P & Z COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AGENDA January 13, 2015 6:00 PM Location: City Council Chamber, 408 N. Spokane Street, Post Falls, ID 83854 1. CALL TO ORDER Please Turn Off Your Cell Phones 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL OF PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEMBERS 4. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA 5. CEREMONIES, APPOINTMENTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS 6. DECLARATION OF CONFLICT Commission members are requested to declare if there is a conflict of interest, real or potential, pertaining to items on the agenda. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR The consent calendar includes items which require formal Commission action, but which are typically routine or not of great controversy. Individual Commission members may ask that any specific item be removed from the consent calendar in order to be discussed in greater detail. Explanatory information is included in the Commission agenda packet regarding these items and any contingencies are part of the approval. A. 8. Minutes – November 12, 2014 Planning and Zoning Meeting CITIZEN ISSUES This section of the agenda is reserved for citizens wishing to address the Commission on an issue that is not on the agenda. Comments on issues that are planned for future meeting agendas should be held for that meeting. 1 9. UNFINISHED / OLD BUSINESS None 10. PUBLIC HEARINGS Items listed as public hearings allow citizen comment on the subject matter before the Commission. Residents or visitors wishing to comment upon the item before the Commission should follow the procedural steps. In order to testify, individuals must sign up in advance, providing sufficient information to allow the Secretary to properly record their testimony in the official record of the Planning and Zoning meeting. Hearing procedures call for presentation by the applicant, submission of information from City staff, followed by public testimony. Typically testimony by the public will be limited to 3 minutes per person. A. Tullamore Preliminary PUD Amendment – Street Lighting PA-14-03 – Jon Manley presenting Columbia Bank is requesting an amendment to the Tullamore Preliminary Planned Unit Development. The Preliminary PUD amendment proposes an amendment to the existing lighting plan. The proposal is to change from the existing thematic Acorn style light to either a Town and County or Cobra Head as provided by Kootenai Electric Company (KEC). The other modification being proposed is that the City of Post Falls will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the street lighting along public roads rather than the current state, of which the Homeowners Association is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the street lighting on both the public and private roads for the Tullamore development area. The property is generally located south of Prairie Avenue, west of Highway 41, north of Poleline Avenue and east of Cecil Avenue. 11. NEW BUSINESS 12. STAFF COMMENTS 13. COMMISSION COMMENTS 14. ADJOURNMENT Questions concerning items appearing on this agenda should be addressed to the Public Services Department – Planning Division at 208-773-8708. The City Hall building is handicapped accessible. If any person needs special equipment to accommodate their disability please notify the City Media Center at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting date. The Media telephone number is 208-457-3341. Thank you. Commission Chair: Lynn Borders Vice-Chair: Ryan Davis Members: Fred Ostermeyer, Mark Latham, Ray Kimball, Vicky Jo Carey, Nancy Hampe 2 P & Z COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES November 12, 2014 6:00 PM Location: City Council Chamber, 408 N. Spokane Street, Post Falls, ID 83854 1. CALL TO ORDER Vice Chair Ryan Davis called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL OF PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEMBERS 4. Commissioners Present: Ray Kimball, Vicky Jo Carey, Fred Ostermeyer, Ryan Davis, and Nancy Hampe. Commissioners Absent: Lynn Borders and Mark Latham Staff Present: Hilary Anderson, Planning & Economic Development Manager; Jon Manley, Associate Planner; Rob Palus, Assistant City Engineer; Will Herrington, P&Z Attorney; Curtis Exley, Code Enforcement Officer Post Falls Police and Kelley Setters, Administrative Specialist. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA None. 5. CEREMONIES, APPOINTMENTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS None. 6. DECLARATION OF CONFLICT None. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes – October 14, 2014 Planning and Zoning Meeting Commissioner Kimball moved to approve as presented. Commissioner Carey seconded 1 City of Post Falls Planning & Zoning Commission - Regular Meeting Minutes Date 11-12-14 Roll Call Vote: Kimball aye, Carey aye, Hampe aye, Ostermeyer aye, and Davis aye Motion carried. 8. CITIZEN ISSUES None. 9. UNFINISHED / OLD BUSINESS None. 10. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Expo at Post Falls Zone Change – (ZC-14-03) – Jon Manley presenting The applicant Watson & Associates is requesting to change the current zoning of approximately 117 acres of Industrial (I) zoned properties to approximately 70 acres of Community Commercial Services (CCS), 45 acres Single Family Residential (R-1) and 2 acres High Density Multi-Family Residential (R-3). The property is generally located east of Beck Road to Seltice Way and north of I-90. Jon Manley, Associate Planner: Introduced the requested zone change. This zone change may look familiar. A similar proposal by the same applicant was recently before you and was recommend for approval to the City Council. The City Council’s motion was a no decision. Due to the no decision the applicant decided to change one of their components of the requested action. Of the 117 acres of Industrial (I) they are proposing 70 acres of Community Commercial Services (CCS), 45 acres of Single Family Residential (R-1) which was previously requested for Medium Density Residential (R-2), which is the difference in the two proposals and the 2 acre High Density Multi-Family Residential (R-3). The comprehensive plan designation is commercial and industrial. The water provider is East Greenacres Irrigation north of Jacklin Road and City of Post Falls south of Jacklin Road. Sewer provider is the City of Post Falls. Drew Dittman, represented for the applicant Watson & Associates: As Jon indicate we were in front of you back in June with a similar proposal which was recommended for approval to the City Council. The only change in this request is to the 45 acres of Single Family Residential (R-1), from the Medium Density Multi-Family Residential (R-2). We have a lot of support from local business and the community. Manley: The proposal is not consistent with the Future Land Use Map. It is however, consistent with the city’s goals and policies within the Comp Plan. The state statues allows it to be inconsistent with the Future Land Use Map, such that is consistent with the city’s goals and polices. The proposed zones are compatible with the surrounding environment, street classification and traffic patterns, future land uses, community plans and geographic features. For visibility, commercial vs. industrial along the portion on I-90 has a high visibility for commercial. What tends to happen at those locations is land prices go up and it leads be a more commercially driven market vs. the industrial market. This area was also looked at by KMPO, which have traffic analysis zones (TAZ) for the area and the projected growth was for a 4.8% which based on historical trends going out to 2035. When looking at the potential roof tops to support future population growth. This area was an area looked at for providing those rooftops. In 2020 it was projected at 200 additional units and by 2035 up to 700 total additional units. 2 City of Post Falls Planning & Zoning Commission - Regular Meeting Minutes Date 11-12-14 Kimball: You’re saying the KMPO Master Planning has an additional 200 units by 2020 and 700 by 2035 planned in the Master Planning model. Manley: Yes, with a proportionate share of commercial as well. Manley: When looking at a zone change the request needs to support the Comp Plan Policies which includes the following: Encourage a balance of land uses to help Post Falls remain a desirable stable and sustainable community, most ordinary activities should occur within walking distance of most residences, allowing a measure of independence for those who do not drive, a range of housing types and price levels should be provided, and adequate land is available for future housing needs. The city has adequate capacity for water and water reclamation. To clarify, in condition #1 contained in the staff report will need to be corrected. Currently the findings state: 45 acres designated as Medium Density Multi-Family Residential (R-2). It should read: 45 acres designated as Single Family Residential (R-1), which should be part of the motion. Carey: What are the concerns with the City Council on the original proposal? Anderson: They had concerns with the R-2 zoning designation which allows for both Multi-Family Residential and Single Family Residential. Herrington: Where there any comments from the school district? Manley: They were notified and we received no comment. Anderson: That was one of the questions raised by the City Council, we contact the school district on several occasions with no response. It is our understanding that the school district would have to accommodate any additional new students. Davis: Correct me if I’m wrong they would probably be serviced by the new elementary school that just opened a few years ago. In Favor - did not speak Brett Walton Dan Matton Paul Bielic Blair Walton Neutral – None In Opposition Fred Ebel: I am surprised by the presentation. That there is no mention of the Urban Renewal District that this requested zone changes lies within the Expo Urban Renewal District which Watson is the proponent. The Expo Urban Renewal district was designed and dedicated and agreed upon by Watson for commercial development. The Urban Renewal District was approved by City Council in 2001. Taxpayers have funded the infrastructure improvements via increment financing with the hope for commercial business development. The public-taxpayers-reimbursed Watson for over 1.7 million of infrastructure improvements. Property tax valuation in Post Falls is tilted toward residential property. To rectify this imbalance it is necessary to encourage commercial development which is why the Expo Urban Renewal District was formed. Approving this request would negate the very reason the URD was formed. For this reason the zone change should be denied. 3 City of Post Falls Planning & Zoning Commission - Regular Meeting Minutes Date 11-12-14 Residential developments are not tax neutral. For every dollar of revenue from residential developments, it costs the city of Post Falls about a $1.17 to provide residential services. This is from a memo from the City Manager to the Mayor and Council. Finally if you are not aware the City of Post Falls residents pay about 20% more for the same suite of services compared to Coeur d’ Alene. Another reason this request be denied and commercial development encouraged. No rebuttal from the applicant. Anderson: I would like to clarify why the Urban Renewal District was not part of the presentation. It is because it is not in the zoning code or state statues related to zone change consideration. Urban Renewal is separate from that, although this proposal is within the district. We spoke with city attorney John Cafferty and made the decision that this zone change needs to stand alone and make your decision based on the criteria within the staff report. Discussion: Kimball: Stated this proposal meets the requirements of the Comp Plan and when it comes to buffers between commercial/residential and industrial/residential. It’s been my experience some of the best buffers are across streets it is a built in 60-80 foot buffer. Which is included in this proposal. Ostermeyer: Questioned staff that a decision has to be made based on the presentation and not the URD comments. Anderson: Yes, related to Urban Renewal. Commissioner Kimball moved to recommend approval finding the zone change is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and zoning code adopting the Findings of Facts and Conclusions and Conditions 1 as amended to delete Medium Density Multi-Family Residential (R-2) and replace it with Single Family Residential (R-1) & adopting conditions 2, 3, 4a, 5a, and 6 contained in the staff report, and with the zoning designation requested by the applicant of Single Family Residential (R1). Commissioner Hampe seconded Roll Call Vote: Kimball aye, Carey aye, Davis aye, Hampe aye, and Ostermeyer aye, Motion carried. 11. NEW BUSINESS None. 12. STAFF COMMENTS Hilary Anderson, informed the commission of two events from last week. The Community Mobility Institute Conference which was held in Boise and was attended by myself, Bill Melvin, City Engineer and City Councilman Alan Wolfe as well as others from the surrounding communities. The topic was about mobility issues and how it relates to economic development. In Coeur d’ Alene some of you attended the Place Making Luncheon which touched on the same topic of providing a place and economic development. An update on the joint workshops with City Council we will be have 4 City of Post Falls Planning & Zoning Commission - Regular Meeting Minutes Date 11-12-14 approximately 8 session coming up we are still working on the dates and will provide you with those as soon as possible. Hilary announced this as her last meeting and hopefully you will have a new Planning Manager at the beginning of the year. She thanked the commission for all their hard work and dedication to the city. 13. COMMISSION COMMENTS None. 14. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Kimball moved to adjourn at 6:34 Meeting adjourned. ________________________________ Lynn Borders, Chair ________________________________ Kelley Setters, Recording Secretary 5 Community Development Division Staff Report File No.: PA-14-03 CITY OF POST FALLS STAFF REPORT DATE: JANUARY 6, 2015 TO: PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION FROM: JON MANLEY, ASSOCIATE PLANNER, 208-773-8708, [email protected] SUBJECT: STAFF REPORT FOR THE JANUARY 13, 2015 P&Z MEETING TULLAMORE PRELIMINARY PUD AMENDMENT – STREET LIGHTING (MAJOR) – PA-14-03 FILE NO./PROJECT NAME: File No. PA-14-03 Tullamore Preliminary PUD Amendment –Street Lighting APPLICANT & OWNER: Copper Basin Construction, Inc. P.O. Box 949 Hayden, ID 83835 REQUESTED ACTION: The applicant is requesting a PUD Amendment of the Tullamore Preliminary PUD to modify the original PUD to install all future street lights per the city of Post Falls and KEC standards and requirements and for these lights to be owned and maintained by the City of Post Falls. Currently, the street lighting on both the public and private roads are to be owned and maintained by the Tullamore Homeowner’s Association. PROJECT LOCATION: The project area is approximately 232 acre and is generally located west of Cecil Road, south of Prairie Avenue, north of Poleline Avenue, and east of HWY 41. 1 Community Development Division Staff Report File No.: PA-14-03 PROPERTY INFORMATION: Project Size: Approximately 232 acres Comprehensive Plan Designation: Residential and Commercial Current Land Use: Mix of Residential and Commercial Current Zoning: R-1 (Single Family Residential) with a PUD Overlay and CCS (Community Commercial Services) with a PUD Overlay Surrounding Land Uses: West: Large Lot Single Family Homes North: Predominately Agriculture/Open Space East: HWY 41 and Mixed Commercial Development South: County Zoned Single Family Homes and Industrial Surrounding Zoning: West: CCS, Limited Commercial (LC), and County Agriculture Zoned Land North: CCS and County Agriculture Zoned Land East: CCS South: CCS and County Ag-Suburban Zoned Land Water Provider: Ross Point Water District Water Reclamation: City of Post Falls Due to many changes that have occurred within the Planning and Zoning Commission since the Tullamore Preliminary PUD was originally adopted, staff has provided a brief overview of this project’s history in the following section. DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COMMENTS: Planning Division: The Planning Division considered this proposed amendment as a major amendment for two reasons. One was that the proposed lighting plan proposes to change from a thematic Acorn style light to a combination of Town & County and Cobra Head style lights, depending on roadway classification. The Town & County and Cobra Head styles are supplied through Kootenai Electric Company (KEC). The second reason is the Homeowners Association currently owns and is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the street lighting on both public and private roads. The applicant is proposing that all street lights be owned by KEC and that the operation and maintenance costs along public roadways be provided for by the City of Post Falls and that the Homeowners Associations provided for the operation and maintenance costs along private streets. This would apply to all future developments within future phases of this PUD. The proposed amendment would not change the ownership, maintenance or operational responsibilities of the existing street lighting within the PUD or that are part of currently improved phases; these will continue to be operated and maintained by the current Homeowners Association. The following are the applicable statutes and standards that the Planning Staff have commented on pertaining to this proposed change. Staff Comments are italicized. APPLICABLE STATUTES & STANDARDS: Post Falls Municipal Code, Title 18.20.080, Planned Unit Development (PUD) Permit; A PUD is a development process that encourages design flexibility by permitting deviations from the density, setbacks, lot area, lot frontage, access requirements, or performance standards, in exchange for providing benefits to the development. The intent is to 2 Community Development Division Staff Report File No.: PA-14-03 encourage more innovatively designed projects, than can be accomplished through standard development requirements. A mix of residential, commercial, industrial, or combinations of these land uses may be proposed in a PUD. A PUD approval is based upon finding that the proposal meets the following: 1. Provides benefits that would not be achievable through compliance with the normally required zoning standards and regulations. The original PUD permitted the benefit of having the unique Acorn style light that was to be installed throughout this PUD. The Acorn lights that have been installed currently do not meet with what was originally approved. The applicants has also mentioned that the lights that the Acorn style light are no longer available and that the amount of light, due to conversion to LED bulbs, is insufficient. Approving the requested change to allow Town and County and Cobra Head style lights, as supplied by Kootenai Electric Company (KEC), and to be operated and maintained by the City of Post Falls; would provide the benefit of having assurance and predictability that the lights within the Public Rights of Way would be properly operated maintained for the health and safety of the general public. 2. Is compatible with surrounding land uses, both existing and future: Town & Country and Cobra head style lights are in common use throughout Post Falls by both AVISTA and KEC 3. Is in conformance with the goals and policies found in the Post Falls comprehensive plan. Not Applicable 4. Provides open space. A minimum of ten percent (10%) of the land area within any PUD that includes residential uses shall be designated for open space for the residents of the area being developed and/or the public. The location, character and design of common open space shall be reviewed and approved as part of the PUD process. Not Applicable 5. A planned unit development should provide for the integrated and harmonious design and arrangement of buildings and uses. The principles involved include the need to provide adequate and properly arranged facilities for internal traffic circulation, landscaping and such other features and facilities as may be necessary to make the project attractive and efficient. Buffering or screening commercial/industrial uses from residential uses within or adjacent to the development must be incorporated into the design. The installation of the Town and County and Cobra Head style lights would not be uncommon compared to the manner in which the majority of Post Falls has developed. Engineering Division: Water Service – Not Applicable Water Reclamation – Not Applicable Transportation – Appropriate levels of roadway illumination has a significant impact in roadway safety for vehicles and pedestrians. Roadway illumination can also aid in the security of private property. Conversion from the “Acorn” style light to the more common “Cobra Head” or “Town & Country” styles may have an astatic impact on the larger PUD; however, reliability for the repair, maintenance and operation of the lights is probably better with KEC than the homeowners association. 3 Community Development Division Staff Report File No.: PA-14-03 Regardless of the style of lighting, all lighting needs to conform to the City’s minimum roadway illumination standard. Proposed lighting along Hope Avenue, Charlesville Road and Cecil Road shall be reduced to 100 watt Cobra Head style instead of the 200 watt lights shown in the plans. Due to the higher intensity and more commercial uses anticipated along Market Street, lighting along Market Street shall be 100 watt Cobra Head style and spaced in accordance with the City’s Roadway Illumination Policy. Due to the minor collector classification of Killdeer Lane, roadway illumination shall be 100 watt Cobra head style and spaced in accordance with the City’s Roadway Illumination Policy. PROPERTY HISTORY OVERVIEW: The original Tullamore Preliminary PUD and subdivision plan was for an approximately 232-acre mixed-use master-planned community, comprised of 1,021 residential units, approximately 500,000 square feet of commercial/office development and 23+ acres of open space. The breakdown of residential units was 383 single-family units on individual lots, 520 multi-family units, and 118 assisted living units. The project was initially reviewed and approved by the City Council on February 7, 2006 (File Nos. S-05-10 and P-05-07). Since being approved, Phase 1 has become Phase 1A and Phase 1B. With each one of these phases, amendments have taken place, largely due to the changing market conditions and ownership changes since its original approval. Tullamore Final PUD Phase 1A On June 13, 2006, the Planning and Zoning Commission granted Final PUD approval for Phase 1A of the Tullamore Preliminary PUD. That application included 123 residential lots and accompanying streets, necessary utilities, and open space to be provided satisfactory for this phase, which included two developed private parks along with a portion of trial system, a 5.9 acre tract reserved for a future city park, and landscaping commonly identified as Tullamore Final PUD, Phase 1A (Exhibit A-4a File #P-06-05). Streets and utilities associated with this phase have been constructed. Identified open spaces and private parks have been developed in accordance with the final PUD. Tullamore Final PUD Phase 1B On July 17, 2007, the City Council granted Final PUD approval for Phase 1B of the Tullamore Preliminary PUD. That application included 70 townhomes on 8.35 acres, 28 row houses on 1.34 acres, 18 commercial lots on 18.69 acres, 118 assisted living units on 6.47 acres with 3.76 acres of open space. Utilities and roadway improvements identified as part of this phase along Hope Avenue and along Market Street, north of Early Dawn Avenue have not been completed. 4 Community Development Division Staff Report File No.: PA-14-03 Tullamore Final PUD Phase 2A On August 13, 2013, the Planning and Zoning Commission granted Final PUD approval for Phase 2A of the Tullamore Preliminary PUD. That application included 31 R-1 zoned lots to be developed as single family homes at a density of 2.8 acres gross. Streets and utilities associated with this phase have been constructed. There are no outstanding issues associated with this phase Community Park Approval The Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council both approved a design for the community park, previously referred to as the Tullamore Central Park. The park site was 7.08 acres and included an amphitheater, active play area, pond/stream, passive play area, dog park, hardscape areas, arboretum, park amenities such as bocce ball courts, horseshoe pit, splash pad/water feature, picnic tables and a shelter, benches, public restroom, benches, and parking to be shared with a church. The City Council conceptually approved the design on May 20, 2008 and directed staff to work with the proponents regarding details raised during the Park and Recreation meeting and Council. The approved park design is included in Exhibit No. S-4. HISTORY OF AMENDMENTS 2009 – On July 9th, the City Council approved the amendment to Phase 1B, which modified the 70 townhomes to allow for 100 units of multi-family housing. The 100 units equated to a 50 unit multifamily project and a 50 unit senior affordable housing development. It was noted that this amendment would result in a density of approximately 11.5 units per acre and not exceed the maximum of 18 units per acre for multifamily as prescribed within Post Falls Municipal Code (PFMC). Another item worth noting as part of the PUD approval is that it was to be completed in 3 phases. The first 2 phases resulted in the 100 units that have been constructed (Tullamore Commons and Tullamore Seniors). Phase three was presented as a future phase to provide more housing units. 2010 – On May 11th, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved a Minor Amendment to the Final PUD for Phase 1B of the Tullamore project. This amendment modified the 28 row houses as approved on June 12, 2007 by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved 19 detached single-family lots. 2012 – On June 5th, the City Council approved the amendment to Phase 1B, which modified the area that was approved as part of the Preliminary PUD for 118 assisted living units to accommodate a duplex-style semi-assisted living project, decrease the size of the previously approved assisted living facility, and create a commercial lot along Charleville Road. Along with this, a 51-unit multifamily residential apartment complex (to be known as Tullamore Commons II) was approved for the area referred to as Phase 3 within the July 9th, 2009 PUD amendment approval to Phase 1B. Currently, Tullamore Commons II is being constructed. 2012 – On August 14th, the Planning and Zoning Commission approved an amendment for a modification to the design of Galway Park, which has been completed. 2014 – On April 8th, the Planning and Zoning Commission moved to approve the major amendment to Phase 1B Final PUD, which added the option of high density multi-family housing as a development alternative to Lots 1 and 3 of Block 1 of the Trinity at Tullamore, which were previously approved for an assisted living facility and commercial lot. 5 Community Development Division Staff Report File No.: PA-14-03 2014 – On August 12th, the City Council approved the amendment to the Preliminary PUD, which modified the existing phasing plan to a block development plan, modified the conditions regarding the Hope Avenue / Highway 41 traffic signal, clarified the timing and development of the future City Park, and provided setback and performance standards for future single family residential development phases. OTHER AGENCY RESPONSE & RECEIVED WRITTEN COMMENTS: Post Falls Police Department (Exhibit No. PA-1) commented with no objections with the project. Aside from the above, no additional comments had been received as of the date of the staff report. PUBLIC PROCESS: A public hearing is held before the Planning & Zoning Commission. The Commission will take testimony, hear the staff report, deliberate and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council will hold a second public hearing. Notice has been published in the Post Falls Press on December 19, 2014 provided to appropriate jurisdictions and mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the proposed project and sent to the Tullamore Home Owners Association. The property was posted on January 6, 2015. MOTION OPTIONS: The Planning and Zoning Commission shall recommend approval as presented, approval with conditions or modifications, or disapproval of the proposed amendments to the Tullamore Preliminary PUD. FINDINGS & CONCLUSIONS: The Planning & Zoning Commission should adopt Findings and Conclusions when forming a reasoned decision. Staff proposes the following as possible Findings & Conclusions for the proposed amendment to the Preliminary PUD. The Commission may adopt additional conclusions from review of the application or from discussion at the Commission meeting. 1. The proposed amendment to the Preliminary PUD would retain the benefits of the original project approval that would not be achievable through compliance with the normally required zoning standards and regulations. 2. The proposed amendment does not change the project’s compatibility with surrounding land uses, both existing and future. 3. The proposed amendment to the Preliminary PUD would continue to provide for the integrated and harmonious design and arrangement of buildings and uses, including adequate and properly arranged facilities for internal traffic circulation, landscaping, lighting, and such other features and facilities that make the project attractive and efficient. 4. The Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law from the original project approval for the Tullamore Subdivision and Preliminary PUD would not be affected by the proposed amendment. 5. The original conditions from the Tullamore Subdivision and Preliminary PUD approval and Final PUD approvals for subsequent phases still apply unless otherwise noted. 6. Noticing and hearing procedures have been provided according to the Post Falls Municipal Code. 6 Community Development Division Staff Report File No.: PA-14-03 7. Currently, there are only two (2) varieties of street light that are provided by KEC and they are the Town and County and Cobra Head style of street light. 8. Future changes in the street light styles available from KEC, which are owned and maintained by KEC, can be utilized so long as they meet the City’s Roadway Illumination Policy. CONDITIONS: Should the Planning & Zoning Commission recommend approval of the requested PUD Amendment, staff proposes the following conditions: 1. All street lighting shall conform to the City of Post Falls Roadway Illumination Policy for spacing and lighting intensity. ATTACHMENTS: Applicant Exhibits Exhibit No. A-1 Exhibit No. A-2 Exhibit No. A-3 Application Narrative Plan Set (pages 1-3) Staff Exhibits Exhibit No. S-1 Exhibit No. S-2 Vicinity Map Zoning with Aerial Map Testimony Exhibit No. PA-1 Post Falls Police Department comments 7 Job # 14-106 Tullamore Preliminary PUD Amendment Street Lighting City of Post Falls, Idaho December 1, 2014 3909 N. Schreiber Way, Suite 4 Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83815 Phone/Fax: 208-676-0230 BACKGROUND The Tullamore Planned Unit Development is a mixed use project located in the City of Post Falls along the Highway 41 corridor South of Prairie Avenue. The original developer entered into a Master Development Agreement with the City of Post Falls in May of 2006, which outlined the respective responsibilities of both the City and the developer and the conditions of approval. The project was approved to be constructed in 3 phases. The following summarizes the original approvals received for the project: Total project area: 232 acres # of units: 383 single-family homes 520 multi-family units 118 assisted living units 1021 Total units + 500,000 SF of commercial/office Zoning: R-1 w/ PUD Overlay (96 acres) CCS w/ PUD Overlay (136 acres) Phase 1A of the Tullamore project consisted of 123 single family residential lots, 2 developed parks and a 5.9 acre tract reserved for a future City park located in the south half of the project on approximately 53 acres. The residential density was 2.3 dwelling units per acre. The Final PUD for Phase 1A was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on April 25, 2006. Phase 1B was 44.5 acres total and included 70 townhomes, 28 row houses, 18 commercial lots, 118 assisted living units and approximately 4 acres of open space. The Final PUD for Phase 1B was reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on June 12, 2007. Phase 2A consisted of 11 acres and 31 single family residential homes. The Final PUD for Phase 2A was reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on August 13, 2013. Phase 2B consisted of 19 acres and 57 single family residential homes. The Final PUD for Phase 2B was reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on September 9, 2014. PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PUD AMENDMENT Currently, per the previous Preliminary PUD approvals, the street lighting on both the public and private roads is owned and maintained by the Tullamore Homeowner’s Association. The HOA is responsible for paying the monthly usage charges to the Kootenai Electric Cooperative, as well as the maintenance and upkeep of the street lighting. The original Preliminary PUD included a Conceptual Street Light plan showing the layout and configuration of the proposed street lights. However, due to circumstances beyond the control of the current Project Proponent, the street light infrastructure has not been installed per this plan to date. The current street lights have been referred to as an acorn style light and were previously approved as part of the Preliminary PUD process. The Project Proponent has recently discovered that the Preliminary PUD approved acorn style lights are no longer manufactured, and parts are not available. In the most recent phase of the project, a replacement light was delivered by the manufacturer; however, this light was much different in appearance to the previously approved acorn style light. The HOA, in conjunction with Kootenai Electric Cooperative (KEC), has recently converted the majority of the private street lights in the Tullamore project from high pressure sodium vapor to LED lights because they are more economical and eco-friendly. However, these new LED lights do not provide adequate lighting and may present a public safety issue. Because of the matter discussed above, it is the desire of the current Project Proponent, and applicant, to install all future street lights per the City of Post Falls and KEC standards and requirements and for these lights to be owned and maintained by the City of Post Falls. Currently, KEC offers 2 choices for approved street lights: Town and Country and Cobra Head. The manufacturer’s specifications for both of these lights are contained in Attachment B. We are currently working with KEC and the City in an effort to expand the options for street light, and expect that in the near future there will be other options available for public street lights. The requirements for public street lights are outlined in the City of Post Fall’s Policies for the Design and Construction of Roadway Illumination. A copy of the style and spacing requirements for public street lights is contained in Attachment A. ATTACHMENT A Roadway Illumination Standards ATTACHMENT B GE Lighting Specifications 3909 N. SCHREIBER WAY, STE. 4 COEUR D'ALENE, IDAHO 83815 PHONE: 208.676.0230 TULLAMORE PRELIMINARY PUD AMENDMENT STREET LIGHTING STANDARDS CITY OF POST FALLS, KOOTENAI COUNTY, IDAHO YN R A TIO BRITISH COLUMBIA MONTANA INTRUC PRAIRIE AVENUE IMONS L E C SANDPOINT R HAYDEN N COEUR D'ALENE WALLACE PROJECT LOCATION PROJECT SITE INTERSTATE 90 MISSOULA PULLMAN MOSCOW CLARKSTON A LL RE MO HIGHWAY 41 GREENSFERRY ROAD U.S. 95 POST FALLS, IDAHO TU LEWISTON WASHINGTON GRANGEVILLE OREGON POLELINE AVENUE IDAHO NORTH NORTH SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 51 NORTH, RANGE 5 WEST, B.M. VICINITY MAP PROJECT LOCATION NTS 1" = 2000' PROJECT APPLICANT SEWER PURVEYOR INDEX OF SHEETS COPPER BASIN CONSTRUCTION, INC. 580 CAPSTONE COURT P.O. BOX 949 HAYDEN, IDAHO 83835 208-765-5059 CITY OF POST FALLS WATER RECLAMATION DIVISION 2002 W. SELTICE WAY POST FALLS, IDAHO 83854 208-773-1438 1. TITLE SHEET 2. CONCEPT STREET LIGHT PLAN 3. DETAILS PROJECT OWNER WATER PURVEYOR COLUMBIA BANK 200 W. NEIDER AVENUE COEUR D'ALENE, ID 83815 208-665-3973 ROSS POINT WATER DISTRICT 8584 WEST PRAIRIE AVENUE POST FALLS, IDAHO 83854 208-773-1120 TITLE SHEET SPOKANE TULLAMORE PRELIMINARY PUD AMENDMENT RATHDRUM PROT FO DESIGNED BY: DCD SMA DRAFTED BY: CIVIL ENGINEER PROJECT SITE LAKE CITY ENGINEERING, INC. 3909 W. SCHREIBER WAY, STE. 4 COEUR D'ALENE, IDAHO 83814 208-676-0230 A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF SECTION 25, LYING NORTH OF POLELINE AVENUE, WEST OF HIGHWAY 41, SOUTH OF PRAIRIE AVENUE AND EAST OF CECIL ROAD. 11/25/2014 DATE: JOB NO: LCE 14-106 SCALE: N.T.S. Not To Scale 1 POST FALLS, IDAHO WASHINGTON 3 3909 N. SCHREIBER WAY, STE. 4 COEUR D'ALENE, IDAHO 83815 PHONE: 208.676.0230 YN R A TIO INTRUC IMONS L E C PROT FO R 1 KILLDEER LANE CHARLEVI LLE ROAD CONCEPTUAL STREET LIGHT PLAN TULLAMORE PRELIMINARY PUD AMENDMENT 1 POST FALLS, IDAHO N STREET LIGHT LEGEND NOTES: 1 REPLACE EXISTING LARGE ACORN STYLE LIGHT WITH CITY APPROVED COBRA HEAD LIGHT AND RELOCATE EXISTING ACORN LIGHT TO LOCATION SHOWN. REMAINING ACORN LIGHT TO BE USED BY HOA FOR INVENTORY AND SPARE PARTS. REMOVE EXISTING SMALL ACORN STYLE LIGHT AND REPLACE WITH CITY APPROVED TOWN & COUNTRY LIGHT. REPLACE EXISTING MODIFIED ACORN LIGHT WITH REMOVED PUD APPROVED ACORN LIGHT FROM MARKET STREET. REMAINING ACORN (SMALL) LIGHTS TO BE USED BY HOA FOR INVENTORY AND SPARE PARTS. DESIGNED BY: EXISTING ACORN (SMALL) DRAFTED BY: EXISTING MODIFIED ACORN DATE: EXISTING ACORN (LARGE) JOB NO: EXISTING COBRA HEAD SCALE: FUTURE TOWN & COUNTRY (OR EQUIVALENT) CITY APPROVED (100W) 0 200 DCD SMA/GDH 11/24/2014 LCE 14-106 1" = 400' 800 400 FUTURE COBRA HEAD CITY APPROVED (200W) NORTH 2 3 3909 N. SCHREIBER WAY, STE. 4 COEUR D'ALENE, IDAHO 83815 PHONE: 208.676.0230 YN R A TIO INTRUC IMONS L E C PROT FO R TOWN & COUNTRY LUMINAIRE COBRA HEAD LUMINAIRE DESIGNED BY: DCD DRAFTED BY: DATE: NOTES: 1. STREET LIGHT INFORMATION AND SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED BY KOOTENAI ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE. 2. PRODUCTS LISTED ARE COOPER. KEC RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SUBSTITUTE EQUIVALENT BRANDS (G.E.) SMA 11/25/2014 JOB NO: LCE 14-106 SCALE: N.T.S. Not To Scale 3 POST FALLS, IDAHO - COBRA HEAD FIXTURE IS A GENERAL ELECTRIC - COMES IN A 100W OR 200W OPTION - TYPICALLY INSTALLED ON A 35FT GALVANIZED STEEL DIRECT BURIED POLE - 100W CAT# M2RC10S1N2GMC3 - 200W CAT# M2RC20S1N2GMC3 DETAIL SHEET - T&C FIXTURE IS A 100W GENERAL ELECTRIC - CATALOG # T10R10S1N2AMS3BL104 - INSTALLED ON A 20FT FIBERGLASS POLE TULLAMORE PRELIMINARY PUD AMENDMENT N 3
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