Issue 598 December 2014 50 Years 1964 - 2014 Page 1 FOOTNOTES December 2014 BUSHWALKERS OF SOUTHERN QUEENSLAND INC GPO BOX 1274 BRISBANE Qld 4001 Email [email protected] Website: Footnotes ISSUE 598 December 2014 3. Or in person at: Various over counter locations shown on website: Editorial e-mail: [email protected] With cc to: [email protected] (If possible put “The Editor” in subject line). EDITORIAL DEADLINE: Tuesday 6 January 2015 PRINTED BY: mylestones printing 3/503 Gympie Road Strathpine QLD 4500 Ph 07 3881 2881 Fax: 07 3881 3132 email: [email protected] Secretary John Edenborough Treasurer Chris Trehearn IF A WALKING TRIP IS DELAYED Occasionally trips are delayed due to unforeseen circumstances. Whom should the leader in the field contact back in Brisbane? If friends or relatives of walkers are concerned about the delayed return, whom might they contact in the club to inquire about what has happened? The contact should be with any member of the BOSQ Management Committee, listed opposite. Move down the list till you find someone at home. OFFICE BEARERS John Marshall 1. Contact the QPWS on: 13 74 68 2. Or visit the website at: or Editor: John Edenborough PO Box 80 Mount Ommaney Qld 4074 Ph. 3279 2500 Mob 0418 100 277 President CAMPING PERMITS: You need to make your own campsite bookings with the QPWS if camping in a Qld National Park on a club basecamp. First confer with your leader, and then contact the following to book and pay by credit card: 5498 6780 0411 501 391 Outings Secretary Neil Douglas 3279 2500 3875 1090 Safety & Training Officer New Members Officer Bronwyn Menkens Committee Members David Longland Patrick O’Donoghue MEMBERSHIP FEES Ordinary Membership ..........$35.00 p.a. Current cover for financial members- Public Liability insurance under the BA group insurance scheme is $20 Million Executive Committee meetings for 2013-14: Last Monday of September, November, February, April, June and August. Membership Register Changed your contact details? Please advise John Edwards of any change to address, phone or email. Tel email Before leaving on a BOSQ outing, walkers should tell a family member or friend where they are going and give them a copy of Footnotes or a copy of the phone numbers of the Committee members. Leaders should also carry a list of contact numbers with them on the walk. If there were a situation that required a search or rescue, members of the Committee would liaise with experienced walkers within BOSQ and within the Federated Mountain Rescue, who would contact emergency services if necessary. Members of the BOSQ Management Committee hold a list of phone numbers for FMR contacts. They will also hold membership details for all BOSQ members, including the name of a family member or friend to contact in case of delay or emergency. Insurance cover Insurance for BOSQ members is arranged through the peak body of Australian bushwalking federations, Bushwalking Australia Inc. (BA). There is coverage for both Public Liability and Personal Accident. Club members and visitors are insured while participating in all activities conducted by BOSQ, including survey trips, meetings, social events, and travelling to and from club activities. The policies can be viewed and downloaded at: Personal Locator Beacons (PLB) The club owns two PLBs and walk leaders are encouraged to take one on their walks, especially on any off-track walks, extended trips, or survey walks. A ‘northside’ PLB is held by Bronwyn Menkens (3397 6487) and a ‘southside’ PLB is held by Neil Douglas (3875 1090) for collection and return. There is no charge to club walk leaders. E-Comms: To register for regular email updates on the walks program or other club news, send an email request to: [email protected] Please include ‘E-Comms’ in the subject line. To be removed from the group, put ‘Opt Out’ in the subject line. Page 2 FOOTNOTES October 2014 BOSQ Inc. … Walks Programme Walk Gradings Distance S - 1 to 10 km Terrain Fitness 1 to 3 - Graded track or open terrain. No scrub 1 to 3 - Easy Suitable for beginners M - 10 to 15 km L - 15 to 20 km X - Over 20 km 4 to 7 - Off track. Minor scrub, rainforest, rock scrambling, creek rock-hopping 4 to 7 - Medium Reasonable fitness required 8 to 9 - Off track. Thick scrub, major rocks, scrambling using hands, technical climb 8 to 9 - Hard Fit walkers only ½ DW Sat 20 Dec Greens Falls area, Brisbane Forest Park Grade: S43 Leader: Di Edwards Contact: Meet: Water: Bring: Activity Type Graded Track Walk GTW Day Walk DW Through-walk TW Base-Camp, self-sufficient BC Base-Camp, accommodated ACC Social SOC Safety & Training S&T Federation FED Federation Mountain Rescue FMR Petrol Money Contribution Current Suggested Rate when car-pooling is: 10c per km Walks Programme November – December 2014 DW Sat 13 December Mt Coot-tha Breakfast Stroll Grade: S22 Leader: Di Thornthwaite Contact: Meet: Water: 1 litre - there is no water along the track A leisurely stroll before the heat of the day attacks us. We will be doing the Bardon Trail returning along the Maculata Track and after a short break and gossip we will walk the Kulgun Circuit. The whole walk should not be more than 6 kms. There is a lovely café just down the road which now serves Sunday breakfast and lunch. There is no nomination deadline – you can just turn up. DW Sun 14 December Christmas Party Venue: Grey Gum picnic area, Mt. Coot-tha Organiser: Judy Whitehorne (for info - nominations not necessary) Time: 4:30pm onwards It's time to put on those Christmas hats and furbelows and head to Mt. Coot-tha for our cheerful Christmas club get-together. Page 3 Please bring: 1. Nibbles or dessert to share and whatever you want for main course and drinks. 2. One wrapped gift per person, value approximately $2 for the traditional swapthe-present game - be inventive! 3. Some money if you would like to make a donation for the Club to give to a worthy cause. Come ready for fun and friendship as we celebrate another successful year with BOSQ! 2 litres Snack to enjoy by the creek Lunch to share together (stored in the cars by the picnic area.) Options: 1. Do the complete walk (should take about 2 1/2 hours) 2. Walk the track systems (Greens Falls, western windows track - leader can advise details) 3. Come to Miala Picnic area by 11:30 to 12:00 noon to join us for lunch. This is probably our last chance to walk together before 2015! It's a short walk using part graded tracks but there is a section in the middle involving a steep uphill and down to a small creek - approx 1 hour walking with some scrambling around fallen trees etc. Hence the grading of 4. The walk is almost totally in the rainforest so will be shady, but there may also be some leeches! Please nominate by Friday 19th if walking and if you wish to share cars from Samford. DW Sat 10 Jan 2015 Warrie Circuit Springbrook Grade: L44 Distance: 17km Leader: Kerry Necker Contact: Meet: The walk follows the base of the cliffs to Goomoolahra Falls then descends into mossy green depths of rainforest.The track named Warrie,(the aboriginal meaning is"rushing water") has several crossings of creeks and gullies until reaching"the meeting of the waters"where all the water courses draining into the Canyon meet. The walk then climbs uphill to the western side of the gorge. Please wear good walking boots as it might be wet. FOOTNOTES October 2014 Tuesday 13 January 2015 Business Meeting Monthly Club Meeting 7:30 pm Little Kings Hall, cnr. O’Keefe & Carl Sts. Buranda Bike Ride Sun 18 Jan River Bike Ride TBA Further Trip Reports DW Sat 8 Nov Bushrangers Cave Numinbah Valley, Bushrangers Cave, Wagawn, Binna Burra, then down to the valley via a section of the The Great Walk. A car shuffle first up and we were on the border before 8am. Not long into the walk, discovered a dead snake which looked like it had met with foul play. Why do people kill snakes? Rainforest Grevillea Neil pointed out a rare flowering of a Rainforest Grevillia on the walk in to Binna Burra, where we had lunch. Nice to have a cold coke in the middle of a walk! Kerry also bought me a cookie! The next section was on some of the road, which wasn't too busy, then down to Numinbah Valley via a section of The Great Walk. There were traces of a storm through the area but is still very dry for a subtropical rainforest. Thanks to Kerry and Neil D for some great company and conversation. Special thanks also to Di T for helping me with the recce the week before and making me hitch hike for the first time in my life. Euey Mangan Lone (Bush)Ranger or Tonto? Bushrangers Cave is an amazing place. Neil says it is even prettier after rain! We had a fairly steep off track climb with some scrambling up to Wagawn. Page 4 DW Sat Nov 15 Tooloona Circuit This was everything I’d hoped for. As the temperature rose to 36° in Brisbane and the G20 caused a mix of excitement and frustration, we escaped to the shade of the rainforest at O’Reillys. The prolonged dry spell that has caused such distress to our gardens meant that only one leech ventured forth to try to mar our enjoyment of the waterfalls. That was a relief! We encountered several like-minded souls on the walk but nothing prepared us for the company we kept at lunch. An intrepid bettong hopped around close to us as it nibbled its own lunch (definitely not supplied by us!) and showed no fear at all. The only sour note of the day came as we neared the carpark and encountered a family on the path – complete with pet dog (on a leash). We were polite as we ticked them off – which took quite some effort on my part. Thanks to Lyn, Christine, Betty, Di E, Lynne, Heather and Tom for a thoroughly enjoyable day. Bronwyn Menkens FOOTNOTES October 2014 DW Sat 23 Nov Larapinta Falls, South Branch of Christmas Creek Three people - Neil Douglas, Heather Buchanan, and Kerry Necker – joined me for this very interesting walk to Larapinta Falls which is approximately one kilometre from Westray’s Grave. Larapinta is an indigenous name meaning “flowing creek” and it probably got its name from the continuous flow of water from the large Lamington catchment area that feeds the falls. From the moment we entered the canopy at 0750 hrs we knew it was going to be a very uncomfortable walk as the air was like a soup - hot and 150% humidity. After a few expletives we began to accept that that the canopy is not a refuge from high humidity. Frequent water stops were required and this altered the pre- walk times which were completed in more pleasant conditions. We made Westray’s Grave within an hour and a half and we soon found ourselves rock hopping up Christmas Creek. We quickly picked up a foot pad on the left bank and followed this to where another creek comes in on our right. It is easy to mistake this for Christmas Creek as I did on the pre walk. The waterfall in this adjacent creek is the one that Jim Westray probably fell down and it is probably where Bernard O’Reily found his body. Heather pointed out the ridge between the two creeks is the start for the walk up to the top of Larapinta Falls. Neil and Heather have done this walk previously and recommend it as a new walk for the club. From the junction of the creeks we made our way up the flatter left bank and had our smoko where it emerges closer to the creek. While we were enjoying our champagne we noticed 4 hikers on the raised right bank making good speed on an alternative route. We wondered whether we were on the best side but while we deliberated Neil found a well-marked higher track and we continued on this pad which eventually took us back down to the creek. Neil spotted the top of the falls first and we all became excited anticipating the scene. The canopy opens to an amazing visual experience of a high 180 degree amphitheatre with a forest of Cunjevoi ( elephant ears) on the left bank and a vertical drop on the right bank. The bottom of the falls is open, sunny and rocky and the swimming hole unfortunately has no sudden drop off for a swim. We retreated to where the canopy opens up to enjoy shade, alfresco dining and a spectacular view of the total scene. Well Earned Respite Our trip back was generally the reciprocal of the way up except that we tried the lower left bank pad( that the other group tried) instead of the higher well marked right bank. This track was barred by a forest of Stinging Trees and Lawyer vine and the increasing height so we exited back onto the creek and crossed over to the flatter right bank . It had taken us one and half hours from Westray’s to Larapinta Falls and one and a quarter hours back. After many drink stops we reached the parking area at 1430 to be refreshed by the cool air-conditioning of my car and a second bout of air-conditioning at McDonalds in Beaudesert. Thanks to Neil, Heather and Kerry for coming along and battling through the humidity with me. Tom Bor Could Not Resist Inclusion Straddie - Beautiful one day. Better the next Rather Foreboding Page 5 FOOTNOTES October 2014 Treasurer’s Report as at 30 November, 2014 (Period November 2014) Opening Balance 1 November 2014 Income Bank Interest $ Membership fees $ Expenditure Donation Little Kings Printing FN Stamp advance Pilgrimage Expenses $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Closing Balance 30 November 2014 $ President’s Report - December 2014 This month marks a milestone in BOSQ’s history as it was in December 1964 that a formal meeting was held to determine the club’s formation. The formation was somewhat unusual in that the group was already in place before the club existed, as it was an afterthought, so to speak, of a group tour to Central Australia organised through Binna Burra Lodge. Participants in the trip had such a great time that they decided to stay together and form a bushwalking club. The minutes of that first meeting are reproduced in this edition of Footnotes. Choosing the club name went through several iterations before settling on Binna Burra Bushwalkers Club (BBBWC) under a ‘gentleman’s agreement’ to use the Lodge name. At the time the group had a very close association with the lodge and staff members, who often led quite adventurous walks for its members. Indeed the club quickly gained a reputation for running great walks as it ‘poached’ several members from other established clubs in Brisbane. The annual Christmas Party weekend was always held at Binna Burra Lodge, and often included a hectic day’s activity such as abseiling down Coomera Crevice. Over time, this relationship slowly declined, as the club evolved more into a Brisbane based organisation, and expanded its walks repertoire into the greater South-East Qld. region and further afield. The decision was made in 1997 to change the name to Bushwalkers Of Southern Qld. to better reflect our range of operations (“you only walk at Binna Burra don’t you?”) and to avoid any possible problems with using the registered trading name of the Lodge. When we came to incorporate, this change was vindicated. Over the last 50 years, hundreds if not thousands of people have walked with the club; some stay with us for maybe just a year or two, others become life-long members and join our expanded circle of friends to share our bush exploits and to support each other th socially. We are currently planning a 50 Anniversary event for our Golden year and hopefully many past and present members will be able to attend. The date rd and venue is Saturday 23 May 2015 at The Brookfield Hall. The plan is to have a catered luncheon; more info and booking forms will be distributed in due course. What of the future? Today, the demographic environment in which bushwalking clubs (all clubs?) operate is much different to that prevailing in 1964, Page 6 and the club needs to continue to evolve to better meet the nature based recreational needs of a rapidly changing society. To this end, we will be conducting a forum of members early on in our celebratory year to scope out some direction for the future. Enjoy the party, re-new old acquaintances, but in the meantime please be creative and contribute ideas as to how we may now move forward. Possibly our best years are still ahead of us. John Marshall Pilgrimage 2014 Report The annual combined camp of south-east Qld. clubs held over the weekend of 5-7 Sept. at Camp Laurence on Moogerah Dam went very well, with 133 bushwalkers attending the weekend, representing most of the clubs in the region. I think everyone thoroughly enjoyed the weekend. The walks program on the Saturday offered 12 walks, of which 4 were cancelled due to lack of nominations or track closure. The 8 that went ahead were well patronised and thanks are due to the leaders from the two host clubs, Gold Coast Bushwalkers and Bushwalkers of Southern Qld. The indication we got from the nominations was that for the Pilgrimage, people do not want to drive a long way for their walk, nor do they particularly want a high degree of difficulty, especially if a bush dance follows in the evening. There was an element of exploration however with 3 of the walks offering perhaps a new destination for many people and these were popular. These aspects should be considered for future Pilgrimages. The walks on offer were: Maroon Caves Route, Mt May, Mt Clunie, Wilsons Ck Cascades, Mt Greville, Mathieson Trail, Mt Edwards, Mt Mitchell, Bare Rock, Mt Alford, Flinders Peak, Ramparts Lagoon. A big thankyou to our volunteer leaders and tails: Ann McLean, Bob Carr, Rick Elston, Brian Cummins, Russell Eddie, Craig Flett, Gary Poland, Graeme Staley, Desley Pedrazzini, Neil Gray, Geoff Seer, Liz Tanner, Peter Trehearn, David Longland, Geoff Anstey. On the Sunday, FMR conducted a beginners abseil activity on a nearby cliff next to the lake. This Pilgrimage innovation was very well received with 21 participants being shown the ropes – for some it was their first ever abseil. Thanks to the FMR crew Chrissy Dott, Peter Rollings, Anne Kemp, Hilary Riley, Betty Murray and Norm Johnston for running this popular activity in such a professional manner. Please contact FMR if you are interested in doing more activities with them: Also available was a self-guiding walk around the headland beyond the abseil cliff and back along a dry creek bed with spectacular rock formations. Kayaking and bike riding was also undertaken by those who brought their own equipment. Saturday night saw ‘Stone The Crows’ bush band providing wonderful live music for the dance. These guys really know how to get everyone up by walking us through each dance beforehand. It is a successful formula to ensure everyone basically knows what they are doing and to thoroughly enjoy themselves. A good number of bushwalkers were still on the dance floor at FOOTNOTES October 2014 close at 11:30 pm – rock & rolling & jiving! The band actually complimented us for being such an enthusiastic group. Thanks are especially due to the back room volunteers who ensured the Pilgrimage was such a success. To Josie Bell and her team of kitchen helpers – the fresh vegetable soup was superb, as was the supper spread at the dance. To our spreadsheet compiler (who requests anonymity) who recorded the registrations and payments – a tremendous effort involving many hours of close attention. And to Robyn Cox for her motivating way with walk leaders, and dedication and direction to incoming campers on the Friday night, assisted by Rick Elson, Ann Cummins plus others. The resulting campsite was the neatest I have ever seen at a Pilgrimage, 4 rows of tents and vans with two traffic lanes – all achieved without signage or lane marking. Thank-you’s would not be complete without mentioning all who hopped in to do the myriad odd jobs, e.g. cleaning the toilets, washing up, mopping floors, clearing rubbish, keeping the tea & coffee makings available and stoking the fire, and stacking tables and chairs at the conclusion. I would also like to acknowledge the assistance provided by Camp Laurence staff and administration – Laura Farnan for showing us around on the initial inspection and Sonja Skelton in the office for her understanding and flexible approach regarding the attendee list in the lead up to the event. The venue proved perfect for our purposes and I would recommend it to any club or organisation contemplating a group camp. (They require a minimum of 30). Contact: [email protected] Finally, it was gratifying to see the general good spirit and fellowship between the various clubs’ members, which clearly demonstrated the worthiness of continuing the Pilgrimage in the future. Sadly however, it seems that some person, or persons, just don’t understand the concept of the bushwalkers Pilgrimage. For I do need to report the one negative that I am aware of, and that is the apparent theft of three items of FMR abseiling hardware from the abseiling site. They were a Petzl Reverso belay device, one other belay device and a screw-gate karabiner. They “walked” from an equipment bag at the top of the abseil cliff, (which was adjacent to the self-guiding walk route). It is the first occasion that FMR have lost equipment in this manner and is to our knowledge the first such incident at a Pilgrimage in its 44 year history. The total replacement value of these items is around $100. For the record, we cleared expenses by around $350 and the committee has decided to donate this to FMR. Thanks to all who supported Pilgrimage 2014 and we’ll see you all at next year’s. John Marshall (On behalf of the organising committee.) Pilgrimage 2014 Income and Outlay Report Income BWQ advance Registrations Page 7 $ $ $ Outlays Camp deposit Advert. DVD Band cost Boot engraving Balance camp hire Refunds Refund BWQ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Surplus $ Important Reminder to all Members Cancelling Nominations for Outings If you have nominated for an outing and are unable to attend, please notify the leader so that the walk is not delayed as the leader tries to contact you. Prompt arrival at meeting places There have been several instances lately when people have turned up late and outings have been delayed. ***Important Notice*** Annual Membership Renewal The 2015 financial membership year commenced th Tues 9 September. The most significant factor of the receipt of the completed renewal form is the acceptance of the Awareness of Risk statement which is a mandatory requirement under the current insurance cover. Un-financial members are not covered by insurance nor eligible for general club benefits. Notices ** Advance Notice** Australia Day Weekend Sat 24 – Mon 26 Jan 2015 Australia Day is on a long weekend - 24 to 26 January 2015. I intend to lead a basecamp at Goomburra NP with some walks, but nothing overboard. Weather is always a problem at this time of year and the blacksoil road can be closed. However we seem to get in and out okay most years. More information in January. Bryan Read **Advance Notice** BC 8-28 Feb - 2015 Western Victoria Grade: M-L 3 4 Leaders: Linda Stone and Jeff Bennetts. Contact: Linda Enquiries ASAP please, numbers must be finalised by 30 Jan at the latest. Petrol: TBA Camping: sites up to $40pn. Base camping in a sequence of locations with day walks mainly on tracks, jointly run with the Canberra Bushwalking Club. The trip will be in three modules and participants can choose one or more with highlights of: the: FOOTNOTES October 2014 Great Ocean Walk (8-14 February) Great South West Walk (15-21 February) Grampians (22-28 February) Maps: Great Ocean Walk, Lower Glenelg and Discovery Bay, Northern Grampians *** Extreme Advance Notice*** Larapinta Track – 2015 The Larapinta Trail is an extended walking track in the Northern Territory, Australia. Its total length covers 223 kilometres (139 mi) from east to west, with the eastern end at Alice Springs and the western end at Mount Sonder, one of the territory's highest mountains. This exciting long distance walking track is divided into 12 sections, each a 1-2 day walk. The Management Committee is considering the Larapinta Trail, or sections of, as a possible 2015 extended walk. Interested members should advise the MC of an ‘Expressions of Interest’. Articles for Footnotes To expedite the preparation of the Footnotes and provide an archival copy it would be appreciated if articles were forwarded to the following: Editorial e-mail: [email protected] With cc to: [email protected] Photographs for Footnotes There is often space in Footnotes where a photo or two could be included. The submission of a relevant photo, referenced to a walk, by any member on that walk would be appreciated. Please forward images as attachments at the original capture resolution Minutes of the Meeting of the Binna Burra Hikers Club 8 December 1964 Page 8 FOOTNOTES October 2014 Page 9 FOOTNOTES October 2014 Page 10 FOOTNOTES October 2014
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