a while. It was a time for visiting and some great food. About 40 were in attendance. No business meeting was held. August Meeting notes: President Jim Little began our August meeting at noon on the 21st of August with a moment of silence and the pledge of allegiance. He introduced Priscilla Adams (guest), Georgia Hubert (guest), John and Ann Miller (new members), Charles and Lee Pearre Secretary’s Report continued on next page November 2014 NARFE Chapter 1270 Secretary’s Report continued from page 3 (first meeting), Nancy Wehmeyer (guest), and Mary Lou Vroman (VFC Liaison for Congressional District 11). A total of 47 members and guests attended. Following lunch, Vice President Linda Force introduced our guest speaker, Congressman Rob Wittman, who represents the 1st Congressional District. Congressman Wittman discussed in depth issues in Congress that are important to NARFE members including some legislation he has proposed. He also talked about some of the dysfunction and problems on the hill. He then answered questions. Membership Chair Christina Lundeen announced that members recruiting a new member would be awarded $10. WORD Page 4 Our chapter was recognized as the top fund raising chapter in the country for Alzheimer’s Research. Our member, Pierce Johnson, was chair of the Legislative Committee and presented the resolutions and the committee's recommendations as to action. Some key speakers included OPM Director Katherine Archuleta, US Rep Alan Grayson, President and CEO of the Alzheimer’s Association, Retired Extension Professor at University of Kentucky Martha Null, and Political Science Associate Professor at the University of Central Florida Aubrey Jewett. Special activities included a NARFE PAC breakfast, Florida Night (Jimmy Buffet Tribute Band performed) and a great banquet on the final evening. Linda Force announced that instead of a regular meeting in September we would have our annual picnic in the VFW pavilion. Local politicians are invited. In October, Norm Mosher, a 1st Congressional District candidate will be our guest speaker. In November, Ms. Jas Boothe will speak on “Wounded Warriors”. We will have the Bull Run Troubadours sing at our Holiday Party in December. October Guest Speaker Norm Mosher Candidate 1st Congressional District Service Officer Joyce Pieritz noted that OPM is ratcheting up for the open season on health plans. On October 18, there will be a “Meet NARFE” event in Four Seasons. Tammy Flanagan is serving on our nominations committee for our chapter officers for 2015. The open offices include President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Anyone willing to step up should contact Tammy. Donations for Alzheimer’s Research totaled $138. One hundred 50/50 tickets were sold. The National convention was attended by a great crowd of well over 1100 from all over the country and places like Panama. Most chapters were represented either in person or by proxies. Three By-Law changes were made. The main one reduced the number of national officers from 4 to 2 in the interest of economy. Richard Thissen was elected President. Jon Dowie was elected Secretary-Treasurer. Bill Shackelford, from here in northern Virginia and who spoke at our July meeting, was elected Region X Vice President. LEGISLATIVE REPORT Jim Little [email protected] After many years authoring Chapter 1270’s monthly Legislative Report, Kevin Raymond has informed us he is regrettably resigning from his post. I think all Legislative Report continued on next page November 2014 NARFE Chapter 1270 WORD Legislative Report continued from page 4 of you will agree Kevin has done an outstanding job providing us a quality column and has kept us informed of current legislative events and pending legislation. Thank you, Kevin, for your service! We hope to see you at one of our meetings! If anyone is interested in taking on the Legislative Report column for our monthly newsletter, or knows someone who might be interested, please let Jim Little or Linda Force know!! Before Congress headed home to prepare for the midterm elections, the House and Senate passed a shortterm continuing resolution that will fund the Federal Government for the first quarter of fiscal year 2015, but only until December 11th. One thing not included in the stopgap funding measure is any provision to delay the closure of 82 mail processing facilities announced by the Postal Service in June 2014. Lawmakers may push for a delay in the next funding bill. When Congress returns on November 12 for a “lameduck” session, one of the first things on the agenda will be to, hopefully, pass another measure to continue funding the government’s operations and avoid another disastrous shutdown. Stay tuned, as the outcome of the November 4 elections will no doubt impact the yearend legislative session. A weekly legislative update is available online at NARFE Chapter 1270 Annual September Picnic Corey Stewart, Board of County Supervisors, enjoying the food at the annual picnic with NARFE Chapter 1270 members and guests. November 2014 Page 5 August Guest Speaker Rob Wittman Incumbent 1st Congressional District MONTHLY Meeting and Luncheon The NARFE Chapter 1270 monthly meeting will be 20 November 2014, the 3rd Thursday, at the Holiday Inn Quantico Center, Dumfries, VA 22026. The cost of the luncheon is $18.50. The menu will be a chef’s choice entree, or a vegetarian meal upon prior request. Reservations will be taken anytime up until noon on Friday, 14 November 2014. Please call Betty Koger at (703) 499-8902 or email me at [email protected]. Please remember, if you make a reservation for the luncheon you are obligated to pay even if you do not attend. Everyone attending the luncheon should be at the Holiday Inn by 11:30 a.m.; lunch will be served at noon. The NARFE Monthly Meeting will start at 1 p.m. National Active and Retired Federal Employees - NARFE Membership Application for Woodbridge, VA Chapter No. 1270 Please enroll me in Chapter No. 1270 ______New Member dues 1 yr $40 ______Annual Renewal $50 _____ Social and Associate Chapter Members $10 Check all that apply: ___ Retired ___ Active Fed. Emp ___ Spouse ___ Former Spouse ___ Survivor ___ Former Emp NARFE No. ________________ DOB: ____________________ Name______________________________________ Spouse’s Name __________________________ Recruiter’s NARFE No._________________ Address ____________________________________ City __________________ State ___ Zip (9 digit) ___________ E-mail address _________________________________ Home Telephone (____) _____-________ Mail application with check payable to NARFE. Send to NARFE Membership, 3948 Solstice Lane, Dumfries, VA 22025-1870 Mail label Return Service Requested Woodbridge, VA 22193-1731 14712 Dunbar Lane NARFE CHAPTER 1270 Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Woodbridge, VA Permit No. 395
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