FUTURE EVENTS 25 Jan 6.30pm 1 Feb 10.00am 1.45pm 8 Feb 10.00am 18 Feb 7.30pm 1 March 2.00pm 6 March 10.30am 7 March 10.00am 15 March 10.00am 3.00pm 29 March 9.50am 5 April 10.00am 19 April 10.00am = in Church Joint Service for Christian Unity Week, Holy Apostles Candlemas service Walking Together, Crickley Hill The Friends of St. Mary’s Service Ash Wednesday Holy Communion Walking Together, Hampnett & River Leach Women’s World Day of Prayer Service Wedding Prep Day Mothering Sunday service Choir at the Cathedral Palm Sunday Procession, outside Co-op, followed by 10am service Easter Sunday service Parish Communion & APCM, a chance to hear our plans for 2015 CONTACTS Clergy Revd Canon Michael Garland 01242 253402 [email protected] Revd Suzanne Leighton 01242 224745 [email protected] Verger Margaret Eccles 01242 521771 Church Wardens Dilys Jones 01242 242732 Derrick Walker 01242 525742 Director of Music Neil Fortin 01242 513475 [email protected] Parish Resource Centre Beth Simpson 01242 224883 [email protected] FOR JUNIORS - several activities for children take place during the week. Rainbows, Brownies & Guides - various days. Contact Mary, T: 07443 627075 Little Fishes, a short service for pre-schoolers, is at 10.15am every Thursday in church, followed by playtime in the parish hall. Contact Fiona, T: 07825 955686. Open House, informal family worship with tea in the vestry, is held on the first Sunday of the month at 4.00pm. Contact Michael, T: 253402. Items for notices need to be in the Parish Resource Centre by Wednesday. The weekly notices can be downloaded at www.stmarysck.org.uk. Please take this sheet home with you and use for prayer and calendar reminders throughout the week—or maybe give to a neighbour. St Mary’s Charlton Kings www.stmarysck.org.uk Sunday 11th January Baptism of Christ Welcome to our services today. We hope that you will find warmth and friendship in this place and God’s blessing and peace as we worship together. At our Communion services, all are invited to come forward to receive bread and wine. If you would prefer to receive a blessing, simply keep your head bowed when you come to the front. If you require a gluten free wafer, please let a Welcomer know. There are toys for young children at the back. For 4-11 year olds, Junior Church usually takes place in the vestry during the 10am service. Tea & coffee are served after the 10am service (usually in the Parish Centre across the road, but sometimes in the church). Please do come along. If you are unsure about anything, ask one of our Welcomers. 8.00am Holy Communion Celebrant: Canon Michael Garland 10.00am Parish Communion & Baptism of Lawrence Jackson Celebrant: Canon Michael Garland Preacher: Bishop Bob Evens Hymns: 90, 92, SP30, 188, 183 Anthem: Purest & Highest— Stanford Readings: Genesis 1: 1-5 Acts 19: 1-7 Mark 1: 4-11 Readers: Lesley Martin Brenda Davitt Gospel: Revd Pauline Smith 6.30pm Preacher: Hymns: Anthem: Choral Evensong Canon Michael Garland 191, 46, 93, 174 O for a closer walk with God—Stanford PRAYERS Please pray for those who are sick including Raymond Blackwell, Colin Johnson, Michelle Grainger, Suzanne Leighton, Joyce Barton & Betty Vernall. Pray for the friends and family of those who have recently died, including Sylvia Compton, Barbara Ward & Edward Nugee. We also remember John Todman, Patricia Massey, Tony Farthing, Florence Martyn, Stanley Jelf, John Spencer, Susan Ledamun, Rosemary Ash & Edward Cronin whose year’s mind is at this time. Our current charity is The Rock. Prayers are also listed overleaf in the This Week section. THIS WEEK AT ST. MARY’S CHARLTON KINGS Monday 12th 9.00am 5.30pm 7.30pm 8.00pm Daily Prayer: For Little Fishes; Our Deanery & Synod reps Morning Prayer Church Evening Prayer Church Book Club Theology 18 Carisbrook Drive MU House Group Members’ Home Tuesday 13th 9.00am 5.30pm 7.30pm 7.45pm Daily Prayer: For East Cheltenham churches Morning Prayer Church Evening Prayer Church Bell Ringers’ Practice Bell Tower School Road Hall Trust Meeting Parish Centre Wednesday 14th Daily Prayer: For Junior Church; our link parish of Skinnskatteberg & diocese of Vasteras 8.50am Open the Book CK Infants School 9.00am Morning Prayer Church 1.20pm Open the Book CK Junior School 5.30pm Evening Prayer Church Thursday 15th 9.00am 10.15am 11.00am 5.30pm 7.30pm Daily Prayer: For Open House @ St Mary’s Morning Prayer Church Little Fishes Church/Parish Hall Holy Communion Church Evening Prayer Church Liturgy & Education Committee Parish Centre Friday 16th 7.30am 2.15pm 5.30pm 7.00pm Daily Prayer: For CK Infants & Junior schools; our MP Holy Communion Church Funeral of Sylvia Compton Church Evening Prayer Church Choir Practice Church Sunday 18th Daily Prayer: For St Edward’s school, local nursery schools, the youth club & Air Training Corps; Christian Unity Holy Communion Church Parish Communion & Junior Church Church Baptism of William Maguire Church Choral Evensong Church 8.00am 10.00am 12.30pm 6.30pm NOTICES, EVENTS & NEWS Week of Prayer for Christian Unity This begins next Sunday. The theme is “the well is deep” based on John 4,7. There is a booklet with a week of reflections at the back or contact the parish office. On Sunday 25th at 6.30pm there will be a joint service at Holy Apostles. A big thank you We have raised the grand total of £6,569.68 for Al Shurooq School for the Blind in Bethlehem. Thank you to everyone who has organised events, come along to fundraisers, donated, or helped in any way. Our new outward giving charity, which we will be supporting until the end of June, is The Rock. This local charity (based at St Peter’s Church on the Tewkesbury Rd) provides a safe place for young people to develop physically, emotionally & spiritually. They also work with schools on intervention and re-engagement activities, and provide a safe place for young people in the evenings. Details of how to get involved in fundraising for The Rock will follow in the coming weeks. Winter Melodies A concert of songs from movies and musicals. Sat 24th Jan, 7.30pm, Baptist Church. Tickets are £8 /£5 from the Parish Office or Megan Hosier. Thanks for “Hopes” Thanks to all those who placed their “hopes” on the special trees which we made available at the service on 28th December. A summary of these hopes can be found on the poster on the Community board at the back. Walking Together in 2015 The new programme of monthly walks is now available at the back. As before, there will be a walk on the 1st of each month throughout the year. It’s a lovely way to get to know people better and to explore the local countryside. New faces are welcome. New St. Mary’s Website For the new year, we have a newlook website! Thank you to Peter Ryan who has designed it. To have a look, go to www.stmarysck.org.uk (the same address as before). The site includes a really useful calendar of St. Mary’s meetings & events. This is automatically updated from the diary held in the parish office so it is crucial that you keep Beth informed of events and meeting times! If you would like to advertise an event on the website, please contact Beth in the Parish Office.
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