Journal of Periodontology and Preventive Dentistry SONDERDRUCK Ausgabe 4/2014 • 17. Jahrgang A REVOLUTION IN PROPHYLAXIS Dr. Ralf Breier A revolution in prophylaxis We dentists are constantly presented with products offering extensive improvements in dental care. And yet, so few of them prove themselves in practical experience. So you could imagine my bland response when my attention was turned to a small presentation stand at a large implantologist convention in Hamburg 2012. As a dentist, I feel obliged not to rule-out categorical innovations that can potentially contribute to the patients’ health, and so I took a good hour to listen to the developer’s (Dr. h.c. Andreas Teichmann - Andjana international) presentation. Although I entertained my doubts about this product, I decided to test it on a few selected patients. Dr.Ralf Breier figure. 1 Figure 1: Crystal formation after mixing the Dentcoat SiO2-Complex Dentcoat is a highly concentrated mineral forming fluid which comprises of two ingredients. The solution forms millions of small SiO2 crystals (figure 1). The main ingredients are pure alcohol and a colloidal silicon dioxide complex. When they are combined, SiO2 crystals are fo rmed in the alcoholic solution. A hydrolysis reaction with cleaving lattice-oxygen removes pigments which were bound to the tooth enamel and binds Si crystals to the enamel with covalent bonds ffigure. 2 Figure 2: The crystals bind chemically in the apatite grid. (figure2). The presence of F-ions, which interact in the hydrolysis reaction with a Hydroxylapatit scaffold, forms additional Fluorapatit on the binding sites. These crystals are hexagonal rods which can be chemically distinguished only by the presence of F-ions on Hydroxylapatit (-OH). Fluorapatit has a higher acid tolerance than Hydroxylapatit and the SiO2 complex is resistant to acids with a pH value of up to 1.8. . Figure 3: Microscopic close-up images of the teeth enamel after yearlong acidic attacks. Figure 4: Dentcoat crystals align themselves. Figures 5a and b: Enamel surface brightens, as well as has a higher opacity and silky shine. figure 6 Fig 6: Less plaque adherence to the surface. figure 8 figure 7 Fig 7: Close-up of the Dentcoat layer. Following year-long acidic attacks, the surface of our teeth enamel appear, under a scanning electron microscope, like a rugged mountain range with peaks and valleys (figure 3). After the SiO2 crystals surround the enamel prisms, the enamel becomes acid-resistant and is easy to clean. The tooth surface is also covered with a bio-repulsive layer. The new crystals are not only mechanically adhered to the enamel after their application, but they are also chemically bound. The valleys are completely covered with Si-Fluorapatit crystals; the enamel structure thickens, aligning the crystals in its structure (figure 4). This effect is visible during the treatment since the enamel surface brightens considerably, its opacity level rises and it assumes a silky shine (figure 5). Fig 8: Mineral formation on the surface and in the Dentin tubules. So we achieve a smoother and denser surface (figure 6). The cleaning becomes easier (figure 7) and the acidic tolerance is raised by the formation of complete Fluorapatit crystals (reduced decay and Periodontitis). Mineral formations occur also in the dentin surface and the dentin microscopic tubules (reduced tooth sensibility; figure 8). The patients will notice this during their treatment. The covalent bonds prevent the crystals from “washing-out” of the tooth substance. Last but not least is the whitening effect. It is caused by the hydrolysis reaction’s cleansing effect and the changes in the surface structure which results in better lightreflection. figure 9 figure 10 The Procedure To obtain the best results, the teeth and root surface will be cleansed and the surface structure will be smoothed (the rugged peaks are reduced) prior to the Dentcoat treatment. If abrasion devices are used, appropriate silicon polishers (Brownies, Greenies) should be intensively used. Abrasive polishing pastes may not be applied because the wax contained in them might obstruct the teeth enamel and the dentin micro-structures and therefore hinder the crystals from binding. The dentist can alternatively use tooth pastes with high or middle abrasion, but no additional paraben. The teeth will be kept dry with the supplied cheek holder and suction on the tongue level (figure 9). Saliva must not accumulate on the teeth surface, but the sulcus should be moistened. After the kit’s two substances are mixed together, we must wait ten minutes until crystals can be formed. Now the treatment can begin. The liquid will be very thinly applied on all teeth with the applicator (figure 10). The alcohol will take about three minutes to evaporate before the reaction begins. The next application will follow after another three minute pause, and so on. After the last round we will allow ten minutes for drying. The complete treatment takes about 45 minutes. After each round we will see a reduction in the absorption of new liquid in the teeth and the surface will gradually assume a silky shiny look. Figure 9: The cheek retractor keeps the teeth dry. Figure 10: The liquid is applied with the applicator. Figure 11: The red-wine test shows a reduction in new surface discoloration and teeth stone. The whitening effect varies according to the discoloration of the teeth (the darker the teeth are before the treatment, the greater the effect), the surface’s evenness (strong effect on even surfaces) and the enamel thickness (stronger effect on thicker enamel). No bleaching agents are used in the treatment and the teeth’s natural color returns. This procedure may well bring a change from A4 to A2. Young patients can get, according to their circumstances, up to A1. New Dentcoat patients receive two treatments with a two week interval, in order to assure that all surfaces are reached. Afterwards, each patient will receive a yearly refreshment treatment to counter any surface abrasion. Since the gaps between the natural enamel prisms are filled with each treatment, the enamel structure is constantly improved, new surface discolorations are prevented and so is the formation of calculus (figure 11). Prophylaxis indications figure 12 figure 14a figure 13 figure 14b Figure 12–14: Application of Dentcoat with a Perio-Applicator. • Adult prophylaxis for enamel and dentin • Children prophylaxis after emergence of the second molar in enamel maturation. • Prophylaxis before and after orthodontic treatment • Geriatric prophylaxis (protection from root caries). • Sensitive dental necks (permanent occlusion of dentinal tubules). • Bioactive teeth whitening. • Teeth protection after whitening (reduced sensitivity; coffee, tea and red wine can be consumed immediately). Conclusion In Dentistry has witnessed in the past years a paradigm shift, placing stronger emphasis on dental prophylaxis and prevention. Our wish as dentists, to give prevention a higher priority, is fully shared by our patients. The regular application of Dentcoat will move us a big step forward in this direction. Prospects We foresee that in the area of periodontal pocket treatments, the effects of Dentcoat application with the Perioapplicator, even in inaccessible root areas (figures 12-14), will allow a continued rapid anti-inflammatory effect of up to six months. A similar effect is attained with peri-implant inflammation forms. We believe that in addition to the antibacterial effect of the alcohol, the accumulation of Dentcoat silicon dioxide complex on the titanium and root surfaces will result in a longterm anti-bacterial effect. figure15 f i gu re 1 6 Abbildung figure. 15: sulcus1former withDentcoatand figure16 withoutDentcoat We would like to conclude with the presentation with two pictures from our practice. They show two sulcus formations which were in situ in the some patient for nine months. Both are free of inflammation, but the untreated one demonstrates a significant mineralized plaque formation (figure 15 and 16). We successfully achieved this antibacterial effect also when implemented in augmentative procedures used to condition the surface in periodontal and peri-implantation therapy. I am convinced this is a revolution in dentistry. KONTAKT Dr. Ralf Breier Marktstraße 10 37441 Bad Sachsa -–Germany Tel.: 05523 8590 Manufacturer : Andjana Deutschland UG Bremerstr. 65 01067 Dresden – - Germany - –
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