Worksheet: Bookcase and Bathroom
The Secret Annex
1. Cross-section [1]
Look at the cross-section. Use an arrow to mark the
bookcase. Do the same with the bathroom.
2. View the model [2]
Closely study the photo of the model of the second
floor of the Secret Annex. Where is the bookcase?
Circle it. And where is the bathroom? In the photo,
color in the walls of the bathroom with a black
3. The bookcase
Anne writes in her diary: ‘Now our Secret Annex
has truly become secret. […] Mr Kugler thought it
would be better to have a bookcase built in front of
the entrance to our hiding place […] It swings out on
its hinges and opens like a door. […] Now whenever
we want to go downstairs we have to duck and then
jump.’ (Anne Frank, The Diary of A Young Girl, 21
August 1942)
What is Anne referring to when she says: ‘Now
whenever we want to go downstairs’?
CLUE: In the evening and on the weekend, when
nobody is working in the building, those in hiding
could move around the rest of the building.
4. The helpers
At lunchtime, when the storeroom workers would be
at home for lunch, the helpers would often visit the
people in hiding.
Anne always looked forward to these visits. Can you
imagine why?
5. Brushing your teeth
Worksheet: Bookcase and Bathroom
‘Nine o’clock. After Peter’s finished, it’s my turn for the
bathroom. I wash myself from head to toe […] I brush
my teeth, curl my hair, manicure my nails and dab
peroxide on my upper lip to bleach black hairs – all
this in less than half an hour.’ (Anne Frank, The Diary
of a Young Girl, 4 August 1943)
Look at the bathroom in the Secret Annex online:
Do you think it would have been easy to share this
space with eight people?
Yes, because
No, because
6. Scared
Those in hiding lived in constant fear of being
discovered. Then one night they hear someone
coming up the stairs…
‘Footsteps in the house, the private office, the kitchen,
then …on the staircase. All sounds of breathing
stopped, eight hearts pounded. Footsteps on the
stairs, then rattling at the bookcase. This moment is
indescribable. ‘Now we’re done for,’ I said and I had
visions […] of us being dragged away by the Gestapo
that very night.’ (Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young
Girl, 11 April 1944)
Luckily this incident had a happy ending. Visit the
Secret Annex online once more. Go to the Warehouse
Watch the movie: a couple of burglars chased away
Write in your own words what happened.
see picture
1.6 in
5.9 in
3 in
Toilet 0.8 in
1.2 in
1.2 in
Bathtub 1.2 in
0.8 in
0.8 in
see picture
When finished, place the bookcase, the photo of the
helpers and other furniture you have made in the
right places.
1 in
see picture
The 3D model does not have a bookcase yet and it
is missing some furniture for the bathroom. Can you
make some? Divide the tasks beforehand and look at
the list for measurements.
Stairs 5.5 in
see picture
7. Making stuff
Worksheet: Anne Frank’s room
The Secret Annex
1. Cross-section [1]
Look at the cross-section. Use an arrow to mark Anne
Frank and Fritz Pfeffer’s room.
2. Model [2]
Closely study the photo of the model of the second
floor of the Secret Annex. Where is the room Anne
Frank shares with Fritz Pfeffer? In the photo, color in
the walls of this room with a black marker.
3. Moviestars
Anne writes in her diary of her room: ‘Up to now
our bedroom, with its blank walls, was very bare.
Thanks to Father – who brought my entire postcard
and movie-star collection here beforehand – and to a
brush and a pot of glue, I was able to plaster the walls
with pictures. It looks much more cheerful.’ (Anne
Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl, 11 July 1942)
Make a list of things you have attached to your own
bedroom walls.
4. Coping in the Secret Annex
Who would have had a harder time to persevere at
the Secret Annex, Anne or Fritz? Why?
Worksheet: Anne Frank’s room
5. A big argument
Look at the Secret Annex online:
Go to Anne and Fritz’ room and look up the story:
‘A big argument about a small table’
Why is there an argument? What is the outcome?
Small table and chair
6. Anne’s most treasured possession.
Visit the Annex online again. Look at the small table
in Anne’s room. What is on the table?
Why is this so important to Anne?
Anne’s room
7. Making stuff
The Anne and Fritz’ room needs some furniture. Can
you make some? Divide the tasks beforehand and look
at the list for measurements.
Bed 3.1 in
1.2 in
0.8 in
Couch 2.4 in
0.8 in
0.8 in
1.2 in (back)
Chair (x2) 0.8 in
0.8 in
0.8 in
1.8 in (back)
Small table 0.8 in
1.2 in
1.2 in
see picture model
see picture model
When finished, place photos of Anne and Fritz, and
the furniture you have made in the right places in the
Secret Annex.
see picture
see picture
Worksheet: The Frank Family’s room
The Secret Annex
1. Cross-section [1]
Look at the cross-section. Use an arrow to mark Otto,
Edith and Margot Frank’s room.
2. Model [2]
Closely study the photo of the model of the second
floor of the Secret Annex. Where is the room shared
by Otto, Edith and Margot Frank? In the photo, color
in the walls of this room with a black marker.
3. Don’t walk around, be quiet
‘Margot and Mother are nervous. ‘Shh … Father. Be
quiet, Otto. Shh … Pim(*)! It’s eight-thirty. Come
here, you can’t run the water any more. Walk softly!’
A sample of what’s said to Father in the bathroom.
At the stroke of half past eight, he has to be in the
living-room. No running water, no flushing toilet, no
walking around, no noise whatsoever. As long as the
office staff hasn’t arrived, sounds travel more easily
to the warehouse.’ (Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young
Girl, 23 August 1943)
(*): Anne had a pet name for her father: Pim
Look carefully at the cross-section. What would Anne
have meant with the last sentence above?
4. Sharing a room with your parents
How do you think Margot felt about sharing a room
with her parents? Why?
5. Growing up in the Scret Annex
Worksheet: The Frank Family’s room
Look at the Secret Annex online:
Watch the movie: ‘Anne and Margot grow fast’
How many inches does Anne grow in two years?
Anne grows … inches.
6. D-Day
‘This is D Day,’ the BBC announced at twelve.’ ‘This is
the day.’ ’The invasion has begun!’ writes an overjoyed
Anne on June 6th 1944 in her diary. That day sees the
landing of the Allied troops on the coast of France.
They intend to liberate the occupied countries of
Europe and to beat Nazi Germany.
Foldaway bed
Go to the Secret Annex online again. Have another
look at the room that Otto, Edith and Margot Frank
share. Look closely to see if you can find something
related to D-Day. What is it?
7. Making stuff
Otto, Edith and Margot Frank’s room still needs some
furniture. Can you make some? Divide the tasks
beforehand and look at the list for measurements.
When finished, place the photos of Otto, Edith and
Margot, along with the furniture you’ve made, in the
right places in the Secret Annex.
Table and chairs
Bed (x2) 3.1 in
1.2 in
0.8 in
Foldaway bed 2.8 in
0.8 in
1.2 in
Small table 1.2 in
1.6 in
1.2 in
Chairs (x2 ) 0.8 in
0.8 in
0.8 in
1.8 in(back)
Chest 1.2 in
0.8 in
0.8 in
see model
see picture
see picture
see picture
see model
Worksheet: The Van Pels Family’s room
The Secret Annex
1. Cross-section [1]
Look at the cross-section. Use an arrow to mark
Hermann and Auguste van Pels’ room.
2. Model [2]
Closely study the photo of the model of the third floor
of the Secret Annex. Where is Hermann and Auguste
van Pels’ room? In the photo, color in the walls of this
room with a black marker.
3. The living-room
‘If you go up the stairs and open the door at the top,
you’re surprised to see such a large, light and spacious
room in an old canalside house like this. It contains
a stove […] and a sink. This will be the kitchen and
bedroom of Mr and Mrs van Daan (*), as well as the
general living-room, dining-room and study for us all.’
(Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl, 9 July 1942)
(*): In the English translation of her diary the
pseudonyms that Anne originally gave Hermann,
Auguste and Peter van Pels are still used.
Why was Hermann and Auguste’s room also the
communal living-room used by all the people in
Worksheet: The Van Pels Family’s room
4. Hidden for a year and a half
‘[…] whenever one of the eight of us opens his mouth,
the other seven can finish the story for him’, Anne
writes on 28 January 1944. They have been in hiding
for a year and a half.
What does Anne mean? Explain in your own words.
5. Curly kale
Look at the Secret Annex online:
Go to Hermann and Auguste van Pels’ room and
watch the story: ‘The same food week after week’.
Kitchen and gas cooker
What’s Anne opinion on curly kale?
6. Wondervoice
‘It’s true: as the reports from outside grow worse and
worse, the …. , with its wondrous voice, helps us not
to lose heart and to keep telling ourselves, ‘Cheer
up, keep your spirits high, things are bound to get
better!’’, Anne writes on 15 June 1943 in her diary.
Which object in the room is Anne referring to? What
word should fill the space?
Dining table and chairs
Bed 3.1 in
3,0 cm
0.8 in
Foldaway bed 3.1 in
3,0 cm
0.8 in
Chairs (x8) 0.8 in
0.8 in
0.8 in
1.8 in (back)
Writing desk 1.6 in
2.8 in
1.2 in
Kitchen 3.1 in
1.2 in
1.6 in
Gas cooker 1.2 in
1.2 in
1.6 in
Dining table 3.1 in
1.2 in
1.2 in
Answer: _ _ _ _ _
see model
CLUE: Look closely at the photo of the model of the
Van Pels family’s room.
see model
see picture
7. Making stuff
Hermann and Auguste van Pels’ room still needs
some furniture. Can you make some? Divide the tasks
beforehand and look at the list for measurements.
see model
see picture
When finished, place the photos of Hermann and
Auguste van Pels, along with the furniture you’ve
made, in the right places in the Secret Annex.
see picture
see picture
Worksheet: Peter van Pels’ room and the attic
The Secret Annex
1. Cross-section [1]
Look at the cross-section. Use an arrow to mark Peter
van Pels’ room. Do the same with the attic.
2. Model [2]
Closely study the photo of the model of the third floor
of the Secret Annex. Where is Peter van Pels’ room? In
the photo, color in the walls of this room with a black
3. Peter’s apartment
Anne writes the following about Peter’s room in
her diary: ‘A tiny side room is to be Peter van Daan’s
bedroom.’ (Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl, 9
July 1942)
Look closely at Peter’s room. Why does Anne call it ‘a
tiny side room’?
4. Love in the Secret Annex
Look at the Secret Annex online:
Watch in Peter’s room the story: ‘Love in the Secret
Which problem solved itself?
Worksheet: Peter van Pels’ room and the attic
5. Sleeping in the attic
Sometimes visitors to the Anne Frank House ask why
none of the people in hiding slept in the attic. Go
the Secret Annex online again and look for the story
starting with ‘R.’ That will tell you!
It wasn’t possible to sleep in the attic because 6. Consolation
Anne had difficulties coping in the Secret Annex.
She sometimes escaped to the attic just to have a
few moments alone. Nature gave her solace.
Go to the Secret Annex online
Go to the Attic of the Secret Annex. Watch the movie
about Anne and solace.
Why was it so important to Anne to see nature?
7. Making stuff
The room of Peter van Pels and the attic still needs
some furniture. Can you make some? Divide the tasks
beforehand and look at the list for measurements.
Bed, table, chair and stairs
When finished, place the photo of Peter van Pels,
along with the furniture you’ve made, in the right
places in the Secret Annex.
Table 3.1 in
1.2 in
0.8 in
Tafel 0.8 in
1.2 in
1.2 in
Chair 0.8 in
0.8 in
0.8 in
1.8 in (back)
Stairs 6.3 in
1.0 in
Boxes (x5) 1.2 in
0.8 in
see picture
see picture
see picture
see picture
see model
0.8 in