THE NEWSLETTER OF THE ORGANIZATION THAT SEEKS TO IMPROVE THE LIVES OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES SERVED BY ACS NYFC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Officers: Nicholas Scoppetta, President Susan L. Burden, Vice President Nicole Arnaboldi, Treasurer John B. Mattingly, Commissioner Administration for Children’s Services Members: Mona Ackerman Deborah Bancroft Jon Blum Donya Archer Bommer Eric Brettschneider Geoffrey Canada Kathryn Conroy Paul Crotty Oscar de la Renta Beth Rudin DeWoody Osborn Elliott Wendeen H. Eolis Larry Harris Dayssi Olarte de Kanavos Susan Korb Daniel Kronenfeld Lawrence Mandell Loretta McCarthy Jack O'Kelley, III Peggy Penn Lauren Shortt Pinto Isabella Rossellini Timothy Ware Schifter Orna L. Shulman Kelly Behun Sugarman Anna Wintour WINTER 2006 New Yorkers For Children 2005 Fall Gala: 1.4. Million More Ways to Support Youth in Foster Care O ver 700 guests joined New Yorkers For Children at our Tenth Anniversary Fall Gala, held on September 21st at Cipriani on 42nd Street in New York City. The event raised 1.4 million in funds to support New York City’s children who are in foster care. the unique nature of the partnership between NYFC and Children’s Services and presented Glenn Coleman, a senior at Howard University who Co-chaired by Oscar de la Renta, Jessica and Jerry Seinfeld, Donya and Scott Bommer and Kelly and Jay Sugarman, the Gala brought together some of New York City’s most influential people from the worlds of entertainment, fashion, government, business, philanthropy and society to show their support for the nonprofit partner of the New York City’s Administration for Children’s Services. During the program, Mayor Michael Bloomberg spoke about the significance of NYFC’s work and presented Marian Wright Edelman, Founder and CEO of The Children’s Defense Fund, with the Nicholas Scoppetta Award for Service to Children. NYFC Founder and current NYC Fire Commissioner Nicholas Scoppetta gave a brief history of the organization and presented hiphop legend and CEO of Rush Communications Russell Simmons with the Business Leadership Award for his work with inner-city youth. Children’s Services Commissioner John Mattingly highlighted Scott Bommer, Kelly Behun and Jay Sugarman, Donya Archer Bommer, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Andrea Scoppetta, Commissioner Nicholas Scoppetta, and Susan Burden entered the foster care system as a teenager, with the Freddie Mac Spirit Award and a $10,000 scholarship for his educational achievement and mentoring involvement. Grammy Award winner and Time magazine “Hero” Melissa Etheridge finished the evening with a spectacular performance. NYFC is especially grateful to our Gala co-sponsors DeBeers, the Scott and Donya Bommer Foundation and Jay and Kelly Sugarman. Our thanks also go to Roberto Cavalli, who provided the vodka for the evening, Teen Vogue, who dressed the young women and Banana Republic, who dressed the young men in foster care attending as guests of NYFC. Susan L. Magazine, Executive Director Susan Burden, Nicholas Scoppetta, Magician David Blaine and Susan Magazine at the Fall Gala Kickoff event hosted by Jay and Kelly Sugarman With the support of co-chairs, sponsors, donors and guests, NYFC’s Tenth Anniversary Fall Gala was a great success – giving NYFC 1.4 million more ways to support youth in foster care. 212 - 2 9 4 - 3 5 8 0 , f a x 212 - 2 9 4 - 3 5 7 5 , w w w. n e w y o r k e r s f o r c h i l d r e n . o r g , e - m a i l i n f o @ n e w y o r k e r s f o r c h i l d r e n . o r g page 2 Message from the President and Executive Director T NYFC President, Nicholas Scoppetta his year New Yorkers For Children (NYFC) celebrated our tenth year serving New York City’s children in foster care. As we reflect on the changes in New York City’s child welfare system over these past ten years, we applaud the dedication of the individuals and organizations that support NYFC and their commitment to our partner, the Administration for Children’s Services and to the children in foster care in New York City. NYFC has grown to include an overwhelmingly active and informed network of supporters and with your help, we are moving forward with the charge of continuing to meet the needs of youth in care and helping to prepare them for adulthood. NYFC Executive Director, Susan L. Magazine On September 21st at the NYFC Annual Fall Gala, we raised 1.4 million in private funds for children in foster care – pushing past the 1 million mark for the first time. A growing Board of Directors, active Committee of Friends and devoted Children’s Services staff have all contributed to meeting this goal, in addition to the DeBeers Hosts a Night of Wishes D eBeers, the generous co-sponsor of the NYFC 2005 Fall Gala, hosted a cocktail party at their Fifth Avenue store on December 12th to thank the supporters of NYFC and welcome in the holidays. This holiday event, with a performance by Songs of Solomon, featured personalized wishes from NYFC’s Board of Directors for youth who are in foster care. Board Members revealed their wishes that every child in foster care: private donors, organizations and foundations that are the core of support for the work we do here at NYFC. You can read about each in this issue of our newsletter. Also, make sure to Save the Date for the Friends Committee Annual Spring Dinner Dance, New Year’s in April: A Fool’s Fête 2006 on Friday, April 7th at the Mandarin Oriental, New York. This year, funds raised at the Fool’s Fête will benefit our signature NYFC “Back-to-School Package” program, which provides college students who are in foster care with the tools necessary to succeed in college and the support needed to complete their education. We are looking forward to keeping you informed of the tremendous growth and progress of New Yorkers For Children as it happens. Thank you for your continued support of NYFC and of the children in foster care in New York City. Nicholas Scoppetta Susan Magazine On Board: NYFC Welcomes New Members to the Board of Directors N Deborah Bancroft and Beth Rudin DeWoody • has someone to believe in them and mostly, that they believe in themselves; • would have a dream or goal for the future; • would know how special and unique they are which would give them the confidence to pursue their interests, talents and dreams; • would have a mentor or special person to whom they could count on for support, stability and advice; • would have good health, positive influences and confidence; • would have the ability to love and be loved; • would have the support to overcome barriers to success that they face and would make education a priority; • would grow up in a permanent and loving family to support and protect them; and • would grow up to be a confident, well-adjusted young adult, prepared to take on the world. With the help of private citizens, foundations, and corporations like DeBeers, NYFC looks forward to helping to make all of these wishes come true. YFC is pleased to announce the appointment of several new members to our distinguished Board of Directors: Susan Korb is the Chief Marketing Officer for Harry Winston. She is an enthusiastic leader who is experienced at aligning marketing strategies with an organization’s mission and will serve as co-chair of NYFC’s Marketing Committee. Loretta McCarthy is an experienced marketing and strategic planning executive with knowledge of the financial industry and is involved in many philanthropic activities. We are thrilled that Loretta will use her talents as a member of NYFC’s Marketing and Audit Committees. Kelly Behun Sugarman comes to the Board with experience in the arts and design industries. Along with her husband Jay, Kelly was a co-chair of the NYFC Tenth Anniversary Fall Gala, our most successful gala to date. Kelly will support NYFC as a member of our Development Committee. The Board of Directors welcomes Susy, Loretta and Kelly. 212-294-3580, fax 212-294-3575,, e-mail [email protected] page 3 Our Friends: The Friends of New Yorkers For Children Raising Funds and Awareness with Vogue and Akris, Harper’s Bazaar and Rena Lange, and Bric’s T he Friends Committee of New Yorkers For Children continued to successfully raise funds to support programs and initiatives that benefit children in the care of Children’s Services while increasing awareness of child welfare among a younger generation of New Yorkers. Vogue and Akris, along with Board member Debbie Bancroft, and Friends Committee members Donatella Arpaia, Daniel Benedict, Marisa Brown, Clo Cohen, Jennifer Creel, Ulrica Lanaro and Andrew Saffir hosted an evening cocktail reception in honor of NYFC on October 19th. Vogue and Akris were thrilled with the wonderful participation of the Friends Committee at the event. NYFC Board Members Beth Rudin DeWoody, Lauren Shortt Pinto and Dayssi Olarte de Kanavos joined Friends Committee members Adelina Wong Ettelson, Tinsley Mercer Mortimer, Renee Rockefeller, Alexandra Lind Rose and Susan Shin to host a holiday luncheon at the Rena Lange Showroom with Harper’s Bazaar on November 15th. NYFC was delighted to join Avril Graham, Executive Fashion and Beauty Editor, Harper’s Bazaar and Rena Lange President Tracy Welch to welcome in the 2005 holiday season! Friends Committee members Claire Bernard, Lydia Fenet, Lionel Geneste, Zani Gugelmann, Euan Rellie, Susan Shin and Stephanie Winston Wolkoff along with NYFC Board member Dayssi Olarte de Kanavos hosted a holiday shopping event benefiting NYFC at Bric’s on December 6th. Bric’s created a beautiful key ring embossed with the NYFC logo as a gift to all of the guests. With enthusiastic support from the Friends Committee members and their friends, each event was a great success. NYFC thanks Vogue and Akris, Harper’s Bazaar and Rena Lange, and Bric’s for their generous donations. All About the Kids younger children living in foster care. W Young People in Foster Care Take Steps To Success ith events like “Wrap 2 Rap” and “Network to Success”, members of the Friends Committee are not only advocates for the child welfare system, but are directly engaged with the youth served by it. Friends and Teens Bring in the Holidays Hip hop legends Dana Dane, DJ Whiz (of Kid ‘N Play fame) and D-Nice joined Dayssi Olarte de Kanavos, Renee Rockefeller, Victor Matthews, Marisa Brown, Zani Gugelmann, Alexandra Lind Rose, Valesca Guerrand-Hermès, Donatella Arpaia, Lauren Davis, Martin Gibson-Dessoffy, Amy McFarland, Norma Olarte Becker, Lauren Shortt Pinto, Neva Anton and Eva Anisko to help 20 teens living in foster care wrap presents for younger children in care at the third annual Wrap 2 Rap event at Bellini Restaurant on November 30th. Many thanks to Donatella Arpaia for donating Bellini and to Victor Matthews for designing our fabulous Wrap 2 Rap tee shirts! Held each year during the holiday season, Wrap 2 Rap offers members of the Friends Committee an opportunity to help the teens, who are members of the Administration for Children’s Services’ Peer Leadership Council (PLC), purchase and wrap gifts for their “Little Angels” – younger children in foster care with whom they have developed mentoring relationships. PLC provides young people in foster care between the ages of 14 and 21 the opportunity to develop self confidence, leadership skills and a supportive peer network. Topped off by the tunes of hip hop and rap music and with the help of some of the genre’s legends, this is one “wrapping” event we look forward to each year! Through events such as Wrap 2 Rap, the New Yorkers For Children’s Friends Committee aims to remind young people in foster care just how special they are, and to support their efforts to build a peer network for Dayssi Olarte de Kanavos, Bric's President Pietro Briccola, Tinsley Mercer Mortimer and Susan Shin Nearly 100 young people living in foster care took their first steps toward rewarding careers in January at the fifth Network to Success, an advice and answer forum on a variety of industries, ranging from teaching to high finance. Sponsored by New Yorkers for Children (NYFC), the event drew spectacular panelists, many of them NYFC Board and Friends Committee members, who shared some of the pearls of wisdom they harvested in the private and public sectors with the young people in foster care. Anne Williams-Isom, ACS’s Associate Commissioner of External Affairs, who served as the event’s emcee, explained that NYFC wants more adolescents to be exposed to career options and picture themselves in careers, as well as demystify what it takes to get there. Our “dream team panel” included Friends Committee member Alexandra Hamilton Kimball, Vice President of Public Relations and Communications for Oscar de la Renta, Children’s Services Deputy Chief of Staff Doug Brooks, NYFC supporters Tenley Black, Director of Communications for Celine and Tiffin Jernstedt, Managing Partner for the HL Group. Other panelists included professionals from the fields of medicine, education, publishing, finance and filmmaking. After giving brief introductions about their jobs, the panelists met one-on-one to opine on their careers with their protégés at the tables around the room, giving the teens hope that their career goals are within their reach. Network to Success grew out of a perfect fit between what the young people needed to become more confident about their career path, and the expertise in and connection to industries that our Board and Friends had to offer. The Board and Friends Committee were an invaluable resource in making the event a success, and the youth in foster care are one step closer to reaching their career goals. 212-294-3580, fax 212-294-3575,, e-mail [email protected] Friends Program Committee Co-Chair Amy McFarland and PLC Teen Zohnell Dixon work together Allan Hemmings, George Coakley and Jaja Johnson ready to Network to Success page 4 Our Partner: The Administration for Children’s Services S erving Our Children: NYFC’s greatest strength lies in our ability to access and affect the lives of children in foster care – a direct link made possible through our unique partnership with the New York City Administration for Children’s Services. ACS has featured nearly 400 children with approximately two thirds of them now on the path to adoption. Mixer Stirs College Interest Among Kids In January, NYFC supported the Administration for Children’s Services Fifth Annual College Mixer, part of an effort to strengthen the self-confidence of youth in foster care and promote the value of a college degree. Called “My Future, My Investment,” the mixer helped the students understand the importance of investing in education, healthy relationships and financial responsibility and celebrated the achievements of students enrolled in programs that enable foster youth to pursue a college education. The keynote speaker for the evening was Tony Shellman, co-founder and partner of Enyce Clothing Company, who at one time was in foster care. These students benefit from the New Yorkers For Children Back-toSchool Package, which includes a laptop computer, printer, dictionary, thesaurus, pre-paid telephone card, Staples gift card, backpack, linens, and other items. Mentors Step Up to the Plate for Youth in Foster Care On November 19th 200 volunteers, 600 youth in foster care and 100 foster parents and chaperones participated in the 4th Annual New York City Day of the Child at Chelsea Piers. Designed to inspire New Yorkers to volunteer their time and potentially become a mentor to a young person who is in foster care, the event aims to raise awareness about Children’s Services’ role as the City agency charged with protecting children and strengthening families. Youth and volunteers, including NYFC Board and Friends Committe Members, experienced a variety of activities together, as well as enjoyed live entertainment at the event. Day of the Child is one component of Children's Services’ Mentoring Action Plan to increase mentoring opportunities available to youth in foster care. Wednesday’s Child Update Wednesday's Child is a weekly segment on WNBC Channel 4 that features a child who is in need of an adoptive home. Since its inception in April 1999, Wednesday's Child, a partnership between the Freddie Mac Foundation, New Yorkers For Children, WNBC 4, and Wednesday's Child is broadcast on WNBC Channel 4 on Wednesday nights between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m., and on Sunday mornings between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. You can also subscribe to the Wednesday's Child ENewsletter by visiting Youth in foster care show off their special T-shirts at Day of the Child Reunited Families Take Center Stage in Central Park In recognition of the courage and commitment that it takes for parents to be safely reunited with their children from the foster care system, the Administration for Children’s Services hosted its first Family Unity Day on Saturday, September 17th in Central Park’s East Meadow. More than 700 families spent a sunny afternoon listening to music, playing games, scaling a wall, getting their faces painted, enjoying lunch and learning about resources and support services available in their communities. LL Bean donated a backpack to each family; this generous donation was made possible by the HL Group. According to Children’s Services’ Office of Research and Evaluation, more than half of the 44,420 children who left the foster care system between 2001 and the first half of 2005 have been returned to their birth families. In 2004 alone, 4,341 children who were in foster care were reunited with their families. “Our first job at Children Services is to protect the children of this City from abuse and neglect,” Commissioner John B. Mattingly told the children and parents at the event. “The best way we know to do that is to see to it that children have strong families to care for them. Celebrate and enjoy who you are and what you have accomplished.” The New York City Family Fund T hrough the New York City Family Fund (NYCFF), New Yorkers For Children has distributed over $3,000,000 to community-based organizations (CBOs) and the Administration for Children's Services since July of 2002. The Fund’s purpose is to help community-based programs throughout New York City provide quality and culturally competent support services to children and families impacted by the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. This year, NYFC awarded $205,000 to 16 programs that provide: mental-health services to children and their parents, after-school and youth support programs, employment assistance programs, community-building efforts, and capacity-building initiatives to ensure that service providers working with children are prepared to respond effectively to their mental-health needs caused by traumatic experiences, including future disasters. The NYCFF was established with the very generous support of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the Freddie Mac Foundation, the With Arms Wide Open Foundation, and the Prudential Foundation. Today, the NYCFF is primarily supported by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. 212-294-3580, fax 212-294-3575,, e-mail [email protected] page 5 Our Donors $500,000 or more The Annie E. Casey Foundation, Inc. $100,000 or more Scott & Donya Bommer Foundation De Beers LV US, Inc. Jay & Kelly Sugarman $75,000 or more Freddie Mac Foundation $50,000 or more Carnegie Corporation of New York Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption Katten Muchin Rosenman, LLP The Joseph Leroy & Ann C. Warner Fund, Inc. The New York Community Trust Dirk & Natasha Ziff $25,000 or more Cliff & Laurel Asness Glenn & Debbie August Bric’s Madison, Inc. Brooks Brothers Cartier, Inc. John & Barbara DiRocco Federated Department Stores Fdn. Fund for Social Change Goldman, Sachs & Co. Hedge Funds Care Paul & Dayssi Kanavos KKR Financial, LLC May & Samuel Rudin Foundation Reservoir Capital Group Curtis & Carolyn Schenker Shirley C. Burden Charitable Trust Jeffrey & Susan Tabak The Orentreich Family Foundation Kathleen Love Werner $15,000 or more Advance Magazine Group Anschel-Elian Family Charitable Foudation Susan L. Burden Jacob & Company, Inc. Naeem & Ranjana Khan Rhiannon Kubicka Rena Lange (USA), Inc. $10,000 or more Michael T. Cahill Control Building Services, Inc. Oscar & Annette de la Renta Barry Diller & Diane von Furstenberg ECI New York Elie Tahari Ltd. William Goldman Gucci America, Inc. In Style Merrick & Anne-Lie Kleeman David Koepp & Melissa Thomas Liberty Square Asset Management Luca Luca Gary & Sarah Magness Moon Capital Management, LP Morgan Stanley Foundation New Yorkers for Children thanks our generous donors of 2005: National Amusements, Inc. NorthStar Partnership, LP Andrew & Shannon Penson Allison Sarofim Jerry & Jessica Seinfeld Russell & Kimora Lee Simmons Kate Spade Starwood Capital Group The Tomorrow Foundation Inc. United Way of New York City Valentino USA Roberto Cavalli Vodka Williams Trading, LLC York Capital $5,000 or more Abercrombie & Fitch Management Co. Mona Ackerman Leo & Nicole Arnaboldi Bank of America Tom & Andi Bernstein Bloomberg, LP Joe Yiucho Cheng Colgate-Palmolive Company Nancy Corzine Credit Suisse First Boston Corp. Jeffrey & Catherine Dishner Thomas & Lida Fitzgerald, III Madison Grose & Honora Ahern Martin & Audrey Gruss Helen Sachs Straus Philanthropic Fund LA & LK Greenberg Charitable Foundation Limited Brands Foundation Keith & Stacy Locker Daniel & Margaret Loeb Loretta McCarthy Metropolitan District, NYS Credit Union League, Inc. Karen D. Meyers NBC 4 Richard & Lisa Perry Peter Morton Foundation Thomas Sandell Rebecca J. Simmons Susan C. Shin Orna Shulman Charlotte Sprintis Scott & Lisa Stuart The Karan-Weiss Foundation Eric & Aerin Zinterhofer $2,500 or more Vittorio & Charlotte Assaf Sid & Mercedes Bass Dennis Basso Allen Beeber Stephen & Mary Elizabeth Dannhauser Barbara de Portago Disney Worldwide Outreach Katja Douedari Wendeen H. Eolis Claudia Fleming Lionel Geneste Heinz Family Foundation Impact Marketing & Promotions Daniel Nir & Jill Braufman Michael & Lauren Shortt Pinto Jonathan & Lillian Stern Tracy Stern Steve & Jamie Tisch Tri State Kingdom Collectors Club Larry & Denise Wohl $1,500 or more Valarian Abrams David & Neva Anton Sherrell & Muffie Potter Aston Melissa Berkelhammer Claire Bernard Henry & Flobelle Burden Davis Milton Dresner East Hampton Sports Camp Cristina Enriquez-Bocobo Estée Lauder, Inc. William & Adelina Wong Ettelson Susan Fales-Hill Christina Floyd Peter Gethers & Janis Donnaud Anthony & Susan Gilroy Mario & Anne Grauso Mathias & Valesca GuerrandHermès Bruce & Carol Harting Craig & Tracy Huff Oscar J. Junquera Kalliope Karella Douglas R. Korn KraftWorks Reed & Delphine Krakoft Mark & Margaret Kress Alessandro & Ulrica Lanaro David & Pia Ledy Fran & Ros L’Esperance Richard & Kamie Lightburn Mike & Taylor Lupica Brian & Lisa McCarthy Richard & Marcia Mishaan Moonlight USA, Inc. Motherwit Design, Inc. Novotel New York Jack O’Kelley, III Michel & Sally Perrin John & Marie-Noelle Pierce Campion & Tatiana Platt Erin Richardson Joseph & Sheila Rosenblatt Carl & Svetlana Ruderman Andrew Saffir Homera & Rana Sahni Timothy & Helen Schifter Frances Schultz Nicholas & Susan Scoppetta Benny Shabtai & Stacey Cooper Debbie Silverman Barbara Skor Jay & Tracy Snyder Allison Stern Miriam Sternlicht Dr. & Mrs. Patrick Stubgen Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Taubman Christopher Vroom & Illya Szilak Otto Waechter Allison Weiss & Chip Brady Jeffrey & Stacey Weber David & Stephanie Winston Wolkoff $1,000 or more Simon Alcantara Angel Sanchez USA, Inc. Steven & Karen Audi Danny Bennett Susan Blond Christina Bloom Jon & B.J. Topol Blum Robyn Brooks Matt & Marisa Brown Michael Bush Eduardo & Ana Centola Charles & Clo Cohen Tony Cummings Julio Mario Santo Domingo, Sr. Kenneth & Mary Edlow Steven Feinstein 40 Worth Associates, LLC Daniela Fossati James A. Goldschmidt Ferdinand Grandi Harrison & Shriftman Donald A. Heald Steven Hirth Sharon Hoge Robin Humble Eric M. Javits, Jr. Jolly Hotel Madison Towers Billy & Alexandra Kimball Susan Korb Richard Kotz Nathaniel & Alex Kramer Daniel Kronenfeld & Susan Fleminger Mrinalini Kumari Lisa Laganella Charles T. Lake, II Derek Lam Suzanne Levine & Dr. Everett Lautin Dr. Pia Lieb Monique Lodi John L. Loeb Laura Marron Peter & Carlin Masterson David & Elizabeth McCreery Mimi So International, LLC Masha Mimran Juan Montoya Dean Palin Alexander R. Peters Lil Phillips Mr. & Mrs. William Rayner Alexander Reese Kevin T. Robik Mark & Renee Rockefeller Mortimer & Jacqueline Sackler Adolfo F. Sardina Ashley Schiff Vernon Schwartz Stefan & Heidi Selig Seville Watch Corp. Shari’s Place Signal Equity Partners Kathryn Steinberg Leslie Stevens Douglas & Dana Taylor Reginald Van Lee Arden Wohl David Zier Seymour Zises & Andrea L. Tessler $500 or more Kenneth & Nira Abramowitz Cristina Alger Joseph Allen Rahul Baig Edward & Lisa Baquero Donald & Norma Olarte Becker Daniel Benedict Fabiola Beracasa Sean & Tenley Black Gregory Borchardt Trevor Born Eric Brettschneider Broad Channel Builders Corp. Jill Brooke Bevin Butler Chele Chiavacci Irene Chung Katherine Cohen Frank Comerford Crown Plaza @ Times Square Caroline Cummings Lauren Davis Juan & Karen De Larrain Miguel Duenas Holly Dunlap Alexandra Dwyer Philip Edwards Mandie Erickson Samantha Fennell Adam & Olivia Flatto Francis Howel Middle School Choir Marit Gentele-Gruson Morgan Goldberg Santiago Barberi Gonzalez Josh & Shoshanna Gross Yolanda Gross Lisa R. Halpern Douglas Hannant Ronald Harrar John & Stephanie Harris Stefan Ifrah Fer Koch Zelmira Koch Nyssa L. Kourakos Heather Lee Harrison T. Lefrak David & Simone Levinson Adam Lippes Gian & Caroline Lo Faro Lorenzo & Eva Lorenzotti Angela Mariani Lansing L. Martinelli Amy McFarland Toby McLennan Lara Meiland Elizabeth M. Merck Sylvester & Gillian Miniter Celia Nichols Thibaut & Emilie PineauValencienne Nan Pollock Laura Poretzky Alexandra Posen Sanam Quraishi Harry & Amelia Raftopoulos Leslie V. Rankow Charlotte Richardson Charles Ritchie Louis & Alexandra Lind Rose Keith & Inga Rubenstein Alessandro Scarsini Scott & Dana Schiff John F. Schutty John P. Shanley Ron & Ellen Shulman Per & Helena Skarstedt Hugo Stenbeck Vivienne Tam Jose Tavarez & Holly Phillips The Steven & Heather Mnuchin Fdn. Samantha Topping Eric Villency and Olivia Chantecaille Thomas & Anita Volpe Belinda Yee Christina Ying & Nolan Tzou Bettina Zilkha * Please let us know if we have incorrectly listed or omitted your name. We regret any such mistakes. 212-294-3580, fax 212-294-3575,, e-mail [email protected] Presort Standard US Postage PAID Permit #226 Pittston, PA 200 Park Avenue, Suite 4503 New York, NY 10166-4193 Kelly Behun Sugarman, Susan Burden and Donya Archer Bommer at the NYFC Tenth Anniversary Fall Gala Inside this issue: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Friends and Teens at the 2005 Wrap 2 Rap event NYFC Fall Gala Raises 1.4 Million for Youth in Foster Care On Board: NYFC Welcomes New Members to Board of Directors NYFC Friends Committee Raises Funds and Awareness Its All About the Kids: NYFC Hosts Wrap 2 Rap and Network to Success Events ACS Continues Service to Children Final New York City Family Fund Update NYFC Donors for 2005
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