Perth Game Fishing Club Inc Postal Address: PO Box 57 North Beach 6920 President: Ben Weston 0419 777720 © Perth Game Fishing Club 2015 [email protected] 10th January 2015 IN THIS EDITION: Good local demersal catches and some good marlin caught by members, FADs starting to fire up. Social Night 3rd February, next event – Marlin Cup 7th & 8th February. Fishing Local Marlin reports, one confirmed as a free jumper around 500m west of the PGFC FAD, one spotted by surfacing divers off Mandurah and a big one reported in Friday’s paper as being released between 5 Fathom Bank and Rottnest where there were schools of southern bluefin tuna. The FADs are coming good with mahi mahi. Alongside is one picked up by Robbie Peck, a new member who is doing well already. Mahi mahi is now his wife’s favourite fish, plenty of reasons to go fishing! Caught on 4th January it took a Richter chrome head lure, unfortunately not making line class. Robbie also reported plenty of flying fish and southern bluefin around too – all good marlin food, and good populations of fish on the Club Marine FAD. Good captures of dhufish and baldchin groper have been a feature of the last few weeks between Mandurah and Lancelin. Shown right is a nice one Dean Rundell picked up during the Xmas - New Year break on new Laith Rickman (Bluewater Tackle Melville) PE 1.5 rod. The fish had him stuck on bottom before he managed to get it up and into the boat. Others successful were Peter Babarskas, John Webber and Greg Baker. There have also been some excellent large and full crabs taken in the river but no one is saying where. Look for other boats. Rundell Family Expands Congratulations to Sue and Dean on the arrival of a baby girl Neela Hope Rundell 7.6 pounds and 51cm 10th January 2015 Hook-Up Page 1 Exmouth Recently elected committee member Rob Nesbit and fellow member Murray Ogilby took time off in December for a quick charter fish in Exmouth. Following is Rob’s account of the trip. Muz with his 220kg first marlin Exmouth was great. The crew were Muz Ogilby, who was looking for his first billfish and me. We fished with Eddy Lawler from Peak Sportfishing. On the first day conditions were grim with 3m swell and 20+ knot wind. Pretty quiet day all in all. Muz dropped a blue which was bill wrapped. Got it to within about 15ft of the boat before the line went slack! I picked up a nice little acrobatic black of 40kg or so in the afternoon which took the shotgun lure. We also saw a BIG yellowfin tuna surfing through the waves but couldn’t tempt it. Day two broke with conditions slightly better with less wind. We were minus a deckie so with the novice crew in mind Eddy decided we would change tactics to ‘tease and switch’, trolling two lures out the riggers and two teasers on the electric reels with a lure ready to drop back on a Shimano Talica 50 The plan worked well and within 30mins of trolling a 150kg blue hammered the left teaser. It was an amazing sight. The fish continued attacking the lure to within 2-3m of the boat as we wound it in! We pitched a lure back to it and hooked up straight away. The fish was tagged and released within about 10mins with some skilled manoeuvring in the swell by Eddy. Then all went quiet. Rob releasing a marlin Muz was getting a bit concerned by midafternoon but then a bill broke the surface, again on the left teaser. We dropped the lure back and hooked up straight away. This one was clearly bigger and it was a chaotic 10mins or so with Muz trying to keep his balance in the swell. The fish was boat side after about 10 minutes, Eddy grabbed hold of the leader but was unable to hold on and the fish sounded. A 10 minute slog ensued before we saw the fish again. This time we got it under control, tagged with a few nice photos before release. Eddy estimated it to be 220kg, not a bad way for Muz to open his billfish account! I suggested Muz stay on strike in the hope of getting him a black as well. Eddy put a lure out on the shotgun and moved in closer to find one. Just as we were about to call it a day, Eddy leapt up and grabbed the shotgun. The fish hit the lure but didn’t hook up. We dropped the lure back and this time connected, but the fish was bill wrapped and it was all over after the first run. Can’t wait to go back! 10th January 2015 Hook-Up Page 2 Queensland Members Alex Kaiko and Brian Luecke fished the 2014 Lizard Island Tournament aboard Kekoa, a 56ft O’Brien, held this year out of Cooktown because of the cyclone damage to the island. Their experience, for Western Australians can only be described as phenomenal fishing. The following text and images are from Kelly Dalling Fallon’s blog of the trip and are reproduced with her kind permission. We had another great tournament with Alex and Brian returning to fish the comp with us again after a three year absence (and hoping to improve on their third placing from last comp). And while we had a slow start and didn’t figure on the leaderboard this year, we certainly had a good run of fish and made our way up the rankings in the end to finish firmly in the middle of the field (10th out of 23). And we got some really big fish at that! Among others, Alex got a new PB for his biggest black marlin at 900lbs on the second day. And then on Day 5, he beat that again with a monster fish that Luke put at 950lbs! Likewise Brian (who had whispered to us that he really wasn’t keen on catching any biggies – watch what you hope for hey Brian!) released two really nice ones at 800 and 900 and lost another two more that were certainly in that same range. Alex’s fish was satellite tagged to give him entry into the Great Marlin Race and we look forward to seeing how that goes and where it ends up. We know the boys had a great time – and we did too. Great company and great fishing! PGFC members should treat themselves to some of the spectacular images and stories on Kekoa’s website or maybe book a trip to experience it first-hand. 10th January 2015 Hook-Up Page 3 Record Captures Things to do when you have a potential record fish. With the numbers of record fish that have been caught by members recently, a reminder is appropriate on how to maximise the chances of claiming a record. Many fish have been released or filleted when they could have been record captures. There is also the chance that fish can become ineligible because of incorrect procedures being followed. There is no flexibility in the rules when it comes to claiming a record! There is the extra gear you need to have on the boat such as tape measure, scales, Strike magazine and the latest GFAA journal. If you think that you have a record fish then either put the rod with all the terminal tackle away or remove the terminal tackle and 20 m of line onto a card to present to the weigh-master. At the weigh station all the necessary photos need to be taken, including angler with rod and reel with the fish on the scales, and a photo of the weight of the fish on the scales. All measurements of the fish are taken after weighing. The rest of the details are spelt out in the GFAA journal or can be found on Claims must be made through the club’s weigh-master John Webber who can be contacted at either [email protected] or 0407386734 Yellowtail Kingfish From Ian Stagles - PGFC Life Member and Chair West Australian Fish Foundation (Inc) We are looking to get our hands on at least one kingfish frame comprising head, gills, guts and gonads of a freshly caught wild fish. We need to compare the chemical variations between various tissues in wild fish with those currently in the hatchery at Challenger Institute of Technology’s aquaculture unit. If a PGFC member is able to provide these samples it would be very much appreciated. Any angler with samples can either drop them in to Rob Michael at the Challenger aquaculture unit at 1 Fleet Street Fremantle (Rob 0400 995 765) or contact me outside work hours on 0403 256 008. 10th January 2015 Hook-Up Page 4 Calendar Changes and updates may occur, check the website and click on Events for details. January No organised events – see you on the water February Tue 3 Social Night RPYC Fremantle Sat/Sun 7/8 Marlin Cup Rottnest Island Sat/Sun 7/8 City Beach Builders Grand Prix Series – Species RPYC Fremantle Tue 10 Social Night RPYC Fremantle Tue 7 Social Night RPYC Fremantle Sat/Sun 11/12 City Beach Builders Grand Prix Series - Species RPYC Fremantle Fri/Sun 1/3 WA Open Jurien Bay Tue 5 Social Night RPYC Fremantle Tue 2 Social Night RPYC Fremantle Sat 13 City Beach Builders Grand Prix Series – Pink RPYC Fremantle March April May June Snapper City Beach Builders Grand Prix Series The next event in this series is on the weekend of 7 th & 8th March – a species comp, the target of which will be decided ahead of the comp depending on what is around at the time. Strike Magazine The 2015 edition of Strike has been mailed to all members. If you haven’t received your copy, let us know. [email protected] Extra copies available at the February Social Night Social Night The February Social Night will be held on Tuesday 3rd. It will also be the briefing for the Marlin Cup. As usual all members and guests are welcome, there will be light refreshments and a cash bar. 10th January 2015 Hook-Up Page 5 Scores Murray Ogilby’s Exmouth blue City Beach Builders Championship Series ores PGFC Annual Trophy Scores Eddy Moss Trophy - Champion Angler Score Board after Round 1 6th & 7th December 2014 Champion Boat Buddha (Dave Gray) Striker (Deon van der Westhuizen) Rock’N’Roll (Brian Arnett) 25 20 16 Champion Male Angler Nick Lorenz Chris Strydom Deon Van Westhuizen Ben Weston Darren Burleigh Phil Volich Hein Wasserman 25 20 16 13 11 10 9 Champion Female Angler No entries to date Champion Junior Angler No entries to date The full score sheet is available on the website Halco Tackle Newsreel The December edition of Halco Newsreel is available. Click on the image above or Click Here for Halco Newsreel Shane Anderson 750 Nicholas Lorenz 714 Luke Ryan 692 Rhyss Whittred 580 Christian Strydom 471 Adams - Sounder Presentation CarlJohn Babarskas 454 Deon Van Der Westhuizen 418 Ben Weston 327 Rick Ashton 289 Tim Carson 264 Cameron Trowbridge 250 Darren Burleigh 237 Phillip Volich 137 Heinrich Wasserman 133 Brian Arnett 131 Des Beach 120 Kay Webber Trophy - Champion Female Angler Sarah Coleman (F) 136 President’s Trophy - Champion Boat Buddha Striker Simrad Resurgence Ashram Deeper Still Midnight Rambler Rock N Roll 1278 1022 942 886 580 552 454 388 Neil Patrick Trophy No entries to date Members are reminded that whilst all care is taken, members are responsible for ensuring their points are correct. No adjustments up or down, will be made after the final club year points have been awarded. Club Championship points are updated to 9th January. The full score sheet is available on the website 10th January 2015 Hook-Up Page 6 Marlin Cup The next event on the 2015 Tournament Calendar is the Marlin Cup. Click on the image to download the tournament Brochure and Entry Form from the website under Events 10th January 2015 Hook-Up Page 7 10th January 2015 Hook-Up Page 8
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