he BEE - HopeWest

he BEE
January 2015 • Issue 57
A note from Christy
Happy New Year to each of
you! I can’t believe it is 2015
because it seems like yesterday
I was making resolutions for
2014. As always, we have so
much to be proud of and reflect
upon throughout the year.
We are so grateful to the
members of our community
who simply “define” our
organization. I wish that I had the opportunity to thank
each of you personally for what you do to make our
mission possible.
Christy Whitney
President & CEO
The number of people who received our care in 2014
reached an all-time high. Our services provide for
patients and families facing serious illness and grief right
here on the Western Slope. It is because of you that we
can provide these vital services. Your support has been
so important in assuring our ability to respond to those
in need. It would be impossible to do what we do, and be
who we are, without you.
We have so many more exciting things coming in the
New Year and we are lucky to have you with us each step
of the way. Things we are looking forward to – Montrose
office completion, a new idea at Heirlooms Grand
Junction called Charmed where our talented staff and
volunteers will help us repurpose and reinspire items –
and the list goes on and on.
Wishing you a blessed New Year!
Ask your friends to join our cause!
Often our friends or loved ones are looking to join
a cause in the new year. We hope you will encourage
them to join us.
We need volunteers for all areas at HopeWest. Every
hobby and talent has a place here. Opportunities include:
Heirlooms - creatively display merchandise, cashier,
greet and help customers and clean and repair donated items
Administration - performing general office
functions like greeting guests, answering the phone, filing
or helping with other important projects
Patient and family support - participate
in a variety of activities such as: visiting with a patient,
sharing hobbies and stories, reading to a patient, running
errands, relieving the caregiver for a small amount of time
and providing transportation
HopeWest Kids - acting as mentors to children
and teens who are grieving the loss of a loved one
And so much more!
Volunteer News
Montrose & Ouray Counties
Looking Back at a Remarkable Year
2014 was an extraordinary year for HopeWest in Montrose.
Our volunteer numbers increased to 320. We served over 200
hospice patients.
Our HopeWest Kids program in Montrose alone touched the
lives of over 100 young people. Wow! These increased numbers
happened with support of you, our dedicated volunteers, who
serve in these areas and many more. Isn’t it rewarding to be part
of a mission that is changing lives right here in our communities?
You help to make our community a better place to volunteer,
work, live and play.
Because of our volunteers’ outstanding support and hard work,
our 2014 Gala was a smashing success and netted $93,000. Our
annual Golf Tournament netted over $26,000.
Highlighting Our Staff
Lisa Perez, Clinical Manager
“The HopeWest philosophy of using
a caring, sensitive and family-centered
approach to care is how I always
wanted to practice nursing. It’s a
natural fit for me,” says Lisa Perez,
Clinical Manager for Montrose
HopeWest. “In my fairly new position
as of last June, I schedule, supervise and assist our clinical staff
in caring for our patients.”
Lisa has been a Registered Nurse for 23 years. Prior to working
at HopeWest, she worked at Montrose Memorial Hospital as
a nursing supervisor. Lisa has experience in ICU, Orthopedics,
Pulmonary and medical surgical nursing.
“My father was in the Air Force, so we moved every four years,”
says Lisa. “Growing up, I lived in Belgium, Holland and many of
our states.”
“I have a wonderful husband of 20 years and two teenage sons.
We currently live on a small hobby farm. For relaxation, I love
to cook, garden and can produce. Reading is also a great pasttime for me.”
“I am honored to be a part of the Montrose HopeWest team.
Every day I see positive differences we are making in the lives
of people in our community.
These fundraisers enable us to effectively serve our hospice and
transitions patients.
Thank you for recently completing our 2014 annual volunteer
survey to evaluate your satisfaction with your HopeWest
volunteer experience.
The average level of satisfaction for Montrose HopeWest
volunteers was 4.8 out of 5, with 5 being the highest score. We
utilize your valuable survey feedback to continually improve the
quality of our service to our volunteers.
Thank you volunteers for a great 2014! We look
forward with great anticipation to 2015!
- Priscilla Cozzens, Montrose HopeWest Volunteer Coordinator
2014 S
taff Heart of Hope A
Christy Whitney, Deb Weiss & Starla Bacon
Each year a Montrose HopeWest staff member is awarded the
Heart of Hope award by votes of the staff members.
Deb Weiss, R.N. and Case Manager was recently given this
prestigious award for her outstanding work.
Congratulations Deb!
Hot Water Productions’
Gift to HopeWest
Each November, in honor of National
Hospice Month, Joe and Paul Derence
of Hot Water Productions generously
host a promotion called Hot Tubs
for HopeWest. For every hot tub
sold, Hot Water Productions donates
$100 to HopeWest. This year’s event
generated $1,100. Thank you, Joe and
Paul, for supporting compassionate
care for HopeWest patients and their
On-Going Volunteer
Education Opportunities
We are postponing the January 15 viewing of “Pioneers of
Hospice – changing the Face of Dying.” We will re-schedule this
DVD at a later date when we can view it in the meeting room of
our beautiful new building.
Safety & Infection Control Training for Patient Support
Volunteers will be presented on Friday, January 16,
10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. in Montrose Memorial
Hospital Conference Room B. Mary Watson, HopeWest
Safety Officer, will present this pertinent information. All
patient support volunteers are strongly encouraged to attend.
Self-Defense Awareness Tips and Other Critical Tips on
Protection from Fraud & Deceit will be presented by officers
of the Montrose Police Department Thursday, February 19,
12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. in Montrose Memorial Hospital
Conference Room B.
All HopeWest volunteers are invited to attend this informative
and practical class.
Volunteer January Birthdays
Diane Buford
Paula Sterling
Donna Swala
Clair Ledger
Harvey Cozzens
Sherry Rose
Sharrie Blackwelder 5
Marian Ferguson 5
Betty Lee Tipton
Jennifer Randolph 13
Pat Blackwelder
Merrilee Robertson
Sandy Bliss
Deidra Manary
Linda Dodge
Bill Armfield
Shirley Langland
Valentina Lert
Marie Neubert
Linda Sullivan
The Gala Is “Frozen”
Volunteers Needed
Mark your calendars! Saturday, March 21,
is the date for the annual Montrose HopeWest
Gala at the Pavilion. Frozen is the theme!
Many volunteers are needed in the following areas to help make
this event successful: set up on March 20 -21; providing food for
staff & volunteers who set up; working at the Gala; tear down
after the event (11:00 p.m. – 2:00 a.m.) If you want to help
with the Gala, please call Priscilla at (970) 252-2642.
Heirlooms News
Montrose Heirlooms would like to announce
the addition of Maria Verble as Sales Associate
to our staff. Maria will hold a part-time position
with Heirlooms. Su, Tom, Maria and I would like to extend
our heartfelt thank you to the wonderful volunteers who
have really stepped up to help fill in during Sally’s leave. We
appreciate all your extra effort to ensure that Heirlooms runs as
Sally would want it to. We know she would be really proud of
your caring attitudes during her time of rest and rejuvenation.
Thank you for ‘picking up the ball and running with it!’
- Kelly Thompson, interim Heirlooms Manager
Mark Your Calendars
Heirlooms Quarterly Meeting will be Wednesday,
January 14, 5:30 p.m. at the store. Please join us and hear
what our final numbers are for 2014. Bring a prepared dish
for a group meal.
Our Birthday Lunch is changing into a BREAKFAST! Our
January Birthday Breakfast will be Wednesday, January 21,
8:00 a.m. at the Hospital Café. We are opening this
birthday celebration to all HopeWest volunteers who
have January birthdays! Come and meet more volunteers
while we celebrate YOU! As a reminder, everyone pays for
his/her own meal.
Most Hours Worked in November
Joan Burch - 60 hours • Sandy Shalley - 35 hours
Britny Hardison - 34 hours
Total Heirlooms Hours for November – 1,203 hours
Coming soon...
Our 2015 Gala theme is
Mark your calendars:
3090 North 12th Street, Unit B
Grand Junction, CO 81506
Black Tie & Boots
Saturday, January 17
Two Rivers Convention Center
Montrose Gala
Saturday, March 21
Montrose Pavilion
Do you want to receive the newsletter electronically?
Send us an email to [email protected]
and we will add you to our list!
The holidays have come and gone and now you
have beautiful new things to fill your closet and
your home, but you’re short on storage space…
...donate your once treasured items to Heirlooms!
635 Main Street
Grand Junction
(970) 254-8556
Monday - Saturday
9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
521 Main Street
(970) 874-5251
Monday - Saturday
9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
435 E. Main Street
(970) 252-3648
Monday - Saturday
9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.