ST. ANNE’S PRIMARY SCHOOL Sunday 30th November 2014 ST. PATRICK’S PRIMARY SCHOOL Lynton Avenue, ST17 0EA Telephone: 01785 663128 Fax: 01785 662987 Email: [email protected] Head Teacher: Mrs. J. N. Lomas Marston Road, ST16 3BT Telephone: 01785 356685 EContact: Head Teacher: Mrs. A. Goodison St. Anne’s Catholic Church Lynton Avenue, Weeping Cross, Stafford, ST17 0EA Telephone: 01785 661012 Website: READERS & EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION ST. ANNE’s St. Patrick’s Catholic Church 48 Sandon Road, Stafford, ST16 3HF Telephone: 01785 661012 Parish Priest: Fr. Edgar G. Dizon Website: - Parish Secretary: Marie Badger The Parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, Reg. Charity No 234216 TIMES OF HOLY MASS AND LITURGIES THIS WEEK Sat. 6th : Readers: Euch. Ministers: Jill Sly A. Whitehall, C.Whitehall, M. Liveing Sun. 7th : Readers: Euch. Ministers: Honor Shammas T. Stacey, T. Kelly, I. Hird, G. Owen, C. Williams (B) INCOME Source Gift Aid Date Time Saturday 29th 6:00 pm Sunday 30th 9:30 am 11:15 am Monday 1st No Mass Tuesday 2nd 10:00 am Wednesday 3rd 9:15 am Thursday 4th 10:00 am Friday 5th 10:00 am Saturday 6th 6:00 pm th 9:30 am 11:15 am Sunday 7 SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Church SA Liturgical Day Mass Intention St. Anne’s Offertory Vigil Mass SP SA Anne Fletcher First Sunday of Advent RIP St. Patrick’s Michael McHugh Peter Smith RIP RIP Offertory Standing Order Total ATTENDANCE £295.90 £270.61 £167.77 £734.28 221 £230.71 £153.79 £136.00 £520.50 198 Second Collection: A special collection will be taken up next weekend for the Poor Parishes Fund of the Diocese. SP SA SP Advent Feria Donor’s Intention Memorial of St. Francis Xavier [School Mass] Una Dobbin Advent Feria Holy Souls SA Feast of St. Birinus Cyriline SA Vigil Mass Angela Glynn RIP Brian Begley Mary Bamber RIP SP SA Second Sunday of Advent [St. Anne’s] Saturday at 5:30 pm. RIP RIP [St Patrick’s] Sunday at 9:00 am. Prayers for the parishioners who are ill or housebound at this time: [St.Patrick’s] : Joan Johnston, Kath Read, Pauline Pullen, Michael Spencer-Caple, Graham Burningham, Dcn David McCarroll, Cyril Adams, Brenda Targett, Graham Turner, David Bryant, Tim & Kathleen Tiernan, Alex Hughes, Gregory McKinlay, Jayne & Ralph Lennon, Louise Bell, Tony Lord, Donald Williamson, Christine Bradley, Alice McMillan, Antonia Hewitt, Winifred & Brenda Crockett, Alex Hudson, Gladys Malkin, and Jean Shearer. [St. Anne’s] Peggy Giles, Patricia Walters, Jean Kennelly, Monica Scriven, Linda Burgess, Sheila Bartle, Molly Hukin, Margaret Currall, Pip Gibson, Joyce & Peter Muriel, Cathy Miles, Colin Wise, Derek Moon, Bernard Lundberg, Gay Colbeck, Christiana Saberton, Patsy ConnellySmith, David Sly, Mary Helks, David Bamber, Peter Turner, Hilary Glover, Baby Brandon Harland, Baby Thomas McCormick. St Patrick’s Church Cleaning th 12 December: Marie Badger & Janette Mellor Altar Linen th 7 December: Marie Badger 16th December. 12:45pm Joan McKinlay Flowers Carmel Price, Mary Owen Refreshments th 7 December: Marie Badger, Sheila Bayliffe & Janet Villanueva Sarah/Austin News from St. Patrick’s!!! Changes which have been implemented since the arrival of Fr. Edgar: Sanctuary and sacristy have had new carpet tiles fitted. The sacristy, server’s area; working area, confessional and the heater cupboard have been painted. All looking very nice. A new sound system has been installed. The heating has been serviced. More updates on the Induction: Please remember 5th December cleaning of St Patrick’s Church. Cleaning will start from 6pm. Please come as and when you can and leave when you wish. We’d be grateful if you would bring your own materials – and, of course, elbow grease!!! If you haven’t put your name on the list please do so this weekend. Similarly the food list. If possible use a disposable plate and cover with foil not film – easier and quicker to remove. When you arrive on 8th December please bring the food to the doors of the School Hall where the ladies will be waiting to take it and place on the tables – then park! Thank you. The Bazaar will be held next Saturday in St. Anne’s Church Hall from 2pm. We still need help with the stalls. Can you help? Perhaps you have an idea for a stall. The more the merrier. This is our biggest fund raiser and we need all the help we can get. Thank you. Prayers for the departed loved ones whose anniversaries occur at this time: [St. Patrick’s] Stephen Thomas Godwin, Margaret Emery, Lilian Crewe, Frederick Smith, Clare Brown, Frances Broad, Anne Batkin, Anne Boyd, John Pinder, Joanna Curry, James McConnell, Frederick Eley, Betty Allman, Frances Pinnington. [St. Anne’s] Patrick Healy, Eva Parsons, Desmond Connelly, Susan Sharp, Roy Mitchell, Marie Usher, George Neilson, Monica Thomas, Linda Pooler. Church St Anne’s Reader: Jack. Bidding Prayers: Sarah Michael H, Stephanie K, Nicola P. Non- Gift Aid First Sunday of Advent – Sunday Lectionary Cycle B, Weekday Mass Cycle 1, Psalter Week 1 Day ST. PATRICK’s Childrens Liturgy th 7 December: Catriona Please continue to sell as many Draw tickets as possible please and return sold ones with money to St Anne’s Office or to Mary and Carmel at St Patrick’s. The usual weekend raffles will start this weekend. The raffle for the Harrods Christmas Teddies will be drawn at the Bazaar. Advent Thoughts: St Josemarie Escriva once wrote, “I am every day more convinced that happiness in Heaven is for those who know how to be happy on earth.” (The Forge, 1006) Catholic Youth Service: St Anne’s: £232.03 St Patrick’s: £124.35 Sacrament of Baptism: Congratulations to Mark & Ruth Brandon, whose children James Rivers and Imogen Rose will be baptised at 1pm today, Sunday 30 November at St Anne’s. we welcome their family and friends to the parish St. Anne’s Youth Club: Tuesday 2nd December, 7pm. St. Anne’s Church Hall. Requiescat in Pace: Of your charity, please pray for the soul of ANDREA WHITE who died on 23rd November in Kent. May she rest in peace. Please also pray for her sister Elisa McEwen who now mourns for her. St Patrick’s 150 Club/Tote Draw 26/10/14: The draw will take place on the last Sunday of the month. Handyman, Paul for your home and garden maintenance, his phone numbers 01785 605226 or 07812 159364. PLEASE TAKE A COPY OF THIS BULLETIN HOME WITH YOU
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